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User Manual: 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps

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1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series

User Manual

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual
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Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual
In This Guide...

This manual covers:

• Agilent 1260 Infinity II Isocratic Pump (G7110B),
• Agilent 1260 Infinity II Quaternary Pump VL (G7111A),
• Agilent 1260 Infinity II Quaternary Pump (G7111B), and
• Agilent 1260 Infinity II Bio-inert Pump (G5654A).

1 Introduction
This chapter gives an introduction to the module, instrument overview and internal

2 Site Requirements and Specifications

This chapter provides information on environmental requirements, physical and
performance specifications.

3 Using the Pump

This chapter provides information for optimized usage of the module.

4 Optimizing Performance
This chapter gives hints on how to optimize the performance or use additional

5 Troubleshooting and Diagnostics

This chapter gives an overview about the troubleshooting and diagnostic features
and the different user interfaces.

6 Error Information
This chapter describes the meaning of error messages, and provides information
on probable causes and suggested actions how to recover from error conditions.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 3
7 Test Functions and Calibration
This chapter describes the tests for the module.

8 Maintenance
This chapter describes the maintenance of the module.

9 Parts for Maintenance

This chapter provides information on parts for maintenance.

10 Identifying Cables
This chapter provides information on cables used with the Agilent 1200 Infinity
Series modules.

11 Hardware Information
This chapter describes the pump in more detail on hardware and electronics.

12 LAN Configuration
This chapter provides information on connecting the module to the Agilent
ChemStation PC.

13 Appendix
This chapter provides addition information on safety, legal and web.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 4

1 Introduction 9
Introduction to the Pump 10
G7110B Isocratic Pump 11
G7111A Quaternary Pump VL 13
G7111B Quaternary Pump 15
G5654A Bio-inert Pump 17
Overview of the Hydraulic Path 19
Leak and Waste Handling 26

2 Site Requirements and Specifications 31

Site Requirements 32
Physical Specifications 35
Performance Specifications 39

3 Using the Pump 49

Magnets 50
Turn on/off 51
Status Indicators 53
Best Practices 54
Leak and Waste Handling 57
Hints for Successful Use of the Pump 59
Setting up the Pump with the G4208A Instant Pilot 60
Setting up the Pump with the Instrument Control Interface 61
Solvent Information 71
Algae Growth in HPLC Systems 81
Prevent Blocking of Solvent Filters 82
Normal Phase Applications 83

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 5
4 Optimizing Performance 85
Using the Degasser 86
Operational Hints for the Vacuum Degasser 87
Operational Hints for the Multi Channel Gradient Valve (MCGV) 88
When to use the Seal Wash Function 89
Choosing the Right Pump Seals 90
Optimize the Compressibility Compensation Setting 91

5 Troubleshooting and Diagnostics 93

User Interfaces 94
Agilent Lab Advisor Software 95

6 Error Information 96
What Are Error Messages 97
General Error Messages 98
Module Error Messages 106

7 Test Functions and Calibration 119

Introduction 120
System Pressure Test 121
Leak Rate Test 126

8 Maintenance 132
Introduction to Maintenance and Repair 133
Warnings and Cautions 134
Overview of Maintenance and Repair 136
Cleaning the Module 137
Remove and Install Doors 138
Checking and Replacing the Solvent Filter 140
Exchange the Passive Inlet Valve 141
Exchange the Outlet Valve 143
Exchange the Purge Valve Frit or the Purge Valve 145
Replace the O-Ring on the Purge Valve 148
Remove the Pump Head Assembly 150

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 6
Maintenance of a Pump Head Without Seal Wash Option 152
Maintenance of a Pump Head with Seal Wash Option 155
Reinstall the Pump Head Assembly 159
Seal Wear-in Procedure 162
Exchange the Multi-Channel Gradient Valve (MCGV) 163
Replace the Solvent Selection Valve (Isocratic Pump) 166
Exchange the Active Inlet Valve (AIV) or its Cartridge 168
Exchange the Seal Wash Cartridge 170
Replace Leak Handling System Parts 171
Replacing the Module Firmware 172

9 Parts for Maintenance 173

Accessory Kits 174
Pump Head Assembly Without Seal Wash 176
Pump Head Assembly with Seal Wash Option 178
Outlet Valve 181
Purge Valve Assembly 182
Active Inlet Valve Assembly 183
1260 Infinity II Max Uptime Kit 184
1260 Infinity II Max Uptime Kit Bio 185
1260 Infinity II Low Dispersion Kit MCT 186
HPLC System Tool Kit 187
Solvent Cabinet 188
Bottle Head Assembly 189
Hydraulic Path of the Quaternary Pump 190
Hydraulic Path of the Isocratic Pump 192

10 Identifying Cables 193

Cable Overview 194
Analog Cables 196
Remote Cables 198
CAN Cable 202
Agilent Module to PC 203
Agilent 1200 Module to Printer 204

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 7
11 Hardware Information 205
Firmware Description 206
Electrical Connections 209
Interfaces 211
Setting the 6-bit Configuration Switch 218
Instrument Layout 222
Early Maintenance Feedback 223

12 LAN Configuration 224

What You Have to Do First 225
TCP/IP parameter configuration 226
Configuration Switches 227
Initialization Mode Selection 228
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) 230
Manual Configuration 233

13 Appendix 237
General Safety Information 238
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive 244
Radio Interference 245
Sound Emission 246
Agilent Technologies on Internet 247

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 8
1 Introduction

Introduction to the Pump 10

G7110B Isocratic Pump 11
Product Description 11
Features 12
G7111A Quaternary Pump VL 13
Product Description 13
Features 14
G7111B Quaternary Pump 15
Product Description 15
Features 16
G5654A Bio-inert Pump 17
Product Description 17
Features 18
Overview of the Hydraulic Path 19
Hydraulic Path 20
How Does the Pump Work? 22
How Does Compressibility Compensation Work? 25
How Does Variable Stroke Volume Work? 25
Leak and Waste Handling 26
Leak Sensor 30
Waste Concept 30

This chapter gives an introduction to the module, instrument overview and

internal connectors.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 9
1 Introduction
Introduction to the Pump

Introduction to the Pump

The Pumps comprise one pump head unit with an optional solvent cabinet, a
vacuum degasser (optional for the isocratic pump), and a multi-channel gradient
valve (MCGV) for quaternary pumps, or an optional solvent selection valve (SSV)
for isocratic pumps. The combination of the pump head assembly and high
speed proportioning MCGV with a possible connection up to four different
solvents in quaternary pumps provides gradient generation by low pressure
mixing. The combination of the pump head assembly and SSV in isocratic pump
provides opportunity to make a choice between three different solvents. A
solvent cabinet provides enough space for eight one-liter bottles. The Active Seal
Wash (ASW) and Active Inlet Valve (AIV) options are available for quaternary
pumps when concentrated buffer solutions are used. The Bio-inert pump is
optimized for these conditions, thus is always equipped with ASW and AIV.


Outlet Valve

Purge Valve

Inlet Valve


Pump Head

Figure 1 Overview of the pump

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 10
1 Introduction
G7110B Isocratic Pump

G7110B Isocratic Pump

Product Description
The Agilent 1260 Infinity II Isocratic Pump is ideal for demanding QA/QC tasks
and routine applications. It maintains virtually pulse-free and stable solvent flows.
The dual floating, precise servo-controlled pistons in the delivery mechanism
adjust the stroke volume according to your chosen flow rate.
The optional integrated degasser and solvent selection valve offers increased
ease-of-use and method flexibility.
The pump can deliver a broad range of pressures up to a maximum 600 bar,
giving you the flexibility to use small particle size columns, longer columns or
alternative higher viscosity solvents.
The Agilent 1260 Infinity II Isocratic Pump is the ideal pump for GPC/SEC
applications where run-to-run and day-to-day precision in retention times is

Status LED

Purge valve

Power switch

Leak drain

Figure 2 Overview of the pump

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 11
1 Introduction
G7110B Isocratic Pump


• Higher resolution and increased throughput with the new standard 600 bar
pressure for modern LC columns.
• Low operating and maintenance costs - due to excellent instrument uptime.
• Future proof - your investment is protected since you can upgrade to a
quaternary pump if required.
• Versatile wide flow range – from 0.2 mL/min to 10 mL/min for analytical and
semi-preparative separations and purifications.
• Fast and easy maintenance - front access to all maintenance parts means you
can change components quickly without having to disassemble the
• Longevity and low operating costs - robust materials (stainless steel, titanium,
gold, ruby, sapphire, ceramics, PEEK and PTFE) withstand the most
demanding applications and keep your pump functioning for years. Our
optional seal wash for high-salt mobile phases keeps maintenance to a
minimum and reduces operating costs.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 12
1 Introduction
G7111A Quaternary Pump VL

G7111A Quaternary Pump VL

Product Description
The Agilent 1260 Infinity II Quaternary Pump VL has an extended power range,
delivering pressures up to 400 bar. At these high pressures you can use smaller
particle size columns and get higher resolution and faster separations. It
maintains virtually pulse-free, well mixed and stable solvent flows. Its dual
floating, precise servo-controlled pistons adjust the stroke volume according to
your chosen flow rate.
Offering access to up to four solvents, the Agilent 1260 Infinity II Quaternary
Pump VL provides the greatest flexibility in automated solvent blending and is
recommended for a wide range of research and routine applications (especially
in the food, environmental and pharmaceutical sectors) as well as for method

Status indicator


Purge valve


Power switch

Leak drain
Figure 3 Overview of the pump

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 13
1 Introduction
G7111A Quaternary Pump VL

• Higher resolution, faster separations - the maximum pressure of 400 bar
allows you to use smaller particle size columns, longer columns and/or higher
viscous solvents as an alternative to acetonitrile.
• Analytical and semi-preparative purifications - the wide flow range (up to
10 mL/min) perfectly supports standard and semi-preparative applications.
The perfect choice for 4.6 mm and 3.0 mm id columns.
• Quicker experiments - the pump offers convenient access to up to four
solvents for isocratic or gradient analysis which can really speed up method
development, preparation of mobile phases and system flushing.
• Easy, fast and secure transfer of methods from HPLC to sub-2-micron
• Integrated degasser
• Longevity and low operating costs - robust materials (stainless steel, titanium,
gold, ruby, sapphire, ceramics, PEEK and PTFE) withstand the most
demanding applications and keep your pump functioning for years. Our
optional seal wash for high-salt mobile phases keeps maintenance to a
minimum and reduces operating costs.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 14
1 Introduction
G7111B Quaternary Pump

G7111B Quaternary Pump

Product Description
The Agilent 1260 Infinity II Quaternary Pump has an extended power range,
delivering pressures up to 600 bar. At these high pressures you can use smaller
particle size columns and get higher resolution and faster separations. It
maintains virtually pulse-free, well mixed and stable solvent flows. Its dual
floating, precise servo-controlled pistons adjust the stroke volume according to
your chosen flow rate.
Offering access to up to four solvents, the Agilent 1260 Infinity II Quaternary
Pump provides the greatest flexibility in automated solvent blending and is
recommended for a wide range of research and routine applications (especially
in the food, environmental and pharmaceutical sectors) as well as for method

Status indicator


Purge valve


Power switch

Leak drain
Figure 4 Overview of the pump

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 15
1 Introduction
G7111B Quaternary Pump

• Higher resolution, faster separations - the maximum pressure of 600 bar
allows you to use smaller particle size columns, longer columns and/or higher
viscous solvents as an alternative to acetonitrile.
• Analytical and semi-preparative purifications - the wide flow range (up to
10 mL/min) perfectly supports standard and semi-preparative applications.
The perfect choice for 4.6 mm and 3.0 mm id columns.
• Quicker experiments - the pump offers convenient access to up to four
solvents for isocratic or gradient analysis which can really speed up method
development, preparation of mobile phases and system flushing.
• Easy, fast and secure transfer of methods from HPLC to sub-2-micron
• Integrated degasser
• Longevity and low operating costs - robust materials (stainless steel, titanium,
gold, ruby, sapphire, ceramics, PEEK and PTFE) withstand the most
demanding applications and keep your pump functioning for years. Our
optional seal wash for high-salt mobile phases keeps maintenance to a
minimum and reduces operating costs.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 16
1 Introduction
G5654A Bio-inert Pump

G5654A Bio-inert Pump

Product Description
The 1260 Infinity II Bio-Inert Pump is the pump of choice for all your biological
and extreme pH applications. The titanium-based pump offers highest corrosion
resistance against high salt concentration (2 M) and offers a handling of a wide
pH range (1 – 13, short term 14). It features a pressure range of up to 600 bar
and a flow rate up to 10 mL/min (at 200 bar). Which enables the use of almost
any column: conventional, sub-2 µm particle, or superficially porous columns.
Together with the Agilent Bio-HPLC column portfolio for SEC and IEX, the highest
resolution per time is achieved for protein and NBE characterization. The Agilent
Buffer Advisor software allows fast pH scouting and easy buffer/solvent
preparation in ion exchange chromatography.

Status indicator


Purge valve


Power switch

Leak drain
Figure 5 Overview of the Bio-inert Pump

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 17
1 Introduction
G5654A Bio-inert Pump

• Titanium pump - for highest corrosion resistance against high salt
concentrations and harsh cleaning procedures
• Steel and iron-free wetted parts in solvent delivery unit - ensure the integrity of
bio-molecules and minimize unwanted surface interactions while increasing
column life-time
• High salt tolerance (2 M) and wide pH range (1 – 13, short term 14) - for
increased flexibility
• Flow rates up to 10 mL/min - enable power ranges from lowest pressure for
traditional bio-purification columns up to high pressure STM analytical
• Active seal wash and quaternary solvent blending included
• Comes with Agilent Buffer Advisor software - for faster pH scouting and easy
buffer/solvent preparation in ion exchange chromatography

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 18
1 Introduction
Overview of the Hydraulic Path

Overview of the Hydraulic Path

The Low Pressure Mixing Pumps are based on a two-channel, dual-piston

in-series design which comprises all essential functions that a solvent delivery
system has to fulfill. Metering of solvent and delivery to the high-pressure side
are performed by one pump assembly which can generate pressure up to
600 bar.
In the quaternary pumps, degassing of the solvents is done in a built-in vacuum
degasser. Solvent compositions are generated on the low-pressure side by an
The pump assembly includes a pump head with an inlet valve and an outlet valve.
A damping unit is connected between the two piston chambers. A purge valve
including a PTFE frit is fitted at the pump outlet for convenient priming of the
pump head.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 19
1 Introduction
Overview of the Hydraulic Path

Hydraulic Path
to sampling unit and column

Seal wash
pump Damper

Purge valve
Inlet valve valve
to waste

Figure 6 Hydraulic path of the isocratic pump

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 20
1 Introduction
Overview of the Hydraulic Path

to sampling unit and column

Seal wash
pump Damper

Purge valve
Inlet valve valve
to waste


Figure 7 Hydraulic Path of the Quaternary Pump and Bio-inert Pump

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 21
1 Introduction
Overview of the Hydraulic Path

How Does the Pump Work?

In the quaternary pump, the liquid runs from the solvent reservoir through the
degasser to the MCGV and from there to the inlet valve.
For the isocratic pump, the solvent bottle is directly connected to the inlet valve.
The pump assembly comprises two substantially identical piston/chamber units.
Both piston/chamber units comprise a ball-screw drive and a pump head with
one sapphire piston for reciprocating movement in it.
A servo-controlled variable reluctance motor drives the two ball screw drives in
opposite directions. The gears for the ball-screw drives have different
circumferences (ratio 2:1) allowing the first piston to move at twice the speed of
the second piston. The solvent enters the pump head close to the bottom limit
and leaves it at its top. The outer diameter of the piston is smaller than the inner
diameter of the pump head chamber allowing the solvent to fill the gap
inbetween. The first piston has a stroke volume in the range of 20 – 100 µL
depending on the flow rate. The microprocessor controls all flow rates in a range
of 1 µL/min – 10 mL/min. The inlet of the first pumping unit is connected to the
inlet valve.
The outlet of the first piston/chamber unit is connected through the outlet valve
and the damping unit to the inlet of the second piston/chamber unit. The outlet of
the purge valve assembly is then connected to the following chromatographic

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 22
1 Introduction
Overview of the Hydraulic Path


Pump chamber 1 Pump chamber 2

Purge valve
To column
Inlet valve
To waste
From solvent bottle/
degasser/SSV or MCGV Seal

Piston 1
Piston 2

Ball screw drive


Motor with encoder

Figure 8 Principle of the Pump

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 23
1 Introduction
Overview of the Hydraulic Path

When turned on, the pump runs through an initialization procedure to determine
the upper dead position of the first piston. The first piston moves slowly upwards
into the mechanical stop of the pump chamber and from there it moves back for
a defined distance. The controller stores this piston position in memory. After
this initialization the pump starts operation with the set parameters. The inlet
valve opens and the down-moving piston draws solvent into the first pump
chamber. At the same time the second piston moves upwards delivering to the
system. After a controller-defined stroke length that depends on the flow rate the
drive motor is stopped and the inlet valve closes. The motor direction is reversed
and moves the first piston up until it reaches the stored upper limit and at the
same time the second piston moves downwards. Then the sequence starts
again moving the pistons up and down between the two limits. During the up
movement of the first piston the solvent in the pump chamber is pressed through
the outlet valve into the second pump chamber. The second piston draws in half
of the volume displaced by the first piston and the remaining half volume is
directly delivered to the system. During the drawing stroke of the first piston, the
second piston delivers the drawn volume to the system.
Quaternary pumps: For solvent compositions from the solvent bottles A, B, C, D
the controller divides the length of the intake stroke in certain fractions in which
the gradient valve connects the specified solvent channel to the pump input.
For specifications, see:
• isocratic pump: “Performance Specifications Agilent 1260 Infinity II Isocratic
Pump (G7110B)” on page 39
• quaternary pumps:
• “Performance Specifications Agilent 1260 Infinity II Quaternary Pump
(G7111B)” on page 44
• “Performance Specifications Agilent 1260 Infinity II Quaternary Pump VL
(G7111A)” on page 41
• Bio-inert pump: “Performance Specifications Agilent 1260 Infinity II Bio-inert
Pump (G5654A)” on page 47

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 24
1 Introduction
Overview of the Hydraulic Path

How Does Compressibility Compensation Work?

The compressibility of the solvents in use will affect retention-time stability when
the back pressure in the system changes (for example, ageing of column). In
order to minimize this effect, the pump provides a compressibility compensation
feature which optimizes the flow stability according to the solvent type. The
compressibility compensation is set to a default value and can be changed
through the user interface.
Without a compressibility compensation the following will happen during a
stroke of the first piston. The pressure in the piston chamber increases and the
volume in the chamber will be compressed depending on back pressure and
solvent type. The volume displaced into the system will be reduced by the
compressed volume.
With a compressibility value set the processor calculates a compensation
volume, that depends on the back pressure of the system and the selected
compressibility. This compensation volume will be added to the normal stroke
volume and compensates the previously described loss of volume during the
delivery stroke of the first piston.

How Does Variable Stroke Volume Work?

Due to the compression of the pump-chamber volume each piston stroke of the
pump will generate a small pressure pulsation, influencing the flow stability of the
pump. The amplitude of the pressure pulsation depends mainly on the stroke
volume and the compressibility compensation for the solvent in use. Small stroke
volumes generate pressure pulsations of smaller amplitude than higher stroke
volumes at the same flow rate. In addition, the frequency of the pressure
pulsations is higher. This decreases the influence of flow pulsations on
quantitative results.
In gradient mode, smaller stroke volumes result in a lower flow ripple and will
improve composition ripple.
The module uses a processor-controlled spindle system for driving its pistons.
The normal stroke volume is optimized for the selected flow rate. Small flow
rates use a small stroke volume while higher flow rates use a higher stroke
By default, the stroke volume for the pump is set to AUTO mode. This means that
the stroke is optimized for the flow rate in use. A change to larger stroke volumes
is possible but not recommended.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 25
1 Introduction
Leak and Waste Handling

Leak and Waste Handling

The Agilent InfinityLab LC Series has been designed for safe leak and waste
handling. It is important that all security concepts are understood and
instructions are carefully followed.
The solvent cabinet is designed to store a maximum volume of 8 L solvent. The
maximum volume for an individual bottle stored in the solvent cabinet should not
exceed 2 L. For details, see the usage guideline for the Agilent Infinity II Solvent
Cabinets (a printed copy of the guideline has been shipped with the solvent
cabinet, electronic copies are available on the Internet).
All leak plane outlets are situated in a consistent position so that all Infinity and
Infinity II modules can be stacked on top of each other. Waste tubes are guided
through a channel on the right hand side of the instrument, keeping the front
access clear from tubes.
The leak plane provides leak management by catching all internal liquid leaks,
guiding them to the leak sensor for leak detection, and passing them on to the
next module below, if the leak sensor fails. The leak sensor in the leak plane
stops the running system as soon as the leak detection level is reached.
Solvent and condensate is guided through the waste channel into the waste
• from the detector's flow cell outlet
• from the Multisampler needle wash port
• from the Sample Cooler or Sample Thermostat (condensate)
• from the pump's Seal Wash Sensor (if applicable)
• from the pump's Purge Valve or Multipurpose Valve

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 26
1 Introduction
Leak and Waste Handling

Figure 9 Infinity II Leak Waste Concept (Flex Bench installation)

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 27
1 Introduction
Leak and Waste Handling

Figure 10 Infinity II Single Stack Leak Waste Concept (bench installation)

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 28
1 Introduction
Leak and Waste Handling

Figure 11 Infinity II Two Stack Leak Waste Concept (bench installation)

The waste tube connected to the leak plane outlet on each of the bottom
instruments guides the solvent to a suitable waste container.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 29
1 Introduction
Leak and Waste Handling

Leak Sensor
Solvent incompatibility
The solvent DMF (dimethylformamide) leads to corrosion of the leak sensor.
The material of the leak sensor, PVDF (polyvinylidene fluoride), is incompatible
with DMF.
 Do not use DMF as mobile phase.
 Check the leak sensor regularly for corrosion.

Waste Concept
1 Agilent recommends using the 6 L waste can with 1 Stay Safe cap GL45 with
4 ports (5043-1221) for optimal and safe waste disposal. If you decide to use
your own waste solution, make sure that the tubes don't immerse in the liquid.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 30
2 Site Requirements and Specifications

Site Requirements 32
Physical Specifications 35
Physical Specifications Agilent 1260 Infinity II Isocratic Pump (G7110B) 35
Physical Specifications Agilent 1260 Infinity II Quaternary Pump VL (G7111A) 36
Physical Specifications Agilent 1260 Infinity II Quaternary Pump (G7111B) 37
Physical Specifications Agilent 1260 Infinity II Bio-inert Pump (G5654A) 38
Performance Specifications 39

This chapter provides information on environmental requirements, physical and

performance specifications.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 31
2 Site Requirements and Specifications
Site Requirements

Site Requirements

A suitable environment is important to ensure optimal performance of the


Power Considerations
The module power supply has wide ranging capability. It accepts any line voltage
in the range described in Table 1 on page 35. Consequently there is no voltage
selector in the rear of the module. There are also no externally accessible fuses,
because automatic electronic fuses are implemented in the power supply.

Hazard of electrical shock or damage of your instrumentation

can result, if the devices are connected to a line voltage higher than
 Connect your instrument to the specified line voltage only.

Electrical shock hazard

The module is partially energized when switched off, as long as the power
cord is plugged in.
The cover protects users from personal injuries, for example electrical
 Do not open the cover.
 Do not operate the instrument and disconnect the power cable in case
the cover has any signs of damage.
 Contact Agilent for support and request an instrument repair service.

Inaccessible power plug.

In case of emergency it must be possible to disconnect the instrument
from the power line at any time.
 Make sure the power connector of the instrument can be easily reached
and unplugged.
 Provide sufficient space behind the power socket of the instrument to
unplug the cable.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 32
2 Site Requirements and Specifications
Site Requirements

Power Cords
Country-specific power cords are available for the module. The female end of all
power cords is identical. It plugs into the power-input socket at the rear. The male
end of each power cord is different and designed to match the wall socket of a
particular country or region.
Agilent makes sure that your instrument is shipped with the power cord that is
suitable for your particular country or region.

Unintended use of power cords

Using power cords for unintended purposes can lead to personal injury or
damage of electronic equipment.
 Never use a power cord other than the one that Agilent shipped with this
 Never use the power cords that Agilent Technologies supplies with this
instrument for any other equipment.
 Never use cables other than the ones supplied by Agilent Technologies
to ensure proper functionality and compliance with safety or EMC

Absence of ground connection

The absence of ground connection can lead to electric shock or short
 Never operate your instrumentation from a power outlet that has no
ground connection.

Electrical shock hazard

Solvents may damage electrical cables.
 Prevent electrical cables from getting in contact with solvents.
 Exchange electrical cables after contact with solvents.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 33
2 Site Requirements and Specifications
Site Requirements

Bench Space
The module dimensions and weight (see Table 1 on page 35) allow you to place
the module on almost any desk or laboratory bench. It needs an additional
2.5 cm (1.0 inches) of space on either side and approximately 8 cm (3.1 inches)
in the rear for air circulation and electric connections.
If the bench shall carry a complete HPLC system, make sure that the bench is
designed to bear the weight of all modules.
The module should be operated in a horizontal position.

