Weaponized Zionism

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a jeff prager publication no©2018 runaway slaves, llc
Zionist Jewish Terrorism: 1868-1948
FROM The archives of
The purpose of this eMag- The Zionist Jewish Terrorists:
azine is to expose the
Zionist lies, the fabrica- • Bombed Oil Pipelines
tions that are a part of • Bombed Communications
the public narrative­— • Extorted Jewish Businesses
our fabricated history • Threw Grenades In Homes
and a part of our history • Robbed Diamond Outlets
that desperately begs to • Disemboweled Pregnant Women
be corrected. • Raped Palestinian Women
• Hung British Soldiers
Zionist terrorism far exceeded in • Robbed Banks
horror and brutality anything we’ve • Murdered Children
seen yet from ISIS, al-Qaida or the al-Nus- • Robbed Stores
ra terrorists in the Middle East. • Murdered Jews
• Robbed Trains
The Zionists were referred to as ter- • Bombed Trains
rorists for decades in the print me- • Bombed Police Stations
dia between 1900 and 1948. The • Assassinated Politicians
terms “Jewish Terrorism” and “Zi- • Kidnapped & Murdered People
onist Terrorism” appeared in the • Employed Biological Warfare
papers almost daily. This eMaga- • Mutilated Bodies
zine collects just a few of those • Murdered Dozens of
newspaper articles between 1868 British Soldiers And
and 1948—there are thousands. Much More...
July 22nd, 2018

A Jeff Prager Publication

Publishing eMagazines For The 21st Century Since 2008

Published For Free - No © July 2018

For Educational Purposes

Published with the support of, in no particular order, Lysa Fisk,

Sadaf Gilani, Josh Casey, Saba Quereshi, Saeed Ahmed, Ed
Leggoe, Kalid Latif, Jack Jones, Fak Baden, Bill Jordan, Mia
Grant, Marshall McClung, Albere Hanna, Susan Wolfe, John
Hiller, Diane Steele, James Suggs, Jeff Madden, George Strz-
elecki, Jim McGowan, Tom Smith, Nadine Szweda Shumway,
Mansoor Mahmoud, Tayssir Soboh, David Jordan, Tarique Bin
Jawed, Mario Sardinas, Mohammed Saeed Soboh, Sonny Bur-
las, Elissa Bello, Will Crain, Maz Hussain, Steve Wentworth, Rui
Octavio Dos Santos, Doug Matisi, Aesha Lynn, Ben Ashdown,
Jason Olszanicky, Tom Sheldon, Deaglan O’Maolchiarain, Az-
tecatl Yolotli, Rich Langhaar, Alia Ameche, Roger Azar, Ken
Sab, John Bell, Jeremy Williams, Abdul Ahad, Christopher
Tsombanis, Sana Javed, Glenda Lynn Gambill, Judy Carolyn
Wolfram Szpiro, Sabyasachi Chatterji, Clare Estrada, Mag-
gie Duckworth, Jeff Lizan, Roy DeVault, Garret Kirkland, Paul
Cheesley, Noer Shamsuddin, Kim Monson, Deb Hovis, Cristia-
na Dumitrescu, Bard Bardy, Carrie Winkel, Yousef Omar Jaber,
Ana Lavigne, Jeremy Williams, Barb Sisco, Caleb Austain, Sa-
mah Khair, Rusty Del Tropo Massie and 1000s more who I
haven’t forgotten but for whom I don’t have the space or time
to include here, but Thank you, one and all!

Published for Camy, Syrena, Illiana and Kyle

Table Of Contents
In The Beginning ... well, in this case our first story begins in
1868, we’ll familiarize ourselves with life in Palestine at the
turn of the 20th Century—1900—give or take a decade in ei-
ther direction, with some great images of life for regular folks like ourselves and proceed, almost
daily, through 1948. The newspaper articles included here are just a few of 1000s of archived print
media available on the internet. Using newspaper archives before the “news media” became mere-
ly theater—propaganda—propels the reader into a new world and tells a story not told before.
Please enjoy my project, and feel free to share this free educational eMagazine anywhere.

PAGE 269:
This is the end of the line for me and you both,
the last page and my last eMagazine. Now you
can become active in regard to supporting the
Palestinians, or not. For me it will always remain my single most important issue. I sincerely hope
that by making this eMagazine free, and in spite of its large size, that I’ve been able to bring a new
perspective on what was truly a time of horror and terror perpetrated by Zionist Jews against a
largely (94%) Arab population—yet Jews, Brits, Sudanese, Christians and others as well. Terrorism
affects everyone. The Nakba never ended, it continues on today ... yet BDS and activism do work.
Before Zionism: The shared life of Jews and Palestinians
Before the advent of Zionism and Arab nationalism, Jews and Muslims lived in peace in the holy land.
Menachem Klein’s new book maps out an oft-forgotten history of Israel-Palestinian society, if it was ever known at all.

Menachem Klein’s book, “Lives in Common: Arabs and own traditions and customs, bringing testimonies sexual relations and marriages between Jews and Ar- Moscow?” This was the birth of Zionism in the state
Jews in Jerusalem, Jaffa and Hebron”, is a depressing from Jews, Muslims and foreigners as proof. Both Zi- abs were not unheard of, even if they were not consid- of Israel. The first part of the book, which describes
one. Originally released in English, the book — which onism and Arab nationalism came to Palestine from ered legitimate. The European foreigners who came life before the Nakba and the 1967 War, is full of his-
is being published in Hebrew  — paints a picture of outside the country. The two movements developed to Palestine were the ones to form a wedge between torical anecdotes on how Zionism was viewed by the
a shared life between Palestinian Muslims and Euro- in the diaspora—for example Zionism developed in the partners to this quasi-utopia. Yeshayahu Peres, Palestinian leadership. Salim al-Husseini, the mayor of
pean Jews at the end of the 19th and the beginning Russia—but both saw the territory between the river who put together the historical-geographical ency- Jerusalem at the end of the 1800s, is quoted: “This is
of the 20th centuries, bringing us face to face with and the sea as part of their war for control; they drew clopedia of the Land of Israel, complained that when not a political movement as much as it is a settler move-
daily life, commerce, education, celebrations, and borders in a place that had been borderless at the the Zionist Ashkenazi Jews immigrated they brought ment, and I am sure that not a single intelligent, wise
sadness. It shows that these people lived together expense of those who lived there. Palestinian resi- with them their customs, clothing, and lifestyle, and Zionist does not imagine the idea of establishing a Jew-
amicably, appreciably, with graciousness and integ- dents distinguished between “Arab Jews” — a com- did not adapt to the cultures of Palestine: “They speak ish state in Palestine.” Najib Azuri, a Maronite Christian
rity and it proves that this kind of existence, despite mon identity of Jews who were either born here or in Yiddish and maintain the Jewish street accent of their from Lebanon who served in the Ottoman adminis-
everything Israeli’s are taught by the propagandist other Arab countries — and Jewish immigrants from home countries. They are different from their Sephardic tration in Jerusalem and was one of the harbingers of
Zionist educational system, is possible. As the Otto- Europe who arrived to redefine the land. Klein quotes brothers not only in language and appearance but also Arab nationalism, said this in 1905: “Both these move-
man Empire, which ruled Palestine at the time, began several journal entries penned by Palestinians at the in their worldview.” Or take Palestinian activist Ghada ments will be resigned to continually struggle until one
losing its power toward the end of the 19th century, a beginning of the 20th century, according to which Karmi, who says: “We knew they were different from wins out, the fate of the entire world rests on the results
new, local identity began developing out of the lived non-Ashkenazi Jews were seen as awlad al-balad or ‘our Jews,’ I am talking about the Arab Jews. We saw of this struggle between two nations who represent two
experiences of Jews and Muslims. This identity, which “sons of the land” and also yahud awlad al-arab or them as foreigners who came from Europe more than opposing principles.”
took precedence over religion, was shared by Mus- “Jewish Arabs” (see Naeim Giladi, The Jews Of Iraq). as Jews.” And that’s exactly what they were. Zionists
lims, Jews, and Christians alike. They were sharing the are not now and never have been Jews. They simply Jamil al-Husseini said in 1914 that Zionism must be
same daily life’s experiences. The idealistic reality described by Klein seems almost hijacked the religion and use it as a front. Klein writes fought since its success may bring about the dispos-
like a dream today. He quotes the memoirs of Ya’akov that the Zionist establishment invented and nurtured session of Palestinians from their land, while Musa
Following the collapse of the Ottoman Empire during Elazar from Jerusalem, who remembers how “the Mus- the idealistic image of the Jews as Hebrew-speaking Kazim Pasha al-Husayni, who briefly served as Jerusa-
the First World War, both the Zionist movement and lim women cooperated respectfully with the customs of tzabars — as opposed to the Arab Jew. The myth of lem’s mayor and became a famous Palestinian leader,
the Palestinian national movement began trying to the Jewish religion … the Muslim neighbors allowed the the tzabar was formed by a culture of immigrants said that, “the Arabs or their leaders do not hate the
take control of that identity and define the people of Jewish women to pump water necessary before the Sab- who wanted to see themselves as natives. Maps were Jews as Jews. On the contrary, they want Jews present
the land as either Zionist Jews or Palestinian Muslim. bath.” Klein also describes how some Muslims even redrawn and Arab names of places were ignored or in the framework of an Arab federation… but the Arabs
There were those who called for unity, such as Jeru- joined their Jewish neighbors in reciting religious changed to Hebrew names. This was done not only do not agree in any way that a minority of residents say
salem Mayor Raghib al-Nashashibi, who wanted not prayers. He describes the cheder, a traditional elemen- to transform the immigrants into natives, but also that… they are the lords of the land… we believe that
to speak of Arabs and Jews, but of Palestinians. Klein tary school where the basics of Judaism and the He- to inherit the place of those who were here before. the Jews need to enjoy the rights they deserve relative to
debunks the myth according to which the residents brew language were taught, run by Hacham Gershon When Yosef Shlush, one of the founders of Tel Aviv, their numbers,” which at the time was less than 5%.
of the country before the advent Zionism or the Arab in the neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah, where Arab complained that he was attacked by Arabs, the heads
national movement lacked all identity. Instead, he parents brought their children so that they would of Jaffa’s Arab clans responded: “Who is at fault for all The book also describes what happened after the Na-
describes a lively and vivacious community with its learn how to behave properly. Klein also writes that these incidents if not the Bolsheviks you brought from kba, and it is far more pessimistic. Klein claims that
1948 and 1967 were not two separate wars, but rather
two rounds of the same war, basing his theory on a con-
vincing comparison and many testimonies from both
Jews and Palestinians. He writes about the expulsion of
Palestinian from their homes, which were stolen and then
re-populated by Jews — both in 1948 and again in 1967.

He describes the stories of refugees who returned to visit

their homes and properties that were taken in 1947, and
the meetings with the new residents who weren’t always
happy to see the refugees. Supreme Court Justice Zvi Be-
renson, who lived in a Palestinian home, refused to show
the house to its former owners, claiming that he had in-
vested much money in renovations. A different refugee
who arrived at her old home ran into a Jewish immigrant
from Poland who argued that the Poles took her old home,
in an attempt to justify the fact that she has done the same
thing to the Palestinian standing before her. Even the per-
sonal relationships between Jews and Muslims were dis-
rupted by the wars, such as the one between Ishak Musa
al-Husseini and his childhood friend Yaacov Yehoshua.
Both studied together and remained friends until they
were separated by the 1948 war. After ’67, Yehoshua be-
came a top Israeli clerk, while al-Husseini, whose family
lived in the West Bank, came to his Jewish friend to ask for
help in retrieving his family’s property. Yehoshua decided
not to help him, writing in is journal: “It turns out that you
have yet to come to terms with the new Jew — the same one
you scorned in the past has now become a brave soldier, a
tank crewman, a pilot.”

Despite the wars and passage of time, Klein is able to show

that, just maybe, there is hope for a shared life in this land
— after all, that reality already existed. He proposes that
the two nations, which have been fighting over the same
piece of land for the past 100 years, may just be able to
go back to living together like they had done for 1000s of
years. I believe he’s overly optimistic.

At right, Ms. Amna Shaheen, one of the few remaining

survivors of the Nakba. Google her name for more info.
Two Palestinian women preparing a meal in Jerusalem using age old stoves
that required very few coals to maintain cooking temperature, circa 1900
Cold pressing olive oil in Jerusalem in 1895
February 27th, 1946 September 7th, 1947
The Balfour Declaration, in all of its iterations and there were several,
made one aspect of the agreement perfectly clear:

“nothing shall be done

which may prejudice the
civil and religious rights
of existing non-Jewish
communities in Palestine”

