Handouts in Practical Research 2 - Lesson 1 and 2 - Q2

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A. Choose an interesting topic.

Research is a very
Lesson 1: DESIGNING RESEARCH TOPIC challenging task that demands your time and persistence. Your
motivation to find the answer to the problem should keep you
Steps in Developing Research Topic going, thus building momentum along the way. Therefore, your
Despite the advancement in knowledge and research topic must be something that you are passionate
technology, there is still a lot to discover in this world. There is about. After all, nothing is more satisfying than accomplishing
still an ocean of things that we are yet to explore. It can be a something that matters to you.
difficult situation that we want to improve or eliminate, a better B. Select a significant topic. A topic that is worth
understanding of the unfamiliar, information gaps we wish to researching must be able to answer or solve problems in the
fill, or theories that we want to validate. community. No one will take an interest in your topic if it is
What limits our choice of a topic are our capacity, obsolete and does not address any real problem. To be
understanding, resources, and skill. Most researchers will proactive and to take part in solving problems with
agree that choosing a good topic is a challenging and tedious socio-economic relevance gives a sense of accomplishment.
task. Because a research topic serves as the groundwork for You do not even have to look far, just take a look at your
any succeeding actions, it must be defined appropriately at the household, neighborhood, school, group of friends, or local
beginning of the research work. Otherwise, it may result in community for a common problem or difficulty.
unanticipated complexities to the researcher. C. Choose a topic relevant to your field. One of the
goals of this course is for you to be able to produce a
Developing a research problem can be done in four (4) steps: quantitative research study that is aligned to your chosen
1. Choose a broad topic track. A SHS student under ABM must choose a topic related
2. Do a preliminary research to business and management while students taking HUMSS
3. Define the problem may consider choosing a topic about politics, culture, and arts.
4. Refine the question Choosing a topic that you can relate to will certainly make your
research project less challenging.
As a student researcher, let us go through these steps In the event that the three tips above do not shed some
to guide us in choosing a quantitative research topic related to light on your minds, do not despair; other sources of ideas like
our chosen field. the ones below may be available for you.
1. Choose a broad topic. The first step is quite simple. i. Resources. Department of Science and Technology
As a Senior High School student, these tips will surely (DOST) harmonized National R & D Agenda for 2017-2022.
guide you in selecting a broad topic for quantitative research: Early in 2017, DOST, together with researchers from the
health, agriculture, industry, and academe, released research
priorities for 2017 to 2022 that are relevant for the economic
growth of the country. Visit this link https://bit.ly/3hHTf2Y for a 3. Define the problem. After getting enough information, you
list of suggested studies. may be able to list some questions or problems that you want
ii. Review of Literature. Some researchers reveal that to research. At this stage, you should be able to narrow down
reading previous studies fueled their minds with tons of broad topics into feasible and manageable research questions.
research topics. Reviewing the literature lets them know what A broad topic can be narrowed down by limiting the
has been studied, what is not yet done, and what other population, place, period, or a certain characteristic. However,
researchers suggest working on. Journals, periodicals, and be very mindful that your problem may not be too narrow, that
peer-reviewed articles are a good read. it becomes very simple and does not need to collect unique
iii. Field experts. Gather up some guts to approach data or does not generate new information. A very narrow
anyone you know that are experts on the field of your choice research question can be developed by doing a comparative
because they may give valuable inputs or may currently be study or expanding the scope of the study.
working on a study where you can collaborate. Your teacher
may also give you some advice, especially on the possible 4. Refine the question. This step lets you evaluate the
obstacles, resource limitations, and expanse of the study. questions formulated. What specific questions should you
iv. Brainstorming. Do not underestimate the ideas ask? How should you gather your data sufficient to answer the
from classmates, friends, and family members. You may be questions? Are the questions too narrow, or does it need to be
overwhelmed at first by the outpouring of ideas. Just build a trimmed down? While evaluating the research question,
list, then cross off any topic unrelated to your field or not so consider the requirements of the course. How much time are
interesting to you. Of course, you must take precautionary you given to finish the research? What resources do you need
measures in doing this by observing physical distancing. You and are they available?
can use any social media platform to do this.

2. Do preliminary research. The second step is much more

time-consuming. Once you have chosen a broad topic, you
need to have a better understanding of it by reading some
more articles, journals, and related research studies. Find out
how other researchers gathered their data, what research
instruments were used, how the data were analyzed, and what
important findings they shared. Take note of every relevant
research study for future reference. If you started the topic
search (first step) by doing a literature review, the second step
is just a continuation of what you started.
Lesson 2: RESEARCH TITLE 12. Write and italicize full scientific names.
A research study title is the very first thing a reader 13. Make sure to reflect the tone of the paper. An academic
comes across when searching for scientific literature. It is a research paper has a title which is not casual, or informal, or
concise description of the content of the research study does not contain humor.
containing the fewest possible words, yet adequate to describe
the contents of the paper for a simple reason that we do not
want to mislead the readers. After conceptualizing a most The following steps can guide you in writing your
probable research topic, drafting the title early in the research research title:
process helps keep your focus on the subject. 1. Determine what it is that you wish to accomplish or know
from your study. Write one to two sentences to state the main
The following are the basic guidelines for making a objectives of your research project.
research study title: 2. Include important keywords and variables. Revise the
1. Use an accurate description of the subject and scope of the sentences into one complete sentence that includes important
study instead of using general terms. keywords and variables of the study.
2. Do not use abbreviations except for commonly known ones 3. Shorten the title by eliminating unnecessary words. You may
like DNA and ICT. also shrink a phrase into a simpler phrase or a single word. In
3. Do not include words like “The study of,” “Analysis of,” “An doing this, make sure that the main thought of the research
investigation of” or similar construction as these would only study is retained.
lengthen the title. 4. Correct grammar and punctuation errors if there are any.
4. Include the main dependent and independent variables. 5. Observe proper formatting. The format may vary according
5. Be mindful of the proper use of grammar and punctuation. to the requirements of the course or school. Please seek
6. Capitalize all nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs guidance from your professor.
as well as the first letter of the first and last words.
7. State in a declarative form, although you may also see titles
in question form from time to time.
8. The year the study has been conducted should not be
indicated unless it is a historical study.
9. Use current terminology.
10. Depending on the institutional requirements, 5 to15 words
are sufficient to describe the research study.
11. Use the common name instead of chemical formula (e.g.,
Ammonium instead of NH4)

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