02 - Chap 2 - AC Power Analysis - 2021C
02 - Chap 2 - AC Power Analysis - 2021C
02 - Chap 2 - AC Power Analysis - 2021C
Instantaneous power,
Average power,
Reactive power,
Apparent power
Complex power
Conservation of AC power
Maximum power transfer
Power Factor
Power Factor Correction
Electric power is the rate, per unit time, at which electrical
energy is transferred by an electric circuit. It is the rate of
doing work.
The SI unit of power is the watt (W), one joule per second.
Power is the most important quantity in electric utilities,
electronic and communication systems, because such systems
involve transmission of power from one point to another.
v(t) = Vm sin(ωt + θv)
i(t) = Im sin(ωt + θi)
where θv is the phase of v(t) and θI is the phase of the current.
p =v(t) i(t)
Further derivation reveals as
Vm I m
P= = Veff I eff Unit : watts (W)
since I eff =
V 2 eff
P= = I 2 eff R Unit : watts (W)
In a purely inductive circuit, since v leads i by 90º,
| θv – θi | = θ = 90º,
A resistive load (R) absorbs power at all times, while a reactive load ( L or C)
absorbs zero average power.
Find the average power dissipated in a network whose input
current and voltage are following
i = 5 sin(ωt + 40 )
v = 10 sin(ωt + 40 )
Find the average power absorbed by the passive linear network.
Given that
v(t ) = 120 cos(377t + 45 )
i (t ) = 10 cos(377t − 10 )
Vm I m
cos(θ v − θ i ) = (120 )(10 ) cos 45 − (−10 )
= 600 cos 55 = 344.2W
For the circuit shown, find the average power supplied by the
source and the average power absorbed by the resistor.
Determine the average power generated by each source and the
average power absorbed by each passive element in the circuit
which gives
Combining eqn. 11.17 and 11.18 leads to
For maximum power transfer, the load impedance ZL must be equal to the
complex conjugate of the Thevenin impedance ZTH.
1st obtain the Thevenin equivalent at the load terminal.
To find VTH,
By voltage division,
Load impedance draws the maximum power from the circuit when
Thevenin equivalent at the load terminal RL.
Power engineers have coined the term complex power, which
they use to find the total effect of parallel loads.
Complex Number : S = P + jQ
The real part of S is the real power, P (W)
Its imaginary part is the reactive power, Q (VAr).
The magnitude of S is the apparent power, s (VA)
The cosine of its phase angle ϕ is the power factor.
Unit : watt
The average power in watts delivered to a load.
It is the only useful power. It is the actual power dissipated
by the load.
Unit: volt-ampere (to distinguish from real power)
Reactive power exists in an AC circuit when the current and
voltage are not in phase.
Reactive power does not do any real work.
It is the power exchanged between the reactive load and the source.
As the power is exchanged between the source and the load, current flows on the
transmission lines connecting the source and the load.
The current introduces loss on the transmission lines.
It |S|, P, and Q in the form of a triangle, known as the
POWER TRIANGLE, as in Figure (a)
(b) Complex power in rectangular form
(c) Power factor ( its is leading, because the reactive power is negative)
Load impedance
The principle of conservation of power applies to AC circuit
as well.
KCL gives
The complex power supplied by the source is :
(all values of voltages and currents assumed to be rms values)
KVL gives
Note that
Power factor of an AC electrical power system is defined as the
ratio of the real power flowing to the load to the apparent power in the
The power factor is said to be lagging if the power factor angle θ
= θv – θi is positive.
It is called lagging because the phase of the current θi is smaller
than the phase of the voltage θv, making θ = θv – θi > 0.
If the power factor angle is negative, it is called leading. If θ < 0,
Q < 0 as show.
A lagging power factor signifies that the load is inductive, as the
load will “consume” reactive power, and therefore the reactive
component Q is positive as reactive power travels through the
circuit and is “consumed” by the inductive load.
While the angle θ decreases and the reactive power decreases. Refer to
the power triangle.
Vs = 330∠0o V
ZL = j2π60×0.25 = j94.2478 Ω,
Z = 210 + j94.2478 Ω,
ZLoad = 160 + j94.2478 Ω
I = Vs/Z = 1.308 – j0.587 A = 1.4337∠-24.17o
VLoad = 264.6012 + j29.3509 = 266.224∠6.33o
PfF = 0.98
θF = cos -1 0.98 = 11.48o
QF = P tan θ1 = 328.8624 tan 11.48o = 66.7883
Qc = Q1 - QF = 193.7148 – 66.7883 =126.9265
𝑄𝑄 126.9265
C = 𝜔𝜔 𝑉𝑉 𝐶𝐶 2 = = 4.7504 µH
𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟 (266.224)2 (2)(𝜋𝜋)(60)
Vs = 220∠0o V
ZLoad = 95 – j106.1033 Ω ; Z = 125 – j106.1033 Ω
I = Vs/Z = 1.023 + j0.8683 A
VLoad = 189.3114 – j26.0493 V = 191.1∠ 7.83o
SLoad = VLoad I* = 171.038 – j191.0284 = 256.4096∠ – 48.1602o VA
PLoad = 171.038 W, QLoad = – 191.0284 VAR, |SLoad| = 256.4096 VA
PfF = 0.99
θF = cos -1 0.99 = 8.11o
QF = P tan θ1 = 171.038 tan 8.11o = 24.3727
QL = Q1 - QF = 191 – 24.3727 = 166.63
| 𝑉𝑉𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙 |2 |191.1|2
L= = = 0.58134 H
𝑄𝑄𝐿𝐿 𝜔𝜔 (166.63)(2)(𝜋𝜋)(60)
= 581.34 mH