Menon 2015
Menon 2015
Menon 2015
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Bijoy K. Menon, MD
Purpose: To describe the use of an imaging selection tool, mul-
Christopher D. d’Esterre, PhD
tiphase computed tomographic (CT) angiography, in
Emmad M. Qazi, BSc
patients with acute ischemic stroke (AIS) and to dem-
Mohammed Almekhlafi, MD2 onstrate its interrater reliability and ability to help deter-
Leszek Hahn, PhD mine clinical outcome.
Andrew M. Demchuk, MD
Mayank Goyal, MD Materials and The local ethics board approved this study. Data are from
Methods: the pilot phase of PRoveIT, a prospective observational
study analyzing utility of multimodal imaging in the triage
of patients with AIS. Patients underwent baseline unen-
hanced CT, single-phase CT angiography of the head and
neck, multiphase CT angiography, and perfusion CT. Mul-
tiphase CT angiography generates time-resolved images of
pial arteries. Pial arterial filling was scored on a six-point
ordinal scale, and interrater reliability was tested. Clinical
outcomes included a 50% or greater decrease in National
Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) over 24 hours
and 90-day modified Rankin Scale (mRS) score of 0–2.
The ability to predict clinical outcomes was compared
between single-phase CT angiography, multiphase CT an-
giography, and perfusion CT by using receiver operating
curve analysis, Akaike information criterion (AIC), and
Bayesian information criterion (BIC).
RSNA, 2015
n the past few years, the treatment (CT), single-phase CT angiography, per- of patients with AIS. Herein, we will de-
of acute ischemic stroke (AIS) has fusion CT, and magnetic resonance (MR) scribe the tool, its interrater reliability,
changed dramatically (1). Newer imaging. Unenhanced CT has moderate and its utility for making clinical decisions
mechanical devices offer rapid and suc- interrater reliability, even among experts in patients with AIS.
cessful recanalization in the majority of (10–13). Reliability in interpreting early
patients who undergo treatment (2–4). ischemic changes is less in patients who
Even with this progress, many patients present within 90 minutes after stroke Materials and Methods
who have undergone treatment do not symptom onset and in those who are Inclusion criteria for the study are as
do well clinically (5,6). Nonetheless, aged, and it is affected by patient motion follows: (a) patient presented to the
data from previous trials show that (14). Single-phase CT angiography does emergency department with symptoms
clinical outcome improves if patients not have temporal resolution; therefore, consistent with ischemic stroke, (b) pa-
(a) have a salvageable brain at presen- collateral status is mislabeled in many tients older than 18 years, and (c) base-
tation and (b) undergo early recanali- patients (15). Both perfusion CT and MR line imaging included multiphase CT
zation (6–8). Every 30-minute delay in imaging are susceptible to patient motion angiography performed within 12 hours
treatment could increase the risk of and require trained personnel to process of stroke symptom onset and initiated
poor clinical outcome by around 14% the data (16,17). Dynamic CT angiogra- before recanalization therapy. Exclusion
(9). Thus, an ideal imaging selection phy is a technique that derives time-re- criteria were as follows: (a) intracranial
tool should enable one to detect a sal- solved images of pial arterial filling from hemorrhage identified at baseline CT;
vageable brain quickly and reliably and perfusion CT images; however, it needs (b) previous moderate to large stroke
should be widely available. postprocessing and whole-brain perfu- in the ipsilesional hemisphere; (c) mod-