At left, a young Palestinian Muslim photographed in 1889 dressed in elaborate and expensive
clothing indicating her family is likely from the merchant, government or land-owning class
W hile it is certainly true that the Jewish
people have deployed the worst of ter-
rorism to acquire what was and still is
Arab land, they do hold relatively deep roots in the
land that is today known as Palestine. So does every-
been controlled by numerous different peoples and
regional powers too varied to list complete-
ly but including yet not nearly limited
to the Canaanites, Amorites, Ancient
Egyptians, Israelites, Moabites,
arose in the late 1800s in Russia. Russian Jews saw as
a concept for Jews from around the world
to obtain a homeland of their own after
having been banished from country
after country for centuries. Jews,
cation for their proposed Jewish State. They were out-
voted two years later after the death of Hertzl when
the Zionist organization voted that like “Arabia is for
the Arabs, Judea is for the Jews.” This in spite of the fact
that the population of Palestine at that time was 96%
one else and those deep roots centuries ago amount- Ammonites, Philistines, Assyr- like the Roma, Rohinga, Arme- Muslim and Christian. An exploratory group of Jews
ed to less than one tenth of one percent of global jew- ians, Babylonians, Persians, an- nians and even Mexicans were visited Palestine at that time and reported that, “The
ry. This area of the world, Palestine, has been known cient Greeks, Romans, Byzan- very often not well treated bride is beautiful, but she is married to another man.”
as an international crossroads based on the extraordi- tines, and Muslims. The Levant across the globe and for mil- That other man of course was Muslim and Christian
narily varied nationalities and religions of the peoples has been a mixing pot for the lennia. Changes were in order. Arabs with thousands of years occupying this Pales-
settled there since the origins of the human species. people of three continents for A gathering of very wealthy tinian land going back many dozens of family gen-
In fact the oldest known Homo sapiens fossil outside thousands of years. The Zion- and well-connected Zionists erations. Thus the Zionists understood from the very
of Africa was recently found in modern-day Palestine, ist movement which for its first in Switzerland in 1897 chose a beginning that armed military force would be abso-
dated at approximately 180,000 years old. Neander- 2 decades included considerably sparse and relatively unpopulated lutely necessary to remove these people in Palestine
thal bones have also been found in the Levant. In his- less than 1% of global Jewry and was portion of an African nation where for whom it had been a homeland for centuries. And
torical times the Palestine region or parts of it have composed primarily of Russian Jews, they were warmly welcomed as the lo- removal was the policy, both written and unwritten
for decades. It still exists today, shrouded in secrecy. In addition, the Britain Crown and their toadies were
Palestine at that time was a province of Ottoman Syr- still deeply involved in growing opium in its “crown
ia, a region of the Ottoman Empire. Zionists inquired jewel colony” of India to sell to the Chinese (whom the
with the Ottoman Turks about the possibilities of cre- British had conspired to get addicted to the drug almost
ating a Jewish homeland; the Turks responded that two centuries before by mixing opium with tobacco)
immigrants of any group were welcome but that the and the British sociopaths were highly dependent on
land was already occupied and a restrictive race- and/ their forced addiction opium profits (see: the failed
or religion-based state was simply out of the ques- Boxer Rebellion).
tion. Even in the 1940s the Arabs opposed Apartheid.
The Zionists—these are the few wealthy, influential Lastly, Britain needed more cannon fodder, Jewish
Zionists we’re discussing here, no more than 6 or 8 cannon fodder, whose enlistment was imminent with
men­—then turned to the British, who were ame- Zionist support for their war effort demonstrated
nable to the concept for several reasons which we’ll and exemplified by one of the many Jewish military
explore. One pressing reason was that in 1916 they recruitment posters pictured at left. Remember, they
were in danger of losing WW I. In the battle of Somme lost over 50,000 soldiers in one single day. After the
initiated in July of that year Britain suffered 57,000 United States entered the war 250,000 Jewish Ameri-
casualties on the first day of fighting, an astounding cans enlisted and another 40,000 from the British Em-
number of dead young men. In the first day! The Zi- pire. The plan seemed to have worked well.
onists suggested that they and their Jewish friends in
high places could induce the United States to enter The Suez Canal was also a substantial consideration.
into the war on the side of the British and the US had Britain perceived a Jewish state in the area of the
a population of several million Jews. An abundance Middle East to be more friendly to its imperial hold-
of cannon fodder which soon came to fruition. In ad- ings than the surrounding Arab Muslims.
dition to other young Americans of all nationalities
and religions that fought and lost their lives or worse, Another significant reason that Britain embraced the
came home maimed for life, for the fanatical religious idea of Jews displacing Palestinians was that funda-
fundamentalist Zionists bent on using military force mentalist Christians held the belief that the “Second
to rid Palestine of its indigenous population. Politi- Coming of Christ” would not occur until “the Jews were
cally religious fanatics willing to sacrifice American back in Jerusalem.”
lives, even Jewish Americans, for a foreign war to mis-
appropriate and colonize a country inhabited by an For 1000s of years, “faith” and “religious belief” have
indigenous Muslim and Christian population for cen- been used, abused and propagandized by those in
turies—Palestine. power to foment war and obtain the irrational sup-
port of their citizens’ kids for war. We can call our-
American career Foreign Service Officer Evan M. Wil- selves incubator war fodder.
son, who had served as Minister-Consul General in
Jerusalem, described this arrangement in his book Unknown to many and not widely discussed, Arthur
Decision on Palestine. He wrote that the Balfour dec- Balfour, a primary author of the Balfour Declaration
laration “was given to the Jews largely for the purpose of 1917 which gave British government support to
of enlisting Jewish support in the war and of forestalling a Jewish State in Palestine, was just such a Christian
a similar promise by the Central Powers (Germany and fundamentalist believer. A fundamentalist Christian
the Ottoman Turks).” with Jewish leanings was ultimately responsible in at
least initiating and lobbying for the policy that led to the
establishment of the Jewish state much as if ISIS had de-
veloped a caliphate in the Levant. Imagine an ISIS caliph- ... a Jewish state in Palestine
ate in Palestine. Imagine ISIS building a wall around their
caliphate, developing and paving Muslim only roads, buy- could be accomplished only with:
ing up a bunch of F-35s and developing nuclear weapons
on the sly. There’s no difference here. Israeli Zionists are “the gravest trespass upon the civil and religious rights
ISIS as ISIS is composed of Israeli Zionists. Mossads motto
comes to mind, right? “War by deception”.
of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine ...”
subjecting Palestinians:
As you’ll soon see, Islamic Fundamentalist Terrorism is no
different, at all, in any way, from Jewish Zionist Fundamen- “to steady financial and social pressure to surrender the land,
talist Terrorism. ISIS and Zionist extremists are cut from the
same cloth. ISIS has never and will never attack Zionist Is-
would be a gross violation of the principle of self-determination
rael because ISIS is Zionist Israel—Zionist Israel supported
and funded all of ISIS’s military operations. Zionist Israel
and of the peoples’ rights.”
and the US could never put young American boots on the
ground in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Sudan, etc., so they put Is-
lamic Fundamentalist terrorist boots on the ground.

I remind you, the US had almost 6 million Jews a good ma-

jority of which were men of recruitment and fighting age.
American Jews fighting for American freedom and liberty
were maimed and murdered for the terrorist state of Israel.

Thus, Britain supported the creation of a Jewish “armed force

state on Palestinian land in order to maintain would be required”
a number of core policies—its global em-
pire (a primary cause of WW I), more cannon
fodder, to protect its lucrative opium mar- a policy from the very beginning
ket in China, and to attempt to induce the
‘seconding coming’ of Jesus Christ. If you can
believe that—although it’s an unfortunate
truth. The enormous amount of unending vio-
lence and cruelty inflicted on the Palestinians, the
outright murders, rapes and worse, has been perpetu- Because:
ated in the name of the Prince of Peace and the gods of
capitalism. Psychopathy not withstanding of course.
“The bride is beautiful, but she is married to another man.”
The Third Palestinian Congress in Haifa in 1920 correctly
opposed the British government’s plans to support the Zi-
onist project, and rejected the declaration as a violation of
international law and of the rights of the indigenous population, was in fact completely suppressed and unknown to One of the better-documented massacres occurred in
which of course it was. President Wilson sent a commission to Pal- most today. When Britain obtained a “mandate” from a small, neutral Palestinian village called Deir Yassin in
estine to investigate the situation in person. After spending two Israel the League of Nations it included the Balfour Declara- April 1948—before any Arab armies had joined the war.
months in the area interviewing all sections of the population, the tion with full support for a Jewish homeland in what Richard Catling, British assistant inspector general for the
commissioners stated that the creation of a Jewish state in Pales- was existing Palestine. criminal investigation division, reported on “sexual atroci-
tine could be accomplished only with “the gravest trespass upon the ties” committed by Zionist forces. “Many young school girls
civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Pales-
was born
From this point on Jewish immigration to Palestine were raped and later slaughtered,” he reported. “Old wom-
tine,” pointing out that subjecting Palestinians “to steady financial increased rapidly. When the newly created United en were also molested.” The Red Cross representative who
and social pressure to surrender the land, would be a gross violation Nations approved a partition plan in 1947, dividing found the bodies at Deir Yassin arrived in time to see some
of the principle of self-determination and of the peoples’ rights.” of terror,, land between Palestinian and Jews, the Jewish popu- of the killing in action. He wrote in his diary that Zionist
lation had grown from less than 3% in 1900 to 30% militia members were still entering houses with guns and
Excuse me for a moment here, but what the funk were these so- and growing. But, because the United Nations has al- knives when he arrived. He saw one young Jewish Zion-
ciopathic self-serving and self-righteous narcissists thinking when ways been largely controlled by western powers, the ist woman carrying a blood-covered dagger and saw an-
they stole not just the Palestinian land but their farms, their or- war, and Jews were given 55% of the land. The Zionists gladly other female terrorist stab an old couple in their doorway.
chards, their livestock, their homes and personal possessions, accepted this partition plan, while the Arab Muslim The representative wrote that the scene reminded him of
when they poisoned their wells with Small Pox, disembowled preg- community did not, as they were losing a consider- S.S. troops he had seen in Athens.
nant Arab women, beheaded their infants, extorted Jewish owned able portion of what had been their homeland for
businesses, robbed numerous banks and commercial operations, revolution, centuries to Western imperial power. In internal dis- The Deir Yassin attack was perpetrated by two Zionist mi-
destroyed communication and energy infrastructure, burglarized cussions in 1938 David Ben-Gurion (first prime min- litias and coordinated with the main Zionist forces, whose
and bombed British and US military bases, murdered dozens of ister of Israel) stated that “after we become a strong elite units participated in part of the operation. The heads
soldiers, dozens more Palestinian Police Officers, 10’s of 1000’s of force … we shall abolish partition and expand into the of the two militias, Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Shamir,
Arab civilians and Freedom Fighters and even their own—they
and its whole of Palestine.” later became Prime Ministers of Israel, their reward for
murdered Jews too! What were they thinking? They’re guilty of mass murder and disemboweling pregnant Palestinian
genocide by any and all nationally and internationally accepted The passing of the partition resolution in Novem- women. We won’t even mention the internationally loved
definitions of that word, but they’re guilty of immorality too. creation ber 1947 triggered the violence that State Depart- and admired Swedish Count Bernadotte and untold Brit-
ment analysts had predicted and for which Zionists ish soldiers, Palestinian Police Officers and innocent civil-
And how the funk did the world allow this to happen? If you’re not had been preparing. There were 100s of massacres of ians. Begin, head of the Irgun militia, sent the following
seriously disgusted like never before you should probably check Palestinian villages, half of them before a single Arab message to his troops about their victory at Deir Yassin:
for a pulse. These events were no secret. They were documented in required ‘ army joined the conflict. Zionist forces were better “Accept my congratulations on this splendid act of conquest.
writing in great detail and printed in newspapers across the United equipped and had more men under arms than their Convey my regards to all the commanders and soldiers…
States, from the New York Times to the Tulsa Picayune Gazette and opponents, and by the end of Israel’s “War of Indepen- Tell the soldiers: you have made history in Israel with your
everything in between. These daily episodes were not unknown, dence” over 750,000 Palestinian men, women, and attack and your conquest. Continue thus until victory. As in
they simply went unread. Maybe a few people will read some of a measure children were ruthlessly expelled and over 600 Pales- Deir Yassin, so everywhere, we will attack and smite the en-
the articles contained here more than 50 years later? Ya think? tinian villages were leveled, made uninhabitable and emy. God, God, Thou has chosen us for conquest.”
completely destroyed. 1000s were brutally murdered
The report stated that meetings with Jewish representatives made and dismembered. The Palestinians call this the Na- The Jewish mystical book, the Kabala, teaches that non-
it clear that “the Zionists looked forward to a practically complete dis- of fanaticism kba: the Catastrophe. As Israeli historian Tom Segev Jews are the embodiment of Satan, and that the world
possession of the present non-Jewish inhabitants of Palestine,” It con- writes, “Israel was born of terror, war, and revolution, was created solely for the sake of Jews. Rabbi Kook, aptly
cluded that armed force would be required to accomplish this, and
urged the Peace Conference to dismiss the Zionist proposals. The
commission recommended that “the project for making Palestine
distinctly a Jewish commonwealth should be given up.” The report
and cruelty . and its creation required a measure of fanaticism and
cruelty.” Nothing could be more accurate when de-
scribing the dogma fueling Zionist terrorism.
named, who somehow achieved saintly status among his
followers in Israel and the U.S., stated: “The difference be-
tween a Jewish soul and souls of non-Jews… is greater and
deeper than the difference between a human soul and the
souls of cattle.” Unfortunately for Zionist objectives they have not to date
been able to rid Palestine of the Palestinians. Of the approximately 12
million Palestinians in the world today, 3 million live in the West Bank, 2
million live in the Gaza strip, and almost two million live in Israel.

To say that Palestinians are treated as second-class citizens by the Is-

raeli Zionists would be a considerable understatement. They’re treated
like insects. Every aspect of Palestinian life is controlled by the Israelis in
a repressive, violent and sadistic manner. There are at least 7500 Israeli
soldiers patrolling the West Bank regularly, for example, and at least 98
checkpoints, where Palestinians may be stopped for hours or even days
or prevented from crossing entirely and Soldiers regularly raid all Pal-
estinian homes and personal property; when a friend was teaching at
an Palestinian elementary school in Hebron in February of 2018 it was
raided by dozens of Zionist soldiers who fired tear gas into the school
yard. There are over 600 Palestinian children under the age of 18 in Israeli
prisons without adequate legal counsel—without legal council at all at
times—and without family visits, along with approximately 6000 Pales-
tinian adults. Since 1967 Israel has confiscated 73% of Gaza and the West
Bank, including East Jerusalem. The Zionist government illegally encour-
ages and subsidizes the construction of Zionist Fundamentalist Jewish
settlements in the Occupied Territories whose members terrorize the sur-
rounding Palestinian communities.

