Electromagnetic Field Theory

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1.What are the source of electric field and magnetic fields?

Electric and magnetic fields are produced in our homes by the electrical appliances we use, the
household electrical wiring, and the power lines and substations outside the home. Electric and
magnetic fields are also produced from the use of electricity in the workplace and by electric

2. Give any three co ordinate systems.

There are three commonly used coordinate systems: Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical.

3. Express the value of differential volume in rectangular and cylindrical Co-ordinate systems

The differential volume dv formed by differential coordinate changes du1, du2, and du3 in
directions au1, au2, and au3, respectively, is (dl1 dl2 dl3):

dv = dl1 dl2 dl3 = h1 h2 h3 du1 du2 du3

dx dy dz for Cartesian Coordinates

r dr dφ dz for cylindrical Coordinates

4.Write expression for differential length in cylindrical and spherical co- ordinates.

differential length changes dl1, dl2, dl3 are:

dl1 = h1 du1

dl2 = h2 du2

dl3 = h3 du3

where h1, h2, h3 may be functions of u1, u2, and u3.

A directed differential length-change dl in an arbitrary direction can be written as the vector

sum of the component length-changes.

For cylindrical Coordinates r dφ

For spherical coordinates R dθ

5.What is physical significance of divergence of D.

The physical significance of the divergence of a vector field is the rate at which "density" exits a
given region of space. By measuring the net flux of content passing through a surface
surrounding the region of space, it is therefore immediately possible to say how the density of
the interior has changed.

6.Express the divergence of a vector in the three system of orthogonal Co-ordination.

7.State divergence theorem.

The divergence theorem states that the surface integral of a vector field over a closed surface,
which is called the flux through the surface, is equal to the volume integral of the divergence
over the region inside the surface.

8.State Stoke’s theorem.

The Stoke's theorem states that “the surface integral of the curl of a function over a surface
bounded by a closed surface is equal to the line integral of the particular vector function around
that surface.”

9. How is the unit vectors defined in three co ordinate systems?

1 (a) The electric field in a spherical co-ordinate is given by E=(r/5 )ar. Show that closedE.dS=(.E)dv.

1(b) State and proof divergence theorem

spherical coordinate system, In geometry, a coordinate system in which any point in three-
dimensional space is specified by its angle with respect to a polar axis and angle of rotation with
respect to a prime meridian on a sphere of a given radius.
(b) the divergence theorem states that the surface integral of a vector field over a closed
surface, which is called the flux through the surface, is equal to the volume integral of the
divergence over the region inside the surface.

The Divergence Theorem Proof Let us consider a surface denoted by S which encloses a volume
denoted by V. Suppose vector A is the vector field in the given region. Suppose this volume is
made up of a large number of parallelepipeds (1- 6 parallelepipeds) which represent elementary
2. Check validity of the divergence theorem considering the field D=2xy ax +x2ay c/m2

and the rectangular parallelepiped formed by the planes x=0,x=1,y=0,y=2 &z=0,z=3.

This question wants us to find the divergence and curl of this vector field. So first for the
diversions, we're just adding up the corresponding derivatives. So the ex derivative of the X
component, the wider evident of the Y component and so on. So the ex derivative of the X
component is zero. The why derivative of the Y component is zero, and the Z component has a Z
derivative of zero. So this vector field is divergence free. And now for the curl, we set up our
determinant with our unit vectors, derivatives and vector field. So first we'll find the I had term,
which we get by taking the wider emotive the bottom right and subtracting that other Z term.
But there's no Z dependence there. So this just is negative. X sign Why minus zero. And then r J
hat comes of the minus sign attached. And that determinant. We want the x derivative of x co
sign why which is coastline y and then minus three y. And then finally, for K hat term, we just
have to x minus the risi. And now writing this as a vector we get that are curl is just negative. X
sign. Why three y minus co sign why and then two x minus three c and that's our final answer.

3 Explain three co-ordinate systems

Cartesian Coordinate System

Cartesian coordinates consist of a set of mutually perpendicular axes, which intersect at a

common point, the origin O . We live in a three-dimensional spatial world; for that reason, the
most common system we will use has three axes.

Choice of Origin

Choose an origin O at any point that is most convenient.

