Civil Engineering Department: Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University P.M.B 0248, Bauchi State

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Civil Engineering Department

OPEN CHANNEL (Flow Over Weirs) F1-13

ENGR. M.BABAYO | CEL223 | 2017-2018


In open channel hydraulics, weirs are commonly used to either regulate or to measure the
volumetric flow rate, they are particularly used in large scale situations such as irrigation schemes,
canals and rivers. For small scale applications, weirs are often referred to as notches and invariably
are sharp edged and manufactured from thin plate material.


The aim of the experiment is to demonstrate open channel flow using sharp crested weirs
using F1-13 apparatus.

To determine the flow rate Q and the discharge coefficients Cd of the flow over a sharp
crested notch according to Kindsvater and Carter equations (1957).

• The F1-10 Hydraulics Bench
• The F1-13 Stilling baffle
• The F1-13 Rectangular Notches
• Vernier Height Gauge
• Stop Watch
• Spirit Level


What is a weir?
A weir is an obstruction in a channel that causes water to back up behind it and flow over
it, usually through an opening, or notch, of regular form. Usually made up of concrete, masonry,
or thin plate. A weir may be a depression in the side of a tank, reservoir, or channel, or it may be
an overflow spillway of a dam. In addition, weirs are the simplest, least expensive, and probably
the most common type of devices used to measure flow rate in open channels, irrigation system,
prevent flooding and make rivers navigable.

What is Coefficient of Discharge?

Coefficient of Discharge is the measure of how efficiently a passage will allow air or water
to flow through it.

Types of Weirs:

Weirs are classified according to:

1. Types of Weirs based on Shape of the Opening

 Rectangular weir
 Triangular weir or V-notch weir (weir with 30-900 angle)
 Trapezoidal weir e.g. Cipoletti (trapezoidal weir with side slope 1:4)
 Compound weir (a combination of rectangular and either V or trapezoidal weir).

2. Types of Weirs based on Shape of the Crest

 Sharp-crested weir
 Broad- crested weir
 Narrow-crested weir
 Ogee-shaped weir

3. Types of weirs based on Effect of the sides on the emerging nappe

 Weir with end contraction (contracted weir)
 Weir without end contraction (suppressed weir)

Classification Based on Shape of Opening

Rectangular weir:
 It is a standard shape of weir. The top edge of weir may be sharp crested or narrow crested.
 It is generally suitable for larger flowing channels.

Rectangular sharp-crested weir is one of the flow measuring tools which are usually used
in irrigation and drainage channels and the most essential parameter of discharge equation of this
type of weirs is the discharge coefficient. So it is recommended for Cd to have a fixed value when
the flow condition is maintained and Cd should not be constant for different flow conditions.

Flow over rectangular weir:

To find the discharge over rectangular weir, consider an elementary horizontal strip of
water thickness dh and length L at a depth h from the water surface.

Area of strip = L x dh

Theoretical velocity of water

𝑣 = √2𝑔ℎ

Therefore, discharge through strip

𝑑𝑄 = 𝐶𝑑 × 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑝 × √2𝑔ℎ = 𝐶𝑑 × 𝐿 × 𝑑ℎ × √2𝑔ℎ

Where Cd = coefficient of discharge (is a form of correction factor that measure how efficiently
a passage will allow air or water to flow through it).

By integrating above equation with limits 0 to H we can get the total discharge Q.

𝑄 = ∫ 𝐶𝑑 × 𝐿 × 𝑑ℎ × √2𝑔ℎ

Finally discharge over the weir

2 3
𝑄= 𝐶𝑑 × 𝐿 × √2𝑔 × 𝐻 2

Triangular weir:
 The shape of the weir is actually reverse triangle like V. so, it is also called V-notch weir.
 This type of weirs are well suitable for measuring discharge over small flows with greater

Flow over triangular weir

Trapezoidal weir:
 Trapezoidal weir is also called as Cippoletti weir. This is trapezoidal in shape and is the
modification of rectangular weir with slightly higher capacity for same crest strength.
 The sides are inclined outwards with a slope 1:4 (horizontal : vertical)

Flow over cippoletti weir or trapezoidal weir

In cippoletti weir both sides are having equal slope. So, we can divide the trapezoid into
rectangle and triangle portions.

