Capxon Interim Result 2020

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(Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability)
(Stock Code: 469)




Six months ended 30 June

2020 2019 Changes
Revenue (RMB’000) 641,125 596,951 +7.40%

Profit for the period attributable to owners of 27,824 32,615 -14.69%

the Company (RMB’000)

Basic earnings per share (RMB cents) 3.29 3.86 -14.77%

Interim dividends (HK cents per share) -- -- --

The board of directors (the “Board”) of Capxon International Electronic Company Limited (the “Company”)
is pleased to announce the unaudited consolidated results of the Company and its subsidiaries (collectively,
the “Group”) for the six months ended 30 June 2020 (the “Period”) together with the comparative figures for
the corresponding period of last year as follows:


Six months ended 30 June

2020 2019
(unaudited) (unaudited)

Revenue 3A 641,125 596,951

Cost of sales (465,951)
_______ (431,257)
Gross profit 175,174 165,694
Other income 5 8,296 9,402
Other expenses 5 (28,727) (28,347)
Other gains and losses 5 (892) (5,175)
Impairment losses under expected credit loss
model, net of reversal (11,977) (3,470)
Distribution and selling costs (42,444) (34,680)
Administrative expenses (52,053) (49,007)
Interest on provision for damages (4,734) (4,477)
Finance costs (5,418)
_______ (4,888)
Profit before tax 37,225 45,052
Income tax expense 4 (9,585)
_______ (12,489)
Profit for the period 5 27,640 32,563

Other comprehensive expense:

Item that may be subsequently reclassified

to profit or loss:
Exchange differences arising on translation
of foreign operations (7,289)
_______ (4,719)
Total comprehensive income for the period 20,351 27,844
_______ _______
Profit (loss) for the period attributable to:
Owners of the Company 27,824 32,615
Non-controlling interests (184)
_______ (52)
27,640 32,563
_______ _______
Total comprehensive income (expense) attributable to:
Owners of the Company 20,401 27,896
Non-controlling interests (50)
_______ (52)
_______ 27,844
Earnings per share (RMB cents) 7
Basic 3.29 3.86
_______ _______

AT 30 JUNE 2020
30 June 31 December
NOTES 2020 2019
RMB'000 RMB'000
(unaudited) (audited)
Property, plant and equipment 536,989 519,674
Right-of-use assets 37,006 29,138
Intangible assets 2 4
Pledged deposit in a financial institution 15,000 2,090
Deposits paid for acquisition of property,
plant and equipment 34,802 33,269
Deferred tax asset 2,986
_________ 2,190
_________ 586,365
Inventories 233,947 215,489
Trade and other receivables 8 579,058 599,711
Tax recoverable 183 183
Pledged bank deposits 2,268 2,190
Pledged deposit in a financial institution 2,121 -
Fixed bank deposits 100,000 45,000
Bank balances and cash 190,343
_________ 177,445
_________ 1,040,018
Trade and other payables 9 360,361 388,602
Leases liabilities 8,538 4,398
Provision for damages 242,622 232,159
Contract liabilities 3,697 2,393
Amounts due to related parties 4,069 3,979
Tax liabilities 14,891 30,464
Bank and other borrowings 236,083
_________ 189,517
_________ 851,512
_________ 188,506
_________ 774,871
Lease liabilities 7,682 3,242
Deferred tax liabilities 29,552 25,135
Bank and other borrowings 76,485
_________ 16,120
_________ 44,497
NET ASSETS 750,725 730,374
_________ _________


Share capital 82,244 82,244
Share premium and reserves 667,948
_________ 647,547
Equity attributable to owners of the Company 750,192 729,791
Non-controlling interests 533
_________ 583
TOTAL EQUITY 750,725 730,374
_________ _________



The condensed consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International
Accounting Standard 34 “Interim Financial Reporting” issued by the International Accounting
Standards Board as well as with the applicable disclosure requirements of Appendix 16 to the Rules
Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (“Listing Rules”).

The condensed consolidated financial statements are presented in Renminbi ("RMB"), which is also the
functional currency of the Company.


The outbreak of COVID-19 and the subsequent quarantine measures as well as the travel restrictions
imposed in the People's Republic of China have had negative impacts to the economy, business
environment and directly and indirectly affect the operations of the Group. The Group has suspended its
manufacturing activities since February 2020 due to mandatory government quarantine measures in an
effort to contain the spread of the epidemic.

The Group has resumed its manufacturing activities for its capacitors segment, which is located in
Shenzhen of Guangdong province in Mainland China, since February 2020. Despite the temporary
suspension of production plant, the increase in demand of capacitors produced in Mainland China from
mainland customers as a result of COVID-19 pandemic has created greater business opportunities for the
Group, resulting in higher revenue for the capacitors segment in the current interim period.

Regarding the Group’s aluminum foil business segment, the production plant located in Baotou City of
Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region has resumed since February 2020 while the operation of another
production plant located in Yichang of Hubei province was suspended since the end of the Chinese New
Year holiday in 2020 and resumed in April 2020. As such, the performance of the aluminum foil
segment was negatively affected, including a reduction in revenue and production level and decrease in
gross profit due to fixed production overheads during the close-down period.


The condensed consolidated financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost basis.

Other than additional accounting policies resulting from application of amendments to International
Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRSs") and application of an accounting policy which became relevant
to the Group, the accounting policies and methods of computation used in the condensed consolidated
financial statements for the six months ended 30 June 2020 are the same as those presented in the
Group's annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2019.

Application of amendments to IFRSs

In the current interim period, the Group has applied the Amendments to References to the Conceptual
Framework in IFRS Standards and the following amendments to IFRSs issued by the International
Accounting Standards Board, for the first time, which are mandatory effective for the annual period
beginning on or after 1 January 2020 for the preparation of the Group's condensed consolidated financial

Amendments to IAS 1 and IAS 8 Definition of Material
Amendments to IFRS 3 Definition of a Business
Amendments to IFRS 9, IAS 39 Interest Rate Benchmark Reform
and IFRS 7

Except as described below, the application of the Amendments to References to the Conceptual
Framework in IFRS Standards and the amendments to IFRSs in the current period has had no material
impact on the Group's financial positions and performance for the current and prior periods and/or on the
disclosures set out in these condensed consolidated financial statements.

