Philips MasterLine PAR-38 60w Halogen Lamp Bulletin 5-92
Philips MasterLine PAR-38 60w Halogen Lamp Bulletin 5-92
Philips MasterLine PAR-38 60w Halogen Lamp Bulletin 5-92
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Pressed-g ass ref ector ha ogen iamps uL z ng a palented optrca . The flood vers on has a ens made of prlsmat c e ements produclfg a
svslem des,gned to generate superioT f ood aad spot beam patlerns uniform f ood gh1 beaan wth dscernabe cLtoll al the specied
\'r tr LrnsLrrpassed energy eff c ency A 60 watr PAF-38 w th a CC 8 beam ang e
co ed co f anrent n a ha ogen bLrr'rer and a med um, sk ried base . The spot vers on has a ens nrade of prlsmat c e eTnents produclng a
we dei ned, narrow, coacentrated beam t s pr mar y used for the
Description um nat on of sma ler surfaces, or for oblects p aced al greater
. A 60 \,vatl ha oger PAB amp that consLranes 60 percenl ess energy d stances. and for dramat c dlsp ay effects.
than a 150 \'"ratt incandesceni PAR, $,h e prov d ng super or beaT.
coiiro and ghi ng resLr ts. Applications
. Conrpared to 90 ',vail PAF ha ogen amps, the 60-!vatt PAB prodlces lndoor Outdoor
c ealleT beam pattetns \tr' th s m ar ghloLrlprtwh econsumnga Stores Flood lg ht ng
thi.d ess e.erqv Wlndou/ D sp ays Advert s ng Signs
. Spec a y deslgned for accent and disp ay lght ng, 60 wail PAR Horaes Bu ld ngs
ha ogen anrps de ver more of the r tola ght output w thlr tlie Hote s Stalues
spec f ed beani spread Thus, stray ghtwhch s coulller-prodLrctlve BeslaLrrants Pod u nis
1l] dramal c accenls s mln m zed to a grealer exlenl rhan nother ne
Theaters Sports Grouncis
vo tage PAR anrps
lvluseLrms Parks
. The advanlages that ha ogen la.nps have compared lo standard
acandescenl Lamps nc Lrde:
Wh ler ghl/Br ghter co ors
Donot!se amp nwet ocatons llse outdoors on y ln enc osed
L ghl oltput and co or temperature rema n constant throLrghout fe f xtures or wheae protected lronr expoS!re 1o waler.
as there s no b acken ng of the lnner ha ogen capsu e
ncreased beam contTo
lncreased um nous eff cacy
Philips Lighting Company
200 Franklin Square Drive r Box 6800
Somerset. NJ 08875-6800
A Div s oi of North American Phil ps Corporat on
Prinred n USA 5/92 P 3211
Halogen 60-Watt PAR-38 Lamps
Electrical, Technical and Ordering Data . ,o.
Candlepower Distributi on
Flood F'.
MBCP = Mar mLrm Beam Candlepower O = Diameter of beam spread in nches FC = Footcand es meas!red at 0"