Secondhand Smoke

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Assessment Criteria Box Marks

1 Research Result / 10

2 Report / 25

 Work Quality
 Ideas




1. Overview of the campaign …………………………………………...... PAGE 3

2. Campaign Objectives and Rationale …………………………………. PAGE 15

3. Target Sponsors and Collaborator ……………………………………. PAGE 17

4. Target Audience ………………………………………………………… PAGE 19

5. Timeline …………………………………………………………………. PAGE 20

6. Cost Estimate ………………………………………………………...... PAGE 21

7. Media Strategies …………………………………………………….… PAGE 22

8. Forecast ………………………………………………………………... PAGE 23

9. Conclusion …………………………………………………………….. PAGE 24

10. Task table ………………………………………………………………. PAGE 25



Attract the target

Help the non-smoking
audience so that
Create public community to take Secondhand smoker
awareness about secondhand smokers
initiative and try to take steps to live a
secondhand smoke can break free from healthy life
reprimand those who
exposure to cigarette
smoke closely

The Problems

Passive smoker has major contributor to lung cancer.

Major cause of cancers are caused by smoke from cigarettes.
So this issue grabs our attention to focus on secondhand
smoker instead of active smoker. By launching this
campaign, the public will be aware of it.

Lung cancer among passive smokers, especially

women is increasing. So, we can say that woman are
more at risk because they are sensitive to cigarette smoke.
So this campaign can be intended to women 's and result a
good outcome

Uninitiated and the low-level consciousness by the

public about secondhand smoker. Public awareness
and enforcement are still disappointing.Through this
campaign , we ease the anxiety of the health and thus

restore the secondhand smoker issue.

60-75°/o of cigarette smoke is consumed by

non-smokers known as secondhand smokers.
This is the problem in Malaysia so with the existing
statistics , we will provide a broad and easy to
understand picture of the active smoker as they are
exposed to the smoke released through our
5 Result of survey
Gender Age

96 People 51%
68% People

Female Male 21-40 18-21 41-50 51-60 60 above

Education Accomodation
1.3% (4 Person)

7% (21 People)

39.7 %
91.7 %

Certificate Diploma Degree Master PhD Outside Campus In-campus

Race Faculty
FBK 3% 3%
6% 5%
FPM 6%
71% 9% 41%
10% 13%
Malay Indian Chinese Christian


I have sufficient knowledge about the Second hand smoke is transmitted from person to
person through the smoke released by cigarettes
cause of the danger of second hand smoke
113 160 147
120 105
100 120 108
80 63 100
60 80
40 35
20 12 7 8
20 2
0 0
Strongly Slightly Agree Disagree Strongly Strongly Slightly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Agree Agree Disagree

Duration for the smoke to infection is within 4 There is no preventative method for
hours of breathing the smoke released by
second hand smoke at the moment.
120 104
160 139
140 100
120 94 80 72
100 55
80 60 44
60 45 40 25
40 13
20 9 20
0 0
Strongly Slightly Agree Disagree Strongly Strongly Slightly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Agree Agree Disagree

I know exactly what to do to protect myself I know that I have a duty to mitigate the
from being the second hand smoker second hand smoker from spreading
120 111 120 112
100 100 90
80 65 80
60 60
40 40
19 13
20 4 20 3
0 0
Strongly Slightly Agree Disagree Strogly Strongly Slightly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Agree Agree Disagree

I know my university has provided a timely, I know my university is doing its level best to
sufficient and continuous information about the keep me and others safe from second hand
second hand smoker smoke.
92 95
120 100 100 83
100 75 80
80 69
60 43
40 21
13 20 9
0 0
Strongly Slightly Agree Disagree Strongly Strongly Slightly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Agree Agree Disagree

I know my university has a clear policy in dealing

with second hand smoker issue.

