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A Research Presented To The Faculty Of Northills

College of Asia(NCA) Inc.
Daet Campus

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements In

Practical Research 1

Submitted by:

Quiozon, John Vincent P.

Bodoso, Mark Adrian E.
Jamito, Nikka Grace T.
Ellana, Esmael Jr. D.
Deleon, Ivan T.
Cerado, Saira D.
Bantang, Rustom
Atencia, Johnsteven C.
Delfin, Glainice Jane P.
Completo, John Michael D.


The Problem and Its Background


Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, especially for the
younger generation, and it has a big influence on students’ academic performance. It is
an excellent way for students to stay connected with peers and collaborate on projects,
but it also has its drawbacks. A study from the Pew Research Center found that 71% of
American teenagers use more than one social media platform, with 45% saying they are
always online. This implies that social media has a major effect on their daily lives and it
can be beneficial for studying, but too much use leads to procrastination, shorter
attention spans and lower grades.

Additionally, social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube have
simplified our lives by connecting people from different parts of the world. However,
scientists warn that social networks can be especially dangerous for teenagers as they
may create false impressions about love and friendship in being easily conquered and
destroyed. While other supporters claim that social media provides access to
knowledge and helps students exchange information quickly, studies also show that it
can be addictive and distracting, causing negative consequences on academic life, such
as piracy.

Nonetheless, social media is a tool that can be used for good or bad, depending
on the person. It has created opportunities for people worldwide, and its benefits, such
as sharing information and building relationships, cannot be ignored. It is important to
be aware of the negative effects of social media and use it responsibly.

According to Kolan and Dzandza, P. (2018), social media allows us to stay

connected with our peers, even across different continents. It can share knowledge and
help students exchange information quickly; however, it can also be addictive and
distracting, leading to issues with academic performance. Additionally, Landry T. (2014)
notes that these platforms can be used for either good or bad purposes – it all d
moepends on the user.
Asemah & Edegoh (2012) stated that the world has been changed rapidly by the
evolution of technology; this has resulted into the use of technology as the best medium
to explore the wide area of knowledge. The evolution of internet technology has led to
its use as the best medium for communication. Whereby, two-third of the world’s
internet population visits social networking or blogging sites, thus serving as a
communication and connection tool.

In this given situation, social media has become an integral part of the daily lives
of most students, particularly those in Grade 11 at Northills College of Asia (NCA).
While it has its advantages, the use of social media can also negatively impact in
academic performance. Whereas it shows that the social media use has negative
effects such as poor grammar, abseintism, late submission of assignment, and less
study time that can lead into lower academic performance, achievements or Cumulative
Grade Point Average (CGPA)

This study was conducted to further notice the problems brought about the
influence of social media that are commonly encountered by the students specifically in
the students of Northills College of Asia in the school year 2022 to 2023. And at the
same time there is a lot of purpose to recommend some adjustments or solution to the
stated problem. Thus, strategies need to be implemented to help students use social
media in a more productive and positive way while maintaining a healthy balance with
the real world

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the influence of social media on the academic
performance of Grade 11 Northills College of Asia students.
Specifically it sought to answer the following:

1. What are the influence of social media on the academic performance in

terms of:
a. Attendance
b. Student Achievement
c. Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)

2. To what extent do student addictiveness to social network influence their

academic performance?

3. What are the positive and negative influence of social media on the
academic performance of Grade 11 Northills College of Asia (NCA) Inc.

4. Is there any significant relationship between students perception on social

media and the academic performance of Grade 11 Northills College of
Asia (NCA) Inc. Students?

5. What interventions and recommendations can be implemented to mitigate

the negative influence of social media on academic performance?


From the problem stated above, the following hypotheses were formulated:

Null hypotheses

H0: There is no significant relationship between the use of social media and the
academic performance of Grade 11 Northills College of Asia (NCA) Inc. students.

Alternative hypotheses

Ha: There is a significant positive and negative relationship between the use of
social media and the academic performance of Grade 11 Northills College of Asia
(NCA) Inc. students.