2.1 Impacts of application of Amendments to IAS 1 and IAS 8 "Definition of Material"

The amendments provide a new definition of material that states "information is material if
omitting, misstating or obscuring it could reasonably be expected to influence decisions that
the primary users of general purpose financial statements make on the basis of those financial
statements, which provide financial information about a specific reporting entity." The
amendments also clarify that materiality depends on the nature or magnitude of information,
either individually or in combination with other information, in the context of the financial
statements taken as a whole.

The application of the amendments in the current period had no impact on the condensed
consolidated financial statements. Changes in presentation and disclosures on the application
of the amendments, if any, will be reflected on the consolidated financial statements for the
year ending 31 December 2020.

Accounting policy newly applied by the Group


Sales and leaseback transactions

The Group applies the requirements of IFRS 15 "Revenue from Contracts with Customers" to assess
whether sale and leaseback transaction constitutes a sale by the Group.

The Group acts as a seller-lessee

For a transfer that does not satisfy the requirements as a sale, the Group as a seller-lessee accounts for
the transfer proceeds as other borrowings within the scope of IFRS 9 "Financial Instruments".


Disaggregation of revenue from contracts with customers recognised at a point in time by

geographical markets and product types

Six months ended 30 June 2020 (Unaudited)

Capacitors foils Total
RMB'000 RMB'000 RMB'000
Geographical markets
The PRC 532,009 29,785 561,794
Taiwan 6,727 - 6,727
Other Asian countries (Note) 46,435 - 46,435
Europe (Note) 25,432 - 25,432
America and Africa 737
_______ -
_______ 737
Revenue from contracts with customers 611,340
_______ 29,785
_______ 641,125

Six months ended 30 June 2019 (Unaudited)

Capacitors foils Total
RMB'000 RMB'000 RMB'000
Geographical markets
The PRC 464,663 40,756 505,419
Taiwan 6,486 - 6,486
Other Asian countries (Note) 63,262 1,548 64,810
Europe (Note) 19,237 - 19,237
America and Africa 999
_______ -
_______ 999
Revenue from contracts with customers 554,647 42,304 596,951
_______ _______ _______

Note: The countries of the external customers included in these categories comprised Korea, Japan,
Vietnam, Singapore, Germany and others. No further analysis by countries of these categories
is presented because the revenue from each individual country is insignificant to the total

All revenue generated by the Group is recognised at a point in time.


Information reported to the chief operating decision makers (i.e. the executive directors of the Company)
for the purposes of resources allocation and assessment of segment performance focuses on types of
products. Segment information in prior period have been represented to conform with the current year's

The Group's reportable and operating segments are as follows:

Capacitors - Manufacture and sale of capacitors

Aluminum foils - Manufacture and sale of aluminum foils

For the six months ended 30 June 2020 (unaudited)

Aluminum Segment
Capacitors foils total Elimination Total
RMB'000 RMB'000 RMB'000 RMB'000 RMB'000

External sales 611,340 29,785 641,125 - 641,125

Inter-segment sales -
_______ 89,859
_______ 89,859
_______ (89,859)
_______ -
Segment revenue 611,340
_______ 119,644
_______ 730,984
_______ (89,859)
_______ 641,125

Segment profit 50,980

_______ 2,979
_______ 53,959
_______ (4,370)
_______ 49,589

Interest income 1,201

Unallocated corporate
expenses (5,918)
Finance costs (5,418)
Interest on provision for
damages (4,734)
Exchange gain arising on
retranslation of provision
for damages 2,505
Profit before tax 37,225

For the six months ended 30 June 2019 (unaudited)

Aluminum Segment
Capacitors foils total Elimination Total
RMB'000 RMB'000 RMB'000 RMB'000 RMB'000

External sales 554,647 42,304 596,951 - 596,951

Inter-segment sales -
_______ 99,244
_______ 99,244
_______ (99,244)
_______ -
Segment revenue 554,647 141,548 696,195 (99,244) 596,951
_______ _______ _______ _______ _______

Segment profit 51,789 13,940 65,729 (3,998) 61,731

_______ _______ _______ _______
Interest income 880
Unallocated corporate
expenses (5,839)
Finance costs (4,888)
Interest on provision for
damages (4,477)
Exchange loss arising on
retranslation of provision
for damages (2,355)
Profit before tax 45,052

Inter-segment sales are charged at prevailing market rates.

Segment profit represents the profit from each segment without allocation of central administration costs,
bank interest income, finance costs, interest on provision for damages and exchange loss arising on

retranslation of provision for damages. This is the measure reported to the Group's chief operating
decision makers for the purposes of resource allocation and assessment segment performance.

Since there is no material change on the assets and liabilities of the Group's reportable segments from the
amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2019 for
performance assessment and resource allocation purposes, the Group has not included total assets and
total liabilities information as part of segmental information.


Six months ended 30 June
2020 2019
RMB'000 RMB'000
(Unaudited) (Unaudited)
Current tax
- PRC Enterprise Income Tax ("EIT") 5,848 19,888
- Taiwan Corporate Income Tax 1,567
_______ 2,233
7,415 22,121
Overprovision in prior year (1,449) (14,579)
Deferred tax 3,619
_______ 4,947
_______ 12,489


Profit for the period has been arrived at after charging (crediting):

Six months ended 30 June

2020 2019
RMB'000 RMB'000
(Unaudited) (Unaudited)
Amortisation of intangible assets (included in administrative
expenses) 2 2
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment
- capitalised in inventories 20,611 18,459
- recognised in administrative expenses 3,989 3,563
Depreciation of right-of-use assets 4,594
_______ 2,742
Total depreciation and amortisation 29,196
_______ 24,766

Loss on disposal/written-off of property, plant and equipment 1,858 1,376

Net foreign exchange (gains) losses (966)
_______ 3,799
Other gains and losses 892
_______ 5,175
Cost of inventories recognised as an expense
(including net write-down of inventories of RMB1,112,000
(six months ended 30 June 2019: RMB4,798,000)) 465,951 431,257
Research and development costs (included in other expenses) 28,128 20,413
Government grants (included in other income) (6,427) (7,219)
Interest income (included in other income) (1,201)
_______ (880)


No dividends were paid, declared or proposed during both periods. The board of directors of the
Company have determined that no dividend will be paid in respect of the interim period.


