Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology: Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology: Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology: Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Student Name: Nishant jha Roll No.: 03196402709 Semester: IVth Batch : CSE
This is to certify that thesis/Report entitled . which is submitted by in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree B.Tech./M.Tech. in Computer science Engineering to MAIT, GGSIP University, Delhi is a record of the candidate own work carried out by him under my/our supervision. The matter embodied in this thesis is original and has not been submitted for the award of any other degree.
The author gratefully acknowledges the guidance provided by the staff of Siemens information and systems private limited throughout the development of this project. They provide me with the opportunity to have a practical viewpoint of the LOCAL AREA NETWORKS along with the technical know-how of its configuration.
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COMPANY PROFILE SIEMENS WORLDWIDE Werner Von Siemens in Berlin incepted Siemens on 1st October 1847. Initially there were three different areas of operation:SRW Siemens Reigner Werke (medical engineering), SSW SiemensSiemens schrukt Werke(energy) and sh-siemens halske(communication). they finally merged into Siemens in 1970. Ever since its evolution Siemens have been at the forefront of developing leading edge electrical and electronics products and systems, serving diversified markets worldwide. It has a strong global presence having sales and service facilities in more then 190 countries and with 39 production facilities outside Germany with worldwide man power strength of bout 4lakhs. To continue with the pioneering research and to stay ahead in the field of electrical and electronic technology, Siemens put strong emphasis on research and development. On an average Siemens spend DM35 millions on a day on R&D and has its R&D centers in Europe and USA apart from Germany.
PROJECT DETAILS The project deals in concern with the networking and data communication of various computer systems and gives a complete analysis of the working of different systems within a LAN connection. The project deals with various networking criterias and protocols which are used nowadays in the field of networking. It clearly manifests out various kinds of topologies and connections that are required for. The efficient working of the mentioned field The project the networks on the basis of their features and characteristics and enumerates them quite prodigiously, It is also discuss about the various transmission Medias available. In the end the project takes a case view and prepares an intellectual report on the working and connectivity of a renowned IT sector enterprise. The project is prepared in regards of the view of the networking system as in perception of the working of network in the branch office of Siemens in guragaon.
Introduction Network criteria Protocols Local area network Network categories Network connections Physical topologies Transmission media SISPL networking SISPL connectivity over various cities and countries
INTRODUCTION Networking is a practice of linking two or more computing devices together for the purpose of sharing data. Networks are built with the mixture of computer hardware and computer software.
The term communication refers to the sharing of information between local individuals. The term telecommunication typically includes telephony telegraphy and television and other means of communication. The word data refers to the facts concepts instructions presented in whatever form agreed upon by the parties creating and using the data. In the context of computer information systems data are represented by binary information units produced or consumed in the form of 0s and 1s. Data communication is the exchange of data between two devices via some form of transmission medium. Data communication is considered local if the communicating devices are in the same building or a similarly restricted geographical area and is considered remote if the devices are farther apart. NETWORKS A network is a set of devices connected by media links. A node can be a computer printer or any other devices capable of sending or recievinf data generated by other nodes on the network. The links connection devices are often called communiation networks.
The International standard organization is a multinational body whose membership is drawn mainly from the standards creation committees if various governments throughout the world. The ISO is an organization dedicated to worldwide agreement on international standards in a variety of fields. ITU-T ITU-T is a consultative committee for International telegraphy and telephony. This committee was devoted for the research and establishment of standards for telecommunications UnionTelecommunication standards sector. The best known ITU-T standards are: The V series which define the data transmission over the phone lines . The X series which define transmission over public digital networks email directory and services and the integrated services digital network which include the other series and defines the emerging international digital network. ANSI American national standards institute is a completely private nonprofit corporation not affiliated with the US federal government. However all the ANSI activities are taken with the welfare of the United States and its citizens as the primary importance. ANSI submits proposals to the ITU-T and is designated voting member from the United states to the ISO. Similar services are provided in the European community and European telecommunications satandards institute. IEEE The institute of electrical engineers is the largest professional engineering society in the world. International in scope it aims at
the advancement and creativity and product quality in the fields of electrical engineering. As one of the goals the IEEE oversees the development and adoption of the international standards for computing and communication. It sponsored an important standard for local area network called project 802 which is one of the most important parameter in the field of lan and networking. IETF The international society and the internet engineering task force are concerned with speeding the growth and evolution of the internet communications. The internet society concentrates on user issues including enhancements to the TCP/IP protocol suite. The IETF is the standard body for the internet itself. It reviews internet software and hardware.important contributions include the development of simple network management protocol and the review performance standards for bridges routers and router protocols.
