Currency Derivatives

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A financial
instrument whose characteristics and value
depend upon the characteristics and value of an
underlier (A security or commodity which
is subject to delivery upon exercise of an option
contract or convertible security), typically
a commodity, bond, equity or currency. Examples
of derivatives include futures and options..
What is in this chapter
• Currency Futures Market
– Contract Specifications
– Comparison of Currency Futures and
Forward Contracts
– Pricing Currency Futures
– Credit Risk of Currency Futures Contracts
– Speculation with Currency Futures
– How Firms Use Currency Futures
– Closing Out A Futures Position
– Transaction Costs of Currency Futures
• Currency Options Market
• Currency Call Options
– Factors Affecting Currency Call Option
– How Firms Use Currency Call Options
– Speculating with Currency Call Options
• Currency Put Options
– Factors Affecting Currency Put Option
– Hedging with Currency Put Options
– Speculating with Currency Put Options
• Contingency Graphs for Currency Options
– Contingency Graphs for the Buyers and
Sellers of Call and Put Options
• Conditional Currency Options
• European Currency Options
• Efficiency of Currency Futures and Option
Forward Market
• The forward market facilitates the trading
of forward contracts on currencies.
• A forward contract is an agreement
between a corporation and a commercial
bank to exchange a specified amount of a
currency at a specified exchange rate
(called the forward rate) on a specified
date in the future.
• When MNCs anticipate future need or
future receipt of a foreign currency, they
can set up forward contracts to lock in the
exchange rate.
• Forward contracts are often valued at $1
million or more, and are not normally used
by consumers or small firms.
• As with the case of spot rates, there is a
bid/ask spread on forward rates.
• Forward rates may also contain a premium
or discount.
– If the forward rate exceeds the existing spot
rate, it contains a premium.
– If the forward rate is less than the existing
spot rate, it contains a discount.
• annualized forward premium/discount
= forward rate – spot rate  360
spot rate n
where n is the number of days to maturity
• Example:Suppose £ spot rate = $1.681,
90-day £ forward rate = $1.677.

$1.677 – $1.681 x 360 = – 0.95%

$1.681 90
So, forward discount = 0.95%
• The forward premium/discount reflects the
difference between the home interest rate
and the foreign interest rate, so as to
prevent arbitrage.
• A non-deliverable forward contract (NDF)
is a forward contract whereby there is no
actual exchange of currencies. Instead, a
net payment is made by one party to the
other based on the contracted rate and the
market rate on the day of settlement.
• Although NDFs do not involve actual
delivery, they can effectively hedge
expected foreign currency cash flows.
Currency Futures Market
• Currency futures contracts specify a standard
volume of a particular currency to be
exchanged on a specific settlement date,
typically the third Wednesdays in March, June,
September, and December.
• They are used by MNCs to hedge their
currency positions, and by speculators who
hope to capitalize on their expectations of
exchange rate movements.
• The contracts can be traded by firms or
individuals through brokers on the trading
floor of an exchange (e.g. Chicago
Mercantile Exchange), on automated
trading systems (e.g. GLOBEX), or over-
• Participants in the currency futures market
need to establish and maintain a margin
when they take a position.
Forward Markets Futures Markets
Contract size Customized. Standardized.
Delivery date Customized. Standardized.
Participants Banks, brokers, Banks, brokers,
MNCs. Public MNCs. Qualified
speculation not public speculation
encouraged. encouraged.
Security Compensating Small security
deposit bank balances or deposit required.
credit lines needed.
Markets Forward Markets Futures

Clearing Handled by Handled by

operation individual banks exchange
& brokers. clearinghouse.
Daily settlements
to market prices.
Marketplace Worldwide Central exchange
telephone floor with global
network. communications.
Markets Forward Markets Futures

Regulation Self-regulating. Commodity

Futures Trading
National Futures

LiquidationMostly settled byMostly settled

actual delivery. offset.
Transaction Bank’s bid/ask Negotiated
Costs spread. brokerage fees.
• Normally, the price of a currency futures
contract is similar to the forward rate for a
given currency and settlement date, but
differs from the spot rate when the interest
rates on the two currencies differ.
• These relationships are enforced by the
potential arbitrage activities that would
occur otherwise.
• Currency futures contracts have no credit
risk since they are guaranteed by the
exchange clearinghouse.
• To minimize its risk in such a guarantee,
the exchange imposes margin
requirements to cover fluctuations in the
value of the contracts.
• Speculators often sell currency futures
when they expect the underlying currency
to depreciate, and vice versa.

