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Original Article

Success rate, treatment duration, and pain perception in the

management of palatally impacted canines using the K9 and Ballista
spring: a randomized clinical trial
Sanjeev Vermaa; Satinder Pal Singhb; Raj Kumar Vermaa; Vinay Kumara; Sombir Singhc;

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Nameksh Raj Bhupalic

Objectives: To evaluate the success rate, treatment duration, and pain perceived during forced
eruption of maxillary palatally impacted canines using the K9 and Ballista springs.
Materials and Methods: Thirty unilateral palatal canine impactions of moderate and difficult
category as determined by KPG index (score between 10 and 19) were enrolled. Group 1
comprised canine impactions managed with K9 springs, and Group 2 comprised Ballista springs.
Block randomization and opaque sealed envelopes were used for allocation. The success rate and
treatment duration (application of force to ligation of the impacted canine into the initial alignment
archwire) were recorded. Pain perception was evaluated on a 10-point visual analogue scale (VAS)
and modified McGill Pain Questionnaire. Chi-square test and Mann-Whitney U-test were used to
compare the groups.
Results: The success rate for eruption of palatally impacted canines was 100%. The average
treatment duration was 296.13 6 96.45 days and 311.93 6 94.34 days, respectively for Group 1
and Group 2. VAS scale scores for pain were greater for Group 2 compared to Group1, and the
differences were statistically significant at all time intervals except at T1. The frequency of none and
mild pain was significantly greater at all time intervals in both groups.
Conclusions: The impacted canines of moderate and difficult category were erupted with a 100%
success rate and similar treatment duration with both interventions. The pain scores of Ballista
springs were greater after 24 hours of force application. (Angle Orthod. 2022;93:33–40.)
KEY WORDS: K9 spring; Ballista spring; Palatally impacted canines

INTRODUCTION has been erupted for at least 6 months is defined as an

impacted tooth.1 Disturbances in the eruption of
An unerupted tooth that exhibits complete root permanent maxillary canines are relatively common
development while its analogous contralateral tooth because they have a long period of development and
follow a long and tortuous path from development
Associate Professor, Unit of Orthodontics, Oral Health lateral to the piriform fossa to erupt into the oral cavity.2
Sciences Centre, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education Maxillary canines are the second most frequently
and Research, Chandigarh, India. impacted teeth after third molars, with a prevalence
Professor and Head, Unit of Orthodontics, Oral Health of 0.9 to 2.2%.3,4 The prevalence of maxillary canine
Sciences Centre, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education
and Research, Chandigarh, India.
impaction is double in females compared to males. The
Former Resident, Unit of Orthodontics, Oral Health Sciences ratio of the prevalence of palatal to buccal impacted
Centre, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and canines is 3:1.5,6 Peck et al.7 suggested that palatally
Research, Chandigarh, India. impacted canines were a dental anomaly of genetic
Corresponding author: Dr Vinay Kumar, Unit of Orthodontics, theory, whereas Becker8 explained guidance theory
Oral Health Sciences Centre, Post Graduate Institute of Medical
Education and Research, Chandigarh 160012, India
and discussed the presence of other dental anomalies
(e-mail: [email protected]) and environmental factors as etiologic factors for
Accepted: June 2022. Submitted: April 2022.
palatal impaction. Palatally impacted canines are often
Published Online: October 10, 2022 associated with abnormally sized roots and crowns,
Ó 2023 by The EH Angle Education and Research Foundation, absence of lateral incisors, and as having sufficient
Inc. space for eruption.9

DOI: 10.2319/042122-304.1 33 Angle Orthodontist, Vol 93, No 1, 2023


The early identification of impacted canines should

be based on clinical examination followed by localiza-
tion using routine radiography.10 The presence of a
palatal bulge at the age of 11 years on palpation may
indicate palatal canine impaction.11 The accurate
location of the impacted canine can be determined
routinely using periapical radiographs, panoramic-
radiographs, lateral cephalograms, and occlusal
views.12,13 The cone shift technique is helpful to
estimate the buccolingual position of the tooth.10,13

