ETE 1112 - Basic Electrical Engineering Lab Manual

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Basic Electrical Engineering Lab Manual (Course Code: ETE 1112)

List of Laboratory Experiments

Ex No Name of Experiment Page

1. To Study Voltmeter, Ammeter, Wattmeter, Multi-meter and Electrical
2. To Verify Kirchhoffs Voltage Law & Kirchhoffs Current Law
3. To Verify the Law of Resistance Connected in Series Circuit & Parallel
4. To Verify Thevenins Theorem in DC Circuit
5. To Verify Nortons Theorem in DC Circuit
6 To Verify Reciprocity Theorem in DC Circuit
7 To Verify Maximum Power Transfer Theorem in DC Circuit
8. To Study the Frequency Response of Series RLC Circuit and Determine the
Resonance Frequency
9. To Study (Frequency Response & Resonance Frequency RLC Parallel
10. To Measure the Power Drawn in Single Phase AC Circuit Using Three

Prepared By Engr. Sabuj Ahmed, Dept. of ETE, PUST

Basic Electrical Engineering Lab Manual (Course Code: ETE 1112)

Experiment No: 01

Name of Experiment: To Study Electrical Symbols; Electrical Measuring Equipments

(Ammeter, Voltmeter, Ohmmeter, Multi-Meter) and Breadboard

Aim: To learn electrical symbols by sketching; be familiar with electrical measuring

equipments (Ammeter, Voltmeter, Ohmmeter, and Multi-Meter) and Breadboard.


Frequently used electrical symbols:

Name Symbol

Single Pole Single Throw (SPST)

Single Pole Double Throw (SPDT)

Double Pole Single Throw (DPST)


Two Conductors Crossing (No


Two Conductors Connected



DC Power Supply

Prepared By Engr. Sabuj Ahmed, Dept. of ETE, PUST

Basic Electrical Engineering Lab Manual (Course Code: ETE 1112)

AC Power Supply

Constant Current Source






The letter in the center identifies the type
V = Voltmeter, A = Ammeter
= Ohmmeter, MA = Milli-Ammeter
W = Wattmeter, G = Galvanometer

Prepared By Engr. Sabuj Ahmed, Dept. of ETE, PUST

Basic Electrical Engineering Lab Manual (Course Code: ETE 1112)


Multi-meter is a meter that can take a variety of electrical measurements. It can measure DC
voltages, AC voltages, current (both DC and AC), and resistance. It also serves many
different test purposes, e.g., checking if a connection between is shorted or broken, testing the
operation of diodes and transistors (like, are they faulty or not?), to name a few.

Fig- 1 (a) : Analog and Digital Multi-Meters


As illustrated in Figure-, breadboard is a circuit board with many pre-connected holes in it:

Fig- 1 (b) : A real breadboard (left) and connection assignment of it (right)

Constructing circuits using breadboard is very easy especially if you are familiar with the
node concept which is just introduced. For instance, each connected line (e.g. a blue one or
a red one in Figure-1 (b)) is seen as a node to which the electronic components are connected.

Prepared By Engr. Sabuj Ahmed, Dept. of ETE, PUST

Basic Electrical Engineering Lab Manual (Course Code: ETE 1112)

Experiment No: 02

Name of Experiment: To Verify Kirchhoffs Voltage Law & Kirchhoffs Current Law

Aim: To verify Kirchhoffs Voltage Law (KVL) and Kirchhoffs Current Law (KCL)

Apparatus Required:

1. Ammeter- 3 nos. (0-10 amp)

2. Voltmeter - 3 nos. (0-300 V)
3. Resistors/ Rheostats
4. Connecting wires
5. DC Power Supply


KVL and KCL are used to solve the electrical network, which are not solved by the simple
electrical formula.

KVL: It states that the algebraic sum of product of current and resistance in each of the
conductors in any closed path in a network plus the algebraic sum of the e.m.f. in the closed
path is zero.


