Google Data Analytics Strategy
Google Data Analytics Strategy
Google Data Analytics Strategy
EXECUTIVE: Intelligent and mobile technologies have dramatically
altered the customer journey, all but erasing the line between
digital and offline consumer behavior. Whether tapping on their
COMMISSIONED BY smartphone, speaking to a home device or interacting with their
car’s connectivity systems, consumers continuously engage with a
wide array of digital systems when they want to learn something,
do something or buy something. It doesn’t matter if it’s a high-
end purchase like a large-screen TV or a more mundane sundry like
deodorant—it’s becoming second nature for consumers to steal
moments throughout the day to answer any question that comes
to mind, using an ever-increasing variety of devices.
Marketers with fully integrated consumer and addresses a narrower audience. Based on
our research, we’ve found that online display and paid search
solutions are 45 percent more likely to advertising each exhibit significantly positive effects on business
use audience-level data to personalize performance and firm value. We also found that online display
the customer experience. advertising has distinct long-term value, while the differential
benefit of paid search accrues in the short term.
Getting there takes time, commitment and continual
refinement. For example, Google has “store visits” The marketing metrics that matter vary throughout the
technology that can inform brands when a consumer customer journey, too. In the early stages, important metrics
clicks an ad and then enters a store. Retailers can
might include the length of time a customer spends in the store
extrapolate what this data means for their business
performance by, for example, running “hold-out tests”: or how often they visit the website. At the purchase stage,
investing heavily in media in some markets while going it would make more sense to measure revenue per user,
dark in others, to gauge the incremental impact on results conversion rates and acquisition costs. Post-purchase, metrics
such as revenue growth or average order volumes. Based
such as retention, lifetime customer value and loyalty serve as
on that, they can arrive at a proxy business value for store
visits and test it over time as assumptions change. proxies for future financial impact.
Built for the enterprise, the Google Analytics 360 Suite is a powerful marketing analytics 2.
solution. It helps you get a handle on all your marketing data and find insights you can
use to improve customer experiences.