Agilent recommends that you install the HPLC instrument in the InfinityLab Flex
NOTE Bench rack. This option helps to save bench space as all modules can be placed
into one single stack. It also allows to easily relocate the instrument to another

Condensation within the module
Condensation can damage the system electronics.
 Do not store, ship or use your module under conditions where temperature
fluctuations could cause condensation within the module.
 If your module was shipped in cold weather, leave it in its box and allow it to
warm slowly to room temperature to avoid condensation.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 34
2 Site Requirements and Specifications
Physical Specifications

Physical Specifications

Physical Specifications Agilent 1260 Infinity II

Isocratic Pump (G7110B)
Table 1 Physical Specifications G7110B

Type Specification Comments

Weight 14.5 kg (32 lbs)

Dimensions (height × width × 180 x 396 x 436 mm (7.1 x 15.6 x 17.2

depth) inches)

Line voltage 100 – 240 V~, ± 10 % Wide-ranging capability

Line frequency 50 or 60 Hz, ± 5 %

Power consumption 80 VA, 65 W

Ambient operating tempera- 4–55 °C (39–131 °F)


Ambient non-operating tem- -40 – 70 °C (-40 – 158 °F)


Humidity < 95 % r.h. at 40 °C (104 °F) Non-condensing

Operating altitude Up to 3000 m (9842 ft)

Safety standards: IEC, EN, Overvoltage category II, Pollution degree 2 For indoor use only.

ISM Classification ISM Group 1 Class B According to CISPR 11

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 35
2 Site Requirements and Specifications
Physical Specifications

Physical Specifications Agilent 1260 Infinity II

Quaternary Pump VL (G7111A)
Table 2 Physical Specifications G7111A

Type Specification Comments

Weight 14.5 kg (32 lbs)

Dimensions (height × width × 180 x 396 x 436 mm (7.1 x 15.6 x 17.2

depth) inches)

Line voltage 100 – 240 V~, ± 10 % Wide-ranging capability

Line frequency 50 or 60 Hz, ± 5 %

Power consumption 80 VA, 65 W

Ambient operating tempera- 4–55 °C (39–131 °F)


Ambient non-operating tem- -40 – 70 °C (-40 – 158 °F)


Humidity < 95 % r.h. at 40 °C (104 °F) Non-condensing

Operating altitude Up to 3000 m (9842 ft)

Safety standards: IEC, EN, Overvoltage category II, Pollution degree 2 For indoor use only.

ISM Classification ISM Group 1 Class B According to CISPR 11

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 36
2 Site Requirements and Specifications
Physical Specifications

Physical Specifications Agilent 1260 Infinity II

Quaternary Pump (G7111B)
Table 3 Physical Specifications G7111B

Type Specification Comments

Weight 14.5 kg (32 lbs)

Dimensions (height × width × 180 x 396 x 436 mm (7.1 x 15.6 x 17.2

depth) inches)

Line voltage 100 – 240 V~, ± 10 % Wide-ranging capability

Line frequency 50 or 60 Hz, ± 5 %

Power consumption 80 VA, 65 W

Ambient operating tempera- 4–55 °C (39–131 °F)


Ambient non-operating tem- -40 – 70 °C (-40 – 158 °F)


Humidity < 95 % r.h. at 40 °C (104 °F) Non-condensing

Operating altitude Up to 3000 m (9842 ft)

Safety standards: IEC, EN, Overvoltage category II, Pollution degree 2 For indoor use only.

ISM Classification ISM Group 1 Class B According to CISPR 11

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 37
2 Site Requirements and Specifications
Physical Specifications

Physical Specifications Agilent 1260 Infinity II

Bio-inert Pump (G5654A)
Table 4 Physical Specifications G5654A

Type Specification Comments

Weight 14.7 kg (32 lbs)

Dimensions (height × width × 180 x 396 x 436 mm (7.1 x 15.6 x 17.2

depth) inches)

Line voltage 100 – 240 V~, ± 10 % Wide-ranging capability

Line frequency 50 or 60 Hz, ± 5 %

Power consumption 80 VA, 65 W

Ambient operating tempera- 4–55 °C (39–131 °F)


Ambient non-operating tem- -40 – 70 °C (-40 – 158 °F)


Humidity < 95 % r.h. at 40 °C (104 °F) Non-condensing

Operating altitude Up to 3000 m (9842 ft)

Non-operating altitude Up to 4600 m (15092 ft) For storing the module

Safety standards: IEC, EN, Overvoltage category II, Pollution degree 2 For indoor use only.

ISM Classification ISM Group 1 Class B According to CISPR 11

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 38
2 Site Requirements and Specifications
Performance Specifications

Performance Specifications

Performance Specifications Agilent 1260 Infinity II

Isocratic Pump (G7110B)
Table 5 Performance Specifications G7110B

Type Specification Comments

Hydraulic system Dual piston in series pump with

servo-controlled variable stroke
drive, power transmission by
gears and ball screws, floating

Flow range Settable: 0.001 – 10 mL/min Set points in 0.001 mL/min

Recommended: increments
0.2 – 10.0 mL/min For use with flow rates below
500 μL/min a vacuum degasser
is required.

Flow precision ≤0.07 % RSD, or <0.02 min SD, Based on retention time at con-
whichever is greater stant room temperature

Flow accuracy ± 1 % or 10 µL/min, whichever is Pumping degassed H2O at

greater 10 MPa (100 bar, 1450 psi)

Pressure operating range Up to 60 MPa (600 bar,

8702 psi) up to 5 mL/min
Up to 20 MPa (200 bar,
2901 psi) up to 10 mL/min

Pressure pulsation < 2 % amplitude (typically < At 1 mL/min isopropanol, at all

1.3 %), or < 0.3 MPa (3 bar, pressures > 1 MPa (10 bar,
44 psi), whichever is greater 145 psi)

Compressibility compensation User-selectable, based on

mobile phase compressibility

Recommended pH range 1.0 – 12.5 Solvents with pH < 2.3 should

not contain acids which attack
stainless steel

Integrated degassing unit Optional

Number of channels: 2
Internal volume per channel:
1.5 mL

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 39
2 Site Requirements and Specifications
Performance Specifications

Table 5 Performance Specifications G7110B

Type Specification Comments

Instrument Control LC & CE Drivers A.02.14 or For details about supported

above software versions refer to the
Instrument Control Framework compatibility matrix of the LC &
(ICF) A.02.04 or above CE Drivers version in use
InfinityLab LC Companion
(G7108AA) with firmware
D.07.25 or above
Instant Pilot (G4208A) with
firmware B.02.20 or above
Lab Advisor B.02.08 or above

Communication Controller Area Network (CAN)

Enhanced Remote Interface
Local Area Network (LAN)
Universal Serial Bus (USB)

Safety and maintenance Extensive diagnostics, error

detection and display through
Agilent Lab Advisor, leak detec-
tion, safe leak handling, leak
output signal for shutdown of
the pumping system.
Low voltage in major mainte-
nance areas.

GLP features Early maintenance feedback

(EMF) for continuous tracking
of instrument usage in terms of
seal wear and volume of
pumped mobile phase with
pre-defined and user settable
limits and feedback messages.
Electronic records of mainte-
nance and errors

Housing All materials are recyclable Safety Data Sheet in SAP:

4093-3577 Rev. A

For use with flow rates below 500 µL/min a vacuum degasser is required.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 40
2 Site Requirements and Specifications
Performance Specifications

Performance Specifications Agilent 1260 Infinity II

Quaternary Pump VL (G7111A)
Table 6 Performance Specifications G7111A

Type Specification Comments

Hydraulic system Dual piston in series pump with

servo-controlled variable stroke
drive, power transmission by
gears and ball screws, floating

Flow range Settable: 0.001 – 10 mL/min Set points in 0.001 mL/min

Recommended: increments
0.2 – 10.0 mL/min

Flow precision ≤0.07 % RSD, or ≤0.02 min SD, based on retention time at con-
whichever is greater stant temperature

Flow accuracy ± 1 % or 10 µL/min whichever is Pumping degassed H2O at

greater 10 MPa (100 bar, 1450 psi)

Pressure operating range Up to 40 MPa (400 bar,

5802 psi) up to 5 mL/min
Up to 20 MPa (200 bar,
2901 psi) up to 10 mL/min

Pressure pulsation < 2 % amplitude (typically < At 1 mL/min isopropanol, at all

1.3 %), or < 0.3 MPa (3 bar, pressures > 1 MPa (10 bar,
44 psi), whichever is greater 145 psi)

Compressibility compensation User-selectable, based on

mobile phase compressibility

Recommended pH range 1.0 – 12.5 Solvents with pH < 2.3 should

not contain acids which attack
stainless steel

Gradient formation Low pressure quaternary mix-

ing/gradient capability using
proprietary high-speed propor-
tioning valve

Delay volume 600 – 900 µL, dependent on Measured with water at

back pressure 1 mL/min (water/water with

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 41
2 Site Requirements and Specifications
Performance Specifications

Table 6 Performance Specifications G7111A

Type Specification Comments

Composition range Settable: 0 – 100 % In 0.1 % increments

Recommended: 5 – 95 % or
10 μL/min per channel, which-
ever is greater

Composition precision < 0.2 % RSD or < 0.04 min SD, At 1 mL/min; based on reten-
whichever is greater tion time at constant tempera-

Integrated degassing unit Number of channels: 4

Internal volume per channel:
1.5 mL

Instrument Control LC & CE Drivers A.02.14 or For details about supported

above software versions refer to the
Instrument Control Framework compatibility matrix of the LC &
(ICF) A.02.04 or above CE Drivers version in use
InfinityLab LC Companion
(G7108AA) with firmware
D.07.25 or above
Instant Pilot (G4208A) with
firmware B.02.20 or above
Lab Advisor software B.02.08 or

Communication Controller Area Network (CAN)

Local Area Network (LAN)
Enhanced Remote Interface
Universal Serial Bus (USB)

Safety and maintenance Extensive diagnostics, error

detection and display through
Agilent Lab Advisor, leak detec-
tion, safe leak handling, leak
output signal for shutdown of
the pumping system.
Low voltage in major mainte-
nance areas.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 42
2 Site Requirements and Specifications
Performance Specifications

Table 6 Performance Specifications G7111A

Type Specification Comments

GLP features Early maintenance feedback

(EMF) for continuous tracking
of instrument usage in terms of
seal wear and volume of
pumped mobile phase with
pre-defined and user settable
limits and feedback messages.
Electronic records of mainte-
nance and errors.

Housing All materials are recyclable

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 43
2 Site Requirements and Specifications
Performance Specifications

Performance Specifications Agilent 1260 Infinity II

Quaternary Pump (G7111B)
Table 7 Performance Specifications G7111B

Type Specification Comments

Hydraulic system Dual piston in series pump with

servo-controlled variable stroke
drive, power transmission by
gears and ball screws, floating

Flow range Settable: 0.001 – 10 mL/min Set points in 0.001 mL/min

Recommended: increments
0.2 – 10.0 mL/min

Flow precision ≤0.07 % RSD, or ≤0.02 min SD, Based on retention time at con-
whichever is greater stant temperature

Flow accuracy ± 1 % or 10 µL/min, whichever is Pumping degassed H2O at

greater 10 MPa (100 bar, 1450 psi)

Pressure operating range Up to 60 MPa (600 bar,

8702 psi) up to 5 mL/min
Up to 20 MPa (200 bar,
2901 psi) up to 10 mL/min

Pressure pulsation < 2 % amplitude (typically < At 1 mL/min isopropanol, at all

1.3 %), or < 0.3 MPa (3 bar, pressures > 1 MPa (10 bar,
44 psi), whichever is greater 145 psi)

Compressibility compensation User-selectable, based on

mobile phase compressibility

Recommended pH range 1.0 – 12.5 Solvents with pH < 2.3 should

not contain acids which attack
stainless steel

Gradient formation Low pressure quaternary mix-

ing/gradient capability using
proprietary high-speed propor-
tioning valve

Delay volume 600 – 900 µL, dependent on Measured with water at

back pressure 1 mL/min (water/water with

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 44
2 Site Requirements and Specifications
Performance Specifications

Table 7 Performance Specifications G7111B

Type Specification Comments

Composition range Settable: 0 – 100 % In 0.1 % increments

Recommended: 5 – 95 % or
10 μL/min per channel, which-
ever is greater, under recom-
mended flow rate conditions

Composition precision < 0.2 % RSD or < 0.04 min SD, At 1 mL/min; based on reten-
whichever is greater tion time at constant tempera-

Integrated degassing unit Number of channels: 4

Internal volume per channel:
1.5 mL

Instrument Control LC & CE Drivers A.02.14 or For details about supported

above software versions refer to the
Instrument Control Framework compatibility matrix of the LC &
(ICF) A.02.04 or above CE Drivers version in use
InfinityLab LC Companion
(G7108AA) with firmware
D.07.25 or above
Instant Pilot (G4208A) with
firmware B.02.20 or above
Lab Advisor software B.02.08 or

Communication Controller Area Network (CAN)

Local Area Network (LAN)
Extended Remote Interface
Universal Serial Bus (USB)

Safety and maintenance Extensive diagnostics, error

detection and display through
Agilent Lab Advisor, leak detec-
tion, safe leak handling, leak
output signal for shutdown of
the pumping system.
Low voltage in major mainte-
nance areas.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 45
2 Site Requirements and Specifications
Performance Specifications

Table 7 Performance Specifications G7111B

Type Specification Comments

GLP features Early maintenance feedback

(EMF) for continuous tracking
of instrument usage in terms of
seal wear and volume of
pumped mobile phase with
pre-defined and user settable
limits and feedback messages.
Electronic records of mainte-
nance and errors

Housing All materials are recyclable

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 46
2 Site Requirements and Specifications
Performance Specifications

Performance Specifications Agilent 1260 Infinity II

Bio-inert Pump (G5654A)
Table 8 Performance Specifications G5654A

Type Specification

Hydraulic system Dual piston in series pump with proprietary servo-controlled variable
stroke drive, floating pistons and active inlet valve, integrated 4-channel
degassing unit

Settable flow range 0.001 – 10 mL/min, in 0.001 mL/min increments

Flow precision < 0.07 % RSD, or <0.02 min SD whichever is greater, based on retention
time at constant temperature

Flow accuracy ± 1 % or 10 µL/min whichever is greater

Pressure Operating range up to 60 MPa (600 bar, 8700 psi) up to 5 mL/min

Operating range up to 20 MPa (200 bar, 2950 psi) up to 10 mL/min

Pressure pulsation < 2 % amplitude (typically < 1.3 %), at 1 mL/min isopropanol, at all pres-
sures > 1 MPa (10 bar)

Compressibility compen- User-selectable, based on mobile phase compressibility


Recommended pH 1 – 13, short term 141


Gradient formation Low pressure quaternary mixing/gradient capability using proprietary

high-speed proportioning valve

Delay volume 600 – 900 µL, dependent on back pressure.

Settable composition 0 – 100 % in 0.1 % increments


Composition precision < 0.2 % RSD or < 0.04 min SD, whichever is greater, at 1 mL/min; based
on retention time at constant room temperature

Instrument Control Lab Advisor B.02.08 or above

LC and CE Drivers A.02.14 or above
For details about supported software versions refer to the compatibility
matrix of your version of the LC and CE Drivers

Local Control Agilent Instant Pilot (G4208A) B.02.20 or above

Communications Controller-area network (CAN), USB

Extended Remote Interface: ready, start, stop and shut-down signals

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 47
2 Site Requirements and Specifications
Performance Specifications

Table 8 Performance Specifications G5654A

Type Specification

Materials in flowpath Titanium, Gold, Platinum-Iridium, Sapphire, PEEK, PTFE, Ruby, Ceramic,

Active seal wash Included

1 For solvent compatibility, refer to section "Solvent information" in the manual for the Agilent 1260 Infinity
Bio-inert LC System.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 48
3 Using the Pump

Magnets 50
Turn on/off 51
Status Indicators 53
Best Practices 54
Daily / Weekly tasks 54
Power up / Shut-down the pump 54
Prepare the pump 55
How to deal with solvents 55
Select channels for Multi-Channel Gradient Valve (MCGV) 56
Leak and Waste Handling 57
Waste Concept 58
Hints for Successful Use of the Pump 59
Setting up the Pump with the G4208A Instant Pilot 60
Setting up the Pump with the Instrument Control Interface 61
Overview 61
Instrument Configuration 62
The Pump User Interface (Dashboard Panel) 63
Control Settings 66
Method Parameter Settings 67
Solvent Information 71
Materials in Flow Path 71
Bio-inert Materials 73
General Information about Solvent/Material Compatibility 75
Algae Growth in HPLC Systems 81
How to Prevent and/or Reduce the Algae Problem 81
Prevent Blocking of Solvent Filters 82
Normal Phase Applications 83

This chapter provides information for optimized usage of the module.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 49
3 Using the Pump


1 Magnets in doors of pumps, autosamplers, detectors, and fraction collectors.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 50
3 Using the Pump
Turn on/off

Turn on/off

This procedure exemplarily shows an arbitrary LC stack configuration.

1 2

Power switch: On

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 51
3 Using the Pump
Turn on/off

3 Turn instrument On/Off with the control software. 4

Power switch: Off


Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 52
3 Using the Pump
Status Indicators

Status Indicators

This procedure exemplarily shows an arbitrary LC stack configuration.

1 The module status indicator indicates one of six possible module conditions:

Status indicators
1. Idle
2. Run mode
3. Not-ready. Waiting for a specific pre-run condition to be reached or
4. Error mode - interrupts the analysis and requires attention (for example, a
leak or defective internal components).
5. Resident mode (blinking) - for example, during update of main firmware.
6. Bootloader mode (fast blinking). Try to re-boot the module or try a
cold-start. Then try a firmware update.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 53
3 Using the Pump
Best Practices

Best Practices

Daily / Weekly tasks

Daily tasks
• Replace mobile phase based on water/buffer.
• Replace organic mobile phase latest every second day.
• Check seal wash solvent.

Weekly Tasks
• Change seal wash solvent (10 % isopropanol in water) and bottle.
• If applications with salts were used, flush all channels with water and remove
possible salt deposits manually.
• Inspect solvent filters for dirt or blockages. Exchange if no flow is coming out
of the solvent line when removed from the degasser inlet.

Power up / Shut-down the pump

Power up the pump
• Use new or different mobile phase (as required).
• Purge pump heads with 2.5 – 3 mL/min for 5 min.
• Stabilize the system by running for 10 – 20 min.

Long-term shut-down of the system

• Flush system with water to remove buffer.
• Remove all samples from the sampler and store according to good laboratory
• Use recommended solvents to store the system.
• Power off the system.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 54
3 Using the Pump
Best Practices

Prepare the pump

Use the Purge function to:
• fill the pump,
• exchange a solvent,
• remove air bubbles in tubes and pump heads.

Seal wash
Seal Wash guarantees a maximum seal life time. Use Seal Wash:
• When using buffers with elevated salt concentrations
• When using volatile solvents with non-volatile additives

Contaminated seal wash solvent

 Do not recycle seal wash solvent to avoid contamination.
 Weekly exchange seal wash solvent.

How to deal with solvents

• Use clean bottles only.
• Exchange water-based solvents daily.
• Select solvent volume to be used up within 1 – 2 days.
• Use only HPLC-grade solvents and water filtered through 0.2 µm filters.
• Label bottles correctly with bottle content, and filling date / expiry date.
• Use solvent inlet filters.
• Reduce risk of algae growth: use brown bottles for aqueous solvents, avoid
direct sunlight.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 55
3 Using the Pump
Best Practices

Select channels for Multi-Channel Gradient Valve

• Use lower channels (A and/or D) for buffer solutions.
• Regularly flush all MCGV channels with water to remove possible salt
• Check compatibility of buffers and organic solvents to avoid precipitation.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 56
3 Using the Pump
Leak and Waste Handling

Leak and Waste Handling

Toxic, flammable and hazardous solvents, samples and reagents
The handling of solvents, samples and reagents can hold health and safety
 When working with these substances observe appropriate safety
procedures (for example by wearing goggles, safety gloves and
protective clothing) as described in the material handling and safety
data sheet supplied by the vendor, and follow good laboratory practice.
 Do not use solvents with an auto-ignition temperature below 200 °C
(392 °F). Do not use solvents with a boiling point below 56 °C (133 °F).
 Avoid high vapor concentrations. Keep the solvent temperature at least
40 °C (72 °F) below the boiling point of the solvent used. This includes
the solvent temperature in the sample compartment. For the solvents
methanol and ethanol keep the solvent temperature at least 25 °C
(45 °F) below the boiling point.
 Do not operate the instrument in an explosive atmosphere.
 Do not use solvents of ignition Class IIC according IEC 60079-20-1 (for
example, carbon disulfide).
 Reduce the volume of substances to the minimum required for the
 Never exceed the maximum permissible volume of solvents (8 L) in the
solvent cabinet. Do not use bottles that exceed the maximum
permissible volume as specified in the usage guideline for solvent
 Ground the waste container.
 Regularly check the filling level of the waste container. The residual free
volume in the waste container must be large enough to collect the waste
 To achieve maximal safety, regularly check the tubing for correct
For details, see the usage guideline for the solvent cabinet. A printed copy of the
NOTE guideline has been shipped with the solvent cabinet, electronic copies are
available in the Agilent Information Center or via the Internet.

For details on correct installation, see separate installation documentation.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 57
3 Using the Pump
Leak and Waste Handling

Waste Concept
1 Agilent recommends using the 6 L waste can with 1 Stay Safe cap GL45 with
4 ports (5043-1221) for optimal and safe waste disposal. If you decide to use
your own waste solution, make sure that the tubes don't immerse in the liquid.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 58
3 Using the Pump
Hints for Successful Use of the Pump

Hints for Successful Use of the Pump

• Always place the solvent cabinet with the solvent bottles on top of the
quaternary pump (or at a higher level).
• When using salt solutions and organic solvents in the quaternary pump it is
recommended to connect the salt solution to one of the bottom gradient
valve ports and the organic solvent to one of the upper gradient valve ports. It
is best to have the organic channel directly above the salt solution channel.
Regular flushing of all MCGV channels with water is recommended to remove
all possible salt deposits in the valve ports.
• Before operating the quaternary pump, flush the pump and vacuum degasser.
This is especially recommended if it has been turned off for some time (for
example, overnight) and volatile solvent mixtures are used in the channels.
• Prevent blocking of solvent inlet filters. Never use the pump without solvent
inlet filter. Prevent the growth of algae, see “Prevent Blocking of Solvent
Filters” on page 82).
• Regularly check the purge valve frit and column frit. A blocked purge valve frit
can be identified by a black or yellow surface, deposits or by a pressure
greater than 10 bar, when pumping distilled water at a rate of 5 mL/min with
an open purge valve.
• When using the quaternary pump at low flow rates (for example, 0.2 mL/min)
check all 1/16-inch fittings for any signs of leaks.
• Whenever exchanging the pump seals the purge valve frit should be
exchanged, too.
• When using buffers or other salt solutions, flush the system with water before
switching it off. The seal wash option should be used when salt
concentrations of 0.1 M or higher will be used for long time periods.
• Check the pump pistons for scratches when changing the piston seals.
Scratched pistons will cause micro leaks and will decrease the lifetime of the
• Pressurize the system according to the wear in procedure after changing the
piston seals (see “Maintenance of a Pump Head Without Seal Wash
Option” on page 152).
• Consider recommendations given in the solvent information section, see
“Solvent Information” on page 71.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 59
3 Using the Pump
Setting up the Pump with the G4208A Instant Pilot

Setting up the Pump with the G4208A Instant


Generic operation of the G4208A Instant Pilot is covered in the Agilent Instant
Pilot G4208A User's Guide (G4208-90006). Details about setting up module
specific parameters can be found in the Instant Pilot online help.
The pump parameters are described in detail in “Overview” on page 61.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 60
3 Using the Pump
Setting up the Pump with the Instrument Control Interface

Setting up the Pump with the Instrument Control


Parameters described in following sections are offered by the instrument control
interface and can usually be accessed through Agilent instrument control
software. For details, please refer to manuals and online help of respective user

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 61
3 Using the Pump
Setting up the Pump with the Instrument Control Interface

Instrument Configuration
Use the Instrument Configuration dialog box to examine and, if necessary, modify
your instrument configuration. The Configurable Modules panel contains a list of
all modules available for configuration. The Selected Modules panel contains the
list of configured modules.
Auto Configuration: Under Communication settings, select either the Host Name
option or the IP address option and enter the appropriate value for the host
computer to enable automatic detection of the hardware configuration. The
system configures the instrument automatically with no further manual
configuration necessary.
The Quaternary Pump configuration parameters are in two sections:
• Communication
• Options
Communication: The parameters in this dialog box are detected automatically
during autoconfiguration.
• Device name,
• Type ID,
• Serial number,
• Firmware revision,
• Button Connection settings
• Pressure Unit:
select the pressure units from the drop-down list (bar, psi or MPa).
• Seal wash installed:
This check box is marked to indicate that an optional seal wash has been
detected during autoconfiguration.
Please refer to the online help of your user interface for more detailed

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3 Using the Pump
Setting up the Pump with the Instrument Control Interface

The Pump User Interface (Dashboard Panel)

Module Graphic
The items in the pump graphic have the following meaning and function:

The level of solvent in the bottle is denoted by the gray area;

when the solvent level falls below the specified volume, the area
turns yellow; when the bottle is empty, the area turns red. Click-
ing on the solvent bottle displays the Bottle Fillings dialog box.
The tooltip for the bottle shows the solvent name.

