The Construction of Circles To Satisfy Given Conditions: Is, of Course, The Circle. After The Wheel Had Been Invented

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The cons truc tion of circles to satisfy

given cond ition s

About 6000 years ago, an unknown Mesopot amian made symmetry and simplicity has led artists and craftsmen to
one of the greatest invention s of all time, the wheel. This use the circle as a basis for design for many thousands
was the most importan t practical applicati on ever made of years.
of a shape that fascinate d early mathema ticians. The shape
Definition s
is, of course, the circle. After the wheel had been invented,
A circle is the locus of a point which moves so that it is
the Mesopotamians found many more applicati ons for
always a fixed distance from another stationary point.
the circle than just for transport . The potter's wheel was
Concentric circles are circles that have the same centre.
developed and vessels were made much more accurately
Eccentric circles are circles that are not concentric.
and quickly. Pulleys were invented and engineers and Fig. 4/1 shows some of the parts of the circle.
builders were able to raise heavy weights. Since that
time, the circle has been the most importan t geometric Constructions
shape in the developm ent of all forms of engineering. The length of the circumference of a circle is no or 2 nR,
Apart from its practical applicati ons, the circle has an where D is the diameter and R the radius of the circle.
aesthetic value which makes it unique amongst plane n is the ratio of the diameter to the circumference and
figures. The ancients called it 'the perfect curve' and its may be taken as 22/7 or, more accurately, as 3 .142.

RADIU S------ -


CENTRE ----.....



Fig. 4/1
If yo u need to dra w the To co ns tru ct th e cir cu
circumference of a circle mf ere nc e of a cir cle g·
is required qu ite often in (this the dia me ter ( Fig. 4/2
subsequent chapters), you )
eit he r calculate it, or use sho uld 1. Dr aw a sem i-c irc le of ' •ven
the construction sho wn the giv en diameter AB
4/2 . Tt:iis con str uct ion is in Fig. 2. From B mark off three tim c
no t exact bu t is accurate es the diameter, sc : ent
for mo st needs. For the enough 3. From O dra w a line re 0 .
sake of thoroughness at 300 to OA to meet
responding construction , the cor - circle in 0 . the .
, tha t of fin din g the dia
fro m the circumference. meter 4. From O dra w a line pe sern,.
is sh ow n in Fig. 4/3 . rpe nd icu lar to OA to me
E. et OA .
~- ...: .A m
E i- :- -~ 5. Jo in EC.
EC is the required cir cum
fer en ce .

3 x GI VE N DI A

Fig. 4/2
T~ co ns tru ct th e dia
me ter of a cir cle , giv
cir cu mf ere nc e (Fi g. 4/3 en the

A r - - - - - - f F_ _ _-f-_ _ _
__ li E ~ - - - ~ B

Fig. 4/3
mference AB.
1. Draw the given circu 2 lines to
2. Bisect AB in C. · _Draw perpendicular bisectors through these
• intersect in o.
radius CA • draw a sem·1-circ
3· With centre C, and 1e gh all three
With cent re B, and radiu s BC, draw an arc t · O ~s the centre of a circle which passes throu
4 . o cut the points.
· · I ·
sem1-circ e in .
cut AB in E.
5. From D draw a perpe~dicular to AB, to To cons truc t the inscribed circle of
any regular
cut AB• F
6. With centre E and radius ED draw an arc to '" · pol~gon (in this case, a trian gle) (Fig.
AF is the required diameter. two of the inter ior angles to intersect in O.
1. Bisect any
The rest of this chap ter show s some of the cons rue _
t through
. d' . 1 ( If the third angle is bisected it should also pass
fy certain given
tions for f,n mg circ es draw n to satis 0 .)
e is called
conditions. 0 is the centre of the inscribed circle . This centr
the incentre.
To find the cen tre of any circ le (Fig. 4/4)
1. Draw any two chords.
chords to
2. Construct perp endi cula r bisectors to these
intersect in 0 .
ois the centre of the circle.