A network must be able to meet a certain number of criteria. The most important of them are performance, reliability and security. PERFORMANCE Performance can be measured in a number of ways, including transit time and response time. Transit time is the amount of time required for a message to travel from one device to another. Response time is the elapsed time inquiry and response. The performance of a network depends on number of factors, including the number of users, the type of transmission medium, hardware and the software. RELIABILITY In addition to the accuracy of delivery, network reliability is measured by the frequency of failure, the time it takes a link to recover from a failure and the networks robustness in catastrophe. SECURITY Network security issues include protecting data from unauthorized access.
Typical properties
It is difficult to generalize about protocols because they vary so greatly in purpose and sophistication. Most protocols specify one or more of the following properties:
Detection of the underlying physical connection (wired or wireless), or the existence of the other endpoint or node Handshaking Negotiation of various connection characteristics How to start and end a message How to format a message What to do with corrupted or improperly formatted messages (error correction) How to detect unexpected loss of the connection, and what to do next Termination of the session or connection.
Common Protocols
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) IP (Internet protocol)
upper layer protocol slower layer protocolsTCP/IP reference model Pysical (layer 1), Data link (layer 2), Network (layer 3), Transport (layer 4) and Application (layer 5).
Organization of layers The five layers can be thought as belonging to three subgroups, Layers 1,2 and 3- physical, data link, network are the network support layers: they deal with the physical aspects of moving data from one layer to another such as electrical specifications, physical connections, physical addressing and transport timing and reliability. Layer 5- application- can be thought of as the user support layer: it allows interoperability among unrelated software systems. Layer 4 is the transport layer, it links the two subgroups and ensures that what lower layers have transmitted is in a form that upper layers can use.
The physical layer The physical layer coordinates the functions required to transmit a bit
stream over a physical medium. It deals with the mechanical and electrical specification of the interface and transmission media. It also defines the procedures and functions that physical devices and interfaces have to perform for transmission to occur. The major duties of physical layer are: It defines the physical characteristics of interfaces and media. Representation of bits: the physical layer data consists of streams of bits without any interpretation. To be transmitted, bits must be encoded into signals- electrical or optical. The physical layer defines the type of representation. (how 0 and 1 are changed to signals.) Data rate the transmission rate is defined by physical layer. Synchronization of bits ie sender and receiver clock synchronization is done at this level.
Data link layer The data link layer transforms the physical layer, a raw transmission facility, to a reliable link. It makes the physical layer appear error free to upper layers.
Framing the data link layer divides the stream of bits received from the network layer into manageable data units called frames. Physical addressing - the data link layer adds a header to the frame to define the sender or receiver of the frame. Flow control - this layer imposes a flow control mechanism. Error control adds mechanism for error detection and control.
Access control it decides the access control for the given link.
Network layer This layer is responsible for the source to destination delivery of a packet possibly across multiple networks. Whereas the data link layer oversees the delivery of packet between two systems on the same network. The network layer ensures that the packet gets from its point of origin to its final destination. If two systems are connected to the same link, there is no need of network layer. However if the two systems are connected to different networks then this layer is very essential. Logical addressing the physical addressing handled by the data link layer handles the addressing problem locally. If a packet passes the network boundary, we need another addressing system to help distinguish the source and destination systems.
Transport layer The transport layer is responsible for process to process delivery of the entire message. Whereas the network layer oversees the host to destination delivery of individual packets. It does not recognize any relationship between those packets. It treats each one independently, as though each piece belonged to a separate message. Whereas the transport layer, on the other hand, ensures the whole message arrives in order, overseeing both error control and flow control at process to process level.
