Wizard - Warm Up and Closing Activities

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Warm up and closing activities

Who is Who Hot Potato

Distribua as tabelas (kit pedagógico) e Categories: animals, food, countries, movies, adjectives,
peça aos alunos uma short story com verbs, etc.
dois ou três personagens. O objetivo é
que os alunos usem adjetivos.
Dice Question:
(how, why, how often, how many, how Have you set any goals for this semester? Which ones?
much, what)
Students are supposed to roll the dice and
ask questions using something he/she
learned in the lesson of the day.
Stop or Adedonha Image builder
The teacher provides a piece of paper Kit pedagógico
with the categories stablished
(Paloma will print the table.)
What do you know about … Bag with surprising item
Set a three-minute time limit and in Teacher has a bag with some items in it. Students, using
groups have students think an write down their hands only, are supposed to guess what item is that.
as many facts as they can about … (the Teacher must choose his own items to put in the bag.
teacher chooses the topics – USA,
mammals, some curiosity they know,
movies, tv shows, etc. ) then, students
share what they wrote.
Alphabet Name ten
Have students work in pairs with a set of Have students think of 10 items that fit particular criteria.
cut out alphabets folded where student A For example:
will have to pick an alphabet picked by  Jobs where you have to wear a uniform
student B. The third step is completed by  English football clubs
student A making a sentence that uses at  Sports that are played with a ball
least five words including the word  Foods that contain egg
which has been selected by student B.  Animals that lay eggs
E.g. student A has picked the alphabet  Three letter parts of the body – eye, arm, leg, hip,
“G”; student B uses the “G” alphabet in ear, toe jaw, rib, lip, gum
the word “GLOBAL”; student A
completes the round by making a The teacher must provide the students some sheet of
sentence. paper.
Describing a picture Telling time
Gather together some pictures (Kit Teachers draw a big clock face on the board and then
pedagógicor). Students take it in turns to dividing it down the middle. On the left side, the teacher
sit in front of the class. They choose a writes to and on the right side past. Then the teacher
picture and describe the contents of the adds o’clock at the top, half past at the bottom
picture to the class. Invite other students and quarter to and quarter past on each side.
to ask the describer for more details. The teacher says the time and asks students to draw the
Their goal is to try and form in their own established time on the clock.
minds a picture as close to the original as
After two or three minutes, ask whether
the students believe the picture to be real,
or if the describer was creating an
imaginary picture.
(The teacher advises the first student to
describe the real picture of the “image
builder” or only to create a fake one.)

Stand up if you’ve never… Eye spy

Students have to think of three things A student starts and says I spy with my little eye
they have done, which nobody else has, something beginning with… and after identifying a
write them on a piece of paper and then suitable noun in the local environment, names the letter of
challenge the others to “stand up if you the alphabet which it begins with, for example, S. The
have never” … If the student is the only other students take it in turns to try to guess what the
one standing then they get a point. student  has seen spider, socks, sun, sandals, etc. If/when
a student correctly identifies the object, he or she chooses
the next object. If it starts to drag on, have the student
give little hints to help the others out.

Word association Bankrupt 1

Students sit in a circle and the first Collect the vocabulary flashcards you aim to revise, and
student says any word which comes to at the back, write an amount of money, like $50, $100 and
mind. The next student must say a word so on. One of the flashcards must say “bankrupt” and
which somehow relates to the previous another “donation”. Stick the flashcards on the board.
word. For example, orange, apple, snow Divide the classroom into two groups. Students take turns
white, Disney, Hollywood, Tom Cruise, to choose one of the flashcards, say the item and give a
etc. the student who gets a word not sentence using the word. If they say it right, they gain the
correctly is out. amount of money at the back. If it says “bankrupt”, you
erase the money they had won and if it says “donation”
they must donate all the money to the other group.
(The teacher must select the vocabulary he/she wants
to revise.
Single question surveys Question
Each student is armed with questions If you could turn invisible, what would you do?
which they have to ask each of the other
students in turn. The grammar point will
be superlative. Give each student their
question, for example in a cut-up form
(Paloma will print them), or have them
come up with the questions themselves
and then decide who will ask which
question. Students then circulate and ask
the other students their question.
When the surveys have been completed,
have the students sit back down and give
a report to the class.
Getting to know each other survey Getting to know each other survey - part 2
Teacher provides the students with the For the closing, the students will share the information
questions for the interview. There are 16 they got from their classmates.
questions; Paloma will print those
What’s the movie? – how to talk about Complete the sentence…
a story A few days ago, I decided to…
The teacher thinks of a popular film and
say some present simple sentences
describing the plot and setting. For
It’s set on a big ship
It stars Leo DiCaprio and Kate Winslett
Kate Winslett plays a bored, rich
American girl
It takes place in the early 1900s
It’s about a rich girl and a poor boy who
fall in love
Unfortunately, the ship sinks and the boy
At the end, the girl, who is now an old
lady, revisits the scene of the tragedy.