Pictured at right, a typical group of young people of the holy land who, as
in the time of the old testament, still carry water from the wells on their
heads in home-made vessels of clay. They dress, too, much in the same
way as the women did in the time of Mohammad (PBUH). This happy
group on the Mount of Olives, in Jerusalem, was photographed on Sep-
tember 1st, 1938.
Between 1967 and 1999 Israel established 200 illegal Clearly Israel is something more than an apartheid So much for the “rights” of the Palestinians. Between Resolutions, legally binding on Member-nations, in-
settlements by all international laws and norms in the state, a word coined in South Africa meaning “sep- November 1947 and November 1948 five hundred clude Resolutions – 54, 111, 233, 234, 236, 248, 250,
territories, including East Jerusalem. These colonial arateness.” Israeli Zionists want exclusiveness—ex- and thirty one Palestinian towns and villages had 252, 256, 262, 267, 270, 280, 285, 298, 313, 316, 468,
outposts are built on hundreds of square kilometers clusively Jews in Israel and Palestine. This exclusivity been “ethnically cleansed.” By 1952 it was six hundred 476 and more, and this is a small sample of over 100.
of land illegally confiscated from Palestinians and re- is in itself a myth, as it has been proven that geneti- and fifteen. Wells poisoned, inhabitants murdered.
quire an enormous military presence around them cally there is no such thing as a pure genetic race of The Senators would seem to have as little knowl-
for defense. Settlement building is illegal under inter- Jews, and in fact Mediterranean Jews match Palestin- This “Nakba” (catastrophe) more than seventy years edge of the iniquities inflicted on the Middle East
national law; the fourth Geneva Convention prohibits ian DNA at 100% (and all Homo sapiens have 99.9% after Israel’s final founding, is ongoing. It’s never end- by foreign powers and cuckoos in the nest as their
the transfer of civilian populations of the occupying the same DNA). From a religious perspective Jews ed. Israel is committing what many now call a “Slow rookie brainless President. It is not Israel being
power into occupied territory. are as divided among themselves as are any religious Genocide” against the Palestinian population living meted out “unequal treatment” it is the Palestin-
groups. In the name of this mythology of being a spe- within the borders of the illegitimate Israeli state. ians, thieved of their land, history, justice, culture
A network of large, well-maintained Jew-only roads cially anointed people the Israeli governing bodies in and all normality.
connect every Jewish settlement to Israel proper, general and Zionists in particular have committed All of the land grabs, every one of them, are also il-
roads upon which Palestinians may not travel, nor on-going crimes and continuing brutality and cruelty legal and violate U.N. Charter, Article 2 & 51 (1945); “The conflation of Jews with Israel, and of Judaism with
even walk across. All these roads are built on ‘expro- against their own brothers and sisters, the Palestinian Declaration on Principles of International Law Con- Zionism, is not only intellectually incorrect, but it is po-
priated’ Palestinian land, and carve up the West Bank people, as well as countless others. cerning Friendly Relations…, Principle 1 (1970).  litically incorrect, undermining liberal democracy by
into isolated segments creating geographic separa- treating Jewish citizens as though they belong to a dif-
tion amongst Palestinian families. The Washington Post reports that: “All 100 U.S. Sena- Settlements on occupied lands violate Geneva Con- ferent body politic and a different country.” 
tors signed a letter [recently] asking U.N. Secretary Gen- ventions IV, Article 49 (1949). It is illegal to colonize or – Yakov M. Rabkin
Now that the embassy is in Jerusalem the building of eral António Guterres to address what the lawmakers transfer non-indigenous people to occupied land. 
patently illegal settlements and Jew only roads is not call entrenched bias against Israel at the world body.”  Taking land by force and claiming sovereignty vio- With the recent 2018 death of 21 year old Razan
only imminent but has already begun with fervor. Also These people are out of their minds. lates: U.N. Charter, Article 2 (1945); Declaration on Ashraf al-Najjar, the female Palestinian medic killed
since 1967 Israel has demolished over 48,000 homes Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly by Israeli gun fire while attending to injured protest-
in Palestine, leaving several hundred thousand Pales- The letter … uses strong language to insist that the Relations…, Principle 1. Israel is a chronic violator ers at the Israeli border fence with Gaza, the focus of
tinians homeless. Palestinians wishing to build homes United Nations rectify what the Senators said is un- and has violated more UN resolutions than any other the world’s humanitarian concern and outrage has
on their own land are subject to a lengthy and costly equal treatment of Israel on human rights and other country on the planet, by a wide margin. once again fallen on the Israeli-Palestine conflict.
permit application process, and are almost invariably grounds. Unconscionable. Israel is the worlds con-
refused. The Israeli military then uses the lack of per- summate human rights violator. In fact, I’m certain a Forbidding civilian populations the right to return According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health in
mits to justify destroying homes—bulldozed to rub- single day doesn’t pass where Israel violates the hu- to their homes following the end of armed conflict Gaza, as of the beginning of June, 2018, over 118
ble. Also since 1967 Israeli has torn out over 800,000 man rights of numerous people, far too many to even is in direct violation of international law and UN res- people had died in the demonstrations which started
trees in Palestine, most of them olive and other food bother counting. Israel is a violator extraordinaire! olutions. Geneva Convention IV, Articles 45, 46 & 49 along the Israel-Gaza border. The protests, involving
producing trees. The objective of this on-going cru- (1949), UN resolutions 194 (III) (General Assembly; tens of thousands, started on Good Friday March 30th
elty is to drive the Palestinians out of Palestine. In Israel, ever presented as the eternal victim, has not 1948) & 237 (Security Council; 1967).  . The ‘Great March of Return’ was meant to demand
fact Israel has proposed that Jordan would make a just made a mockery of the world but also of the Bal- the right of return for Palestinians expelled from their
fine home for them. Make no mistake, from reducing four letter of 2nd November 1917. Collective punishment violates Geneva Conventions homes and villages in 1948 during what they refer to
available electricity, curtailing the availability of fresh IV, Article 33 (1949); Geneva Conventions (Protocol as the Nakba, or “catastrophe.”
water and eliminating high quality food import forc- “His Majesty’s Government view with favour the estab- I), Article 75(2d) (1977). The list of breaches of inter-
ing the Palestinians into a nutrition free diet, every- lishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish national law is near endless as are the attacks on a The violence endured by the Palestinian population
thing Israel does is to torture the Palestinian people people it being clearly understood that nothing shall be people with no army, air force or navy, plus the deci- has reached a level of carnage unequaled since the
into complete slave-like submission, drive them out done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights mations of 1967, 2008-9, 2014, 2016 and 2018. 2014 Gaza War. That’s right, carnage—they’re being
of Palestine or face a slow, diabolical genocide. of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine …” Israel’s violations of United Nations Security Council slaughtered by sharpshooters more than a mile away,
and that for simply coming within 20 or 30 feet of the border fence pos-
ing no threat at all. Doctors, nurses, ambulance drivers, children, Israeli
sharpshooters will murder anyone and have.

This past week, Argentina withdrew its football team from a World Cup
warm-up event in protest to Israel’s actions against Palestinians in Gaza.
A statement from the UK Parliament’s Official Opposition leader Jere-
my Corbyn, condemned the violence and the bystander role played by
world governments in the face of this bloodshed. Unfortunately, the ac-
tions of other world leaders was far less inspiring. Canada’s Prime Minis-
ter Justin Trudeau, after issuing a statement demanding an “immediate
independent investigation” into the killings of protesters in Gaza, found
himself, two days later, opposing such an investigation when the sug-
gestion was tabled at the UN Human Rights Council. U.S. Ambassador
to the UN, fabricator in chief Nikki Haley, defended the actions of Israeli
Defense Forces with the astounding comment that, “no country would
act with greater restraint than Israel.” Obviously her heads been buried
in the sand for decades or she suffers a severe neurological disorder,
Lewy body dementia is likely indicated. And of course Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu, the most pompous liar to exalt the global stage,
framed Israeli retaliation to the protests as their only recourse against
“protesters seeking fatalities.” Yeah, every protest I’ve attended I couldn’t
wait to be fatally shot by a sharpshooter over a mile away using a rifle
and scope sure to blow my body to pieces. That’s why we attend pro-
tests after all, right?

As devastating as the well publicized casualties of the last two months

may be, there is a serious humanitarian catastrophe that’s played out
for more than 100 years within the Gaza Strip. It’s not called genocide
but that’s what it is. Human rights observers have noted that with dilap-
idated infrastructure stemming from previous brutal bombardments
and heavy air assaults and the ongoing blockade, the strip of land we
call Gaza may well be uninhabitable by the year 2020. That’s less than
two years from now. Please think about that. This is genocide.

The British maintained 3 large vessels for constant deportation send-

ing 10s of 1000s of illegal aliens to a wide variety of refugee camps and
foreign countries, few of which, including the US, were willing to accept
healthy Jews let alone poor, uneducated and often times ill and sickly
Jews. Exactly, the US government refused to accept even one of these
Jewish refugees until after 1947. At right, the Nakba, 1948.
“Thanks to the terrible power of our International Banks, we have forced the Christians into wars without number.
Wars have a special value for Jews, since Christians massacre each other and make more room for us Jews.
Wars are the “Jews Harvest”: The Jew banks grow fat on Christian wars.
Over 100-million Christians have been swept off the face of the earth by wars, and the end is not yet.”
~ Rabbi Reichorn, from a transcript of his speech at the funeral of Grand Rabbi Simeon Ben-Iudah in 1869
Dr. Chaim Weizmann, at the send-off banquet given to Chief Rabbi Hertz on October 6th, 1920, is quoted as saying:

“A beneficent protection which God has instituted in the life of the Jew is that He has dispersed him all over the world.”
~ The Jewish Guardian, October 8th, 1920

Here we begin in Prague, what was then eventually the rigue Masaryk. By 1930 Prague had risen to the heights press follow our directives. By an indefatigable campaign value the paper money will have, this will make us mas-
capitol of Czechoslovakia. In the mid-1800s Prague’s of a European capitol city with a well-developed indus- in favor of the democratic form of government, we will ters of every mans existence. We will promise to the work-
majority population spoke German but by the late trial base and a population soon to approach 1 million. divide the Gentiles amongst themselves in political par- ers salaries they have never dared to dream of, but we will
1800s German speakers had decreased to less than Rabbi Zeichorn’s 1869 speech was spectacular and his ties, we shall thus destroy the unity of their nations, we also heighten the price of all necessities, so much so that
15% as the city sustained a significant population in- words excited the small crowd to action. Zeichorn said, will sow the seeds of discord. Powerless they will have to our profits will be even greater. By our jokes and attacks
crease by civilians fleeing unrest in the rest of Bohemia and remember this because the leading, aristocratic Zi- accept the laws of our bank, always united, always devot- we will render their priests ridiculous and eventually odi-
and Moravia. It was here that a little known Rabbi, al- onists do: “With Gold one can buy the most upright con- ed to our cause. The possession of land has always pro- ous, their religion as ridiculous, as odious as their priests.
though with influence among the very small number sciences, with Gold one can fix the value of every stock, the cured influence and power. In the name of social justice We shall become the masters of their souls. But above all,
of followers of what would become philosophical Jew- price of every merchandise, one can loan it to states that and equality, we will divide the great properties; we will let us get control of education, of the schools. By them we
ish Zionism, as if there were such a thing, would give afterwards one holds at ones mercy. Already the principle give small fragments to the peasants who desire it with will spread the ideas that are useful to us, and we will mold
a speech that began the process of an ever-changing banks, the stock exchanges throughout the world, the all their heart, but who will soon be indebted to us by the the children’s brains as we wish”. In 1869, the pathologi-
Zionist philosophy. Czechoslovakia was a creation out loans to all governments are in our hands. The other great very exploitation of these properties. Our capital will en- cal, sociopathic, racist, Zionist ideology began to take
of World War 1 and the defeat of the Austro-Hungar- power is the press. By ceaselessly repeating certain ideas, able us to be the real masters. Let us use all force to re- hold, slowly, ever so slowly, and Judaism was hijacked
ian Empire and Prague was chosen as the capitol with the press in the end makes them considered as truths. The place the circulation of gold by that of paper; our banks by the Zionists and became today’s global Zio-terror-
Prague Castle the headquarters of president Tomáš Gar- Theatre renders similar services, every where theatre and will absorb the gold, and we shall decide what then what ism in our names, in the names of the good Jews.
February 14th, 1904
Mr. Hassan Quffa, a Nakba
survivor. Google his name.

March 4th, 1895

Washing clothes in Jerusalem circa 1900
The Jerusalem grain market circa 1900
Fishing in Haifa circa 1900
At right we see a family farming, with the com-
munity where they live at the top of the moun-
tain in the background, in Palestine, circa 1900.
January 17th, 1914
The Jaffa Gate pictured above in 1910, at different times also called, Bab al-Khalil, Bab Mihrab Dawud, Gate of David’s Chamber and David’s Gate, among other names,
is one of seven main stone portals built into the walls of the historic old city of Jerusalem. Today, inside Jaffa Gate is a small square with entrances to the Christian Quar-
ter to the left, the Armenian Quarter to the right past the Tower of David and the Muslim Quarter and marketplace straight ahead. Offices and shops line the square.
January 9th, 1919 Above, Russian Zionists make the long trek through the rough ter-
rain and the harsh environment towards Jericho, Palestine, in 1900.
April 20th, 1922
May 26th, 1922

Women making clay jars in Ramallah, Palestine

in 1905 using local materials and methods devel-
oped centuries ago. The primary ingredients were
clay and sand or shale. The clay was generally dug
from the shore but could also be found under bod-
ies of water. The clay was usually screened to re-
move rocks and debris and the clay and sand or
shale were ground into powder by some manner
of crushing and then used or stored for later use.
Here, before the invention of modern tecnology,
clay pots are fashioned entirely by hand.
September 1st, 1922

Two Russian Jewish refugees in Jerusalem, one of them looking at his watch, circa 1900
“Jewish policeman, Hinkas ... is accused of leading a crowd of Jews murdering five adults and wounding two children in an Arab family on August 25th ...”

January 30th, 1930

January 31st, 1930

An Israeli soldier as an occupying military force,
armed with a rifle, stops an innocent Arab fam-
ily in a street in Nazareth, Palestine, on July 17th,
1948, while the Zionists were working feverishly to
establish their state of Israel, a thorn on the global
map. What’s absolutely preposterous is that these
Palestinians are walking unarmed in a neighbor-
hood they’ve lived in for decades and whose fam-
ily has occupied for centuries. The family is travel-
ling after the allotted curfew time, which, from the
shadows we can tell is no later than 3 or 4 o’clock.
Israeli forces had occupied the town earlier that
day and implemented an absurd curfew. Obvi-
ously frustrating and inconveniencing. And what
did this family do to endure a forced curfew by
an occupying military force? Absolutely nothing
at all other than being Palestinian Muslims. Israeli
racism having one of it’s finest moments, socio-
pathic behavior notwithstanding.
February 5th, 1930

Here, two young women from Ramallah, Palestine pose circa 1900 and above,
a barracks maintained for Russian pilgrims arriving in Jerusalem, Palestine, circa 1900
February 25th, 1934
The Zionist list of breaches of international law against the Palestinian people
is near endless as are the attacks on a people with no army, air force or military of any kind
October 29th, 1936

“the project for making Palestine distinctly a

Jewish commonwealth should be given up.”
May 26th, 1938

Psychological operations by the Zionist government include

less frequent garbage pickup in Palestinian neighborhoods,
among other dreadful policies, seen above in 2017-2018.
June 21st, 1938

Jerusalem, Palestine’s main street intersection called Zion Square, on November 28th, 1945
June 28th, 1938

Young Arab recruits and volunteers from the British army are now undergoing intensive training at the Palestine Police Barracks in Jerusalem to combat extremist
Zionist terrorism. An important part of the training for the young Arabs is with small arms and for these young Arab volunteers, specialized instruction in the types
of weapons used by the Terrorists is essential. This group of smartly dressed Arab members of the Palestine police force are seen in the courtyard of their barracks in
Jerusalem on November 15th, 1945, which was formerly the palatial residence of a wealthy Jerusalem Palestinian kind enough to donate the property for their use.
July 25th, 1938
Another Zionist terror bombing, 1946
During the restoration of the Church of the Tomb of the Blessed Vir-
gin, near the Garden of Gethsemane, workmen discovered an en-
trance to a cistern below the courtyard of the church. Experts be-
lieve the cistern was built sometime during the 12th century. The
old wall dates back to a period preceding the crusaders. It’s built
with intersecting vaults, 35 columns in all and supports the court
yard of the church as well as the ruins of a 12th century monastery
nearby. At far left is a general view of the church and in the fore-
ground towards the far right can be seen a small hole leading to the
cistern. This image was taken in Jerusalem on October 28th, 1946.
Brother Camillus Liska,
Sacristan at the Grotto
of St. Jerome in Jerusa-
lem, Palestine on No-
vember 28th, 1945.
“Political A well-dressed, British-trained Arab Legion guard stands with two orthodox
Hasidic Palestinian Jews who preferred imprisonment in a refugee camp in
Trans-Jordan than living in the Zionist terrorist-controlled section of Jerusalem,
terrorist which is also still a terrorist battle ground, on June 4th, 1948 in Trans-Jordan.

activity has

been showing a



in the mistaken

impression that

February 27th, 1939 it would bring

about pressure

on British


in favor of



Jewish demands”
June 2nd, 1939

One of the largest Jewish cemeteries in the world, situated on the slopes of the Mount of Olives, part of the hills of Bethlehem in Jerusalem, Palestine, on
January 19th, 1939. It adjoins the famous Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus Christ was said to have been betrayed by Judas with a kiss. Tens of thousands
of Jews, many of them victims of the present day Zionist terrorist actions taking place in the holy land (1868-1948), are buried in this hallowed spot.
Palestinian women and children draw water from Mary’s well in Nazareth, Palestine, on December 7th, 1946.
Legend relates that this ancient spring supplied water for Mary, Joseph and Jesus.
Banning Women From Praying With A Torah Scroll
In 1967 when Israel took over part of Jerusalem, the government gave the control of the Wailing Wall—also known as
the Western Wall—to ultra-orthodox rabbis who run the area according to their interpretation of Jewish law and tradi-
tions. One of these norms includes banning women from praying with a Torah scroll, the centerpiece of Jewish religious
tradition. This is similar in nature to the custom of disallowing women to drive cars in Saudi Arabia. “Women of the Wall”
smuggled an 11-inch Torah scroll brought from England to pray at the wall. The group also conducted a Mat Mitzvah, or
Jewish coming of age ritual for girls that is also banned at the wall, for a 12-year–old Jewish youth. “There is no reason this misogynist
should not go on every day. It didn’t bother anyone and meant a lot to Tammy and her family,” officials of “Women of the Wall”
said. Officials from the Wailing Wall rabbinical authority did not make themselves available for comment.

