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Six-Minute Magnetic Resonance Imaging Protocol

for Evaluation of Acute Ischemic Stroke

Pushing the Boundaries
Kambiz Nael, MD; Rihan Khan, MD; Gagandeep Choudhary, MD; Arash Meshksar, MD;
Pablo Villablanca, MD; Jennifer Tay, MD; Kendra Drake, MD; Bruce M. Coull, MD;
Chelsea S. Kidwell, MD

Background and Purpose—If magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is to compete with computed tomography for evaluation
of patients with acute ischemic stroke, there is a need for further improvements in acquisition speed.
Methods—Inclusion criteria for this prospective, single institutional study were symptoms of acute ischemic stroke within
24 hours onset, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale ≥3, and absence of MRI contraindications. A combination of
echo-planar imaging (EPI) and a parallel acquisition technique were used on a 3T magnetic resonance (MR) scanner to
accelerate the acquisition time. Image analysis was performed independently by 2 neuroradiologists.
Results—A total of 62 patients met inclusion criteria. A repeat MRI scan was performed in 22 patients resulting in a total
of 84 MRIs available for analysis. Diagnostic image quality was achieved in 100% of diffusion-weighted imaging, 100%
EPI-fluid attenuation inversion recovery imaging, 98% EPI-gradient recalled echo, 90% neck MR angiography and 96%
of brain MR angiography, and 94% of dynamic susceptibility contrast perfusion scans with interobserver agreements (k)
ranging from 0.64 to 0.84. Fifty-nine patients (95%) had acute infarction. There was good interobserver agreement for
EPI-fluid attenuation inversion recovery imaging findings (k=0.78; 95% confidence interval, 0.66–0.87) and for detection
of mismatch classification using dynamic susceptibility contrast-Tmax (k=0.92; 95% confidence interval, 0.87–0.94).
Thirteen acute intracranial hemorrhages were detected on EPI-gradient recalled echo by both observers. A total of 68 and
72 segmental arterial stenoses were detected on contrast-enhanced MR angiography of the neck and brain with k=0.93,
95% confidence interval, 0.84 to 0.96 and 0.87, 95% confidence interval, 0.80 to 0.90, respectively.
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Conclusions—A 6-minute multimodal MR protocol with good diagnostic quality is feasible for the evaluation of patients
with acute ischemic stroke and can result in significant reduction in scan time rivaling that of the multimodal computed
tomographic protocol.   (Stroke. 2014;45:1985-1991.)
Key Words: magnetic resonance angiography ◼ magnetic resonance imaging ◼ perfusion imaging ◼ stroke

A cute ischemic stroke (AIS) is a common and often dev-

astating disorder; however, acute treatments that reduce
long-term disability are available if patients present within the
should not delay treatment with intravenous tissue-type plas-
minogen activator.5
Noncontrast CT is used in initial evaluation of AIS, in part,
timewindow for treatment.1,2 Neuroimaging plays a critical because of fast acquisition time, widespread availability, and
role in the evaluation of these patients. Multimodal computed ease of interpretation in the emergency setting. The introduc-
tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) tion of multislice technology has expanded the CT armamen-
has been used in comprehensive stroke centers, although the tarium to make multimodal CT that includes CT angiography
role of advanced imaging in improvement of stroke outcome and whole-brain coverage perfusion CT feasible in the acute
remains controversial.3,4 These fast and more efficient imag- stroke setting. This technology has dramatically increased
ing modalities provide information beyond the mere presence the speed and simplicity of CT techniques and has set a high
or absence of intracranial hemorrhage, including tissue via- standard for alternative imaging modalities. A comprehensive
bility, site of occlusion, and collateral status, although current CT stroke algorithm, including parenchymal imaging (non-
guidelines emphasize that acute stroke multimodal imaging contrast head CT), CT angiography, and perfusion/penumbral

Received February 28, 2014; final revision received May 5, 2014; accepted May 7, 2014.
From the Departments of Medical Imaging (K.N., R.K., G.C., A.M., C.S.K.) and Neurology (J.T., K.D., B.M.C., C.S.K.), University of Arizona, Tucson;
and Department of Radiological Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles (P.V.).
Presented in part at the International Stroke Conference of the American Heart Association, San Diego, CA, February 12–14, 2014 (Oral Presentation,
Paper 117).
The online-only Data Supplement is available with this article at
Correspondence to Kambiz Nael, MD, Neuroradiology Section, Department of Medical Imaging, University of Arizona Medical Center, 1501 N
Campbell, PO Box 245067, Tucson, AZ 85724. E-mail [email protected]
© 2014 American Heart Association, Inc.
Stroke is available at DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.114.005305