94 96
100 85
40 27
20 10
Strongly Slightly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree

I must advise smokers when they smoke I feel unsafe when smoker smoke near
in the public area. me.
120 102 250
92 195
100 85 200
100 62
13 8 50 30
20 9 4
0 0
Strongly Slightly Agree Disagree Strongly Strongl Slightly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Agree Agree Disagree

A lot of information is shared on how to I think it is important for others to help

protect myself from expose to the smokers to stop smoking
second hand smoke.
120 99
94 150
80 72
40 25 50 38
20 10 4 2
0 0
Strongly Slightly Agree Disagree Strongly Strongly Slightly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Agree Agree Disagree

It is dangerous for me to mix around I am able to protect myself from

with the smoker. become the second hand smoke
160 151 120 113
140 100 88
120 79
100 86 80
80 60
60 48
40 15
20 5 10 20 5
0 0
Strongly Slightly Agree Disagree Strongly Strongly Slightly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Agree Agree Disagree

I feel my surrounding is taking a

serious action to stop second hand
100 83 84 86
Strongly Slightly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree


I avoid standing near the smokers I said no to smoking whenever I see
200 177 anyone smoke around me
97 89
100 100 74
43 30
50 50
5 5 10
0 0

Strongly Agree Slightly Agree Strongly Agree Slightly Agree

Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree

I advise my family who smoke to stop I discuss with people around me about
smoking what they should do if they are second
hand smokers.
147 90 90
100 71 61
50 27 27
13 8 13
0 0

Strongly Agree Slightly Agree Strongly Agree Slightly Agree

Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree

I discuss with people around me about I go to the clinic immediately if I have

what they should do if they are second cough symptoms
hand smokers.
150 107
90 100
100 78 69
50 32
50 15 8
0 0

Strongly Agree Slightly Agree Strongly Agree Slightly Agree

Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
Strongly Agree2 Strongly Disagree

100 91 87



Strongly Agree Slightly Agree

Agree Disagree
Strongly Disagree

Media effect

I notice there are posters everywhere Communication about second hand

educating me about second hand smoker issues has been constant
smoker issues.
100 85 85 83
91 97
100 68
50 33
50 32
14 12
0 0

Strongly Agree Slightly Agree Strongly Agree Slightly Agree

Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree

Smoking campaign has provided Television provides required information

sufficient information to guide the to control issues on second hand smoker
publics to lessen protect from second 150
hand smoke 98 89 81
91 96 88 50 20
18 7 12
0 0

Strongly Agree Slightly Agree Strongly Agree Sligjtly Agree

Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree

I listen to information about second I read information about second hand

hand smoker from radio smoker from online news.
90 88 93
150 100
100 74
63 50
41 19
50 23 10
0 0

Strongly Agree Slightly Agree Strongly Agree Slightly Agree

Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree

I communicate information about The first time I know about second

second hand smoker through hand smoker issues is from
100 92 WhatsApp 10
74 70
Radio 14
50 42
Online Newspaper 23
Television 123
Social Media 130
Strongly Agree Slightly Agree
0 50 100 150
Agree Disagree
Strongly Disagree Medium

I get updated information about second In your opinion which media is the most
hand smoker issues mainly from effective in educating you about second
hand smoker?
WhatsApp 8
Radio 3
Radio 11
WhatsApp 12
Online Newspaper 26
Online Newspaper 14
Television 47 Television 54
Social Media 188 Social Media 217

0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 250

Medium Medium

In your opinion which media is the most I communicate with my friends/ family
reliable in educating you about second about second hand smoker through
hand smoker?
Phone Call 7
WhatsApp 8
Twitter 7
Radio 9
Facebook 9
Online Newspaper 27
Instagram 10
Television 61

Social Media 184 WhatsApp 115

0 50 100 150 200 Face to face 152

Medium 0 50 100 150 200

I have the experiences of smelling the I like the smell of the

cigarettes/cigar/shisha smoke. cigarettes/cigar/shisha smoke

No 46
No 25

Yes 254 Ye

0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300

I consider myself as the second hand Frequency of exposure to the

smoker cigarettes/cigar/shisha smoke

Every Month 137

Yes 138
Every Hour 64

Every Day 9

4-6 days per week 26

No 162
1-3 days per week 57

120 130 140 150 160 170 0 50 100 150



93.7% out of 300 7% disagree on

23 respondent equals to 7.6% stated they
respondent have advising the
sufficient knowledge didn’t know how to protect their self and smokers when
about cause of the health from becoming the second hand they smoke in the
danger of second public area which
smoker .Even though the rest of the
hand smoke. means the
Unfortunately, there respondents agree on saying that they participation and
are still 6.3% of have the knowledge, there is no responsible in
respondent which guarantee that they know how the exact protecting their
equal to 19 people self and people
way or proper way to protect their self. around them from
who didn’t have any
knowledge about the danger of
second hand smoker smoke is low.