The calculation of the basic earnings per share attributable to the owners of the Company for the six
months ended 30 June 2020 is based on the profit for the period attributable to owners of the Company
of RMB27,824,000 (six months ended 30 June 2019: RMB32,615,000) and on 844,559,841 ordinary
shares in issue.

There were no potential ordinary shares outstanding during the six months ended 30 June 2020 and 2019.


The Group generally allows its trade customers a credit period of 30 days to 180 days upon delivery.
The following is an aged analysis of the trade receivables net of allowance for credit losses presented
based on the invoice dates at the end of the reporting period, which approximated to respective revenue
recognition dates:
30 June 31 December
2020 2019
RMB'000 RMB'000
(Unaudited) (Audited)

0 - 60 days 370,202 373,923

61 - 90 days 100,093 86,634
91 - 180 days 53,328 77,065
181–270 days 6,288
_______ 6,425
_______ 544,047

At 30 June 2020, the trade receivables (before allowance for credit losses) include trade receivables
backed by the bills issued by reputable banks in Mainland China amounting to RMB53,810,000 (31
December 2019: RMB52,062,000). All bills received by the Group are with a maturity period of less
than one year.


The credit period on purchases of goods is normally 30 to 60 days. The following is an aged analysis of
trade and bills payables based on the invoice date at the end of the reporting period:
30 June 31 December
2020 2019
RMB'000 RMB'000
(Unaudited) (Audited)
0 - 60 days 179,318 181,184
61- 90 days 39,679 28,849
91 - 180 days 26,892 57,945
181 - 270 days 2,446 536
271 - 360 days 1,105 523
Over 360 days 16,853
_______ 18,081
_______ 287,118



A summary of the financial results of the Group for the Period is set out below:

 Revenue increased by approximately 7.40% to approximately RMB641,125,000 (for the six months
ended 30 June 2019: RMB596,951,000).
 Gross profit increased by approximately 5.72% to approximately RMB175,174,000 (for the six
months ended 30 June 2019: RMB165,694,000).
 Profit for the Period attributable to owners of the Company amounted to approximately
RMB27,824,000 (for the six months ended 30 June 2019: RMB32,615,000).

During the Period under review, the Group’s revenue was approximately RMB641,125,000, representing an
increase of approximately 7.40% over the corresponding period of last year. Sales of capacitors for the Period
amounted to approximately RMB611,340,000, representing an increase of approximately 10.22% as
compared to RMB554,647,000 for the corresponding period of last year. The increase of sales was mainly
attributable to the purchase of capacitors made in China as an alternative by some domestic customers as a
result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Sales of aluminum foils for the Period amounted to approximately
RMB29,785,000, representing a decrease of approximately 29.59% as compared to RMB42,304,000 for the
corresponding period of last year. Such decrease was mainly attributable to the the outbreak of COVID-19
pandemic in China, the demand for orders decreased abruptly as a result of the user being basically in the
state of stagnation or semi-stagnation. During the Period, the Group’s gross profit margin slightly decreased
from approximately 27.76% for the corresponding period of last year to approximately 27.32% for the Period.


In 2020, the global economic and trade tension created a climate of uncertainty with declining economic
growth worldwide. In light of the combined effects of foreign divestment from the Mainland China as a result
of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the intensified trade dispute and scientific and technological war
between the U.S. and PRC, the global pandemic has brought multiple and complicated impacts on the
economies worldwide, particularly on scientific and technological industry. According to the revenue
performance as recently published by the research institutes and terminal brand operators, it is noted that in
the ICT market, hardware-related industries became most vulnerable to the outbreak of pandemic as we
witnessed a continuous reduction in demands for 3C products such as smart phones and TV, whereas there
has been a surge in demand for laptops in respond to the needs for distant teaching and learning as well as
home office. As a result, two distinctly different phenomena arose amid the pandemic. The analysts from
research institutes anticipated that, owing to the need for working from home and distant teaching and
learning, the purchase of laptops will rocket in the second quarter of 2020 and a proportion of shipment in the
first quarter of 2020 will be delayed, but even with the shortage of materials and transportation difficulties,
the global shipment of laptops for the Period will still increase by over 40% as compared with that of the
previous quarter, and representing a growth on a year-on-year basis. The Chromebook, with a focus on
educational market, recorded the most remarkable growth. As indicated by the research institutes, the drastic
growth of Chromebook was primarily attributable to the switch to distant teaching and learning at all
education levels as adopted by many countries across the world due to the pandemic, and the impact from
production chain disruption in the Mainland China and the increasing demand from market amid the
pandemic. It is a fact that our lives have been slowly integrated with the prevalence of artificial intelligence
("AI"), digitalized ecosystems, DIY biohackers, transparent and immersive experience, and ubiquitous
infrastructure. The continuous advancement of technologies, wearable devices and unmanned carrier
technologies in particular, will still intensify the human’s life. Coupled with technology transformation
brought from competition, there will be a boost on the demand for technically upgrading electronic parts and
components, in terms of quantity and quality. Overall, the upstream and downstream supply chain in

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electronic industry have a close connection, and any slight movement will trigger a butterfly effect. It is
expected that the COVID-19 pandemic will have an impact on the industry as a whole. While it remains
uncertain as to when the pandemic will be contained effectively, it is a challenging time for the electronic
industry to turnaround the situation.