Port addressing computers often run several processes at the same time. For this reason, process to process delivery means delivery not only from one computer to another but also from specific process on one computer to the specific process on other computer. The transport layer header must include a type of address called port address. Segmentation and reassembly a message is divided into transmittable segments, each segment containing a sequence number. These no.s enable the transport layer to reassemble the message correctly upon arrival at the destination and to identify and replace the packets that were lost or damaged. Connection control the transport layer can be either connectionless or connection oriented. A connectionless transport layer treats each segment as an independent packet and delivers it to the transport layer at destination machine. Flow control flow control is performed at end to end level rather than to single link. Error control error control is performed end to end rather than a single link.
Application layer The application layer enables the user, the access to network resources. It provides user interfaces and support for services. Mail services. File transfer access. Remote login. Accessing world wide web
Local area network(LAN)- usually privately owned and links the devices in a single office, building or a campus. The resources to be shared includes software like operating system, hardware like printer or data. Traditionally LAN have data rate in 4 to 16 Mbps ( megabits per second). However today 10 Gbps is also achieved using gigabyte technology. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)- designed to extend over the whole city. It may be a single network for e.g. a single cable TV network connecting the whole city or it may be many LANs connected to form a MAN. Wide Area Network (WAN)- It provides long distance transmission of data over large geographic area like connecting a country, countries or whole world.
Point to point A point to point connection provides a dedicated link between two devices. The entire capacity of the link is reserved for the transmission between the two devices. The link may be through wire like twisted pair cable or wireless for e.g. Infrared link.
Multipoint A multipoint (also called multidrop) connection is one in which more than two specific devices share a single link. Capacity of the channel is shared, either spatially or temporally. If several devices use the same link simultaneously, it is a spatially shared connection. If users must take turns it is a timeshare connection.
The term physical topology refers to the way in which a network is laid out physically. Two or more devices connect to a link; two or more links form a topology. The topology of a network is the geometric representation of the relationship of all the links and linking devices to one another. There are four basic topologies possible mesh, star, bus and link. Mesh In mesh topology, every device has a dedicated point to point link to every other device.
Node1 Node 2
Node 3
A fully connected mesh network has n(n-1)/2 links for n nodes and have n-1 ports. Advantages Dedicated links gurantees that each connection can carry its own data load, thus eliminating traffic problems. If one link becomes unstable, it does not incapacitate the whole network. Privacy and security, as each link carries its own data. Fault identification and fault isolation easy. Disadvantages More cabling and I/O ports are required. Installation and reconnection difficult. Star In a star topology, each device has a dedicated point to point link only to a central controller, usually called a hub. The devices are not directly linked to each other.
Advantages Less expensive than mesh topology. Easy to install and configure. Robustness: if one link fails other still works. Easy fault detection and isolation. Bus Bus topology is multipoint. One long cable acts as a backbone to link all the devices in a network. Nods are connected to the bus cable by drop lines and taps.
Ring In a ring topology, each device has a dedicated point to point connection only with the two devices on either side of it. A signal is passed along the ring in one direction, from device to device until it reaches its destination.
The media required between two devices to exchange data or the path from where the data travels is called transmission media. The media could be guided like wires or unguided like air.
Guided media Media which provide conduit from one device to another, include twisted pair cable, coaxial cable and fiber optic cable. Twisted pair cables Consists of two conductors (normally copper), each with its own plastic insulation, twisted together. One of the wire carry the signal while other acts as a reference only. Since the wires are twisted and the signal is calculated by their difference so disturbance added to the pair would nullify.
Twisting makes it possible that both the wires are equally exposed to noise.
Categories of unshielded twisted-pair cables Category bandwidth Data rate Digital/analog 1 Very low <100 Kbps Analog Analog/digital 2 <2 Mhz 2 Mbps 3 16 Mhz 10 Mbps Digital 4 20 Mhz 20 Mbps Digital 5 100 Mhz 100 Mbps Digital 6 (draft) 200 Mhz 200 Mbps Digital 7 (draft) 600 Mhz 600 Mbps Digital
The twisted pair could be unshielded twisted pair (UTP) or shielded twisted pair (STP). UTP, STP, SCTP, FTP
Standed and Solid Both UTP and STP come in stranded and solid wire varieties. The stranded wire is the most common and is also very flexible for bending around corners. Solid wire cable has less attenuation and can span longer distances, but is less flexible than stranded wire and cannot be repeatedly bent.
