Edexcel GCSE Physics: Topic 6: Radioactivity

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Edexcel GCSE Physics

Topic 6: Radioactivity
(Content in bold is for Higher Tier only)

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- A positively charged nucleus
o Made of positive protons
o And neutral neutrons
- Surrounded by negatively charged electrons
o The electrons orbit the nucleus at different fixed distances from the nucleus
- The nuclear radius is a lot smaller than the radius of the atom
- Almost all the mass of the atoms lies in the nucleus

Subatomic Particle Relative Mass Relative Charge

Proton 1 +1
Neutron 1 0
Electron 0.0005 -1
Positron 0.0005 +1

Size of atom: ~0.1𝑛𝑎𝑛𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠, 10−10

Isotopes and Elements

- Atoms of the same element have the same number of protons
- Neutral atoms have the same number of electrons and protons
- Isotopes are atoms of the same element, but with different masses
o They have the same number of protons but different number of neutrons
- For Example, Carbon-12, Carbon-13 and Carbon-14
𝐴 ±𝑛
- X is the letter of their element
- A is the mass number (number of neutrons and protons)
- Z is the proton number
- N is the charge
o On a neutral atom, electrons = protons, so cancels out
o If there are N more electrons than protons, then the charge is –N
o If there are N fewer electrons than protons, then the charge is +N
o The number of protons does not change for a certain element

Atoms and EM Radiation

- When electrons change orbit (move closer or further from the nucleus)
o When electrons move to a higher orbit (further from the nucleus)
▪ The atom has absorbed EM radiation
o When the electrons falls to a lower orbit (closer to the nucleus)
▪ The atoms has emitted EM radiation
- If an electron gains enough energy, it can leave the atom to form an ion

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- Decay occurs in a random process
- Forms of decay
o Alpha (a helium nucleus) o Beta Plus (positron)
▪ Highly ionising ▪ Medium ionising
▪ Weakly penetrating ▪ Medium penetration
o Beta Minus (electron) o Gamma (radiation)
▪ Medium ionising ▪ Low ionising
▪ Medium penetration ▪ Highly penetration
o Neutrons

Background Radiation
- Weak radiation that can be detected from natural / external sources
- Examples of background radiation include:
o Cosmic rays
o Radiation from underground rocks
o Nuclear fallout
o Medical rays

Methods of Measuring Radioactivity

- Photographic film
o Film goes darker when it absorbs radiation – the more radiation absorbed, the
darker it gets (the film is initially white)
o Worn as badges by people who work with radiation, to check how much exposure
they have had
- Geiger-Muller Tube
o A tube which can detect radiation
o Each time it absorbs radiation, it transmits an electrical pulse to the machine, which
produces a clicking sound
▪ The greater the number of clicks per second (the frequency of clicks) the
more radiation is present

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Atomic Structure
How and why the atomic model has changed over time

1800 - Dalton said everything was made of atoms

1897 - JJ Thomson discovered the electron
The Plum Pudding Model was formed

The overall charge of an atom is neutral, so

the negative electrons were dispersed
through the positive “pudding” to cancel
out the charges.

1911 - Rutherford realised most of the atom was empty space

The Gold Foil Experiment
Most particles went straight through
- So most of atom is empty space

Some 𝛼 particles were slightly deflected

- So nucleus must be positive,
repelling positive 𝛼

Few 𝛼 particles were deflected by >90°

- So nucleus contained most of the

This experiment was carried out by Geiger and Marsden

1913 - Rutherford Model

Now there is a positive nucleus at the

centre of the atom, and negative electrons
existing in a cloud around the nucleus


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1913 – Bohr produced the final model of the atom

If Rutherford was right, the electrons in the

cloud close to the nucleus would get
attracted and cause the atom to collapse.
therefore, he concluded that the electrons
exist in fixed ‘orbitals’

Decay Processes
- Beta-Minus Decay
o Neutron becomes a proton, and releases an electron
- Beta-Plus Decay
o Proton becomes a neutron, and releases a positron

𝐴 𝐴′
𝑍𝑋 → 𝑍′𝑌 + 𝑑𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑦 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑙𝑒
An alpha particle is equivalent to a helium nucleus.
𝐴 𝐴−4
𝑍𝑋 → 𝑍−2𝑌 + 42𝛼
A beta particle is an electron emitted from the nucleus
𝑍𝑋 → 𝑍+1𝑌 + −10𝑒 − (+𝑣̅𝑒 )
A gamma ray is electromagnetic radiation
𝐴 𝐴′
𝑍𝑋 → 𝑍′𝑌 +𝛾
Nuclei after decay often have excess energy, which they release as gamma when the atom
undergoes nuclear arrangement.