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Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) is used
for better localization in complicated impactions. With
early diagnosis and timely interception, impacted
canines may erupt in the correct position within the
dental arch. Early removal of deciduous canines, if the
canine bulge is not palpable, is indicated to encourage
normal eruption of unfavorably located canines.14 The
management of impacted canines that do not respond Figure 1. KPG Index.
to interceptive orthodontics involves surgical exposure
of the palatal canine generally with gingivectomy syndromic patients, multiple missing teeth, or a history
because there is abundant attached gingiva in the of systemic disease.
palatal mucosa, and extrusion into the oral cavity. Two The patients were divided into two groups based on
commonly used springs for the eruption of palatal
the type of intervention: Group 1 comprised patients
canines are the K915 and Ballista spring.16
managed with the K9 spring, and Group 2 was
There is a lack of good evidence comparing the
managed with the Ballista spring.
treatment effects and success rate of the K9 spring and
the Ballista spring. Therefore, the present trial com-
Fabrication of K9 and Ballista Springs
pared the success rate, time required for eruption, and
pain perceived during the forced eruption of maxillary The K9 spring was made of 0.017 3 0.025-inch
palatally impacted canines using the K9 and Ballista titanium molybdenum alloy (TMA) wire with advantag-
spring. es of a wide range of action and low continuous forces.
The Ballista spring was fabricated using 0.016-inch
MATERIALS AND METHODS round stainless steel (SS) wire, which accumulates its
The present randomized clinical trial was conducted energy by being twisted on its long axis. The distal end
following the guidelines of the Declaration of Helsinki of the Ballista spring is usually ligated in the headgear
with prior approval from the Institutional Ethics com- tube or buccal tube of the first or second maxillary
mittee (NK/4544/study) at Unit of Orthodontics, Oral molar.
Health Sciences Centre, Post Graduate Institute of
Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, India. Methodology
This trial was registered with Clinical Trials Registry–
The KPG index17 was used to assess the location
India (http://www.ctri.nic.in) vide trial CTRI/2018/10/
and severity of each impacted canine using CBCT
16062. Sample size was calculated based on a pilot
study. Five palatally impacted canines were managed scans (Figure 1). All the impacted canines were
with the K9 spring and the Ballista spring. Mean 6 exposed with an open technique, making a window
standard deviation of pain scores after 24 hours were with cautery, removing the palatal tissue with attached
used for sample size calculations. A total sample size gingiva covering the tooth. An orthodontic attachment
of 26 was obtained with a confidence interval of 95% (lingual bonded button) was bonded on the labial
and power of 80%. surface as close to the canine cusp tip as possible
A total of 30 unilateral palatally impacted canines (Figure 2). An orthodontic force of 60 grams (2 oz) as
among 30 subjects (age range: 14–25 years) with measured with a Dontrix force gauge (Dentauram,
moderate and difficult categorization as determined by Ispringen, Germany) was applied through a bonded
a KPG index17 score between 10 and 19, were attachment using the K9 and Ballista springs for
included. The exclusion criteria were age .25 years, eruption. A transpalatal arch (TPA) of 0.036-inch
buccal and bilateral impactions, cleft lip/palate and stainless steel wire was placed between contralateral

Angle Orthodontist, Vol 93, No 1, 2023


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Figure 2. (a) K9 spring ligation; (b) eruption; (c) buccal traction; (d) alignment; (e) Ballista spring ligation; (f) eruption and buccal traction; (g)
‘‘piggyback’’ overlay ligation; (h) alignment.

first permanent molars to provide the anchorage and pain experienced. ‘‘Failure’’ of canine eruption was
required against forces created by torsion in the spring. considered when the impacted canine did not show
The patients were followed for 12 months and were any sign of eruption in the oral cavity for 9 months of
evaluated for ‘‘success or failure,’’ treatment duration, follow-up. Treatment duration was defined as ‘‘time-
span between orthodontic force application and ligation
of the erupted canine into the initial alignment arch-
A 10-point visual analogue scale (VAS) and modified
McGill Pain Questionnaire (MMPQ)18,19 was used to
evaluate pain at six observation periods: 1 hour (T1),
24 hours (T2), 48 hours (T3), 1 week (T4), 1 month
(T5), and 3 months (T6) after orthodontic force
application. All patients were examined every 4 weeks
to evaluate eruption of the canine for 12 months of
follow-up (Figure 3).