Shielded and
Category 5 cable Category 5 cable, commonly known as Cat 5, is a twisted pair cable type designed for high signal integrity. Many such cables are unshielded but some are shielded. Category 5 has been superseded by the Category 5e specification. This type of cable is often used in structured cabling for computer networks such as Ethernet, and is also used to carry many other signals such as basic voice services, token ring, and ATM (at up to 155 Mbit/s, over short distances).
CAT 5 cable
Category 5 cable includes four twisted pairs in a single cable jacket. This use of balanced lines helps preserve a high signal-to-noise ratio despite interference from both external sources and other pairs (this latter form of interference is called crosstalk). It is most commonly used for 100 Mbit/s networks, such as 100BASE-TX Ethernet, although
IEEE 802.3ab defines standards for 1000BASE-T - Gigabit Ethernet over category 5 cable. Cat 5 cable typically has three twists per inch of each twisted pair of 24 gauge copper wires within the cable. Cat 5e Cat 5e cable is an enhanced version of Cat 5 that adds specifications for far end crosstalk. the tighter specifications associated with Cat 5e cable and connectors make it an excellent choice for use with 1000BASE-T. Despite the stricter performance specifications, Cat 5e cable does not enable longer cable distances for Ethernet networks: cables are still limited to a maximum of 100 m (328 ft) in length (normal practice is to limit fixed ("horizontal") cables to 90 m to allow for up to 5 m of patch cable at each end). Applications Twisted pair cables are used in telephone lines to provide voice and data channels. The local loop the line that connects subscriber to central telephone office is basically twisted pair cable. LAN use twisted pair like 10BASE-T meaning Speed 10Mbps BASE- baseband T- twisted pair Limitations They could be used upto 100 mtr of distance only.
Coxial cable Carries signals of higher frequency ranges than twisted pair cable. It has a central core conductor of solid wire usually enclosed in an insulating sheath which is again enclosed in a casing of wire mesh (to reduce attenuation) which is again then insulated. In these wires attenuation is much higher as compared to twisted pair and repeaters are needed frequently. Cable TV networks basically use coaxial cables. Fiber optic cable It is made up of glass or plastic and transmits signals in the form of light. The glass part is covered by a clad coating of a rarer material, light rays enter the narrow tube of glass and the ray gets reflected as the critical angle is set such that normally the angle of incidence is greater than the critical angle and the ray reflects and moves further through the tube to finally reach the destination. Fibre optic cable is available in three basic forms:
Stepped-index fiber In this type of fibre, the core has a uniform refractive index throughout. This generally has a core diameter of to . This is a multi-mode fibre.
2. Graded-index fibre. In this type of fibre, the core has a refractive index that gradually decreases as the distance from the centre of the fibre increases. This generally has a core diameter of . This is a multi-mode fibre.
3 Mono-mode fibre. As the name suggests, the distinguishing characteristic of this fibre is that allows only a single ray path. The radius of the core of this type of fibre is much less than that of the other two, however it does have a uniform refractive index.
Figure: Mono-mode
individually sent and delivered. As with other IEEE 802 LANs, each Ethernet station is given a single 48-bit MAC address, which is used both to specify the destination and the source of each data packet. Network interface cards (NICs) or chips normally do not accept packets addressed to other Ethernet stations. Adapters generally come programmed with a globally unique address, but this can be overridden, either to avoid an address change when an adapter is replaced, or to use locally administered addresses. Despite the very significant changes in Ethernet from a thick coaxial cable bus running at 10 Mbit/s to point-to-point links running at 1 Gbit/s and beyond, all generations of Ethernet (excluding very early experimental versions) share the same frame formats (and hence the same interface for higher layers), and can be readily (and in most cases, cheaply) interconnected. Due to the ubiquity of Ethernet, the ever-decreasing cost of the hardware needed to support it, and the reduced panel space needed by twisted pair Ethernet, most manufacturers now build the functionality of an Ethernet card directly into PC motherboards, obviating the need for installation of a separate network card. A computer connected to via a LAN to the internet needs all five layers of the internet model. The three upper layers (network, transport and application) are common to all LANs. Logical link control (LLC) Medium access control sublayer (MAC) LAN differ only in there MAC sub layer and in their physical layers. Addressing Network interface card (NIC).06-01-02-01-2C-4B
The identifier used in network layer of the network layer of the internet model to identify each device connected to the internet is called the internet address or IP address. An IP address in the current version of protocol is a 32 bit binary address that uniquely and universally defines the connection of a host or a router to the internet. The IP addresses are unique. The IP addresses are universal
Router computer networking deviceroutingA router is a device that determines the proper path for data packets to travel between networks. Routers connect networks together; a LAN to a WAN for example, to access the Internet. Routers use headers and routing tables to determine the best path for the packets to follow. Protocols such as ICMP are used by routers to communicate with each other and configure the best route between any two hosts or nodes on a network. They connect networks that are not directly connected to each other. They should not be confused with hubs that simply rebroadcast packets or switches which by paying attention to the traffic that comes across it, "learn" where particular addresses are.