Choice of Unit Vectors

We now associate to each point P in space, a set of three unit vectors (i^P,j^P,k^P) . A unit
vector has magnitude one: ∣∣i^P∣∣=1,∣∣j^P∣∣=1, and ∣∣k^P∣∣=1 . We assign the direction of i^P to
point in the direction of the increasing x -coordinate at the point P . We define the directions
for j^P and k^P P in the direction of the increasing y -coordinate and z -coordinate
respectively. If we choose a different point S , and define a similar set of unit vectors
(i^S,j^S,k^S) , the unit vectors at S and P satisfy the equalities

i^S=i^P,j^S=j^P, and k^S=k^P,

Cylindrical Coordinate System

Many physical objects demonstrate some type of symmetry. For example, if you rotate a
uniform cylinder about the longitudinal axis (symmetry axis), the cylinder appears unchanged.
The operation of rotating the cylinder is called a symmetry operation, and the object undergoing
the operation, the cylinder, is exactly the same as before the operation was performed. This
symmetry property of cylinders suggests a coordinate system, called a cylindrical coordinate
system, that makes the symmetrical property under rotations transparent.

First choose an origin O and axis through O , which we call the z -axis. The cylindrical
coordinates for a point P are the three numbers (r,θ,z) (Figure 3.12). The number z
represents the familiar coordinate of the point P along the z -axis. The nonnegative number r
represents the distance from the z -axis to the point P . The points in space corresponding to a
constant positive value of r lie on a circular cylinder. The locus of points corresponding to r=0
is the z -axis. In the plane z=0 , define a reference ray through O , which we shall refer to as the
positive x -axis. Draw a line through the point P that is parallel to the z -axis. Let D denote the
point of intersection between that line PD and the plane z=0 . Draw a ray OD from the origin
to the point D . Let θ denote the directed angle from the reference ray to the ray OD . The
angle θ is positive when measured counterclockwise and negative when measured clockwise.

In mathematics, a spherical coordinate system is a coordinate system for three-dimensional

space where the position of a point is specified by three numbers: the radial distance of that
point from a fixed origin, its polar angle measured from a fixed zenith direction, and the
azimuthal angle of its orthogonal projection on a reference plane that passes through the origin
and is orthogonal to the zenith, measured from a fixed reference direction on that plane. It can
be seen as the three-dimensional version of the polar coordinate system.

The use of symbols and the order of the coordinates differs among sources and disciplines. This
article will use the ISO convention[1] frequently encountered in physics: {\displaystyle (r,\theta
,\varphi )}(r,\theta ,\varphi ) gives the radial distance, polar angle, and azimuthal angle. In many
mathematics books, {\displaystyle (\rho ,\theta ,\varphi )}{\displaystyle (\rho ,\theta ,\varphi )}
or {\displaystyle (r,\theta ,\varphi )}(r,\theta ,\varphi ) gives the radial distance, azimuthal angle,
and polar angle, switching the meanings of θ and φ. Other conventions are also used, such as r
for radius from the z-axis, so great care needs to be taken to check the meaning of the symbols.

4. (a) Discuss about curl of a vector

(b) Derive an expression for curl of a vector

(c)State stoke’s theorem

The Stoke's theorem states that “the surface integral of the curl of a function over a surface
bounded by a closed surface is equal to the line integral of the particular vector function around
that surface.”

5. (a) Define divergence, gradient, curl in spherical co-ordinate system with mathematical expression

(b) Prove that divergence of a curl of a vector is zero, using stoke’s theorem

The gradient, divergence, and curl are the result of applying the Del operator to various kinds of

The Gradient is what you get when you “multiply” Del by a scalar function

The Divergence is what you get when you “dot” Del with a vector field

The Curl is what you get when you “cross” Del with a vector field

In case of spherical coordinate system,the gradient, divergence and curl are given as follows,
1.State coulombs law.

Coulomb's law states that: The magnitude of the electrostatic force of attraction or repulsion
between two point charges is directly proportional to the product of the magnitudes of charges
and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

2.State Gauss law for electric fields

Gauss's law states that the electric flux through any closed surface is equal to the net charge
enclosed by the surface divided by permittivity of vacuum. i.e ϕ=ϵQ.

3. Define electric flux & electric flux density

electric flux, property of an electric field that may be thought of as the number of electric lines
of force (or electric field lines) that intersect a given area. Electric field lines are considered to
originate on positive electric charges and to terminate on negative charges.

Electric flux density is the electric flux passing through a unit area perpendicular to the direction
of the flux. Electric flux density is a measure of the strength of an electric field generated by a
free electric charge.