1986  Stroke  July 2014

Figure 1. Schematic view of our 6-minute MRI

stroke protocol. CE-MRA indicates contrast-
enhanced magnetic resonance angiography; DSC,
dynamic susceptibility contrast; DWI, diffusion-
weighted imaging; EPI-FLAIR, echo-planar imag-
ing-fluid attenuation inversion recovery imaging;
EPI-GRE, EPI-gradient recalled echo; and MRI,
magnetic resonance imaging.

imaging by CT perfusion can now be acquired and processed Methods

in <10 minutes.6,7
Although CT is the most widely available and faster imag-
This prospective single institutional study was performed with in-
ing modality, some comprehensive stroke centers favor stitutional review board approval. Patients with suspected AIS from
streamlined magnetic resonance (MR) protocols instead of January to December 2013 were enrolled using the following inclu-
CT for 2 major reasons: (1) MRI has been demonstrated to sion criteria: (1) high clinical suspicion of AIS determined by the
be far more sensitive for the detection of acute ischemia and neurology stroke team and baseline National Institutes of Health
Stroke Scale scores ≥3; (2) interval between the onset of neurologi-
more specific for delineation of infarction core volume when
cal deficits to MRI of <24 hours; (3) absence of contraindication to
compared with CT5,8 and (2) lack of radiation. A comprehen- MRI. Patient demographic data, median time from last known well
sive CT stroke protocol delivers a mean effective dose of 16.4 to MRI, and median National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale were
mSv,9 which is ≈6× the dose of an unenhanced CT head. This documented for each patient.
high dose usually prohibits repeating the study for follow-up
of treatment in most clinical settings. Image Acquisition
However, because of longer acquisition time and limited All patients underwent MRI on a 3.0T (Siemens Skyra, Erlangen,
availability; MRI has been mainly used in large institutions and Germany) MR system. Figure 1 shows a schematic of the imaging
comprehensive stroke centers. A comprehensive MR protocol, protocol, which included diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI), EPI-
fluid attenuation inversion recovery imaging (FLAIR), EPI-gradient
including parenchymal imaging, MR angiography (MRA), recalled echo (GRE), contrast-enhanced MRA (CE-MRA), and dy-
and MR perfusion, can be obtained in the order of 20 min- namic susceptibility contrast (DSC) perfusion imaging. The combina-
utes as demonstrated in several clinical trials.10–12 Introduction tion of EPI sequence design and a generalized autocalibrating partially
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of fast imaging techniques, such as parallel acquisition13 and parallel acquisition algorithm13 resulted in a fast MRI protocol with
echo-planar imaging (EPI),14,15 has significantly enhanced the total acquisition time of ≈6 minutes. Detailed sequence parameters
are summarized in Table 1. The 6-minute time is an estimate calcu-
performance of MRI in terms of acquisition speed. If their lated based on all steps required to complete the image acquisition.
potential is realized, the application of EPI and parallel imag- It should be noted that acquisition time may vary on a case by case
ing techniques can significantly enhance the performance and basis depending on factors, such as patient cooperation and technical
speed of MR to compete with multimodal CT for evaluation difficulties. In a subset of patients (n=40), conventional FLAIR and
of AIS and can be used to facilitate imaging-based stroke GRE were obtained for comparison purposes. A detailed description
of image acquisition and the technical components are provided in the
research. The purpose of this study was to establish the feasi- online-only Data Supplement. The sequence parameters for conven-
bility of a fast MR protocol that can be obtained in ≈6 minutes tional imaging are detailed in the online-only Data Supplement.
rivaling that of any comprehensive acute stroke CT protocol.
We describe the technical aspects and present our initial clini- Image Analysis
cal experience using this protocol. Image analysis was performed by 2 board certified neuroradiologists
independently and in separate reading sessions. The readers were
blinded to the result of conventional MRI. The source data and recon-
Table 1.  MR Imaging Protocol and Sequence Parameters structed MRA images using maximum intensity projection were used
DWI EPI-FLAIR EPI-GRE CE-MRA DSC for image analysis. DSC images were processed using commercially
available Food and Drug Administration–approved software (Olea
TR/TE, ms 4600/65 100 00/82 1860/48 3.3/1.2 1450/22 Sphere; Olea Medical SAS, La Ciotat, France). DSC analysis con-
FA, ° 90 90 90 25 90 sisted of the following steps: (1) truncation of the first 5 time points
in the DSC time series because the MR signal does not reach steady
Matrix, mm 160 128 192 448 128 state before this time, (2) calculation of prebolus signal intensity on a
FOV, mm 220 220 220 340 220 voxel-wise basis, and then (3) conversion of truncated DSC time se-
Slices (n×thickness), mm 30×4 30×4 40×3 120×0.8 30×4 ries to a concentration–time curve based on the T2* relaxivity of the
contrast agent. The arterial input function was selected automatically
GRAPPA 3 3 3 4 3 using a block-circulant singular value decomposition technique.16
Acquisition time, s 58 52 56 22 90 The Tmax maps with threshold of ≥6 s were then automatically gen-
erated and exported from the software for subsequent analysis.
CE-MRA indicates contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography; DSC,
dynamic susceptibility contrast perfusion; DWI, diffusion-weighted imaging; EPI,
echo-planar imaging; FA, flip angle; FLAIR, fluid attenuation inversion recovery Image Quality
imaging; FOV, field-of-view; GRAPPA, generalized autocalibrating partially The readers were asked to grade DWI, EPI-FLAIR, EPI-GRE, and
parallel acquisition; GRE, gradient recalled echo; MR, magnetic resonance; TE, DSC-Tmax maps using a 3-scale scoring system with regards to sus-
echo-time; Tmax, time-to-maximum; and TR, repetition time. ceptibility mediated distortion at tissue interfaces, noise, motion, and
Nael et al   Six-Minute MR Stroke Protocol    1987