Current imaging techniques include sion CT (18,19). Conventional angiogra- ified Rankin scale (mRS) score greater
unenhanced computed tomography phy is invasive, resource intensive, and than 2 at baseline; (d) patient unable
not feasible as a fast diagnostic tool (20). to undergo CT angiography because of
Advances in Knowledge Thus, we developed an imaging tool, recent estimated creatinine clearance of
nn Multiphase CT angiography is an multiphase CT angiography, that gives cli- less than 60 mL/min, contrast material
imaging tool that provides three nicians information on degree and extent allergy, or other reasons; (e) participa-
time-resolved images of pial arte- of pial arterial filling in the whole brain tion in another study that results in the
rial filling in the whole brain, in a time-resolved manner. Furthermore, patient receiving an investigational drug
unlike conventional single-phase this technique is quick to perform and
CT angiography. yields images that are easy to acquire and
interpret. In this study, we used pilot data Published online before print
nn Interrater reliability for multi- from the PRoveIT (Precise and Rapid as- 10.1148/radiol.15142256 Content codes:
phase CT angiography is excel- sessment of collaterals using multi-phase
lent (n = 30, k= 0.81, P , .001). Radiology 2015; 000:1–11
CTA in the triage of patients with acute
nn At receiver operating curve ischemic stroke for IA Therapy) study, an Abbreviations:
analysis, the ability to predict ongoing prospective observational study AIC = Akaike information criterion
clinical outcome (50% decrease AIS = acute ischemic stroke
that seeks to understand the utility of
BIC = Bayesian information criterion
in National Institutes of Health multimodal imaging in the imaging triage CBF = cerebral blood flow
Stroke Scale from baseline to 24 CI = confidence interval
hours) based on assessment of MCA = middle cerebral artery
pial arterial filling in the ischemic Implications for Patient Care mRS = modified Rankin Scale
region is modest (C statistic = NIHSS = National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale
0.56; 95% confidence interval nn Multiphase CT angiography is an TICI = Thrombolysis in Cerebral Infarction
[CI]: 0.52, 0.63) but higher than imaging tool with excellent inter-
Author contributions:
that for single-phase CT angiog- rater reliability that can be used Guarantors of integrity of entire study, B.K.M., M.G.;
raphy (C statistic = 0.55; 95% to predict clinical outcomes in study concepts/study design or data acquisition or data
CI: 0.49, 0.6), perfusion CT mis- patients with acute ischemic analysis/interpretation, all authors; manuscript drafting or
match ratio greater than 1.8 (C stroke. manuscript revision for important intellectual content, all
authors; approval of final version of submitted manuscript,
statistic = 0.49; 95% CI: 0.45, nn Unlike perfusion CT, multiphase
all authors; agrees to ensure any questions related to the
0.52), mismatch ratio greater CT angiography does not need work are appropriately resolved, all authors; literature
than 3 (C statistic = 0.47; 95% any mathematical algorithm or research, B.K.M., C.D.d.E., E.M.Q., A.M.D.; clinical studies,
CI: 0.41, 0.53), and perfusion CT complex postprocessing at an B.K.M., E.M.Q., M.A., A.M.D., M.G.; experimental studies,
infarct volume greater than 80 independent workstation; it also B.K.M., E.M.Q., A.M.D., M.G.; statistical analysis, B.K.M.,
mL (C statistic = 0.46; 95% CI: requires a lower radiation dose C.D.d.E., E.M.Q.; and manuscript editing, B.K.M., C.D.d.E.,
E.M.Q., A.M.D., M.G.
0.4, 0.5) (P = .01 for comparison and no additional contrast
of C statistic). material. Conflicts of interest are listed at the end of this article.