Members of the Israeli organization “Women of the Wall”, below, succeeded for the first time in smuggling a Torah scroll
to the Western Wall in 2014. “Women of the Wall” has been repeatedly refused permission to use one of the Torah scrolls
that are made available in the men’s section. After being turned away with a full sized scroll for decades the women suc-
ceeded in smuggling in a miniature 200-year-old version of the Jewish Torah to the Wailing Wall. Shira Spure, a member religious
of “Women of the Wall” said that “The rabbinical authority doesn’t want us there, they only want people who practice ultra-
religious traditions to pray at the Wailing Wall, this is ridiculous.” Religious fanaticism permeates every religion, Judaism no
less than Islam. The word “religion” is used interchangeably with the words “faith” or “belief system” and there are over 4200
religious beliefs on this small planet. The majority contain practices and customs that might offend or disturb many of us oppression
yet they continue to thrive. Offensive practices based on religious faith seem to have become the norm in many cases.




at a time!
June 11th, 1939

“rights were awarded only to the strong,
January 27th, 1940
who are allowed to take them by force
if they are not given to them legally.”
~ Avraham Stern
At left, a a Greek Priest is blessing Christian Arab children in Rameh, Palestine, in 1900. The community was settled by Er Rama
and named after him. In the 1930 census taken by the British, Er Rama had 254 homes with a total self-sufficient population of
1,142, and growing. In this image, an Arab and his donkey pass a road block, manned by two British soldiers and a Palestinian
policeman looking for Zionist terrorists, during a snowfall, near Jerusalem, Palestine, on March 22nd, 1948.

March 30th, 1943

Field Marshall Viscount Edmund Allenby of Britain with King Faisal of Baghdad in Palestine, at right, after the 1920 Cairo Conference formed
to negotiate a new era in Palestine. Attending that conference were Colonel Sir Lawrence of Arabia, Sir Herbert Samuel, His British Majesty’s
High Commissioner, Emir Abdullah, Air Marshall Sir Geoffrey Salmond, Sir Wyndham Deeds and others. In the end, the Arabs were betrayed.
February 25th, 1944
March 31st, 1944

May 7th, 1944

While an armed TransJordan Arab stands guard above, Christian Pilgrims kneel in what is said to have been the court of Pontius Pilate in Jerusalem,
Palestine, scene of the first station of the way of cross. The place where Pilate condemned Jesus to death had been a British Police Station but recently
was abandoned because of Arab-Jewish strife. Now it is used as headquarters of the Arab National Police, seen here on Friday, March 26th, 1948 in
Jerusalem’s Christian observances of stations of cross on Good Friday.
August 23rd, 1944

In May 2002, during an Israeli Defense Force raid on the Manger Square, a part of the Zionist’s “Defensive Shield,” a num-
ber of locals and peace activists, some armed, took refuge in the church. It then became the site of a five-week standoff.
The standoff ended with a number of Palestinians shot dead, 13 alleged “militants” were sent to Cyprus and various other
countries with another 26 allowed to settle safely in Gaza. The rest, an estimated 120-240 people, were set free.

Pictured at right, Manger Square is a focal point for all of the Christmas celebrations in Bethlehem, with a giant Christmas
tree crowning the towns center square. Locals, pilgrims, Muslims and Jews sang Christmas carols before the midnight
mass at the Church of the Nativity. Here Arab women enjoy a day of shopping in the market place located near Manger
Square in the city of Bethlehem, Palestine, on November 28th, 1947.
November 7th, 1944

Moyne’s Assassin
November 8th, 1944
September 17th, 1944

Oh, I know we’ve come a long way,

We’re changing day to day,
But tell me, where do the children play?
~ Yusuf Islam
December 10th, 1944

Illegally appropriating their land, homes and possessions, which they’ve lived in and owned for centuries
and sending anyone, let alone people this age, to live in a tent in a refugee camp is a Zionist death sentence. We call this genocide.
January 13th, 1945

Light terrorism today, clearing in the afternoon

with high temperatures close to 75 degrees.
The Zionist State Of Israel, Established Upon Terrorism, Is The Only Country On Earth
That Routinely Assassinates Unarmed Civilian Protesters With Military Trained Sharpshooters
Year After Year, Decade After Decade, Never Ending Assassinations ...
Gaza 2018
February 27th, 1945 They are “Chicago Gangsters of the Capone era” and should
be referred to as “murderers, felons and common thugs”
~ 1940s Official British Military Policy regarding Zionist terrorists

Pictured at right, Arab civilians released by Jews

under a prisoner exchange agreement walk
through a debris-flanked no-mans-land-path-
way as they return to Arab territory in Jerusalem
on March 8th, 1949. The Israel-Jordan Armistice
Agreement provided for the exchange of Arab
civilian prisoners and about 800 Zionist terror-
ists captured as prisoners of war.
September 10th, 1945

Jewish soldiers
enlisted in the British army
marching on Petah Tikva road in Tel Aviv
on “Jewish Soldiers Day” in 1946. After losing
over 50,000 soldiers in one day
Britain desperately needed
Jewish cannon fodder
October 16th, 1945
“Accept my congratulations

on this splendid act of conquest.

Convey my regards to all

the commanders and soldiers…

Tell the soldiers:

you have made history in Israel

with your attack and your conquest.

Continue thus until victory.

As in Deir Yassin, so everywhere,

we will attack and smite the enemy.

God, God, October 30th, 1945

Thou has chosen us for conquest.”

~ Menachim Begin

At right, Palestinian women gather water for drinking, cooking

and washing in handmade clay jugs from a local well in Jerusa-
lem in 1915 wearing almost the same handmade clothing as they
would have worn 1000s of years ago and, incidentally, drawing
the same water drawn by Muhammad and others.
December 28, 1945
Palestine, 1914
February 20th, 1946

British soldiers arrive immediately after the terrorist attack on the King David Hotel with bodies still on the ground
March 28th,
28th, 1946
April 26th, 1946

June 6th, 1946

Seen at right, Arab soldiers approach a huge

breach in the walls of Tiferet Synagogue, a
stronghold of Haganah terrorists in the Old
City of Jerusalem, on May 21st, 1948, during
the Arab-Israeli War. Arab demolition squads
successfully blasted holes in the structure
which was being used as a fortress by Haga-
nah and Irgun terrorist forces, underground,
illegal Zionist terror organizations.
June 18th, 1946

Pictured above, Rich Siegel, political activist, is seen protesting the Israeli attack on Lebanon in 2006
h yo u th a cc u s e d o f being
The Jewis
e r fo r th e B ri ti s h was kid-
an inform
th e Irg u n te rr o ri s ts today
napped by
o n s e c re t tr ia l, th e punish-
to be put
b e d e a th b y h a n g in g ...
ment could
June 21st, 1946

At left, soldiers of The Black Watch (The Royal Highland Regiment) searching Arabs in Jerusalem on Jan-
uary 9th, 1945, in British Mandate Palestine. The Mandate of Palestine was granted to Britain by the
League of Nations in 1920 and lasted until the Zionist terrorists’ creation of the State of Israel in 1948.
Being searched as they are here is kind of like living in racist New York or Chicago with their “Stop And
Frisk” policies, right? Even more disturbing—when the terrorists are all Zionist Jews from Russia, Poland
and other European countries, they’re here in your country, and you’re the one being searched. At this
point in time Islamic terrorism didn’t exist. Zionism and its radical, racist, religio-fanatical belief system
produced the worlds first true international or global terrorists and birthed the state of Israel.
Young Arab recruits and volunteers undergoing intensive training at the Palestine Police Force barracks in Jerusalem. These young Arab recruits from the Pales-
tine Police Force are undergoing rifle drill on the roof of their barracks in Jerusalem, on November 15th, 1945. Here they’re being seen practicing ‘present arms’
strictly for ceremonial purposes.
Another boatload of Russian, Polish and Armenian refugees, illegal immigrants running the British naval block-
ade, arrive in Palestine on January 13th, 1948, and eventually blend in with the rest of the population, just as
illegal aliens crossing our southern border blend in with the population here in the United States today.
June 24th, 1946
June 27th, 1946

continued on following page

Residents of Tel Aviv, Palestine’s all-Jewish city, swarm around automobiles of members of the United Nations Special Commission on Palestine in front of the city’s town hall on June 25th, 1947,
as the commission arrives for a tour of inspection. As you may already know, the mere notion that “Palestine never existed” is pure Zionist propaganda and a frequent erroneous assertion.
Some of the thirteen hundred plus Palestinian Armenians from Jaffa, Jerusalem and Haifa fleeing Zionist terrorism in fear for their lives, in the temporary
tent camp on the grounds of the Armenian Church, in Haifa, on October 29th, 1947, below, where they’re waiting for transport back to Soviet Armenia.

June 27th, 1946

June 29th, 1946
July 4th, 1946

This photograph shows the view looking north toward the center of Jerusalem, Palestine,
on November 22nd, 1945, with a view of Julian’s Way winding its way through the city
July 6th, 1946
July 6th, 1946
“after we become a strong force …
we shall abolish partition and expand
into the whole of Palestine.”
~ David Ben-Gurion
First Prime Minister of Israel
Quoted in 1938
July 23rd, 1946
An Arab military police officer
looks out on the street from a
damaged Arab home, bombed
three days ago, behind the “Sis-
ters of Sion” convent in the old
city of Jerusalem, Palestine, July
14, 1948. He stands in front of a
gaping hole, made by the Jew-
ish time-fused motar shell. The
bomb called by the Haganah
“David, King of Israel” is manu-
factured by the terrorists in Tel
Aviv. During the past several
days the Jews were shelling the
Old City of Jerusalem daily.
July 24th, 1946

The highly respected Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, previously pictured as a cartoon character by the NYT, wearing white head wear in the center and Musa Kazim Pasha
El Husseini, at the Grand Mufti’s left, aged 82, photographed on arrival at Victoria Station in London on March 30th, 1930. The delegation is in Britain to urge, among
other things, the establishment of a Palestinian National Democratic Government in which both Arabs and Jews will participate in proportion to their numbers. The
delegation is headed by Musa Kazim Pasha El Husseini in accordance with the customary Arab tradition of giving precedence to age, for good reason.
Gaza 2018
At right, an image by famed photographer Felix Bonfils (1831-1885) of two
Palestinian women from the village of Siloam taken between 1867 and 1870
At right and on the next page, Zionist
Jews are assisted on their way out of the
Old City of Jerusalem during the 1936 -
1939 Arab revolt (there was a revolt in 1916
as well) by British soldiers. The revolt, a
demand for independence, was against
British colonial rule similar to revolts
against British colonial rule throughout
the last several centuries. Sovereignty
is always preferable to dominion, espe-
cially domination that extracts tremen-
dous financial benefit at the expense of
the indigenous population, as the Brit-
ish Mandate provided for the colonizers.
The first phase of the revolt was a peace-
ful protest directed by the urban and
elitist Higher Arab Committee (HAC)
and was centralized around strikes and
other forms of non-violent political pro-
test. The Arabs had plenty of skin in the
game—they made up well over 90% of
the population. By late 1936 this phase
of the protest was defeated by the Brit-
ish using political concessions, inter-
national diplomacy meeting with the
rulers of Saudi Arabia, Transjordan and
Yemen, and the threat of Martial Law in
Palestine. The second phase of the re-
volt began in late 1937 and was a vio-
lent peasant led resistance movement
that primarily targeted British forces.
The rebellion was brutally suppressed
by the British army and the Palestine Po-
lice Force, composed for the most part
of local, British trained and loyal Pales-
tinians. The British used extraordinarily
cruel and repressive measure that were
specifically intended to intimidate and
instill fear in the Arab population to un-
dermine popular local and international
support for the 2-phase revolt.
Palestinian women crushing olives Jerusalem circa 1900-1920

July 27th, 1946

The Imperial Camel Corps Brigade was a camel
mounted infantry brigade that the British Em-
pire raised in December of 1916 during the
first World War for service in the Middle East.

July 30th, 1946

At this gated entrance to Jerusalem seen
in 1901, the white domed building
pictured to the right is a water station
for people arriving at the Old City

continued next page

British armed forces
arrest suspected Jewish
terrorists for interrogation
Gaza 2018
August 2nd, 1946

Palestinian prisoners in the Old City of Jerusalem during the British Mandate, circa 1929
August 3rd, 1946
August 6th, 1946
August 16th, 1946

Haifa Harbor stacked up with illegal refugee ships increases tension in Palestine on August 16th, 1946
August 31st, 1946

Convicted terrorist Betty Knouth, imprisoned, escaped, impris-

oned, escaped, imprisoned, seen above circa 1940-1950.
September 11th, 1946
“Five terrorists were arrested tonight, one in possession of $2,000, an automatic pistol and hand grenades ...”