delineation of major structures, such as the ventricles, thalami, basal Carotid Endarterectomy Trial (NASCET)19 criteria for neck and The
ganglia, brain stem, and posterior fossa: (1) poor image quality, not Stroke Outcomes and Neuroimaging of Intracranial Atherosclerosis
interpretable; (2) moderate diagnostic image quality, some distortion/ (SONIA) trial20 criteria for brain arteries. When ≥2 stenoses were de-
noise, limits detailed delineation of major structures; (3) good im- tected in the same vessel segment, the most severe stenosis was used
age quality, none to minimal distortion with detailed delineation of for grading and analysis. The extracranial arteries evaluated included
all structures. A score of 2 or 3 was considered as overall adequate origin of supra-aortic arteries, common carotid arteries, cervical in-
diagnostic image quality. ternal carotid arteries, and cervical vertebral arteries. The intracranial
The MRA images were divided into extracranial and intracranial arteries were divided in to the following segments: petrocavernous
portions and graded using a 3-scale scoring system based on con- internal carotid arteries, supraclinoid internal carotid arteries, anterior
spicuity of the arterial system, adequate contrast opacification, and cerebral arteries (A1 and A2 segments), middle cerebral arteries (M1
motion artifact: (1) arterial segment was poorly visible with substan- and M2 segments), intradural segments of vertebral arteries, basilar
tial blurring and artifact; (2) arterial enhancement was sufficient with artery, and posterior cerebral arteries (P1 and P2 segments).
some blurring and artifacts (sufficient image quality for confident
diagnosis); (3) excellent image quality and sharply defined borders
(highly confident for diagnosis of arterial stenosis). The MRA images Statistical Analysis
were rated as having adequate diagnostic image quality (score ≥2) if Statistical analyses were performed using MedCalc (version 12.2.1;
there was clear discrimination between the vessel lumen and back- MedCalc Software, Ostend, Belgium). The qualitative scores were
ground, sharp vessel boundaries, uniform intraluminal signal/density, plotted as median and range and tested for statistical significance us-
and sharply defined lesion boundaries. ing a Wilcoxon signed-rank test. The quantitative SIR values between
FLAIR and EPI-FLAIR were tested with a t test. A weighted κ test
with calculation of 95% confidence interval was used to evaluate
Clinical Imaging Findings the interobserver agreement in comparative analysis of DWI, EPI-
The readers filled a questionnaire for each patient consisting of the FLAIR, EPI-GRE, CE-MRA, and DSC perfusion. The significance
following questions: level was defined as P<0.05 (2-sided).