The pressure setpoints. The red line shows the current maxi-
mum pressure limit; the gray area shows the current pressure
(also shown as text).

The current solvent flow rate (in mL/min) is displayed above the pressure display.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 63
3 Using the Pump
Setting up the Pump with the Instrument Control Interface

Instrument Signals
The following pump signals are displayed:
Table 9 Pump signals (isocratic pump)

Flow The current solvent flow rate (in mL/min).

Pressure The current pump ressure (in bar, psi or MPa, see “Instrument
Configuration” on page 62).

Ripple The current ripple (in %).

Pressure Limit The current maximum pressure limit.

Table 10 Pump signals (quaternary pump)

Flow The current solvent flow rate (in mL/min).

Pressure The current pump ressure (in bar, psi or MPa, see “Instrument
Configuration” on page 62).

Ripple The current ripple (in %).

Pressure Limit The current maximum pressure limit.

Composition A:B The contributions of channels A and B to the current solvent composition.

Composition C:D The contributions of channels C and D to the current solvent composition.

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3 Using the Pump
Setting up the Pump with the Instrument Control Interface

Context Menu
The context menu of the dashboard panel contains the following commands:

Control Displays the pump's Control dialog box.

Method Displays the pump's Method Setup dialog box.

Set Error Method Sets the method that is loaded if an error occurs to the method
that is currently available in the hardware.

Identify Device Causes the LED on the front of the module to blink for a few sec-

Switch Pump On/Off Toggles the status of the pump, on or off.

Bottle Fillings Displays the Bottle Fillings dialog box.

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3 Using the Pump
Setting up the Pump with the Instrument Control Interface

Control Settings
The pump control parameters are in three sections:
• Pump
• Seal Wash
• Automatic Turn On
Table 11 Pump control parameters

Parameter Limits Description

Pump Enables you to switch the pump On, Off or to a Standby condition.
In the Standby condition, the pump motor is still active, and when the pump
is switched on again, does not need to be re-initialized.

Seal Wash The seal wash can be set up to be run once ( Single wash) or periodically (
• Off: no seal wash is used.
• Single wash: the seal will be purged for a specified time.
• Periodic: a periodic wash will be applied for a defined period in minutes.
The option is available only when the pump has seal wash capability. The
seal wash capability is detected by the module itself. If seal wash is
installed, it is recommended to use it in order to increase the primary seal

Automatic Turn On Module can be turned on at a specified date/time. This feature can only be
used if the module power switch is turned on.

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3 Using the Pump
Setting up the Pump with the Instrument Control Interface

Method Parameter Settings

The pump method setup parameters are in eight sections:
• Flow
• Solvent(s)
• Stoptime
• Posttime
• Pressure Limits
• Timetable
• Advanced
Table 12 Method parameters

Parameter Limits Description

Flow ≤200 bar: The flow is the rate of movement of eluent along the column. It is important
0.0 – 10.00 mL/min in that the flow rate is kept constant to ensure precise retention time, and peak
steps of 0.001 measurements. Variations in flow rate can occur as a result of the partial
> 200 bar: failure of the pumping system, air in the pumping system, a change in the
0.0 – 5.00 mL/min in mobile phase viscosity or a temperature change.
steps of 0.001.

Solvent(s) Isocratic Pump: The text box allows you to type a brief description of the sol-
Quaternary Pump: You can set the percentages of solvents B, C and D to any
value from 0 through 100 %. Solvent A always delivers the remaining vol-
ume: 100 - (%B + %C + %D). The check boxes allows you to turn the solvent
channels on (checked) or off (cleared). The text boxes allow you to type a
brief description of each of the solvents.

Stoptime 0.01 – 99999 minor The stoptime sets a time limit for your analysis. After the stoptime, all gradi-
As Injector/No Limit ents are stopped and the pump parameters return to their initial values. The
(an infinite run time). pump can be used as a stoptime master for the complete analytical system.
The pump also stops the detectors if they have a No Limit stoptime setting.
If no limit is given, a method will have to be stopped manually.

Posttime 0.01 – 99999 minor Your instrument remains in a not ready state during the posttime to delay
Off ( 0.0 min). the start of the next analysis. You can use the Posttime to allow your column
to equilibrate after changes in solvent composition (for example after gradi-
ent elution).

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3 Using the Pump
Setting up the Pump with the Instrument Control Interface

Table 12 Method parameters

Parameter Limits Description

Pressure Limits Max: 600 bar Sets the maximum and minimum pressure limits for the pump.
(8700 psi) for flow • Max is the maximum pressure limit at which the pump will switch itself
rates up to 5 mL/min. off, protecting the analytical system against over-pressure.
200 bar (2900 psi) for • Min is the minimum limit at which the pump will switch itself off, for
flow rates > 5 mL/min. example, if any solvent reservoir is empty, this prevents system damage
Min: any value by pumping air.
between 0and the
upper pressure limit

Timetable See “Timetable Settings” on page 70

Advanced See “Advanced Settings” on page 69

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3 Using the Pump
Setting up the Pump with the Instrument Control Interface

Advanced Settings
The pump advanced method setup parameters are in four sections:
• Minimum Stroke
• Compressibility
• Maximum Flow Gradient
• Primary Channel (Quaternary Pump only)
Table 13 Advanced method parameters

Parameter Limits Description

Minimum Stroke 20 – 100 µL The Stroke Volume is used for optimizing between performance of the mod-
ule and seal life time. For performance a low stroke volume is beneficial, as
it divides disturbances into smaller packages, but a larger volume is extend-
ing the life time of the pump seals.
If Automatic is activated, the pump tries to achieve an optimized stroke vol-
ume for best performance and lowest ripple.

Compressibility 40·10-6 – 150·10-6. The compressibility of the mobile phase has an effect on the performance
Default compressibil- of the pump. For best flow accuracy and mixing performance, you can set
ity value: 100·10-6 the parameter according to the mobile phase being used.

Maximum Flow Gradi- 0.1 – 100 mL/min/mi You can set a limit on the rate of change of the solvent flow to protect your
ent n analytical column.
Default value:
100 mL/min/min

Primary Channel (Qua- Using Automatic is recommended.

ternary pump only) The primary channel can be specified as A to D for optimizing highly specific
methods. It is split up to deliver the first and last solvent package created by
the MCGV in order to optimize composition precision. The primary channel
does not change during a gradient, as long as the channel is used. Using
Automatic chooses the channel with the highest percentage at start condi-
tions before a gradient.

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3 Using the Pump
Setting up the Pump with the Instrument Control Interface

Timetable Settings
Use the Timetable to program changes in the pump parameters during the
analysis by entering a time in the Time field and appropriate values in the
following fields of the timetable. Changes in flow rate occur linearly from either
time zero or the time of the last defined change; other parameters change
instantaneously at the time defined in the timetable.
Show Advanced Timetable toggles the timetable display between standard mode
and advanced mode.
The following parameters can be changed:
• Change Contacts
• Change Flow
• Change Max. Pressure Limit
• Change Solvent Composition - You can only use solvents, which have been
enabled in the solvents section.
• Function centric view - This checkbox allows you displaying parameter
changes instead of a time table.

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3 Using the Pump
Solvent Information

Solvent Information

Observe the following recommendations on the use of solvents.

• Follow the recommendations for avoiding the growth of algae, see “Algae
Growth in HPLC Systems” on page 81
• Small particles can permanently block capillaries and valves. Therefore,
always filter solvents through 0.22 µm filters.
• Avoid or minimize the use of solvents that may corrode parts in the flow path.
Consider specifications for the pH range given for different materials such as
flow cells, valve materials etc. and recommendations in subsequent sections.

Materials in Flow Path

Following materials are used in the flow path of this module:
Table 14 Materials in flow path (G7110B, G7111A, G7111B)

Part Materials

Degasser chamber TFE/PDD Copolymer, PFA (internal tubings), PEEK (inlets), FEP (tub-
ings), ETFE (fittings)

MCGV SST, PTFE, PEEK, FEP, PFA, ceramic, sapphire, ruby

Passive inlet valve SST, gold, sapphire, ruby, ceramic, PTFE

Active inlet valve SST, gold, sapphire, ruby, ceramic, PTFE

Outlet valve SST, gold, ruby, ZrO2-based ceramic, tantalum

Adapter SST, gold

Pump head (body) SST

Pistons Sapphire

Piston seals/wash seals PTFE, SST (reversed phase) or UHMW-PE, SST (normal phase)

Pressure sensor SST

Purge valve SST, gold, PTFE, ceramic

Damping unit SST, gold

Capillaries/fittings SST

Tubings PTFE

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3 Using the Pump
Solvent Information

Table 15 Materials in flow path (G5654A)

Part Materials

Degasser chamber TFE/PDD Copolymer, PFA (internal tubings), PEEK (inlets), FEP (tub-
ings), ETFE (fittings)

MCGV Platinum-iridium, titanium, PTFE, PEEK, FEP, PFA, ceramic, sapphire,


Active inlet valve Platinum-iridium, titanium, gold, sapphire, ruby, ceramic, PTFE

Outlet valve Titanium, gold, ruby, ZrO2-based ceramic, tantalum

Adapter Titanium, gold

Pump head (body) Titanium

Pistons Sapphire

Piston seals/wash seals PTFE, gold

Pressure sensor Titanium

Purge valve Titanium, gold, PTFE, ceramic

Damping unit Titanium, gold

Capillaries/fittings Titanium

Tubings PTFE

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 72
3 Using the Pump
Solvent Information

Bio-inert Materials
For the Bio-inert LC system, Agilent Technologies uses highest quality materials
in the flow path (also referred to as wetted parts), which are widely accepted by
life science scientists, as they are known for optimum inertness to biological
samples and ensure best compatibility with common samples and solvents over
a wide pH range. Explicitly, the complete flow path is free of stainless steel and
free of other alloys containing metals such as iron, nickel, cobalt, chromium,
molybdenum or copper, which can interfere with biological samples. The flow
downstream of the sample introduction contains no metals whatsoever.
Table 16 Used Bio-inert materials

Module Materials

Agilent 1260 Infinity II Bio-inert Pump Titanium, gold, platinum-iridium, ceramic,

(G5654A) ruby, PTFE, PEEK

Agilent 1260 Infinity II Bio-inert Multisampler Upstream of sample introduction:

(G5668A) • Titanium, gold, PTFE, PEEK, ceramic
Downstream of sample introduction:
• PEEK, ceramic

Agilent 1260 Infinity II Bio-inert Manual Injector PEEK, ceramic


Agilent 1260 Infinity II Bio-inert Analytical Fraction Collector PEEK, ceramic, PTFE

Bio-inert Flow Cells:

Standard flow cell bio-inert, 10 mm, 13 µL, 120 bar ( 12 MPa) for MWD/DAD, PEEK, ceramic, sapphire, PTFE
includes 0890-1763 – 0.18 x 1500 mm PEEK capillary and 5063-6591 – PEEK
fittings (G5615-60022)
(for Agilent 1260 Infinity II DAD G7115A, and MWD G7165A)

Bio-inert flow cell, 8 µL, 20 bar (pH 1–12), includes 0890-1763 – 0.18 x 1500 mm PEEK, fused silica, PTFE
PEEK capillary and 5063-6591 – PEEK fittings (G5615-60005)
(for Agilent 1260 Infinity II FLD G7121A/B)

Bio-inert Heat Exchangers, Valves and Capillaries:

Quick Connect Heat Exchanger Bio-inert (G7116-60041) PEEK (steel-cladded)

(for Agilent 1260 Infinity II Multicolumn Thermostat G7116A)

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Solvent Information

Table 16 Used Bio-inert materials

Module Materials

Bio-inert Valve heads (G4235A, G5631A, G5632A, G5639A) PEEK, ceramic (Al2O3 based)

Bio-inert Connection capillaries Upstream of sample introduction:

• Titanium
Downstream of sample introduction:
• Agilent uses stainless-steel-cladded
PEEK capillaries, which keep the flow
path free of steel and provide pressure
stability up to 600 bar.

To ensure optimum bio-compatibility of your Agilent 1260 Infinity II Bio-inert LC

NOTE system, do not include non-inert standard modules or parts to the flow path. Do
not use any parts that are not labeled as Agilent “Bio-inert”. For solvent
compatibility of these materials, see “General Information about Solvent/Material
Compatibility” on page 75.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 74
3 Using the Pump
Solvent Information

General Information about Solvent/Material

Materials in the flow path are carefully selected based on Agilent’s experiences in
developing highest-quality instruments for HPLC analysis over several decades.
These materials exhibit excellent robustness under typical HPLC conditions. For
any special condition, please consult the material information section or contact

Subsequent data was collected from external resources and is meant as a
reference. Agilent cannot guarantee the correctness and completeness of such
information. Data is based on compatibility libraries, which are not specific for
estimating the long-term life time under specific but highly variable conditions of
UHPLC systems, solvents, solvent mixtures and samples. Information can also
not be generalized due to catalytic effects of impurities like metal ions,
complexing agents, oxygen etc. Apart from pure chemical corrosion, other
effects like electro corrosion, electrostatic charging (especially for
non-conductive organic solvents), swelling of polymer parts etc. need to be
considered. Most data available refers to room temperature (typically 20 – 25 °C,
68 – 77 °F). If corrosion is possible, it usually accelerates at higher temperatures.
If in doubt, please consult technical literature on chemical compatibility of

MP35N is a nonmagnetic, nickel-cobalt-chromium-molybdenum alloy
demonstrating excellent corrosion resistance (for example, against nitric and
sulfuric acids, sodium hydroxide, and seawater) over a wide range of
concentrations and temperatures. In addition, this alloy shows exceptional
resistance to high-temperature oxidation. Due to excellent chemical resistance
and toughness, the alloy is used in diverse applications: dental products, medical
devices, nonmagnetic electrical components, chemical and food processing
equipment, marine equipment. Treatment of MP35N alloy samples with 10 %
NaCl in HCl (pH 2.0) does not reveal any detectable corrosion. MP35N also
demonstrates excellent corrosion resistance in a humid environment. Although
the influence of a broad variety of solvents and conditions has been tested, users
should keep in mind that multiple factors can affect corrosion rates, such as
temperature, concentration, pH, impurities, stress, surface finish, and dissimilar
metal contacts.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 75
3 Using the Pump
Solvent Information

Polyphenylene Sulfide (PPS)

Polyphenylene sulfide has outstanding stability even at elevated temperatures. It
is resistant to dilute solutions of most inorganic acids, but it can be attacked by
some organic compounds and oxidizing reagents. Nonoxidizing inorganic acids,
such as sulfuric acid and phosphoric acid, have little effect on polyphenylene
sulfide, but at high concentrations and temperatures, they can still cause material
damage. Nonoxidizing organic chemicals generally have little effect on
polyphenylene sulfide stability, but amines, aromatic compounds, and
halogenated compounds may cause some swelling and softening over extended
periods of time at elevated temperatures. Strong oxidizing acids, such as nitric
acid (> 0.1 %), hydrogen halides (> 0.1 %), peroxy acids (> 1 %), or chlorosulfuric
acid degrade polyphenylene sulfide. It is not recommended to use polyphenylene
sulfide with oxidizing material, such as sodium hypochlorite and hydrogen
peroxide. However, under mild environmental conditions, at low concentrations
and for short exposure times, polyphenylene sulfide can withstand these
chemicals, for example, as ingredients of common disinfectant solutions.

PEEK (Polyether-Ether Ketones) combines excellent properties regarding
biocompatibility, chemical resistance, mechanical and thermal stability. PEEK is
therefore the material of choice for UHPLC and biochemical instrumentation.
It is stable in the specified pH range (for the Bio-Inert LC system: pH 1 – 13, see
bio-inert module manuals for details), and inert to many common solvents.
There is still a number of known incompatibilities with chemicals such as
chloroform, methylene chloride, THF, DMSO, strong acids (nitric acid > 10 %,
sulfuric acid > 10 %, sulfonic acids, trichloroacetic acid), halogens or aqueous
halogen solutions, phenol and derivatives (cresols, salicylic acid, and so on).
When used above room temperature, PEEK is sensitive to bases and various
organic solvents, which can cause it to swell. Under such conditions, normal
PEEK capillaries are sensitive to high pressure. Therefore, Agilent uses stainless
steel cladded PEEK capillaries in bio-inert systems. The use of stainless steel
cladded PEEK capillaries keeps the flow path free of steel and ensures pressure
stability up to 600 bar. If in doubt, consult the available literature about the
chemical compatibility of PEEK.

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3 Using the Pump
Solvent Information

Agilent uses semi-crystalline polyimide for rotor seals in valves and needle seats
in autosamplers. One supplier of polyimide is DuPont, which brands polyimide as
Vespel, which is also used by Agilent.
Polyimide is stable in a pH range between 1 and 10 and in most organic solvents.
It is incompatible with concentrated mineral acids (e.g. sulphuric acid), glacial
acetic acid, DMSO and THF. It is also degraded by nucleophilic substances like
ammonia (e.g. ammonium salts in basic conditions) or acetates.

Polyethylene (PE)
Agilent uses UHMW (ultra-high molecular weight)-PE/PTFE blends for yellow
piston and wash seals, which are used in 1290 Infinity pumps, 1290 Infinity II
pumps, the G7104C and for normal phase applications in 1260 Infinity pumps.
Polyethylene has a good stability for most common inorganic solvents including
acids and bases in a pH range of 1 to 12.5. It is compatible with many organic
solvents used in chromatographic systems like methanol, acetonitrile and
isopropanol. It has limited stability with aliphatic, aromatic and halogenated
hydrocarbons, THF, phenol and derivatives, concentrated acids and bases. For
normal phase applications, the maximum pressure should be limited to 200 bar.

Tantalum (Ta)
Tantalum is inert to most common HPLC solvents and almost all acids except
fluoric acid and acids with free sulfur trioxide. It can be corroded by strong bases
(e.g. hydroxide solutions > 10 %, diethylamine). It is not recommended for the use
with fluoric acid and fluorides.

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3 Using the Pump
Solvent Information

Stainless Steel (SST)

Stainless steel is inert against many common solvents. It is stable in the
presence of acids and bases in a pH range of 1 to 12.5. It can be corroded by
acids below pH 2.3. It can also corrode in following solvents:
• Solutions of alkali halides, their respective acids (for example, lithium iodide,
potassium chloride, and so on) and aqueous solutions of halogens.
• High concentrations of inorganic acids like nitric acid, sulfuric acid and
organic solvents especially at higher temperatures (replace, if your
chromatography method allows, by phosphoric acid or phosphate buffer
which are less corrosive against stainless steel).
• Halogenated solvents or mixtures which form radicals and/or acids, for
2 CHCl3 + O2→ 2 COCl2 + 2 HCl
This reaction, in which stainless steel probably acts as a catalyst, occurs
quickly with dried chloroform if the drying process removes the stabilizing
• Chromatographic grade ethers, which can contain peroxides (for example,
THF, dioxane, diisopropylether). Such ethers should be filtered through dry
aluminium oxide which adsorbs the peroxides.
• Solutions of organic acids (acetic acid, formic acid, and so on) in organic
solvents. For example, a 1 % solution of acetic acid in methanol will attack
• Solutions containing strong complexing agents (for example, EDTA, ethylene
diamine tetra-acetic acid).
• Mixtures of carbon tetrachloride with isopropanol or THF.

Titanium (Ti)
Titanium is highly resistant to oxidizing acids (for example, nitric, perchloric and
hypochlorous acid) over a wide range of concentrations and temperatures. This
is due to a thin oxide layer on the surface, which is stabilized by oxidizing
compounds. Non-oxidizing acids (for example, hydrochloric, sulfuric and
phosphoric acid) can cause slight corrosion, which increases with acid
concentration and temperature. For example, the corrosion rate with 3 % HCl
(about pH 0.1) at room temperature is about 13 μm/year. At room temperature,
titanium is resistant to concentrations of about 5 % sulfuric acid (about pH 0.3).
Addition of nitric acid to hydrochloric or sulfuric acids significantly reduces
corrosion rates. Titanium is sensitive to acidic metal chlorides like FeCl3 or CuCl2.
Titanium is subject to corrosion in anhydrous methanol, which can be avoided by
adding a small amount of water (about 3 %). Slight corrosion is possible with
ammonia > 10 %.

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3 Using the Pump
Solvent Information

Diamond-Like Carbon (DLC)

Diamond-Like Carbon is inert to almost all common acids, bases and solvents.
There are no documented incompatibilities for HPLC applications.

Fused silica and Quartz (SiO2)

Fused silica is used in Max Light Cartridges. Quartz is used for classical flow cell
windows. It is inert against all common solvents and acids except hydrofluoric
acid and acidic solvents containing fluorides. It is corroded by strong bases and
should not be used above pH 12 at room temperature. The corrosion of flow cell
windows can negatively affect measurement results. For a pH greater than 12,
the use of flow cells with sapphire windows is recommended.

Gold is inert to all common HPLC solvents, acids and bases within the specified
pH range. It can be corroded by complexing cyanides and concentrated acids like
aqua regia.

Zirconium Oxide (ZrO2)

Zirconium Oxide is inert to almost all common acids, bases and solvents. There
are no documented incompatibilities for HPLC applications.

Platinum/Iridium is inert to almost all common acids, bases and solvents. There
are no documented incompatibilities for HPLC applications.

Fluorinated polymers (PTFE, PFA, FEP, FFKM, PVDF)

Fluorinated polymers like PTFE (polytetrafluorethylene), PFA (perfluoroalkoxy),
and FEP (fluorinated ethylene propylene) are inert to almost all common acids,
bases, and solvents. FFKM is perfluorinated rubber, which is also resistant to
most chemicals. As an elastomer, it may swell in some organic solvents like
halogenated hydrocarbons.
TFE/PDD copolymer tubings, which are used in all Agilent degassers except
G1322A/G7122A, are not compatible with fluorinated solvents like Freon,
Fluorinert, or Vertrel. They have limited life time in the presence of
hexafluoroisopropanol (HFIP). To ensure the longest possible life with HFIP, it is
best to dedicate a particular chamber to this solvent, not to switch solvents, and

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 79
3 Using the Pump
Solvent Information

not to let dry out the chamber. For optimizing the life of the pressure sensor, do
not leave HFIP in the chamber when the unit is off.
The tubing of the leak sensor is made of PVDF (polyvinylidene fluoride), which is
incompatible with the solvent DMF (dimethyl formamide).

Sapphire, Ruby and Al2O3-based ceramics

Sapphire, ruby and ceramics based on aluminum oxide Al2O3 are inert to almost
all common acids, bases and solvents. There are no documented
incompatibilities for HPLC applications.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 80
3 Using the Pump
Algae Growth in HPLC Systems

Algae Growth in HPLC Systems

The presence of algae in HPLC systems can cause a variety of problems that
may be incorrectly diagnosed as instrument or application problems. Algae grow
in aqueous media, preferably in a pH range of 4-8. Their growth is accelerated by
buffers, for example phosphate or acetate. Since algae grow through
photosynthesis, light will also stimulate their growth. Even in distilled water
small-sized algae grow after some time.

Instrumental Problems Associated With Algae

Algae deposit and grow everywhere within the HPLC system, causing the
followng problems:
• Blocked solvent filters, or deposits on inlet or outlet valves, resulting in
unstable flow, composition or gradient problems, or a complete failure of the
• Plugging of small-pore, high-pressure solvent filters, usually placed before the
injector, resulting in high system pressure.
• Blockage of PTFE frits, leading to increased system pressure.
• Plugging of column filters, giving high system pressure.
• Dirty flow cell windows of detectors, resulting in higher noise levels (since the
detector is the last module in the flow path, this problem is less common).

How to Prevent and/or Reduce the Algae Problem

• Always use freshly prepared solvents, especially use demineralized water
which was filtered through 0.2 µm filters.
• Never leave mobile phase in the instrument for several days without flow.
• Always discard old mobile phase.
• Use the amber solvent bottle (Solvent bottle, amber, 1000 mL (9301-6526))
supplied with the instrument for your aqueous mobile phase.
• If possible add a few mg/L sodium azide or a few percent organic solvent to
the aqueous mobile phase.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 81
3 Using the Pump
Prevent Blocking of Solvent Filters

Prevent Blocking of Solvent Filters

Contaminated solvents or algae growth in the solvent bottle will reduce the
lifetime of the solvent filter and will influence the performance of the module.
This is especially true for aqueous solvents or phosphate buffers (pH 4 to 7). The
following suggestions will prolong lifetime of the solvent filter and will maintain
the performance of the module.
• Use a sterile, if possible amber, solvent bottle to slow down algae growth.
• Filter solvents through filters or membranes that remove algae.
• Exchange solvents every two days or refilter.
• If the application permits add 0.0001 – 0.001 M sodium azide to the solvent.
• Place a layer of argon on top of your solvent.
• Avoid exposure of the solvent bottle to direct sunlight.