- Activity is the number of decays in a sample per second
- Activity is initially very high (the more atoms in the sample, the greater the chance of at least
one of them will decay
o Activity decreases exponentially over time
- Units of Activity are Becquerel, Bq

Half Life
- The half-life of an isotope is the time taken for half the nuclei in a sample to decay
o Or the time taken for the activity of a sample to decay by half

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- It cannot be predicted when any one nucleus will decay, but the half-life is a constant that
enables the activity of a very large number of nuclei to be predicted during the decay

Net Decline
- Work out ratio of net decline of radioactive nuclei after X half-lives
o Half the initial number of nuclei, and keep doing so X number of times
𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐧𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 − 𝐧𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐗 𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐟 𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐬
o 𝐧𝐞𝐭 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞 = 𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐧𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫

There were initially 80 nuclei, with a half -life of 15 minutes, net decline after 3 half -
o 𝟖𝟎 → 𝟒𝟎 → 𝟐𝟎 → 𝟏𝟎
o 𝟏𝒔𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒇𝒆, 𝟐𝒏𝒅 , 𝟑𝒓𝒅 half-life
𝟖𝟎−𝟏𝟎 𝟕
o 𝒔𝒐 𝒏𝒆𝒕 𝒅𝒆𝒄𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆 = 𝟖𝟎 = 𝟖

Uses of Radioactivity (Physics Only)

- Smoke Alarms
o Americium is used in smoke alarms
o Americium has a half-life of 432 years
▪ It is an alpha emitter
o This is stopped by a few centimetres of air (as it is weakly penetrating)
o The alpha particles ionise air particles and makes them charged therefore making a
o If smoke enters the air around the alarm, the current drops in the circuit
▪ Causing the alarm to sound
- Irradiating food
o Gamma rays transfer energy to bacteria, killing them and sterilising food
o Also used to delay ripening of fruit
- Sterilisation of equipment
o Radiation, usually gamma, exposed onto equipment to kill all microbes present on
the equipment, so they are safe for operations
- Tracing and Gauging Thickness
o Beta radiation is mildly penetrating, and can just pass through paper
o A source and receiver are placed either side of the paper during its production
▪ If there is a drop or rise in received electrons, then that means the thickness
of the paper has changed – i.e. a defect in the production
o It is also used inside pipes, with a detector placed externally, to measure the
thickness of walls of the pipe
- Diagnosis and Treatment of cancer
o Consuming/injecting a gamma emitter, it passes through the body and an external
detector can picture where the tracer has collected in the body, which can reveal
o Gamma rays are used on the tumour, killing the cancer cells
o However, exposing rays on healthy cells cause them to possibly mutate or causes
damage (see next section)

Dangers of ionising radiation (Physics Only)

- A short half-life
o The source presents less of a risk, as it does not remain strongly radioactive

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o This means initially it is very radioactive, but quickly dies down
o So presents less of a long-term risk
- Long half-life
o The source remains weakly radioactive for a long period of time
o Americium is suitable in smoke alarms because it will not need to be replenished,
and its weak activity means it won’t be harmful to anyone
▪ Its half-life is 432 years
Safety Measures
- Limiting patient dose
o Only use radioactive tracers with a short enough half life
▪ So short enough to quickly be removed over a day or so
▪ But long enough to still be detectable after the time taken for it to pass
through the body
▪ Common medical tracers used have a half-life of 6hrs
- Limiting risks to medical personnel
o They leave the room during radioactive tests, as their everyday close proximity to
the radioactive sources puts their health at risk in the long-term