April 4 June 17
1. Contract to sell 2. Buy 500,000 pesos
500,000 pesos @ $.08/peso
@ $.09/peso ($40,000) from the
($45,000) on spot market.
June 17. 3. Sell the pesos to
fulfill contract.
Gain $5,000.
• Currency futures may be purchased by
MNCs to hedge foreign currency payables,
or sold to hedge receivables.

April 4 June 17
1. Expect to receive 2. Receive 500,000
500,000 pesos. pesos as expected.
Contract to sell
500,000 pesos 3. Sell the pesos at
@ $.09/peso on the locked-in rate.
June 17.
• Holders of futures contracts can close out
their positions by selling similar futures
contracts. Sellers may also close out their
positions by purchasing similar contracts.

January 10 February 15 March 19

1. Contract to 2. Contract to 3. Incurs $3000
buy sell loss from
A$100,000 A$100,000 offsetting
@ $.53/A$ @ $.50/A$ positions in
($53,000) on ($50,000) on futures
March 19. March 19. contracts.
• Most currency futures contracts are closed
out before their settlement dates.
• Brokers who fulfill orders to buy or sell
futures contracts earn a transaction or
brokerage fee in the form of the bid/ask
Currency Options Market
• A currency option is another type of
contract that can be purchased or sold by
speculators and firms.
• The standard options that are traded on an
exchange through brokers are guaranteed,
but require margin maintenance.
• U.S. option exchanges (e.g. Chicago
Board Options Exchange) are regulated by
the Securities and Exchange Commission.
• In addition to the exchanges, there is an
over-the-counter market where
commercial banks and brokerage firms
offer customized currency options.
• There are no credit guarantees for these
OTC options, so some form of collateral
may be required.
• Currency options are classified as either
calls or puts.
Currency Call Options
• A currency call option grants the holder
the right to buy a specific currency at a
specific price (called the exercise or strike
price) within a specific period of time.
• A call option is
– in the money if spot rate > strike price,
– at the money if spot rate = strike price,
– out of the money
if spot rate < strike price.
• Option owners can sell or exercise their
options. They can also choose to let their
options expire. At most, they will lose the
premiums they paid for their options.
• Call option premiums will be higher when:
– (spot price – strike price) is larger;
– the time to expiration date is longer; and
– the variability of the currency is greater.
• Firms with open positions in foreign
currencies may use currency call options
to cover those positions.
• They may purchase currency call options
– to hedge future payables;
– to hedge potential expenses when bidding on
projects; and
– to hedge potential costs when attempting to
acquire other firms.
• Speculators who expect a foreign currency
to appreciate can purchase call options on
that currency.
Profit = selling price – buying (strike) price
– option premium
• The purchaser of a call option will break
even when
selling price = buying (strike) price
+ option premium
• The seller (writer) of a call option will break
even when
buying price = selling (strike) price
+ option premium
Currency Put Options
• A currency put option grants the holder the
right to sell a specific currency at a specific
price (the strike price) within a specific
period of time.
• A put option is
– in the money if spot rate < strike price,
– at the money if spot rate = strike price,
– out of the money
if spot rate > strike price.
• Put option premiums will be higher when:
– (strike price – spot rate) is larger;
– the time to expiration date is longer; and
– the variability of the currency is greater.
• Corporations with open foreign currency
positions may use currency put options to
cover their positions.
– For example, firms may purchase put options
to hedge future receivables.
• Speculators who expect a foreign currency
to depreciate can purchase put options on
that currency.
– Profit = selling (strike) price – buying price
– option premium
• One possible speculative strategy for
volatile currencies is to purchase both a
put option and a call option at the same
exercise price. This is called a straddle.
• By purchasing both options, the speculator
may gain if the currency moves
substantially in either direction, or if it
moves in one direction followed by the

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