Never use the system without solvent filter installed.


Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 82
3 Using the Pump
Normal Phase Applications

Normal Phase Applications

Current passive inlet valves and outlet ball valves used with 1260 and 1290
Infinity pumps do not work well with applications using non-polar solvents as for
normal phase applications (e.g. hexane, heptane and CO2). With such
applications, pressure drops could be observed. They are a result of particles
electrostatically charging up in insulating solvents and sticking to the balls inside
the valves, such that the valves do not close properly any more after some time
of use (can be hours).
For normal phase applications, a second type of valves is available, which has a
design based on the existing one for 1260 and 1290 Infinity valves. These valves
use a new material for valve balls, which is a conductive ceramic and replaces
non-conductive ruby balls. The balls do not charge up electrostatically and show
good performance in normal phase.
The valves are marked with N for non-polar or normal phase.
Agilent recommends using these valves for (and only for) normal phase

Corrosion of valves
Normal phase balls/valves corrode quickly in aqueous solutions and acids (at
or below pH 7).
 Do not use normal phase valves in applications running with aqueous

The N-Valves have been tested successfully in using hexane at pressures below
100 bar; heptane can be used as a substitute for neurotoxic hexane.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 83
3 Using the Pump
Normal Phase Applications

Seals for Normal Phase Applications

For running normal phase applications on 1200 Infinity Series pumps, yellow PE
seals are required, which exist as piston seals and wash seals. Seal wash is very
uncommon for normal phase applications (no buffers needed), but wash seals
are needed for seal wash pump heads.
1290 Infinity pumps use PE seals by default. In combination with ceramic
pistons, PE seals are used for both reversed phase (1200 bar) and normal phase
1260 Infinity pumps use sapphire pistons and black PTFE piston and wash seals
by default (600 bar). Such PTFE seals create small wear particles in normal
phase applications, which can clog valves and other parts in the flow path.
PE seals have a limited life time when used with normal phase solvents and
sapphire pistons. Agilent recommends a maximum pressure of 200 bar for this
combination, which shall also be applied for pressure tests.

Choice of Normal Phase Valves and Seals

Table 17 Recommended valves and seals for normal phase applications

1260 Infinity 1290 Infinity

Inlet valves 1260 Infinity Inlet Valve Type N 1290 Infinity Inlet Valve Type N
(G1312-60166) (G4220-60122)
1290 Infinity Quat Inlet Valve
Type N (G4204-60122)

Outlet valves Outlet Valve Type N/SFC 1290 Infinity Outlet Valve Type
(G1312-60167) N (G4220-60128)

Seals PE seals (pack of 2)

Wash Seal PE (0905-1718)

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 84
4 Optimizing Performance

Using the Degasser 86

Operational Hints for the Vacuum Degasser 87
Operational Hints for the Multi Channel Gradient Valve (MCGV) 88
When to use the Seal Wash Function 89
Choosing the Right Pump Seals 90
Optimize the Compressibility Compensation Setting 91

This chapter gives hints on how to optimize the performance or use additional

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 85
4 Optimizing Performance
Using the Degasser

Using the Degasser

The quaternary pump has a built-in degasser, which should always be included to
the flow path.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 86
4 Optimizing Performance
Operational Hints for the Vacuum Degasser

Operational Hints for the Vacuum Degasser

If you are using the vacuum degasser for the first time, if the vacuum degasser
was switched off for any length of time (for example, overnight), or if the vacuum
degasser chambers are empty, you have to prime the vacuum degasser before
running an analysis. Priming is usually done by pumping at a high flow rate
(3 – 5 mL/min). Alternatively, a syringe can be used to draw the solvent through
the (empty) degasser if the pump does not aspirate the solvent by itself.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 87
4 Optimizing Performance
Operational Hints for the Multi Channel Gradient Valve (MCGV)

Operational Hints for the Multi Channel Gradient

Valve (MCGV)

In a mixture of salt solutions and organic solvent the salt solution might be well
dissolved in the organic solvent without showing precipitations. However in the
mixing point of the gradient valve, at the boundary between the two solvents,
micro precipitation is possible. Gravity forces the salt particles to fall down.
Normally the A channel of the valve is used for the aqueous/salt solution and the
B channel of the pump is used for the organic solvent. If used in this
configuration the salt will fall back into the aqueous solution and will be
dissolved. When using the pump in a different configuration (e.g., D - salt solution,
A - organic solvent) the salt can fall into the port of the organic solvent and may
lead to performance problems.

When using salt solutions and organic solvents it is recommended to connect

NOTE the salt solution to one of the bottom ports of the MCGV and the organic solvent
to one of the upper gradient valve ports. It is best to have the organic channel
directly above the salt solution channel. Regular flushing with water of all MCGV
channels is recommended to remove all possible salt deposits in the valve ports.

Precipitations formed during the mixing of buffers and organic solvents which do
NOTE not dissolve salts may cause a loss of pump performance (flow/retention time
stability), a blockage or internal leak of the pump. Avoid the use of such solvent
combinations, as they can cause irreproducible chromatographic results.
The use of an Inline filter (G1311-60006) can avoid or reduce such effects by
filtering crystals and re-dissolving them over time.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 88
4 Optimizing Performance
When to use the Seal Wash Function

When to use the Seal Wash Function

Highly concentrated buffer solutions will reduce the lifetime of the seals and
pistons in your pump. The seal wash function allows to maintain the seal lifetime
by flushing the back side of the seal with a wash solvent.
The seal wash function is strongly recommended when buffer concentrations of
0.1 M or higher will be used for long time periods in the pump.
The seal wash function comprises a support ring, secondary seal, gasket and
seal holder for both piston sides. Place a wash bottle filled with 90 % water / 10 %
isopropanol above the pump in the solvent cabinet and guide the SW waste into
the waste bottle underneath the LC stack. The peristaltic pump moves a flow
through the pump head removing all possible buffer crystals from the back of the
pump seal. This mixture prevents growth of algae or bacteria in the wash bottle
and reduces the surface tension of the water.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 89
4 Optimizing Performance
Choosing the Right Pump Seals

Choosing the Right Pump Seals

The standard seal for the pump can be used for most applications. However
applications that use normal phase solvents (for example, hexane) are not suited
for the standard seal and require a different seal when used for a longer time in
the pump.
For applications that use normal phase solvents (for example, hexane) we
recommend using polyethylene pump seals (PE seals (pack of 2) (0905-1420))
and Wash Seal PE (0905-1718). For normal phase applications, these seals have
less abrasion compared to the standard seals.

Polyethylene seals have a limited pressure range of 0 – 200 bar. When used
NOTE above 200 bar their lifetime is reduced significantly.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 90
4 Optimizing Performance
Optimize the Compressibility Compensation Setting

Optimize the Compressibility Compensation


The compressibility compensation default setting is 100 × 10-6 /bar for the
pump. This setting represents an average value. Under normal conditions the
default setting typically reduces the pressure pulsation to values below 1 % of
system pressure that are sufficient for most applications and for all gradient
analyses. The compressibility settings can be optimized by using the values for
the various solvents described in Table 18 on page 92. If the solvent in use is not
listed in the compressibility tables, when using isocratic mixtures of solvents and
if the default settings are not sufficient for your application the following
procedure can be used to optimize the compressibility settings.

When using mixtures of solvents it is not possible to calculate the

NOTE compressibility of the mixture by interpolating the compressibility values of the
pure solvents used in that mixture or by applying any other calculation. In these
cases the following empirical procedure has to be applied to optimize your
compressibility setting.
Inappropriate settings would mainly affect retention times of peaks eluted at the
beginning of a gradient. Therefore optimize settings for the solvent at the
beginning of the gradient. For mixtures containing up to 50 % water, use
compressibility settings of water.

1 Start the pump with the required flow rate.

2 Before starting the optimization procedure, the flow must be stable. Check the
tightness of the system with the pressure test.
3 Your pump must be connected to a data system or Instant Pilot with which
the pressure and %-ripple can be monitored, or connect an external
measurement device to the analog pressure output (see “Electrical
Connections” on page 209)
4 Starting with a compressibility setting of 40·10-6 /bar increase the value in
steps of 10. Re-zero the signal display as required. The compressibility
compensation setting that generates the smallest pressure ripple is the
optimum value for your solvent composition. If ChemStation (classic view) is
used and the ripple shown is positive, then the compressibility setting should
be decreased. If it is negative, it should be increased.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 91
4 Optimizing Performance
Optimize the Compressibility Compensation Setting

Table 18 Solvent Compressibility

Solvent (pure) Compressibility (1·10-6 /bar)

Acetone 126

Acetonitrile 115

Benzene 95

Carbon tetrachloride1 110

Chloroform1 100

Cyclohexane 118

Ethanol 114

Ethyl acetate 104

Heptane 120

Hexane 150

Isobutanol 100

Isopropanol 100

Methanol 120

1-Propanol 100

Toluene 87

Water 46

1 Please check section "Solvent Information" for compatibility to your specific LC system.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 92
5 Troubleshooting and Diagnostics

User Interfaces 94
Agilent Lab Advisor Software 95

This chapter gives an overview about the troubleshooting and diagnostic

features and the different user interfaces.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 93
5 Troubleshooting and Diagnostics
User Interfaces

User Interfaces

Depending on the user interface, the available tests vary. Some descriptions are
only available in the service manual.
Table 19 Test functions available vs. user interface

Test Instant Pilot G4208A Agilent Lab Advisor

System Pressure Test Yes Yes

Pump Leak Rate Test No Yes

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 94
5 Troubleshooting and Diagnostics
Agilent Lab Advisor Software

Agilent Lab Advisor Software

The Agilent Lab Advisor Software (basic license, shipped with an Agilent LC
pump) is a standalone product that can be used with or without a
chromatographic data system. Agilent Lab Advisor helps to manage the lab for
high-quality chromatographic results by providing a detailed system overview of
all connected analytical instruments with instrument status, Early Maintenance
Feedback counters (EMF), instrument configuration information, and diagnostic
tests. With the push of a button, a detailed diagnostic report can be generated.
Upon request, the user can send this report to Agilent for a significantly improved
troubleshooting and repair process.
The Agilent Lab Advisor software is available in two versions:
• Lab Advisor Basic
• Lab Advisor Advanced
Lab Advisor Basic is included with every Agilent 1200 Infinity Series and Agilent
InfinityLab LC Series instrument.
The Lab Advisor Advanced features can be unlocked by purchasing a license key,
and include real-time monitoring of instrument actuals, all various instrument
signals, and state machines. In addition, all diagnostic test results, calibration
results, and acquired signal data can be uploaded to a shared network folder. The
Review Client included in Lab Advisor Advanced allows to load and examine the
uploaded data no matter on which instrument it was generated. This makes Data
Sharing an ideal tool for internal support groups and users who want to track the
instrument history of their analytical systems.
The optional Agilent Maintenance Wizard Add-on provides an easy-to-use,
step-by-step multimedia guide for performing preventive maintenance on Agilent
1200 Infinity LC Series instrument.
The tests and diagnostic features that are provided by the Agilent Lab Advisor
software may differ from the descriptions in this manual. For details, refer to the
Agilent Lab Advisor software help files.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 95
6 Error Information

What Are Error Messages 97

General Error Messages 98
Timeout 98
Shutdown 99
Remote Timeout 100
Lost CAN Partner 100
Leak 101
Leak Sensor Open 102
Leak Sensor Short 103
Compensation Sensor Open 103
Compensation Sensor Short 104
Fan Failed 105
ERI Messages 105
Module Error Messages 106
Solvent Zero Counter 106
Pressure Above Upper Limit 107
Pressure Below Lower Limit 108
Pressure Signal Missing 108
MCGV Fuse 109
AIV Fuse 109
Valve Failed (MCGV) 110
Motor-Drive Power 111
Servo Restart Failed 112
Pump Head Missing 113
Index Limit 113
Index Adjustment 114
Index Missing 114
Initialization Failed 115
Wait Timeout 116
Degasser: signal fail 117
Degasser: Vacuum cannot be maintained 117
Degasser: limit not reached 118
SSV Protection circuit triggered 118

This chapter describes the meaning of error messages, and provides information
on probable causes and suggested actions how to recover from error conditions.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 96
6 Error Information
What Are Error Messages

What Are Error Messages

Error messages are displayed in the user interface when an electronic,

mechanical, or hydraulic (flow path) failure occurs which requires attention
before the analysis can be continued (for example, repair, or exchange of
consumables is necessary). In the event of such a failure, the red status indicator
at the front of the module is switched on, and an entry is written into the module
If an error occurs outside a method run, other modules will not be informed about
this error. If it occurs within a method run, all connected modules will get a
notification, all LEDs get red and the run will be stopped. Depending on the
module type, this stop is implemented differently. For example, for a pump the
flow will be stopped for safety reasons. For a detector, the lamp will stay on in
order to avoid equilibration time. Depending on the error type, the next run can
only be started, if the error has been resolved, for example liquid from a leak has
been dried. Errors for presumably single time events can be recovered by
switching on the system in the user interface.
Special handling is done in case of a leak. As a leak is a potential safety issue and
may have occurred at a different module from where it has been observed, a leak
always causes a shutdown of all modules, even outside a method run.
In all cases, error propagation is done via the CAN bus or via an APG/ERI remote
cable (see documentation for the APG/ERI interface).

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 97
6 Error Information
General Error Messages

General Error Messages

General error messages are generic to all Agilent series HPLC modules and may
show up on other modules as well.

Error ID: 0062
The timeout threshold was exceeded.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 The analysis was completed successfully, Check the logbook for the occurrence and source
and the timeout function switched off the of a not-ready condition. Restart the analysis
module as requested. where required.

2 A not-ready condition was present during a Check the logbook for the occurrence and source
sequence or multiple-injection run for a of a not-ready condition. Restart the analysis
period longer than the timeout threshold. where required.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 98
6 Error Information
General Error Messages

Error ID: 0063
An external instrument has generated a shutdown signal on the remote line.
The module continually monitors the remote input connectors for status signals.
A LOW signal input on pin 6 of the Enhanced Remote Interface (ERI) connector
generates the error message.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Leak detected in another module with a CAN Fix the leak in the external instrument before
connection to the system. restarting the module.

2 Leak detected in an external instrument with Fix the leak in the external instrument before
a remote connection to the system. restarting the module.

3 Shut-down in an external instrument with a Check external instruments for a shut-down con-
remote connection to the system. dition.

4 The degasser failed to generate sufficient Check the vacuum degasser for an error condi-
vacuum for solvent degassing. tion. Refer to the Service Manual for the degasser
or the pump that has the degasser built-in.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 99
6 Error Information
General Error Messages

Remote Timeout
Error ID: 0070
A not-ready condition is still present on the remote input. When an analysis is
started, the system expects all not-ready conditions (for example, a not-ready
condition during detector balance) to switch to run conditions within one minute
of starting the analysis. If a not-ready condition is still present on the remote line
after one minute the error message is generated.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Not-ready condition in one of the instru- Ensure the instrument showing the not-ready
ments connected to the remote line. condition is installed correctly, and is set up cor-
rectly for analysis.

2 Defective remote cable. Exchange the remote cable.

3 Defective components in the instrument Check the instrument for defects (refer to the
showing the not-ready condition. instrument’s documentation).

Lost CAN Partner

Error ID: 0071
During an analysis, the internal synchronization or communication between one
or more of the modules in the system has failed.
The system processors continually monitor the system configuration. If one or
more of the modules is no longer recognized as being connected to the system,
the error message is generated.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 CAN cable disconnected. • Ensure all the CAN cables are connected cor-
• Ensure all CAN cables are installed correctly.

2 Defective CAN cable. Exchange the CAN cable.

3 Defective mainboard in another module. Switch off the system. Restart the system, and
determine which module or modules are not rec-
ognized by the system.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 100
6 Error Information
General Error Messages

Error ID: 0064
A leak was detected in the module.
The signals from the two temperature sensors (leak sensor and board-mounted
temperature-compensation sensor) are used by the leak algorithm to determine
whether a leak is present. When a leak occurs, the leak sensor is cooled by the
solvent. This changes the resistance of the leak sensor which is sensed by the
leak sensor circuit on the main board.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Loose fittings. Ensure all fittings are tight.

2 Broken capillary. Exchange defective capillaries.

3 Loose or leaking purge valve, inlet valve, or Ensure pump components are seated correctly.
outlet valve. If there are still signs of a leak, exchange the
appropriate seal (purge valve, inlet valve, outlet

4 Defective pump seals. Exchange the pump seals.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 101
6 Error Information
General Error Messages

Leak Sensor Open

Error ID: 0083
The leak sensor in the module has failed (open circuit).
The current through the leak sensor is dependent on temperature. A leak is
detected when solvent cools the leak sensor, causing the leak sensor current to
change within defined limits. If the current falls outside the lower limit, the error
message is generated.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Leak sensor not connected to the power Please contact your Agilent service representa-
switch board. tive.

2 Defective leak sensor. Please contact your Agilent service representa-


3 Leak sensor incorrectly routed, being Please contact your Agilent service representa-
pinched by a metal component. tive.

4 Power switch assembly defective Please contact your Agilent service representa-

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 102
6 Error Information
General Error Messages

Leak Sensor Short

Error ID: 0082
The leak sensor in the module has failed (short circuit).
The current through the leak sensor is dependent on temperature. A leak is
detected when solvent cools the leak sensor, causing the leak sensor current to
change within defined limits. If the current increases above the upper limit, the
error message is generated.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Defective leak sensor. Please contact your Agilent service representa-


2 Leak sensor incorrectly routed, being Please contact your Agilent service representa-
pinched by a metal component. tive.

3 Power switch assembly defective Please contact your Agilent service representa-

4 Cable or contact problem. Please contact your Agilent service representa-


Compensation Sensor Open

Error ID: 0081
The ambient-compensation sensor (NTC) on the power switch board in the
module has failed (open circuit).
The resistance across the temperature compensation sensor (NTC) on the
power switch board is dependent on ambient temperature. The change in
resistance is used by the leak circuit to compensate for ambient temperature
changes. If the resistance across the sensor increases above the upper limit, the
error message is generated.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Loose connection between the power switch Please contact your Agilent service representa-
board and the mainboard tive.

2 Defective power switch assembly Please contact your Agilent service representa-

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 103
6 Error Information
General Error Messages

Compensation Sensor Short

Error ID: 0080
The ambient-compensation sensor (NTC) on the power switch board in the
module has failed (open circuit).
The resistance across the temperature compensation sensor (NTC) on the
power switch board is dependent on ambient temperature. The change in
resistance is used by the leak circuit to compensate for ambient temperature
changes. If the resistance across the sensor falls below the lower limit, the error
message is generated.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Defective power switch assembly Please contact your Agilent service representa-

2 Loose connection between the power switch Please contact your Agilent service representa-
board and the mainboard tive.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 104
6 Error Information
General Error Messages

Fan Failed
Error ID: 0068
The cooling fan in the module has failed.
The hall sensor on the fan shaft is used by the mainboard to monitor the fan
speed. If the fan speed falls below a certain limit for a certain length of time, the
error message is generated.
This limit is given by 2 revolutions/second for longer than 5 seconds.
Depending on the module, assemblies (e.g. the lamp in the detector) are turned
off to assure that the module does not overheat inside.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Fan cable disconnected. Please contact your Agilent service representa-


2 Defective fan. Please contact your Agilent service representa-


3 Defective mainboard. Please contact your Agilent service representa-


4 Improperly positioned cables or wires Please contact your Agilent service representa-
obstructing fan blades. tive.

ERI Messages
Error ID: 11120 (+5 V) , 11121 (+25 V)
The ERI (Enhanced Remote Interface) provides two error events related to over
current situations on the +5 V and +24 V lines.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 The load on the ERI is too high. Reduce the load.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 105
6 Error Information
Module Error Messages

Module Error Messages

These errors are pump specific.

Solvent Zero Counter

Error ID: 2055, 2524
Pump firmware version A.02.32 and higher allow to set solvent bottle fillings in
the data system. If the volume level in the bottle falls below the specified value
the error message appears when the feature is configured accordingly.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Volume in bottle below specified volume. Refill bottles and reset solvent counters.

2 Incorrect setting. Make sure the limits are set correctly.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 106
6 Error Information
Module Error Messages

Pressure Above Upper Limit

Error ID: 2014, 2500
The system pressure has exceeded the upper pressure limit.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Upper pressure limit set too low. Ensure the upper pressure limit is set to a value
suitable for the analysis.

2 Blockage in the flowpath (after the damper). Check for blockage in the flow path. The follow-
ing components are particularly subject to block-
age: inline filter frit, needle (autosampler), seat
capillary (autosampler), sample loop (autosam-
pler), column frits and capillaries with small inter-
nal diameters (e.g. 50 µm ID).

3 Defective damper. Please contact your Agilent service representa-


4 Defective mainboard. Please contact your Agilent service representa-


Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 107
6 Error Information
Module Error Messages

Pressure Below Lower Limit

Error ID: 2015, 2501
The system pressure has fallen below the lower pressure limit.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Lower pressure limit set too high. Ensure the lower pressure limit is set to a value
suitable for the analysis.

2 Air bubbles in the mobile phase. • Make sure that the degasser is in flow path
and works correctly. Purge the module.
• Ensure solvent inlet filters are not blocked.

3 Leak. • Inspect the pump head, capillaries and fit-

tings for signs of a leak.
• Purge the module. Run a pressure test to
determine whether the seals or other module
components are defective.

4 Defective damper. Please contact your Agilent service representa-


5 Defective mainboard. Please contact your Agilent service representa-


Pressure Signal Missing

Error ID: 2016
The pressure signal is missing.
The pressure signal must be within a specific voltage range. If the pressure signal
is missing, the processor detects a voltage of approximately -120 mV across the
damper connector.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Damper disconnected. Please contact your Agilent service representa-


2 Defective damper. Please contact your Agilent service representa-


Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 108
6 Error Information
Module Error Messages

Error ID: 2043
Valve Fuse 0: Channels A and B
Valve Fuse 1: Channels C and D
The gradient valve in the quaternary pump has drawn excessive current causing
the electronic fuse to open.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Defective gradient valve. Restart the quaternary pump. If the error mes-
sage appears again, exchange the gradient valve.

2 Defective connection cable (front panel to Please contact your Agilent service representa-
mainboard). tive.

3 Defective mainboard. Please contact your Agilent service representa-


AIV Fuse
Error ID: 2044
The active-inlet valve in the module has drawn excessive current causing the
inlet-valve electronic fuse to open.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Defective active inlet valve. Restart the module. If the error message appears
again, exchange the active inlet valve.

2 Defective connection cable (front panel to Please contact your Agilent service representa-
mainboard). tive.

3 Defective mainboard. Please contact your Agilent service representa-


Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 109
6 Error Information
Module Error Messages

Valve Failed (MCGV)

Error ID: 2040
Valve 0 Failed: valve A
Valve 1 Failed: valve B
Valve 2 Failed: valve C
Valve 3 Failed:valve D
One of the valves of the multi-channel gradient valve has failed to switch
The processor monitors the valve voltage before and after each switching cycle.
If the voltages are outside expected limits, the error message is generated.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Gradient valve disconnected. Ensure the gradient valve is connected correctly.

2 Connection cable (inside instrument) not Please contact your Agilent service representa-
connected. tive.

3 Connection cable (inside instrument) defec- Please contact your Agilent service representa-
tive. tive.

4 Gradient valve defective. Exchange the gradient valve.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 110
6 Error Information
Module Error Messages

Motor-Drive Power
Error ID: 2041, 2042
The current drawn by the pump motor exceeded the maximum limit.
Blockages in the flow path are usually detected by the pressure sensor in the
damper, which result in the pump switching off when the upper pressure limit is
exceeded. If a blockage occurs before the damper, the pressure increase cannot
be detected by the pressure sensor and the module will continue to pump. As
pressure increases, the pump drive draws more current. When the current
reaches the maximum limit, the module is switched off, and the error message is

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Flow path blockage in front of the damper. Ensure the capillaries and frits between the
pump head and damper inlet are free from block-

2 Blocked (passive or active) inlet valve. Exchange the (passive or active) inlet valve.

3 Blocked outlet valve. Exchange the outlet valve.

4 High friction (partial mechanical blockage) in Remove the pump-head assembly. Ensure there
the pump drive assembly. is no mechanical blockage of the pump-head
assembly or pump drive assembly.