Figure 1 Figure 2
Table 2
Pial Arterial Filling Score within the Symptomatic Ischemic Territory Using Single- and Multiphase CT Angiography
Score Single-Phase CT Angiography Multiphase CT Angiography
5 When compared with asymptomatic contralateral hemisphere, there is When compared with the asymptomatic contralateral hemisphere, there
increased or normal prominence and extent of pial vessels within the is no delay and normal or increased prominence of pial vessels/normal
ischemic territory in the symptomatic hemisphere extent within the ischemic territory in the symptomatic hemisphere
4 When compared with the asymptomatic contralateral hemisphere, there When compared with the asymptomatic contralateral hemisphere, there
is slightly reduced prominence and extent of pial vessels within the is a delay of one phase in filling in of peripheral vessels, but prominence
ischemic territory in the symptomatic hemisphere and extent is the same
3 When compared with the asymptomatic contralateral hemisphere, When compared with the asymptomatic contralateral hemisphere, there
there is moderately reduced prominence and extent of pial vessels is a delay of two phases in filling in of peripheral vessels or there is a
within the ischemic territory in the symptomatic hemisphere one-phase delay and significantly reduced number of vessels in the
ischemic territory
2 When compared with the asymptomatic contralateral hemisphere, When compared with the asymptomatic contralateral hemisphere, there
there is decreased prominence and extent and regions with no is a delay of two phases in filling in of peripheral vessels and decreased
vessels within the ischemic territory in the symptomatic hemisphere prominence and extent or a one-phase delay and some ischemic regions
with no vessels
1 When compared with the asymptomatic contralateral hemisphere, there When compared with the asymptomatic contralateral hemisphere,
are just a few vessels visible in the occluded vascular territory there are just a few vessels visible in any phase within the occluded
vascular territory
0 When compared with the asymptomatic contralateral hemisphere, When compared with the asymptomatic contralateral hemisphere, there
there are no vessels visible within the ischemic territory are no vessels visible in any phase within the ischemic vascular territory
assessed unenhanced CT followed by were recorded as an uncertain response. models were compared by using the x2
single-phase CT angiography, multiphase All responses (“yes,” “no,” and “uncer- test of Gönen (28). Since comparison of
CT angiography, and perfusion CT to an- tain”) for each imaging modality were models by using receiver operating char-
swer the following two questions: Is the reported as proportions. acteristic curves may result in misclassi-
patient a candidate for intravenous tissue Predictive ability.—We compared fication errors, we also used Akaike in-
plasminogen activator? Is the patient a the ability of multiphase CT angiogra- formation criterion (AIC) and Bayesian
candidate for intraarterial therapy? All phy to enable prediction of both clini- information criterion (BIC) to compare
patients were assumed to have fulfilled cal outcomes vis-á-vis single-phase CT models (29). These latter methods have
clinical characteristics for treatment eligi- angiography and perfusion CT. For sin- the ability to express the probability that
bility when images were being read. The gle-phase CT angiography, a pial arte- each model is correct when compared
readers were not provided information rial filling score of 0–2 was considered with the best model (ie, the one with
on the time from when normal images poor; therefore, the patient was not the highest probability to minimize in-
were last obtained. Responses recorded likely to benefit from recanalization. For formation loss). A model with the low-
for each imaging modality were “yes,” multiphase CT angiography, a score of est AIC or BIC score is the best model
“no,” or “uncertain.” Uninterpretable 0–3 was considered poor and therefore (29). Each of the previously mentioned
images were classified as uncertain. The unlikely to benefit from recanalization analyses was restricted to patients in
raters used clinically relevant commonly (Table 2). Separate logistic regression whom all information on the dependent
used prespecified rules for image inter- models were developed for each diag- variable and classifier was available. We
pretation. These rules are described in nostic tool (ie, single-phase CT angiog- also performed additional sensitivity
detail in Appendix E1 (online). Salvage- raphy, multiphase CT angiography, and analyses with the previously described
able brain was measured by using pre- perfusion CT [with mismatch ratios models restricted to patients (a) with
defined perfusion thresholds and two .1.8 vs 1.8 and .3.0 vs 3.0 and in- proximal anterior circulation occlusions,
predefined mismatch ratios (ie, .1.8 and farct volume ,80 mL vs 80 mL]) as (b) who underwent revascularization
.3.0) (24,25). Baseline infarct volume of predictor variable. For each model, the therapy, and (c) who had early recana-
80 mL or more at perfusion CT was con- ability of the individual diagnostic tool to lization data.