 Manufacture and sale of aluminum foils

During the Period, after satisfying internal production demand, the Group’s external sales of aluminum
foils amounted to approximately RMB29,785,000, representing a decrease of approximately 29.59% as
compared to the external sales of aluminum foils of approximately RMB42,304,000 for the
corresponding period of last year.

At the beginning of 2020, the sales volume of aluminum foils fell sharply, and the market suffered an
unprecedented blow. It was mainly due to the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic in China, the demand
for orders decreased abruptly as a result of the user being basically in the state of stagnation or semi-
stagnation, and the logistics industry announced a suspension of transportation resulting in blocked
shipment. The market saw a depression. To respond to such industrial characteristics, having assessed
market dynamics and considered future market demand, in order to enhance the competitiveness of
aluminum foil suppliers in the industry and reduce the impact of the market and the pandemic, amid the
pandemic, the Group had made specific decisions of production reduction by phase and closed factory
management, required the on-the-job employees to stay in the factory and prohibited such employees
from leaving the factory, and actively responded to the government's pandemic control measures and
policies. Such decisions were proven effective in the reduction of inventory, while ensuring the health
and safety of employees to avoid any halt of production at the factory due to the occurrence of infected
cases among the employees. After the implementation of the above measures, as the pandemic
subsequently relieved in China, such measures played a key role in the production resumption rate of the
aluminum foil suppliers, and enabled the Group to make a quick delivery for its orders. These had
successfully overcome the issues of work resumption and shipment after the pandemic was relieved,
while deepening the customer's trust in the supply of aluminum foil suppliers.

As aluminum foils are the principal raw materials of capacitors, the Group has excellent production
processing technologies and a stable production capacity for the formed foils. Currently, all key research
and development ("R&D") projects and quality control techniques have been completed. In addition, the
Group continues to actively study the development potential of markets with high added value in order
to prepare for future market changes. The Group will stay attentive and prudent to address the future
development in the aluminum foils market cautiously.

Currently, the Group has achieved the following key R&D projects and quality control techniques on
aluminum foils:

 Etched aluminum foils

 A new generation of high-speed etching production lines

In light of the existing high-speed etching production lines, the Group optimized production
technology and equipment, conducted R&D to design a new generation of high-speed etching
production lines, and completed equipment installation. After initial commissioning, the
Group’s production efficiency doubled that of the existing high-speed production lines,
improving the quality of etched aluminum foils.

 Chemical etching process development

Through adjusting and improving the etching process and formula, a cheaper chemical etching
production process was successfully developed. Given the same specifications and quality of

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the manufacturing of such foils, the production cost of etched aluminum foils has been
effectively reduced.

 Formed foils

 Development of the energy-saving technology for manufacturing ultra-high capacity formed

aluminum foils is currently under the stage of trial production, decreasing the electricity
consumption of the formed aluminum foils by more than 10%.
 Technological development for manufacturing ultra-long-lifespan, ultra-high stability inorganic
acid formed aluminum foils used in aluminum electrolytic capacitors, which are applicable to
those capacitors in equipment of 5G base station, is currently under the stage of lifespan test.
 Development of the high-speed formation technology for aluminum foils is currently under the
stage of trial production, and the production is increased by more than 50% comparing with the
original formation technology.
 Development of the boric acid-free formation technology is currently under the stage of sample
production. The project will provide technical reserves for future discharge standards for boric-
containing wastewater.
 Development of the formation technology for manufacturing ultrahigh-voltage and high
capacity foils has boosted the current capacity of ultrahigh-voltage formed foils (810VF) to
reach above 0.43uf/cm2 and the capacity is lifted by more than 10%.
 Eliminating old power sources, reducing failure rates and improving production efficiency
through power supply transformation plans boosted the output by approximately 20% after the

 Manufacture and sale of capacitors

During the Period, the Group recorded external sales of aluminum electrolytic capacitors of
approximately RMB611,340,000, which accounted for approximately 95.35% of the Group’s total
external sales and represented an increase of approximately 2.44% from approximately 92.91% of the
Group’s total external sales for the corresponding period of last year.

While the passive component industry is about to enter its moderate growth stage in view of the growth
in the global sales of smartphones, there is a considerable demand for growth in other application
markets or high-end application fields such as automobile, high-end smart home appliances, smart
electricity meters, safety control systems and industrial control. Hence, the Group is cautiously
optimistic about the passive component industry for the years to come. Besides, in response to the
application of AI, edge computing and blockchain for medical and industrial purposes and the growing
business opportunities in the application of internet, as well as the potential business opportunities for
wearable devices and unmanned carriers, visionary technologies such as 5G, AI and visual machinery
will bring the smart devices into a new era of diversity with various commodity service models evolving.
Furthermore, to cater to the type and requirements of consumers, the information technology setup
requirements of innovative service models are expected to emerge swiftly, to capture the software and
hardware business opportunities in future businesses. In respect of the R&D and mass production of
capacitors, the Group primarily worked on high-end products such as variable-frequency drives, servo
drives, chargers for communications bases and communications terminal products and in-vehicle
electronic applications during the Period, with great results already achieved in addressing relevant
demand. In the future, the Group will commit more efforts to meet the requirements for special tailor-
made products, including miniaturization, high capacity, high voltage, high frequency and high
temperature. The Group will also take steps to develop custom-made products that cater to the front-end
demand of the market and that can be applied across different sectors, promote market application of
capacitors in various fields, innovate technologies and products ahead of the trend and expand the global
market share of its capacitor products.

