Philips Ceramalux High Pressure Sodium Lamps Bulletin 10-91

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Ceramalux" High Pressure Sodium Lamps

Definition Applications
H gh pressure sod um vapor lamps hav ng an a um num ox de - lndustrla L ghtlng
nrono ithic arc tube enclosed ln c eat or coated outel bu b w th - Commerclal L ghtlng
med um oT mogu screw base - Secur ty L ghting
Boadwav Light ncl
Description Park ng Area L ghting
A h gh pressure sodium atc dlscharge prov des these amps Outdoor Constructlon L ghting
with h gh um nous eff cacy and good co or recognition. Entrance Light ng
The c ear bu b a lows good opt ca contro of the rght whl e A rport L ghting
the coated bu b prov des diffuse qht.
n additron, these amps prov de exce lent lumen
Ballasts & Starters
ma ntenance, ong fe, universa operat ng pos t on and I gh pressure sod um amps require appropr ate ba asts
re able stallle operat on. to both start and contro the arc d scharge.

Ceramalux'" High Pressure Sodium Lamps
Electrical, Technical and Ordering Data
{Subject to change wlthout notice)
Operat ng Pos tion ... Un veTsa tage Peak .... . 2500 [,4in,4000 Max. (4)(5)
Starter Pu se Vo
Bu b Temp (lvaximum) . ... .. .. .. .. . . . ..... .... 400'C Peak .. .. .... .... 1 M cro-Second Minlmum
Pu se Wldth @ 90o/"
Mogu Base Temp (Max mum) . .. . 210'C PulseRepetitonRatelNy'n ) Lag Ballast ... ...1 PerCyce
Medium Base Temp. (N4ax mum) 190'C Lead Ba ast ... l Pet l12Cvcle
Lamp Current Crest Factor (lv1ax.) ... ... ..... . .... I I Standard Package Ouantty .... .... 12
Warm up T me to B07o Fu Light Output 3 4 Mlnutes (Except ED 37 & E 25 amps whlch are 6)
Restart T me for Hot Lamps 1 lvlinLrte
(Except DualArc Lamps)

NAED Ceirer Overa Arc Fated Aopror

ANS Lenslh Lenoth Le.91h A!! Lte n1a
wafis Vols Bu b 1M.l 1 n.hes) { nches) lmml lHoursl 121 Lume.s 13)

Ceramalux Hightt) Pressure Sodium Lamps CRI = 22

30632 4 C35S76/M S76HA 35 35 52 ED ]7 Med C eat s76 110 3'ls 5 r/,6 2A 24000+ 225A 2A25
30633 2 C36S76/D/M S76HB 35 35 52 ED ]7 Med. DiffLrse s76 |0 3 '/,. 5'l a 2A 24AAA+ 2150 1935

