Activity Template - Sprint Backlog - Product Backlog
Activity Template - Sprint Backlog - Product Backlog
Activity Template - Sprint Backlog - Product Backlog
Epic User Story Title Story Acceptance Criteria Value (Story Current Sprint Sprints
1) Ability to sort plants by "beginner,"
As a potential customer, I want to find out which "intermediate," and "advanced"
Plant Care Low-maintenance
plants are easiest to care for so that I can purchase 2) Ability to search for plants with similar $$$ 8 Current Sprint Name Current Sprint Next Sprint
Initiatives options
low-maintenance options. care needs
As a plant owner, I want to get expert help and 1) Access to live chat support
Plant Care Points
Expert help & advice advice quickly so that I know what to do if my plant 2) Longer phone support hours $ 8 Current Sprint 52 68
Initiatives Assigned
gets sick.
1) Credit and return FAQ linked on
As a customer, I want a hassle-free way to return my homepage
Plant Care Value
Return policy order so that I can be sure I have the right plant for 2) All orders ship with return labels and $$ 5 Current Sprint 14 12
Initiatives Attributed
me. instructions