Cycloids 1

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After 1/6 rev.

the position of Pis the intersection of the

line P 2 P 1 o and the radius, marked off from O • This is
repeated for the twelve divisions.
THE CYCLOID Fig. 15/1 also shows the beginning of a second cycloid
The cycloid is the locus of a point on the circumference of and it can be seen that the change from one cycloid to
a circle as the circle rolls, without slipping, along a straight another is sudden. If any locus is plotted and has an
line. instantaneous change of shape it indicates that there is a
The approach to plotting a cycloid, as with all problems cessation of movement. Anything that has mass cannot
with loci, is to break down the total movement into a change direction suddenly without first ceasing to move.
convenient number of parts and consider the conditions The point of the circle actually in contact with the line is
at each particular part Fig. 15/1 . We have found, when stationary.
considering the circle, that twelve is t~e most convenient This raises the interesting point that, theoretically, a
number of divisions. The total distance that the circle motor car tyre is not moving at aJI when it is in contact
will travel in 1 revolution is DD, the circumference, and with the road. This is not true in practice, since the con-
this distance is also divided into twelve equal parts. When tact between the road and tyre is not a point contact, but
the circle rolls along the line. the locus of the centre will it does explain why tyres last much longer than would
be expected.
be a line parallel to the base line and the exact position of
At the top of the cycloid, between points 5 and 7. the
the centre will, in turn, be directly above each of the
divisions marked off. - point P is travelling nearly twice the distance that the
centre moves in 1 /12 rev. Thus, a jet car travelling at
If a point P, on the circumference, is now consider~d,
800 km/h has points on the rim of the tyre moving up to
then after the circle has rotated 1 /12 of a revolution
1,600 km/h--faster than the speed of sound.
point P is somewhere along the line P, P, 1· The ~istance
from P to the centre of the circle is still the radius and
thus if the inter-section of the line P, P 1, and the radius
of the circle marked off from the new position of the
centre O ,. is ·plotted, then this must be the position of the
point P after 1 /12 of a revolution.


Fig. 15/1
The tangent and normal to the cycloid (Fig. 15/2)
From the point P, where you wish to draw the normal and
the tangent, draw an arc whose radius is the same as the
rolling circle, to cut the centre line in 0.
With centre O, draw the rolling circle to touch the base
PQ is the normal. The tangent is found by erecting a
line at 900 to the normal.

Fig. 15/2
The epi-cycloid and the hypo-cycloid (Fig. 15/3) NORMAL
The epi-cycloid is the locus of a point on the circum-
ference of a circle when it rolls, without slipping, along the The main point to watch is that the locus of the centre
outside of a circular arc. is no longer coincident with the line P 3 Pe as it was for the
A hypo-cycloid is the locus of a point on the circum- cycloid:
ference of a circle when the circle rolls, without slipping, The epi-cycloid and the hypo-cycloid form the basis
along the inside of a circular arc. for the shape of some gear teeth, although cycloidal
The constructions for plotting these curves are very gear teeth have now generally been superseded by gear
similar to those used for plotting the cycloid. teeth based on the involute.
The circumference of the rolling circle must be plotted
along the arc of the base circle. It is possible to calculate The tangent and normal to the epi-cycloid and
this circumference and to plot it along the arc, but this is hypo-cycloid
fairly complicated and it is sufficiently accurate to measure The method of obtaining the- tangent and normal of an
1 /12 of the circumference of the rolling circle and step epi-cycloid or a hypo-cycloid is exactly the same as for a
this out 12 times, with dividers, along the base arc. cycloid.
The remaining construction is similar to that used for
the cycloid. Th~ techniqJe is still to plot the intersection EPI-CYCLOID
of the line drawn parallel to the base, in this case another
arc with centre C, and the radius of the rolling circle from
its position after 1 /12, 1/6, 1 /4 revolutions, etc .

Fig. 15/3

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