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At present, the Group has completed the following key R&D projects and quality control techniques on

 Construction of a digitalized intelligent production management system throughout our plant has
been completed, which can fully lead to the inspection of raw materials, and the production of
production process and the features of final products, allowing the use of connected automatic
production equipment to significantly improve product yield and reduce wastage of material.
 Construction of an automatic production equipment of chip-integrated capacitor has been put in
 An ultra-compact electronic system which is suitable for micro-weapons has been successfully
developed for military high-capacity semi-solid products, and samples have been sent to customers
for testing simultaneously.
 The vibration requirement of liquid-state Radial type 135°C and durable 20G has passed mechanical
shock test conducted by a third party manufacturer.
 Internal verification for the 125°C 3000H pin-type products for 5G base station power supply have
been successfully conducted, in which the 10-year lifespan in miniaturized and adverse conditions is
 Intelligent monitoring of high-voltage Radial type capacitor manufacturing has been achieved, and
fully automatic aging equipments have been put into operation and are ready to undergo trial
production stage, which can monitor the products’ electronic characteristics along the entire
charging and discharging process. A computer program is used to automatically determine and
eliminate defective products by charging curve.
 Verification for the 135°C pin-type high-capacity ultra-compact products is being sought among
various customers in the North American market.
 In the field of medical and aesthetic application, the conductive foil products of the durable 120A
high current discharge have been successfully developed, and now SF 1800uf-300v has been mass-
 At present, in respect of high-end solid products, with the adoption of floating-point adjuster against
aging, together with the 6 sigma lean production strategy, to better control the uniformity of product
parameters to ensure product quality and improve customer satisfaction.
 High-capacitance foils are used in in-vehicle semi-solid state high-voltage products, which
effectively increased capacitance and reduced ESR value, improving the ripple endurance and
lifespan extension of semi-solid state products.
 The capability process index (CPK) of solid capacitors uses dispersion liquid instead of monomer
oxidants to supplement treatment liquid, greatly improving the advantages of capacitance and low
electric leakage, and at the same time fully meeting customers’ requirements for high temperature
reflow soldering process of SMD products.
 Chip-integrated capacitor products of 2V 330uF, 2V 470uF, 2.5V330uF and 2.5V 470uF have been
 High-quality, high-durable charged/discharged and long-life flashlight capacitors, which are widely
used in medical and aesthetic instruments, have been mass-produced successfully in 2020.
 The horn-shaped 125°C 3000Hrs products have been applied to 5G communication power supplies
for key customers, and 5000Hrs product will be developed in the future.
 Semi-solid-state development of products of high-temperature and high-voltage endurance of 150
degrees 100V of 10*16.7 under AP series.
 Solid-state development of high-capacity and high-ripple H2700/35 products of size 12.5*30.

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 Cash and cash equivalents

As at 30 June 2020, the Group had cash and cash equivalents of approximately RMB190,343,000 (31
December 2019: RMB177,445,000), which were mainly held in Renminbi and US Dollars (31
December 2019: Renminbi and US Dollars).

 Borrowings

As at 30 June 2020, the Group had bank and other borrowings of approximately RMB312,568,000 (31
December 2019: RMB205,637,000), which were mainly denominated in Euro, Renminbi, New Taiwan
Dollars and Japanese Yen (31 December 2019: Euro, US Dollars, New Taiwan Dollars and Japanese
Yen). Among such bank and other borrowings, approximately RMB186,382,000 (31 December 2019:
RMB171,290,000) was subject to fixed interest rates. Below is an analysis of the repayment profile of
bank and other borrowings:

30 June 2020 31 December 2019

RMB’000 RMB’000

Within one year 236,083 189,517

More than one year but not exceeding two years 34,950 4,104
More than two years but not exceeding five years 32,601 2,903
More than five years 8,934 9,113
312,568 205,637


The following assets have been pledged as security for the Group’s bank and other borrowings:

30 June 2020 31 December 2019

RMB’000 RMB’000

Property, plant and equipment 158,575 77,580

Pledged bank deposits 2,268 2,190
Pledged deposits in financial institutions 17,121 2,090
Right-of-use assets 13,737 10,805
191,701 92,665


As at 30 June 2020, the Group’s gearing ratio (net debt divided by the sum of equity attributable to owners of
the Company and net debt) was approximately 40.28%, representing an increase of approximately 3.16% as
compared to 37.12% as at 31 December 2019. Such increase was mainly due to the increase in bank and
other borrowings of approximately RMB106,931,000.

Below sets forth the turnover days of the inventories, trade and bills receivable, and trade and bills payable of
the Group during the Period:

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For six months ended 30 June
2020 2019

Inventory turnover 88 days 78 days

Trade and bills receivable turnover 152 days 123 days
Trade and bills payable turnover 108 days 81 days

The Group will continue to improve the management of its inventories, trade receivables and trade payables
to achieve more efficient use of its funds.


As at 30 June 2020, the Group had capital commitments contracted but not provided for in the consolidated
financial statements amounting to approximately RMB91,695,000 (31 December 2019: RMB98,180,000).


During the year ended 31 December 2011, a customer (the "Claimant") filed an arbitration claim against a
subsidiary of the Company, Capxon Electronic Industrial Company Limited ( 豐賓電子工業股份有限公司 )
("Capxon Taiwan") with the Japan Commercial Arbitration Association (the "Arbitration Association"),
claiming damages of JPY1,412,106,000, equivalent to RMB92,709,000 (31 December 2019:
JPY1,412,106,000, equivalent to RMB90,489,000) allegedly suffered by the Claimant with respect to certain
alleged defective electrolytic capacitors supplied by Capxon Taiwan, plus interest accrued thereon from 1
January 2011 up to the settlement date at 6% per annum and all arbitration related expenses.

