Parameter Estimation of Linear Induction Motor Labvolt 8228-02
Parameter Estimation of Linear Induction Motor Labvolt 8228-02
Parameter Estimation of Linear Induction Motor Labvolt 8228-02
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4 authors, including:
Edgar Sanchez
Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute
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Abstract— This work describes a method to characterize a supply lines are interchanged, the phase sequence will
three-phase linear induction motor in order to determine the reverse, and the flux will shift from right to left across the
various parameters used in its per-phase equivalent circuit poles.
by a DSP-based electric-drives system. In LIM (Linear
Induction Motor), the air gap is very large compared with
the RIMs (Rotary Induction Motors). Further, the secondary Knowing the distance d between the center of the poles,
part normally does not have slotted structure. It is just made we can calculate the speed at which the flux moves. This is
of aluminum and steel plates. Therefore, the effective air gap called the synchronous speed vs because it is directly related
is larger than the physical air gap. High air gap makes a to the frequency of the power supply. The synchronous
larger leakage inductance. It leads to lower efficiency and
lower power factor (Kang et al., 2003). DC resistance test speed is given by
will be done to determine the value of Rs . The primary
Inductance Ls will be calculated by running the LIM at vs = 3df (1)
synchronous speed. The secondary parameters i.e. Llr and
Rr will be calculated by blocked-mover test. The experiment in the Model 8228, d = 0,061m.
for no load test is shown and include a DC motor coupled to
the LIM under test. Two methods to calculate the secondary In this paper a three-phase linear induction motor will
parameters are described. be characterized to determine the various parameters used
in its per-phase equivalent circuit (Fig. 1) by a DSP-based
Index Terms: Parameters Estimation , Linear Induction
electric-drives system. The experiment is shown in Fig. 2,
Motor, DSP-based electric-drives, per-phase equivalent circuit.
where a DC motor is coupled to the LIM under test.
The Lab-Volt Model 8228-02 is a Single Side Linear
Induction Motor (SLIM). The stator is composed of a
three-legged laminated iron core upon which are mounted
three identical coils A, B, C. Each coil has 500 turns of
No. 21 AWG copper wire, with a tap at 300 turns.
Figure 1. Per-phase equivalent circuit of a three-phase induction motor.
The coils produce in each leg and corresponding salient
pole, fluxes that are labeled φa , φb and φc . These fluxes There are five major components of the DSP-based
are created by the currents ia , ib and ic that flow in the electric-drives system, which will be used to perform
respective windings; consequently, the fluxes are 120o out the experiment. They are as follows: 1) Motor coupling
of phase. This phase shift means that the fluxes attain their system, 2) Power Electronics Drive Board, 3) Adjustable
maximum value at different times, separated by intervals speed driver (ASD), 4) DSP based DS1104 R&D controller
of 3f where f is the frequency of the source. If the phase card and CP 1104 I/O board and 5) MATLAB Simulink
sequence is A-B-C, flux φb will attain its maximum value and Control-desk.
3f s after φa . Similarly, φc will reach its maximum value
3f s after φb . Then, the flux continually shifts from left 1. Motor coupling system: This system contains the
to right across the face of the salient poles. If two of the LIM that needs to be characterized. The system has
u[2] = 2πf t = ( f )2π;
s →Laplace Operator;
u[1] =
1 1 vm,A (t)
da (t) = + ; vm,A (t) = Vm cos(ωt)
2 2 Vdlim
1 1 vm,B (t)
db (t) = − ; vm,B (t) = Vm cos(ωt − 2π/3)
2 2 Vdlim
1 1 vm,C (t)
dc (t) = − ; vm,C (t) = Vm cos(ωt − 4π/3)
2 2 Vdlim
Equations (3) are modified form of equations (2) given
in (Mohan, 2001) which are suitable for real-time imple-
da (t) = 0,5 + u[1]cos(u[2]);
db (t) = 0,5 + u[1]cos(u[2] − 2π/3); (3)
dc (t) = 0,5 + u[1]cos(u[2] − 4π/3); Figure 4. Control Desk Panel.
Since the secondary part of the LIM does not have The experiment was made increasing the referen-
slotted structure, the secondary leakage inductance is much ce frequency for the linear induction machine (by
smaller than the primary leakage inductance. Because of ref-Vel-LIM/Value slider in the Control-Desk pa-
this, many parameter estimation methods of the RIM are nel) to 3 Hz corresponding frequency of the synchronous
not applicable to the LIM (Kang et al., 2001). velocity and slowly increasing the DC motor speed to
LIM mechanical synchronous velocity dictated by (1) (by
The mutual inductance Lm will be calculated by solving ref-Vel-DC/Value slider in the Control-Desk panel),
a third order polynomial which will be derived from the we obtained the LIM performance depicted in Fig. 5 with
total equivalent inductance (Kang et al., 2001). Such Vs = 0,549m/s. The V/F ratio and LIM stroke limit was
method of obtaining Lm directly allow us to calculate settled in 300V/20Hz and 100cm respectively.
the leakage inductances of the primary and secondary Taking the waveforms for dA and iv on the oscilloscope
windings separately and the secondary resistance.
To reduce end effect, frequency f = ωe /2π needs to The scaling factor for dA and iv are 10 and 0.125
be selected less than 18 Hz, since end effect is negligibly respectively. Actual rms values of the phase v voltage,
small for f < 18 Hz (Gieras et al., 1987; Gieras, 1994). phase v current and the per phase reactive power drawn
by the three-phase linear induction motor can be calculated
Under no load or a low slip condition, we can obtain as follows:
from the Fig. 1 an approximate equation such that
vv,rms = dA,rms 300V
Vs = Rs is + jωe Ls is dA,rms (measured on the scope)
= 300V
Multiplying by is and dividing by 2 both sides of before 10
= 15,9099V
equation we obtain
iv,rms (measured)
iv,rms = = 4,2851A
Vs i s Rs i2s ωe Ls i2s 0,125
= +j
2 2 2 Q = vv,rms iv,rms sinθ = 41,7852V AR
Vsrms isrms = Rs i2srms + jωe Ls i2srms
S = P + jQ where cosθ is the displacement power factor.
where Ls = Lls + Lm , ωe is the exiting angular
This reactive power is consumed by primary inductance
frequency, P is the active power and Q is the reactive
Ls . thus
Q = ωe Ls i2vrms
Req and Leq denote the total resistance and the total
inductance and need to be estimated to obtain the estimates
of the secondary parameters.
Rs = 1,6875Ω Lm = 0,0420H
Ls = 0,1207H Lls = 0,0788H
Req = 9,6200Ω Llr = 0,0323H
Leq = 0,1085H Lr = 0,0743H
Rr = 9,3720Ω Rr,adj = 3,9444Ω