September 13th, 1946

Hashomer, or “The Watchman,” was a Jewish youth group, a Socialist Zionist movement, founded as a military defensive unit in Palestine in 1909. Hashomer units
evolved in Palestine from their origination in Poland and Russia and were modeled after the Hitler youth groups that had been so successfully propagandized by
Hitler’s well-oiled indoctrination machine. The Zionist’s waisted no time indoctrinating their own youth using Hashomer and other youth organizations to system-
atically mis-educate their young adherents. Pictured above is a Zionist Hashomer youth group in Palestine in 1912.
The Altalena off of the Tel Aviv coast loaded with over
800 illegal aliens on May 18th, 1947, after it was inter-
cepted in Palestinian waters by the British Navy. The
ship was at sea with its 800 illegal passengers for four
weeks. During the boarding operations there were
no injuries. The disembarkation took place without
incident. The Illegal Jewish immigrants were sent for
deportation. The ship was then fired at and set afire
by the British Navy as Jewish immigrants watch. The
ship burned to the water-line and sank.
September 21st, 1946
October 10th, 1946
At right is the scene at an Arab hillside village on
a Muslim Sabbath in Palestine, Jerusalem, Friday,
March 31st, 1948, when two families who had split
the village into rival camps with a blood feud for
the past two years set aside their differences, so
that they might wage war against the Jews instead
of each other. They’re shown forming a rough circle
with members of one family on the left, members
of the other on the right, and Arab soldier volun-
teers to mediate the truce on one knee and stand-
ing at the center in the background. Afterwards
the male members of the two family factions ad-
vanced toward one another and shook hands. The
feud, which began with the killing of a member of
one family, was the one of the first in Palestine thus
formally set aside to promote a cohesive resistance
against what became the inevitable theft of their
land and the mass murder and mass exodus of
these people pictured and their extended families.
The truce was solemnized by a feast as is a tribal
custom and shortly after this image was taken the
Nakba began and has never ended. Zionist terror-
ism reached a fevered and crazed pitch similar, but
not nearly as brutal nor hidden, as the recent public
assassination of innocent protesters. That this was
tolerated by the United States, Britain and the rest
of the western plantations is unimaginable, but of
course it’s the case. Only two democratic senators
spoke up and urged other democrats to speak out
too. I haven’t heard more.
October 13th, 1946
November 10th, 1946

Irgun Z’vai Leumi terrorists practice on July 8th, 1947 in Jerusalem,

Palestine with the Irgun logo pictured above
November 18th, 1946

IN PALESTINE Dr. Israel Goldstein

As you can tell from the article above, in Pales-

tine in the early 1900s Zionist Jews employed
throwing stones, for the same reasons that the
Palestinians throw stones and rocks today. It’s all
they have. The Zionists were, most of them, un-
armed and the Palestinians today, the vast ma-
jority of them, are also unarmed. However Israel
has one of the largest, most well equipped mil-
itary’s in the world and they’re a nuclear armed
state and a wealthy country whereas over 80%
of Palestinians live under the global poverty
level because Israel enforces a slurry of laws
that make employment impossible. It’s not just
that Palestinians can’t access PayPal, they can’t
access anything. Even leaving the country for a
life-saving surgical procedure not available in
Palestine, or to attend an Ivy League college on
a full scholarship, or just to leave the country to
go anywhere, anywhere else, is most often im-
possible for the people of Gaza and Palestine.
November 20th, 1946
These Russian and Polish fanatic Zionist ter-
rorists managed to wreak havoc across Pales-
tine and the uncounted dead, the total num-
ber of Arab deaths, will never be known.
November 28th, 1946

Pictured here, a young Jewish boy (center) and an illegal alien, wounded and bloody after a fight with British soldiers on board
the refugee ship Knesset Israel, passes a line of soldiers to board the prison troopship Empire Heywood on December 4th,
1946, in Haifa. The Empire Heywood was one of three vessels on which illegal aliens from the refugee ships were deported.
An Arab, armed with a sub-machine gun, stands
guard at Jerusalem’s Wailing Wall on February
23rd, 1948. Jews are being kept from this cen-
turies-old holy place by Arabs for the first time
since the Arab-Jewish disorders in 1939.
December 2nd, 1946

A Palestinian, at right, stands behind a section of

a “Tegart’s Iron Wall” in Palestine on March 10th,
1938. Sir Charles Tegart was the retired Police Com-
missioner of another British colony, Calcutta. In
view of his expertise the British government asked
him to travel to Palestine on their behalf, which he
did, and he became an advisor to the colonial po-
lice in Mandatory Palestine. The fence was erected
to keep marauding Arabs out of Palestine, control
the movement of insurgents, goods and weapons.
The fencing consisted of three strands of barbed
wire on angular wire supports. stretching for 60
miles along the Syrian and Lebanon borders and
at a cost of 1 million dollars—8.5 million US 2018
dollars—the fence was a joke, and wholly ineffec-
tive. However, he did, and in due course, suggest
and oversee the construction of 77 reinforced con-
crete police stations and posts which could be de-
fended against attacking Jews and Muslims. Tegart
also supervised brutal interrogations of Arabs.

5-1 6-1 9 4 5

December 3rd, 1946

December 4th, 1946




At left, female Lehi and/or Stern Gang Jewish

Zionist terrorists prepare for what else? Terrorism.
The Deir Yassin massacre, and 100s of others like it, were perpetrated
by what can only be described as crazed lunatics. Wells were poisoned with Small Pox
and Cholera, farm animals slaughtered, homes ransacked and raised, businesses plundered and Arabs
murdered in the most horrible ways imaginable—pregnant women raped, gutted, infants slaughtered and worse ...
December 5th, 1946

Count Folke Bernadotte

Count Folke Bernadotte

Palestinian Christian Arabs with Arab roots
going back 1000s of years carry a huge cross,
reaching the third station of the Cross in Je-
rusalem, Palestine, on March 26th, 1948, as
they retrace the path taken by Jesus Christ
from the court of Pontius Pilate of Calvary.
Others kneel on the spot where it’s be-
lieved Jesus Christ fell for the first time un-
der the heavy burden of the large wooden
cross. This photo was transmitted to New
York from London by radio transmission on
the 26th of March in 1948 and was received
properly and printed the following day.
December 7th, 1946
November 30th, 1946

The ‘Exodus 1947’ seen docked at the Haifa

port at right carried more than 4,500 illegal
Zionist aliens from France to Palestine on
July 11th, 1947. Zionists were doing every-
thing in their power to increase the Jewish
population by any means necessary, legal or
illegal. Most of the passengers were Holo-
caust survivors who had no paperwork and
no legal immigration certificates for Pales-
tine or France so France was actually glad to
get rid of them. Attacked by the British in in-
ternational waters for carrying illegal immi-
grants to Palestine, three illegal’s were killed
and over 100 were injured in the fighting
and chaos that ensued. The ship was swiftly
taken to Haifa where prison ships were wait-
ing to return the illegal alien immigrants to
refugee camps in Europe, where they came
from. Something Trump would do today.
They may be smiling but these illegal
Jewish aliens from Eastern Europe were
promptly and swiftly deported from Pal-
estine on waiting British prison ships
December 11th, 1946

December 26th, 1946

A British military representative checks the pa-

pers of Jews at right, searching for illegal foreign
Jewish immigrants in Jerusalem in 1946. Illegal
aliens made it to Palestine in large numbers,
walking and by ship and even small boat. Sev-
eral aliens jumped ship at the port of Haifa to
prevent being sent to a Cypress refugee camp
and swam to shore. Some were caught and oth-
ers blended in with the population.
December 31st, 1946

A British soldier, armed with a sten gun, on

guard near the cages of orphaned Jewish chil-
dren, illegal immigrants, as they prepare to
leave a ship to live in Haifa, Palestine, on August
21st, 1947. Five hundred orphans, the majority
of whom lost their parents during World War II,
were interned in Cyprus and brought to Pales-
tine as part of the monthly immigration quota.
Unwanted Jewish adults, ill and the disabled
were quickly deported.
January 1st, 1947

January 3rd, 1947

January 1st, 1947
A Jewish illegal bows on February 16th, 1947, as he
receives DDT spray from soldiers of the British 6th
Airborne Division before leaving Jerusalem, deport-
ed on the Cyprus-bound ship Ocean Vigour. Dur-
ing the British Mandate tens of thousands of illegal
aliens were deported from Palestine, generally to
a refugee camp on Cyprus erected for Jews. From
there it was to any country that would take them.
January 6th, 1947

Palestine circa 1900

January 8th, 1947
January 18th, 1947
On December 11th, 1917, General Allenby, commander
of the British “Egyptian Expeditionary Force,” entered
January 18th, 1947
Jerusalem, two days after the Turkish forces occupying
the city raised the white flag before Allied forces. Under-
standing the symbolic sensitivity of Jerusalem to both its
residents and religious adherents the world over, Allenby
elected to make his entrance through Jaffa Gate, in the
background, on foot. This was an intentional contrast to
Kaiser Wilhelm II who, visiting the Holy Land in 1898, in-
sisted on entering the old city riding a white horse. The
article at left is dated January 18th, 1947.
During 1989
How is this different than allowing Mexican
Americans to raise funds to bring illegal congressional testimony
Mexican immigrants here to the USA? Senator George Baker
told Yitzhak Shamir,
pictured at right:

January 21st , 1 9 4 7 “Take this number:

(202) 456-1414.
When you’re
serious about peace,
call us.”

From 1948 forward,

if the text of both the
documents and discussions
are carefully analyzed, the
state of racist Zionist Israel
has done everything
possible to this day to
thwart the peace
process at all times.
It’s their policy.
Make no mistake, from the very beginning going back decades Israel has infiltrated every Islamic extremist group that exists. To such a degree that they
are all, for all essential purposes, now Israeli psychological operations founded, financed, trained and armed by Israel and other western countries. To
fight their collective enemies—Syria, Iraq, Libya and others. Where do you think ISIS got 150 brand new Toyota trucks? ISIS is Israel.
January 24th, 1947

A Hajj — an Arab who has been to Mecca and

who is looked up to by the Arab population in
Palestine. Here he’s seen smoking his hookah, a
pipe that uses a tobacco smoke cooled by the
water in the jar, in Jerusalem, on July 17th, 1947.
Collecting water at a refugee Camp in 1949, her husband
murdered and her home and land stolen
January 25th, 1947

A Jewish cab is set ablaze by an angry Palestinian mob near the Damascus Gate in Jerusalem, Palestine, on December 29th, 1947,
after Zionists shooting from a taxi assassinated 15 persons, among them 12 Palestinians, 2 British constables and a Jew
Soldiers made up of the Trans-Jordan Arab Le-
gion surround a group of captured and disarmed
Haganah Jewish terrorists and pose with their
rifles following the Zionist terrorist surrender,
temporary as it may have been, in the old city
of Jerusalem, Palestine, on May 28th, 1948. The
Transjordan Arab Legion was part of the British
Occupied Enemy (Zionists) Territory Administra-
tion and fought on the side of the British and
Palestinians. The Army was made up primarily
of Ottoman Empire personnel along with some
military assistance from Syria.
January 25th, 1947

The comment above by Mr. Rosenwald,

president of the American Council for Ju-
daism, sounds exactly like Donald Trump
discussing his issues regarding the His-
panic people, but with slightly more diplo-
macy and less divisive language. Right? I
mean what would the public reaction be if
the American Israeli Public Affairs Commit-
tee (APAC) started financing illegal Jewish
immigrants into the USA? Immigrants pri-
marily from Russia, Armenia, Poland and
other Eastern European countries—not
the 1000s we admit each year under our
liberal immigration policies, but illegal’s,
who couldn’t be tracked, untraceable, im-
poverished, unemployed, potential crimi-
nals without proper documentation. No
drivers license, no social security number.
And if these documents were obtained
they would have to be forgeries. Would
this be accepted and tolerated today?
January 26th, 1947
January 27th, 1947
Another on of many Lehi Z’vai Leumi & Stern Gang bombings

January 28th, 1 9 4 7
Benjamin Netenyahu makes an impromptu visit to a field hospital in the Golan Heights, Syria, sometime in
2017. The Golan Heights is still legally owned by Syria according to international legislation signed by Israel
yet Israeli Zionist military forces occupy the territory. The Genie Oil Company incorporated in Delaware and
owned by Rothschild, Cheney, Eitan and Murdock intend to drill for oil. Effie Eitan headed Israeli intelligence
so Bibi will certainly do everything in his political power to facilitate drilling. Here, above, Bibi meets with
a recovering ISIS terrorist who, once fully recovered from his wounds, will head back to Syria to fight for
western governments, the USA, Israel and what can only be called “Israel’s war on Syria” with the sovereign
country of Iran not far behind. This Zionist Hospital on the Syrian border “repairs broken ISIS fighters”.
January 28th, 1947

Above, women, children and non-essential personnel leave Royal Air Force planes at the Almaza Airport near
Cairo, Egypt, photographed on Thursday, February 6th, 1947, headed from Palestine back to Britain. These
British personnel were ordered to leave Palestine immediately to avoid Zionist terrorism against British per-
sonnel and civilians. Below, T.E. Lawrence at left with American journalist Lowell Thomas. Lawrence wanted all
of Arabia restored to the Arabs—it had been
taken over by the Ottoman Empire 500 years
before. In 1915 the British government prom-
ised Sherif Hussein of Mecca an indepen-
dent Arabian state if he assisted with a revolt
against the Ottoman’s. However, the follow-
ing year the British government signed, in se-
cret, the Sykes-Picot agreement with France
wherein Syria and part of Arabia would be
divided up between the two once the Otto-
man’s had been defeated. Nobody bothered
to tell Sherif Hussein or the Arab warriors de-
feating the Ottoman’s on Britain’s behalf. Just
another broken agreement of 100s.
Stores are closed in Jerusalem as shopkeepers fear Zionist terrorism, 1947
January 31st, 1947
Israeli soldiers from the IDF hide behind 30 foot earthen berms
topped with netted tents housing military sharpshooters with long-
distance weapons firing on innocent, unarmed civilian Palestinian
protesters opposed to the severity of the illegal Israeli occupation.
February 5th, 1947
February 6th, 1947

Lieutenant General Sir Gordon Holmes Alexander

MacMillan, pictured above, took over as the head
of the British troops in Palestine and Trans-Jordan
in February of 1947. Soon after MacMillan’s arrival
the British government decided to bring to an end
its mandate in Palestine as a result of its exhaustion
from Zionist terrorism and the political influence of
the Rothschilds in Britain and numerous wealthy and
influential American Jews. The decision to forego its
mandate and leave Palestine triggered an extraor-
dinary escalation in Zionist terrorism and violence
leading to the withdrawal of all British troops by the
30th of June in 1948. Within days the Zionist massa-
cres of the Palestinian population began, plan Dalit
was implemented and Palestine cleansed of Arabs.
February 6th, 1947

At right is the Russian Monastery of Ascension

on the Mount of Olives, founded to oversee the
thousands of Orthodox Russians flocking to the
Holy Land. On the buildings iron gate a sign re-
mains legible and reads, in Russian, Ecclesiastical
Mission. The first Russian Ecclesiastical mission ar-
rived in Palestine in 1847 under the leadership of
Archimandrite Porphyrius Uspensky, primarily to
conduct archeological research and organize reli-
gious pilgrimages from Russia by ship to the Holy
Land. The start of World War I saw funding dry up
and church clergy and staff closed their churches
in Palestine and left for Russia.
February 10th, 1947
The Mosque Of Omar circa 1925
February 13th, 1947

“The Old Woman’s Dance” performed at Bethlehem Mission School, Palestine, circa 1900
Dov Bela Gruner, below, was a Hungarian-born Zi-
onist terrorist in Mandatory Palestine and member
of the Irgun Z’vai Leumi. Born on December 6th,
1912, Gruner died on April 16th, 1947 when he
was executed by the British authorities on charges
of “firing on policemen and setting explosive charges
with the intent of killing personnel of His Majesty’s
February 14th, 1947
service”. Gruner is honored in Zionist Israel as one of
the “Olei Hagardom,” or one of the twelve revered
Jewish terrorists executed by British authorities.
Gaza 2014
February 15th, 1946

Gaza 2018

At right, children murdered by the Zionist coloniz-

ers during the Palestinian protests of 2018
Expectations for Zionist Terrorism in Pal-
estine are extremely high today.