85 respondent The information

254 people out of agreed that they they receive
300 respondent notice posters through electronic
equals to 84.7% educating about media’s are also
which indicates secondhand constant based on
larger number of the survey and the
smoker but the
people have the media that plays
experiences of huge role in
smelling smoke about this issue is educating public
less which about second hand
indicates 141 smoker is social
respondent has low media.

These are the main factors and reasons on why we should run this campaign.
Majority of people out there are exposed to smoke and need more knowledge on
how to take care of their self from becoming one of the second hand smoker.


The importance that this issue

needs to be highlighted is to
increase public awareness on
the consequences of
cigarettes lead to secondhand

To increase anti-cigarettes
policies and programmes in
universities parallel to
decrease the number of
secondhand smoker.

To restore the country's

economy as well as
according to a statistic
published in Awani news in
2019, approximately 10,000
people died from cigarettes.
This will undermine the
country's economy due to
lack of manpower.


Objective of this
campaign is:

3 1

To increase awareness
To increase awareness among secondhand
on the harmful effects of smokers
Secondhand Smoke and the intention to quit
among active smokers

To reduce exposure
or emmissions of
cigarretes smoke to
in indoor
and outdoor
public places


Passive smokers bear social and environmental cases

involving smoke released by active smokers, but this is

not recognized and no Secondhand Smoker related

campaign are conducted:

Cigarette smoke brings many Due to the insensitivity, passive

environmental harms especially smokers have to deal with the
harm to people in the health costs of smoking-induced
environment. The cigarette smoke illness. People around need to take
released affects people around the initiative to reprove smokers
and unknowingly becomes a and strive to ensure the health of
secondhand smoker or known as the surrounding community.
a passive smoker.

Many of us do not know the term

of passive smokers. So, this
campaign can give them
awareness of these terms and
also take steps to avoid being


Nicorette Corporate was launched in 2017 by Johnson & Johnson

Sdn Bhd and the main purpose of this company is to produce a range
of nicotine products or stopgaps with the aim of reducing high levels of
smokers worldwide.

So this company sponsored us by donating us their nicorette chewing

gum. The corporate has also donated us some cash money for any
expenses throughout our campaign.

Philip Morris (PMM) is a joint venture of Philip Morris International

(PMI). Company's vision is to replace cigarettes with the smoke-free

They sponsored us with various sponsorships such as cash in large

quantities for our campaign expenses such as gift purchases, poster
designs, banners, brochures, flyers and others related to our campaign.
The company also sponsors us with the most valuable gift of their
product called TEEPS.


The collaborators we have chosen to work with us are experts with deep
experience in running various campaigns. With the help and cooperation of
them, we were able to learn new and easy ways to execute a successful
campaign. Our collaborators also help us find our campaign sponsors, give
ideas on deciding theme of our campaign.

The headquarters for Perak Health Department is located at

Jalan Panglima Bukit Gantang Wahab, 30590 Ipoh, Perak
Darul Ridzuan.

Myhealth Ministry of Health is Malaysia’s recognized Web-

based health information service which is aimed for the
public well-being through providing access to quality
healthcare services.

Public MyHealth is an active organization in social media

which is the Instagram app and provides comprehensive
health information. So they are the perfect collaborators
for our campaign

Target Audience

Our target audience are both genders but the main focus are on female.
 This is because most women are not smokers but they are often
victims of second hand smoke.
 Therefore, we give women more priority in this campaign.

Age range is approximately in the 20-30 years old.

The location we choose is Tanjung Malim where Sultan Idris

Education University (UPSI) is located.

The psychographic guidelines we use are based on one's interest or activity and
their attitude or opinion.
 We choose our target audience which is UPSI students because :
 Their capability of understanding
 Meet the age range of our target audience
 Most students today are involved in smoking and ;
 are second-hand smoker victims
 People around Tanjung Malim who meet psychographic guidelines are
also welcomed.


Milestones February March April May June

W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4

M1 1. 2.