5 Defective pump drive assembly. Please contact your Agilent service representa-

6 Defective mainboard. Please contact your Agilent service representa-


Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 111
6 Error Information
Module Error Messages

Servo Restart Failed

Error ID: 2201, 2211
The pump motor in the module was unable to move into the correct position for
When the module is switched on, the first step is to switch on the C phase of the
variable reluctance motor. The rotor should move to one of the C positions. The C
position is required for the servo to be able to take control of the phase
sequencing with the commutator. If the rotor is unable to move, or if the C
position cannot be reached, the error message is generated.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Mechanical blockage of the module. Remove the pump-head assembly. Ensure there
is no mechanical blockage of the pump-head
assembly or pump drive assembly.

2 Disconnected or defective cable. Please contact your Agilent service representa-


3 Blocked (passive or active) inlet valve. Exchange the (passive or active) inlet valve.

4 Defective pump drive assembly. Please contact your Agilent service representa-

5 Defective mainboard. Please contact your Agilent service representa-


Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 112
6 Error Information
Module Error Messages

Pump Head Missing

Error ID: 2202, 2212
The pump-head end stop in the pump was not found.
When the pump restarts, the metering drive moves forward to the mechanical
end stop. Normally, the end stop is reached within 20 s, indicated by an increase
in motor current. If the end point is not found within 20 s, the error message is

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Pump head not installed correctly (screws Install the pump head correctly. Ensure nothing
not secured, or pump head not seated cor- (e.g. capillary) is trapped between the pump head
rectly). and body.

2 Broken piston. Exchange the piston.

Index Limit
Error ID: 2203, 2213
The time required by the piston to reach the encoder index position was too short
During initialization, the first piston is moved to the mechanical stop. After
reaching the mechanical stop, the piston reverses direction until the encoder
index position is reached. If the index position is reached too fast, the error
message is generated.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Irregular or sticking drive movement. Remove the pump head, and examine the seals,
pistons, and internal components for signs of
wear, contamination or damage. Exchange com-
ponents as required.

2 Defective pump drive assembly. Please contact your Agilent service representa-

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 113
6 Error Information
Module Error Messages

Index Adjustment
Error ID: 2204, 2214
The encoder index position in the module is out of adjustment.
During initialization, the first piston is moved to the mechanical stop. After
reaching the mechanical stop, the piston reverses direction until the encoder
index position is reached. If the time to reach the index position is too long, the
error message is generated.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Irregular or sticking drive movement. Remove the pump head, and examine the seals,
pistons, and internal components for signs of
wear, contamination or damage. Exchange com-
ponents as required.

2 Defective pump drive assembly. Please contact your Agilent service representa-

Index Missing
Error ID: 2205, 2215, 2505
The encoder index position in the module was not found during initialization.
During initialization, the first piston is moved to the mechanical stop. After
reaching the mechanical stop, the piston reverses direction until the encoder
index position is reached. If the index position is not recognized within a defined
time, the error message is generated.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Disconnected or defective encoder cable. Please contact your Agilent service representa-

2 Defective pump drive assembly. Please contact your Agilent service representa-

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 114
6 Error Information
Module Error Messages

Initialization Failed
Error ID: 2207, 2217
The module failed to initialize successfully within the maximum time window.
A maximum time is assigned for the complete pump-initialization cycle. If the
time is exceeded before initialization is complete, the error message is

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Blocked (passive or active) inlet valve. Exchange the (passive or active) inlet valve.

2 Defective pump drive assembly. Please contact your Agilent service representa-

3 Defective mainboard. Please contact your Agilent service representa-


Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 115
6 Error Information
Module Error Messages

Wait Timeout
Error ID: 2053
When running certain tests in the diagnostics mode or other special applications,
the pump must wait for the pistons to reach a specific position, or must wait for a
certain pressure or flow to be reached. Each action or state must be completed
within the timeout period, otherwise the error message is generated.
Possible Reasons for a Wait Timeout:
· Pressure not reached.
· Pump channel A did not reach the delivery phase.
· Pump channel B did not reach the delivery phase.
· Pump channel A did not reach the take-in phase.
· Pump channel B did not reach the take-in phase.
· Solvent volume not delivered within the specified time.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Purge valve open. Ensure that purge valve is closed.

2 Leak at fittings, purge valve, active inlet valve, • Ensure pump components are seated cor-
outlet valve or piston seals. rectly. If there are still signs of a leak,
exchange the appropriate seal (purge valve,
active inlet valve, outlet valve, piston seal).
• Exchange defective capillaries.

3 Flow changed after starting test. Ensure correct operating condition for the spe-
cial application in use.

4 Defective pump drive assembly. Please contact your Agilent service representa-

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 116
6 Error Information
Module Error Messages

Degasser: signal fail

Error ID: 2243, 8016
The pump board gets no or wrong pressure signals from the built-in degasser:
• No valid pressure signal is shown during startup of the degasser
• Measured pressure is higher than 32000 hPa

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Degasser sensor defect Please contact your Agilent service representa-


2 Degasser sensor not connected to main- Please contact your Agilent service representa-
board. tive.

Degasser: Vacuum cannot be maintained

Error ID: 8014
Pressure in degasser vacuum chamber exceeds 180 mbar limit during normal

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Liquid in degasser tubing. Please contact your Agilent service representa-


2 Leak in degasser tubing or chamber. Please contact your Agilent service representa-

3 Degasser vacuum pump defective. Please contact your Agilent service representa-

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 117
6 Error Information
Module Error Messages

Degasser: limit not reached

Error ID: 2244, 8053
Degasser is not ready within 8 min after startup, because the pressure inside the
vacuum chamber exceeds 120 mbar.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Liquid in degasser tubing. Please contact your Agilent service representa-


2 Leak in degasser tubing or chamber. Please contact your Agilent service representa-

3 Degasser vacuum pump defect. Please contact your Agilent service representa-

SSV Protection circuit triggered

Error ID: 2049
The protection circuit of SSV has switched OFF the valve. During initialization, the
processor checks the presence of the SSV connector. If a defective valve or a
wrong connection is detected the error message is generated.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Wrong valve connected. Check if the correct valve is connected to the cor-
rect port.

2 Defective Solvent Selection Valve. Change the Solvent Selection Valve.

3 Defective mainboard Please contact your Agilent service representa-


Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 118
7 Test Functions and Calibration

Introduction 120
System Pressure Test 121
Running the Test 123
Evaluating the Results 124
Potential Causes of System Pressure Test Failure 125
Leak Rate Test 126
Running the Test 128
Evaluating the Results 129
Potential Causes of Leak Rate Test Failure 130

This chapter describes the tests for the module.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 119
7 Test Functions and Calibration


Following tests are available in Lab Advisor:

• System Pressure Test
• Leak Rate Test
All four pumps are available with LabAdvisor B.02.08.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 120
7 Test Functions and Calibration
System Pressure Test

System Pressure Test

The System Pressure Test is used for checking the tightness of the LC system
and identifying leaks between the pump and a position in the flow path following
the pump blocked by a blank nut.

System requirements
Minimum software revisions:
• Lab Advisor B.02.08
Minimum firmware revision: D.07.01.

Test Principle
A solvent can be chosen from available solvent channels and a maximum
pressure can be defined at which the test will be run. In contrast to older
revisions of this test, any solvent can be used.
Before the test, the pump and system are flushed with solvent in order to remove
air bubbles, as air bubbles are compressed during the test and therefore would
appear as leaks. Using a degasser is highly recommended. Then the flow path is
blocked by a blank nut at any position between the purge valve and the column

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 121
7 Test Functions and Calibration
System Pressure Test





leak rate


In the first phase of the test, the pump delivers flow at a rate of 200 µL/min until a
pressure of 50 bar below the defined maximum pressure is reached. In the
second phase, the pump delivers a small flow which is increased stepwise. If
there is a leak in the system, the pressure will drop initially, as the low flow cannot
compensate the leak flow. As soon as the pump flow rate exceeds the leak flow
rate, the pressure will increase again and the test is stopped at about 20 bar
below the maximum pressure. The point in phase 2, where the lowest pressure is
reached and stays constant for a short time corresponds to the leak rate, that is
provided as a test result. A leak rate smaller than 3 µL/min is good enough for
operating the pump reliably.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 122
7 Test Functions and Calibration
System Pressure Test

Running the Test

Parts required p/n Description

5067-6127 Blank Nut SL

Damage to pressure sensitive parts

Even columns that are suitable for high pressures are sensitive to pressure
drops that occur during this test.
 Do not include any pressure sensitive parts to the flow path and choose a
maximum pressure that is compatible to your system. For example, do not
include columns, a standard pressure flow cell (up to 20 bar) or a 400 bar
autosampler to a 600 bar pressure test.

Running the test from the Agilent Lab Advisor

1 Select the System Pressure Test from the Test Selection menu.
2 Start the test and follow the instructions.

Make sure to release the pressure by slowly opening the purge valve when the
NOTE test has finished.

“Evaluating the Results” on page 124 describes the evaluation and interpretation
of the System Pressure Test results. For detailed instructions refer to the Agilent
Lab Advisor software.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 123
7 Test Functions and Calibration
System Pressure Test

Evaluating the Results

The test fails, if the leak rate between pump and blank nut is higher than the limit
of 5 µL/min.
If the System Pressure Test fails:
• Ensure that all fittings between the pump and the blank nut are tight.
• Repeat the test.

Often it is only a damaged blank nut itself (poorly shaped from overtightening)
NOTE that causes a failure of the test. Before investigating on any other possible
sources of failure make sure that the blank nut you are using is in good condition
and properly tightened!

If the test fails again, insert the blank nut at the outlet of the previous module in
the stack (e.g. autosampler outlet if TCC has been tested before), and repeat the
test. Exclude each module one by one to determine which module is leaking.
If the pump is determined to be the source of the leak, run the Pump Leak Rate

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 124
7 Test Functions and Calibration
System Pressure Test

Potential Causes of System Pressure Test Failure

System Pressure Test failed
The test will fail, if the sum of all leaks in the system (pump, autosampler or
column compartment and connections) exceeds the test limit. After isolating and
fixing the cause of the leak, repeat the System Pressure Test to confirm the
system is pressure tight.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Purge valve open. Close the purge valve.

2 Loose or leaky fittings. Tighten the fitting or exchange the capillary.

3 Pump: Damaged pump seals or pistons. Run the Leak Rate Test to confirm the leak.

4 Loose purge valve. Tighten the purge valve nut (14 mm wrench).

5 Autosampler: Loose or leaky fitting. Tighten or exchange the fitting or capillary.

6 Autosampler: Rotor seal (injection valve). Exchange the rotor seal.

7 Autosampler: Damaged metering seal or pis- Exchange the metering seal. Check the piston for
ton. scratches. Exchange the piston if required.

8 Autosampler: Needle seat. Exchange the needle seat.

9 Column compartment: Loose or leaky fitting. Tighten or exchange the fitting or capillary.

10 Column compartment: Rotor seal in optional Exchange the rotor seal.


Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 125
7 Test Functions and Calibration
Leak Rate Test

Leak Rate Test

The Leak Rate Test is used for verifying the internal tightness of the pump and
helps identifying parts which may have caused a leak.

System requirements
Minimum software revisions:
• Lab Advisor B.02.08
Minimum firmware revisions:
• D.07.01

Test Principle
A solvent can be chosen from available solvent channels and a maximum target
pressure can be defined at which the test will be run. Typically, this is the
maximum pressure specified for the pump. The test can be run with any solvent
compatible to the pump.
Before the test, the pump is flushed with solvent in order to remove air bubbles,
as air bubbles are compressed during the test and therefore would appear as
leaks. Using a degasser is highly recommended.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 126
7 Test Functions and Calibration
Leak Rate Test

piston 2
at rear position
piston 1
at rear position

piston 2

piston 1

about 100 bar

below target

Initially, the pressure is increased to about 100 bar below the target pressure,
which has been set for the test.
Then piston 1 is brought to its rear position. An increasing flow is delivered by
piston 1. In case of a leak, the pressure will drop initially as long as the flow rate
delivered by the piston is lower than the leak rate. As soon as the flow rate of the
piston exceeds the leak rate, the measured pressure will increase again.
Therefore the minimum pressure of that curve segment corresponds to the flow
and leak rate at that time and the leak rate is measured. Compare to the
description of the system pressure test ( “System Pressure Test” on page 121).
Subsequently, piston 2 is moved to its rear position, then piston 2 delivers and the
measurement is done as described for piston 1.
For a binary pump (G1312B/C, G7112B, K1312B, G4782A), the test is run for both
pump heads for channels A and B.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 127
7 Test Functions and Calibration
Leak Rate Test

Running the Test

Parts required p/n Description

5067-6127 Blank Nut SL

Running the test from the Agilent Lab Advisor

1 Select the Leak Rate Test from the Test Selection menu.
2 Start the test and follow the instructions.

Make sure to release the pressure by slowly opening the purge valve when the
NOTE test has finished.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 128
7 Test Functions and Calibration
Leak Rate Test

Evaluating the Results

Results of the leak rate test are the leak rates measured for pistons 1 and 2 as
described for the test principle. If any of the leak rates exceeds 3 µL/min, the test
will fail.

to column


Outlet valve

Purge valve

Inlet valve to waste


Pump chamber 1 Pump chamber 2

Piston 1

Piston 2

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 129
7 Test Functions and Calibration
Leak Rate Test

Potential Causes of Leak Rate Test Failure

Secondary Leak
If a leak is found for movement of piston 2 (secondary leak), the following
reasons are possible:

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 System not flushed properly Flush system for several minutes

2 Degassing efficiency is low Check degasser performance

3 Purge valve not closed or defect Check purge valve

4 Blank nut not installed tightly Tighten or replace blank nut

5 Outlet valve leaking (read below) Replace outlet valve

6 Leak at piston 2 or seal in chamber 2 Inspect piston, replace piston and/or seal

Primary Leak
If a leak is found for movement of piston 1 (primary leak), any leak described for
piston movement 2 will cause a failure for piston 1 as well, as the liquid can move
through the outlet valve to chamber 2. Such cases need to be identified as
described before. Additionally, following causes are possible:

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Leak at piston 1 or seal in chamber 1 Inspect piston, replace piston and/or seal

2 Leak at inlet valve Replace inlet valve or inlet valve cartridge (AIV

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 130
7 Test Functions and Calibration
Leak Rate Test

Internal Outlet Valve Leak

A leak of the outlet valve will be identified separately (internal outlet valve leak) by
calculating the difference between leak rate 1 and leak rate 2. If the second leak
rate is higher than the first one, this is due to a flow back through the outlet valve.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Leak at outlet valve Replace the part which has failed and re-run the

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 131
8 Maintenance

Introduction to Maintenance and Repair 133

Warnings and Cautions 134
Overview of Maintenance and Repair 136
Cleaning the Module 137
Remove and Install Doors 138
Checking and Replacing the Solvent Filter 140
Exchange the Passive Inlet Valve 141
Exchange the Outlet Valve 143
Exchange the Purge Valve Frit or the Purge Valve 145
Replace the O-Ring on the Purge Valve 148
Remove the Pump Head Assembly 150
Maintenance of a Pump Head Without Seal Wash Option 152
Maintenance of a Pump Head with Seal Wash Option 155
Reinstall the Pump Head Assembly 159
Seal Wear-in Procedure 162
Exchange the Multi-Channel Gradient Valve (MCGV) 163
Replace the Solvent Selection Valve (Isocratic Pump) 166
Exchange the Active Inlet Valve (AIV) or its Cartridge 168
Exchange the Seal Wash Cartridge 170
Replace Leak Handling System Parts 171
Replacing the Module Firmware 172

This chapter describes the maintenance of the module.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 132
8 Maintenance
Introduction to Maintenance and Repair

Introduction to Maintenance and Repair

The module is designed for easy repair. The most frequent repairs such as piston
seal change and purge valve frit change can be done from the front of the
module with the module in place in the system stack.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 133
8 Maintenance
Warnings and Cautions

Warnings and Cautions

Toxic, flammable and hazardous solvents, samples and reagents

The handling of solvents, samples and reagents can hold health and safety
 When working with these substances observe appropriate safety
procedures (for example by wearing goggles, safety gloves and
protective clothing) as described in the material handling and safety
data sheet supplied by the vendor, and follow good laboratory practice.
 The volume of substances should be reduced to the minimum required
for the analysis.
 Do not operate the instrument in an explosive atmosphere.

Electrical shock
Repair work at the module can lead to personal injuries, e.g. shock hazard,
when the cover is opened.
 Do not remove the cover of the module.
 Only certified persons are authorized to carry out repairs inside the

Personal injury or damage to the product

Agilent is not responsible for any damages caused, in whole or in part, by
improper use of the products, unauthorized alterations, adjustments or
modifications to the products, failure to comply with procedures in Agilent
product user guides, or use of the products in violation of applicable laws,
rules or regulations.
 Use your Agilent products only in the manner described in the Agilent
product user guides.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 134
8 Maintenance
Warnings and Cautions

Safety standards for external equipment

 If you connect external equipment to the instrument, make sure that you
only use accessory units tested and approved according to the safety
standards appropriate for the type of external equipment.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 135
8 Maintenance
Overview of Maintenance and Repair

Overview of Maintenance and Repair

The following pages describe maintenance (simple repairs) of the pump that can
be carried out without opening the main cover.
Table 20 Simple repair procedures

Procedure Typical Frequency Notes

“Checking and Replacing the Solvent If solvent filter is blocked Gradient performance problems, intermittent
Filter” on page 140 pressure fluctuations

“Exchange the Passive Inlet Valve” on If internally leaking Pressure ripple unstable, run Leak Rate Test for
page 141 verification

“Exchange the Active Inlet Valve (AIV) or its If internally leaking Pressure ripple unstable, run Leak Rate Test for
Cartridge” on page 168 verification

“Exchange the Outlet Valve” on page 143 If internally leaking Pressure ripple unstable, run Leak Rate Test for

“Exchange the Purge Valve Frit or the Purge If internally leaking Solvent dripping out of waste outlet when valve
Valve” on page 145 closed

“Exchange the Purge Valve Frit or the Purge If the frit shows indication A pressure drop of > 10 bar across the frit (at a
Valve” on page 145 of contamination or block- water flow of 5 mL/min with open purge valve)
age indicates blockage

“Maintenance of a Pump Head Without Seal If pump performance indi- Leaks at lower pump head side, unstable reten-
Wash Option” on page 152 cates seal wear tion times, pressure ripple unstable - run Leak
Rate Test for verification

Exchange pistons, see “Maintenance of a If scratched Seal life time shorter than usual - check pistons
Pump Head Without Seal Wash Option” on while changing the seals
page 152

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 136
8 Maintenance
Cleaning the Module

Cleaning the Module

To keep the module case clean, use a soft cloth slightly dampened with water, or
a solution of water and mild detergent. Avoid using organic solvents for cleaning
purposes. They can cause damage to plastic parts.

Liquid dripping into the electronic compartment of your module can cause
shock hazard and damage the module
 Do not use an excessively damp cloth during cleaning.
 Drain all solvent lines before opening any connections in the flow path.

A solution of 70 % isopropanol and 30 % water might be used if the surface of the

NOTE module needs to be disinfected.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 137
8 Maintenance
Remove and Install Doors

Remove and Install Doors

Parts required p/n Description

5067-5746 Door Assembly Infinity 180 Right
5067-5745 Door Assembly Infinity 180 Left

The figures shown in this procedure exemplarily show the Infinity II Multisampler
NOTE module.
The principle of how to remove and/or install doors works in the same way for all
Infinity II modules.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 138
8 Maintenance
Remove and Install Doors

1 Press the release buttons and pull the front door out. 2 For the Installation of the front door. Insert the hinges
into their guides and move the door in until the release
buttons click into their final position.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 139
8 Maintenance
Checking and Replacing the Solvent Filter

Checking and Replacing the Solvent Filter

A functional solvent filter is essential for a good pump performance and for
protecting the LC system.

When If solvent filter is blocked.

Parts required p/n Description

5041-2168 Solvent inlet filter, 20 µm pore size

See “Bottle Head Assembly” on page 189 for related parts.

Small particles can permanently block the capillaries and valves of the module.
Damage of the module.
 Always filter solvents.
 Never use the module without solvent inlet filter.

If the filter is in good condition the solvent will freely drip out of the solvent tube
NOTE (hydrostatic pressure). If the solvent filter is partly blocked only very little solvent
will drip out of the solvent tube.

1 Remove the solvent filter from the inlet filter adapter and replace it by a new

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 140
8 Maintenance
Exchange the Passive Inlet Valve

Exchange the Passive Inlet Valve

When If internally leaking (backflow)

Tools required p/n Description

8710-1924 Open-end wrench 14 mm
Pair of tweezers
5067-5688 Torque wrench 1 – 25 Nm with 14 mm wrench

Parts required p/n Description

G1312-60066 Passive inlet valve 1220/1260

Preparations • Switch off the pump at the main power switch.

• Open the doors of the module.

This chapter is not applicable for G5654A Bio-inert pumps!


1 Disconnect the solvent inlet tube from the inlet valve. 2 Using a 14 mm wrench loosen the passive inlet valve
and remove the valve from the pump head.
Beware of leaking solvents due to hydrostatic pressure.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 141
8 Maintenance
Exchange the Passive Inlet Valve

3 Insert the new valve into the pump head and tighten the 4 Reconnect the solvent inlet tube to the passive inlet
valve using a torque wrench (approx. 10 Nm). valve.

10 Nm

5 Close the doors.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 142
8 Maintenance
Exchange the Outlet Valve

Exchange the Outlet Valve

For bio-inert modules use bio-inert parts only!

When If internally leaking

Tools required p/n Description

8710-0510 Open-end wrench 1/4 — 5/16 inch
8710-1924 Open-end wrench 14 mm
5067-5688 Torque wrench 1 – 25 Nm with 14 mm wrench

Parts required p/n Description

G1312-60067 Outlet valve
G5611-60067 Outlet Valve

Preparations • Switch off the pump at the main power switch.

• Open the doors of the module.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 143
8 Maintenance
Exchange the Outlet Valve

1 Using a 1/4 inch wrench disconnect the valve capillary 2 Using the 14 mm wrench loosen the valve and remove it
from the outlet valve. from the pump body.

Do not disassemble the outlet valve, as this can damage the
3 Reinstall the outlet valve and tighten it using a torque 4 Reconnect the valve capillary to the outlet valve.
wrench set to approx. 10 Nm.

10 Nm

5 Close the doors.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 144
8 Maintenance
Exchange the Purge Valve Frit or the Purge Valve

Exchange the Purge Valve Frit or the Purge Valve

For bio-inert modules use bio-inert parts only!

When • Frit – when piston seals are exchanged or when contaminated or blocked (pressure drop of
> 10 bar across the frit at a flow rate of 5 mL/min of water with purge valve opened)
• Purge valve – if internally leaking

Tools required p/n Description

8710-0510 Open-end wrench 1/4 — 5/16 inch
8710-1924 Open-end wrench 14 mm
Pair of tweezers
OR Toothpick

Parts required # p/n Description

1 G7111-60061 Purge valve
for G7110B, G7111A, and G7111B
1 G5611-60064 Purge valve
for G5654A (Bio-inert)
1 01018-22707 PTFE frits (pack of 5)
1 5067-4728 Seal cap (OPTIONAL)

Preparations • Switch off the pump at the main power switch.

• Open the doors of the module.
• Use an optional solvent shutoff valve or lift up solvent filters in solvent reservoirs for avoiding

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 145
8 Maintenance
Exchange the Purge Valve Frit or the Purge Valve

1 Using a 1/4 inch wrench disconnect the pump outlet 2 Using the 14 mm wrench unscrew the purge valve and
capillary from the purge valve. Disconnect the waste remove it.

Beware of leaking solvents due to hydrostatic pressure.

3 Remove the seal cap from the purge valve. 4 Using a pair of tweezers or a toothpick remove the frit.

Seal cap


5 Place a new frit into the purge valve with the orientation 6 Reinstall the seal cap including the gold seal.
of the frit as shown below (slit in frit points to the front).

Seal cap NOTE

Before reinstallation always check the gold seal in the seal
Frit cap. A deformed seal cap should be exchanged.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 146
8 Maintenance
Exchange the Purge Valve Frit or the Purge Valve

8 Reconnect the outlet capillary and the waste tubing.

Damage to the purge valve

 Do not lift the pump using the purge valve as a handle,

it might get leaky.

 Do not try to turn the purge valve into the correct posi-
tion when already fixed to the pump. The rubber o-ring
might break.

 Anticipate the correct position of the connections

before tightening the valve.
7 Insert the purge valve into the pump head and fix it with
a 14 mm wrench.

9 Close the doors.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 147
8 Maintenance
Replace the O-Ring on the Purge Valve

Replace the O-Ring on the Purge Valve

When If the original o-ring is damaged and needs to be replaced

Tools required p/n Description

8710-0510 Open-end wrench 1/4 — 5/16 inch
8710-1924 Open-end wrench 14 mm
Pair of tweezers
OR Toothpick

Parts required # p/n Description

1 5067-6595 1260 PV O-ring FKM 5/pack
1 01018-22707 PTFE frits (pack of 5) (OPTIONAL)
1 5067-4728 Seal cap (OPTIONAL)

Preparations • Switch off pump at the main power switch.