Students try to guess the film (not too

difficult) and then in pairs or alone write
some similar sentences to describe their
own choice of movie. The class then tries
to guess each other’s choices.
What’s in your fridge? Talking time
Write the name of each student on the The teacher chooses a student, advanced one if possible,
board and underneath their name mark (in the beginning of the class) to present a topic he/she
three lives, like this I I I. learned in the class and discuss it with classmates. If the
Students take it in turns to guess what student is a beginner, he/she must provide sentences or
objects you may or may not have in your questions.
fridge / living room / office, etc by
asking questions like is there a bottle of
orange juice? are there any eggs?
If the student guesses correctly, move on
to the next student, if they’re wrong then
erase one of their lives and move on. If
students don’t give an answer in 30
seconds, the teacher erases a life.
Keep track of vocabulary items which
have already been guessed by writing
them on the board. The last player to still
have a life is the winner.

Simon Says Acting Adverbs

Stand in front of the class. Divide the board in two and write as many verbs on one
Do an action and say Simon Says side and as many adverbs on the other as you can (get the
[action]. The students must copy what class to come up with them). Then divide the class into
you do. two teams Then get one team to choose a verb and adverb
kRepeat this process choosing different combination and the other team has to act it out, e.g. talk
actions. Then do an action but this time crazily.
say only the action and omit ‘Simon
Says’. Whoever does the action this time
is out and must sit down.
The winner is the last student standing.
To make it harder, speed up the actions.

What's the Meaning? Image Builder

The teacher needs a dictionary to do this
Choose a word, based on the group level,
unknown to the students.
Without using a dictionary, your students
write down a definition. Allow them a
few minutes to think and write.
Collect the definitions and read them
When you have finished reading, they
will have to vote which of those is the
correct one. (It doesn't matter if none of
them is the correct one) 
After they have voted and none of the
groups guessed the meaning, you read the
correct one aloud.

Good Morning Beep Game

You have three different coloured piece Have students in a circle. The first student must begin
of papers, (they should be provided by counting from 1, and each student in turn calls out the
the school). next number. However, every 4th number must be
Get the class to make a circle. replaced by the word "beep". Following a "beep", the next
Then give three people a piece of paper. student in line must call out the next number, and not the
Red – Good Morning!? How are you? number that has been replaced. For example, 1, 2, 3, beep,
Green - What are you doing today? 5, 6, 7, beep, 9 etc.
Blue – What did you do last night? If a student hesitates too much or makes a mistake, he/she
The class members pass the piece of must sit down, so eventually only one student remains.
paper and answers the question, the Whenever a student sits down, begin from 1 again.
person who receives them says the what
the question is.

Explain… Tic tac toe

You won a motorcycle and you are Draw a Tic Tac Toe grid on the board and write in each
planning to embark on a voyage. Explain square one of the items to be reviewed. (Numbers, days of
where you go. the week, months of the year, time, prepositions, etc.)
The teacher chooses two students at a time to take turns
and choose a square. The player makes a sentence using
the chosen word in the correct form. If the sentence is
correct, place an X or O. The winner is the player which
manages to connect three Xs or Os in a row – either
horizontally, vertically or diagonally.
A Vocabulary Game Spin around 1
Divide the group into two teams. One The questions are in room 1 and 2 (Paloma will make
student from each team comes to the copies)
front. The teacher says "how do you
say..." and show a picture from (kit
pedagógico), or vocabulary you want to
review, the first student to give the
answer is the winner. He remains
standing and the other one sits down.

Bingo with Irregular Verbs Can You Find What Is Different?

The teacher provides a table with Ask a volunteer to go out of the classroom. While the
irregular verbs in the past participle tense student is out of the room, the other students change their
in each square. (Paloma with make sweaters, shoes, coats and so on. Bring the student who
copies). The teacher then calls out the went out of the classroom back inside. He/she has to
verbs in their present tense form until a guess the differences.
student gets five in a diagonal or
horizontal row. Bingo! 

