Lifestyle Vision Board: Manifest and Brainstorm With This Whiteboard

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Manifest and
brainstorm with
this whiteboard

Add ideas to
this sticky note
Add ideas to
this sticky note

Vision Board
This presentation is optimized for whiteboard use

Idea Board

Dream Interiors

Agenda Travel Goals

Career Path
Tip: Use links to go to a different page inside your

How: Highlight text, click on the link symbol on the Self-Care Practices
toolbar, and select the page in your presentation
you want to connect.

Vision Board Summary

This vision board is designed to empower you to
personally take ownership of your life direction.

Take the first step, turn your future dreams into a

reality by visualizing and manifesting them through
this vision board!

Back to Agenda Page

Idea Board
Your vision starts within you!
Make sure that you bring out the best in
you by first curating affirming thoughts,
brilliant ideas, and favorite quotes using
the idea board on the next page.

Back to Agenda Page

Right-click on the background of the
1 slide, or on the thumbnail below, for
the option to expand this page into a
whiteboard for more space.

Unleash your ideas! Give yourself a

2 time limit, during which you'll only be
focusing on the idea board.
Write your thoughts
here. Copy and paste
to duplicate this
Think of this page as a quick journal sticky note or press
"S" as a keyboard
3 page and use the sticky notes to
express yourself!

Drag and drop your photo or video!

Click the sample photo or video
4 and delete. Select yours from the
Uploads tab, drag, and then drop
inside the frame!

Dedicate a space for your favorite Write the things you Write something that
inspirational quote. are thankful for made you happy

"Add the inspirational quote or

mantra that you live by here"
Back to Agenda Page
Dream Interiors
Don't be afraid to envision your dream home!
Unleash your creativity -- list down the palettes,
furniture, wallpapers, and interior that you want
for your future using the board on the next page.

Back to Agenda Page

Visualizing your Main Bedroom

dream home is the first

step to realization.
Bathroom Library
Write a reminder or Just copy and paste
additional ideas here to duplicate this
sticky note or press
"S" as a keyboard

Living and Dining Room Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2

Right-click on the background of the
slide, or on the thumbnail below, for the
option to expand this page into a
whiteboard for more space.

Drag and drop your photo or video!

Click the sample photo or video and Office
delete. Select yours from the Uploads
tab, drag, and then drop inside the frame!

Back to Agenda Page

Traveling can be
an enriching and
fulfilling adventure.

Goals Collate in the following

page all the destinations
you want to visit!
Back to Agenda Page
Right-click on the background of the slide, or on Drag and drop your photo or video! Click the sample
1 the thumbnail below, for the option to expand this 2 photo or video and delete. Select yours from the Back to Agenda Page
page into a whiteboard for more space. Uploads tab, drag, and then drop inside the frame!

3 Places I've Seen 4 Places I Plan To Visit 5 Places I Am Interested In

Write travel
notes here

Just copy and paste

duplicate this

sticky note or press

"S" as a keyboard
Career Path
Deciding on your career path can be challenging.
Allot a part of your vision board to brainstorming
for the right profession for you!

Use this Venn Diagram to find the ideal job that is both
practical and is something you love and are good at.

Back to Agenda Page

Write a potential
Right-click on the background of the profession here
slide, or on the thumbnail below, for
the option to expand this page into a
whiteboard for more space.

2 Write a potential Write a potential

profession here
profession here

List down all the professions you

Jobs I Am
could think of based on the prompts
in the corresponding circle and Passionate About
identify your ideal job.

Build your chart or diagram faster! WRITE THE IDEAL
Right-click on any of the shapes,
enable quick flow, and click the plus
signs to add corresponding shapes.
Jobs I Am Jobs That
Write a potential
Good At Pay Well Write a potential
Write comments, Just copy and profession here profession here
ideas, or reminders paste to duplicate
here this sticky note or
press "S" as a
keyboard shortcut

Back to Agenda Page

It is important to be in one's best mindset

when working on your life visions. To ensure
that all aspects of your wellbeing is taken
care of, make self-care practices part

Practices of your routine.

Use the following idea page to list down

self-care practices that you wish to
incorporate into your daily life.
Back to Agenda Page
Back to Agenda Page

Write a self-care
Write a self-care practice here
practice here

Just copy and

paste to duplicate
this sticky note or
press "S" as a
keyboard shortcut

Write a self-care
practice here Write a self-care Write a self-care Write a self-care
practice here practice here practice here

Right-click on the background of the slide, or on the thumbnail below, List down all the self-care practices that you can think of
for the option to expand this page into a whiteboard for more space. and encircle the ones that work best for you.

1 2
Add your action

My 2025
item here and
your schedule for
achieving it.

Vision Board
Insert an affirming
thought or mantra.
Just copy and paste
to duplicate this
sticky note or press
"S" as a keyboard

Back to Agenda Page

Add a verbal
declaration of
1 2
your goals.

Manifest all your visions!

From all the ideas that you've
Download this vision board
listed down, pin here the ones
summary and use it as a
that you want to pursue and
desktop wallpaper to help
turn into your reality!
you keep inspired every day.
Use these whiteboard design resources in your Canva

Resource Page Presentation. To access more of these elements, right-click and

expand any page into a whiteboard then check out the elements
tab. Happy designing! Delete or hide this page before presenting.
Resource Page Use these design resources in your Canva Presentation.
Happy designing! Delete or hide this page before presenting.
Resource Page
Find the magic and fun in presenting with Canva Presentations.
Press the following keys while on Present mode!
Delete or hide this page before presenting.

B FOR BLUR C for confetti D for a drumroll M for mic drop

Any number from

O for bubbles Q for quiet U for unveil
0-9 for a timer

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