Repeaters A repeater is an electronic device that receives a weak or low-level signal and retransmits it at a higher level or higher power, so that the signal can cover longer distances without degradation.
The term "repeater" originated with telegraphy and referred to an electromechanical device used to regenerate telegraph signals. Use of the term has continued in telephony and data communications. In telecommunication, the term repeater has the following standardized meanings:
1. 2.
An analog device that amplifies an input signal regardless of its nature (analog or digital). A digital device that amplifies, reshapes, retimes, or performs a combination of any of these functions on a digital input signal for retransmission.
Network bridge A network bridge connects multiple network segments at the data link layer (layer 2) of the OSI model. Bridges are similar to repeaters or network hubs, devices that connect network segments at the physical layer, however a bridge works by using bridging where traffic from one network is managed rather than simply rebroadcast to adjacent network segments. Bridges learn where the devices are and by MAC addresses do not forward packets across segments which do not require them. Network hubs Multiport ethernet repeaters become hub. Network switch In networking, a switch is a small device that joins multiple computers together at a low-level network protocol layer. Technically, network switches operate at Layer Two (Data Link Layer) of the OSI model.
Hubs operate using a broadcast model and switches operate using a virtual circuit model. When four computers are connected to a hub, for example, and two of those computers communicate with each other, hubs simply pass through all network traffic to each of the four computers. Switches, on the other hand, are capable of determining the destination of each individual traffic element (such as an Ethernet frame) and selectively forwarding data to the one computer that actually needs it. By generating less network traffic in delivering messages, a switch performs better than a hub on busy networks.
Here in SISPL office (Gurgaon), windows domain is used by all the employees. Where they have there accounts and access to the network is controlled using these accounts. The employees have their respective usernames and passwords with which they connect to the network. The basic design In SISPL basically distributed star topology is used. There is a central core switch which acts as the backbone of the network i.e. through this central switch other sub switches are connected just as different routes are connected to the highway. The characteristics of the core switch are: Bandwidth should be high since through it many other lines are connected. Its forwarding rate should be high. The core switch used in Siemens has redundant components i.e. the components which provide backup so that when one of the component fails they compensate for its absence like here we have two CPUs and two power supplies, such that when one of the CPU fails other takes the burden.
Uplink to distribution switch Connection to the server farmWAN (wide area network) are connected to the core switch.
Distribution switches are connected to the core switch and further access switches are connected to the distributed switches. Nodes are finally connected to the access switches. Distribution switch The distribution switches connect the core switch to multiple access switches ie they distribute the LAN. These switches also have high bandwidth.
Access switches The nodes are directly connected to the access switches. The node may be a PC, notebook, printer or any network device.