Question Catching up on your ABC's

How would you feel if you had to spend Write the alphabet on the board, if you have beginners on
a couple of months in jail? your group. Throw a bean bag or any object to someone
and say a word beginning with the letter A. This person
must catch the bean bag, say a word beginning with the
letter B and then throw it to another person and so on.
The game is meant to be played fast. There are many
ways to change the game to make it adaptable to your
level of students.

Bankrupt 2 Question
Collect the vocabulary flashcards you
aim to revise, and stick behind them an Who is the person you know who is the worst at keeping
amount of money, like $50, $100 and so secrets?
on. One of them should say “bankrupt”
and another “donation”. Stick the
flashcards on the board. Divide the
classroom into two groups. Students take
turns to choose one of the flashcards, say
the item and give a sentence using the
word. If they say it right, they gain the
amount of money at the back. If it says
“bankrupt”, you erase the money they
had won and if it says “donation” they
must donate all the money to the other
(The teacher must select the
vocabulary he/she wants to revise.)
Fold-over Stories Group Dialogue
On a sheet of blank paper, write the Each student must say a word associated with the word
following words in a vertical line: WHO, mentioned by the person before him or her. Have them
WHAT, HOW, WHERE, WHEN, WHY. repeat the same procedure but with complete sentences,
Explain that everyone will be writing a as if it were a discussion between two people. For
sentence story. Fold the paper over then example: student 1, "Hi how are you Joe?"; student 2,
pass the paper to the person on their "Oh pretty good Sue. How about you?"; student 3, " Well,
right. not so good."; student 4, " Why not?", etc. The dialogue
The student writes on the received paper must proceed in such a way that the last person concludes
what the subject did (suggest funny or the discussion and they say each other goodbye.
outrageous actions), fold it over and pass
it on to the right.
Continue to write one line, how they did
it (adverbs), fold and pass;
Have one of the students unfold the story,
and read it aloud.

Guess the Letter on Your Back Complete the sentence …

Have one student in front of the class I wouldn’t like to … right now
facing the board. You choose another
student to draw a letter on the back of the
standing student, he/she must guess what
the letter is and give a word starting with
that letter. Do it with all the students in
Prove It Image builder
Give your students one or more Kit pedagógico
statements to prove or disprove. The
statements can tie in with the topic or the
grammar point of the class. Examples:
“Nobody in this class likes winter.
Everyone here can draw very well.” 

Students talk to as many other students as

possible to prove/disprove the statements.
Then they give feedback to the class:
'This statement is not true.
Dice Question
(past, present, future, tag question, You arrive face to face with a person who you owe 100
conditional, negative) dollars to for a long time. What do you say?
Students are supposed to roll the dice and
ask questions using something he/she
learned in the lesson of the day.
Story building A Vocabulary Game
Get students to create 2 characters, 2 Divide the group into two teams. One student from each
locations, 2 verbs. Each roll of the dice team comes to the front. Say "how do you say..." and
continues the story. By the end of the show a picture from (kit pedagógico), or vocabulary you
warm up, they’ll have generated some want to review, the first student to give the answer is the
fun stories. winner. He remains standing and the other one sits down.
Guess the Object Hot Potato
The teacher prepares pieces of papers Categories: animals, food, countries, movies, adjectives,
with the name of objects on them. One verbs, etc.
student pics a piece of paper and
describes it until another student can
guess the object.
"baby", "door" or "car" are good for
beginners. Later on, more complicated
pictures that suggest actions, scenes and
relationships could be used, like: "mother
bathing child".

Word association Who is Who

Students sit in a circle and the first Distribua as tabelas (kit pedagógico) e peça aos alunos
student says any word that comes to uma short story com dois ou três personagens. O
mind. The next student must say a word objetivo é que os alunos usem adjetivos.
that somehow relates to the previous
word. For example, orange, apple, snow
white, Disney, Hollywood, Tom Cruise,
etc. the student who gets a word not
correctly is out.

Acting Adverbs Question

Divide the board in two and write as
many verbs on one side and as many Should young people go to prison if they commit serious
adverbs on the other as you can (get the crimes?
class to come up with them). Then divide
the class into two teams Then get one
team to choose a verb and adverb
combination and the other team has to act
it out, e.g. talk crazily.