The impacted maxillary canines were allocated to
the two groups using block randomization with a block
size of six each. Computer software-generated ran-
domization codes were used. Opaque sealed enve-
lopes with sequential numbers were used for allocation
concealment. Operator and subject blinding were not
possible because of the nature of the intervention. The
data were coded and presented to the blinded
evaluator for analysis.

Statistical Analysis
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (Windows,
version 25.0. Armonk, NY: IBM Corp.) software was
Figure 3. (a) VAS; (b) MMPQ questionnaire for Pain Perception. used for analyses. Continuous data were presented as

Angle Orthodontist, Vol 93, No 1, 2023


Table 1. Demographic Details of the Sample Based on Gender and Agea

Males Females P Value Age (y) (Mean 6 SD) P Value
Group 1 (n ¼ 15) 06 09 .719 (NS) 16.8 6 2.6 .99 (NS)
Group 2 (n ¼ 15) 05 10 17.1 6 2.4
Total (n ¼ 30) 11 19 18 6 4.11
NS indicates nonsignificant; SD, standard deviation.
* P  .05 is statistically significant; ** P  .01 is statistically highly significant; *** P  .001 is statistically very highly significant.

mean 6 SD, and categorical data as frequency the oral cavity within 9 months. The average treatment
(percentage). Shapiro-Wilk / Kolmogorov-Smirnov test duration for eruption and ligation of the impacted

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was used to assess normal distribution. Chi-square canine into the initial alignment archwire was 304.03 6
test and Mann-Whitney U-test were used to check for 94.08 days. Though the treatment time was shorter for
differences between the groups. The level of signifi- Group 1 (296.13 6 96.45 days) compared to Group 2
cance was set at P , .05. (311.93 6 94.34 days), the differences between the
groups were not statistically significant (Table 2).
RESULTS VAS scores for pain were greater for Group 2
compared to Group 1, and the differences were
Table 1 and Figure 4 show the demographic details
statistically significant at all time intervals except at
and CONSORT diagram of the participants included in
T1 (1 hour). No pain was reported by patients at T6 (3
the trial. The total sample (n ¼ 30) consisted of 19
months) (Table 3).
females and 11 males with a mean age of 16.97 6
2.47 years. The baseline comparison of age and Figure 5 shows the categorical distribution of pain
gender between the groups showed no significant response according to MMPQ as none, mild, moder-
differences. No dropouts were observed from the 30 ate, and severe at timepoints T1 to T5. The frequency
palatally impacted maxillary canines included in this of none and mild pain was significantly greater at all
study. All impacted canines erupted successfully into time intervals and increased from T1 to T5 in both
groups. The frequency of responses reported for mild,
moderate, and severe categories of pain was signifi-
cantly greater in Group 2 than Group 1 at T2, T3, T4,
and T5. The frequency of pain score 3 in Q 1 and Q 11
was 17.3 and 12%, respectively, in Group 2, compared
to 5.3% for both Q1 and Q11 in Group 1 subjects
(Figure 6).
Table 4 showed that scores of questions: Q4, Q5,
Q10, Q11, Q13, and Q15 in Groups 1 and 2 were not
significantly different at any timepoint. The mean
differences of scores showed statistically significant
differences for questions Q1, Q3, and Q8 at T4 and T5;
Q2 and Q9 at T4 and T2, respectively; Q6 at T2, T3;
Q7 at T2, T4; Q12 at T1, T2, and T5, and Q14 at T2
and T5.