In August 2014, an arbitral award ("Arbitral Award") was made against Capxon Taiwan which was ordered
to pay to the Claimant damages, interest on deferred payment and arbitration related expenses ("Damages")
and the details are set out below:

(i) damages of JPY2,427,186,647, equivalent to RMB159,351,000 (31 December 2019: JPY2,427,186,647,

equivalent to RMB155,535,000) including:

(a) first claim of JPY1,311,973,002, equivalent to RMB86,134,000 (31 December 2019:

JPY1,311,973,002, equivalent to RMB84,072,000) ("First Claim");
(b) second claim of JPY942,366,339, equivalent to RMB61,869,000 (31 December 2019:
JPY942,366,339, equivalent to RMB60,387,000) ("Second Claim");
(c) third claim of JPY172,847,306, equivalent to RMB11,348,000 (31 December 2019:
JPY172,847,306, equivalent to RMB11,076,000) ("Third Claim");

(ii) interest calculated at 6% per annum on the above deferred payment as follows:

(a) First Claim accrued from 1 January 2011 until payment in full;
(b) Second Claim accrued from 1 July 2012 until payment in full;
(c) Third Claim accrued from 1 December 2012 until payment in full; and

(iii) arbitration related expenses of JPY23,618,062, equivalent to RMB1,551,000 (31 December 2019:
JPY23,618,062, equivalent to RMB1,513,000).

In October 2014, Capxon Taiwan filed a petition to the Tokyo Chiho Saibansho ("Tokyo District Court") for
the annulment of the Arbitral Award. In January 2016, the Tokyo District Court issued its decision in
relation to the Arbitral Award, whereby it dismissed the petition of Capxon Taiwan and upheld the original
decision regarding the Arbitral Award. Capxon Taiwan lodged a further appeal to the Tokyo High Court for
the annulment of the Arbitral Award in February 2016. In February 2017, the Tokyo High Court rejected the

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appeal, and Capxon Taiwan then filed to the Supreme Court of Japan situated in Tokyo ("Japan Supreme
Court"), which is the highest court in Japan, an extraordinary appeal and to the Tokyo High Court a request
for a permission to file an appeal. In March 2017, the Tokyo High Court rejected Capxon Taiwan's request
for a permission to file an appeal. In May 2017, the Japan Supreme Court issued its decision, whereby it
dismissed the extraordinary appeal of Capxon Taiwan and upheld the original decision of the Arbitration
Association regarding the Arbitral Award.

In September 2017, the Claimant filed an application to the High Court of the Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region ("HK Court") to enforce the Arbitral Award in Hong Kong. An enforcement order
was made in October 2017 (“Enforcement Order”) and subsequently a charging order nisi was made in
November 2017 (“Charging Order Nisi”) by the HK Court. Capxon Taiwan applied to the HK Court to
oppose against the Charging Order Nisi in February 2018 (“Charging Order Proceedings”) and to set aside
the Enforcement Order in March 2018. In May 2018, the HK Court dismissed Capxon Taiwan's application
to set aside the Enforcement Order and adjourned the Charging Order Proceedings to November 2018 for
Capxon Taiwan and the Claimant to file further evidence.

In September 2018, the Claimant applied to the HK Court for discovery of documents and disclosure of
certain information of Capxon Taiwan and Lancom Limited, a subsidiary of Capxon Taiwan, by way of
summons ("Disclosure Application Proceedings"). The HK Court reserved its judgments at the conclusion of
the hearing for the Charging Order Proceedings and Disclosure Application Proceedings in September 2019.
In May 2020, the HK Court handed down its judgments in respect of the Charging Order Proceedings and
Disclosure Application Proceedings, whereby it (i) made the Charging Order Nisi absolute and (ii) by way of
a post-judgment disclosure order, ordered Capxon Taiwan to disclose certain information regarding the
financial position of and transactions involving the assets of Capxon Taiwan and Lancom Limited to the

In July 2020, on application by the Claimant, the HK Court made an order entitled "Injunction Prohibiting
Disposal of Assets in Hong Kong" ("Injunction Order") against Lancom Limited and the Company, with
notice to Mr. Lin Chin Tsun and Ms. Chou Chiu Yueh.

Pursuant to the Injunction Order, Lancom Limited and the Company must not (i) remove from Hong Kong
any of their assets which are within Hong Kong, whether in their own name or not, and whether solely or
jointly owned, up to the value of JPY3,700,000,000 (equivalent to HK$273,000,000) (“Stated Amount”); or
(ii) in any way dispose of or deal with or diminish the value of any of their assets, which are within Hong
Kong (except any assets specified in the Injunction Order that may be situated outside Hong Kong), whether
in their own name or not, and whether solely or jointly owned up to the Stated Amount. In particular, the
prohibition in the Injunction Order includes (i) money in the bank accounts of Lancom Limited and the
Company; (ii) Lancom Limited's accounts receivables against Waystech Trading Limited (威達貿易有限
公司 ) and Capxon Trading (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd (凱普松貿易(深圳)有限公司) ; and (iii) the
Company's direct or indirect shareholding or equity interests in Capxon Taiwan, Lancom Limited and the
companies specified in the Injunction Order. On 7 August 2020, being the return date for a further hearing
for the Injunction Order, the HK Court granted a continuation of the Injunction Order until determination or
further order with variations to the scope thereof (“7 August Order”). A substantive hearing for the
Injunction Order is scheduled for 7 October 2020. For details of the Injunction Order (as amended by the 7
August Order), please refer to the announcements of the Company dated 3 August 2020, 20 August 2020 and
23 August 2020, respectively.

In November 2017, the Claimant also filed an application to the Taiwan Shilin District Court ("Taiwan
Court") for the recognition of the Arbitral Award in Taiwan. In March 2018, the Taiwan Court issued a
decision granting the recognition of the Arbitral Award. In April 2018, the shareholders of Capxon Taiwan
passed a resolution to voluntarily wind up Capxon Taiwan and appointed a liquidator pursuant to the Laws of
Taiwan. In April 2018, under the instructions issued by the Taiwan Court, certain property, plant and
equipment in Taiwan were distrained by the Taiwan Court for enforcing the settlement of the Arbitral Award.