Significance of the study

This study will provide reliable information on the influence of social media to the
academic performance of Grade 11 Northills College of Asia (NCA) Inc. And the
researchers aimed to widen their knowledge with regards to the influence of social
media on the perceptions of students towards learning. This research study benefited
the following:

Students. This research material was intended for those students who use social
media as a pass time, for school purposes and other use of different websites. And they
would understand if social media was really a helpful tool for them or not.

Parents. This research study helped the parents to track the usage of their child
with regards to social media.

Teachers. This research was designed for the current teacher of the Senior High
School Department to know if the integration of social media in their teaching strategies
is helpful on the Senior High School students’ academic performance or the traditional
teaching is better.

Future Researchers. This research aimed to help the future researchers to

explore more about this research.

School Administrators. This study will help the school prioritize the most critical
aspects and capabilities effects of social media on the student’s performance in school
since nowadays, most of the students, stakeholders, teachers, staff, and community
members use it. This can help with their decision-making in taking some actions
regarding the problem.

Scope and Delimitation of the study

The study focuses on the influence of social media sites on the academic
performances of Northills College of Asia (NCA) Inc. students. The survey questions
will be delimited on obtaining various effects on students’ academic performances.

The information gathered will tackle the positive and negative influence stated
earlier. The researchers will survey to the grade 11 senior high school only to represent
the student body's response to social media sites' effects on their academic

Definition of terms

The following terms were used in the study and were provided with definitions
connotatively and denotatively for better understanding.

Social Media – refers to a group of internet-based applications that allow users to

create, share, or exchange information, ideas, and interests.

Academic Performance – refers to a student’s achievement in academic

subjects, including grades, test scores, and other measures of academic success.

Procrastination – the act of delaying or postponing something

Attention span – the length of time for which someone can concentrate on a task
or activity

Piracy – the unauthorized use or reproduction of someone else’s work, such as

music, movies, or software.

Integral – essential or necessary for completeness; being an indispensable part of

a whole

Achieving Drawbacks – disadvantages or negative aspects of something

Addictive – causing a strong and harmful need to regularly engage in a particular

activity or behavior.

Productive – achieving or producing a significant amount or result.

Overwhelmed – feeling completely overcome or overpowered by something, such

as an excessive amount of information or stimuli.

Kolan, B., Dzandza, P. (2018) Effect of social media on academic performance of students
in Ghanian Universities: A case study of University of Ghana, Legon, Library
Philosophy and Practice (e-journal), Retrieved from

Landry, T. (2014). How Social Media Has Changed Us: The Good and The Bad. Retrieved
from (
good-and-the-bad/ )

Review of Related Literature

This chapter is a discussion of the literature and the result of other related
researches to which the present study is related or has some bearing or similarity. This
gave the author enough background in understanding the study.

Related Literature

Foreign Literature

According to Hudson (2020), websites and applications designed to enable

people to exchange content easily, effectively, and in real-time are referred to as social
media. Although many people use social media via mobile applications, it began with
computers. The term “social media” refers to any internet networking platform that
enables users to exchange content and interact with others.

A social media account can be created by anyone who has access to the
internet. They can use that account to share any content they choose, and anyone who
visits their page or profile will be able to see it. The power of social media is the ability to
connect and share information with anyone on Earth or with many people

Kriti Metah (2020), said that the students benefit from social media in a variety of
ways. It allows students to share notes, lessons, and many others. It also provides a
forum for students to publish their portfolios, allowing them to be heard and seen.
Indeed, there's no doubting that social media has cultivated an entrepreneurial mindset.
Influencers on social media are suddenly making a fortune by selling through
applications like Instagram. While social media has many advantages for students, it
also has significant drawbacks.

Students are easily distracted by social media and their attention is diverted from
their studies resulting in students not spending enough time reading, spending less time
outside participating in sports, and students may be exposed to sexual content that is
improper for their age which should lead to students being aware of online malpractices
and striking a healthy balance between the real and virtual worlds.
The study looked at the impact of social media on students' academic
performance and the implications for counseling in Rivers State. To achieve the study's
goal, the researcher devised three (3) research questions and three (3) hypotheses to
guide the study's implementation. The study adopted the descriptive survey design.