30336 2 C50S68/M S68LP 50 50 52 ED ]7 Med C ear s68 110 3:ls 5'lu 2A 24000+ 4000 3600
30337-0 C50S68/D/M S68LR 50 50 52 ED.] 7 Med. DiflLrse s68 |0 3'/ r 5'1 , 20 24044+ 3800 3424
33153 8 C50S68 S68MS 50 50 52 ED 23 Mos Clear s68 110 5 I 3l! 20 24000+ 4000 3600
33154 6 C50S68/D S68MT 50 50 52 ED 23 lvlog s68 110 5 11' 20 24000+ 3800 3420
33r92-6 C70S62/N4 s62LG-70 10 52 ED 17 Lled Ceat 562 |0 3't,. 5 /,r 26 24OOA+ 6300 5670
332148 C70S62/D/M s62LH 70 10 52 ED 11 lvled D ffuse 562 |0 3'l,. 5 '/,6 26 24AOA+ 5860 5210
332rI7 C70S62 s62 E 70
N.4 1A 52 ED 23j1, lvlog C ear 562 110 5 11. 26 24000+ 6300 5670
33225,4 ClAS62lD s62MF-70 7A 52 ED 23'lz t'/log D ffuse 562 |0 5 1.t,
26 24000+ 5860 5210
30620 9 C7oS62/RFL s62SL 70 1A 52 PAR 381 C ear B-.f 562 |0 5 21 16000 5100
34446,5 Cr00s54/M s54SG-r00 r00 55 ED-r 7 Med ear
C S54 I l0 3'/n 5 '/,6 29 24AAO+ 9500 8550
34448 r Cr 00S54/D/N4 s54SN 100 r00 55 ED 17 Med. Dliuse S54 I l0 3rt16 5 '/ 6 29 24000+ 8800 7924
33226 2 C100554 s54S8 r00 100 55 ED 23 /: Mog Ced S54 I10 5 1'1, 29 24000+ 9500 8550
33227-0 Cr00s54/D s54MC r00 r00 55 ED'23112 MoS. Dlfuse S54 I l0 5 1.t, 29 24000+ 8800 1920
30347I Cl50S5s/M s55RN r50 150 55 ED t7 Med Ce S55 110 3 '/,6 5r/'6 35 24000+ 16000 14400
30348 7 C150S55/D/M s55RP r50 r50 55 ED r7 Med Drfflse S55 I l0 31,! 5'/,a 35 24000+ 15000 13500
33r 83 5 Cr 50555 s55SC 1s0 r50 55 ED 23 /: MoS Clear S55 I l0 5 I rl! 35 24000+ I6000 14400
33228 8 C150S55/D s55MD 150 rs0 55 ED23 /] Mog Dfflse S55 I l0 5 7'l' 24000+ I5000 13500
33r 55,3 Cr50S56 s56SD r50 r50 r00 ED-28 t\rlog C ear 556 198 5 I Y,. 56 24000+ I6000 14400
33229 6 C200S66 s66MN 200 200 r00 ED r8 lvlog C ear 566 198 51' I tr' 53 24000+ 22AAA 19800
33170 2
C250S50 s50vA 250 250 r00 ED 18 Mog C ear S50 198 5 3l' 9 '1. 62 24000+ 28500 25744
33173-6 C250S50/D/28 s50vc,250 250 r00 ED28 Mog. D ffuse S50 198 5 8 5/,r 62 24000+ 27000 24300
2A226I C310SE1 s67MR 310 310 100 ED r8 MoS C ear 567 I98 511, 9.1" 62 24000+ 37000 33300
34285 7 C400S5l s5rwA 400 400 r00 ED r8 Mog C ear S5l 198 5./, I .h 79 24000+ 50000 45000
34602 3 C400S51/D s5r wB 400 400 r00 ED 37 Mog D fflse S5l 198 79 24000+ 41544 42754
20940 3 Cr 000s52 s52XB 1000 r000 250 E 25 lvlog 17) CLear S52 456 8r/. 15,/r 245 24aAA+ 140000 r26000
32386 5 C1000S52/ED37 1000 250 ED 37 Moq 17) Clear S52 456 24000+ I25000 I12000

lt) The hgh pressure s ess rhan armospheric and s entrre y w tlrin the arc tube Theolterbrb s evacuated Thes ver spot near the Lamp base s'getter' used n

evacuat ng the bu b to assLrre ong lfe

12) Based on amps operaled under spec I ed tesl condit ons
13) Basedonphoromeiryolt00-ho!rampsnvertcapostonalratedwattsonalnearreacrorbaastunderspecfedlestcondtonshowever,r.tngsappytoa
operat ng pos t ons

14) Fo ow batasr manufacr{rrer s recommendar ons regarding prorlm ty of ba last to socket Use lamp n f xtLrres whLch do not red recl a sLrbstant a port on of the
energy toward the arc lLrbe or toward the amp 'getter"
(S) Theampbaasrmustprovdeastarrlngvolragepuseof25O0Vro4000V130005000Vforthel000'wattamp);therelore,fxturesdesgnedfortheseampsmust
rncorpor.te socket des gns and wir ng capab e of w(hsland ng sLrch votages wtholt arc over.
L,.L : L lrri
lo ls Leiier na_..] Aprr.! App'or
Br! B. a5r rl lS L.'grl ]\r! L le M.a.
WJrr Br. Bas. -!pe lMri lid,e5l 1ll.! 51 L2 Lrners J Lrmelr