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In February 2019, under the instructions issued by the Taiwan Court, the relevant property, plant and
equipment were in auction, and Capxon Technology Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company,
has purchased such auctioned property, plant and equipment. The consideration for this auction amounting
to NTD91,690,000 (equivalent to RMB20,106,000) was received and held by the Taiwan Court to settle
Capxon Taiwan's liabilities below:

(i) secured bank borrowings of NTD80,953,000, equivalent to RMB17,751,000;

(ii) settlements of the Damages to the Claimant of NTD6,990,000, equivalent to RMB1,533,000;
(iii) other creditors of NTD377,000, equivalent to RMB83,000; and
(iv) corresponding expenses and taxes arising from the auction of NTD3,370,000, equivalent to

Besides, under the instructions issued by the Taiwan Court, additional payment amounting to NTD2,932,000,
equivalent to RMB642,000, was made by the Group for settlement of the Damages to the Claimant of
NTD2,765,000, equivalent to RMB606,000 and the arbitration related expenses of NTD167,000, equivalent
to RMB36,000.

As at the date of this announcement, the winding-up procedures of Capxon Taiwan are still in progress.

As at 30 June 2020, an aggregate amount of JPY3,695,549,075, equivalent to RMB242,622,000 (31

December 2019: JPY3,622,932,971, equivalent to RMB232,159,000), was recognised in respect of the


The Group’s revenue from operations is principally denominated in US Dollars and Renminbi, while its
expenses are mainly denominated in Japanese Yen, Renminbi, US Dollars and New Taiwan Dollars. As
revenue and expenses are denominated in various currencies, the exposure to exchange risks was mostly
managed through natural hedges. However, where there is a relatively large fluctuation in the exchange rates
of Renminbi and Japanese Yen, the Group will still be indirectly affected.

At present, Renminbi is not a freely convertible currency. The government of the People's Republic of China
may adopt measures which can result in a material difference between the future and prevailing or historical
exchange rates of Renminbi.


As at 30 June 2020, the Group had approximately 2,605 employees in total. Salary, bonus and fringe benefits
are determined with reference to the prevailing market terms and the individual employee’s performance,
qualification and experience. Employees are the backbone of an enterprise. The Group highly values loyal
and diligent employees, and provides them with on-the-job education and training as well as subsidies on
travel and transportation expenses for home visits. In addition, the Group also adopts non-discriminatory
recruitment and employment practices and is committed to providing a safe and healthy working
environment. During the Period, staff costs (including directors’ emoluments) amounted to approximately
RMB130,155,000 (for the six months ended 30 June 2019: RMB111,017,000).


The amendment of 2011/65/EU, (EU) 2015/863 announced by the European Commission on 4 June 2015
was the revised version of the 2011/65/EU (RoHS 2.0) directive (Directive on restricting the use of certain
hazardous substances in electronic and electrical equipment), principally regulating the standards of materials
used in and production processes of electronic and electrical products, so as to make them more conducive to
human health and environmental protection.

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As far as the examination of the composition of raw materials and the overall production processes are
concerned, the Group has installed the corresponding equipment and apparatuses to support quality control
management. The Group has also introduced the ICP-OES spectrometer to conduct material analysis and
testing, so as to ensure compliance with the requirements of RoHS, SVHC (Substances of Very High
Concern) and halogen-free regulations, thereby achieving a green production environment, shouldering
environmental protection responsibilities, winning the trust of its customers and creating new opportunities
for green businesses.

In addition, the Group utilises resources and reduces wastes in an effective way by adopting measures for
recycling resources, using eco-friendly stationery and saving electricity.


The COVID-19 pandemic accelerates the substantial application of 5G: The sudden outbreak of the pandemic
has also delayed the construction of 5G network in various countries, but in the long run, it has unexpectedly
accelerated the increasing influence of 5G applications on future life, including online e-commerce, remote
work, smart marketing, quantitative finance and digital learning, and is expected to drive and expedite the
development and growth of related industries. Catalyzed by the pandemic, the global manufacturing industry
has again become the mainstream of the world economy and power for social stability. It is also stepping up
the full-speed and all-round model transfer, making good use of innovative technologies, increasing the
resistance to pandemic, and leading the world to speed up the recovery after the pandemic.

In general, the global manufacturing industry is actively promoting digital transformation, applying advanced
technology to manufacturing, embracing the four major transformations of digitalization, networking,
intelligence and service, creating five new competitive forces of data trends, software definitions, platform
support, organizational reconstruction and smart leadership, which accelerate the new digital transformation
of the manufacturing industry. The technology industry will manifest different development situations across
such sub-fields as semiconductors, communications network, intelligent terminals and application software,
amidst the increasing global economic and trade competition, the rapid evolution of new technologies and the
deeper penetration of intelligent applications in human life. Therefore, with the advent of cloud computing
and its various related technologies and widespread application, an infrastructure computing environment has
taken shape that remains perpetually connected, easy to access and impose no restrictions. Undoubtedly, 5G
is the most eye-catching infrastructure technology, building end-to-end industry chains and commercial
targets. Apparently, with the fast-changing technologies and the acceleration of development, human life is
about to enter an era featuring ubiquitous smart applications. Accordingly, industries need to catch up in
order to confront technological transformations.

 Human resources: Streamlining labor demand, and tackling higher labour cost of production lines and
improving labor efficiency through education, training and more automation equipment.
 Production equipment: Installing more automation equipment, with trial production to take place.
 Material costs: Consolidating common materials to reduce inventory backlog.
 Material development: Developing fundamental materials-coated high-proportion capacitance foils and
high-voltage solid-state materials.
 Verification and delivery: Strengthening the application exchanges at the customer side to promptly
understand the development dynamics of products, establishing state-of-the-art electronic application
laboratories to simulate product application for end customers, and pre-determining the potential failure
of capacitor performance and the reasons thereof, in order to uplift the quality of capacitors and meet the
 Technical reforms: Currently, the Group expects to develop the following key technologies in relation to

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aluminum foils and capacitors in 2020:

 Etched aluminum foils

• Adjusting the equipment and technology of the high-speed etching production lines based on the
existing version to further increase the speed and efficiency and improving the quality.
• Developing low-cost etching processes through adjusting and improving the technology and
equipment so as to further reduce the production cost of etched aluminum foils and increase
market competitiveness.