1. DWI:
1. AIS (+/−) Results
2. If (+), determine the location and mechanism (territorial, A total of 62 patients (37 M, 25 F) with a mean age of 69.8
embolic, lacunar, and watershed). (range, 36–94) years met our inclusion criteria. National
2. EPI-FLAIR Institutes of Health Stroke Scale scores at baseline ranged
1. Determine the presence of hyperintensity corresponding to from 3 to 30 with a median of 6. The median time from last
the area of restricted diffusion (+/−).
2. Calculate the signal:intensity ratio (SIR) of the DWI-positive well known to MRI was 14 (range, 1–23) hours.
lesion to contralateral normal white matter. This was per- Twenty-two patients underwent a second MRI examina-
formed using a region of interest–based analysis method, as tion during their hospital course resulting in a total of 84
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recently published.17 sets of acute MR stroke protocols for analysis. The median
3. The same analysis was performed in a subset of patients time between the 2 MRIs in this group was 7 (range, 3–28)
(n=40), who had conventional FLAIR images in a separate
reading session. The patients with acute infarction were cat- hours. The indication for repeat MRI included follow-up
egorized into 2 groups based on time from onset to MRI of endovascular recanalization (n=6), follow-up intravenous
lesser or greater than 4.5 hours as the cutoff for thromboly- tissue-type plasminogen activator (n=11), and decline in
sis. The mean±SD of the SIR values on EPI-FLAIR and con- mental status (n=5).
ventional FLAIR were correlated in these 2 groups.
1. Determine the presence of acute intracranial hemorrhage. Image Quality
This was compared with the finding of conventional GRE in Images were rated as having adequate diagnostic image qual-
a subset of patients (n=40). ity in 100% of DWI, 100% of EPI-FLAIR, 97.6% (82/84) of
2. Determine the presence of clot in proximal intracranial ar-
EPI-GRE, 97.6% (82/84) of brain MRA, 94% (80/84) of neck
teries. The observers were asked to determine the presence
of susceptibility-related blooming on EPI-GRE or hyperin- MRA, and 94% (80/84) of DSC-Tmax (Figure 2). There was
tense signal on EPI-FLAIR within the proximal intracranial no statistically significant difference between the observers for
arteries. image quality scores (P>0.2) with good to excellent interob-
4. DSC perfusion server agreement with κ values ranging from 0.64 to 0.84. The
1. Determine the presence of perfusion deficit using DSC
image quality scores by each observer and the interobserver
Tmax≥6 s.
2. The volumes of DWI abnormality, hypoperfused region us- agreement for each imaging parameter are detailed in Table 2.
ing Tmax≥6 s, and DWI–diffusion mismatch ratios were Two CE-MRA studies were rated nondiagnostic because of
generated by each observer. Using the modified Diffusion poor contrast timing. Two of the neck CE-MRA studies were
and Perfusion Imaging Evaluation for Understanding Stroke nondiagnostic because of significant motion artifact. Four
Evolution criteria,18 the patients were categorized into 3
groups (1) mismatch: perfusion abnormality volume >180%
DSC perfusion studies were nondiagnostic because of poor
of infarction core volume, (2) matched: perfusion abnormal- contrast bolus profile, likely because of small bore intrave-
ity volume >70% but <180% of the infarction core volume, nous lines (n=2) and significant motion artifact (n=2).
(3) reperfused: perfusion abnormality volume <70% of the
infarction core volume. These scores were then used to per-
form comparative analysis between observers.
Clinical Imaging Findings
5. CE-MRA Infarction
Arterial segments were examined for stenoses independently A total of 59/62 (95%) had positive DWI lesions (acute
by 2 neuroradiologists. Arterial stenosis were quantified using es- infarction), identified by both observers. In 3 patients without
tablished methods, including The North American Symptomatic infarction, 2 were ultimately considered to have had a seizure
1988  Stroke  July 2014

Figure 2. A 90-year-old woman

with history of left-sided weak-
ness, baseline National Insti-
tutes of Health Stroke Scale,
8; time from onset to imaging,
70 minutes. Sequential aligned
diffusion-weighted imaging
(A), echo-planar imaging-fluid
attenuation inversion recovery
imaging (EPI-FLAIR; B), EPI-gra-
dient recalled echo (C), dynamic
susceptibility contrast-Tmax (D),
and a coronal maximum inten-
sity projection from CE-MRA of
the head and neck are shown.
There is an acute infarction
involving the right basal ganglia.
The signal:intensity ratio value of
the region of infarction was 1.12
on EPI-FLAIR images without
corresponding hyperintense sig-
nal. CE-MRA shows occlusion
of the right M1 segment (arrow).
Note the diagnostic image
quality of this fast 6-minute MR
stroke protocol. CE-MRA indi-
cates contrast-enhanced mag-
netic resonance angiography;
and MR, magnetic resonance.