• Open the doors of the module.
• Use an optional solvent shutoff valve or lift up solvent filters in solvent reservoirs for avoiding
• Remove the purge valve from the pump head.

1 Disassemble the purge valve. 2 Remove the old o-ring from the purge valve.
3 Clean the purge valve parts.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 148
8 Maintenance
Replace the O-Ring on the Purge Valve

4 Place the new o-ring on the Screw Purge Valve. 5 Place the screw with o-ring on the Purge Valve Body.

6 Place the mounting ring on the screw and push down 7 Push the screw up and guide the o-ring into the gap.
the o-ring.

8 Place a new frit into the purge valve with the orientation 9 Install the purge valve to the pump. Make sure not to
of the frit as shown below (slit in frit points to the front). turn the purge valve body when the screw is fixed to the
Reinstall the seal cap including the gold seal. pump. The o-ring will take damage.

Before reinstallation always check the gold seal in the seal
cap. A deformed seal cap should be exchanged.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 149
8 Maintenance
Remove the Pump Head Assembly

Remove the Pump Head Assembly

When • Exchanging the seals

• Exchanging the pistons
• Exchanging seals of the seal wash function

Tools required p/n Description

8710-0510 Open-end wrench 1/4 — 5/16 inch
5023-2524 Hex Key Set + Driver

Preparations • Switch off the pump at the main power switch and unplug the power cable.
• Use an optional solvent shutoff valve or lift up solvent filters in solvent reservoirs for avoiding
• Open the doors of the module.
• If an active inlet valve is installed, disconnect the active inlet valve cable.

Damage of the pump drive

Starting the pump when the pump head is removed may damage the pump
 Never start the pump when the pump head is removed.

1 Using a 1/4 inch wrench disconnect the valve capillary 2 Disconnect the solvent inlet tube from the inlet valve.
from the outlet valve.
Beware of leaking solvents due to hydrostatic pressure.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 150
8 Maintenance
Remove the Pump Head Assembly

3 Using a 1/4 inch wrench disconnect the pump outlet 4 If applicable, remove tubings from the seal wash sup-
capillary from the purge valve. Disconnect the waste port rings.

Beware of leaking solvents due to hydrostatic pressure.

5 Remove the capillary at the bottom of the pump head. 6 Using a 4 mm hexagonal key, stepwise loosen the two
pump head screws.

7 Remove the pump head from the pump drive.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 151
8 Maintenance
Maintenance of a Pump Head Without Seal Wash Option

Maintenance of a Pump Head Without Seal

Wash Option

When In case of maintenance or pump head internal leaks.

Tools required Description

Wrench 1/4 inch
Hexagonal key, 4 mm

Parts required # p/n Description

1 01018-23702 Insert tool
1 5063-6589 Piston seal PTFE, carbon filled, black (pack of 2), default
OR 1 0905-1420 PE seals (pack of 2)
1 5063-6586 Sapphire piston
1 8660-0852 Abrasive mesh

Preparations • Switch off the pump at the main power switch.

• Open the doors of the module.
• Remove the Pump Head Assembly.

1 Place the pump head on a flat surface. Loosen the lock 2 While holding the lower half of the assembly (piston
screw (two turns). housing), carefully pull the pump housing away from the
piston housing.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 152
8 Maintenance
Maintenance of a Pump Head Without Seal Wash Option

3 Remove the support rings from the piston housing. 4 Lift the housing away from the pistons.

5 Check the piston surface and remove any deposits or 6 Using the steel side of the insert tool, carefully remove
layers: clean the piston surface with abrasive paper and the seal from the pump housing.
rinse with 2-propanol. Replace piston if scratched.

Piston Surface

7 Using the plastic side of the insert tool, insert new seals 8 Place the support rings on the piston housing. Note the
into the pump head. correct position of the pins.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 153
8 Maintenance
Maintenance of a Pump Head Without Seal Wash Option

9 Place the pump housing onto the piston housing. 10 Insert the pistons and carefully press them into the

11 Tighten the lock screw. 12 Install the pump head, see “Reinstall the Pump Head
Assembly” on page 159.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 154
8 Maintenance
Maintenance of a Pump Head with Seal Wash Option

Maintenance of a Pump Head with Seal Wash


For bio-inert modules use bio-inert parts only!

When In case of maintenance or pump head internal leaks.

Tools required Description

Wrench 1/4 inch
Hexagonal key, 4 mm

Parts required # p/n Description

1 01018-23702 Insert tool
1 0905-1175 Wash seal (PTFE)
OR 1 0905-1718 Wash Seal PE
1 5062-2484 Gasket, seal wash (pack of 6)
1 5063-6589 Piston seal PTFE, carbon filled, black (pack of 2), default
1 0905-1420 PE seals (pack of 2)
1 5063-6586 Sapphire piston
1 8660-0852 Abrasive mesh

Preparations • Switch off the pump at the main power switch.

• Open the doors of the module.
• Use an optional solvent shutoff valve or lift up solvent filters for avoiding leakages.
• Remove the Pump Head Assembly.
• Remove the wash solvent tubings from the support ring inlet and outlet.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 155
8 Maintenance
Maintenance of a Pump Head with Seal Wash Option

1 Place the pump head on a flat surface. Loosen the lock 2 While holding the lower half of the assembly (piston
screw (two turns). housing), carefully pull the pump housing away from the
piston housing.

3 Remove the seal holder and the seal wash support rings 4 Remove the seal holder from the support ring assem-
from the piston housing. bly.

5 Lift the housing away from the pistons. 6 Check the piston surface and remove any deposits or
layers: clean the piston surface with abrasive paper and
rinse with 2-propanol. Replace piston if scratched.

Piston Surface

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 156
8 Maintenance
Maintenance of a Pump Head with Seal Wash Option

7 Using the steel side of the insert tool, carefully remove 8 Using the plastic side of the insert tool, insert new seals
the seal from the pump housing. into the pump head.

9 Using the steel side of the insert tool, remove the seal 10 Using the plastic side of the insert tool, press the new
wash gasket and the wash seal from the support ring. wash seal (spring pointing upwards) into the recess of
the support ring.

11 Place a seal wash gasket in the recess of the support 12 Place the support rings on the piston housing. Note the
ring. Use a matching orientation of gasket and support correct position of the pins on the support ring.
ring. Put the seal holder on top of the gasket.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 157
8 Maintenance
Maintenance of a Pump Head with Seal Wash Option

13 Place the pump housing onto the piston housing 14 Insert the pistons and carefully press them into the

15 Tighten the lock screw. 16 Install the pump head, see “Reinstall the Pump Head
Assembly” on page 159.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 158
8 Maintenance
Reinstall the Pump Head Assembly

Reinstall the Pump Head Assembly

When When reassembling the pump

Tools required p/n Description

5023-2524 Hex Key Set + Driver
5067-5688 Torque wrench 1 – 25 Nm with 14 mm wrench
G4220-20013 4 mm hex bit
G4220-20015 Adapter ¼ in square to hex

Parts required # p/n Description

1 79846-65501 Pump head grease

Damage of the pump drive

Starting the pump when the pump head is removed may damage the pump
 Never start the pump when the pump head is removed.

1 If needed, apply a small amount of grease on the back 2 Slide the pump head assembly onto the pump drive.
of the screws. Normally, the grease added during manu-
facturing is sufficient for a long time.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 159
8 Maintenance
Reinstall the Pump Head Assembly

3 Insert the pump head screws and tighten them step- 4 Install the capillary at the bottom of the pump head.
wise. First tighten the left screw, then the right screw,
with a torque of approximately 5 Nm.

5 Nm

5 Reconnect the valve capillary to the outlet valve. 6 Reconnect the solvent inlet tube to the passive inlet

7 Reconnect the outlet capillary and the waste tubing. 8 If installed, reconnect the active inlet valve cable to its

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 160
8 Maintenance
Reinstall the Pump Head Assembly

9 Close the doors. Next Steps:

10 If a standard seal has been installed, run the seal

wear-in procedure, which includes a replacement of the
purge valve frit (“Seal Wear-in Procedure” on page 162).
11 For the normal phase seal, the purge valve frit should be
replaced, see “Exchange the Purge Valve Frit or the
Purge Valve” on page 145.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 161
8 Maintenance
Seal Wear-in Procedure

Seal Wear-in Procedure

Parts required p/n Description

0100-1847 Adapter AIV to solvent inlet tubes
5022-2159 Restriction capillary

Before replacing your solvent by isopropanol or replacing isopropanol by your

NOTE solvent, consider solvent miscibility. For example, do not directly switch from
buffers to isopropanol and vice versa.

1 Place a bottle with 100 mL of isopropanol in the solvent cabinet and put a
tubing (including bottle head assembly) into the bottle.
2 If an active inlet valve is installed, screw the PEEK adapter 1/4-28 to 10-32
(0100-1847) to the AIV and connect the inlet tube from the bottle head directly
to it.
3 Connect the Restriction capillary (5022-2159) to the purge valve. Connect its
other end to a waste container.
4 Open the purge valve and purge the system for 5 min with isopropanol at a
flow rate of 2 mL/min.
5 Close the purge valve and set the flow to a rate adequate to achieve a
pressure of 350 bar. Pump 15 min at this pressure to wear in the seals. The
pressure can be monitored using your instrument control software or tool.
6 Turn OFF the pump, slowly open the purge valve to release the pressure from
the system, disconnect the restriction capillary and reinstall the bottle with the
solvent for your application.
7 Rinse your system with the solvent used for your next application.
8 Replace the purge valve frit, see “Exchange the Purge Valve Frit or the Purge
Valve” on page 145.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 162
8 Maintenance
Exchange the Multi-Channel Gradient Valve (MCGV)

Exchange the Multi-Channel Gradient Valve


For bio-inert modules use bio-inert parts only!

Tools required p/n Description

8710-0899 Screwdriver Pozidrive Shaft

Parts required # p/n Description

1 G1311-67701 Multi channel gradient valve (MCGV)
OR 1 G5611-67701 Multi-Channel Gradient Valve (MCGV) (Bio-inert)

Preparations • Switch off the pump at the main power switch.

• Open the doors of the module.
• Use an optional solvent shutoff valve or lift up solvent filters in solvent reservoirs for avoiding

The life time of the multi-channel gradient valve can be increased by regularly
NOTE flushing the valve, especially when using buffers. If using buffers, flush all
channels of the valve with water to prevent precipitation of the buffer, otherwise
salt crystals could drop into an unused channel and form plugs that may cause
leaks of that channel. Such leaks will interfere with the general performance of
the valve. When using buffers in combination with organic solvents, it is
recommended to connect the aqueous solutions/buffers to one of the bottom
ports (A and D) and the organic solvent to one of the upper gradient valve ports.
It is best to have the organic channel directly above the buffer channel (e.g., A -
buffer, B - organic solvent).

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 163
8 Maintenance
Exchange the Multi-Channel Gradient Valve (MCGV)

1 Disconnect the solvent tubes from the MCGV. 2 Disconnect the connecting tube from the MCGV.

3 Press the lower sides of the cover to unclip it. Remove 4 Disconnect the MCGV cable from its connector.
the cover.

5 Unscrew the two screws and remove them. 6 Remove the MCGV.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 164
8 Maintenance
Exchange the Multi-Channel Gradient Valve (MCGV)

7 Place the new MCGV into position. Make sure that 8 Tighten the two screws.
channel A of the MCGV is put at the bottom-right posi-

9 Connect the cable to its connector. 10 Install the MCGV cover.

11 Reconnect the tube from the inlet valve to the middle 12 Connect solvent tubes for channels A-D from the MCGV
position of the MCGV. to the degasser outlets.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 165
8 Maintenance
Replace the Solvent Selection Valve (Isocratic Pump)

Replace the Solvent Selection Valve (Isocratic


When If leaking internally (crossflow between the ports), or if one of the channels is blocked

Tools required p/n Description

8710-0899 Screwdriver Pozidrive Shaft

Parts required p/n Description

5067-5895 Solvent selection valve

Preparations Switch off the pump at the main power switch.

1 Lift solvent bottles out of the solvent cabinet and place 2 Disconnect all tubings from the solvent selection valve.
them on the table. Disconnect the solvent tubes from
the solvent selection valve and empty the tubes into the
bottles. Place the bottles back into the solvent cabinet.

3 Using a screwdriver, loosen the holding screws of the 4 Carefully disconnect the valve cable at the SSV connec-
valve holder. tor on the Z-Panel.
5 Using a screwdriver, loosen the holding screws of the
degasser front cover.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 166
8 Maintenance
Replace the Solvent Selection Valve (Isocratic Pump)

6 Carefully pull the valve with a cable out of the pump 7 Exchange the defective solvent selection valve.

8 Tighten the screws of the degasser front cover and the 9 Reconnect all tubings to the solvent selection valve.
valve holder.

After an exchange of the valve it may be required to pump
several mL of solvent before the flow stabilizes at a pres-
sure ripple as low as it used to be when the system was still
working properly.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 167
8 Maintenance
Exchange the Active Inlet Valve (AIV) or its Cartridge

Exchange the Active Inlet Valve (AIV) or its


For bio-inert modules use bio-inert parts only!

When If internally leaking (backflow)

Tools required Description

Wrench, 14 mm
Pair of tweezers

Parts required p/n Description

G5699A Active Inlet Valve Upgrade Kit
G1312-60025 Active inlet valve body, without cartridge
G1312-60020 Cartridge for active inlet valve 600 bar
G1311-67304 Connecting tube
G1311-61601 Active Inlet Valve Cable Assembly
0100-2298 Adapter, PEEK int. 1/4-28 to ext. 10-32
G5611-60025 Active Inlet Valve (AIV, Bio-inert), without cartridge
G5611-60020 Cartridge for AIV (Bio-inert)

Preparations • Switch off pump at the main power switch and unplug the power cable.
• Use an optional solvent shutoff valve or lift up solvent filters in solvent reservoirs for avoiding

1 Unplug the active inlet valve cable from the connector.

2 Disconnect the solvent inlet tube from the inlet valve (be aware that solvent
may leak out of the tube due to hydrostatic flow).
3 Unscrew the adapter from the active inlet valve.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 168
8 Maintenance
Exchange the Active Inlet Valve (AIV) or its Cartridge

4 Using a 14 mm wrench loosen the active inlet valve and remove the valve
from the pump head.

Active inlet valve cartridge

Active inlet valve

5 Using a pair of tweezers remove the valve cartridge from the actuator
6 Before inserting the new valve cartridge clean the area in the actuator
assembly. Flush the cartridge area thoroughly with alcohol.
7 Insert a new cartridge into the actuator assembly (make sure the valve
cartridge is completely inserted into the actuator assembly).
8 Insert the new valve into the pump head. Using the 14 mm wrench turn the
nut until it is hand tight.
9 Position the valve such that the solvent inlet tube connection points towards
the front.
10 Using the 14 mm wrench tighten the nut by turning the valve into its final
position (not more than a quarter turn).
11 Reconnect the adapter at the active inlet valve.
12 Reconnect the solvent inlet tube to the adapter. Reconnect the active inlet
valve cable to the connector in the Z-panel.
13 Purge the system with 30 mL of solvent in order to achieve a low pressure

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 169
8 Maintenance
Exchange the Seal Wash Cartridge

Exchange the Seal Wash Cartridge

Parts required p/n Description

5065-4445 Peristaltic pump with PharMed tubing

Preparations • Switch off pump at the main power switch.

• Open the doors.

1 Remove the wash solvent tubings from the support ring 2 Unclip the peristaltic pump cartridge from the module
outlet and from the adapter leading to the waste bottle. housing and remove it.

3 Put the new peristaltic pump cartridge onto the rod of 4 Connect the peristaltic pump tubes to the support rings
the pump motor and push the plastic clips into the mod- outlet and to the adapter leading to the waste bottle.
ule housing.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 170
8 Maintenance
Replace Leak Handling System Parts

Replace Leak Handling System Parts

Parts required p/n Description

5043-0856 Leak Adapter
5063-6527 Tubing, Silicon Rubber, 1.2 m, ID/OD 6/9 mm
approximately 85 mm required

1 Open the doors.

2 Press the Leak Adapter down and remove it together with the tubing.
3 Install the Leak Adapter by pressing it into the Main Cover.
4 Insert the Tubing (approximately 85 mm required for replacement) between
Leak Adapter outlet and Leak Panel.
5 Close the doors.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 171
8 Maintenance
Replacing the Module Firmware

Replacing the Module Firmware

When The installation of newer firmware might be necessary

• if a newer version solves problems of older versions or
• to keep all systems on the same (validated) revision.
The installation of older firmware might be necessary
• to keep all systems on the same (validated) revision or
• if a new module with newer firmware is added to a system or
• if third party control software requires a special version.

Tools required Description

Agilent Lab Advisor software

Parts required # Description

1 Firmware, tools and documentation from Agilent web site

Preparations Read update documentation provided with the Firmware Update Tool.

To upgrade/downgrade the module’s firmware carry out the following steps:

1 Download the required module firmware, the latest FW Update Tool and the
documentation from the Agilent web.
2 For loading the firmware into the module follow the instructions in the
Module Specific Information
There is no specific information for this module.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 172
9 Parts for Maintenance

Accessory Kits 174

Pump Head Assembly Without Seal Wash 176
Pump Head Assembly with Seal Wash Option 178
Outlet Valve 181
Purge Valve Assembly 182
Active Inlet Valve Assembly 183
1260 Infinity II Max Uptime Kit 184
1260 Infinity II Max Uptime Kit Bio 185
1260 Infinity II Low Dispersion Kit MCT 186
HPLC System Tool Kit 187
Solvent Cabinet 188
Bottle Head Assembly 189
Hydraulic Path of the Quaternary Pump 190
Hydraulic Path of the Isocratic Pump 192

This chapter provides information on parts for maintenance.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 173
9 Parts for Maintenance
Accessory Kits

Accessory Kits

Accessory Kit G7111-68755

The Accessory Kit (G7111-68755) contains the following items:

Item # p/n Description

1 2 5043-1013 Tubing Clip

2 1 5181-1519 CAN cable, Agilent module to module, 1 m

3 1 5500-1246 Capillary ST 0.17 mm x 500 mm SI/SI

4 1 5500-1217 Capillary, ST, 0.17 mm x 900 mm SI/SX

5 3 5063-6527 Tubing, Silicon Rubber, 1.2 m, ID/OD 6/9 mm

6 1 G1311-90107 Algae note

7 3 5500-1169 Y Tube Connector ID 6.4

8 3 5500-1155 Tube Connector, 90 degree, ID 6.4

9 1 5043-1372 Tubing Connector Leak 3-1

10 2 5043-1373 Tubing Connector Leak Cap

11 2 0890-1195 Flexible sleeving 1.45 mm/2.5 mm, PTFE

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 174
9 Parts for Maintenance
Accessory Kits

Accessory Kit G5654-68755

For bio-inert modules use bio-inert parts only!

The Accessory Kit (G5654-68755) contains the following items:

Item # p/n Description

1 2 5043-1013 Tubing Clip

2 1 5181-1519 CAN cable, Agilent module to module, 1 m

3 1 G5611-60502 Capillary Ti 0.17 mm x 900 mm, L (Bio-inert)

4 1 5500-1264 Capillary Ti 0.17 mm x 500 mm, SL/SLV

5 3 5063-6527 Tubing, Silicon Rubber, 1.2 m, ID/OD 6/9 mm

6 1 G1311-90107 Algae note

7 3 5500-1155 Tube Connector, 90 degree, ID 6.4

8 2 5043-1373 Tubing Connector Leak Cap

9 1 5043-1372 Tubing Connector Leak 3-1

10 3 5500-1169 Y Tube Connector ID 6.4

11 2 0890-1195 Flexible sleeving 1.45 mm/2.5 mm, PTFE

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 175
9 Parts for Maintenance
Pump Head Assembly Without Seal Wash

Pump Head Assembly Without Seal Wash

The Pump Head 1200 SL without Seal Wash (G1312-60056) contains:

Item p/n Description

1 5063-6586 Sapphire piston

2 G1311-60002 Piston housing

3 5067-1560 Support Ring SL, no seal wash

4 5062-2484 Gasket, seal wash (pack of 6)

5 5042-8952 Seal holder

6 5063-6589 Piston seal PTFE, carbon filled, black (pack of 2), default

OR 0905-1420 PE seals (pack of 2)

7 G1311-25200 Pump chamber housing

8 G1312-60066 Passive inlet valve 1220/1260

G1312-60025 Active inlet valve body, without cartridge (OPTIONAL)

G1312-60020 Cartridge for active inlet valve 600 bar

for G7110B and G7111B (OPTIONAL)

5062-8562 Active Inlet Valve Cartridge (400 bar)

for G7111A (OPTIONAL)

9 G1312-60067 Outlet valve

10 5042-1303 Lock screw

11 G7111-60061 Purge valve

for G7110B, G7111A, and G7111B

12 0515-2118 Pump head screw (M5, 60 mm)

The Pump Head 1200 SL without Seal Wash (G1312-60056) includes items 1-7,
10 and 12.
For piston seals, see “Choosing the Right Pump Seals” on page 90.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 176
9 Parts for Maintenance
Pump Head Assembly Without Seal Wash



Figure 12 Pump head assembly without seal wash option

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 177
9 Parts for Maintenance
Pump Head Assembly with Seal Wash Option

Pump Head Assembly with Seal Wash Option

For bio-inert modules use bio-inert parts only!

Pump head assembly with seal wash (G1312-60045) and Pump Head with Seal
Wash Function (Bio-inert) (G5611-60165) contain:

Item p/n Description

1 5063-6586 Sapphire piston

OR 5067-4695 Sapphire piston (Bio-inert)

2 G1311-60002 Piston housing

3 01018-60027 Support ring seal wash


OR G5611-63010 Support Ring with Seal Wash Function (Bio-inert)

01018-23702 Insert tool

4 0905-1175 Wash seal (PTFE)

OR 0905-1718 Wash Seal PE

OR 0905-1731 Bio-Inert Wash Seal

5 5062-2484 Gasket, seal wash (pack of 6)

6 5042-8952 Seal holder

OR G5611-60016 Seal Holder (Bio-inert)

(including: Bio-inert seal keeper (G5611-26210), Backup Ring for
Seal Holder (G4220-24013))

G1398A Active Seal Wash Option Upgrade

(includes service)

G1398-60000 Active Seal Wash Option Kit

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 178
9 Parts for Maintenance
Pump Head Assembly with Seal Wash Option

Item p/n Description

7 5063-6589 Piston seal PTFE, carbon filled, black (pack of 2), default

OR 0905-1420 PE seals (pack of 2)

OR G5611-21503 Piston Seal PTFE (Bio-inert)

5065-9978 Tubing, 1 mm i.d., 3 mm o.d., silicone, 5 m

for seal wash option

8 G1311-25200 Pump chamber housing

OR G5611-25260 Pump Chamber Housing (Bio-inert)

9 G1312-60066 Passive inlet valve 1220/1260

G1312-60025 Active inlet valve body, without cartridge (OPTIONAL)

G5611-60025 Active Inlet Valve (AIV, Bio-inert), without cartridge

G1312-60020 Cartridge for active inlet valve 600 bar

for G7110B, and G7111B (OPTIONAL)

5062-8562 Active Inlet Valve Cartridge (400 bar)

for G7111A (OPTIONAL)

G5611-60020 Cartridge for AIV (Bio-inert)

10 5042-1303 Lock screw

11 G1312-60067 Outlet valve

OR G5611-60067 Outlet Valve

12 G7111-60061 Purge valve

for G7110B, G7111A, and G7111B

G5611-60064 Purge valve

for G5654A

13 0515-2118 Pump head screw (M5, 60 mm)

14 5065-4445 Peristaltic pump with PharMed tubing

15 G1311-60161 1220/1260 Seal Wash Pump Assembly

see note below

The Pump head assembly with seal wash (G1312-60045) includes items 1-8, 10
and 13.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 179
9 Parts for Maintenance
Pump Head Assembly with Seal Wash Option



10 11 2


Figure 13 Pump Head with Seal Wash Option

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 180
9 Parts for Maintenance
Outlet Valve

Outlet Valve

p/n Description
G1312-60067 Outlet valve
for G7110B, G7111A, and G7111B

G5611-60067 Outlet Valve

for G5654A

G1312-60167 Outlet Valve Type N/SFC

for G7110B, G7111A, and G7111B

Figure 14 Outlet valve

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 181
9 Parts for Maintenance
Purge Valve Assembly

Purge Valve Assembly

For bio-inert modules use bio-inert parts only!

Item p/n Description

1 G5611-60064 Purge valve
for G5654A

1 G7111-60061 Purge valve

for G7110B, G7111A, and G7111B

2 01018-22707 PTFE frits (pack of 5)

3 5067-4728 Seal cap

Figure 15 Purge Valve Assembly

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 182
9 Parts for Maintenance
Active Inlet Valve Assembly

Active Inlet Valve Assembly

For bio-inert modules use bio-inert parts only!