This clinical trial involved palatally impacted canines
with similar severity of ‘‘moderate’’ and ‘‘difficult’’
categories according to KPG index17 scores between
10 and 19. They were exposed surgically using the
window technique with cautery in all cases. In a
systematic review, Parkin et al. reported no differences
in clinical outcome observed using either closed or
open technique for exposure of palatally impacted
canines.20 Naoumova et al. showed that the number of
appointments and active duration of traction was
Figure 4. CONSORT diagram. significantly shorter with an open technique.21

Angle Orthodontist, Vol 93, No 1, 2023


Table 2. Comparison of Treatment Duration and Success Rate for Management of Palatally Impacted Maxillary Canine With Two Different
Intervention Mechanicsa
Group 1 vs
Group 1 (n ¼ 15) Group 2 (n ¼ 15) Total (n ¼ 30) Group 2 (P Value)
Mean 6 SD Treatment Duration (d) 296.13 6 96.45 311.93 6 94.34 304.03 6 94.08 .27 (NS)
Success 15 15 30 1.000 (NS)
Failure 0 0 0 1.000 (NS)
NS indicates nonsignificant; SD, standard deviation.
* P  .05 is statistically significant; ** P  .01 is statistically highly significant; *** P  .001 is statistically very highly significant.

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In the present clinical trial, the success rate of archwire was 304.03 6 94.08 days, compared to the
orthodontic forced eruption of palatally impacted total treatment duration of 25.8 months for the
canines was 100%. No failures were observed unilaterally impacted group and 32.3 months for the
because very severe cases with a KPG index score bilaterally palatally impacted canine group in a study by
of 20 and above (poor prognosis) were excluded from Stewart et al.28 The difference may have been because
the study. According to Becker and Chaushu, the that study assessed the total duration of orthodontic
success rate of eruption of palatally impacted canines treatment. The treatment time required for the palatally
among 19 adults in the age range of 20–47 years was impacted canine to be in the line of the arch was
69.5%, compared to 100% among younger adults (12– reported in another study to be 17.7 months in the
16 years), after comprehensive orthodontic treat- single exposure group and 19.3 months in the bonded
ment.22 Caminiti et al. also reported a 100% success attachment group.29
rate after surgical palatal exposure and bonding A study by Smailiene et al.30 reported that the mean
traction hook and ligation chain.23 treatment time required to achieve eruption/extrusion
Early extraction of the primary canine as an of the impacted canine was 3.05 6 1.07 months for an
interceptive measure to manage palatal displacement open technique and 6.86 6 4.53 months (P , .01) for
of maxillary canines showed a success rate of 69%, a closed technique. In the present study, all canines
significantly greater than that in untreated controls erupted into the oral cavity in less than 3 months
(39%).24 However, orthodontic traction is required before a buccal traction force was applied to align
after surgical exposure when diagnosed later. Several them.
studies24–27 have shown that interceptive removal of There was a gradual decrease in pain in both groups
primary canines, headgear therapy, and rapid palatal as the treatment progressed. The frequency of none
expansion facilitated the spontaneous eruption of and mild pain was significantly more prevalent at all
palatally displaced canines in children in the age timepoints and increased from T1 to T5. The adapta-
range of 9-14 years. However, after 14 years of age, tion to pain and discomfort during orthodontic treatment
no interceptive therapy has been recommended.24 has been reported to occur after 5 to 7 days and was
The average age of the patients included in the higher with fixed appliances. Thus, patient pain and
present study was 18 years, which was well beyond discomfort, which depends on patient attitude and
the age for interceptive therapy. Thus, all canines affects treatment acceptance, tends to decrease with
were exposed surgically, and orthodontic traction was time.30–33
applied. The frequency of responses reported for the mild,
The average treatment duration for eruption and moderate, and severe categories of pain was found to
ligation of the impacted canine into the initial alignment be greater in Group 2 than Group 1 at the T2, T3, T4,
and T5 timepoints. The probable reason may have
Table 3. Mean Visual Analogue Score for Pain at Different been the difference in the alloy (TMA vs austenitic SS)
used to fabricate the K9 and Ballista springs. The K9
(Mean 6 SD) was fabricated from TMA wire, and torque in the
Time Interval Group 1 (n ¼ 15) Group 2 (n ¼ 15) P Value rectangular wire provided the necessary eruptive
T1 5.13 6 2.03 5.93 6 2.09 .22 (NS) forces. This wire has the properties of delivering
T2 3.60 6 1.80 6.13 6 2.64 .01** continuous and gentle forces, which decreases the
T3 2.33 6 1.91 4.33 6 1.98 .007** requirement for reactivations. Reactivations are gener-
T4 1.20 6 1.61 2.67 6 1.59 .02*
ally associated with some pain 4 hours after archwire
T5 0.40 6 1.05 1.87 6 1.35 .001***
T6 0 0 - placement, which will peak at 24 hours and then
NS indicates nonsignificant; SD, standard deviation.
* P  .05 is statistically significant; ** P  .01 is statistically highly The MMPQ was used to investigate the type of pain
significant; *** P  .001 is statistically very highly significant. experienced and its severity. The most common type