1947 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15th, 1947 10 cents 4


At right, a British Naval boarding party on the schoo-

ner Lanegev at Haifa harbor, Palestine, attempting to
quell a disturbance as Jewish illegal immigrant refu-
gees were being disembarked from the Legenev for
transfer to a British prison ship and transfer to a refu-
gee camp on the island of Cyprus, near Greece, for
deportation back to their country of original origin.
February 24th, 1 9 4 7
The arrival of
King Abdullah
and entourage,
Paris Peace Conference, 1919

March 4th, 1947

Below, a family of Palestinian Muslim nomads that have been
living and farming in Palestine and the surrounding country-
side for centuries, prepare for a regal wedding in 1898.
March 8th, 1947
March 10th, 1947
Jews praying at the Western Wall:
Men, women and
children together
in the early
1870s before
and its
March 14th, 1947

Jerusalem train station circa 1900

A group of Ashkenazi Zionist Jewish settlers from Eastern Europe in Jerusalem in 1885
At right, great civil disturbances, bombs, gre-
nades and weapons fire, referred to in the
New York Times repeatedly for years as “Jew-
ish Terrorism” was eventually quelled by po-
lice and troops in this image, ending a Zionist
demonstration against the British proposals
for the future of Palestine. Those future pro-
posals included the crucial, famous and now
forgotten 1939 White Paper mandates which
the Arabs and British desperately wanted
yet the Brits were terrorized out of Palestine
without implementing them: 1. A country
inhabited by Jews and Palestinians treated
equally under the law but recognized as sep-
arate peoples; 2. A majority Palestinian/Arab
population run by a Palestinian government
with the Jewish population not to exceed
33.3% of the total population; 3. After 5 years
Jewish immigration and emigration would One policeman was killed during the above melee and terror taking place in this image. Pictured are Jews rushing for cover before the baton charge of the British police
be controlled by the Palestinian government. during the quelling of this Zionist disturbance in Jerusalem on May 18th, 1939. Note the spectators standing on the balcony at the top left.
March 16th, 1947

Willing illegal aliens help one of the the first

boatloads of legal refugees through the surf, as
the immigrants struggle to the shore of Naha-
ria, north of Haifa, Palestine. The United Nations
sponsored ship was laden with 600 Eastern Eu-
ropean refugees originally from Poland, Russia,
Germany, Romania and other European coun-
tries eager for a new life in Palestine. This image
was taken sometime in very late 1948.
April 13th, 1947

In 1942, Geulah Cohen, pictured, joined the Irgun and moved to the Stern Gang the follow-
ing year. A radio announcer for the terrorist group, she was arrested by British authorities in
1946. She was imprisoned in Bethlehem but escaped from prison in 1947. In the early 1970s,
she, together with the Israeli Mossad and Yitzhak Shamir, persuaded Meir Kahane to target
Soviet representatives in the US. The goal was to strain the relations between the USSR and
the United States, thereby leading to an increase in the Jewish emigration to Israel from the
Soviet Republic. This older image was taken between 1942 & 1948, the other circa 2017.
From the middle of the eighteen hundred’s, photographs of Jewish people, including men, women and children praying together at the Western Wall in Jerusalem, Pal-
estine, became common on the walls of houses across the world. Today, a rich collection of these photos can be found in Washington, DC’s Library of Congress digital
archives, in which an enormous jumble of Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jews, men and women together, are depicted in prayer at what has been considered one of Judaism’s
holiest sites for the past two millennia. Mixed prayer, with men and women praying together, appears to be the norm in many of the archival images taken between the
mid- to late 1800s and the very early 1900s. Aside from High Holy Day crushes in which women either were not in attendance or prayed off to the side, men and women
prayed at the Western Wall together for 100s of years. Not until Russians, Poles, Armenians and other Eastern European Zionist Jews injected their sociopolitical philoso-
phies into centuries old Middle Eastern Arab Jewish cultural norms that prayer at the Wall was segregated and a misogynist perspective enacted as normal policy.
April 14th, 1947
April 16th, 1947

British Alert For Palestine Reprisal; Time Bomb Found In London Office
The results of a terrorist attack on the Palestinian rail service
There were “sexual atrocities” and
“Many young school girls were raped
and later slaughtered,” he reported.
April 26th, 1947 “Old women were also molested.”
~ Richard Catling
British Assistant Inspector General
Criminal Investigation Division

The Jaffa Gate, Jerusalem, Palestine, 1908

Jews and Muslims
Celebrating Christmas Day
in Bethlehem, Palestine
in December 1898
May 17th, 1947
May 24th, 1947

January 6th, 1947

May 11th, 1947

July 11th, 1947

An Arab Legion soldier manning a Bren ma-

chine gun takes cover behind sand bags and
cement debris on a street near the New Gate
in the old city of Jerusalem, Palestine on May
29th, 1948 during the Jewish-Arab conflict.
A little boy on the left, unimpressed by the
deadly atmosphere, plays in the debris cov-
ering the pavement.
July 15th, 1947

Cecilo Rhodes
July 17th, 1947

Pictured at right are two immigrants, East-

ern European Jews and Irgun terrorists, one
manning a Bren gun and the other holding
a revolver, keeping guard from a house in
the Manshiah section of Tel Aviv near the
Tel Aviv-Jaffa border in Jerusalem on Janu-
ary 8th, 1948 where Jews have been attack-
ing and terrorizing Palestinian residents.
for bodies

July 23rd, 1947

The final total was 93 dead ...

Rabbi Kook, aptly named, who somehow achieved saintly status among his
religious fundamentalist Zionist followers in Israel and the U.S., quoting from the Jewish Kabala, stating that:

“The difference between a Jewish soul and souls of non-Jews…

is greater and deeper than the difference between a human soul and the souls of cattle.”

As a result of constant Jewish terrorism members of the Irish Fusilliers, above, search for Jewish terrorists and weapons
in 1947 while carefully examing the traveling and identity papers of all those boarding public transportation in Palestine
July 29th, 1947

A monument in today’s Israel to the Irgun terrorists where Israel has preserved their headquarters, above.
Expect to see ISIS terrorist museums, al-Nusra terrorist memorials and al-Qaeda terrorist shrines in Tel Aviv in the future. It appears Israel loves terrorrists.
Pictured here and on another page, Arab snipers move away from a flaming
Zionist terrorist truck in the Sheik Jarrah quarter of Jerusalem after drag-
ging the body of driver from the armored cab and dumping it on the road.
This image was taken on March 7th, 1948. The truck, firing on the Arabs,
was caught in Arab sniper fire, crashed into a wall and burst into flames.
Pilgrims, a very large group visible in the far background, on
their way to Jerusalem stop at this fountain for a drink of wa-
ter before continuing on their rugged journey, circa 1900.
The 1949 Palestinian Exodus, also called the Nakba or “Catastrophe” was nothing short of an elabo-
rate, preconceived plan (by years) to rid Palestine of its Arab Christian and Arab Muslim inhabit-
ants. 600+ village communities were raided, plundered and wasted, 1000s murdered and over
80% of the Arab inhabitants of the new state of Israel were expelled from their homes with what
they could carry. Settling in refugee camps in neighboring states seen here, they endured the de-
struction of their very lives including psychological warfare followed by brutal Zionist massacres.
July 30th, 1947


Only in Israel: a monument to two convicted terrorist murderers who cowardly blew themselves up in prison with smuggled explosive oranges
Hostages Hanged
Irgun Z’vai Leumi announced today in a
clandestine broadcast that it had executed two British Army
Sergeants. Sergeant Marvyn Paice and Sergeant Clifford
Martin were hung by the their necks until dead.
July 30th, 1947

Six Zionist Jewish terrorists were hanged in prison and two committed suicide
with smuggled explosive orangesin prison before they could be put to death
Zionist Stern Gang Terrorists
Declare War On British

September 1st, 1947

Pictured at left, an Arab legion soldier carries a machine gun as standard issue as he stands
guard in Jerusalem on January 6th, 1948, where his Ottoman Empire army is on loan to
the British army to help out because of a shortage of British soldiers in the holy land
September 30th, 1947

At right, after a recent Jewish terrorist bomb-

ing, Palestinian Jewish immigrants are being
stopped on the street and their papers checked
following a brief interrogation. For the British
army soldiers, finding terrorists that blended in
with and were protected by the local European
immigrant population was virtually impossible
and British attacks against the Jews for retali-
ation against terror attacks were frequent. The
terrorists murdered dozens of British soldiers.
October 11th, 1947
October 16th, 1947

The Jaffa ralway station was the first station in the Middle East, serving as the end of the line for the Jaffa-Jerusalem railway. The station was inaugurated in
1891 and closed in 1948 due various wars being waged. Between 2005 and 2009 the station was restored and converted to an entertainment and leisure venue
branded as “The Station”. The grounds of the adjacent Israeli Defense Forces History Museum are part of the money-sucking entertainment environment.
October 24th, 1947

Le Petit Journal was a conservative daily Pari-

sian newspaper published from 1863 to 1944.
In 1890, during the Boulangiste crisis its circula-
tion first reached one million paid readers. Five
years later in 1895 its circulation reached two
million copies making it, at that time, the world’s
largest newspaper. This issue, from September
1929, portray’s Arab Muslims slaughtering Rus-
sian Jews which, in 1929 was certainly the con-
servative view. It was several years before the
Irgun Z’vai Leumi, the Palmach, the Stern Gang
and the Haganah achieved world famous status
as the perpetrators of the very worst terrorism
the modern world had ever seen. Until reaching
that acclaimed status the Arabs were generally
portrayed in the media at that time as brutal,
unpredictable heathens. The common percep-
tion was that they needed the White man’s god
but the reality was nothing of the sort. The Mus-
lim population displayed far more gracious hu-
manity, acceptance and understanding of the
“other,” than the Russian, Polish and Armenian
Jews, the Zionists, have ever displayed towards
anyone else with one exception—wealthy
benefactors from any nation and Zionists.
The article above is from 1947. At right, razor
sharp barbed wire covers the entire roadway for
105 yards on Princess Mary Avenue in Jerusalem,
Palestine at Zion Square on May 19th, 1948. The
barbed wire is meant to prevent Muslims and
Jews—Palestinians and Illegal Eastern European
aliens—from coming in contact. The Jewish State
of Israel was proclaimed on May 15th and Britain
cowardly surrendered its 25 year mandate and
high-tailed it back home. Terrorized and pan-
icked in horror at the deaths of their many mili-
tary comrades at the hands of Zionist Jewish ter-
rorists, they couldn’t leave fast enough. On this
day, the Old City of Jerusalem appeared in im-
minent danger of being wrested from its Jewish
defenders by Palestine’s King Abdullah’s desert
legion. In the background is the Jewish section.
At right is the police headquarters.
The 6th Airborne Division in Palestine, above, was initially posted to the region as the Imperial Strategic Reserve. It
was envisioned as a mobile peace keeping force, positioned to be able to respond quickly to any area of the British
November 1st, 1947 Empire. In fact it became involved in an internal security role between 1945 and 1948. Here, British soldiers detain
suspected Zionist Jewish terrorists for interrogation after a recent bombing. Under the terms of the mandate, Great
Britain was responsible for the government and security of the country. It had long been a stated British aim to es-
tablish a Jewish homeland in Palestine and between 1922 and 1939 over 250,000 Jewish immigrants had legally ar-
rived in the country. However Arab resistance and the Second World War prompted the British to curtail immigration.
This caused the rise of the Jewish Terrorist Movement, which eventually came into direct conflict with and declared
war against the British authorities. When the 6th Airborne Division arrived in response to increasing terrorist activ-
ity, it became involved in internal security, being responsible for cordons and search operations, guarding convoys
and key installations. As the situation worsened, the men of the division had to patrol the towns and cities, enforce
curfews and dealing with frequent rioting by the Jewish civilian population. They also protected Jewish and Arab
settlements from sectarian violence. This was not without loss to the division and several members were killed and
wounded during this time. The end of the British mandate coincided with the post war reduction of the British Army
back to peace time levels, and the division’s numbers were gradually reduced rendering it ineffective.
Deir Yassin
November 17th, 1947

Zionist terrorists are on patrol near the no-man’s-land line

in Katamon, Jerusalem, on May 6th, 1948. In the back left
is the Arab owned hotel Semiramis, bombed by Zionist
terrorist forces four months ago, with the argument that
it was used as a headquarters for commanders of the Ar-
abs. 15 men and women were killed in the explosion.
Katamon, once an Arab community, was wrested from
the Arabs in a three day battle ending May 4th, 1948.
There was a continuous battle for days with automatic
weapons, mortars, grenades and armored cars. The Ar-
abs were poorly armed by comparison.
November 30th, 1947

Another view of the Jaffa gate, at right, shows the relatively new clock tower. The name Jaffa Gate
also refers to a breach in the wall slightly to the sought created in 1898 by the Ottoman authorities
in order to allow German emperor Wilhelm II to enter the city triumphantly on a white horse. That
breach, and the ramp leading up to it now allow cars to access the Old City. The L shape of the gate
is formed as a classical defensive measure designed to slow down oncoming attackers. The gate is
oriented towards Jaffa Road to accommodate arriving Pilgrims from the port of Jaffa.
A dying Jewish raider whose bomb-laden
vehicle is responsible for the rubble seen
in this image is carried to safety by a Brit-
ish policeman and an Arab Policeman from
a Muslim cemetery in Mamillah Road, Je-
rusalem, after the armored car in which
he and four other Jews had driven in their
bomb attack at Jaffa Gate had crashed. The
heavy vehicle had crashed into the wall of
the cemetery on January 7th, 1948. The ar-
mored car was wrecked by rifle fire from
police and soldiers after dropping a second
bomb at Mamillah Road. Eighteen people,
15 Muslims and 3 Jews, were killed in the
attack, including the Zionist terrorist pic-
tured being rushed to safety who later suc-
cumbed to his self-inflicted wounds.
January 18th, 1948
“ ...three killed when Jews passing in a car threw a bomb in Sarafind,
one dead when Jews attacked in a bus in the Sheik Jarrah quarter of Jerusalem... “
Below, the Beersheba Municipal Building with arriving British officers seen circa 1914-1918, during the British colonization of Palestine

January 19th, 1948

The tunnels dug under Gaza and into Egypt are a lifeline for the underground economy in Gaza. The racist Zionist government of Israel throttles the legal Palestinian economy
with legal restrictions on imports, exports, business dealings and sales such that over 80% of the Palestinian population are unemployed. The underground tunnels provide
access to those items Israel restricts—oil for cooking, propane fuel for generators, cement for rebuilding, quality foods restricted by the Israeli government and medications
made unavailable to Palestinians yet available to Jewish Israeli’s. Somewhat like the “Jew Only” roads that traverse Israel and male Palestinian travel impossible.
February 28th, 1948
A water well bombed by Zionist terrorists
March 6th, 1948

Gaza 2018
This child is terrified. This experience is enough to cause a lifetime of Post traumatic Stress Disorder and all of the various
symptoms that illness brings. To a child. The Muslim children in Gaza and Palestine are routinely and horribly brutalized
by Israel Defense Forces. One doesn’t need to wonder why these daily events create extraordinary animosity causing Pal-
estinian children to “act out” and throw rocks and engage in other violent protest. Decades of imprisonment and abuse
would cause anyone, especially a child, to go mad. The people of Gaza really do live in an outdoor prison created and
designed by the racist Zionist government of Israel. Inflicting terror on the Palestinians is what Israel does best.
Palestinian snipers move away from a flaming Zionist truck in the Sheik Jarrah quarter of Jerusalem, Palestine, after dragging the body of the driver from
the armored cab and dumping it on the road on March 7th, 1948. The truck was caught in sniper fire, crashed into a wall and burst into flames
March 8th, 1948

At left, the map shows: Israeli planes bombed Gaza and Deir Suneid (1), Tel Aviv an-
nounced its troops had repulsed the Egyptians at Yad Mordekhai (2). Cairo reported
its forces had occupied Hebron (3) and pushed patrols close to Bethlehem (4). The de-
fenders in the Old City in Jerusalem (5) were hard pressed by Trans-Jordan’s Arab Le-
gion, but Israeli units counter-attacked in a northern section and at Beit Safafa (6). Their
fliers attacked Legion concentrations at Shu’fat (7). Irgun Z’vai Leumi forces penetrated
Ramleh (8). The Egyptian Air Force again bombed Tel Aviv (9). Iraqi planes raided Beisan
(10) and Taiyiba, Indur and Beit Gan (12). Iraqi and Israeli ground forces battled in the
Jordan Valley (11). In the Samakh area (13, Israeli troops drove the Syrians from Samakh
(A on map), but the latter said they destroyed the settlements of Dagania A, Degania
B, Afikim and Ashdot Yaakov. Above, in Laetaemat, Khoza’a, east of the city of Khan
Younis, an Israeli manufactured automated robotic machine gun tower is seen from
which Israeli Defense Forces soldiers can monitor and employ rapid-fire machine gun
rounds operating from distant remote locations. Scouting and a physical presence are
no longer needed to shoot innocent Palestinians farming near the border, as has been
done for years—the shooting that is, the farming’s gone on for centuries.
“Without a homeland, something will always be missing. We’ll never have dignity.”
Moneeb Sobhiyya, Palestinian Refugee
“Expelling people from their homes is a war crime. As well as preventing them from returning.
Israel didn’t just commit a war crime in 1948 but continues to commit one every day to this day.”
Salman Abu Sitta, Author, Atlas Of Palestine, 1948
“... the IDF cannot walk the line of legality, let alone of legitimacy!!!”
~ Israeli military committee chaired by Major General Udi Shani, 2005
March 13th, 1948

PayPal serves illegal Zionist settlers but won’t allow Palestinians

to open accounts. Without access to PayPal, Palestinian entre-
preneurs, government agencies, non-profits and regular folks
like you and I face routine and daily difficulties in receiving pay-
ments for goods sold for profit through business associations and
even for non-profits unable to accept a charitable contribution
or send and receive money. Above, a Palestinian farmer looks
at Israeli army soldiers as he plants an olive tree near the West
Bank town of Tubas in the Jordan Valley. He’s here protesting the
closure of the land to Palestinians by the IDF and Zionist settlers.
Land his family once owned and had owned for generations.