sidered large; therefore, in such cases the aid in determining clinical outcome was
response was “no” for both intravenous assessed by using the area under the re-
tissue plasminogen activator and intraar- ceiver operating characteristic curve (or Results
terial therapy (26,27). Severe noncorrect- C statistic) derived from the receiver op- A total of 147 patients were included
able patient motion (Fig E2 [online]) and erating characteristic curves of the logis- in the present study. Mean age was
lack of appropriate arterial input function tic regression model. The C statistics of 72 years 6 13.1 (standard deviation),
Table 3
Certainty in Clinical Decision Making for Intravenous Tissue Plasminogen Activator Administration and Intraarterial Therapy with
Each Baseline Imaging Modality and Paradigm
Intravenous Tissue Plasminogen Activator Intraarterial Therapy
No. of No. of
Imaging Modality and Criteria Patients Yes (%) No (%) Uncertain (%) Patients Yes (%) No (%) Uncertain (%)
Note.—Agreement between imaging modalities for clinical decision making is described in the text.
Figure 4
Figure 4: Multimodal CT imaging at 2 hours
51 minutes after symptom onset in a 47-year-old
woman with NIHSS of 20 and right hemisphere
symptoms. A, Unenhanced CT shows movement
artifact; however, ASPECTS score was 7. B, A prox-
imal right M1 MCA occlusion is seen (i). Multiphase
CT angiography (three phases) maximum intensity
projection images are shown (ii, iii, iv). Pial arterial
filling is modest, with delay of two phases and some
regions indicating minimal filling when compared
with the contralateral side, thus indicating that no
treatment be performed. C, Perfusion CT Tmax and
cerebral blood flow (CBF) maps (i, ii ). Tissue with
Tmax greater than 6 seconds (pink) is superimposed
onto the CT perfusion average maps for both gray
and white matter (iii and iv, respectively). CBF
less than 10 mL·min21·100 g21 and less than 7
mL·min21·100 g21 for gray and white, respectively,
is flooded in blue on the CT perfusion average
maps (iii, iv). CBF-defined infarct core is 100 mL. A
mismatch ratio (total Tmax hypoperfusion volume/
total CBF infarct volume) of 1.7 and a large infarct
core indicates that no treatment should be per-
formed. Multiphase CT angiography and perfusion
CT imaging are congruent for treatment decision.
D, Diffusion MR images at 24 hours after admission
show the final infarct as hyperintense.
Interrater Reliability
Interrater reliability for pial arterial fill-
ing with multiphase CT angiography was
excellent (n = 30, k = 0.81, P , .001).
Agreement on Clinical Decision Making Figure 5: Multimodal CT images obtained 2 hours 18 minutes after symptom onset in an 87-year-old
Table 3 describes “yes,” “no,” and “un- woman with an NIHSS of 15 and left hemisphere symptoms. A, Unenhanced CT ASPECTS score was 6.
certain” for intravenous tissue plasmino- B, A proximal left M1 MCA occlusion (i). Multiphase CT angiography (three phases) maximum intensity
gen activator and intraarterial treatment projection images (ii, iii, iv) are indicative of one phase delay at worst, with similar extent and prominence
with each imaging modality. Detailed when compared with the contralateral side. These indicate of a score of 4 and suggest the patient should
results are described in Appendix E1 undergo treatment. C, CT perfusion Tmax and CBF maps (i, ii). A CBF-defined infarct core is 1 mL (iii, no blue
(online). For intravenous tissue plasmin- regions). A mismatch ratio of 106 and a small infarct core suggests the patient should undergo treatment.