Ceramalux Comfort Hightr) Pressure Sodium Lamps(g) CRI = 65 CCT = 2200K

For app cal ors where mproved co or render ng s req! red

306r 7 5 C70S62/C/M s62LG 70/C 1A 52 ED 'I7 Med Ceat 562 ll0 3/,. 5lt t6 I5000 4400 3960
3062r 7 C70S62/C/D/M s62LH 70/C 1A 52 ED ]7 [4ed DfiLrse 562 ll0 3'1. 51. t6 r 5000 4t 80 3760
306r 5 I C70S62/C s62ME 70/C 70 52 ED 23 rf lvlos ae:r 562 I10 a 1 l.' t6 rs000 4.,100 3960
306r 6 7 C70S62/C/D s62l,,lF 70/c ]a 52 ED 23 l: t\4oS Dfluse 562 I l0 5 1'l r 5000 4t 80 3760
30635 7 Cr00S5.1/C/M S5,1SG I00/C 100 ED ]7 Cear S54 ll0 31,. ,tl. 2A r 5000 7300 6570
30634 0 Cr 00S54/C/D/M s54SH r 00/c
r00 ED ]7 Dfluse S54 ll0 31. 5 l. 2A r 5000 6940 6250
30637 3 Cr00S54/C s54SB r00/c
r00 55 ED 23'1, [4oS Cea. S54 ll0 5 11. 2A r5000 7300 6a1A
30636 5 Cr 00S54/C/D s54MC r00/c r00 55 ED 23I L [4oS DlfLse S54 ll0 5 7l 2A 15000 69.10 6250
30647 2 Cr 50S55/C/M s55llN150(t I50 55 ED t7 Ce{ S55 ll0 3 /, a l, 23 r5000 r2000 r0800
30644 9 Cr 50S55/C/D/M s55FP r50/C r50 55 [D ]7 Dffrse S55 rr0 3l 51, 23 15000 lr000 9900
30643 r Cr 50S55/C s55SC r50/C r 50 55 ED 23 /, Mog Cear S55 ll0 5 l 'h )3 r5000 r2000 r0800
30642 3 Cr 50S55/C/D s55MD rs0/c r50 55 ED 23'l: [4o!] DflL,se S55 110 a 1:1, 23 r5000 |000 9900
30245 5 C250S50/C s50vA 250/c 254 r00 ED'r8 Mos Cenr S50 198 51. 91, r 5000 23000 20700
30652 2 C400S51/C s5r wA 400/c 400 r00 ED 18 t\4o!l Cea SSl 198 5'l' 911. r 5000 37500 33750

Dual Arc Ceramalux Highttl Pressure Sodium Lamps

For app c.t ons where momentary power nierrLrpi o.s occ!r
26s41 3 C70S62/2 /t) 52 tD 23rl, N,loq 171 L ea' f0 a 1.t, 26 24000+{81 5600 5050
26560 3 Cr 00554/2 r00 55 ED 23 /. Mog 171 C e.' s54 |0 5 1 .1, 29 24000+(El Sl00 8l90
2656r r Cr 50S55/2 150 55 ED 23 /: f.4o!l 171 C ea: s55 r10 5 tl. 35 24000+(81 I5600 14000
377r 7 6 C250S50/2 s50vJ 250 250 100 tD l8 lvlog 171 Cea 550 r98 5/, 9/, 62 24AAA+lAl 21540 24154
37688 9 C400S5r/2 s5r!!G 400 400 100 ED l8 Moq 171 r98 51, 9 r/, t9 24000+(El 50000 45000

RETRO LUX High{r} Pressure Sodium Retrofit for Mercury Vapor and Metal Halide Lamps(6}
BETRO LLIX 150 reirof ts r 75 wat 2l5 rerrol ls 250 r'an 360 !!alt re:rof ts 400 watt MercLrry Vapor and lvl-3ta ll3 d. Lal]rps

3r r42 3 Cr 50S63/ s63MC r 50/RL 150 130 ED 28 tvlo!l C e.r H39, M57(61 8'/,r al 24000 r 5000 13500
31 144 9 C2r5365/ S65ML ]50/RL 215 r30 ED 28 lVog C ear H37r lvl58(61 24000 23000 20700
31 r45 6 C360S64/ S64MJ ]50/RL 360 135 tvlos C ear H33, M59(6) 11 I 94 24ADA 45000 40500

(6t For operat or on ;i 'f-,rcLrry lapor aro meta h! de ba .sts ol ihe appropr.te ANS des grl]t ons. des gred ior a. nd v dLr. arp
Operat ig pos t on lln versa

Where nsrant restr le s not rectu red rated f-a s .10.000 lrours

{9) Cerema !\ .Tps operate or a ba asts meet ng the appropr ate ANS st.ndards For nr.x nr,rnr
COMFOBT HPS co or Lrf lorm ty
amp to amp and over le .s we as ie Lr. ioll]. ty. RegLr 61ed L:g or eqJ va ent type ba asrs are recoirnier,ced
Philips Lighting Company
20O Franklin Square Drive PO. Box 6800
Somerser. NJ 08875 6800
A D v s on ol Norlh Arrrer carr Pf ps Corporal on
Pr nled n {lSA r0/91

Warm-up Characteristics of High Pressure Approximate Survival Curve

Sodium (HPS) of HPS Lamps"
Approximate Lumen Maintenance*

o 20 .10 60 80 100

Minutes Warm'Up Time 'Pe,.erlor Flaled Avera9e Lre Perce.r ol Baled Averaee L le
' :r, -.rr,r:,! rlr lii_,:i l.e.i,! 1:.'2-lal Fir,.
Trapezoid Diagram for a 400-Watt Lamp Showing Pulse Voltage
Voltage/Wattage Opemting Limits for Starting HPS Lamps



M'n'mLn Lamp wattase L


34 97 r00 125

Approximate Spectral Distribution Approximate Spectral Distribution

Ceramalux High Pressure Sodium Lamps Ceramalux Comfort High Pressure Sodium Lamps


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