Fig. 4/6

e of any
To cons truc t the circu msc ribe d circl
(Fig. 4/7)
regu lar poly gon (in this case a trian gle)
sect in 0 .
1. Perpendicularly bisect any two sides to inter
pass throu gh
Fig. 4/4 (If the third side is bisected it should also
This centre is
O is the centre of the circumscribed circle.
thre e give n
To con stru ct a circ le to pass thro ugh called the circumcentre.
points (Fig. 4/5)
ts as show n.
1. Draw straight lines conn ectin g the poin
These lines are, in fact, chor ds of the circle

Fig. 4/7
Fig. 4/5
To construct the ascribed circle to any regular
polygon (in this case a triangle) ( Fig. 4/8)
1. An ascribed circle is a circle which touches a side and
the two adjacent sides produced. Thus, the first step
is to produce the adjacent sides.
2. Bisect the exterior angles thus formed to intersect in 0 .
0 is the centre of the escribed circle.

Fig. 4/8

To construct a circle which passes through a fixed

point A and touches a line at a given point B (Fig.
1. JoinAB.
2. From B erect a perpendicular BC. A
3. From A construct angle BAO similar to angle CBA to
intersect the perpendicular in 0.
0 is the centre of the required circle.
Fig. 4/9
To construct a circle which passes through two
given points, A and 8, and touches a given line
(Fig. 4/10)
1. Join AB and produce this line to D (cutting the given
line in C) so that BC== CD. B
2. Construct a semi-circle on AD.
3. Erect a perpendicular from C
to cut the semi-circle in E.

4. Make CF= CE.

5. From F erect a perpendicular.
6. Perpendicularly bisect AB to meet the perpendicular
from Fin 0 .
O is the centre of the required circle.
Fig. 4/10
To construct a circle which touches two given 3. From any point on the bisector draw a circle, centre B,
lines and passes through a given point P. (There to touch the two given lines.
are two circles which satisfy these conditions (Fig. 4. Join PA to cut the circle in C and D.
4/11) 5. Draw PO 1 parallel to CB and PO 2 parallel to DB.
1. If the two lines do not meet, produce them to intersect 0 1 and O 2 are the centres of the required circles.
in A.
2. Bisect the angle thus formed .

Fig. 4/11

. d"us R to touch another

To construct a circle, ra •. , . ( F' 4/12)
. nd a given hne 19·
given circle ra d ,us'· a . n line the distance
1. Draw a line parallel to the give ,
between the lines equal to R. f the given circle
· t t the centre o
2. With compass pom a n arc to cut the parallel
and radius set at R + r, draw a
line in O. . d ircle
0 is the centre of the require c .

Fig. 4/12
To construct a circle which touches another circle
and two tangents of that circle (Fig. 4/13)
1. If the tangents do not intersect, produce them to
intersect in A.
2. Bisect the angle formed by the tangents.
3. From B, the point of contact of the circle and one of its
tangents, construct a perpendicular to cut the bisector
in O ,. This is the centre of the given circle.
4. Join BO.
5. Draw EF parallel to DB and FO 2 parallel to BO, .
O 2 is the centre of the required circle.

Fig. 4/13

To construct a circle whicJ, touches another circle

and two lines (Fig. 4/14)
1. Draw intersecting lines parallel to the given lines.
These lines, AB and AC, must be distance ,, the
radius of the given circle, from the given lines.
2. Repe~t construction 4/11 and construct a circle
which passes through O ,. the centre of the given
circle, and touches the two parallel lines.
3. The centre of this circle, 0 2, is also the centre of the
required circle.

Fig. 4/14
es thro ugh two 1. Join PO and produce this line.
To con stru ct ~ circ le whi ch pass centre some-
a give n circ le, 2. Perpendicularly bisect PO and, with
give n poin ts, P and 0, and touc hes circl e to pass thro ugh
where on this bisector, draw a
centre D (Fig. 4/15 ) n circl e in A and B.
points P and O and cut the give
p PO prod uced in C.
3. Join AB and produce to cut
from C to the give n circl e. (Join
4. Construct the tangent
E, com pass poin t at E draw a radius
CD, bisect CD in
ED to cut the circle in F).
the bisector of PO
5. From F erect a perpendicular to cut
in 0 .
0 is the centre of the required circle.