Stop or Adedonha Sentence Race

The teacher provides a piece of paper Prepare a list of review vocabulary words.
Write each word on a small piece of paper. Distribute
with the categories stablished
each list of words to students. When you call a word, a
beforehand. student should stand up, run to the board to write a
sentence using that word.
(Paloma will print the table.)
The winner is the one with a correct and clearly written

Spelling Contest Toilet Paper Icebreaker

Teacher takes the toilet paper roll and takes several
The teacher says a word or a sentence squares of toilet paper, then hands the roll of toilet paper
depending on the level for the students to to a student. The teacher tells the student to take some,
spell.  Students should spell correctly more than three squares.
with not even one mistake. The teacher After everybody in the class has some paper, we count the
may reword the winner. squares we have, and then we have to tell that many
things about ourselves, in English.
Two truths and a lie
Have students write 3 sentences about Question
themselves. Two statements should be What’s the biggest lie you’ve ever told?
true and one false, for example:

I used to be an air steward

I can ride a unicycle
My favourite food is sushi

Then, in circle, have the students discuss

and find out what statements are true and
Story Telling Twenty Questions
Ask the students to sit around in a circle.  One student chooses an object, an occupation, or an
Ask one student to say a sentence in a action whichever the teacher decides. Then, students try
story form, e.g "once there was a boy". to discover what it is by asking questions, which can be
The next one will have to repeat that answered by "yes" or "no."
sentence and add something more to it For example, if the subject is "occupations" then the
like, "once there was a boy whose name questions might be like these.
was John". The first student who forgets Do you work in the evenings?
a line, is out of the game. Do you work alone?
Do you work outside?

Survivor Spelling Game Complete

The teacher makes a list of vocabulary You arrive home at midnight, you open the door and ...
covered in previous lessons. Have
students stand. Call out a vocabulary
word. The first student begins by saying
the word and giving the first letter, the
second student the second letter of the
word, the third student the third letter,
and so on until the word is spelled
correctly. If somebody makes a mistake,
they must sit down and we start from the
beginning again until the word is spelled
correctly. The last student must then
pronounce the word correctly and give a
definition in order to stay standing. The
student who is left standing is the
"survivor" and wins the game.

"Tic Tac Toe" 20 True or False Items

Divide the class into two groups. Draw a Print this out and give it to your students, and ask them to
grid of nine squares on the board and comment.
write a number on each square (from 1 to
9). Prepare nine questions and set one
question for each number. The groups
call out the numbers and if they answer
the question correctly, they get the point.

(teachers must select the 9 questions.)

The Miming Game Stand up if you’ve never…
Students have to think of three things they have done,
which nobody else has, write them on a piece of paper
Give each student a sentence that and then challenge the others to “stand up if you have
includes grammar and/ or vocabulary never” … If the student is the only one standing then they
already practiced, and underline the get a point.
words that should be guessed exactly.
One of the students has to mime the
sentence and the other has to guess.

(teachers must select the sentences)

Spin around Question

What secret do you really want to know?

The questions are in room 1 and 2

(Paloma will make copies)

Whispering Game
"Tic Tac Toe"
Have students sit in circle. The teacher
whispers a message to the first student. Divide the class into two groups. Draw a grid of nine
Then each player whispers the message squares on the board and write a number on each square
to the next player successively until the (from 1 to 9). Prepare nine questions and set one question
last player gets the message. The students for each number. The groups call out the numbers and if
then, repeat the message correctly. Start they answer the question correctly, they get the point.
the game over with the second student.
(teachers can revise months of the year, days of the
week, numbers, etc.)
Who Am I? Spelling Contest

Write the names of famous people The teacher says a word or a sentence depending on the
(mixed nationalities) on small pieces of level for the students to spell.  Students should spell
paper. Tape a name on the forehead of correctly with not even one mistake. The teacher may
each student. The individual student reword the winner.
should not see his or her paper, but the
others should. Then, only yes or no
questions should be asked, as, "Am I am
man?" If the answer is yes, I can ask
again, but if the answer is no, it's the next
person's turn. Play until everyone has
guessed who he or she is!