(Figure 3) and 1 had a hemorrhagic mass. The distribution of agreement (κ=0.78; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.66–0.87)
the infarctions was territorial n=31, embolic n=16, lacunar between the readers for EPI-FLAIR findings. The mean of the
n=10, and watershed n=2. SIR values on EPI-FLAIR was 1.17 for patients with time of
onset to MRI of <4.5 hours (n=26) and 1.36 for patients with
time of onset to MRI of >4.5 hours (n=36), respectively, con-
In 43/59 (73%) patients with acute infarction, EPI-FLAIR had
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cordant with the result of recently published report.21

concordant lesion/hyperintensity to the DWI lesion. The time
In a subset of patients (n=40), conventional FLAIR image
from onset to MRI ranged from 2.5 to 23 hours in this group.
findings concurred with EPI-FLAIR findings in 39/40 (97%).
In 16/59 (27%) of patients with acute infarction, EPI-FLAIR
In only 1 case, EPI-FLAIR was discordant with FLAIR and
did not show corresponding signal abnormality. Time from
unable to show subtle FLAIR hyperintensity, corresponding
presentation to MRI ranged from 1 to 6 hours in this group.
to a small cerebellar lacunar infarction. The overall mean±SD
In 8 (13%) patients, vascular FLAIR hyperintensity was
of the SIR values on EPI-FLAIR and FLAIR for DWI-positive
detected (carotid n=3, middle cerebral artery stem n=2, and
lesions were 1.25±0.15 and 1.22±0.13, respectively (P=0.3).
middle cerebral artery distal sylvian branches n=3) suggestive
of sluggish flow or clot formation. There was an overall good EPI-GRE
Acute intracranial hemorrhage was identified in 6/62 (9%)
Table 2.  Image Quality Scores and Interobserver Agreements patients (parenchymal hemorrhage, n=3; petechial hemor-
rhage associated with infarction, n=2; hemorrhagic mass,
Observer 1 Observer 2 Interobserver n=1). In 22 patients with follow-up MR studies, 7 additional
intracranial hemorrhages were identified (1 parenchymal hem-
Image Quality Scores 1 2 3 1 2 3 (κ, 95% CI)
orrhage after revascularization and 6 petechial hemorrhages
DWI 0 7 77 0 7 77 0.84, 0.77–0.89 associated with areas of infarction). In 5 patients (8%), bloom-
EPI-FLAIR 0 16 68 0 10 74 0.76, 0.64–0.83 ing artifact was identified in main proximal arteries (carotid,
EPI-GRE 2 13 69 1 9 74 0.70, 0.58–0.80 n=2; middle cerebral artery stem, n=3) suggestive of clot for-
Brain CE-MRA 2 12 70 1 10 73 0.68, 0.55–0.78 mation. In a subset of patients (n=40) who had conventional
Neck CE-MRA 4 16 64 2 12 70 0.64, 0.60–0.80 GRE, EPI-GRE findings were concordant in 100% for detec-
DSC-Tmax 3 29 52 5 22 57 0.69, 0.56–0.79 tion of acute intracranial hemorrhage. There was an overall
excellent agreement (κ=0.95; 95% CI, 0.88–0.96) between the
Data are presented as the number of studies in each category. Score 1: poor
image quality, not interpretable. Score 2: moderate diagnostic image quality,
readers for EPI-GRE findings.
some distortion/noise, limits detail delineation of major structures. Score 3: DSC Perfusion
good image quality, none to minimal distortion with detailed delineation of On evaluation on DSC-Tmax, all patients had a perfusion defi-
all structures. CI indicates confidence interval; CE-MRA, contrast-enhanced
cit: mismatch n=21; matched n=49; and reversed mismatch
magnetic resonance angiography; DSC, dynamic susceptibility contrast
perfusion; DWI, diffusion-weighted imaging; EPI, echo-planar imaging; FLAIR, n=14. The interobserver agreement for mismatch classifica-
fluid attenuation inversion recovery imaging; GRE, gradient recalled echo; and tion using Diffusion and Perfusion Imaging Evaluation for
Tmax, time-to-maximum. Understanding Stroke Evolution criteria18 was κ=0.92, 95%
Nael et al   Six-Minute MR Stroke Protocol    1989