In SISPL (Gurgaon sec. 29), SISPL (sec. 21 IFFCO tower) and SISPL (Udyog Vihar) the switches used are as follows Core switch Modular Passport 8006 series by Nortel is being used. It is a six slot modular switchIt delivers 50-128 Gbps switching capacity. Two CPUsTwo slots are provided with 32 port-10/100 Mbps module and 16 port-1000 Mbps module. The two other slots are empty for future expansion. Two power supplies are provided to the switch such that they act as backup for each other.
performance, high-density Layer 2 or Layer 3 Ethernet switching solutions at wire speed. It is the ideal platform for network managers wishing to deploy eBusiness and Internet Telephony applications in an Open IP environment. The Passport 8006 offers unprecedented levels of resilience and availability with its distributed switching architecture and provides investment protection by supporting seamless integration of Ethernet Layer 2 and Layer 3 switching technology, routing switch technology, LAN/MAN/WAN connectivity, while delivering 50-128Gbps switching capacity today and up to 128-256Gbps in the future (switch modules determine maximum capacity).
Distribution switch Nortel 425-24 port switch It is a 24 port switch with 16 Gbps switching speed. In SISPL(Gurgaon office) two such switches are connected to the core switch i.e. to the modular passport 8006. Two floors are connected ( 2nd and 3rd) . Core switch is there at the 2nd floor and the two distribution switches are connected at the 2nd and 3rd floor respectively. Access switch Fifteen Nortel 425-24 port switch are connected to the distribution switch. Eight are connected at 2nd floor and other seven are connected at 3rd floor respectively.
The cable denoted by is a 45 Mbps line and the line denoted by i.e. by dotted line is a 10 Mbps stand by line which is used when the 45 Mbps line is not working due to some technical problems.
Each station on an Ethernet network (such as PC, workstation, or printer) has its own The NIC fits inside the station and provides the station with 6 byte physical address. The Ethernet address is 6 bytes (48 bits) and normally written in hexadecimal notation unicast, multicast and broadcast addresses For e.g. the frame comes from only one station. The destination address however can be unicast, multicast or broadcast. destination address defines only one recipient: the relationship between the sender and receiver is one to one. A destination address defines a group of addresses; the relationship between the sender and receiver is one to many. The address is a special case of multicast address; the recipients are all the stations on the network. A destination broadcast address is forty eight ones. in the sense that each address defines one and only one connection to the internet. In the sense that the addressing system must be accepted by any host that wants to be connected to the internet. A router is a device that determines the proper path for data packets to travel between different networks, toward their destinations. This process is known as routing When four computers are connected to a hub, for example, and two of those computers communicate with each other, hubs simply pass through all network traffic to each of the four computers. Switches, on the other hand, are capable of determining the destination of each individual traffic element (such as an Ethernet
frame) and selectively forwarding data to the one computer that actually needs it. By generating less network traffic in delivering messages, a switch performs better than a hub on busy networks. In certain applications where even a small loss of time due to the problems in core switch leads to losses, there two core switches are connected back to back such that when one switch fails the other takes on. Such kinds of applications are known as like in defense etc. the switch has six slots that can accommodate upto six modules ie the number of modules connected can be varied from one to six. In Siemens two of the slots are provided with respectively where the two CPU provide back up to each other. Cabling is done by twisted pair cable.
SISPL OFFICE IS CONNECTED TO THE SISL(IFFCO TOWER) AND SISPL(UDYOG VIHAR) THROUGH LEASE LINES MAINTAINED BY SOME SERVICE PROVIDERUSING SISPL Gurgaon, Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore, Pune and countries like Germany etc. are all connected with each other through a connectivity ring provided by an international company
Earlier each office was connected directly to other office creating a complex network but now all the offices across different cities are connected directly to the connectivity ring which is nothing but a type of circular path provided.
The internet in SISPL (Gurgaon) office is connected through a router and a firewall, which is then connected to the core switch. As we know that the core switch acts as the backbone of the network here, so all the WAN and internet connections are done through the core switch. All the internet connections which have to be made by the user are made with the access of the proxy server i.e. the proxy server provides the users with the internet accounts and connections. Firewall handles all the security matter through the internet ie it contains a set of rules or policy that decide the boundry wall for the security of the companys data i.e. it checks the incoming and the outgoing data and blocks the content or viruses according to the company specifications. The content filter server checks and filters the content on the internet that is accessed by the company user. It decides which sites and data to be blocked.
In Gurgaon SISPL office the primary line is of 6 Mbps and the secondary line is of 4Mbps. Secondary line is used when there occurs some problem in primary wire. POP stands for point of presence i.e. it is a point on the connectivity ring at which the connection is made between the ring and the offices.