KCL: It states that in any electrical network the algebraic sum of currents meeting at a point
is zero. Consider the case of few conductors meeting at a point A the incoming currents to be
positive and the outgoing currents to be negative, I + (- ) + (- ) = 0
Incoming Current=Outgoing Current

Circuit Diagram:

Fig-2(a): KVL Fig-2(b): KCL

Prepared By Engr. Sabuj Ahmed, Dept. of ETE, PUST

Basic Electrical Engineering Lab Manual (Course Code: ETE 1112)

1. Connect the circuit as per the circuit diagram
2. Switch on the power supply
3. Note down the readings of the voltmeters
4. Change the value of the rheostats/resistors and repeat the step several times and switch off the
power supply.

1. Make the connection according to the circuit diagram
2. Set the two rheostats/resistors to their max value.
3. Switch on the power supply
4. Change the setting of the rheostats to get different readings in all the three ammeters.
5. Measure the current in the three ammeters
6. Check that at every time current in the main branch is equal to the sum of currents in the two
Repeat the setting of the rheostats/resistors
7. Switch off the power supply

Data Table for Verifying KVL:

SL Applied Voltage V= + +
No (Volts) (Volts) (Volts) (Volts) (Volts)

Data Table for Verifying KCL:

SL Applied Voltage I I+ (-) + (-)

No (Volts) (Volts) (Volts) (Volts) (Volts)

Prepared By Engr. Sabuj Ahmed, Dept. of ETE, PUST

Basic Electrical Engineering Lab Manual (Course Code: ETE 1112)

Result & Discussion:

1. Make the connections properly.
2. Note the readings of voltmeters and ammeters properly.
3. Remove insulations from the connecting wire so as the current will flow properly.
4. Avoid loose connections and dont touch wire with wet hand.

Questions & Answers:

Q.1 What is the statement of Kirchhoffs first law?
A. The sum of the currents entering at any junction is equal to the sum of the currents leaving
the junction.
Q.2 According to Kirchhoffs second law, the algebraic sum of all IR drops and emfs in any
closed loop of a network is equal to
A. It is equal to zero.
Q.3 Kirchoffs second law is related to what?
A. EMF and IR drops.
Q.4 What is the internal resistance of the ideal voltage source?
A. Zero
Q.5 What is higher, the terminal voltage or the emf?
A. The emf
Q.6 What is he internal resistance of the current source ideally?
A. Infinity
Q.7 What is the active network?
A. An active network is that which contains one or more than one sources of emf. or current
Q.8 What is the bilateral network?
A. It is the circuit whose properties are same in either direction
Q.9 What is the difference between a node and a branch?
A. A node is a junction in the circuit where two or more than two circuit elements are
connected together. The part of the network, which lies between two junctions, is called
Q.10 What is the non-linear circuit?
A. The circuit whose parameters change with the change in voltage and current is called the
non-linear circuit.

Prepared By Engr. Sabuj Ahmed, Dept. of ETE, PUST

Basic Electrical Engineering Lab Manual (Course Code: ETE 1112)

Experiment No: 03

Name of Experiment: To Verify the Law of Resistance Connected in Series Circuit &
Parallel Circuit

Aim: To Verify the Law of Resistance Connected in Series Circuit & Parallel Circuit

Apparatus Required:

1. Ammeter- 3 nos. (0-10 amp)

2. Voltmeter - 3 nos. (0-300 V)
3. Resistors
4. Connecting wires
5. DC Power Supply


Series Circuit:
The circuit in which the current remain same and the voltage is different across each resistor
is called series circuit. In this circuit the total resistance is equal to the sum of the resistance
of individual resistors.

= + +
According to Ohms Law V=IR
I =I +I +I
I =I( + + )
= + +
There three resistors, they are connected in series
= Total Resistance
= Total Voltage
I = Current

Parallel Circuit:
In Parallel circuit the voltage across all the resistors remain same and the supply current or
total current is sum of individual current in different parallel path. The sum of the reciprocal
of parallel resistances connected in the circuit is equal to the reciprocal of equivalent
resistance connected in circuit.

= = =
= + +
According to Ohms Law I=

= + +

= ( + + )
= + +

Prepared By Engr. Sabuj Ahmed, Dept. of ETE, PUST

Basic Electrical Engineering Lab Manual (Course Code: ETE 1112)

Circuit Diagram:

Fig-3(a): Series Circuit Fig-3(B): Parallel Circuit

Series Connection:
1. Connect the circuit as per the circuit diagram
2. Switch on the power supply
3. Note down the readings of the voltmeters
4. Change the value of the rheostats/resistors and repeat the step several times and switch off the
power supply.

