MS Excel - Activity - Assignment 1 2022
MS Excel - Activity - Assignment 1 2022
MS Excel - Activity - Assignment 1 2022
9. Activate cell G5 and enter the Final Marks for the students
Final Examination Marks
Talalelei Faafetai 67
Sara Matagi 75
Toma Esera 59
Eterei Posini 70
10. Activate cell H5 and enter a formula to calculate the 50% of the Final marks o FinalExam
marks/totalFinalExam * 50% o Use absolute reference to lock the cell address of the 50% o Use the
autofill handle to apply the formula to the rest of the students o Apply the percent style
11. Activate cell I5 and enter a formula to calculate the total of the Overall marks. o CourseWork +
FinalMark o Use the function Sum
o Use the autofill handle to apply the formula to the rest of the students
12. Activate cell C10 and enter a formula using the correct function to obtain the highest value for Test1
o Maximum function
o Use the autofill handle to apply for the rest of the Tests and student marks
13. Activate cell C11 and enter a formula using the correct function to obtain the lowest value for Test1
o Minimum function
o Use the autofill handle to apply to the rest of the Tests and student marks
15. The principal is asking for a summary chart of the results from your class.
o Select only the names of your students, press the control button of the keyboard (Ctrl) and select
the Total Marks.
o Insert Tab > Select Clustered Column Chart type o Chart Title – 2017 Results
o Save Chart to a separate sheet and label StudentResults
19. Save the changes to the spreadsheet. Rename the file to Assignment 1 AND submit via Moodle on the
Assignment 1 dropbox, no later than 11:59pm, Thursday 2nd September, 2022.