Gaza 2018
June 23rd, 1948
HILL 3940
45 Vanderbilt Ave.
Please show your identification and immigration certificate to prove your legal status ...

June 23rd, 1948

Illegal aliens from the Altalena heading to a British prison ship for deportation
“Exodus 1947” was a ship that carried 4,500 Jewish immigrants from
France to British Mandatory Palestine in 1947, all illegal immigrants with-
out documentation. A group that the French government was glad to be
rid of. The ship was quickly boarded by the British Navy in international
waters and all of the smiling passengers were eventually deported.
On board the illegal alien transport Altalena
before the British boarded, debarked and
deported all of the illegal alien passengers
to waiting British prison ships
June 25th, 1948

Zionist youth groups, at left, were mod-

eled after adolph Hitler’s highly suc-
cessful youth organizations, a poster
for which is pictured above, developed
as propaganda arms of the state to in-
doctrinate children at an early age. For
example, being told at 6 or 7-years-old
that you’re one of gods chosen people
is a difficult concept to come to terms
with. I didn’t feel any more special than
anyone else. In fact, it wasn’t long, per-
haps as early as 10 or 12 years old that I
realized a number of concepts taught to
Jewish children even here in the United
States, are quite contrary to normalcy,
morality and ethics. Calling themselves
“God’s chosen people” has gained the Zi-
onists not just sympathy, but yards of ac-
tual and financial real estate, so to speak.
Yet we all know we’re all God’s chosen
people, each and everyone of us.
zation was based squarely on Jabotinsky’s teachings: every
Jew had the right to enter Palestine; only active retaliation
would deter the Arabs; only Jewish armed force would en-
sure the Jewish state.”

Jabotinsky formed the Irgun Z’vai Leumi in 1931, fully sev-

enteen years before Israel became a state. This became
the policy adopted not just by the Irgun but by all Israeli
leaders to this day and it’s readily apparent observing the
harsh killing machine that the
Israeli state

Menachim Begin, pictured in his dress uniform at

right, oversaw a group of various organizations
throughout his lifetime, all exploiting human be-
ings and employing terrorism to gain sociopolitical
commandan te IRGUN
and personal financial advantages. His Hashomer
youth groups were no different than the Hitler
Youth’s seen at the far right. What were they in-
doctrinated with, you might ask? Irgun policy was has become. With well over 100 protesters murdered
based on Revisionist Zionism founded by Ze’ev Ja- along with doctors and media personnel during recent
botinsky. According to Howard Sachar in his book, protests—murdered by sharpshooters from great dis-
“A History Of Israel: From The Rise Of Zionism To Our tances—it’s no surprise that Israel, employing terrorism at
Time, pp. 265-266), “The policy of the new organi- its harshest, is becoming an accepted global Pariah state.

“...only active retaliation would deter the Arabs; only Jewish armed force would ensure the Jewish state.”
March 30th, 1948

“there were [corpses of] women lying in houses with their skirts torn up to their waists and their legs wide apart; children with their
throats cut open, rows of young men shot in the back after being lined up at an execution wall. There were even bodies of babies.”
As World War II came to a close, MI5 received a stream of intelligence reports warning that the Ir-
gun and the Stern Gang were not just planning violence in the Mandate of Palestine, but were also
plotting to launch attacks inside Britain. In the spring and summer of 1946, coinciding with a sharp
escalation of anti-British violence in Palestine, MI5 received apparently reliable reports from SIME
that the Irgun and the Stern Gang were planning to send five terrorist “cells” to London “to work
on IRA lines.” To use their own words, the terrorists intended to “beat the dog in his own kennel.” The
SIME reports were derived from the interrogation of captured Irgun and Stern Gang fighters, from
local police agents in Palestine, and from liaisons with official Zionist political groups like the Jew-
ish Agency. They stated that among the targets for assassination were Britain’s foreign secretary,
Ernest Bevin, who was regarded as the main obstacle to the establishment of a Jewish state in the
Middle East, and the prime minister himself. MI5’s new director-general, Sir Percy Sillitoe, was so
alarmed that in August of1946 he personally briefed the prime minister on the situation, warning
him that an assassination campaign in Britain had to be considered a real possibility, and that his
own name was known to be on a Stern Gang hit list—The Right Honourable Clement Attlee, First
Lord of the Treasury, Defence Minister and Prime Minister of England was to be assassinated.

Pictured at right, UN members observe a moment of silence to honor of Count Folke Bernadotte
of Sweden, a beloved political ally whose assassination was an egregious and historically singu-
lar event. The perpetrators were Menachim Begin and Yitzhak Shamir—they were responsible
for approving and sanctioning the assassination, performed, of course, by others, cowards that
they were.
Mass murderer David Ben-Gurion, 1948
Yehoshua Zeitler, in an Israeli radio broadcast on Friday, September 9th, 1988, ad-
September 11th, 1988 mitted to directing the Stern Gangs successful operation to assas-
sinate Count Folke Bernadotte of Sweden in 1948, exactly 40 years
ago. In the same radio broadcast, Meshulam Markover, another
Stern Gang member, said he was the terrorist that led the four-man
assassination team tasked with assassinating Count Bernadotte.
Markover said they cut off Bernadotte’s car, three terrorists jumped
out of the Jeep they were driving and Yehoshua Cohen, one of the
three, killed Bernadotte and his French aide-de-camp on a quiet Je-
rusalem street on September 17th, 1948—publicly admitted terrorist
assassins. Felons, criminals and common thugs.

Of course there’s a reason this admission was made on September 9th,

1988. There was a looming possibility that the assassination of Count
Bernadotte would be reopened or at least scrutinized in some manner
by the ICC or the UN or other international agencies and to avoid untow-
ard and seriously unwanted publicity the state of Israel needed to deflect
blame and the assassins needed to come clean to protect the Israeli state.
So we have the admission, but not that the murdering assassins paid a
price for their crimes or are sorry, quite the opposite. They’re considered
heroes in the state of Israel with statues, a museum and a day commemo-
rating their exploits named after the terrorist group. Zionist terrorism has
had plastic surgery and now has a pretty new face.

Heinrich Himmler sent a request to Count Bernadotte in 1945, towards the

end of the war, requesting a truce and surrendering Germany to Britain and
the USA in exchange for German participation in Soviet Resistance. Count
Bernadotte brought Himmler’s request to the attention of Prime Minister
Winston Churchill of Britain and president Harry Truman of The United States.
Count Bernadotte also was closely involved with prisoner rescues and was a
primary participant in the liberation of 15,000 Swedes, Norwegians and French-
man interned in a German concentration camp. The Count was a hero and an
influential hero at that. But he had to be stopped. The Irgun, the Stern Gang, the
Haganah and the Zionist factions were furious over Bernadottes plans for Pales-
tine. The Count opposed the annexation of portions of the Palestinian Territories
proposed in the partition resolution concluded on November 29th, 1947. The
1939 White Paper opposed these plans as well. Bernadotte also wanted to see
an end to Jewish immigration to Palestine and Palestinian sovereignty restored
under Arab rule. Assassination was the Zonist response.

War Crimes 2014 by the Israeli Defense Forces
Black and White photography
Category: Depictions Of Mass Murder
“They ran like cats,” related the commander of the operation, Yehoshua Zettler, the Jerusalem commander of Lehi Z’vai Leumi,
the murderous, crazed Zionist terrorists, as he described the innocent Arab Muslims fleeing from their homes
in Deir Yassin two weeks after signing a peace treaty requested by the local Jewish settlers

Mandatory Palestine: Ben Gurions

Mandatory Massacre
“Deir Yassin massacre was not only necessary,
but without it the state of Israel could not have emerged”
~ Menachem Begin

The extraordinary irony is that the Zionist massacre of, forever for 1000s of years. A young fellow tied to a tree and set on fire. A
arguably, somewhere between 110 and 254 Muslim men, wom- woman and an old man shot in the backs. Teenage girls lined up
en, children, infants and the as yet unborn, the rapes and bru- against a wall and shot with a submachine gun. These are parts of
talization and the physical mutilations—disembowelments and the testimonies collected by filmmaker Neta Shoshani about the
burning’s—occurring on April 9th, 1948 took place two weeks massacre in Deir Yassin. For years now a document that makes for
after the nearby Jewish settlements requested the signing of a difficult reading has been lying in the Zionist military archives of
peace treaty which was subsequently approved and signed by which shows glorification and commemoration of the heritage of
the leaders of Deir Yassin. The local Zionist settlers and the lo- Lehi Z’vai Leumi—the Fighters for the Freedom of Israel—a pre-
cal Muslim residents were at peace with one another. The Zionist state underground terrorist militia. It was written by a member of
governing body, terrorists each and every one of them, of what the underground about 70 years ago. Reading it could reopen the
became the new state of Israel in 1948, had other policies to ad- ever bleeding wound of Deir Yassin and the subsequent Nakba
minister if Palestine was to be ethnically cleansed. And this was that to this day stirs a great deal of emotion in both Israeli and
the plan from the very beginning—total colonization and full and Palestinian society. Emotions stirred equally across the globe.
complete dispossession of the land owned by the indigenous
population, land owned by Muslim families for 100s and often “Last Friday together with Etzel” – the acronym for the National
over 1000 years. The Zionists intended from the very beginning, Military Organization, also known as the Irgun, another pre-state
well before 1948 and in fact, going back as far as the late 1800s, underground terrorist militia led by Menachem Begin – “our
to occupy and colonize Judea or what we have called Palestine movement carried out a tremendous operation to occupy the Arab
“There was a feeling of considerable slaughter and it was hard for me to explain it to myself as having been done in self-defense.
My impression was more of a massacre than anything else. If it is a matter of killing innocent civilians, then it can be called a massacre.”
~ Mordechai Gichon
Lieutenant Colonel, Haganah terrorist and IDF intelligence officer
sent to Deir Yassin when the battle ended

Two children, a brother and sister and former residents of Deir Yassin, left without parents or family after the massacre
village on the Jerusalem-Tel Aviv road – Deir Yassin. I been disputed for many years, but most researchers their homes. Shoshani interviewed him in 2009, a few explosion and move on and within a few hours, half the
participated in this operation in the most active way,” state that between 110 and 254 inhabitants of the vil- weeks before his death. Zettler denied that his people village isn’t there any more,” he said. Zettler also pro-
wrote Yehuda Feder, whose nom de guerre in Lehi lage, among them women, children, infants, unborn carried out a massacre in the village but he spared no vided a harsh account of the burning of the bodies of
(also known as the Stern Gang) was “Giora.” Further fetuses and elderly people, were killed there. “They ran words to describe the way its inhabitants were killed. those who were killed, after the village was occupied.
along in the letter, he describes in detail his part in the like cats,” related the commander of the operation, Ye- “I won’t tell you that we were there with kid gloves on. “Our guys made a number of mistakes there that made
massacre that took place there. “This was the first time hoshua Zettler, the Jerusalem commander of Lehi, as House after house ... we’re putting in explosives and me angry. Why did they do that?” he said. “They took
in my life that at my hands and before my eyes Arabs he described innocent unarmed Arabs fleeing from they are running away. An explosion and move on, an dead people, piled them up and burned them. There be-
fell. In the village I killed an armed Arab man and two
Arab girls of 16 or 17 who were helping the Arab who
was shooting. I stood them against a wall and blasted
them with two rounds from the Tommy gun,” he wrote,
describing how he carried out the brutal execution of
the two teenage girls with a submachine gun. Along
with that, he tells about looting in the village with his
buddies after it was occupied. “We confiscated a lot of
money and silver and gold jewelry fell into our hands,”
he wrote. He concludes the letter with the words:
“This was a really tremendous operation and it is with
reason that the left is vilifying us again.”

This letter is one of the historical documents revealed

in a documentary film entitled “Born in Deir Yassin” by
director Neta Shoshani, who devoted the past several
years to comprehensive historical research on the Deir
Yassin massacre, one of the constitutive incidents of
the War of Independence, which has remained a blot
on Israel to this day.

The assault on the village of Deir Yassin began on

the morning of April 9th, 1948, as part of Operation
Nachshon to break through the blockaded road to
Jerusalem, with the participation of about 130 Lehi
and Irgun terrorists who received aid from the Haga-
nah, the pre-independence terrorists that morphed
into Israel’s army. The fighters encountered stiff resis-
tance and sniper fire but had far superior weapons
and advanced slowly through the village lanes while
throwing grenades into the open windows of private
homes and blowing up people in the homes they lived
in. Four of the fighters were killed and dozens were “In the village I killed an armed Arab man and two Arab girls of 16 or 17 who were helping the Arab who was shooting. I stood
wounded. The number of Arab inhabitants who were
killed there and the circumstances of their deaths has them against a wall and blasted them with two rounds from the Tommy gun ... This was a really tremendous operation ...”
gan to be a stink. This is not so simple.”

Another harsh account was provided

by Professor Mordechai Gichon, a lieu-
tenant colonel in the Israel Defense
Forces reserves, who was a Haganah
terrorist intelligence officer sent to
Deir Yassin when the battle ended. “To
me it looked a bit like a pogrom,” said
Gichon, who died several years ago.
“If you’re occupying an army position
– it’s not a pogrom, even if a hundred
people are killed. But if you are coming
into a civilian locale and dead people
are scattered around in it – then it looks
like a pogrom. When the Cossacks burst
into Jewish neighborhoods, then that
should have looked something like this.”
According to Gichon:

Yair Tsaban, a former Meretz MK and

government minister, related in his
interview with Shoshani that after the
massacre, in which he did not partici-
pate, he was sent with fellow mem-
bers of the Youth Brigades to bury the
corpses of the dead. “The rationale was
that the Red Cross was liable to show up
at any moment and it was necessary to
blur the traces [of the killings] because
publication of pictures and testimonies
about what had happened in the village
would be very damaging to the image
of our War of Independence,” he said.