Parallel Connection:
1. Make the connection according to the circuit diagram
2. Switch on the power supply
3. Measure the current in the three ammeters
4. Change the setting of the rheostats to get different readings in all the three ammeters.
7. Switch off the power supply

Data Table:
Data Table-1 for Verifying the Law of Resistance Connected in Series:
No (Volts) (Volts) (Volts) (Volts) () () () ()

Prepared By Engr. Sabuj Ahmed, Dept. of ETE, PUST

Basic Electrical Engineering Lab Manual (Course Code: ETE 1112)

Data Table-2 for Verifying the Law of Resistance Connected in Parallel:

No (Amp) (Amp) (Amp) (Amp) () () () ()

Result & Discussion:


1. Make the connections properly.

2. Note the readings of ohmmeter properly.
3. Remove insulations from the connecting wire so as the current will flow properly.
4. Avoid loose connections and dont touch wire with wet hand.

Questions & Answers:

Q1.What is the unit of charge and current?

A1. The units are coulomb and ampere.
Q2.What is resistance?
A2. The resistance is the property of a material to oppose the flow of current in a material. Its
unit is ohm.
Q3. What are the materials used for resistor?
A3 the material used are Maganin (alloy of Copper Manganese and Nickel), Constantan
(alloy of Nickel and Copper).
Q4. What are the factors that affect the resistance of a wire/conductor/material?
A4 There are four factors that influence the resistance in a wire/ conductor/material. They are
Thickness (cross sectional area of the wire), Length, Temperature and the Conductivity
(Inverse of Resistivity) of the material that is used.

Prepared By Engr. Sabuj Ahmed, Dept. of ETE, PUST

Basic Electrical Engineering Lab Manual (Course Code: ETE 1112)

Try by yourself:

1. What is the series equivalent of two 1000 W resistors in series

2. What is the series equivalent of a 1000 W resistor and a 2700 W resistor in series?
3. What is the series equivalent of three 1000 W resistors in series?
4. What is the equivalent resistance of the two resistors in series - 1000W and 2000W?
5. Imagine that you have a 100 W resistor. You want to add a resistor in series with this
100 W resistor in order to limit the current to 0.5 amps when 110 volts is placed
across the two resistors in series. How much resistance should you use?
6. What is the parallel equivalent of two 1000 W resistors in parallel?
7. What is the parallel equivalent of a 1000 W resistor and a 1500 W resistor in
8. What is the equivalent of three 1000 W resistors in parallel?

Prepared By Engr. Sabuj Ahmed, Dept. of ETE, PUST

Basic Electrical Engineering Lab Manual (Course Code: ETE 1112)

Experiment No: 04

Name of Experiment: To Verify Thevenins Theorem in DC Circuit

Aim: To verify Thevenins Theorem in DC Circuit

Apparatus Required:

1. Ammeter- 3 nos. (0-10 amp)

2. Voltmeter - 3 nos. (0-300 V)
3. Resistors/ Rheostats
4. Connecting wires
5. DC Power Supply


THEVENINS THEOREM as applied to the dc network circuit may be stated as the current flowing
through a load resistance RL connected across any two terminals A and B of a linear bilateral network
is given by VTH / RTH+RL where VTH is the open circuit voltage and RTH is the internal resistance of
the network from terminal A to B with all voltage sources replaced with their internal resistances and
current sources with infinite resistance.

