Effects of Eko2

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Despite the ever-growing importance of science in our daily lives, recent research shows a continuous
decline in the number of students who choose a study scientific subjects in high school and to later
pursue scientific careers (Osborne, Simon & Collins, 2003 ; OECD, 2007) while till date only a relatively
small body of work has been devoted to assessing the attitudes of primary school students towards the
learning of science ( Neathery), 1997, Pell and Jarvis, 2001, Tymms,1997) as early as three decades ago
researchers showed that age 8 -13 is a crucial period in the development of attitudes towards science
( Ormerod & Duckworth, 1975 in pell & Jarvis, 2001). Further research showed that a positive attitude
towards science significantly impacts motivation to learn it, both in school and in other educational
frameworks and that attitudes developed in primary school influence the choices of students later in
their life ( Osborne, Simon & Collins 2003).

Everyday, a new opinion is put forth in the scientific world and hence new ideas and application are
quickly spread and shared. The era we are living is the age technology and information where the
greatest value is attached to information and this urges nations to be the producer of information
( Basela & Kiriscrioglu, 2007). More over, studies of children's level of satisfaction with their science
classes found that the satisfaction children derive from science class, as well as their motivation for
learning science are influence by the way they are taught ( Brok, Fisher & Scott, 2005).

More over, studies of children's level of satisfaction with their science classes found that the satisfaction
children derive from science class, as well as their motivation for learning science are influenced by the
way they are taught ( Brok, Fisher & Scott,2005).

Students' attitude towards learning basic science on attitude, Ary et al.(1972) claimed that attitude is the
sum total of a person's inclination toward a certain type object, institution or idea while Gronlunds
(1976) provided the widest meaning of attitude as that which embraces all aspects of personality
development such as individual interest, motives , values, vocational adjustment derived from
vocational pursuits and other phases of one's daily lives.

Teaching and learning in 300 of 1,016 public primary schools in Lagos State have changed since the
launch of the EKO EXCEL( Excellence in Child Education and learning (EkoExcel), the state's technology-
driven initiative to improve learning outcomes. About 2,000 teachers trained to use the platform now
use tablets loaded with prepared lesson notes to teach all subjects, assess and mark attendance within a
specified time. Classroom interaction has also changed. Responses between teachers and pupils aimed
at keeping the children's attention; and there is now a character board where pupils' cognitive and
affective performance are recorded for all to see. To a large extent , teachers who spoke to The Nation
said the changes were positive for them and their learner's. However, they are seeking the review of
some aspects of the initiative - like the timing and assessment model if it is to deliver on its promise
( Kofoworola Belo- Osagie reports, 2020).

Head teacher of St. Agnes school, Maryland, Prince Felix Orisaheyi said EKO EXCEL had improved
punctuality 100 percent. Before EkoExcel he resumes school 7:45 am but now ,he resumes by 5:30 am,
she stated that his teachers come in 5:10, 5:20 am because he has to log in his teachers, and there is no
way for him to log in at home."It is well designed" he said.

Assistant Head Teacher of St. Francis school, also in Maryland, Mrs Ngozi Ade Mohammed, said it had
reduced absenteeism among teachers. " It has affected attendance. Teachers now come earlier than
before. They have to work with time. They are now regular because no one will be allow to sign for
another if present". She said. However,it is not only teachers that are now punctual. Teachers are
finding that their pupils now come to school early.

Head Teacher of Anwar-ul-Islam primary school, Ogba, Agege, Mrs Bukola Famutimi, said'. " Before
pupils would come late to school; but since EkoExcel started they have been coming early. Their
attendance and punctuality have improved".

The new mode of delivering the curriculum under EkoExcel has changed interaction in the classroom.
Teachers says " the children in the upper classes find it so interesting. Teachers say children below
average are picking up and doing even better than the brilliant ones".

Head Teacher of keke primary school, Agege Mrs. Oluseyi Ajayi, said, her pupils now found learning to
be more fun. " The system of teaching now is different from before. The difference is that it makes
education to be fun. When the pupils see teachers with the tablet, they gather round. Writing and
copying notes has minimized" now education is immediate" she said:

Abdulganiyu Obasan, a primary four pupil of St. Francis Primary school, said he now finds school more
interesting."it is interesting and they teach us well than before. They teach us to write faster. They
should continue this system," the nine year old said.


a. Inadequate Teachers

EkoExcel, not covering all classes in the pilot schools, some children are left out. In each school, EkoExcel
is operative in the two nursery classes, the kindergarten and primary 1-5. Primary six is not participating
in EkoExcel because they would exit the primary school at the end of the session. Teachers close to
retirement were not trained for EkoExcel not all classes in the pilot schools are implementing the
initiative. Mrs Famutimi said primary five and six classes in her school were not involved in EkoExcel and
they feel bad about it. She said they have only six teachers that EkoExcel covers Nursery 1-2,
Kindergarten and primary 1-4 in my school. But primary five is not involved because we do not have
EkoExcel teachers.

b. Heavy workload

If teachers had time to lay about before, that no longer happens in the EkoExcel era. Many teachers
lamented to The Nation that they work non- stop during school hours, which has been extended by 20
minutes. This is because the subjects for the clay load on the tablets real time and teachers are expected
to follow them one after another the other. Mrs Famutimi said with EkoExcel, teachers teach for a
stretch from 8 a.m when classes resume until 11 a.m when they go on break, continue 20 minutes later
until school closed, which she said is not easy on them.