M1 Form a team and start analyze the skills of each member. Identify the task, issues, target audience, problem
facing and future challenge.
M2 Planning, conducting and analysis of FGD (Focus Group Discussion). Send a proposed project interview to a
lecturer to get guide and approval before start the interview.
M3 The data gathered from FGD will be use to designing the questionnaire. Team need to conduct and analysis the
survey or interview data. The process aim is to identifying the Knowledge, Attitude and Practices on the target
audience on the issues.
M4 Team ready to begin the interview or survey using the medium prepared to the target audience. Team need to
spread the survey form or find the respondent that in the area of target audience until it reach the target number
of respondent need.
M5 Based on the research finding collected from the survey. The team is ready to brainstorm, discuss the best idea
and decide the campaign.
M6 Team will be conducting an analysis of a campaign trend. Team will collect data that relevant to the campaign
idea that have be n brainstorm from mass media, internet.
M7 Team is now ready to develop a campaign Planning Report. This report will includes the goal of campaign,
objectives, messages, themes, promotional, strategies and the evaluation of plan to make the campaign better
and smooth.
M8 The project will need a Formal Presentation. Team will submit copies of proposal and will develop a PowerPoint
presentation that will summarize the proposal.

Cost Estimate

Our campaign team also manages and organizes some cost estimates in order

to run the campaign smoothly and effectively without any hassle. Some of the

estimated costs we make with the amount of cash that we collect :

1 2
MYR 500 MYR 275
Materials Promotions

3 4
MYR 400 MYR 275
Food Staffing costs

Forecast Challenges

Collaboration. Get in
touch with our sponsors
and collaborators at the
right time and take the Dealing with
Being noticed and excuse of being buzy. Constraints. There are
understanding this limited budgets and
campaign by our tight schedule to
target audience are organise a good and
low. smooth campaign.

We try to adapt the

issue and didn’t
confront them many
times. We also contact
The solution is to
them at the time they
establish guidelines of
In order to tackle this prefer.
expenses and
issue, we plan to deliver
schedule to follow
the messages in a very
and not face money
simple way but with
or time issue due to
enough information.
lack of plan.


From the survey that we have conducted through Google Form, it can be

conclude that :

Public are aware about the dangerous of smoking but some are

not aware about the dangerous of secondhand smoke.

Minimal group of public has knowledge about the

harmful of being secondhand smoker but there are few
who doesn’t know the term and need to be exposed
for a better result.

They are also public ho are not exposed to

this issue much through any campaigns or
information from any source of media.

The public don’t protect

themselves from being the
secondhand smoker due to low
exposure of this issue.

Through this campaign, we will able to achieve our objectives, which is to spread

awareness among secondhand smokers. Even though the focus of this campaign is

on the secondhand smokers, we believe that the smokers itself will be affected with

this campaign.

Task Table



THIEVIA NAIR A/P I were responsible in doing : Teamwork is very important to build a
BASKARAN good and successful project. Lack of time
(D20181084711) 1. Overview of the campaign or attention might disturb the process and
2. Campaign Objectives & Rationale
the teammates should always be alert.
3. Convert compiled team work to
There were lack of some communication
4. Video Presentation due to no face to face discussion but we
5. Video Editing overcome it by some virtual talk to
6. Collecting respondent to fulfil the understand each other and make sure the
google form process of our assignment is smooth.

THAISVENII A/P I were responsible in doing : For good teamwork, teammates should
MANIVANNAN always prepare themselves to settle their
(D20181084709) 1. Target Sponsors & Collaborator work on time and ready to do any
2. Target audiences
changes at any time to make sure the
3. Cost Estimate
project is done on time and no last minute
4. Presentation slide
5. Video Presentation job. We faced some minor issue but we
6. Collecting respondent to fulfil the overcome it by understanding each other
google form and divide work according to our ability
and inability to learn and help each other.

SITI AISHAH BINTI AYUB I were responsible in doing : Teamwork is really important. Because
KHAN each member in the group play a very
(D2018108163) 1. Media Strategies important role in doing their part.
2. Forecast Challenges
Without a good teamwork, the results of
3. Conclusion
the work won’t be as good as it is
4. Video Presentation
5. Dividing work among members as expected to be. Although there were
the leader some problem regarding punctuality, we
6. Collecting respondent to fulfil the managed to overcome it.
google form

MUHAMMAD ZULQARNAIN I were responsible in doing : Teamwork is required to produce a good

HISYAM BIN MD ZAKI outcome. Teammates should be able to
(D20181081621) 1. Time Line help each other for a successful outcome.
2. Data Analysis
We discuss in group or individually if
3. Video Presentation
there’s any doubt or problem to settle our
4. Collecting respondent to fulfil the
google form work. Issues we faced has been
successfully overcomed with some talk
and understanding.

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