Circuit Diagram:

Fig-4: Thevenins Theorem

1. To find the current flowing through the load resistance R L as shown in fig-4 removes RL from the
circuit temporarily and leave the terminals A and B open circuited.
Prepared By Engr. Sabuj Ahmed, Dept. of ETE, PUST
Basic Electrical Engineering Lab Manual (Course Code: ETE 1112)

2. Calculate the open circuit voltage which appears across terminal A and B. = I. This is
called Thevenins voltage.
1 2
3. Now calculate = . This is called Thevenins resistance.
1+ 2
4. Calculate IL= VTH/(RL+RTH).
5. VTH= E R2/R1+R2

Data Table:
Data Table for verifying Thevenins Theorem:
SL Applied Voltage (Volts) (Volts) (mA) (mA)
(Theory) Remark
No (Volts) (Theory) (Practical) (Ohms) (Practical)


1. Make the connections properly.

2. Note the readings of voltmeters and ammeters properly.
3. Remove insulations from the connecting wire so as the current will flow properly.
4. Avoid loose connections and dont touch wire with wet hand.

Questions & Answers:

Q.1 To what type of circuit Thevenins theorem is applicable

A. Linear and bilateral
Q.2 What is the use of Thevenins theorem?
A. To convert the complex circuit into a voltage source and a series resistance
Q.3 How is connected with the circuit?
A. In series
Q.4 How is connected with the load resistance?
A. In series
Q.5 What modification is done in galvanometer to convert it into a ammeter?
A. A large resistance in parallel
Q.6 What modification is done in the galvanometer to convert it into a voltmeter?
A. A series resistance
Q.7 Resistance is an active element or the passive?
A. Passive
Q.8 How will you calculate the ?
A. The resistance between the two terminals
Q.9 In place of current source, what is placed while calculating ?
A. Replace current source by open circuit
Q.10 In place of voltage source which electrical parameters is placed?
A. A short circuit.

Prepared By Engr. Sabuj Ahmed, Dept. of ETE, PUST

Basic Electrical Engineering Lab Manual (Course Code: ETE 1112)

Experiment No: 05

Name of Experiment: To Verify Nortons Theorem in DC Circuit

Aim: To Verify Nortons Theorem in DC Circuit

Apparatus Required:

1. Ammeter- 3 nos. (0-10 amp)

2. Voltmeter - 3 nos. (0-300 V)
3. Resistors/ Rheostats (1k -2, 2/3 k -1)
4. Connecting wires
5. DC Power Supply


Nortons theorem replaces the electrical network by an equivalent constant current source and
a parallel resistance. Nortons equivalent resistance RN=R1*R2/R1+R2 Actual load current
in the circuit IL1 Theoretical load current IL2=ISC*RN/(RN+RL), ISC is the short circuit

Circuit Diagram:

Fig-5: Nortons Theorem

Prepared By Engr. Sabuj Ahmed, Dept. of ETE, PUST

Basic Electrical Engineering Lab Manual (Course Code: ETE 1112)

1. Connect the circuit as per the circuit diagram
2. Remove the load resistance
3. Find the Nortons resistance R N
4. Measure the Nortons current IN
5. Now measure the current in the load resistance directly
6. Find out the current in the load
7. Using formula find out the current in the load resistance
8. Verify that these two are equal.

Data Table:
Data Table for verifying Nortons Theorem
SL Applied Voltage -
No (Volts) (mA) (Ohms) (mA) (mA) (Error)

1. All connections should be tight and correct.
2. Switch off the supply when not in use.
3. Reading should be taken carefully.

Questions & Answers:

Q.1 To what type of network Nortons theorem applicable?
A. Two terminal linear network containing independent voltage and current sources.
Q.2 How is RN connected to IN?
A. In the parallel
Q.3 What is placed in place of voltage sources while calculating the RN?
A. Their internal resistance replaces these.
Q.4 Give an example of unilateral circuit?
A. Diode rectifier
Q.5 What is unilateral circuit?
A. Whose characteristics changes with the change in direction of operation
Q.6 Give one example of the bilateral n/w?
A. Transmission lines
Q.7 What is the limitation of Ohms law?
A. Provided physical conditions do not change
Q.8 What is the reason that ground pin are made of greater diameter in the plugs?
A. R=L/A
Q.9 Where is the voltage divider rule applicable?
A. Two resistance in series
Q.10 Where is the current divider rule applicable?
A. When there are two resistances in parallel.