Angle Orthodontist, Vol 93, No 1, 2023


Table 4. Mean Score of Each Question of Modified McGill Pain Questionnaire-Short Form (MMPQ-SF) at Different Timepointsa
T1 T2 T3
Group 1 Group 2 Group 1 Group 2 Group 1 Group 2
(n ¼ 15) (n ¼ 15) P (n ¼ 15) (n ¼ 15) P (n ¼ 15) (n ¼ 15) P
(Mean 6 SD) (Mean 6 SD) Value (Mean 6 SD) (Mean 6 SD) Value (Mean 6 SD) (Mean 6 SD) Value
Q1 1.53 6 0.74 1.93 6 1.16 .26 1.20 6 0.94 1.47 6 1.24 .58 0.60 6 0.74 1.13 6 0.91 .10
Q2 1.13 6 0.74 0.87 6 0.99 .21 1.20 6 0.86 1.07 6 0.46 .47 0.80 6 0.77 0.93 6 0.26 .41
Q3 1.20 6 0.77 1.13 6 0.52 .67 1.33 6 0.82 0.93 6 0.46 .08 0.73 6 0.88 0.93 6 0.46 .31
Q4 0.33 6 0.72 0.47 6 0.74 .49 0.47 6 0.64 0.40 6 0.51 .88 0.33 6 0.62 0.40 6 0.51 .54
Q5 1.20 6 1.08 0.73 6 0.70 .24 0.93 6 0.79 0.53 6 0.52 .16 0.80 6 0.68 0.53 6 0.52 .28
Q6 0.60 6 0.74 0.53 6 0.74 .76 0.13 6 0.35 0.67 6 0.72 .01** 0.13 6 0.35 0.67 6 0.72 .02*

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Q7 0.20 6 0.56 0.53 6 0.74 .12 0.07 6 0.26 0.47 6 0.52 .01** 0.20 6 0.41 0.47 6 0.52 .13
Q8 0.20 6 0.56 0.27 6 0.46 .44 0.20 6 0.56 0.27 6 0.46 .44 0.20 6 0.56 0.27 6 0.46 .44
Q9 1.33 6 0.72 1.07 6 0.79 .35 0.73 6 0.70 1.40 6 0.91 .04* 0.93 6 0.79 0.80 6 0.68 .65
Q10 0.20 6 0.41 0.80 6 1.01 .10 0.27 6 0.46 0.67 6 0.90 .25 0.20 6 0.41 0.47 6 0.52 .13
Q11 1.33 6 0.98 1.33 6 1.39 .86 1.33 6 0.90 0.80 6 1.01 .08 1.00 6 0.76 0.80 6 1.01 .25
Q12 1.67 6 0.82 0.80 6 0.41 .001*** 1.47 6 0.64 0.80 6 0.67 .01** 1.07 6 0.70 0.80 6 0.68 .29
Q13 1.07 6 0.88 1.00 6 0.84 1.00 1.13 6 0.83 0.67 6 0.49 .09 0.80 6 0.77 0.67 6 0.49 .81
Q14 1.40 6 1.12 0.67 6 1.05 .08 1.20 6 1.01 0.33 6 0.48 .01** 0.93 6 1.03 0.33 6 0.49 .10
Q15 0.47 6 0.52 0.27 6 0.70 .11 0.33 6 0.62 0.13 6 0.35 .09 0.33 6 0.62 0.13 6 0.35 .34
Total 13.87 6 6.98 12.40 6 7.89 .44 12.67 6 6.03 9.93 6 3.61 .09 9.07 6 6.93 9.33 6 3.35 .95
NS indicates nonsignificant; SD, standard deviation.
* P  .05 is statistically significant; ** P  .01 is statistically highly significant; *** P  .001 is statistically very highly significant.