Apart from the stress on teachers, Mrs Ade Mohammed said the pupils are also feeling it. School now
closes 2:20 pm for upper primary pupils.

c. Timing of Lessons and Assessment

Teachers have complained about the timing allotted to the lessons, which they said is too short. Mr
Hazmat said English and Mathematics are allotted 40 minutes, while other subjects like basic science get
between 25 and 30 minutes. Mrs Florence Olugbo of St. Francis said teachers are expected to teach nine
subjects a day, which has been a struggle. She lamented that since a topic disappears once the time
allotted is up, the pupils end up not completing notes and tasks before they are forced to move on.

" The subjects are too much for one day. If it is six, it will be good. There is usually no time for the pupils
to assimilate what we are teaching them" she said

Regarding assessment, Mrs Olugbo said that the tablet gave no room for corrections. " The tablet will
tell us to give assessment but there is no room for corrections. Even if we give homework, the next day,
we are supposed to treat it first before the day's topic but there is no time for it on the time table.

Head Teacher of St. Francis, Mrs Lydia Balogun on her part faulted the EkoExcel tablet for short lessons
notes and giving only theory questions, which she said was not suitable for assessing young children.
"Sometimes the lesson notes are not explicit. They do not explain enough and teachers are bound to
adhere strictly to them. We noticed that some of the textbooks recommended by the tablet are not


1. To ensure that all classes participate in EkoExcel.

2. To reduce heavy workload on teachers and students.

3. To develop perfect timing of lessons and assessment.


The following research questions were raised to guide the study;

1 Do students taught with EkoExcel perform better in basic science than those taught without EkoExcel?

2. Is there difference in the scores of students taught using EkoExcel?

3. Is there difference in the scores of students taught without EkoExcel?


HO1 - There is no significant difference between the mean achievement scores of students taught with
EkoExcel and those taught without EkoExcel.

HO2 - There is no significant difference in the achievement scores of students taught using EkoExcel.

HO3 - There is no significant difference in the achievement scores of students taught without EkoExcel.


1. Financial constraint

2. Time Constraint


This study is significance as it will help students have positive attitude towards learning of Basic science
in primary school through the use of EkoExcel.


The study was carried out on effects of Eko Excel on students attitude towards learning of Basic science.
The sample will consist of 100 primary school 4,5 &6 students selected randomly from two public
primary school in Ojo.


EkoExcel - Excellence in child education and learning.

Basic science - is the science of living and non-living things.

Attitude - The disposition of a figure or a person.


Introduction : This chapter would be reviewed under two framework which are;

1. Theoretical Framework

2. Conceptual Framework

a. Concept and Basic science

b. Concept and EkoExcel

c. Empirical studies on effects of Eko excel on students attitude towards learning of Basic science in
primary school.



This chapter would present the details of the methods which would guide the research study, which are
the following

1. RESEARCH DESIGN:This study employed descriptive design which is aimed at evaluating the opinion of
some students in Lagos State on the effects of EKO EXCEL on students attitude towards learning of Basic
science in Primary school


The population for this study consists of 2 public Primary schools in Ojo metropolis of Lagos
State ,Nigeria .

3.SAMPLE & SAMPLING TECHNIQUE:The sample size would consist of at least 100 primary school
students randomly selected from two(2) public senior secondary school in Ojo metropolis of
an Lagos State Nigeria.


The instrument of data collection was a well structured questionnaire .It was structured to
contain both open and closed ended questions .The questionnaire was divided into four

The first section deals with demographic data of a respondents ,the second section deals with
questions on concepts of Basic science while the third section with questions on concepts of
EKOEXCEL and the last deals with the empirical studies on effects of EKOExcel on students
attitude towards learning of Basic science in primary school.


For this study,content validity will be done by the project Supervisor who is an expert who is
an expert in the field of study.Other lecturers as well will help to conduct validation process
of the instrument.


The instrument will be reliable as it will be strictly reviewed and supervise so as to provide
relevant information .The questions will be straight forward will not have element that will
pose into the respondent privacy .


One hundred (100) questionnaire will be administered to the respondents


The data for this study would obtain through the use of achievement test administered to the
study participants .

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