Prepared By Engr. Sabuj Ahmed, Dept. of ETE, PUST

Basic Electrical Engineering Lab Manual (Course Code: ETE 1112)

Experiment No: 06

Name of Experiment: To Verify Reciprocity Theorem in DC Circuit

Aim: To verify Reciprocity Theorem in DC Circuit

Apparatus Required:

1. Ammeter- 3 nos. (0-10 amp)

2. Voltmeter - 3 nos. (0-300 V)
3. Resistors/ Rheostats (1k -2, 2/3 k -1)
4. Connecting wires
5. DC Power Supply

Reciprocity theorem can be stated as in any bilateral linear network if a source of emf E in any branch
produces a current I in any other branch then the same emf E acting in the second branch will produce
the same current I in the first branch.

Circuit Diagram:

Fig-6: Reciprocity Theorem

1. Make the connection according to the circuit diagram
2. Measure the value of current by ammeter
3. Interchange the position of the ammeter and the voltage source
4. Now again measure the value of current
5. Verify that =

Prepared By Engr. Sabuj Ahmed, Dept. of ETE, PUST

Basic Electrical Engineering Lab Manual (Course Code: ETE 1112)

Data Table:
Data Table for verifying Reciprocity Theorem
SL Applied Voltage -
No (Volts) (mA) (mA) (Error)


1. All connections should be tight and correct.

2. Switch off the supply when not in use.
3. Reading should be taken carefully.

Questions & Answers:

Q.1To what type of the circuit, the reciprocity theorem applicable?
A. Linear and bilateral
Q.2 What is transfer resistance in reciprocity theorem?
A. E/I= transfer resistance
Q.3 Is reciprocity theorem applicable to ac?
A. Yes
Q.4 What are mutually transferable in the reciprocity theorem?
A. E and I are mutually transferable
Q.5 Is this theorem applicable to the circuit having capacitor or inductor?
A. No, it is applicable to only resistive ac circuit.
Q.6 What is the frequency of mains?
A. 50 hz
Q.8 What is the reference node in the circuit?
A. The reference node is the node with respect to which the potential at different points are
Q.9 What is conventional current?
A. The current flowing from the positive to negative terminal of the battery is called the
conventional current.
Q.10 What is MCB?
A. Miniature circuit breaker

Prepared By Engr. Sabuj Ahmed, Dept. of ETE, PUST

Basic Electrical Engineering Lab Manual (Course Code: ETE 1112)

Experiment No: 07

Name of Experiment: To Verify Maximum Power Transfer Theorem in DC Circuit

Aim: To verify Maximum Power Transfer Theorem in DC Circuit

Apparatus Required:

1. Ammeter- 3 nos. (0-10 amp)

2. Voltmeter - 3 nos. (0-300 V)
3. Resistors/ Rheostats (1k -2, 2/3 k -1)
4. Connecting wires
5. DC Power Supply


The maximum power transfer theorem states that a load resistance will abstract maximum
power from the network when the load resistance is equal to the internal resistance. For
maximum power transfer Load resistance = , Where internal resistance of the

Maximum power, = Where V is the dc supply voltage.

Circuit Diagram:

Fig-7: Maximum Power Transfer Theorem

1. Connect the circuit diagram as shown in figure.
2. Take the readings of voltmeter and ammeter for different values of RL
3. Verify that power is Maximum when = .

Prepared By Engr. Sabuj Ahmed, Dept. of ETE, PUST

Basic Electrical Engineering Lab Manual (Course Code: ETE 1112)

Data Table:
Data Table for verifying Maximum Power Transfer Theorem
SL Applied Voltage Power=
No (Volts) () () (mA) (mW)

1. All connections should be tight and correct.
2. Switch off the supply when not in use.
3. Reading should be taken carefully.

Questions & Answers:

Q.1 What is load matching?
A. The process of adjusting the load resistance for maximum power transfer is called load
Q.2 What is max power transfer formula?
A. Pmax=Eth2/4RL
Q.3 What is the field of application of this theorem?
A. Motorcars, Telephone lines and TV aerial leads
Q.4 What is electric network?
A. An electric circuit arises when a no. of parameters or electric elements coexist or combine
in a certain arrangement.
Q.5 What is necessary to know the polarity of voltage drop across a resistance?
A. Direction of current through the resistance.
Q.6 What is the reason that terminal voltage is less than emf?
A. Because there is some drop across the internal resistance.
Q.7 What is the resistance of ideal voltage source?
A. Zero
Q.8 When will the power extracted from a circuit is maximum?
A. When RL is equal to the internal resistance of the circuit.
Q.9 How is the ammeter connected in circuit?
A. In series
Q.10 To find the voltage drop across a resistance, where should the voltmeter be connected?
A. In parallel.

