Week 1
Week 1
Week 1
Teacher and students play some icebreakers to get to know each other
Key Words Getting to know each other, things in common, ice breakers, all about us,
Starter 10 min Teacher will welcome pupils back to school. Teacher and co-teacher will
activity introduce themselves to the class.
On the board, each teacher will display some pictures with things that
mean something about her. (Each teacher will choose their own
pictures). For example, a cat, a suitcase, kids and pizza. Then, the
children will have to guess what those pictures mean to the teacher. For
example, they can say: You have a cat. Then, the teacher says: no… Then,
another pupil has a go: Your favourite animals are cats.
When they guess, the teacher will say if that is correct about herself or
not. Now, one of the things that they know is that their teacher likes cats.
After that, go to the next picture and so on. This way, pupils will know
some things about their teacher and can see what they have in common
with her. At the end ask: Can you remember everything about your
teacher? Do you have anything in common with them?
Making a keyring with the first letter of their name and the class (they will
take it home with them).
Walk students to the rest room separating girls and boys. Show them
where to find the toilet and point out the markings on the floor with
arrows directing which side they should walk on. Then, explain to them to
look the door behind them and always flush the toilet.
Chn can line up properly and be familiar with the school premises
Chn can write about their summer vacation using basic punctuation
Ask which kinds of words we have to use to make our writing interesting
(adjectives-wow words). Ask them to brain storm some interesting
words so that their writing will be rich in vocabulary and more interesting.
Show children a video for them to start getting familiar with some of the
back to school things to take into consideration: Understand the Basic
School Rules - YouTube
Present it in a dynamic way and pause the video to give pupils the chance
to answer the questions so that they feel part of the video.
Play a game: Divide the class into 4 teams. Tell them that we are going
to imagine that we are in a TV show called: The class rules contest!
Teacher pretends that she is the T.V. presenter and will ask questions.
Each team will have a mini board and a marker. The teams will be given 1
min to think of the answer first as a group (use the sand watch for that).
When the minute finished they will then show their answers raising their
mini boards. Award a points to those who answer right.
Questions asked by the teacher:
What do you have to ask/do if you want to go to the toilet?
What do you need to do before speaking?
How do we line up?
What can we do if a friend is being bullied or has no one to play
with during break time?
What are the 2 magic words that we should always use?
How can we respect our teacher?
How do we have to come to school? (prepared and bringing the
right equipment)
After the game, have pupils summarise the class rules, write them on
the board and make sure that they understand that they have to follow
them every day. (Display them inside the classroom on a piece of
construction paper)
Plenary Ask pupils to stand in a circle around the classroom. Next take a ball and
pass it to one of the chn and ask this child a question such as “if you could
travel anywhere where would you go and why?” Once they have answered
the question, they should throw it to another pupil and ask them a
Resources Worksheets, coloured markers to decorate their writing activity, video, ball