Item p/n Description

G5699A Active Inlet Valve Upgrade Kit
includes service and the parts listed below
1 G1312-60025 Active inlet valve body, without cartridge
OR G5611-60025 Active Inlet Valve (AIV, Bio-inert), without cartridge
2 G1312-60020 Cartridge for active inlet valve 600 bar
OR 5062-8562 Active Inlet Valve Cartridge (400 bar)
OR G5611-60020 Cartridge for AIV (Bio-inert)
G1311-67304 Connecting tube
(needed for quaternary pump only)
0100-2298 Adapter, PEEK int. 1/4-28 to ext. 10-32
(needed for isocratic pump only)

Active inlet valve cartridge

Active inlet valve

Figure 16 Active Inlet Valve Assembly

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 183
9 Parts for Maintenance
1260 Infinity II Max Uptime Kit

1260 Infinity II Max Uptime Kit

This kit will be sold optionally with the pump and is not essential for operation.
You can reorder the individual parts.

# p/n Description
1 01018-22707 PTFE frits (pack of 5)

1 0890-1763 Capillary PEEK 0.18 mm x 1.5 m

3 5022-2184 Union, stand LC flow, no fitting

2 5041-2168 Solvent inlet filter, 20 µm pore size

1 5065-4426 Colored finger-tight PEEK fittings, 10/PK

3 5500-1193 InfinityLab Quick Turn Capillary ST 0.17 mm x 105 mm, long

Quick Turn

1 5500-1217 Capillary, ST, 0.17 mm x 900 mm SI/SX

2 5500-1246 Capillary ST 0.17 mm x 500 mm SI/SI

2 5500-1250 Capillary, ST, 0.17 mm x 120 mm SL/SL, long socket

1 8710-1930 Plastic tubing cutter

1 8710-2391 Rheotool socket wrench ¼ inch

1 5500-1191 InfinityLab Quick Turn Capillary ST 0.12 mm x 280 mm, long


6 G7167-68703 Fitting Intermediate Kit

1 G7111-90120 Technical Note 1260 Infinity II Max Uptime Kit

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 184
9 Parts for Maintenance
1260 Infinity II Max Uptime Kit Bio

1260 Infinity II Max Uptime Kit Bio

This kit will be sold optionally with the pump and is not essential for operation.
You can reorder the individual parts.

Item # p/n Description

1 1 5043-0915 Fitting mounting tool

2 1 01018-22707 PTFE frits (pack of 5)

3 1 0890-1763 PEEK tubing 0.18 mm x 1500 mm

4 3 5067-4741 ZDV union (Bio-inert)

5 2 5041-2168 Solvent inlet filter, 20 µm pore size

6 1 5065-4426 Colored finger-tight PEEK fittings, 10/PK

7 1 G5611-60502 Capillary Ti 0.17 mm x 900 mm, L (Bio-inert)

8 1 5500-1264 Capillary Ti 0.17 mm x 500 mm, SL/SLV

9 1 G5667-81005 Capillary PK/ST 0.17 mm x 500 mm, RLO/RLO (Bio-inert)

10 1 8710-1930 Plastic tubing cutter

11 1 8710-2391 Rheotool socket wrench ¼ inch

12 1 G5654-90130 Technical Note 1260 Infinity II Max Uptime Kit Bio

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 185
9 Parts for Maintenance
1260 Infinity II Low Dispersion Kit MCT

1260 Infinity II Low Dispersion Kit MCT

This kit will be sold optionally with the pump and is not essential for operation.
You can reorder the individual parts.
The 1260 Infinity II Low Dispersion Kit (G7111-68708) contains:

p/n Description
5500-1201 Capillary ST 0.12 mm x 105 mm SL-- PS-LS

5500-1157 Capillary ST, 0.12 mm x 500 mm SL/S

G7116-60015 Quick Connect Heat Exchanger Standard

G7167-68703 Fitting Intermediate Kit

G7111-90130 Technical Note 1260 Infinity II Low Dispersion Kit MCT

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 186
9 Parts for Maintenance
HPLC System Tool Kit

HPLC System Tool Kit

(Hex Driver SW-4 slitted)
5023-3138 5023-2503
(Reversible Screwdriver) (Hex Driver
SW-5 slitted)
(Hex Driver SW-6,
35/ ¼” slitted)


(Hex Key 9/64“, 15cm)

Box with:
9301-0411 (Syringe, Plastic) 5023-3089
9301-1337 (Syringe Adapter) Torx Key Set (T8,T9,T10,T15,T20,T25)
0100-1710 (Mounting tool for flangeless nut)
0100-1681 (Adapter luer/barb) 5023-2499
01018-23702 (Seal Insert tool) (Hex Key Set)
5067-6127 (Blank Nut V) 5043-1361
5023-2653 (Hex Key 3/32“) (Hex Key Set Driver)

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 187
9 Parts for Maintenance
Solvent Cabinet

Solvent Cabinet

p/n Description
5067-6871 Solvent Cabinet Kit

For details refer to: Usage Guideline for the Solvent Cabinet (01200-90150)

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 188
9 Parts for Maintenance
Bottle Head Assembly

Bottle Head Assembly

The Bottle Head Assembly (G7120-60007) contains:

p/n Description
5063-6598 Ferrules with lock ring (10/Pk)

5063-6599 Tube screw (10/Pk)

Wire marker

5062-2483 Tube PTFE 1.5 mm x 5 m, 3 mm od

5062-8517 Inlet filter adapter (4/Pk)

5041-2168 Solvent inlet filter, 20 µm pore size

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 189
9 Parts for Maintenance
Hydraulic Path of the Quaternary Pump

Hydraulic Path of the Quaternary Pump

For bio-inert modules use bio-inert parts only!

Item # p/n Description

1 1 G7111-81600 Capillary
damper to inlet pump chamber

OR 1 G5654-81600 Capillary, Ti, damper to inlet valve

for G5654A

1 G7120-60007 Bottle Head Assembly

(not shown)

2 1 5067-5378 Connecting tube, MCGV to PIV

OR 1 G1311-67304 Connecting tube

3 4 G7111-60100 Solvent Tubes including labels

for connection degasser to MCGV

4 1 G7111-81601 Capillary
outlet valve to damper
OR 1 G5654-81601 Capillary, Ti, outlet valve to damper
for G5654A

5 1 5062-2461 Waste tube, 5 m (reorder pack)

6 1 5500-1217 Capillary, ST, 0.17 mm x 900 mm SI/SX

Pump to Vialsampler with ICC

OR 1 5500-1246 Capillary ST 0.17 mm x 500 mm SI/SI

OR 1 5500-1264 Capillary Ti 0.17 mm x 500 mm, SL/SLV

for G5654A

1 0100-1847 PEEK adapter 1/4-28 to 10-32

(Adapter AIV to solvent inlet tubes)
(not shown)

1 G1311-60006 Inline filter

(not shown) (OPTIONAL)

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 190
9 Parts for Maintenance
Hydraulic Path of the Quaternary Pump


Figure 17 Hydraulic Flow Path of the Quaternary Pump

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 191
9 Parts for Maintenance
Hydraulic Path of the Isocratic Pump

Hydraulic Path of the Isocratic Pump

Item p/n Description

1 G7111-81600 Capillary
damper to inlet pump chamber

2 5500-1217 Capillary, ST, 0.17 mm x 900 mm SI/SX

Pump to Vialsampler with ICC

5500-1246 Capillary ST 0.17 mm x 500 mm SI/SI

3 G7111-81601 Capillary
outlet valve to damper

4 5062-2461 Waste tube, 5 m (reorder pack)

G7120-60007 Bottle Head Assembly

(not shown)

G1311-60006 Inline filter

(not shown) (OPTIONAL)

Figure 18 Hydraulic Flow Path of the Isocratic Pump

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 192
10 Identifying Cables

Cable Overview 194

Analog Cables 196
Remote Cables 198
CAN Cable 202
Agilent Module to PC 203
Agilent 1200 Module to Printer 204

This chapter provides information on cables used with the Agilent 1200 Infinity
Series modules.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 193
10 Identifying Cables
Cable Overview

Cable Overview

Never use cables other than the ones supplied by Agilent Technologies to ensure
NOTE proper functionality and compliance with safety or EMC regulations.

Analog cables
p/n Description
35900-60750 Agilent 35900A A/D converter

01046-60105 Analog cable (BNC to general purpose, spade lugs)

Remote cables
p/n Description
5188-8029 ERI
to general purpose

5188-8044 Remote Cable ERI – ERI

5188-8045 Remote Cable APG – ERI

5188-8059 ERI-Extension-Cable 1.2 m

5061-3378 Remote Cable

to 35900 A/D converter

01046-60201 Agilent module to general purpose

5188-8057 Fraction Collection ERI remote Y-cable

CAN cables
p/n Description
5181-1516 CAN cable, Agilent module to module, 0.5 m

5181-1519 CAN cable, Agilent module to module, 1 m

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 194
10 Identifying Cables
Cable Overview

LAN cables
p/n Description
5023-0203 Cross-over network cable, shielded, 3 m (for point to point connection)

5023-0202 Twisted pair network cable, shielded, 7 m (for point to point connec-

RS-232 cables
(not for p/n Description
FUSION board)
RS232-61601 RS-232 cable, 2.5 m
Instrument to PC, 9-to-9 pin (female). This cable has special pin-out,
and is not compatible with connecting printers and plotters. It is also
called "Null Modem Cable" with full handshaking where the wiring is
made between pins 1-1, 2-3, 3-2, 4-6, 5-5, 6-4, 7-8, 8-7, 9-9.

5181-1561 RS-232 cable, 8 m

USB cables
p/n Description
5188-8050 USB A M-USB Mini B 3 m (PC-Module)

5188-8049 USB A F-USB Mini B M OTG (Module to Flash Drive)

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 195
10 Identifying Cables
Analog Cables

Analog Cables

One end of these cables provides a BNC connector to be connected to Agilent

modules. The other end depends on the instrument to which connection is being

Agilent Module to 35900 A/D converters

p/n 35900-60750 35900 Pin Agilent Signal Name


1 Not connected

2 Shield Analog -

3 Center Analog +

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 196
10 Identifying Cables
Analog Cables

Agilent Module to BNC Connector

p/n 8120-1840 Pin BNC Pin Agilent Signal Name


Shield Shield Analog -

Center Center Analog +

Agilent Module to General Purpose

p/n 01046-60105 Pin Pin Agilent Signal Name


1 Not connected

2 Black Analog -

3 Red Analog +

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 197
10 Identifying Cables
Remote Cables

Remote Cables

ERI (Enhanced Remote Interface)

• 5188-8029 ERI to general purpose (D-Sub 15 pin male - open end)
• 5188-8044 ERI to ERI (D_Sub 15 pin male - male)
• 5188-8059 ERI-Extension-Cable 1.2 m (D-Sub15 pin male / female)

p/n 5188-8029 pin Color code Enhanced Classic Active (TTL)

Remote Remote

1 white IO1 START Low


2 brown IO2 STOP Low

3 green IO3 READY High

4 yellow IO4 POWER ON High

5 grey IO5 NOT USED

6 pink IO6 SHUT DOWN Low

7 blue IO7 START Low

8 red IO8 PREPARE Low

9 black 1wire DATA

10 violet DGND

11 grey-pink +5V ERI out

12 red-blue PGND

13 white-green PGND

14 brown-green +24V ERI out

15 white-yellow +24V ERI out

NC yellow-brown

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 198
10 Identifying Cables
Remote Cables

• 5188-8045 ERI to APG (Connector D_Subminiature 15 pin (ERI), Connector

D_Subminiature 9 pin (APG))

p/n 5188-8045 Pin (ERI) Signal Pin (APG) Active (TTL)

10 GND 1

1 Start Request 9 Low

2 Stop 8 Low

3 Ready 7 High

5 Power on 6 High

4 Future 5

6 Shut Down 4 Low

7 Start 3 Low

8 Prepare 2 Low

Ground Cable Shielding NC

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 199
10 Identifying Cables
Remote Cables

• 5188-8057 ERI to APG and RJ45 (Connector D_Subminiature 15 pin (ERI),

Connector D_Subminiature 9 pin (APG), Connector plug Cat5e (RJ45))
Table 21 5188-8057 ERI to APG and RJ45

p/n 5188-8057 Pin (ERI) Signal Pin (APG) Active (TTL) Pin (RJ45)

10 GND 1 5

1 Start 9 High

2 Stop 8 High

3 Ready 7 High

4 Fraction Trig- 5 High 4


5 Power on 6 High

6 Shut Down 4 High

7 Start 3 High

8 Prepare 2 High

Ground Cable Shield- NC


One end of these cables provides a Agilent Technologies APG (Analytical

Products Group) remote connector to be connected to Agilent modules. The
other end depends on the instrument to be connected to.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 200
10 Identifying Cables
Remote Cables

Agilent Module to Agilent 35900 A/D Converters

p/n 5061-3378 Pin 35900 A/D Pin Agilent Signal Name Active
module (TTL)

1 - White 1 - White Digital ground

2 - Brown 2 - Brown Prepare run Low

3 - Gray 3 - Gray Start Low

4 - Blue 4 - Blue Shut down Low

5 - Pink 5 - Pink Not connected

6 - Yellow 6 - Yellow Power on High

7 - Red 7 - Red Ready High

8 - Green 8 - Green Stop Low

9 - Black 9 - Black Start request Low

Agilent Module to General Purpose

p/n 01046-60201 Wire Color Pin Agilent Signal Name Active

module (TTL)

White 1 Digital ground

Brown 2 Prepare run Low

Gray 3 Start Low

Blue 4 Shut down Low

Pink 5 Not connected

Yellow 6 Power on High

Red 7 Ready High

Green 8 Stop Low

Black 9 Start request Low

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 201
10 Identifying Cables
CAN Cable

CAN Cable

Both ends of this cable provide a modular plug to be connected to

Agilent modules CAN or LAN connectors.
CAN Cables

p/n Description
5181-1516 CAN cable, Agilent module to module, 0.5 m

5181-1519 CAN cable, Agilent module to module, 1 m

LAN Cables

p/n Description
5023-0203 Cross-over network cable, shielded, 3 m (for point to point connection)

5023-0202 Twisted pair network cable, shielded, 7 m (for point to point connec-

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 202
10 Identifying Cables
Agilent Module to PC

Agilent Module to PC

p/n Description
RS232-61601 RS-232 cable, 2.5 m
Instrument to PC, 9-to-9 pin (female). This cable has special pin-out,
and is not compatible with connecting printers and plotters. It is also
called "Null Modem Cable" with full handshaking where the wiring is
made between pins 1-1, 2-3, 3-2, 4-6, 5-5, 6-4, 7-8, 8-7, 9-9.

5181-1561 RS-232 cable, 8 m

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 203
10 Identifying Cables
Agilent 1200 Module to Printer

Agilent 1200 Module to Printer

To connect a USB Flash Drive use a USB OTG cable with Mini-B plug and A

p/n Description
5188-8050 USB A M-USB Mini B 3 m (PC-Module)

5188-8049 USB A F-USB Mini B M OTG (Module to Flash Drive)

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 204
11 Hardware Information

Firmware Description 206

Electrical Connections 209
Serial Number Information 210
Rear View of the Module 210
Interfaces 211
Overview Interfaces 213
ERI (Enhanced Remote Interface) 215
USB (Universal Serial Bus) 217
Setting the 6-bit Configuration Switch 218
Special Settings 220
Instrument Layout 222
Early Maintenance Feedback 223

This chapter describes the pump in more detail on hardware and electronics.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 205
11 Hardware Information
Firmware Description

Firmware Description

The firmware of the instrument consists of two independent sections:

• a non-instrument specific section, called resident system
• an instrument specific section, called main system

Resident System
This resident section of the firmware is identical for all Agilent
1100/1200/1220/1260/1290 series modules. Its properties are:
• the complete communication capabilities (CAN, LAN, USB and RS- 232)
• memory management
• ability to update the firmware of the 'main system'

Main System
Its properties are:
• the complete communication capabilities (CAN, LAN, USB and RS- 232)
• memory management
• ability to update the firmware of the 'resident system'
In addition the main system comprises the instrument functions that are divided
into common functions like
• run synchronization through APG/ERI remote,
• error handling,
• diagnostic functions,
• or module specific functions like
• internal events such as lamp control, filter movements,
• raw data collection and conversion to absorbance.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 206
11 Hardware Information
Firmware Description

Firmware Updates
Firmware updates can be done with the Agilent Lab Advisor software with files
on the hard disk (latest version should be used).
Required tools, firmware and documentation are available from the Agilent web:
The file naming conventions are:
PPPP_RVVV_XXX.dlb, where
• PPPP is the product number, for example, 1315B for the G1315B DAD,
• R the firmware revision, for example, A for G1315B or B for the G1315C DAD,
• VVV is the revision number, for example 650 is revision 6.50,
• XXX is the build number of the firmware.
For instructions on firmware updates refer to section Replacing Firmware in
chapter "Maintenance" or use the documentation provided with the Firmware
Update Tools.

Update of main system can be done in the resident system only. Update of the
NOTE resident system can be done in the main system only.
Main and resident firmware must be from the same set.

Main FW update
Resident System Main System

Resident FW Update

Figure 19 Firmware Update Mechanism

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 207
11 Hardware Information
Firmware Description

Some modules are limited in downgrading due to their mainboard version or

NOTE their initial firmware revision. For example, a G1315C DAD SL cannot be
downgraded below firmware revision B.01.02 or to a A.xx.xx.
Some modules can be re-branded (e.g. G1314C to G1314B) to allow operation in
specific control software environments. In this case, the feature set of the target
type is used and the feature set of the original one is lost. After re-branding (e.g.
from G1314B to G1314C), the original feature set is available again.
All this specific information is described in the documentation provided with the
firmware update tools.

The firmware update tools, firmware and documentation are available from the
Agilent web.
• http://www.agilent.com/en-us/firmwareDownload?whid=69761

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 208
11 Hardware Information
Electrical Connections

Electrical Connections

• The CAN bus is a serial bus with high-speed data transfer. The two
connectors for the CAN bus are used for internal module data transfer and
• The ERI/REMOTE connector may be used in combination with other analytical
instruments from Agilent Technologies if you want to use features such as
start, stop, common shutdown, prepare, and so on.
• With the appropriate software, the LAN connector may be used to control the
module from a computer through a LAN connection. This connector is
activated and can be configured with the configuration switch.
• With the appropriate software, the USB connector may be used to control the
module from a computer through a USB connection.
• The power input socket accepts a line voltage of 100 – 240 VAC ± 10 % with a
line frequency of 50 or 60 Hz. Maximum power consumption varies by
module. There is no voltage selector on your module because the power
supply has wide-ranging capability. There are no externally accessible fuses
because automatic electronic fuses are implemented in the power supply.

Never use cables other than the ones supplied by Agilent Technologies to ensure
NOTE proper functionality and compliance with safety or EMC regulations.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 209
11 Hardware Information
Electrical Connections

Serial Number Information

The serial number information on the instrument labels provide the following

CCXZZ00000 Format

CC Country of manufacturing
• DE = Germany
• JP = Japan
• CN = China

X Alphabetic character A-Z (used by manufacturing)

ZZ Alpha-numeric code 0-9, A-Z, where each combination unambig-

uously denotes a module (there can be more than one code for
the same module)

00000 Serial number

Rear View of the Module

Configuration switch





Power socket

Figure 20 Rear view of the pump – electrical connections and label

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 210
11 Hardware Information


The Agilent InfinityLab LC Series modules provide the following interfaces:

Table 22 Agilent InfinityLab LC Series Interfaces

Module CAN USB LAN RS-232 Analog APG (A) Special

(on-board) / ERI (E)


G7104A/C 2 No Yes Yes 1 A

G7110B 2 Yes Yes No No E

G7111A/B, G5654A 2 Yes Yes No No E

G7112B 2 Yes Yes No No E

G7120A, G7132A 2 No Yes Yes 1 A

G7161A/B 2 Yes Yes No No E


G7129A/B/C 2 Yes Yes No No E

G7167A/B, G7137A, G5668A 2 Yes Yes No No E

G7157A 2 Yes Yes No No E


G7114A/B 2 Yes Yes No 1 E

G7115A 2 Yes Yes No 1 E

G7117A/B/C 2 Yes Yes No 1 E

G7121A/B 2 Yes Yes No 1 E

G7162A/B 2 Yes Yes No 1 E

G7165A 2 Yes Yes No 1 E

Fraction Collectors

G7158B 2 Yes Yes No No E

G7159B 2 Yes Yes No No E

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 211
11 Hardware Information

Table 22 Agilent InfinityLab LC Series Interfaces

Module CAN USB LAN RS-232 Analog APG (A) Special

(on-board) / ERI (E)

G7166A 2 No No No No No Requires a host module

with on-board LAN with
minimum FW B.06.40 or
C.06.40, or with addi-
tional G1369C LAN Card

G1364E/F, G5664B 2 Yes Yes No No E THERMOSTAT for



G7116A/B 2 No No No No No Requires a host module

with on-board LAN or
with additional G1369C
LAN Card.

G7122A No No No Yes No A

G7170B 2 No No No No No Requires a host module

with on-board LAN with
minimum FW B.06.40 or
C.06.40, or with addi-
tional G1369C LAN Card

The detector (DAD/MWD/FLD/VWD/RID) is the preferred access point for

NOTE control via LAN. The inter-module communication is done via CAN.

• CAN connectors as interface to other modules

• LAN connector as interface to the control software
• RS-232C as interface to a computer
• USB (Universal Series Bus) as interface to a computer
• REMOTE connector as interface to other Agilent products
• Analog output connector(s) for signal output

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 212
11 Hardware Information

Overview Interfaces
The CAN is inter-module communication interface. It is a 2-wire serial bus
system supporting high speed data communication and real-time requirement.

The modules have either an interface slot for a LAN card (e.g. Agilent G1369B/C
LAN Interface) or they have an on-board LAN interface (e.g. detectors G1315C/D
DAD and G1365C/D MWD). This interface allows the control of the
module/system via a PC with the appropriate control software. Some modules
have neither on-board LAN nor an interface slot for a LAN card (e.g. G1170A
Valve Drive or G4227A Flexible Cube). These are hosted modules and require a
Host module with firmware B.06.40 or later or with additional G1369C LAN Card.

If an Agilent detector (DAD/MWD/FLD/VWD/RID) is in the system, the LAN

NOTE should be connected to the DAD/MWD/FLD/VWD/RID (due to higher data load).
If no Agilent detector is part of the system, the LAN interface should be installed
in the pump or autosampler.

The USB interface replaces the RS-232 Serial interface in new FUSION generation
modules. For details on USB refer to “USB (Universal Serial Bus)” on page 217.

Analog Signal Output

The analog signal output can be distributed to a recording device. For details
refer to the description of the module’s mainboard.

Remote (ERI)
The ERI (Enhanced Remote Interface) connector may be used in combination
with other analytical instruments from Agilent Technologies if you want to use
features as common shut down, prepare, and so on.
It allows easy connection between single instruments or systems to ensure
coordinated analysis with simple coupling requirements.
The subminiature D connector is used. The module provides one remote
connector which is inputs/outputs (wired- or technique).

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 213
11 Hardware Information

To provide maximum safety within a distributed analysis system, one line is

dedicated to SHUT DOWN the system’s critical parts in case any module detects
a serious problem. To detect whether all participating modules are switched on
or properly powered, one line is defined to summarize the POWER ON state of all
connected modules. Control of analysis is maintained by signal readiness READY
for next analysis, followed by START of run and optional STOP of run triggered on
the respective lines. In addition PREPARE and START REQUEST may be issued.
The signal levels are defined as:
• standard TTL levels (0 V is logic true, + 5.0 V is false),
• fan-out is 10,
• input load is 2.2 kOhm against + 5.0 V, and
• output are open collector type, inputs/outputs (wired- or technique).
All common TTL circuits operate with a 5 V power supply. A TTL signal is defined
NOTE as "low" or L when between 0 V and 0.8 V and "high" or H when between 2.0 V
and 5.0 V (with respect to the ground terminal).
Table 23 ERI signal distribution

Pin Signal Description

1 START REQUEST (L) Request to start injection cycle (for example, by start key on any
module). Receiver is the autosampler.

2 STOP (L) Request to reach system ready state as soon as possible (for
example, stop run, abort or finish and stop injection). Receiver is any
module performing run-time controlled activities.

3 READY (H) System is ready for next analysis. Receiver is any sequence con-

4 POWER ON (H) All modules connected to system are switched on. Receiver is
any module relying on operation of others.

5 Not used

6 SHUT DOWN (L) System has serious problem (for example, leak: stops pump).
Receiver is any module capable to reduce safety risk.

7 START (L) Request to start run / timetable. Receiver is any module perform-
ing run-time controlled activities.

8 PREPARE (L) Request to prepare for analysis (for example, calibration, detec-
tor lamp on). Receiver is any module performing pre-analysis activi-

Special Interfaces
There is no special interface for this module.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 214
11 Hardware Information

ERI (Enhanced Remote Interface)

ERI replaces the AGP Remote Interface that is used in the HP
1090/1040/1050/1100 HPLC systems and Agilent 1100/1200/1200 Infinity
HPLC modules. All new InfinityLab LC Series products using the FUSION core
electronics use ERI. This interface is already used in the Agilent Universal
Interface Box 2 (UIB2)

ERI Description
The ERI interface contains eight individual programmable input/output pins. In
addition, it provides 24 V power and 5 V power and a serial data line to detect and
recognize further add-ons that could be connected to this interface. This way the
interface can support various additional devices like sensors, triggers (in and out)
and small controllers, etc.