Prepared By Engr. Sabuj Ahmed, Dept. of ETE, PUST

Basic Electrical Engineering Lab Manual (Course Code: ETE 1112)

Experiment No: 08

Name of Experiment: To Study the Frequency Response of Series RLC Circuit and
Determine the Resonance Frequency

Aim: To observe the Frequency Response of Series RLC Circuit

To Determine the Resonance Frequency of a Series RLC Circuit

Apparatus Required:

1. CRO
2. Audio Frequency Generator
3. Multi-Meter
4. Connecting wires/ leads
5. AC Power Supply (Single Phase)


In the series resonance circuit, the net reactance

So Impedance of the circuit is
Z=(R2+ (XL-XC )2)
at the resonance frequency the capacitive reactance becomes equal to the inductive reactance.
Circuit Diagram:

Fig-8: Series RLC Circuit

Prepared By Engr. Sabuj Ahmed, Dept. of ETE, PUST

Basic Electrical Engineering Lab Manual (Course Code: ETE 1112)

1. Make the connection s shown in figure.
2. Frequency is given by audio frequency generator.
3. Change the frequency and note the reading carefully.
4. At certain frequency the voltage becomes maximum after which the voltage decreases.
This is the resonance frequency.
5. Plot a graph between frequency and voltage.

Data Table:

SL No Frequency (KHz) Voltage (Volts)



1. All connections should be tight and correct.

2. Switch off the supply when not in use.
3. Reading should be taken carefully.

Prepared By Engr. Sabuj Ahmed, Dept. of ETE, PUST

Basic Electrical Engineering Lab Manual (Course Code: ETE 1112)

Questions & Answers:

Q.1 If frequency is 50 Hz, what is the angular frequency?

A. W=2f =100
Q.2 If time period is 1/50 sec, what is the frequency?
A. f=1/T=50Hz
Q.3 If I=200sin 100t, at which time it will have the value of 100A?
A. 100=200sin100t CUREN T FREQUENCY fr
LAB MANUAL(I,II SEM) Page 24 1/2=sin 100t 100t=/6 t=1/600sec
Q.4 What is the average value of a square wave of peak value 200V?
A. 200V
Q.5 What is the relation between the max value and the average value of the square wave?
A. Both are same
Q.6 What is the form factor?
A. RMS/average
Q.7 What is the form factor for a sine wave?
A. 1.11
Q.8 What is the impedance for a series resonance circuit?
A. R
Q.9 What is the condition for resonance in a series RLC circuit?
Q.10 What is the quality factor?
A. Quality factor = fr/B.W.

Prepared By Engr. Sabuj Ahmed, Dept. of ETE, PUST

Basic Electrical Engineering Lab Manual (Course Code: ETE 1112)

Experiment No: 09

Name of Experiment: To Study the Frequency Response of Parallel RLC Circuit and
Determine the Resonance Frequency

Aim: To observe the Frequency Response of Parallel RLC Circuit

To Determine the Resonance Frequency of a Parallel RLC Circuit

Apparatus Required:

1. CRO
2. Audio Frequency Generator
3. Multi-Meter
4. Connecting wires/ leads
5. AC Power Supply (Single Phase)

For the parallel R-L-C circuit
I =I Sin
I =

I =
Sin =

* =

Or X * =
now X = L, =

= or =

= + X

f = * ( ( ) )

Prepared By Engr. Sabuj Ahmed, Dept. of ETE, PUST

Basic Electrical Engineering Lab Manual (Course Code: ETE 1112)

Circuit Diagram:

Fig-8: Parallel RLC Circuit

1. Make the connection s shown in figure.
2. Frequency is given by audio frequency generator.
3. Change the frequency and note the reading carefully
4. At certain frequency the voltage becomes minimum after which the voltage increases. This is the
resonance frequency
5. Plot a graph between frequency and voltage.