L - _ J H ~ - - -· C

Fig. 4/15

h each othe r,
To dra w thre e circ les whi ch touc
r cen tres O ,, 0 2 and O 3
give n the pos ition of thei
ing sing le circles (Fig. 4/16 )
All of the above cons truc tions are for find 1. Draw straight lines conn ectin g the
s. The rest of the cons truc -
which satisfy given cond ition 2. Find the centre of the trian gle thus form ed by bise cting
d with more than one
tions in this chap ter are conc erne two of the inter ior angles.
circle at a time. r to cut O, 0 2 in A.
3. From this centre, drop a perpendicula
draw the first circle.
4. With centre O, and radius O ,A,
draw the second
5. With centre O 2 and radius O ,A,
( = 0 3 8), draw the
6. With centre O 3 and radius 0 3 C
third circle.

Fig. 4/16
To draw two circles. given both their radii. within
a third circle, all three circles to touch each other
(Fig. 4/17)
1 . Mark off the diameter AB of the largest circle.
2. Mark off AO, .equal to the radius of one of the other
circles and draw this circle, centre O ,, to cut the
diameter in C.
3. From C mark off CD equal to the radius of the third
4. Mark off BE equal to the radius of the third circle.
5. With centre O , and radius O, D, draw an arc.
6. With centre O and radius OE, draw an arc to cut the
first arc in O 2 •
0 2 is the centre of the third circle.

Fig. 4/17

To draw any number of equal circles within

another circle. the circles all to be in contact (in
this case 5) (Fig. 4/18)
1 . Divide the circle into the same number of sectors as
there are proposed circles.
2. Bisect all the sectors and produce one of the bisectors
to cut the circle in D.
3. From D erect a perpendicular to meet OB produced in
4. Bisect DEO to meet OD in F.
5. F is the centre of the first circle. The other circles have
the same radius and have centres on the intersections
of the sector bisectors and a circle, centre O and radius

To draw a number of equal circles within a regular

polygon to touch each other and one side of the
polygon (in this case, a septagon) (Fig. 4/19)
1. Find the centre of the polygon by bisecting two of the
2. From this centre, draw lines to all of the corners.
3. This produces a number of congruent triangles. All we
now need to do is to draw the inscribed circle in each
of these triangles. This is done by bisecting any two
of the interior angles to give the centre C.
4. The circles have equal radii and their centres lie on the
Fig. 4/19 intersection of a circle, radius OC and the bisectors of
the seven equal angles formed by step 2.
un d a
To dra w eq ua l cir cle s aro
an d on e sid e :~g ula r Po lyg on to •
3. Bisect angl es CAB and D BA to intersect in E·
tou ch ea ch oth er th e Po lyg on (in 4 E · h centre fth f .
g. ) · is t e be obtained
thi s case, a se pta go n) (Fi 4120 by dra . ~ e irst circle. The rest can
ius OE, and bis ect ing the seven
angleswfing a circle, rad T .
lyg on by b · . ormed by st ep_ 2 · he intersections of this
1. Find the centre of the po ise ctin g two of the circle and the . er six
sides. circles. se lines give the centres of the oth
s thr oug h all
2. From the centre O dra w line of the corners
and pro duc e them.

Fig . 4/2 0

Exercises 4

in Imperial units)
(Al l questions orig ina lly set mm
agon on a base line 25
1 . Construct a regular oct asure and state
circle. Me
long and dra w the inscribed
the diameter of this circle in
ond ary Sc hoo l Examinations
No rth Western Sec
rmation not in Ch. 4)
Bo ard (See Ch . 2 for info er
each one touching the oth
2. Describe three circles, mm and
being 12 mm, 18
two externally, their radii
24 mm respectively.
y School Examinations
No rth Western Secondar
Bo ard
n sho wn in Fig . 1. You are
3. No con stru ctio n has bee
full size sho win g all con -
AS • q, 144 m111 required to dra w the figure
AC· 68..,...., to ensure the circles are
stru ctio n lines necessary
Fig . 1 tangential to their adjacent
nal Exa min ations Board
Southern Regio
8. Construct an isosceles triangle ABC where th
4. Construct the triangle ABC in which the base
included angle A= 67 ½, and AB =AC= 104 m e