(Paloma will print the names)

Prove It Sentence Race
Give your students one or more Prepare a list of review vocabulary words.
statements to prove or disprove. The Write each word on a small piece of paper. Distribute
statements can tie in with the topic or the each list of words to students. When you call a word, a
grammar point of the class. Examples: student should stand up, run to the board to write a
“Nobody in this class likes winter. sentence using that word.
Everyone here can draw very well.”  The winner is the one with a correct and clearly written
Students talk to as many other students as
possible to prove/disprove the statements.
Then they give feedback to the class:
'This statement is not true.
Words Beginning with a Given Letter Word association
The teacher chooses a letter from the Students sit in a circle and the first student says any word
alphabet. Then each student must say a that comes to mind. The next student must say a word that
word that begins with that letter. If a somehow relates to the previous word. For example,
student repeats a word that has already orange, apple, snow white, Disney, Hollywood, Tom
been said, then he/she is out of the game. Cruise, etc. the student who gets a word not correctly is
The game ends when only one student out.
remains. That student is the winner. In
high-level classes, students lose if they
say a past form of the verb. Example:
see-saw. You can increase the difficulty
by adding a timer. Only allow each
student 5 seconds to think of a word.

Students are supposed to roll the dice and Question
ask a classmate a question about another How are city people and country people different?
classmate, using something he/she
learned in the lesson of the day.
Name ten Complete
Have students think of 10 items that fit I don’t mind …
particular criteria. For example:
 Jobs where you have to wear a
 English football clubs
 Sports that are played with a ball
 Foods that contain egg
 Animals that lay eggs
 Three letter parts of the body
– eye, arm, leg, hip, ear, toe jaw,
rib, lip, gum

The teacher must provide the students

some sheet of paper.

Question Can You Find What Is Different?

Are you a heavy or light sleeper? Ask a volunteer to go out of the classroom. While the
student is out of the room, the other students change their
sweaters, shoes, coats and so on. Bring the student who
went out of the classroom back inside. He/she has to
guess the differences.

Telling time Question

Teachers draw a big clock face on the What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘waiting’?
board and then dividing it down the
middle. On the left side, the teacher
writes to and on the right side past. Then
the teacher adds o’clock at the top, half
past at the bottom and quarter
to and quarter past on each side.
The teacher says the time and asks
students to draw the established time on
the clock, then, the student must ask a
classmate a question related to time.

Painel How many sounds can you hear?

Professores devem explorar o painel da Students sit in silence for two minutes and write down
melhor forma possível, dependendo do every sound that they hear. Let them compare their lists
nível dos alunos em cada aula. with their neighbours before seeing who has the longest
Asking questions list?
Describing the Picture
Finding something
Who is Who Questions
Distribua as tabelas (kit pedagógico) e What smells remind you of your childhood?
peça aos alunos uma short story com
dois ou três personagens. O objetivo é
que os alunos usem adjetivos.
Bingo Question
What made you smile today?
Crazy Story A Vocabulary Game
Ask students to write a word on a piece Divide the group into two teams. One student from each
of paper and tell them not to show team comes to the front. Say "how do you say..." and
anyone. This word should be a verb or show a picture from (kit pedagógico), or vocabulary you
whatever you would like to review. want to review, the first student to give the answer is the
The teacher starts telling a story, then winner. He remains standing and the other one sits down.
stops and chooses a student.
That student will continue the story and
must use his/her word. This student then
chooses the next student to continue the
The last student must end the story.
After the story is over, the students then
try to guess what words each student has
written on his/her paper. The student who
guesses the most words wins the game.

Question Group Dialogue

Whose identity would you like to steal Each student must say a word associated with the word
for a day and what would you do in those mentioned by the person before him or her. Have them
24 hours? repeat the same procedure but with complete sentences,
as if it were a discussion between two people. For
example: student 1, "Hi how are you Joe?"; student 2,
"Oh pretty good Sue. How about you?"; student 3, " Well,
not so good."; student 4, " Why not?", etc. The dialogue
must proceed in such a way that the last person concludes
the discussion and they say each other goodbye.
Painel Beep Game
Professores devem explorar o painel da Have students in a circle. The first student must begin
melhor forma possível, dependendo do counting from 1, and each student in turn calls out the
nível dos alunos em cada aula. next number. However, every 4th number must be
Asking questions replaced by the word "beep". Following a "beep", the next
Describing the Picture student in line must call out the next number, and not the
Finding something number that has been replaced. For example, 1, 2, 3, beep,
Etc. 5, 6, 7, beep, 9 etc.
If a student hesitates too much or makes a mistake, he/she
must sit down, so eventually only one student remains.
Whenever a student sits down, begin from 1 again.

site usado: http://eslgames.com/


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