The findings revealed that the use of Facebook, WhatsApp, and Youtube can
influence the academic performance of students in Rivers State. It is on this backdrop
that the researcher recommended that; social media should be used for promoting
educational purposes or goals, social networking sites should be broadened, and new
pages created to enhance academic activities and avoid poor performance in students’
academics. This would help to create a balance between social media and the
academic activities of students.

Local Literature

According to the article entitled "Immersion of Social Media in Learning,"

technology has played a key role since the pandemic halted our lives in early 2020. It
helps us learn and even work when we’re in our own house. Moreover, it is widely
agreed that social media is useful for sharing information and organizing school tasks,
which helps many students.

The influence of social media on students' ability to learn and retain information
has been widely criticized. Yet despite its negative effects, social media has many
positive reasons for children. It provides them with a variety of opportunities to interact
and learn. It is also beneficial for them as it allows them to get in touch with their
classmates and teachers. It has become an invaluable tool not only for communication
& marketing but also in the field of education as well.

Social media is an important part of our daily lives, and it makes no sense to
exclude it from the educational process. However, the benefits are obvious, beginning
with improved parent-teacher relationships and progressing to permanently altering the
way our children learn.
The study of Abrenica et al. (2021), stated that females are more exposed to
social media rather than males. The use of social media by females has to do with their
longing to impart or share more private data, uncovering more about their own lives.
Ladies are more vocal, expressive, and able to share their convictions and sentiments.
All in all, ladies are organically wired for person-to-person communication. For the most
part, females utilize interpersonal interaction destinations to make associations and
keep in contact with family or companions. Men, on the other hand, utilize web-based
entertainment to assemble the data they need to construct impact. Web-based
entertainment assists them with performing research, assembling pertinent contacts,
and at last increment their status. Facebook is the most favored interpersonal
interaction destination for the understudies to associate with loved ones. They are
engaged by Facebook. They utilize longer time visiting with companions as opposed to
doing schoolwork. Facebook turns into their everyday daily schedule.

The Palawan National High school is having more enrollees every year. When
the school year comes; the Students of the Palawan National in Senior High School
Students are addicted to social media like Playing Computer Games, Facebook, Twitter,
YouTube, Instagram Tumbler, Tiktok, watching online even the class. Students must
understand the significance of social media to fulfill their wants. Technology nowadays
is becoming more and more high tech. And it’s improving day by day for us to use in our

This technological evolution affects us, but most are the “Millennials”. In
research, we will focus on the Senior High School Students of Palawan National School
ages 17-19 years old. For us to get a more specific answer and accurate answer from
our said research. The definition of social media is “the relationships that exist between
networks of people”.

However, students spend most of their time using social media like Facebook,
Twitter, YouTube, etc. then doing their homework. People use social media to connect
to other people who are far from them. Because of the evolution of social media, it’s
much easier and more convenient to use than before. Social media can be also used to
express your feeling towards someone or something.
People are fascinated by how they call to tell their opinions using social media,
usually for politics, education, or even entertainment. And social media affects the
student most because they are usually the ones using it .

Related Studies

Foreign Studies

According to Kolhar (April 2021), university students frequently utilize social

networking sites. The importance of social networking sites was explored, as well as
their effects on learning, social interaction, and sleep length. Participants in the survey
said they used social media for non-academic purposes for a long time, resulting in an
addiction to it leading to learning distraction, not getting enough sleep, and fewer social
connections. Because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, these findings are even
more worrying.

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, online learning methods have been adopted
which has prolonged the duration of mobile devices and computers, which has
increased sitting durations and decreased physical activity levels which may increase
one's risk of developing metabolic syndrome and non-communicable diseases.
Excessive social media use caused by the COVID-19 pandemic could harm learning.

These changes may have a negative impact on students’ mental health. To

prevent depression and a sedentary lifestyle, communities and families should pay
greater attention to mental health issues, physical inactivity, and social contacts among
students. This will reduce their chance of developing non-communicable diseases
including obesity, hypertension, and diabetes.