Multiphase CT angiography and perfusion CT imaging are congruent for treatment decision. D, MR diffusion
ogen activator decision making, maxi-
images at 26 hours after admission show the final infarct as hyperintense. This patient did not attain recana-
mal agreement (92.5%, k = 0.68) was
lization with endovascular therapy.
seen between single- and multiphase CT
angiography. The next best agreement
was between unenhanced CT and multi- treatment decision, maximal agreement k = 0.46) and between multiphase CT
phase CT angiography (89.1%, k = 0.4) (89.8%, k = 0.8) was seen between sin- angiography and perfusion CT mismatch
and then between unenhanced CT and gle- and multiphase CT angiography. The ratio greater than 1.8 (72.1%, k = 0.45).
single-phase CT angiography (85.7%, k next best agreement was between multi- Agreement for all other pairs was 45%
= 0.41). Agreement for all other pairs phase CT angiography and perfusion CT or less. Figures 4–7 show various combi-
was 70.1% or less. For intraarterial mismatch ratio greater than 3 (72.5%, nations of congruence or incongruence
Sensitivity Analyses
In sensitivity analyses restricted to pa-
tients with only intracranial artery, M1
MCA, or proximal M2 MCA occlusions,
the C statistic was highest with mul-
tiphase CT angiography (C statistic =
0.6; 95% CI: 0.54, 0.67). In sensitiv-
ity analyses restricted to the patients
who underwent revascularization ther-
apy (intravenous tissue plasminogen
activator 6 intraarterial therapy), the
Figure 6: Multimodal CT images obtained 1 hour 28 minutes after symptom onset in a 78-year-old woman C statistic was again highest for mul-
with NIHSS of 18 and right hemisphere symptoms. A, Unenhanced CT ASPECTS score is 8. B, Proximal tiphase CT angiography (C statistic
right M1 MCA occlusion (i). Multiphase CT angiography (three phases) maximum intensity projection images = 0.57; 95% CI: 0.5, 0.65). Similarly,
(ii, iii, iv) are indicative of one phase delay, with similar extent and prominence when compared with the in sensitivity analyses restricted to pa-
contralateral side. These suggest a score of 4 and that the patient should undergo treatment. C, CT perfusion tients with early recanalization/reperfu-
Tmax and CBF maps (i, ii). A CBF-defined predicted infarct core is 113 mL (blue) and mismatch ratio (blue/ sion data, the C statistic was highest for
pink areas) (iii, iv) is 1.7; this indicates the patient should not undergo treatment. Multiphase CT angiography multiphase CT angiography (C statistic
and perfusion CT imaging are incongruent for treatment decision. D, MR diffusion images at 26 hours after = 0.57; 95% CI: 0.46, 0.67); other im-
admission show the final infarct as hyperintense. This M1 MCA clot recanalized with intraarterial therapy.
aging modalities had a lower C statistic.
Recanalization or reperfusion (TICI =
in clinical decision making between un- at 24 hours is described in Table 4. 2b/3), however, was the best predictor
enhanced CT, multiphase CT angiogra- The C statistic was highest for multi- of primary clinical outcome (C statistic
phy, and perfusion CT in our data. phase CT angiography (x2 test for model = 0.66; 95% CI: 0.54, 0.77) whenever
comparison, P = .007); nonetheless, those data were available.
Predictive Ability multiphase CT angiography has only
The C statistic for models using sin- modest discrimination, while the other
gle-phase CT angiography, multiphase imaging modalities fared worse. Model Discussion
CT angiography, and perfusion CT (with comparisons on the same data set with Multiphase CT angiography is a quick
mismatch ratios .1.2, .1.8, and .3.0 AIC and BIC are also described in Table and easy-to-use imaging tool in pa-
and infarct volume ,80 mL vs 80 mL) 4. AIC suggests that multiphase CT an- tients with AIS. Our study shows that
in determining a 50% decrease in NIHSS giography is the best imaging modality multiphase CT angiography has good
Table 4
Ability of Each Imaging Modality to Discriminate Clinical Outcome (50% or More Decrease in NIHSS from Baseline to 24 Hours) Using
Logistic Regression Analysis Receiver Operating Curve Analysis, AIC, and BIC
No. of
Imaging Modality and Criteria Patients Odds Ratio P Value C Statistic AIC BIC
Multiphase CT angiography (.3 vs 3) 126 4.3 (1.2, 15.7) .02 0.58 166.0 171.7
Single-phase CT angiography (.2 vs 2) 126 2.8 (0.75, 10.6) .12 0.55 169.6 175.4
Baseline infarct volume (,80 mL vs 80 mL) 126 5.2 (1.1, 27.1) .05 0.45 167.8 173.5
Mismatch ratio (1.8 vs .1.8) 126 3.2 (0.3, 36.6) .34 0.49 171.4 177.1
Mismatch ratio (3 vs .3) 126 1.6 (0.6, 4.8) .33 0.47 171.5 177.1
Note.—Data in parentheses are 95% CIs. Higher C statistics imply better models, whereas lower AIC and BIC values imply better models.