acute hemorrhage (T2* and FLAIR), (2) parenchymal imag-

ing that identifies the presence and size of an irreversible
infarcted core and determines the presence of hemorrhage, (3)
MRA to determine the presence of proximal arterial occlu-
sions, stenosis, and intravascular thrombus, and (4) perfusion
imaging to determine the presence of potential hypoperfused
tissue at risk. The use of multimodal imaging has been advo-
cated for the evaluation of AIS because it has the potential
to provide additional information beyond that of noncontrast
CT. However, although some studies suggest that this infor-
mation has some clinical use,11,22 no study or trial to date has
demonstrated improved outcomes or overall benefit from this
In this study, we demonstrated that a 6-minute MR stroke
protocol is feasible while maintaining a high degree of image
diagnostic quality. Across our cases, we obtained diagnos-
tic image quality in ≥90% of studies with a high interob-
server agreement to demonstrate the reproducibility of our
technique. In this regard, we were able to demonstrate that
EPI-FLAIR provides comparable qualitative and quantita-
tive values to those obtained from conventional FLAIR and
resultant reduction in acquisition time as recently shown.21
In this study, we obtained high diagnostic image quality
with EPI-FLAIR and comparable image quality and imag-
ing findings with conventional FLAIR in a subset of patients
(n=30). The application of FLAIR imaging as part of acute
Figure 3. A 67-year-old woman unresponsive and confused, MR stroke protocol provides diagnostic value for detection of
baseline National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale, 27; time from
onset to imaging, 2 hours. Sequential aligned diffusion-weighted subtle cerebral subarachnoid hemorrhage, added diagnostic
imaging (A), echo-planar imaging-fluid attenuation inversion value to GRE images for detecting intra-arterial clot,23–25 and
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recovery imaging (EPI-FLAIR; B), dynamic susceptibility contrast can be used to estimate the age of infarction in patients with
(DSC)-cerebral blood flow (C), and DSC-Tmax (D) are shown.
There is mild restricted diffusion involving the left parieto-occipital
both known and unknown time of onset of neurological defi-
lobe region (A, arrows) and also posterior thalamus (pulvinar cit (wake-up stroke).26 In this study, using EPI-FLAIR, the
region, arrowhead). There is corresponding increased perfusion mean of the SIR value of >1.3 consistently identified patients
(C and D, arrows) to the areas with restricted diffusion, suggest- with time of onset to MRI of >4.5 hours concordant with the
ing seizure-related activity rather than infarction. This patient
received antiepileptic medication with complete recovery of result of recently published reports with use of FLAIR17 and
­neurological status. EPI-FLAIR.21
In this cohort of patients, we found that EPI-GRE is com-
parable with conventional GRE in terms of image quality and
CI, 0.87 to 0.94 (Table I in the online-only Data Supplement). detection of intracranial hemorrhage in a subset of patients
Among 22 patients who had follow-up MRI, 14 patients had
(n=30) but with a 3-fold reduction in scan time. GRE has
reversed mismatch (endovascular recanalization, n=6; intrave-
been successfully used in acute stroke protocol to detect acute
nous tissue-type plasminogen activator, n=5; and spontaneous
parenchymal hemorrhage with comparable accuracy with
recanalization, n=3).
CT.27 In our study, both EPI-FLAIR and EPI-GRE were able
CE-MRA to detect intra-arterial clot concordant with the use of FLAIR
In evaluation of neck CE-MRA, from a total 252 available arte- and GRE.23,24
rial segments, 23 high-grade segmental stenoses (9%) and 9 Finally, our results suggest that combined CE-MRA and
segmental occlusions (3.5%) were identified. In evaluation of DSC perfusion is feasible, resulting in significant reduction
brain CE-MRA, from a total of 839 arterial segments avail- in scan time as previously suggested.28,29 We used a modified
able, 26 high-grade segmental stenosis (3%) and 29 segmental 2-phase contrast injection scheme29 to perform both CE-MRA
occlusion (3.4%) were identified. The interobserver agree- and DSC perfusion imaging, without the need for additional
ments were κ=0.93, 95% CI 0.84 to 0.96 for neck CE-MRA and contrast.
κ=0.87, 95% CI 0.80 to 0.90 for brain CE-MRA. The distribu- Time-of flight MRA has been traditionally used in routine
tion of brain and neck arterial stenoses detected by CE-MRA is stroke protocols to evaluate the status of neck and brain arter-
detailed in Table II in the online-only Data Supplement. ies. Some of the potential disadvantages of time-of flight MRA
include long acquisition time in the order of 5 to 7 minutes and
Discussion potential for spin saturation and phase dispersion secondary to
As such, a comprehensive MR stroke protocol currently has slow or turbulent flow, which in turn can result in overestima-
4 major components: (1) sequences that allow detection of tion of arterial stenosis.30,31
1990  Stroke  July 2014

