Wizard - Warm Up and Closing Activities
Wizard - Warm Up and Closing Activities
Wizard - Warm Up and Closing Activities
Bankrupt 2 Question
Collect the vocabulary flashcards you
aim to revise, and stick behind them an Who is the person you know who is the worst at keeping
amount of money, like $50, $100 and so secrets?
on. One of them should say “bankrupt”
and another “donation”. Stick the
flashcards on the board. Divide the
classroom into two groups. Students take
turns to choose one of the flashcards, say
the item and give a sentence using the
word. If they say it right, they gain the
amount of money at the back. If it says
“bankrupt”, you erase the money they
had won and if it says “donation” they
must donate all the money to the other
(The teacher must select the
vocabulary he/she wants to revise.)
Fold-over Stories Group Dialogue
On a sheet of blank paper, write the Each student must say a word associated with the word
following words in a vertical line: WHO, mentioned by the person before him or her. Have them
WHAT, HOW, WHERE, WHEN, WHY. repeat the same procedure but with complete sentences,
Explain that everyone will be writing a as if it were a discussion between two people. For
sentence story. Fold the paper over then example: student 1, "Hi how are you Joe?"; student 2,
pass the paper to the person on their "Oh pretty good Sue. How about you?"; student 3, " Well,
right. not so good."; student 4, " Why not?", etc. The dialogue
The student writes on the received paper must proceed in such a way that the last person concludes
what the subject did (suggest funny or the discussion and they say each other goodbye.
outrageous actions), fold it over and pass
it on to the right.
Continue to write one line, how they did
it (adverbs), fold and pass;
Have one of the students unfold the story,
and read it aloud.
The teacher makes a list of vocabulary You arrive home at midnight, you open the door and ...
covered in previous lessons. Have
students stand. Call out a vocabulary
word. The first student begins by saying
the word and giving the first letter, the
second student the second letter of the
word, the third student the third letter,
and so on until the word is spelled
correctly. If somebody makes a mistake,
they must sit down and we start from the
beginning again until the word is spelled
correctly. The last student must then
pronounce the word correctly and give a
definition in order to stay standing. The
student who is left standing is the
"survivor" and wins the game.
Divide the class into two groups. Draw a Print this out and give it to your students, and ask them to
grid of nine squares on the board and comment.
write a number on each square (from 1 to
9). Prepare nine questions and set one
question for each number. The groups
call out the numbers and if they answer
the question correctly, they get the point.
Whispering Game
"Tic Tac Toe"
Have students sit in circle. The teacher
whispers a message to the first student. Divide the class into two groups. Draw a grid of nine
Then each player whispers the message squares on the board and write a number on each square
to the next player successively until the (from 1 to 9). Prepare nine questions and set one question
last player gets the message. The students for each number. The groups call out the numbers and if
then, repeat the message correctly. Start they answer the question correctly, they get the point.
the game over with the second student.
(teachers can revise months of the year, days of the
week, numbers, etc.)
Who Am I? Spelling Contest
Write the names of famous people The teacher says a word or a sentence depending on the
(mixed nationalities) on small pieces of level for the students to spell. Students should spell
paper. Tape a name on the forehead of correctly with not even one mistake. The teacher may
each student. The individual student reword the winner.
should not see his or her paper, but the
others should. Then, only yes or no
questions should be asked, as, "Am I am
man?" If the answer is yes, I can ask
again, but if the answer is no, it's the next
person's turn. Play until everyone has
guessed who he or she is!
Students are supposed to roll the dice and Question
ask a classmate a question about another How are city people and country people different?
classmate, using something he/she
learned in the lesson of the day.
Name ten Complete
Have students think of 10 items that fit I don’t mind …
particular criteria. For example:
Jobs where you have to wear a
English football clubs
Sports that are played with a ball
Foods that contain egg
Animals that lay eggs
Three letter parts of the body
– eye, arm, leg, hip, ear, toe jaw,
rib, lip, gum
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