Table 5
Ability of Each Imaging Modality to Discriminate Clinical Outcome (mRS 0–2 at 90 Days) Using Logistic Regression Analysis Receiver
Operating Curve Analysis, AIC, and BIC
No. of
Imaging Modality and Criteria Patients Odds Ratio P Value C Statistic AIC BIC
Multiphase CT angiography (.3 versus 3) 102 5.5 (1.6, 18.8) .01 0.60 132.1 137.4
single-phase CT angiography (.2 versus 2) 102 3.3 (1.0, 10.7) .05 0.57 136.4 141.7
Baseline Infarct volume ,80 mL versus 80 mL 102 1.2 (0.25, 5.5) .84 0.50 140.6 145.8
Mismatch ratio 1.8 versus .1.8 102 0.8 (0.1, 8.8) .80 0.50 140.6 145.8
Mismatch ratio 3 versus .3 102 1.4 (0.4, 4.5) .58 0.52 140.3 145.6
Note.—Data in parentheses are 95% CIs. Higher C statistics imply better models, whereas lower AIC and BIC values imply better models.
images and therefore a more nuanced Even though we did not find any such Acknowledgments: We acknowledge Ting Y.
assessment of pial arterial filling in case in the current study, this possibility Lee and Richard Frayne for their expertise and
guidance during image and data analysis. We
both the normal brain and the ische- cannot be discounted. Thus, we recom- also acknowledge the Calgary Stroke Program
mic brain. An example is the ability of mend that multiphase CT angiography fellows, nurses, and staff, including the research
multiphase CT angiography to enable images always be interpreted in con- office, for helping with the conduct, data collec-
discrimination between a one- and two- junction with head and neck CT angiog- tion, and execution of the study. We acknowl-
edge the Seaman MR Center and the Hotchkiss
phase delay whereas contrast-enhanced raphy images. Poor cardiac function can
Brain Institute for their support.
CT labels both the same. Finally, when also interfere with pial arterial filling,
compared with multiphase CT angiog- even though our data did not show this. Disclosures of Conflicts of Interest: B.K.M.
raphy, MR imaging has practical draw- A protocol that includes an additional disclosed no relevant relationships. C.D.d.E.
backs. MR imaging takes up to 30 mi- delayed fourth phase may help in such disclosed no relevant relationships. E.M.Q. dis-
closed no relevant relationships. M.A. disclosed
nutes to screen patients, perform the scenarios. Finally, multiphase CT angi-
no relevant relationships. L.H. disclosed no rele-
examination, and interpret the results ography cannot as yet be used in pa- vant relationships. A.M.D. disclosed no relevant
(16). Many patients do not tolerate it tients with posterior circulation stroke, relationships.M.G. Activities related to the pre-
well, and image quality is affected by except when involving the PCA, because sent article: received an honorarium from Covi-
patient motion. MR imaging also has of poorly understood collateral hemody- dien, has a licensing agreement with GE Health-
care, institution received a grant from Covidien.
limited availability after working hours namics of the posterior circulation. Activities not related to the present article: owns
(34). In summary, we describe multi- shares in Calgary Scientific. Other relationships:
Our tool, multiphase CT angiogra- phase CT angiography, an imaging tool none to disclose.
phy, has limitations. The presence of for clinical decision making in patients
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