Exam2FL Final Version

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El Ikhwa Morri Secondary School- Touffana Year 2022/ 2023

Level: 2nd Year Foreign Languages Duration: 2 hours

Second Term Exam of English


A/ Comprehension:
Read the text carefully; then do the activities that follow:
From carpets, optics and coffee to degree-awarding universities and hospitals, islamic inventors have
changed and moulded the modern-day world as we know it. Talented and hard working Muslim Scholars, who
were also students of the sciences like Djaber Ibn Hayyan, Al-Jazari, Al- Zahrawi and Abbas Ibn Firnas
discovered things that we still hold onto now.
It is important to note that Muslim scientists, researchers and inventors of the Islamic Golden age were
inspired and motivated by their religion, Islam. The contribution of Muslims is vast in many sectors. Algebra, a
concept in mathematics that is the main component of any technological or engineering feat. This invaluable
contribution to the study of mathematics was made by the famous Persian scientist, Mohammed Ibn Moussa
Al- Khawarizmi who published a treatise on algebra Titled The Compendious Book on Calculation by
Completion and Balancing (813-833 CE)
What many don’t know is that degree- granting universities are a product of Islam’s golden age. In fact,
the first university to ever be established was by a Muslim princess by the name of Fatmi Al- Fihri in 859 AD
in Morocco. In addition, the establishment of the Ahmed Ibn Tulun HOspital marked the foundation of the first
fully functioning hospitals in the world, one that became a template for the hospitals we know nowadays.
These inventions and accomplishments are but a handful of hundreds if not thousands of what Muslim
inventors and scholars contributed. Most of what we use now is a product of what they developed and
discovered which proves that Despite being long gone, the legacy of the vast Islamic Empire Being the learning
centre of the world, still lives on.
Adapted from the internet
1. Are the following sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences if found. (1.5pts)
a. Muslim contributions are limited to one sector only.
b. Algebra is credited to the muslim mathematician Al Khawarizmi.
c. Ahmed Ibn Tulun established the first school in Egypt.
d. Most of what we have now is a product of Muslim scholars’ work.
2. Fill in the table with information from the text (1.5pts)
Scholar/ Scientist Inventions/ Contributions Date1

1. ……………………….. The first university in the world ………………………….

2…………………………. ………………………………… 9th century
3. Al Khawarizmi ………………………………….. …………………………..
3. Answer the following questions according to the text: (3pts)
a. What inspired Muslim scholars in their work?
b. What did Muslims invent?
c. Where was the first university in the world established
4. WHAT or WHO do the following words refer to in the text. (1pt)
a. Their (§2) b. These (§4)

B/ Text Exploration (7pts)
1. Find in the text word whose definitions are the following: (2pts)
a. An expert who studies or works in one of the sciences. (§1)
b. One of the branches of mathematics. (§2)
c. Something that was newly created and did not exist before. (§4)
d. A long lasting impact of a person or a certain event. ( §4)
2. Complete the following chart (1pt)
Noun Adjective

Science ……………………….

Origin ………………………..

Islam ………………………..

Centre ………………………..
3. Give the correct form of the words between brackets (2pts)
a. He ( work)...................... As a pharmacologist if he ( study).......................biology.
b. Arabs were ( good)................ and ( involved)...................... in science than they are now.
4. Cross the odd word: (1pt)
- Fate - mate- eight- light
- Fire - liar- player- inspire
- Empire- bear - pair- hair
- Cheer- hear- mayor- clear
5. Reorder the following sentences to obtain a coherent paragraph (1pt)
a. And he got a degree in physics at the University of Algiers in 1980.
b. In 2012, he was listed among the best 100 inventors in the world.
c. Belgacem Hebba is an Algerian Scientists
d. Hebba developed 3D technologies for mobiles and servers
Choose ONE of the following topics:
Topic One
One of the most appreciated inventions of the 21st century is the invention of social media. However,
researchers show that students who spend too much time on socials suffer from various health issues. Write a
composition of about 80 to 120 words in which you talk about the negative effects of social media on students.
Make use of the following guidelines:
- Increase the risk of depression
- Anxiety, loneliness, cyberbullying
- Self-harm, suicidal thoughts
- Poor sleep, eye fatigue
Topic Two:
In your opinion, what should Arabs do to prosper and bring their glory of the golden age back?

Best wishes 😀


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