Figure 21 Location of the ERI interface (example shows a G7114A/B VWD)

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 215
11 Hardware Information

Pin Enhanced Remote


2 IO 2 (STOP)

3 IO 3 (READY)




7 IO 7 (START)


9 1 wire DATA


11 +5 V ERI out



14 +24 V ERI out

15 +24 V ERI out

IO (Input/Output) Lines
• Eight generic bi-directional channels (input or output).
• Same as the APG Remote.
• Devices like valves, relays, ADCs, DACs, controllers can be

1-Wire Data (Future Use)

This serial line can be used to read out an EPROM or write into an EPROM of a
connected ERI-device. The firmware can detect the connected type of device
automatically and update information in the device (if required).

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 216
11 Hardware Information

5V Distribution (Future Use)

• Available directly after turning on the hosting module (assures that the
firmware can detect certain basic functionality of the device).
• For digital circuits or similar.
• Provides 500 mA maximum.
• Short-circuit proof with automatic switch off (by firmware).

24V Distribution (Future Use)

• Available by firmware command (defined turn on/off).
• For devices that need higher power
• Class 0: 0.5 A maximum (12 W)
• Class 1: 1.0 A maximum (24 W)
• Class 2: 2.0 A maximum (48 W)
• Class depends on hosting module’s internal power overhead.
• If a connected device requires more power the firmware detects this
(overcurrent detection) and provides the information to the user interface.
• Fuse used for safety protection (on board).
• Short circuit will be detected through hardware.

USB (Universal Serial Bus)

USB (Universal Serial Bus) - replaces RS232, supports:
• a PC with control software (for example Agilent Lab Advisor)
• USB Flash Disk

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 217
11 Hardware Information
Setting the 6-bit Configuration Switch

Setting the 6-bit Configuration Switch

The 6-bit configuration switch is located at the rear of the module with FUSION
electronics. Switch settings provide configuration parameters for LAN and
instrument specific initialization procedures.
All modules with FUSION electronics:
• Default is ALL switches DOWN (best settings).
• Default IP address for LAN
• For specific LAN modes switches 4-5 must be set as required.
• For boot resident/cold start modes switches 1+2 or 6 must be UP.

Configuration switch

Figure 22 Location of Configuration switch (example shows a G7114A/B VWD)

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 218
11 Hardware Information
Setting the 6-bit Configuration Switch

Table 24 6-bit Configuration Switch

Mode Function/Setting

Switch 1 Switch 2 Switch 3 Switch 4 Switch 5 Switch 6

COM1 0 n.a.2 n.a. LAN Init Mode n.a.

Use Default IP Address3 0 0 0 0 0

Use Stored IP Address 0 0 0 1 0

Use DHCP to request IP Address4 0 0 1 0 0

Test 1 System n.a. n.a. n.a. ColdStart

Boot Main System / Keep Data 0 0 0 0 0

Boot Resident System / Keep Data 1 0 0 0 0

Boot Main System / Revert to

0 0 0 0 1
Default Data

Boot Resident System / Revert to

1 0 0 0 1
Default Data

1 When selecting mode COM, settings are stored to non-volatile memory. When selecting mode TEST, COM settings are taken from
non-volatile memory.
2 not assigned - Always keep these switches on position ‘0’ (off)
3 Default IP Address is
4 Host Name will be the MAC address.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 219
11 Hardware Information
Setting the 6-bit Configuration Switch

Special Settings
Firmware update procedures may require this mode in case of firmware loading
errors (main/resident firmware part).
If you use the following switch settings and power the instrument up again, the
instrument firmware stays in the resident/main mode. In resident mode, it is not
operable as a module. It only uses basic functions of the operating system for
example, for communication. In this mode the main firmware can be loaded
(using update utilities).

Forced Cold Start

A forced cold start can be used to bring the module into a defined mode with
default parameter settings.
• Boot Main System / Revert to Default Data
The instrument will boot to main mode and changes to the module’s default
parameter. May be also required to load resident firmware into the module.
• Boot Resident System / Revert to Default Data
The instrument will boot to resident mode and changes to the module’s
default parameter. May be also required to load main firmware into the

Loss of data
Forced cold start erases all methods and data stored in the non-volatile
memory. Exceptions are calibration settings, diagnosis and repair log books
which will not be erased.
 Save your methods and data before executing a forced cold start.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 220
11 Hardware Information
Setting the 6-bit Configuration Switch

If you use the following switch settings and power the instrument up again, it will
start as described above.
Table 25 Boot Resident / Forced Coldstart

SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 SW5 SW6 Init Mode

1 0 0 0 0 0 Boot Main System / Keep Data

1 1 0 0 0 0 Boot Resident System / Keep Data

1 0 0 0 0 1 Boot Main System / Revert to Default Data

1 1 0 0 0 1 Boot Resident System / Revert to Default Data

Note: The setting '0' (down) is essential.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 221
11 Hardware Information
Instrument Layout

Instrument Layout

The industrial design of the module incorporates several innovative features. It

uses Agilent’s E-PAC concept for the packaging of electronics and mechanical
assemblies. This concept is based upon the use of expanded polypropylene
(EPP) layers of foam plastic spacers in which the mechanical and electronic
boards components of the module are placed. This pack is then housed in a
metal inner cabinet which is enclosed by a plastic external cabinet. The
advantages of this packaging technology are:
• virtual elimination of fixing screws, bolts or ties, reducing the number of
components and increasing the speed of assembly/disassembly,
• the plastic layers have air channels molded into them so that cooling air can
be guided exactly to the required locations,
• the plastic layers help cushion the electronic and mechanical parts from
physical shock, and
• the metal inner cabinet shields the internal electronics from electromagnetic
interference and also helps to reduce or eliminate radio frequency emissions
from the instrument itself.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 222
11 Hardware Information
Early Maintenance Feedback

Early Maintenance Feedback

Maintenance requires the exchange of components that are subject to wear or

stress. Ideally, the frequency at which components are exchanged should be
based on the intensity of use of the module and the analytical conditions, and not
on a predefined time interval. The early maintenance feedback (EMF) feature
monitors the use of specific components in the instrument, and provides
feedback when the user-selectable limits have been exceeded. The visual
feedback in the user interface provides an indication that maintenance
procedures should be scheduled.

EMF Counters
EMF counters increment with use and can be assigned a maximum limit which
provides visual feedback in the user interface when the limit is exceeded. Some
counters can be reset to zero after the required maintenance procedure.

Using the EMF Counters

The user-settable EMF limits for the EMF Counters enable the early maintenance
feedback to be adapted to specific user requirements. The useful maintenance
cycle is dependent on the requirements for use. Therefore, the definition of the
maximum limits need to be determined based on the specific operating
conditions of the instrument.

Setting the EMF Limits

The setting of the EMF limits must be optimized over one or two maintenance
cycles. Initially the default EMF limits should be set. When instrument
performance indicates maintenance is necessary, take note of the values
displayed by the EMF counters. Enter these values (or values slightly less than the
displayed values) as EMF limits, and then reset the EMF counters to zero. The
next time the EMF counters exceed the new EMF limits, the EMF flag will be
displayed, providing a reminder that maintenance needs to be scheduled.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 223
12 LAN Configuration

What You Have to Do First 225

TCP/IP parameter configuration 226
Configuration Switches 227
Initialization Mode Selection 228
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) 230
General Information (DHCP) 230
Setup (DHCP) 231
Manual Configuration 233
With Telnet 234

This chapter provides information on connecting the module to the Agilent

ChemStation PC.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 224
12 LAN Configuration
What You Have to Do First

What You Have to Do First

The module has an on- board LAN communication interface.

This chapter is generic and may show figures that differ from your module. The
NOTE functionality is the same.

1 Note the MAC (Media Access Control) address for further reference. The MAC
or hardware address of the LAN interfaces is a world wide unique identifier.
No other network device will have the same hardware address. The MAC
address can be found on a label at the rear of the module underneath the
configuration switch (see Figure 24 on page 225).

Part number of the detector main board

Revision Code, Vendor, Year and Week of assembly
MAC address
Country of Origin

Figure 23 MAC-Label

2 Connect the instrument's LAN interface (see Figure 24 on page 225) to

• the PC network card using a crossover network cable (point-to-point) or
• a hub or switch using a standard LAN cable.

LAN interface

MAC label

Figure 24 Location of LAN interfaces and MAC label

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 225
12 LAN Configuration
TCP/IP parameter configuration

TCP/IP parameter configuration

To operate properly in a network environment, the LAN interface must be

configured with valid TCP/IP network parameters. These parameters are:
• IP address
• Subnet Mask
• Default Gateway
The TCP/IP parameters can be configured by the following methods:
• by automatically requesting the parameters from a network-based DHCP
Server (using the so-called Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol). This mode
requires a LAN-onboard Module or a G1369C LAN Interface card, see “Setup
(DHCP)” on page 231
• by manually setting the parameters using Telnet
• by manually setting the parameters using the Local Controller
The LAN interface differentiates between several initialization modes. The
initialization mode (short form ‘init mode’) defines how to determine the active
TCP/IP parameters after power-on. The parameters may be derived non-volatile
memory or initialized with known default values. The initialization mode is
selected by the configuration switch, see Table 26 on page 228.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 226
12 LAN Configuration
Configuration Switches

Configuration Switches

The configuration switch can be accessed at the rear of the module.

Configuration switch

Figure 25 Location of Configuration switch (example shows a G7114A/B VWD)

The module is shipped with all switches set to OFF, as shown above.

To perform any LAN configuration, SW1 and SW2 must be set to OFF.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 227
12 LAN Configuration
Initialization Mode Selection

Initialization Mode Selection

The following initialization (init) modes are selectable:

Table 26 Initialization Mode Switches

SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 SW5 SW6 Init Mode

0 0 0 0 0 0 Use Default IP Address

0 0 0 0 1 0 Use Stored IP Address

0 0 0 1 0 0 Use DHCP

Note: The setting ‘0’ (down) is essential.

Default IP address for LAN is

DHCP address is the module’s LAN MAC address.

Using Stored
When initialization mode Using Stored is selected, the parameters are taken from
the non-volatile memory of the module. The TCP/IP connection will be
established using these parameters. The parameters were configured previously
by one of the described methods.


Figure 26 Using Stored (Principle)

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 228
12 LAN Configuration
Initialization Mode Selection

Using Default
When Using Default is selected, the factory default parameters are taken instead.
These parameters enable a TCP/IP connection to the LAN interface without
further configuration, see Table 27 on page 229.

Default Active
Parameter Parameter

Figure 27 Using Default (Principle)

Using the default address in your local area network may result in network
NOTE problems. Take care and change it to a valid address immediately.

Table 27 Using Default Parameters

IP address:

Subnet Mask:

Default Gateway not specified

Since the default IP address is a so-called local address, it will not be routed by
any network device. Thus, the PC and the module must reside in the same
The user may open a Telnet session using the default IP address and change the
parameters stored in the non-volatile memory of the module. He may then close
the session, select the initialization mode Using Stored, power-on again and
establish the TCP/IP connection using the new parameters.
When the module is wired to the PC directly (e.g. using a cross-over cable or a
local hub), separated from the local area network, the user may simply keep the
default parameters to establish the TCP/IP connection.

In the Using Default mode, the parameters stored in the memory of the module
NOTE are not cleared automatically. If not changed by the user, they are still available,
when switching back to the mode Using Stored.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 229
12 LAN Configuration
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)

General Information (DHCP)

The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is an auto configuration
protocol used on IP networks. The DHCP functionality is available on all Agilent
HPLC modules with on-board LAN Interface or LAN Interface Card G1369C, and
“B”-firmware (B.06.40 or above) or modules with "D"-firmware. All modules
should use latest firmware from the same set.
When the initialization mode “DHCP” is selected, the card tries to download the
parameters from a DHCP Server. The parameters obtained become the active
parameters immediately. They are not stored to the non-volatile memory of the
Besides requesting the network parameters, the card also submits its hostname
to the DHCP Server. The hostname equals the MAC address of the card, e.g.
0030d3177321. It is the DHCP server's responsibility to forward the
hostname/address information to the Domain Name Server. The card does not
offer any services for hostname resolution (e.g. NetBIOS).

DHCP Active
Server Parameter

Figure 28 DHCP (Principle)

1 It may take some time until the DHCP server has updated the DNS server with
NOTE the hostname information.
2 It may be necessary to fully qualify the hostname with the DNS suffix, e.g.
3 The DHCP server may reject the hostname proposed by the card and assign a
name following local naming conventions.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 230
12 LAN Configuration
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)

Setup (DHCP)

The DHCP functionality is available on all Agilent HPLC modules with on-board LAN Interface or LAN
Interface Card G1369C, and “B”-firmware (B.06.40 or above) or modules with "D"-firmware. All mod-
ules should use latest firmware from the same set.

1 Note the MAC address of the LAN interface (provided with G1369C LAN
Interface Card or mainboard). This MAC address is on a label on the card or at
the rear of the mainboard, for example, 0030d3177321.
On the Local Controller the MAC address can be found under Details in the
LAN section.

Figure 29 LAN Setting on Instant Pilot

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 231
12 LAN Configuration
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)

2 Set the configuration switch to DHCP either on the G1369C LAN Interface
Card or the mainboard of above mentioned modules.
Table 28 G1369C LAN Interface Card (configuration switch on the card)

SW 4 SW 5 SW 6 SW 7 SW 8 Initialization Mode


Table 29 LC Modules with 8-bit configuration switch (B-firmware) (configuration switch at rear
of the instrument)

SW 6 SW 7 SW 8 Initialization Mode


3 Turn on the module that hosts the LAN interface.

4 Configure your Control Software (e.g. OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition, Lab
Advisor, Firmware Update Tool) and use MAC address as host name, e.g.
The LC system should become visible in the control software (see Note in
section “General Information (DHCP)” on page 230).

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 232
12 LAN Configuration
Manual Configuration

Manual Configuration

Manual configuration only alters the set of parameters stored in the non-volatile
memory of the module. It never affects the currently active parameters.
Therefore, manual configuration can be done at any time. A power cycle is
mandatory to make the stored parameters become the active parameters, given
that the initialization mode selection switches are allowing it.




Figure 30 Manual Configuration (Principle)

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 233
12 LAN Configuration
Manual Configuration

With Telnet
Whenever a TCP/IP connection to the module is possible (TCP/IP parameters set
by any method), the parameters may be altered by opening a Telnet session.
1 Open the system (DOS) prompt window by clicking on Windows START
button and select “Run...”. Type “cmd” and press OK.
2 Type the following at the system (DOS) prompt:
• c:\>telnet <IP address> or
• c:\>telnet <host name>

Figure 31 Telnet - Starting a session

where <IP address> may be the assigned address from a Bootp cycle, a
configuration session with the Handheld Controller, or the default IP address
(see “Configuration Switches” on page 227).
When the connection was established successfully, the module responds
with the following:

Figure 32 A connection to the module is made

3 Type
? and press enter to see the available commands.

Figure 33 Telnet Commands

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 234
12 LAN Configuration
Manual Configuration

Table 30 Telnet Commands

Value Description

? displays syntax and descriptions of commands

/ displays current LAN settings

ip <x.x.x.x> sets new ip address

sm <x.x.x.x> sets new subnet mask

gw <x.x.x.x> sets new default gateway

exit exits shell and saves all changes

4 To change a parameter follows the style:

• parameter value, for example:
Then press [Enter], where parameter refers to the configuration parameter
you are defining, and value refers to the definitions you are assigning to that
parameter. Each parameter entry is followed by a carriage return.
5 Use the “/” and press Enter to list the current settings.

information about the LAN interface

MAC address, initialization mode
Initialization mode is Using Stored
active TCP/IP settings

TCP/IP status - here ready

Figure 34 Telnet - Current settings in "Using Stored" mode connected to PC with controller software (e.g. Agilent
ChemStation), here not connected

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 235
12 LAN Configuration
Manual Configuration

6 Change the IP address (in this example and type “/” to list
current settings.

change of IP setting to
Initialization mode is Using Stored

active TCP/IP settings

stored TCP/IP settings in non-volatile memory

connected to PC with controller software (e.g. Agilent

ChemStation), here not connected

Figure 35 Telnet - Change IP settings

7 When you have finished typing the configuration parameters, type

exit and press Enter to exit with storing parameters.

Figure 36 Closing the Telnet Session

If the Initialization Mode Switch is changed now to “Using Stored” mode, the
NOTE instrument will take the stored settings when the module is re-booted. In the
example above it would be

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 236
13 Appendix

General Safety Information 238

General Safety Information 238
Safety Standards 238
General 238
Before Applying Power 239
Ground the Instrument 239
Do Not Operate in an Explosive Atmosphere 240
Do Not Remove the Instrument Cover 240
Do Not Modify the Instrument 240
In Case of Damage 240
Solvents 241
Safety Symbols 242
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive 244
Radio Interference 245
Sound Emission 246
Agilent Technologies on Internet 247

This chapter provides addition information on safety, legal and web.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 237
13 Appendix
General Safety Information

General Safety Information

General Safety Information

The following general safety precautions must be observed during all phases of
operation, service, and repair of this instrument. Failure to comply with these
precautions or with specific warnings elsewhere in this manual violates safety
standards of design, manufacture, and intended use of the instrument. Agilent
Technologies assumes no liability for the customer’s failure to comply with these

Ensure the proper usage of the equipment.

The protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.
 The operator of this instrument is advised to use the equipment in a
manner as specified in this manual.

Safety Standards
This is a Safety Class I instrument (provided with terminal for protective earthing)
and has been manufactured and tested according to international safety

Do not use this product in any manner not specified by the manufacturer. The
protective features of this product may be impaired if it is used in a manner not
specified in the operation instructions.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 238
13 Appendix
General Safety Information

Before Applying Power

Wrong voltage range, frequency or cabling
Personal injury or damage to the instrument
 Verify that the voltage range and frequency of your power distribution
matches to the power specification of the individual instrument.
 Never use cables other than the ones supplied by Agilent Technologies
to ensure proper functionality and compliance with safety or EMC
 Make all connections to the unit before applying power.

Note the instrument's external markings described under “Safety Symbols” on

NOTE page 242.

Ground the Instrument

Missing electrical ground
Electrical shock
 If your product is provided with a grounding type power plug, the
instrument chassis and cover must be connected to an electrical ground
to minimize shock hazard.
 The ground pin must be firmly connected to an electrical ground (safety
ground) terminal at the power outlet. Any interruption of the protective
(grounding) conductor or disconnection of the protective earth terminal
will cause a potential shock hazard that could result in personal injury.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 239
13 Appendix
General Safety Information

Do Not Operate in an Explosive Atmosphere

Presence of flammable gases or fumes
Explosion hazard
 Do not operate the instrument in the presence of flammable gases or

Do Not Remove the Instrument Cover

Instrument covers removed
Electrical shock
 Do Not Remove the Instrument Cover
 Only Agilent authorized personnel are allowed to remove instrument
covers. Always disconnect the power cables and any external circuits
before removing the instrument cover.

Do Not Modify the Instrument

Do not install substitute parts or perform any unauthorized modification to the
product. Return the product to an Agilent Sales and Service Office for service and
repair to ensure that safety features are maintained.

In Case of Damage
Damage to the module
Personal injury (for example electrical shock, intoxication)
 Instruments that appear damaged or defective should be made
inoperative and secured against unintended operation until they can be
repaired by qualified service personnel.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 240
13 Appendix
General Safety Information

Toxic, flammable and hazardous solvents, samples and reagents
The handling of solvents, samples and reagents can hold health and safety
 When working with these substances observe appropriate safety
procedures (for example by wearing goggles, safety gloves and
protective clothing) as described in the material handling and safety
data sheet supplied by the vendor, and follow good laboratory practice.
 Do not use solvents with an auto-ignition temperature below 200 °C
(392 °F). Do not use solvents with a boiling point below 56 °C (133 °F).
 Avoid high vapor concentrations. Keep the solvent temperature at least
40 °C (72 °F) below the boiling point of the solvent used. This includes
the solvent temperature in the sample compartment. For the solvents
methanol and ethanol keep the solvent temperature at least 25 °C
(45 °F) below the boiling point.
 Do not operate the instrument in an explosive atmosphere.
 Do not use solvents of ignition Class IIC according IEC 60079-20-1 (for
example, carbon disulfide).
 Reduce the volume of substances to the minimum required for the
 Never exceed the maximum permissible volume of solvents (8 L) in the
solvent cabinet. Do not use bottles that exceed the maximum
permissible volume as specified in the usage guideline for solvent
 Ground the waste container.
 Regularly check the filling level of the waste container. The residual free
volume in the waste container must be large enough to collect the waste
 To achieve maximal safety, regularly check the tubing for correct

For details, see the usage guideline for the solvent cabinet. A printed copy of the
NOTE guideline has been shipped with the solvent cabinet, electronic copies are
available in the Agilent Information Center or via the Internet.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 241
13 Appendix
General Safety Information

Safety Symbols
Table 31 Symbols

The apparatus is marked with this symbol when the user shall refer to the
instruction manual in order to protect risk of harm to the operator and to
protect the apparatus against damage.

Indicates dangerous voltages.

Indicates a protected ground terminal.

The apparatus is marked with this symbol when hot surfaces are available
and the user should not touch it when heated up.

Sample Cooler unit is designed as vapor-compression refrigeration system.

Contains fluorinated greenhouse gas (refrigerant) according to the Kyoto
For specifications of refrigerant, charge capacity, carbon dioxide equivalent
(CDE), and global warming potential (GWP) see instrument label.

Flammable Material
For Sample Thermostat which uses flammable refrigerant consult Agilent
Information Center / User Manual before attempting to install or service this
equipment. All safety precautions must be followed.

Confirms that a manufactured product complies with all applicable Euro-

pean Community directives. The European Declaration of Conformity is
available at:

Manufacturing date.

Power symbol indicates On/Off.

The apparatus is not completely disconnected from the mains supply when
the power switch is in the Off position

Magnets could affect the functioning of pacemakers and implanted heart
A pacemaker could switch into test mode and cause illness. A heart defibril-
lator may stop working. If you wear these devices keep at least 55 mm dis-
tance to magnets. Warn others who wear these devices from getting too
close to magnets.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 242
13 Appendix
General Safety Information

Table 31 Symbols

Magnetic field
Magnets produce a far-reaching, strong magnetic field. They could damage
TVs and laptops, computer hard drives, credit and ATM cards, data storage
media, mechanical watches, hearing aids and speakers. Keep magnets at
least 25 mm away from devices and objects that could be damaged by
strong magnetic fields.

Indicates a pinching or crushing hazard

Indicates a piercing or cutting hazard.

alerts you to situations that could cause physical injury or death.
 Do not proceed beyond a warning until you have fully understood and
met the indicated conditions.

alerts you to situations that could cause loss of data, or damage of equipment.
 Do not proceed beyond a caution until you have fully understood and met
the indicated conditions.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 243
13 Appendix
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive

Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment

(WEEE) Directive

This product complies with the European WEEE Directive marking requirements.
The affixed label indicates that you must not discard this electrical/electronic
product in domestic household waste.

Do not dispose of in domestic household waste

To return unwanted products, contact your local Agilent office, or see
http://www.agilent.com for more information.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 244
13 Appendix
Radio Interference

Radio Interference

Cables supplied by Agilent Technologies are screened to provide optimized

protection against radio interference. All cables are in compliance with safety or
EMC regulations.

Test and Measurement

If test and measurement equipment is operated with unscreened cables, or used
for measurements on open set-ups, the user has to assure that under operating
conditions the radio interference limits are still met within the premises.

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 245
13 Appendix
Sound Emission

Sound Emission

Sound pressure
Sound pressure Lp <70 db(A) accroding to DIN-EN 27779

Schalldruckpegel Lp <70 db(A) nach DIN-EN 27779

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 246
13 Appendix
Agilent Technologies on Internet

Agilent Technologies on Internet

For the latest information on products and services visit our worldwide web site
on the Internet at:

Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Isocratic and Quaternary Pumps User Manual 247
In This Book

This manual contains technical information

about the Agilent 1260 Infinity II Isocratic
Pump (G7110B), the Agilent 1260 Infinity II
Quaternary Pump VL (G7111A), the Agilent
1260 Infinity II Quaternary Pump (G7111B),
and the Agilent 1260 Infinity II Bio-inert Pump
The manual describes the following:
• introduction,
• site requirements and specifications,
• using the pump,
• optimizing performance,
• troubleshooting and diagnostics,
• maintenance,
• parts and materials for maintenance,
• identifying cables,
• hardware information,
• appendix.

Agilent Technologies Inc. 2016-2020
Published in Germany

Document No: SD-29000225 Rev. D

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