The research study of Mohammed et al. (2018) entitled "The Relationship

between Social Media and Academic Performance: Facebook Perspective" highlights
the effect of social media on students in higher education universities and its impact on
the students' academic performance. Due to its ability to intensify the recipient's
conviction and increase his awareness and patterns, social media has become one of
the most common forms of communication.
The study reflects on the researchers' observations and follow-up on these sites
and the effect of these sites on the audience in the Middle East and around the world
using the Facebook app. The researchers used a comparative and experimental
approach to assess Facebook's impact, basing their findings on the suggestions and
outputs of scientific studies reported in peer-reviewed journals. According to their
research, many university students use social media, with a particular emphasis on
Facebook, which harms their academic performance.

The study of Legon et al. (2018) entitled "Effect of Social Media on Academic
Performance of Students in Ghanaian Universities: A Case Study of University of
Ghana" investigated the effects of social media on students' academic performance in
the University of Ghana. The study method used was a descriptive survey, with a
questionnaire as the data collection tool. The related data from the population was
collected using a cumulative sample size of 200 people using the cluster sampling
method of probability sampling. Despite its role in students' academic lives, such as
disseminating information, group conversations, and establishing connections through
these networks, the study's results revealed that most students are addicted to social
media, which is detrimental to their academic lives.

The researchers suggested that faculties or schools at various universities

should hold public lectures on the topic to educate students about the potential
consequences of misusing these sites; lecturers should direct works and assignments
through these sites to encourage their use for academic purposes, and school
authorities should restrict access to these sites.

Local Studies

According to the findings of research titled "Effects of Social Networking Media

on the Academic Performance of the Students," the exposure of IMEAS students to
social networking media was shown to have a favorable impact on their academic
performance. As a result, the University must develop rules and programs that will make
it easier for students to use the Facebook social networking site while on the university
campus. As a counterpoint, the study's most disturbing finding revealed that students at
the Institute of Management and Economics and Social Sciences (IMEAS) at the
University of Southern Mindanao in Kabacan, Cotabato, used social networking media
almost daily, with the majority of them responding to have used said form of media 5-6
days a week for an average of about 1-2 hours every session. Based on the facts, it is
advised that the University of Southern Mindanao restrict the correct time consumption
by students of social networking media on campus in order to avoid interfering with their
academic duties.

Raganta et al. (2021), stated that the study's goal is to determine the purpose
and perceived effects of using social media. The study method used was a descriptive
survey, with a questionnaire as the data collection tool. The researcher randomly
selected 150 grade 9 students (75 male and 75 female) and 122 grade 10 students (61
male and 61 female) from Dona Juana Chioco National High School in Lupao, Nueva
Ecija. The majority of respondents were 14 years old, in grades 9 and 10, and Roman
Catholics, with fathers who were farmers and mothers who were housewives. Looking
at the positive effect of using social media, both male and female respondents agreed
that it is always useful in keeping connections with family members away from home
and a great source of information that could help them in their studies. On the negative
side, respondents agreed that with the use of social media, they have lost time for
reviewing their lessons. Also, they admitted that they have lost time for face-to-face
interaction with their parents and other members of the family

A study that aimed to determine the effects of social media to the academic
performance of the criminology students tested to determine the significance of the
relationship between the respondents and how social media affects the academic
performance of the respondents (students) and to learn and know what interventions
that should be implemented based on the given results of the study.

The researcher used a descriptive research type. A self-made questionnaire was

given to a sample of 85 criminology students and served as the primary instrument to
gather data. The study revealed that Facebook is the most used social platform
because of its easy access and transferrable data due to collaboration with others with
the use of networking sites. The researcher recommended the faculty members to
strictly monitor the implementation of phones to be prohibited during class hours and
implement strict consultation of students about their academic performance.