BC= 108 mm, the vertical angle A= 7Cf and the

Draw circles of 43 mm, 37 mm and 32 mm r:·.
altitude is 65 mm.
using as centres A, B and C respectively. ius
D is a point on AB 34 mm from A. Describe a circle
to pass through the points A and D and touch (tan- Construct the smallest circle which touches all three
gential to) the line BC. circles.
Southern Universities' Joint Board (See Ch. 2 for "'.1easure and state the diameter of the constructed
information not in Ch. 4) circle.
5. Fig. 2 shows two touching circles placed in the Associated Examining Board (See Ch. 2 for inform _
tion not in Ch. 4) a
corner made by two lines which are perpendicular to
one another. Draw the view shown and state the 9. AB and AC are two straight lines which intersect at
diameter of the smaller circle. Your construction must an angle of 30C'. D is a point between the two lines at
show clearly the method of obtaining the centre of perpendicular distances of 37 mm and 62 mm res-
the smaller circle. pectively from AB and AC. Describe the circle which
University of London School Examinations touches the two converging lines and passes through
point D; the centre of this circle is to lie between the
points A and D. Now draw two other circles each
touching the constructed circle externally and also
the converging lines. Measure and state the diameters
of the constructed circles.
Oxford Local Examinations
10. OA and OB are two straight lines meeting at an angle
of 300. Construct a circle of diameter 76 mm to touch
these two lines and a smaller circle which will touch
the two converging lines and the first circle.
Also construct a third circle of diameter 64 mm which
touches each of the other two circles.
Oxford Local Examinations
Fig. 2
11 · C~nstruct regular octagon of side 75 mm and within
~his octa~on describe eight equal circles each touch-
ing one Side of th e octagon and two adjacent circles.
6. Fig. 3 shows two intersecting lines AB and BC and the ~ow d_raw the smallest circle which will touch all
position of a point P. Draw the given figure and find e~ght circles. Measure and state the diameter of this
the centre of a circle which will pass through p and circle.
touch the lines AB and BC. Draw the circle and state Oxford Local Examinations (See Ch 2 f . f
its radius as accurately as possible. tion not in Ch. 4) · or m orma-
University of London School Examinations

SPc 107mm

Fig. 3

7. A triangle has sides 100 mm, 106 mm and 60 mm

long. Draw the triangle and construct and draw the
following: (a) the inscribed circle; (b) the circum-
scribed circle; (c) the smallest escribed circle.
University of London School Examinations (See Ch .
2 for information not in Ch. 4)

A tangent to a circle is a straight line which touches the
circle at one point.
Every curve ever drawn could have tangents drawn to
it, but this chapter is concerned only with tangents to
circles. These have wide applications in Engineering
Drawing since the outlines of most engineering details
are made up of straight lines and arcs. Wherever a straight
line meets an arc, a tangent meets a circle.

To draw a tangent to a circle from any point on the
circumference (Fig. 5/1}
1. Draw the radius of the circle.
2. At any point on the circumference of a circle, the
tangent and the radius are perpendicular to each other.
Thus, the tangent is found by constructing an angle of
900 from the point where the radius crosses the

Fig. 5/1

A basic geometric theorem is that the angle in a semi-

circle is a right angle (Fig. 5/2) .
This fact is made use of in many tangent constructions.

Fig. 5/2
To cons truc t a tang ent from a poin t P to a circl
cent re O (Fig. 5/3)
1. Join OP.
2. Erect a semi-circle on OP to cut the circle in
PA produced is the required tangent (OA
is the radius
and is perpendicular to PA since it is the angle
in a semi-
circle). There are, of course, two tangents
to the circle
from P but only one has been shown for clarit

L -- -+ -+ -- -- ~ P
Fig. 5/3

To cons truc t a com mon tang ent to two

circl es (Fig. 5/4)
1 . Join the centres of the two circles.
2. From each centre, construct lines at 900
to the centre
line. The intersection of these perpendiculars
with the
circles gives the points of tangency.
This tangent is often described as the comm
on exterior

Fig. 5/4
To construct the common interior (or transverse
or cross) tangent to two equel circles. centres 0
and o 1 (Fig . 5/5)
1. Join the centres O O 1 •
2. Bisect O O 1 in A.
3. Bisect OA in B and draw a semi-circle, radius BA to
cut the circle in C.
4 With centre A and radius AC draw an arc to cut the
second circle in D.
CD is the required tangent.