“I saw a fair number of corpses,” he add-

ed. “I don’t remember encountering the
corpse of a fighting man. Not at all. I re-
member mostly women and old men.”
Tsaban testified that he saw inhabit-
ants shot in the back and dismissed
the claims of some of participants in
the action that the locals had been hit in exchanges of fire. “An old man and a
woman, sitting in the corner of a room with their faces to the wall, and they are
shot in the back,” he recalled. “That cannot have been in the heat of battle. No

The massacre at Deir Yassin had many repercussions. The Jewish Agency, the
chief rabbis and the heads of the Haganah condemned it. The left used it to
denounce the right. Abroad, it was compared to the crimes of the Nazis. Addi-
tionally, as historian Benny Morris notes in his book “Righteous Victims,” “Deir
Yassin had a profound demographic and political effect: It was followed by mass
flight of Arabs from their locales.” It was terrorism plain and simple, designed to
cause the Arab population to flee—and it worked.

Shoshani first became interested in the Deir Yassin story about a decade ago,
while working on her final project at the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design
in Jerusalem, which focused on visual documentation of the Kfar Shaul state
psychiatric hospital, which in turn was built on the lands of Deir Yassin after
the war. Following her documentation of the place as it is today, with its build-
ings that had served the village’s inhabitants in the past and today are part of
the hospital, she also wanted to find historical pictures of the massacre that
took place there 70 years ago.

To her surprise, she found that the task was not at all simple. “On the inter-
net are pictures of corpses that are captioned as having been photographed at
Deir Yassin, but they are from Sabra and Chatila,” she says, referring to the 1982
massacre by Christian militiamen of hundreds of residents of the Palestinian
refugee camps in Lebanon. “In the IDF Archive they released to me for publica-
tion pictures of the fighters from Deir Yassin themselves,” she continued and dis-
played a series of photos showing armed Irgun and Lehi members, but no
trace of the Arabs who were killed.

At the Haganah Archive, where Shoshani continued her search – “like an naive
child,” as she said – another surprise awaited her. “An older man came up to me,
very hush-hush, took me to a side room and told me that he had taken pictures
immediately after the massacre,” she said.

The man was Shraga Peled, 91, who at the time of the massacre was in the
Haganah Information Service. He told Shoshani that after the battle he was
sent to the village with a camera to document what he saw there. “When I
got to Deir Yassin, the first thing I saw was a big tree to which a young Arab fel-
low was tied. And this tree was burnt in a fire. They had tied him to it and burned
him. I photographed that,” he related. He also claims he photographed from afar what looked like a few dozen irony in the assignment’s title. Asri’ — it’s almost as though it were a premonition of sorts. The following day,
other corpses collected in a quarry adjacent to the village. He handed the film over to his superiors, he says, entire families ran hurriedly in sheer terror, fleeing the only homes they had ever known to escape a bloodbath.
and since then he has not seen the photos. Possibly this is because the photos are part of the visual material By dawn on that Friday morning, life as they had known it would never be the same again. Deir Yassin would
that is hidden to this day in the Archive of the IDF and the Defense Ministry, of which the state is prohibiting never be the same again. Fathers, grandfathers, brothers and sons were lined up against a wall and sprayed
publication even 70 years after the fact. Shoshani petitioned the High Court of Justice about this a decade ago with bullets, execution style. Beloved teachers were savagely mutilated with knives. Mothers and sisters were
as part of her final project at Bezalel. Haaretz joined her in the petition. The state explained that publication taken hostage and those who survived returned to find pools of blood filling the streets of the village and
of the pictures was liable to damage the state’s foreign relations and the “respect for the dead.” In 2010, after children stripped of their childhoods overnight. The walls of homes, which once stood witness to warmth,
viewing the pictures, the Supreme Court justices rejected the petition, leaving the material far from the laughter and joy, were splattered with the blood and imprints of traumatic memories. My grandmother lost
public eye. In the meantime Shoshani managed to get hold of some other photos connected to the mas- 37 members of her family that day. These are not stories you will read about in most history books.
sacre, among them a series of pictures documenting orphaned children whose parents had been killed at
Deir Yassin. The Deir Yassin massacre continues to upset everyone who deals with it, even at a distance of Bitter symbol
70 years. Not everyone agrees with the characterization “massacre.” Historian Dr. Uri Milstein, who studies
Israel’s wars, does a lot to propagate the thesis that there wasn’t any massacre in the village. In many articles The Deir Yassin massacre was not the largest-scale massacre, nor was it the most gruesome. The atrocities
he has written, he claims that this is “a mendacious myth” and “a blood libel” and that the Arab dead were committed, the scale of violence and the complexity of the methods and insidious weaponry used by Israel
killed in “a battle in a built-up area.” “I don’t think that anyone there had the intention of coming there and killing terrorists against civilians in the recent decade have been far more sadistic and pernicious. But Deir Yassin
children,” says Shoshani in summing up the materials she has gathered about the incident. However, she says, marks one of the most critical turning points in Palestinian history. A bitter symbol carved in the fiber of the
“This was not a battle against fighters but rather the sudden occupation of a village, in confrontation with inhabit- Palestinian being and narrative, it resonates sharply as the event that catalyzed our ongoing Nakba, marked by
ants who defended their homes with meager means. There were also cases, apparently isolated, of mowing down the forced exile of 750,000 Palestinians from their homes, creating the largest refugee population worldwide
inhabitants, ‘executions,’ after the fighting was over, for the purpose of deterrence and out of fear.” The Deir Yassin with more than half living in the diaspora. Deir Yassin is a caustic reminder of the ongoing suffering, struggle
massacre was the first of a number of incidents in which Jewish fighters were involved in killing civilians in the and systematic genocide of the Palestinian people, 65 years and counting. When the village was terrorized
War of Independence and after it was over. Another infamous incident was the one at Kafr Qasem in 1956, on into fleeing, tumultuous shockwaves of terror ran through Palestine, laying the blueprint for the architecture
the day the fighting in the Sinai Campaign began. Forty-eight Israeli Arab citizens were killed by Border Police of today’s apartheid Israel.
gunfire. As in the case of Deir Yassin, the state is still censoring the archival materials from Kafr Qasem.
Sacred ground
As Told By Dina Elmuti
Chicago April 8th, 2013 I have been fortunate enough to see Deir Yassin and step foot on its sacred ground. Deir Yassin remains a per-
manently cemented and rigorous reminder of the spirit that has never permitted defeat. Despite the illegal
Transcribing the vivid details of the account engraved into the fabric of her memory, I am transfixed by all that settlements, pillaging, plundering and human suffering that took place, my grandmother’s home stands with
she’s held onto for 65 years. From paper to pulse, I write the story buried deep in her consciousness to affirm resolve just as she does today. The silence of her home and the original stones laid by my great-grandfather’s
her truth. Without her, it never would be written at all. I study the lines on my grandmother’s face knowing hands remain haunting reminders of life that once existed behind the cold facade. Standing outside her home
behind every one there is a timeless story of unmitigated pain, survival and hope. This story, where the contin- I studied the horizon intently and found solace, irrespective of the large wooden Star of David hanging on
ued dispossession, suffering and oppression of the Palestinian people began, is one that refuses to be silenced the window. This scathing and unholy reminder of the ethnic cleansing that took place there could never
or forgotten. It is the story of Deir Yassin. Remember the date: Friday, the 9th of April, 1948, a day of infamy in conceal the insult, injury and history it attempts to erase. In fact, it is a reminder of the inflicted wounds that
Palestinian history. My grandmother was nine years old at the time of the Deir Yassin massacre and every day remain open and the memory that remains very much alive. All the flags, banners and stars in the world, all
since she has lived with a steadfast commitment to never forget. the inconvenient truths, dehumanizing myths of exceptionalism and litany of crimes, will never succeed in
drowning out the truth or erasing the memories. My grandmother is an intrepid survivor and living proof that
Premonition neither the old nor the young will forget. She and survivors like her endure with a steadfastness that will live
long after they’re gone. Their narratives may not be recorded in our history books but they have left indelible
Thursday, April 8th, ended like any other in the small, quiet village. My grandmother and her younger sister impressions that will remain inscribed in our hearts and minds. The narratives of these survivors will continue
returned home from school to complete their composition assignment entitled Asri’ (meaning “to hurry” in to run through the veins of every Palestinian child who carries them in their blood. And so long as our hearts
Arabic). She recounts that detail animatedly. Like other children their age, she wanted to complete the assign- beat, the eloquent symbols of Palestinian life — resistance, resilience and hope — will continue to run strong.
ment in order to enjoy the next day off. The excitement, however, was short-lived. I can’t help but think of the No amount of fear-mongering, lip service or pontificating will ever keep these narratives of resistance from
The Deir Yassin Massacre
Peter Winter, the author of the best-selling The Six Plan A (February 1945), Plan B (May 1947) and Plan in the morning of Friday, April 9, 1948, commandos of who was touring the village and reporting the massacre,
Million: Fact or Fiction?, said that it was “worthwhile, C (November 1947), all of which had been designed the Irgun, headed by Menachem Begin, and the Stern saying, ‘Minus 15 Arabs. Minus 60 Arabs.’ After a while
on yet another ‘International Holocaust Remembrance to expedite the ethnic cleansing of Palestine to make Gang attacked Deir Yassin, a village with about 750 his message on the radio to headquarters became: ‘It’s
Day,’ to consider perhaps one of the greatest acts of way for Jewish settlement. Plan D consisted of at least Palestinian residents. Most sources put the number difficult to count.’”
chutzpah: siting Israel’s official “holocaust memorial” 13 separate military underground operations which of dead at 254, including 25 pregnant women who
on a site directly overlooking Deir Yassin—a Palestinian were carried out by the “Palmach”—the elite fight- were bayoneted and 52 children who were maimed According to eye-witness Abu Yousef, who was 21,
village whose population was murdered out of existence ing force of the Haganah, the underground Jewish in front of their mothers before being beheaded and “after the battle, the Jews took elderly men and women
in exactly the way that the Holocaust Storytellers claim army—which were set to be put into action before the mothers slain. Rape, mutilation and humiliation and youths, including four of my cousins and a nephew.
happened to Jews in World War II.” Arab forces entered the areas allotted to the Pales- were the norm, according to survivors. Mahmoud They took them all. Women who had on them gold and
tinians by the United Nations Partition Plan. For this Kassem El-Yassini, who was 5 at the time, said in his money were stripped of their gold. After the Jews had re-
Winter went on to describe the events at moved their dead and wounded, they took
Deir Yassin, and the circumstances which the men to the quarry and sprayed them
led up to Yad Vashem being located at all with bullets… One woman saw her son
the site: The massacre at Deir Yassin took taken some 40 to 60 meters away from
place on April 9, 1948, when around 120 where she and the rest of the women stood,
Jewish terrorists from the Zionist terrorist and shot dead. Then they brought Jewish
groups, the Irgun Zevai Leumi and Loha- kids to throw stones at his body. Then, they
mei Herut, attacked the village without poured kerosene over his body and set it
warning. The attack was carried out not ablaze, while the women watched from a
as part of some ongoing “war,” but merely distance.”
because the Zionists were then currently
busy with an ethnic cleansing program to Twenty-five male villagers were loaded
drive the Palestinians out of all land which into trucks, paraded through the Zakhron
had been earmarked to become Israel. Yosef quarter in Jerusalem in front of
cheering Jewish crowds, and then taken
As described on the official Deir Yassin re- to a stone quarry along the road between
membrance site, the village of Deir Yassin Givat Shaul and Deir Yassin and shot to
lay outside of the area to be assigned by death. The remaining residents were driv-
the United Nations to the Jewish State, en to Arab East Jerusalem. A final body
and it had a peaceful reputation. But, Deir count of 254 was reported by The New
Yassin’s “sin” was that it was located on York Times on April 13, a day after the
high ground in the corridor between Tel dead were buried. At least ten houses
Aviv and Jerusalem. were dynamited, and the local cemetery
bulldozed. Within months, the area was
Deir Yassin had been slated for occupa- resettled with Jews from Poland, Rumania,
tion under the infamous “Plan D,”—a formal and Slovakia—who had all “miraculously”
plan drawn up by the Zionist movement by Israel’s purpose, the Haganah created a “Committee for Arab testimony that “there were [corpses of] women lying in escaped the “gas chambers”—and the village was re-
first Prime Minister, David Ben-Gurion, in 1947. Plan Properties in Villages,” the purpose of which was to houses with their skirts torn up to their waists and their named Givat Shaul Bet. Deir Yassin was wiped off the
D, or “Plan Dalet”—named after the fourth letter in register and take possession of all Palestinian proper- legs wide apart; children with their throats cut open, map. As Jerusalem expanded, the land of Deir Yassin
the Hebrew alphabet—was launched six weeks pri- ties in the villages the Zionist forces had conquered. rows of young men shot in the back after being lined up became part of the city and is now known simply as
or to the end of the British Mandate in Palestine. It Similar committees were established in major Pales- at an execution wall. There were even bodies of babies.” the area between Givat Shaul and the settlement of
was called Plan D because it had been preceded by tinian cities like Haifa, Safad, Yafa and Tabariyah. Early El-Yassini recalls, “I remember hearing a Jewish terrorist Har Nof on the western slopes of the mountain.
Today, the site of the massacre of Deir Yas-
sin is contained within the grounds of the
Kfar Shaul Mental Health Center, a mental
asylum—for Jews only, of course—in Gi-
vat Shaul.

It has to be the ultimate act of Chutzpah:

to locate a memorial to an alleged Jew-
ish holocaust at the site of a very real ho-
locaust carried out by Zionist terrorists
against Palestinians.

“The siting of Yad Vashem at this spot re-

veals much about the psychology behind
the Holocaust Storytellers, and how they
view the world,” Winter concluded.
A day at the “Jew Only” club for Zionist’s in Palestine.
Pictured is the Bat Galim Casino and pool on the shores of the
Bat Galim neighborhood of Haifa. The image was taken between 1940 and 1946.
The rest, as they say, is history. I want to thank anyone
and everyone that’s read my free eMagazines over the
last ten years. My favorites are always located at Aca-
demia.edu, an open web site that does not require a
login to download or read online although the larger
magazines can’t be read online.

I retired from publishing for-profit magazines, have

published somewhere around 100 free eMagazines
since then, and this is the last.

It’s time for me to spend time with Ann and my cat,

watch movies and relax. Creating these eMagazines is
extremely difficult, requires 100s of hours of research,
100s of hours in Photoshop and 100s more hours fid-
dling around in Adobe InDesign to create the final
product. I’m exhausted and frankly, tired of doing this.
However, I want to leave you with an idea. A concept
that’s helped me throughout my life and one that can
change the world. This page and the next few are de-
voted to helping you understand that concept.

I very sincerely hope that my eMagazines on vaccines

and food additives, environmental chemicals and the
US Constitution, and especially this one, have helped.
On to other pastures ...

Warmest Regards,

Jeff Prager
This is not the end. It’s just the beginning ...

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