Lecture 1 and 2
Lecture 1 and 2
Lecture 1 and 2
Raheel Yousuf
Direct Marketing
• Interactive
• Measurable
• Database
• Any Location
Its also about…..
Benefits to Benefit to
Buyers Sellers
Direct Marketing Special Competencies
Precession Targeting Call for Immediate Action Invisible Strategies
Through the usage of carefully Direct Marketing calls for specific Direct Marketing is Interactive;
selected mailing lists, and the and immediate action, typically the It initiates a two way process
information contained in customer purchase of a product or a request “Customer Vs Marketing Team”
data bases, the direct marketeers for more information about it. This It removes the "middle man" from
can direct communications to call for immediate action works the promotion process
individual or a specific business against the prospect’s normal
The strategies and tactics of direct
customers who has been identified tendency to defer action, often
marketeers are less visible to
as a viable prospect. This reduces permanently. “Limited time offer” “
competitors than are strategies that
the waste inherent in many other Will not be repeated” and “Your
must be implemented in the mass
types of communications that Prompt Reply is Requested” are
cannot be so precisely targeted. frequently used exhortations.
Customer Services
Personalization Measurability
An emphasis on customer
The individual consumers can be The most important
services, including order
and often should be addressed by advantage that direct marketing
fulfillment functions, is
name and business customers can has over other marketing
important as a mechanism for
be addressed by name and titles. techniques is its ability to track,
encouraging regular
Information from the databases and to measure the effectiveness
interactions between the
can be used to select an of specific marketing actions. By
direct marketer and the
appropriate appeal or to encourage knowing precisely what worked
customer. A popular idea now
additional purchases from a and what did not, the marketeers
in direct marketing called
customer who have purchased can allocate the marketing budgets
relationship marketing places
previously. much more effectively.
an emphasis on building long
term relationships with the
Reasons for the Growth of Direct Marketing