0 B 0,

Fig. 5/5
To construct the common tangent between two
unequal circles. centres 0 and O 1 and radii R and
, respectively ( Fig. 5/6)
1. Join the centres O O 1 •
2. Bisect O O 1 in A and draw a semi-circle, radius AO .
3. Draw a circle, centre 0, radius R-r, to cut the semi-
circle in B.
4. Join OB and produce to cut the larger circle in C. ~--
5. Draw O 1 D parallel to OC. //,.,-
CD is the required tangent.

Fig. 5/6
To constru ct the commo n internal tangen t be- A tangent is, by definitio n, a straight line H
tween two unequal circles, centres O and O, and we do often talk of radii or curves meeting ·ea ~Wever,
radii Rand r respectively (Fig. 5/7) tangentially. We mean, of course, that the curve Other
1. Join the centres O O ,. smoothl y and with no change of shape or bumes meet
2. Bisect O O, in A and draw a semi-circle, radius OA. topic, the blending of lines and curves, is disc:s,
3. Draw a circle, centre 0, radius R + r, to cut the semi- Chapter 8. S8ed in
circle in B.
4. Join OB. This cuts the larger circle in C.
5. Draw O ,D parallel to OB.
CD is the required tangent.

Fig. 5/7

2. ~ig. 2 shows a centre finder, or centre square in posi-

tion on a 75 mm diameter bar.
D.raw, full size, the shape of the centre finder and the
for of round bar · Sh
ow c1early the constructions
Exercises 5 (a) the tangent. AA, to the two arcs ·
(All quest_
ions,_originally set in Imperial units) (b) the points of contact and th ,
1. A former in a Jig for bending metal is shown in Fig. 1. rad at B; e centre for the 44 mm
(a) Draw the former, full size, showing in full the con- (c) the points of contact and th
struction for obtaining the tangent joining the two rad at c. e centre for the 50 mm
arcs. South-E
. ast Regiona l Ex ammat,o
. . ns B d
(b) Determine, without calculation, the centres of the 8 for information not in Ch . ) oar See Ch.
~ou~ equa~ly spaced holes to be bored in the positions 5
indicated in the figure.
Middlesex Regional Examining Board

fig. 3 shows the outline of two pulley wheels con-
3· ected by a belt of negligible thickness. To a scale of 7 . Fig.
7 shows the outline of a metal blank. Draw the
~110 draw the ~igure sh~wing the construction blank, full size, showing clearly the constructions for
necessarv to obtain the points of contact of the belt finding exact positions of the tangents joining the
and pulleys. arcs.
Middlesex Regional Examining Board

Fig. 3
4. (1) Draw the _figure ABCP shown in Fig. 4 and con-
struct a circle, centre 0, to pass through the points
A.Band C. DIMENSIONS IN mm Fig. 7
(2) Construct a tangent to this circle touching the
circle at point B. 8. A segment of a circle stands on a chord AB which
(3) Construct a tangent from the point P to touch the measures 50 mm. The angle in the segment is 55°.
circle on the minor arc of the chord AC. Draw the segment. Produce the chord AB to C making
Southern Regional Examining Board (See Ch. 4 for BC 56 mm long. From C construct a tangent to the
information not in Ch. 5) arc of the segment.

University of London School Examinations (See Ch.
2 and Ch. 4 for information not in Ch. 5)
9. A and B are two points 100 mm apart. With B as
_ _._•~c_ _ _P centre draw a circle 75 mm diameter. From A draw

l 62~~ • I So~~ _i
5. Fig. 5 shows a metal blank. Draw the blank, full size,
two lines AC and AD which are tangential to the
circle AC = 150 mm. From C construct another
tangent to the circle to form a triangle ACD . Measure
and state the lengths CD and AD, also angle CDA.
Joint Matriculation Board
showing clearly the constructions for obtaining the 10. Fig. 8 shows two circles, A and B, and a common
tangents joining the arcs. external tangent and a common internal tangent.
Construct (a) the given circles and tangents and (b)
the smaller circle which is tangential to circle B and
the two given tangents.
Measure and state the distance between the centres
of the constructed circle and circle A.
Associated Examining Board (See Ch. 4 for informa-
tion not in Ch. 5)

Fig. 5
Fig. 6 shows the outlines of three pulley wheels
connected by a taut f>elt. Draw the figure, full size,
showing clearly the constructions for obtaining the
points of contact of the belt and pulleys.

R60 R41

123 Fig. 8
60 70 Fig. 6


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