So, Total discharge over trapezoidal weir Q = discharge over rectangular weir + discharge over
triangular weir

2 3 8 𝜃 5
𝑄= 𝐶𝑑 × 𝐿 × √2𝑔 × 𝐻 2 + 𝐶𝑑 × tan × √2𝑔 × 𝐻 2
3 15 2

Classification according to shape of the crest:

Sharp-crested weir
 The crest of the weir is very sharp such that the water will springs clear of the crest.
 According to the USBR, the weir plate thickness at the crest edges should be from 0.03 to 0.08
 The weir plate is beveled at the crest edges to obtain necessary thickness. And weir plate should
be made of smooth metal which is free from rust and nicks.
 Flow over sharp-crested weir is similar as rectangular weir.

Broad-crested weir:
 These are constructed only in rectangular shape and are suitable for the larger flows/river.
 Head loss will be small in case of broad crested weir.

Narrow-crested weir:
 It is similar to rectangular weir with narrow shaped crest at the top.
 The discharge over narrow crested weir is similar to discharge over rectangular weir.

Ogee-shaped weir:
 Generally, ogee shaped weirs are provided for the spillway of a storage dam.
 The crest of the ogee weir is slightly rises and falls into parabolic form.
 Flow over ogee weir is also similar to flow over rectangular weir.

Classification based on end contractions:

Contracted weir

The crest is cut in the form of notch and then it is similar to rectangular weir. Head loss
will occur in this type.

Suppressed weir

The crest is running all the way across the channel so head loss will be negligible.

Some General Terms Pertaining to Weirs are:

Notch: the opening which water flows through

Crest: the edge which water flows over

Nappe: the overflowing sheet of water

Length: the “width” of the weir notch

Advantages and Disadvantages of Weirs


1. Capable of accurately measuring a wide range of flows.

2. Tends to provide more accurate discharge ratings than flumes and orifices.

3. Easy to construct.

4. Can be used in combination with turnout and division structures.

5. Can be both portable and adjustable.

6. Most floating debris tends to pass over the structure.


1. Relatively large head required, particularly for free flow conditions. This precludes the practical
use of weirs for flow measurement in flat areas.

2. The upstream pool must be maintained clean of sediment and kept free of weeds and trash,
otherwise the calibration will shift and the measurement accuracy will be compromised.

Procedure - Equipment set-up
1. Position the Hydraulic bench so that it is level.
2. Position the stilling baffle as shown in the diagram and mount the rectangular notch plate
into the flow channel.
3. Position the instrument carrier just over the notch in the plate and lower the gauge until the
point is just above the notch base and lock the coarse adjustment screw.
4. Then lower the gauge until the point touches the notch base using the fine adjustment and
taking a reading.
5. Mount the instrument carrier approximately half way between the stilling baffle and the
notch plate.
6. Open the bench control valve and add water to the channel, adjusting the valve to give
approximately 10mm depth above the notch base.
7. Use the fine adjustment to lower the gauge until the point just touches its reflection in the
surface to take an accurate height reading. Make sure that the flow rate is large enough to
prevent the outflow from the notch "clinging" to the notch plate.
8. Determine the volume flow rate by measuring the time required to collect a known volume
in the volumetric tank. This should be repeated twice to check for consistency and
9. Repeat this procedure opening the bench valve further to produce an increase in depth of
approximately 10 mm. Check that the level has stabilized before taking readings.
10. Continue to take readings with increasing flow rate until the level reaches the top of the
notch, but make sure not to allow spillage to occur over the plate top adjacent to the notch.
11. Lastly, change the weir plate and repeat the whole process again for the other type of notch.
Before starting this test, check that there is sufficient water in the bench main tank to allow
the pump to operate without drawing in air at the maximum flow rate.

Discussion of result

Discuss your result explaining whether Cd increases or decreases with increasing flow rate?

Formulae to use:

𝑄𝑎𝑐𝑡 = (𝑚3 ⁄sec)
𝐶𝑑𝑒𝑥𝑝 = 3⁄
2𝐿√2𝑔𝐻 2

3 × 𝑆𝑙𝑜𝑝𝑒
𝐶𝑑𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑜 =

Where L = width of the opening = 0.030m

Slope of graph Qact Vs H3/2

𝐸𝑥𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐶𝑑 − 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝐶𝑑
𝐶𝑑 % 𝑑𝑖𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 = × 100%
𝐸𝑥𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐶𝑑

Data Sheet

Weir Height Volume Time for Qact H3/2 Theo. Exp. Percent
Type of of water collection Error
(m3/sec) (m3/2) Cd Cd
Water (5litres) t(sec) Cd
above collected
notch V(m3)

R 0.005

R 0.005

R 0.005

R 0.005

R 0.005



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