Theoretical Framework

The study will be anchored on the Users and Gratifications Theory of Katz and
Blumler (1974) and Behaviorism learning theory of Skinner (1990). The researchers
have chosen the two theories as they have connection with the current study and would
further supplement the variable on social media and the learning process. The Uses
and Gratification theory discusses the effects of the media on people. It explains how
people use the media for their own needs and get satisfied when their needs are
fulfilled. In other words, it can be said that the theory argues what people do with media
rather than what media does to people.

There are several needs and gratifications for people. They are categorized into
five needs, the Cognitive needs, Affective needs, Personal Integrative needs, Social
Integrative needs, and Tension free needs. In cognitive needs, people use media for
acquiring knowledge, information, facts, etc. Among the audience, some have the thirst
to acquire intellectual and academic knowledge. Affective needs include all kinds of
emotions, pleasure, and moods of the people. People use media; say television, to
satisfy their emotional needs. Personal Integrative needs are self-esteem needs.

People use the media to reassure their status, gain credibility and stabilize. So,
people watch television and assure themselves that they have a respectable status in
society. Social Integrative encompasses the need to socialize with family, friends, and
relations in society. For social interaction nowadays, people do not seem to gather
socially during weekends instead they have turned to social networking sites on the
internet such as Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr etc. to satisfy their needs. Tension free
needs is when people sometimes use the media as a means to escape from the real
world and to relieve tension and stress. In this study, however, what fits the most is the
cognitive needs as it discusses the learning of an individual through the use of social

Behaviorism learning theory (B.F. Skinner, 1990) is the idea that how a student
behaves is based on their interaction with their environment. It suggests that behaviors
are influenced and learned from external forces rather than internal forces.
Psychologists have been developing the idea of behaviorism since the 19 th century.
Behavioral learning theory is the basis for psychology that can be observed and
quantified. This idea of behaviorism arises from the fact that social media is another
way for an individual to acquire learning, thus, considered to be an external factor.

Users and Gratifications Theory by Behaviorism learning theory of

Katz and Blumber(1974) Skinner (1990)

External factors
that play a significant
role in shaping the
individual behavior
including the use of
media and social media
for learning and

Influence of Social Media on the Academic Performance of

Grade 11 Northills College of Asia (NCA) Inc. students

Figure 1: Theoretical Paradigm

Conceptual Framework

Below are the framework follows the IPO or the input-process-output to show
how the study will transpire. As illustrated, the study will start with the input which
constitutes the study’s objectives. These objectives are what the researchers are trying
to attain. The process would include the validation and administering of the
questionnaires, followed by the retrieval for presentation, tallying, tabulation and
analysis. The expected output would be the recommendations that the researchers will
propose which would focus on the formulation of suggestions how the bad influence of
social media use could be lessened. On the other hand, the recommendations would
also include how the good influence of social media use could be retained especially if
they are deemed helpful and vital to the academic performance of its target audience
who are the NCA senior high school students.

Input Process Output

What kind of social media
sites mostly affect the
academic performances
of Senior High School
Administration of
researcher- made Recommendations for
How many hours do instrument. the lessening of the
Senior High School bad influence of
students spend on social social media use and
Interpretation, and
media a day? the retention of the
Analysis of Data
good influence that it
What are the advantages Gathered using
and disadvantages of Statistical Tools and
social media sites on the Treatment.
academic performances
of Senior High School
Figure 2: Conceptual Paradigm

Maya Dollarhide (2021). Social Media. Retrieved from:

Lutkevich B, and Wigmore I (2021) Social Media Retrieved from:

Gargas J. (2020) Why School Administrators Need to Embrace Social Media. Retrieved
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Kriti Metah. (2020). Social media a boon or bane for students? Google News. Retrieved

Ikezam Florence Nwoburuoke and Dr. Maxwell Eremie (2021) Influence Of Social
Media On Academic Performance Of Senior Secondary School Students In
Rivers State: Implications For Counseling, Retrieved on from:

Laura Bridgestock (August 6, 2021) What Drives Students’ Social Media Usage.
Retrieved on from:

Herald Express Reader (June 4, 2021) Immersion of Social Media in Learning.

Retrieved from:

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