Difference in Radiation
- Contamination
o Lasts for a long period of time
o The source of the radiation is transferred to an object
o E.g. radioactive dust settling on your skin (your skin becomes contaminated)
- Irradiation
o Lasts only for a short period of time
o The source emits radiation, which reaches the object
o E.g. Radioactive dust emitting beta radiation, which “irradiates” your skin
o Medical items are irradiated sometimes to kill bacteria on its surface, but not to
make the medical tools themselves radioactive

Treatment of Tumours (Physics Only)

- External
o A beam of gamma radiation (usually a wide beam) rotates around the body
o It continually focuses on the tumour, while only passing momentarily across healthy
cells surrounding the tumour
o This ensures minimal damage occurs on the healthy cells, while the tumour is most
▪ However it takes a long time to fully treat the tumour, taking multiple visits
for around 5 weeks
▪ There is a greater risk of long-term side effects, as the radiation passes
through healthy tissues
- Internal
o Radioactive material is held within a needle, and is injected directly into the tumour
▪ A longer period of time needs to be spent in hospital, as some radioactive
implants are of high radioactivity (so you emit radiation, requiring you to
have very limited contact with visitors until the source’s activity has
PET Scanners (Physics Only)
- Positron emission tomography
o Radioactive tracer is inserted into the body

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▪ The tracer is tagged to the desired chemical, and the tracer therefore travels
in the body where this certain chemical travels (e.g. glucose or ammonia)
o The scanner records where the tracer emits radiation
o This produces a live 3D visualisation of the body
▪ Used to show how effective current treatment is
▪ Or to diagnose cancer, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s
Isotopes (Physics Only)
- The isotope used in PET scanners is made locally just before insertion
- This is because the tracer has a half-life of 110mins, so it cannot be stored for long before it

Nuclear Power (Physics Only)

- Uranium fuel splits releasing neutrons, which are absorbed by further uranium nuclei, which
split (this is fission, in a chain reaction)
- No carbon dioxide is produced
- There is a safety risk of radiation leaking, or the chain reaction become uncontrollable and
causing a meltdown
- Also, a security risks as terrorists can try and obtain the radioactive material
- Public perception of nuclear power is negative, due to the fatal disasters caused by nuclear
power plants
- Waste disposal is difficult – initially extremely hot, the waste needs to be placed deep in
lakes, ‘cooling ponds’ to cool down, before being stored deep underground (it can be used
for nuclear warheads so is a terrorist risk) for centuries

Nuclear Energy (Physics Only)

- Fusion is the process of small nuclei being forced together (under immense temperature and
pressure) to form a heavier nucleus
o This is the energy source for stars
o The electrostatic repulsion of the protons in the two different nuclei means a lot of
energy is required to bring the nuclei close enough to fuse
▪ So fusion cannot happen at low temperatures and pressures
▪ So this makes it very difficult to make a practical and economic fusion power
- Fission is the process of a nucleus splitting into two smaller nuclei after absorbing neutrons,
which releases more neutrons
- Radioactive Decay is when an unstable nucleus decays into two smaller nuclei
- All these process release energy, and can be a source of energy

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U-235 Fission (Physics Only)
- Uranium-235 (this means 235 nucleons) is the fuel used in nuclear (fission) power stations
o It absorbs neutrons, and becomes unstable
o This causes it to undergo fission
▪ Releasing energy
▪ Forming two ‘daughter’ nuclei
• The products are radioactive, as they are strong gamma emitters
(some of the energy released from the fission is also held by the
daughter nuclei)
▪ Emitting two or more neutrons as well

Chain Reaction (Physics Only)

- After one nucleus splits, emitting neutrons, these neutrons cause further fissions, which
releases more neutrons…. This continuous process is a chain reaction
- This needs to be controlled
o As more neutrons are released than the number absorbed, this could cause an
exponential process
▪ For example the first fission releases two neutrons, which will cause 2
fissions, releasing four neutrons, causing four fissions, releasing eight
neutrons… and so on, which would cause a meltdown
o Moderators
▪ This is usually water/graphite, and slows down the emitted neutrons to be
absorbed for further fissions (fast moving neutrons cannot be easily
o Control Rods
▪ These are boron rods in the reactor core, which absorb excess neutrons,
preventing a runaway chain reaction
- The heat energy from the chain reaction is absorbed by water (coolant) which evaporates
into steam, and is used to turn a turbine, which turns the generator which generates

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