Data Table:

SL No Frequency (KHz) Voltage (Volts)


Prepared By Engr. Sabuj Ahmed, Dept. of ETE, PUST

Basic Electrical Engineering Lab Manual (Course Code: ETE 1112)


1. All connections should be tight and correct.

2. Switch off the supply when not in use.
3. Reading should be taken carefully.

Questions & Answers:

Q.1 What is the power factor of the resistance circuit?

A. Unity
Q.2 What is the power factor of the inductive or the capacitive circuit?
A. Zero
Q.3 What is the effect of the inductance on the time constant in any inductive circuit?
A. Increases with increase in inductance and decreases with decrease in R
Q.4 What is the effect of dc flow on the dc?
A. Only at the time of on and off
Q.5 Can all the laws of the dc be applied to the ac circuit having resistance?
A. Yes
Q.6 What is the time constant of the capacitive circuit?
Q.7 What is the effect of length of iron path on inductance?
A. Inductance varies inversely as the length of iron path.
Q.8 If two signals having same frequency have opposite phase, what is the phase angle
between them?
A. 1800
Q.9 For least power consumption what should be the phase angle between current and
A. 900
Q.10 What is magnified by the parallel RLC circuit?
A. current.

Prepared By Engr. Sabuj Ahmed, Dept. of ETE, PUST

Basic Electrical Engineering Lab Manual (Course Code: ETE 1112)

Experiment No: 10

Name of Experiment: To Measure the Power Drawn in Single Phase AC Circuit Using
Three Voltmeter

Aim: To measure the Power Drawn in Single Phase AC Circuit Using Three Voltmeter

Apparatus Required:
1. Ammeter- 3 nos. (0-10 amp)
2. Voltmeter - 3 nos. (0-300 V)
3. Resistors/ Rheostats (1k -2, 2/3 k -1)
4. Connecting wires
5. AC Power Supply (Single Phase)

To measure the power in an inductive load three voltmeters are used which records the
following voltages V1 records the voltage across the resistance of known value V2 records
the voltage across the inductor V3 records the voltage applied to the circuit P= V2 ICos
power consumed by load P=V1 V2 Cos /R Power consumed by inductive load=(V32-V12-
V12 )/2R
Circuit Diagram:

Fig-10: Single Phase AC Circuit Power Measurement using Three Voltmeter

1. Connect the circuit as shown in figure
2. Ensure that the output voltage is not zero
3. Switch on the ac power supply
4. Apply a certain voltage to the transformer through the auto transformer.
5. Record the various voltages V1, V2 & V3 and the currents
6. Repeat the whole experiment for the different values of the voltage
7. Find the value of V/I in all the cases
8. Switch off the power supply after use.

Prepared By Engr. Sabuj Ahmed, Dept. of ETE, PUST

Basic Electrical Engineering Lab Manual (Course Code: ETE 1112)

Data Table:

SL I Power=( - - )/2R
No (Volts) (Volts) (Volts) (mA) (mW)


1. All connections should be tight and correct.

2. Switch off the supply when not in use.
3. Reading should be taken carefully.

Questions & Answers:

Q.1 What is faradays first law?

A. When magnetic flux linked with a circuit changes, an emf is induced.
Q.2 What is faradays second law?
A.The magnitude of the induced EMF is equal to the rate of change of flux linkage
Q.3 What is the dimension of LC?
A. It has the unit of velocity
Q.4 What is the power drawn by a three phase balanced load?
A.3 VL IL cos
Q.5 Can a repulsion-induction motor ever run at super synchronous speed?
Q.6 Can a dc shunt motor run at heavy loads?
A. At heavy loads the internal drop becomes very large and hence the terminal voltage are
reduced to a very low value and finally resulting into run away.
Q.7 What is ACB?
A. Air circuit breaker
Q.8 Which electric motor is used in ceiling fan?
A. Single phase capacitor run induction motor
Q.9 Which motor is use in the refrigerator?
A. Single phase capacitor start induction motor
Q.10 In which units transformers are rated?

Prepared By Engr. Sabuj Ahmed, Dept. of ETE, PUST

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