4.Define electric field intensity

The space around an electric charge in which its influence can be felt is known as the electric
field. The electric field intensity at a point is the force experienced by a unit positive charge
placed at that point. Electric Field Intensity is a vector quantity.

5. Name few applications of Gauss law in electrostatics

The applications of Gauss Law are mainly to find the electric field due to infinite symmetries
such as: Uniformly charged Straight wire. Uniformly charged Infinite plate sheet. Uniformly
charged thin spherical shell.

6. Define potential difference.

The potential difference (which is the same as voltage) is equal to the amount of current
multiplied by the resistance. A potential difference of one Volt is equal to one Joule of energy
being used by one Coulomb of charge when it flows between two points in a circuit.

7.Define potential.

The work required to bring a unit of positive electric charge from a reference point (as at
infinity) to a specified point in an electric field. Maybe. See also negative, null, and positive. The
definition of potential is having the power or being capable of happening.

8. Give the relation between electric field intensity and electric flux density.

The electric flux through an area is defined as the number of electric field lines passing through
that area normally. If the electric field at a certain point be →E . Then, the electric flux through
an infinitesimal area with an area vector d→S d S → around that point will be given by:
dϕ=→E⋅d→S d ϕ = E → ⋅ d S → .

9. Give the relationship between potential gradient and electric field.

The change of electric potential with respect to distance is called potential gradient. It is
denoted by dv/dx. hence, the negative of potential gradient is equal with electric field intensity.

10.Define current density.

Current density is referred to as the total amount of current which is flowing through one unit
value of a cross-sectional area. If this is of uniform current flow, then the amount of current
which is flowing through a specific conductor is the same at all points of the conductor, even if
the conductor area differs.

11.Write down the expression for capacitance between two parallel plates.

The expression for the capacitance for parallel plate capacitor is C=ε0Ad.

12.State point form of ohms law.

Ohm's law states that the voltage or potential difference between two points is directly
proportional to the current or electricity passing through the resistance, and directly
proportional to the resistance of the circuit. The formula for Ohm's law is V=IR.

13. Define dielectric strength.

Dielectric strength of insulating material is defined as the maximum electric field that it can
without undergoing dielectric breakdown and becoming electrically conductive. Dielectric
strength can also be stated as the maximum voltage needed to cause a dielectric breakdown in
an electrically insulating material.

1.State and proof gauss law .and explain applications of gauss law.

According to Gauss’s theorem the net-outward normal electric flux through any closed surface
of any shape is equivalent to 1/ε0 times the total amount of charge contained within that

Proof of Gauss’s Theorem Statement:

Let the charge be = q

Let us construct the Gaussian sphere of radius = r

Now, Consider, A surface or area ds having ds (vector)

Normal having the flux at ds:

Flux at ds:

d e = E (vector) d s (vector) cos θ

But , θ = 0

Therefore, Total flux:

E 4 π r2


σ = 1 / 4πɛo q / r2 × 4π r2

σ = q / ɛo

2. Drive an expression for the electric field due to a straight and infinite Uniformly charged

wire of length ‘L’ meters and with a charge density of + c/m at a point P which lies along

the perpendicular bisector of wire.

Consider an infinitely long thin straight wive with uniform linear charge q density λ. Let P be a
point at ⊥r distance r from the wire.

To calculate the E.F → E E→ at P, imagine a cylindrical Gaussian surface. ∴ The surface area of
the curved part S = 2πrl Total charge enclosed by the Gaussian surface q = λl Electric flix through
the end Surfaces of the cylinder is Φ = 0 Electric flux through the curved Surfaces of the cylinder
is Φ2 = Ecosθ.s Φ2 = E x 1 x 2πrl The total electric flux Φ = Φ1 + Φ2 Φ = 0 + E2πrl, Φ2 = 2πrlE
………(1) A/C to Gauss law
3. (a) Explain poissons and lapace’s equations.

(b) A uniform line charge L =25Nc/m lies on the x=3m and y=4m in free space. Find the

electric field intensity at a point (2,3,15) m.

Poisson’s Equation states that the Laplacian of the electric potential field is equal to the volume
charge density divided by the permittivity, with a change of sign.