 Formed foils
• Development of low-leakage current formed aluminum foils for energy conservation lamps
• Development of new manufacturing technology for high-capacity formed aluminum foils
• Transformation project for cooling water used in formed foils production line
• Transformation project for foil dispenser with 2000m large foil roll
• Transformation project for automatic inspection for formed foils appearance
• Transformation project for clean production

 Capacitors
• The development of 150℃ heat-resistant rubber plugs and anti-vibration seat plate of SMD
products has brought leapfrogging advancement to the performance of SMD in-vehicle products,
and further enlarge the market share of related applications in the in-vehicle field.
• The Company has conducted cooperative research and development with South China University
of Technology in view of the exclusivity and high cost of imported electrolytic paper. The Group
has developed a kind of low-impedance and high-voltage-resistance electrolytic paper, which has
passed the initial testing. After verification, the cost can be greatly reduced.
• 135°C 6.3-100WV heat-resistant electrolyte, together with the high voltage GBL system
electrolyte under 125°C that the Group developed and the 135℃ heat-resistant plastic cover
developed for matching purpose, have applied to pin-type products that boast heat resistance and
a long lifespan.
• The 125°C 3000Hrs product under the Snap-in series that possess long lifespan has passed the
requirement of a lifespan in the special environment of fanless cooling systems with proven
• Mass production of the 5G products of extreme size with high-voltage and thunderbolt resistance
has been carried out at a full scale. The thunderbolt test and inspection of each batch of products
and the online monitoring of product characteristics have been recognized by customers.


The global manufacturing industry is more actively embracing 5G, which is aimed at the enterprise networks
of manufacturing group, immediately promoting the integration and development of Industry 4.0, the
industrial Internet of Things and industrial big data, while ensuring the security of corporate data. During the
period of pandemic containment and prevention, it was difficult for the factories to start production as
scheduled and medical materials were in short supply, thus highlighting the importance of intelligent and
automated factories. 5G ultra-low latency can meet the communication requirements of the equipment in the
factory, provide remote control and other means for the intelligent production of the factory, and prevent
operators from entering into the dangerous zone.

In addition, the following market trends are noteworthy at the time of pandemic:

1. De-globalization: The supply chain of globalization is too long, which can easily lead to chain breaks and
extremely high logistics costs.
2. De-materialization: Digital economic activities such as e-commerce, distance education, delivery

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platforms, and video conferences are expanding due to the implementation of measures on social
distancing and isolation.
3. Pollution and carbon reduction: The emphasis on environmental protection and green food in the future
will create space for differentiation and added value.
4. Eliminating the weak and retaining the strong: Those who lack cash flows, adaptability and core
competitiveness at the time of the pandemic will be ruled out by the trend.

Looking into the future, creating greater business opportunities would not be possible without combining
digital economy development and the Company's business model. Also, automation, reducing labor costs, or
making good use of big data may be considered to develop clientele and focused marketing. At the same time,
since business opportunities in the 5G era come from innovation, the Group shall leverage on the advantages
of innovation and integration of cross-industry and cross-fields and collectively face the challenges in the
market. Only by these, first-mover advantages under full-speed and all-round digital transformation strategy
in this digital economy era can be captured.

Pursuing sustainable operations and sharing profit with shareholders of the Company have always been the
goals of the Group. In the future, the Group will continue to focus on its existing industries and R&D
innovation, strive for excellence, control costs effectively and enhance manufacturing efficiency, all in a bid
to maintain its competitiveness in the industry. With our technological R&D and product innovation services,
the Group will maintain a stable relationship with its existing customers. The Group will also attempt to
develop a production-marketing model that integrates different industries, proactively explore markets to
meet mass production planning, as well as stabilize the value and revenue from the manufacturing industry,
in order to reward the Company’s shareholders for their support with profits.



The Board has resolved not to declare any interim dividend for the six months ended 30 June 2020 (six
months ended 30 June 2019: Nil).


The Company has adopted the Model Code for Securities Transactions by Directors of Listed Issuers (the
“Model Code”) as set out in Appendix 10 of the Listing Rules as the code of conduct regarding directors’
securities transactions. Upon specific enquiry by the Company, all directors of the Company have confirmed
that they have complied with the required standards set out in the Model Code throughout the six months
ended 30 June 2020.


The Company has complied with the code provisions set out in the Corporate Governance Code and
Corporate Governance Report (the “CG Code”) contained in Appendix 14 of the Listing Rules throughout
the six months ended 30 June 2020, save as disclosed below:

(i) Code provision F.1.3 of the CG Code stipulates that the company secretary should report to the board
chairman and/or chief executive. The company secretary of the Company reported to the chief financial
officer instead of the board chairman and/or the chief executive. As the company secretary is also
involved in handling the financial reporting matters of the Group, it simplifies the reporting process if
she reports to the chief financial officer, who in turn reports to the board chairman on the Group’s
financial affairs and corporate governance.

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Neither the Company nor any of its subsidiaries has purchased, sold or redeemed any of the Company’s listed
securities during the six months ended 30 June 2020.


The Group’s unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements for the six months ended 30 June 2020
have been reviewed by the audit committee and the external auditor of the Company.


The 2020 interim report containing all the information required by the Listing Rules will be published on the
website of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited ( and on the website of the
Company (


As at the date of this announcement, the Board is composed of four executive directors, namely Mr. Lin Chin
Tsun (Chairman and President), Ms. Chou Chiu Yueh (Vice President), Mr. Lin Yuan Yu (Chief Executive
Officer) and Ms. Lin I Chu, one non-executive director, namely Ms. Liu Fang Chun and three independent
non-executive directors, namely Mr. Hsieh King-Hu, Miles, Mr. Lu Hong Te and Mr. Tung Chin Chuan.

By order of the Board

Capxon International Electronic Company Limited
LIN Chin Tsun

Hong Kong, 25 August 2020

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