Activity 3

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Sangal, Pamela Joy N.

BS Architecture 1-4
ITE 0001-19
Activity No. 3

I. Enumerate the different types of computers. Discuss each.

▪ Personal Computer
A personal computer is a general-
purpose computer whose size,
capabilities and original sale price
make it useful for individuals and is
intended to be operated directly by
an end-user with no intervening
computer operator. This contrasts
with the batch processing or time-
sharing models that allowed larger,
more expensive minicomputer and
mainframe systems to be used by
many people, usually at the same
time. A related term is “PC” that
was initially an acronym for “personal computer,” but later became used primarily to
refer to the ubiquitous Wintel platform.

▪ Desktop Computer
A desktop computer is a personal
computing device designed to fit
on top of a typical office desk.
It houses the physical hardware
that makes a computer run and
connects to input devices such as
the monitor, keyboard and mouse
users interact with. Desktop
computers are commonly used in
the enterprise, as well as in
consumer use cases such as gaming. In the enterprise, they are important because
they are the main means for many users to do their jobs. It also includes the processor,
which can be a micro tower or minitower designed to fit under the desk or a unit that
goes on top of the desk. It also includes a motherboard, the main circuit board for the
computer. Desktop computer motherboards are generally standardized on Advanced
Technology Extended (ATX), microATX or Balanced Technology eXtended form
factors. The desktop computer also houses disk storage.

▪ Laptop Computers

A laptop computer is a small

personal computer. They are
designed to be more portable than
traditional desktop computers, with
many of the same abilities. Laptops
can be folded flat for transportation
and have a built-in keyboard and
touchpad. Most laptops are
powerful enough for everyday
business administrative, home, or
school use. However, if a user does
graphical work such as 3D rendering or movie encoding, a more advanced and
powerful laptop is needed. As advanced as laptops are, the top-end ones still cannot
compete with high powered desktops and workstations when processing power is

▪ Netbooks and Tablets

Netbooks are ultra-portable
computers that are even smaller
than traditional laptops. The
extreme cost-effectiveness
of netbooks means they're cheaper
than almost any brand-new laptop
you'll find at retail outlets.
However, netbooks' internal
components are less powerful than
those in regular laptops. Netbooks
first appeared in 2007, primarily as a means for accessing the internet and web-based
applications, from email, to music and movie streaming, to web surfing. They are
incredibly compact, but as a result, their specifications list often resembles a very
stripped-down laptop. While Tablets have largely replaced the niche, netbooks
occupied. Tablets are thin, flat devices that look like larger versions of
smartphones. Tablets can do pretty much all the functions that laptops do, but do not
have the internal fans that PCs have. So, they must rely on lower-performing
processors that will not use as much heat or battery power. They also have less
storage capacity than traditional PCs. Older tablets used the same operating systems
as mobile phones, but the newer tablets use a full operating system such as Microsoft
Windows 10.

▪ Handheld Computers
A handheld computer is
a computer that can
conveniently be stored in a
pocket or of sufficient size and
used while you are holding it.
Today's handheld computers,
which are also called personal
digital assistants (PDAs), can be
divided into those that accept
handwriting as input and those with
small keyboards. A PDA is a
handheld organizer used to store
contact information, manage calendars, communicate by e-mail, and handle
documents and spreadsheets, usually in communication with the user’s personal

▪ Workstation
A workstation is high-
performance computer system
that is basically designed for a
single user and has advanced
graphics capabilities, large storage
capacity, and a
powerful microprocessor. It is more
capable than a personal
computer but is less advanced than
a midrange computer which can
manage a large network of peripheral PCs or workstations and handle immense data-
processing and reporting tasks. The term workstation is also sometimes ascribed to
dumb terminals (i.e., without any processing capacity) that are connected
to mainframe computers.
▪ Server
Server, also known as Network
computer, computer program, or
device that processes requests
from a client. On the World Wide
Web, for example, a Web server is
a computer that uses
the HTTP protocol to send Web
pages to a client’s computer when
the client requests them. On a local
area network, a print server
manages one or more printers, and prints files sent to it by client computers. Network
servers which manage network traffic and file servers which store and retrieve files
for clients are two more examples of servers.

▪ Mainframe Computer
Mainframes are a type of computer
that generally are known for
their large size, amount of
storage, processing power and
high level of reliability. They
are primarily used by large
organizations for mission-critical
applications requiring high volumes
of data processing. In general,
there are a few characteristics of
mainframes that are common among all mainframe vendors: Nearly all mainframes
can run or host multiple operating systems. Mainframes can add or hot swap system
capacity without disruption. They are designed to handle very high-volume input and
output (I/O) and emphasize throughput computing. A single mainframe can replace
dozens or even hundreds of smaller servers.
▪ Supercomputer
Supercomputer is any of a class of
extremely powerful
computers. The term is commonly
applied to the fastest high-
performance systems available at
any given time. Such computers
have been used primarily for
scientific and engineering work
requiring exceedingly high-speed
computations. Common
applications for supercomputers include testing mathematical models for complex
physical phenomena or designs, such as climate and weather, evolution of
the cosmos, nuclear weapons and reactors, new chemical compounds especially for
pharmaceutical purposes, and cryptology. As the cost of supercomputing declined in
the 1990s, more businesses began to use supercomputers for market research and
other business-related models.

▪ Wearable Computer
Wearable computing is a term that
refers to computer-powered
devices or equipment that can
be worn by a user, including
clothing, watches, glasses, shoes,
and similar items. Wearable
computing devices can range from
providing very specific, limited
features like heart rate monitoring
and pedometer capabilities to
advanced smart functions and features similar to those
a smartphone or smartwatch offers. These more advanced wearable computing
devices can typically enable the wearer to take and view pictures or video, read text
messages and emails, respond to voice commands, browse the web and more. While
wearable computing devices are only just now starting to emerge from the realm of
science fiction into reality, rumored devices like Google Glasses and the Apple
iWatch may soon bring advanced wearable computing devices into the mainstream.
II. Name the different users of computers. Give examples.

▪ User may refer alternatively to as an end user, a user who any individual
who is not involved with supporting or developing a computer or service. For
example, you are the end-user of the computer you are using when you call
technical support for help. Users can be broken up into groups based on how
experienced they are with a computer.

✓ Advanced user, hardcore user, or power user - A user with

advanced knowledge about computers software and hardware that
require no assistance.
✓ Casual user or regular user - A user who has some computer
experience and can navigate and use the computer without much
✓ Basic user, beginner, novice, or newbie - A user who started
using a computer and requires lots of assistance.

▪ Here are some examples of computer users:

✓ Administrator ✓ Graphic artist ✓ Script kiddie
✓ Animator ✓ Hacker ✓ Superuser
✓ Blogger ✓ Lecher ✓ Tweaker
✓ Cracker ✓ Newbie ✓ Web designer
✓ Developer ✓ Pirate ✓ Web surfer
✓ End user ✓ Power user
✓ Gamer ✓ Programmer

▪ A user is also another name of an account capable of logging into a computer

or service. For example, people who log into the Computer Hope forums are
considered a user or member. Any computer, service, or program with multiple
accounts uses user accounts that give each user their personal permissions,
settings, and other data not accessible to other users.

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