By introduction of MR scanners with higher gradient per- with contraindications to contrast, (4) specific design of the
formance and fast imaging tools, such as generalized autocali- described imaging paradigm for detection of acute stroke may
brating partially parallel acquisition,13 CE-MRA images of the result in underdetection of other pathologies and stroke mim-
entire head and neck can be obtained with submillimeter voxel ics (we tried to minimize this limitation by inclusion of only
sizes and acquisition times on the order of 20 sec as shown in patients with a high suspicion for AIS and National Institutes
this study and others.32,33 Despite its relatively lower spatial of Health Stroke Scale >3 that were screened by the stroke
resolution in comparison with time-of flight, the described neurology team), (5) the subjective/arbitrary nature of our
CE-MRA technique seems to be sufficient for accurate evalu- image quality scoring system, and (6) dilution of contrast
ation of proximal intracranial arteries. to perform DSC perfusion, which may affect the perfusion
We were able to reduce image acquisition time because of analysis. Although we did not perform a comparative analy-
numerous recent technological advances in MRI, including sis between the diluted and nondiluted contrast DSC in this
introduction of fast imaging tools such as EPI14,15 and paral- study, high image quality scores and interobserver agreement
lel acquisition techniques such as generalized autocalibrating in defining the perfusion abnormality indicate that lower con-
partially parallel acquisition.13 Rapid acquisition time in EPI trast-dose was not a major limiting factor for the diagnostic
is made possible by rapid gradient switching that permits the interpretation. Broader clinical studies are required to investi-
acquisition of all frequency and phase encoding steps during gate the application of diluted DSC perfusion further, in par-
a single pulse cycle. The addition of parallel imaging has a ticular if quantitative analysis is needed.
2-fold synergistic effect to EPI: (1) further enhancement of In summary, a 6-minute multimodal MRI protocol is fea-
the acquisition speed because of undersampling in phase or sible for the evaluation of patients with AIS and can result
slice-encoding direction and (2) mitigation of the geometric in significant reduction in scan time rivaling that of the mul-
distortion and susceptibility artifacts commonly associated timodal CT protocol. This paradigm can be used in compre-
with long echo-train sequences, such as EPI.34,35 hensive stoke centers to enhance imaging-based research in
In addition, during the past decade improvements in MRI acute stroke; however, additional clinical studies are required
hardware technology, including introduction of multicoil to determine the clinical role and effect of this protocol in
technology for better signal reception and higher magnetic diagnosis and evaluation of patients with AIS.
fields (≥3T) with higher afforded signal-to-noise ratio, have
increased the efficiency to apply fast imaging tools. Because Disclosures
the described technology is commercially available, fast None.
and effective MRI protocols are on the horizons for the next
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decade with comparable acquisition time and proficiency with References

other cross-sectional techniques, such as CT. 1. Del Zoppo GJ, Saver JL, Jauch EC, Adams HP Jr; American Heart
In this study, we obtained a comprehensive MR stroke pro- Association Stroke Council. Expansion of the time window for treatment
tocol in ≈6 minutes, a 4-fold reduction in scan time instead of acute ischemic stroke with intravenous tissue plasminogen activator: a
science advisory from the American Heart Association/American Stroke
of conventional MR stroke imaging.10,11 For comprehensive Association. Stroke. 2009;40:2945–2948.
stroke centers that choose MRI as their imaging modality, the 2. Balami JS, Hadley G, Sutherland BA, Karbalai H, Buchan AM. The
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