of ‘‘severe pain’’ experienced was ‘‘pressure’’ and the K9 spring group. The mild to moderate degree of all
‘‘uncomfortable’’ with 17.3% and 12% reporting, re- pain types (Q1 to Q15) were perceived in both
spectively, among group 2 (Ballista spring) (Figure 3), intervention groups. Hence, it is inferred that sense of
whereas 5.3% of the patients experienced ‘‘pressure’’ ‘‘pressure’’ and ‘‘discomfort’’ were the most severe
and another 5.3% reported being ‘‘uncomfortable’’ in types of pain experienced after forced orthodontic

Figure 5. Categorical distribution of Modified McGill Pain Questionnaire-SF in Group 1 and Group 2 at different timepoints.

Angle Orthodontist, Vol 93, No 1, 2023


Table 4. Extended CONCLUSIONS

T4 T5  Palatally impacted canines categorized as moderate
Group 1 Group 2 Group 1 Group 2 or difficult can be erupted with a high success rate
(n ¼ 15) (n ¼ 15) P (n ¼ 15) (n ¼ 15) P
(Mean 6 SD) (Mean 6 SD) Value (Mean 6 SD) (Mean 6 SD) Value
(100% in this study) with the K9 or Ballista spring.
 The average time duration for eruption and buccal
0.40 6 0.51 1.40 6 0.83 .001*** 0.33 6 0.49 0.80 6 0.68 .05*
0.20 6 041 0.60 6 0.51 .03* 0.13 6 0.35 0.00 6 0.00 .15 traction of the canines until ligation into the initial
0.33 6 0.62 0.80 6 0.41 .01** 0.13 6 0.35 0.47 6 0.52 .05* alignment wire was 304.03 6 94.08 days.
0.20 6 0.41 0.20 6 0.41 1.00 0.13 6 0.35 0.13 6 0.35 1.00  The pain scores were found to be greater with the
0.60 6 0.74 0.67 6 0.72 .77 0.27 6 0.46 0.27 6 0.46 1.00
0.27 6 0.46 0.20 6 0.41 .67 0.13 6 0.35 0.13 6 0.35 1.00
Ballista spring after 24 hours of force application.
There was a gradual decrease in pain in both groups

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0.07 6 0.26 0.40 6 0.51 .03* 0.07 6 0.26 0.00 6 0.00 .32 

0.07 6 0.26 0.53 6 0.74 .03* 0.00 6 0.00 0.40 6 0.51 .007** as the treatment progressed.
0.40 6 0.74 0.80 6 0.68 .07 0.13 6 0.35 0.33 6 0.49 .20
0.20 6 0.41 0.47 6 0.52 .13 0.13 6 0.35 0.13 6 0.35 1.00
 The frequency of none and mild pain was more
1.13 6 0.83 0.67 6 0.72 .12 0.80 6 0.68 0.60 6 0.51 .43 prevalent at all timepoints and increased from T1 to T5.
0.67 6 0.90 0.67 6 0.72 .82 0.33 6 0.72 0.67 6 0.49 .04*
0.47 6 0.83 0.40 6 0.51 .76 0.40 6 0.74 0.33 6 0.49 .89
0.60 6 0.91 0.20 6 0.41 .26 0.47 6 0.74 0.00 6 0.00 .01** ACKNOWLEDGMENT
0.47 6 0.83 0.27 6 0.70 .40 0.27 6 0.70 0.00 6 0.00 .15
6.07 6 6.89 8.27 6 6.15 .17 3.73 6 5.52 4.27 6 2.74 .13 The trial was funded as an Intramural Project by Postgraduate
Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh.

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Angle Orthodontist, Vol 93, No 1, 2023

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