Poisson’s Equation is a partial differential equation, and therefore can be solved using well-
known techniques already established for such equations. In fact, Poisson’s Equation is an
inhomogeneous differential equation, with the inhomogeneous part −ρv/ϵ representing the
source of the field. In the presence of material structure, we identify the relevant boundary
conditions at the interfaces between materials, and the task of finding V(r) is reduced to the
purely mathematical task of solving the associated boundary value problem

Laplace’s Equation states that the Laplacian of the electric potential field is zero in a source-free
region. Laplace’s Equation:


4.A circular disc of radius‘a’ m is charged uniformly with a charge density of c/ m2.find the

electric field at a point ‘h’ m from the disc along its axis.
5. Derive the boundary conditions of the normal and tangential components of electric field at

the inter face of two media with different dielectrics.

6. Derive an expression for the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor having two dielectric media.
7.Derive an expression for the capacitance of two wire transmission line.

Capacitance of Two Wire Line:

Consider a Capacitance of Two Wire Line shown in Fig. 3.3 excited from a single-phase source.
The Capacitance of Two Wire Line develops equal and opposite sinusoidal charges on the two
conductors which can be represented as phasors qa and qb so that qa = – qb.

The potential difference Vab can be written in terms of the contributions made by qa and qb by
use of Eq. (3.2) with associated assumptions (i.e. D/r is large and ground is far away). Thus,

The line capacitance Cab is then

8. Drive an expression for energy stored and energy density in electrostatic field
1.State Biot –savarts law.

Biot-Savart's law states that the magnetic field at point P is proportional to the length of the
element dl, the current flowing through it I and inversely proportional to the square of the
distance r. The direction of the field is perpendicular to the plane containing both dl and r.

2.State Ampere circuital law

Ampere's circuital law states that “the line integral of the magnetic field surrounding closed-
loop equals to the number of times the algebraic sum of currents passing through the loop.”

3.Write the relation between magnetic flux density and field intensity

The relation between the flux density (B) and magnetic flux intensity (H) is given by B = μH.

4.Write the relation between relative permeability and suspectibility

Solution. The relation between relative permeability and magnetic susceptibility is given by μ r =

5. Define magnetic flux density

The magnetic flux density or magnetic induction is the number of lines of force passing through
a unit area of material, B. The unit of magnetic induction is the tesla (T).

6.Write down the magnetic boundary conditions.

Boundary conditions for perpendicular field components

Boundary conditions for parallel field components

7.Give the force on a current element.

The force on a current-carrying wire in a magnetic field is F = IlB sin θ.

8. Define magnetic moment.

Definition of magnetic moment

: a vector quantity that is a measure of the torque exerted on a magnetic system (such as a bar
magnet or dipole) when placed in a magnetic field and that for a magnet is the product of the
distance between its poles and the strength of either pole.

9.State Gauss law for magnetic field

Gauss's law for magnetism states that the magnetic flux across any closed surface is zero; this
law is consistent with the observation that isolated magnetic poles (monopoles) do not exist.

10.What is magnetic susceptibility

In electromagnetism, the magnetic susceptibility (Latin: susceptibilis, "receptive"; denoted χ) is a

measure of how much a material will become magnetized in an applied magnetic field. It is the
ratio of magnetization M (magnetic moment per unit volume) to the applied magnetizing field
intensity H.

1. Derive the expressions for magnetic field intensity due to finite and infinite line

Magnetic Field Intensity Due To A Straight Current-Carrying Conductor Of Finite Length

As we know, current-carrying conductors experience magnetic fields. Any mass will produce a
gravitational field and can also interact with that field. Charge produces an electric field and also
interacts with that field. Since moving charge interacts with a magnetic field, we might expect
that it also creates that field.

Consider a straight conductor AB carrying a current (I), and magnetic field intensity is to be
determined at point P.
Refer to the above image. According to Biot-Savart law, the magnetic field at P is given

Let AB be the conductor through which current I flows. Consider a point P, placed at a certain
distance from the midpoint of the conductor. Consider the small current-carrying element dl
placed at point c. It is at a distance r from point p. l be the distance between the centre of the
coil and dl is the length. Using the biot-savart law, the magnetic field at point P due to current
carrying element dl is
2.Derive the expressions for magnetic flux intensity due to solenoid of the coil.
3.Derive the expressions for magnetic field intensity due to toroidal coil and circular coil.

A toroid is a coil of insulated or enamelled wire wound on a doughnut -shaped form made of
powdered iron. A toroid is used as an inductor in electronic circuits, especially at low
frequencies where comparatively large inductance are necessary.

Magnetic field due to toroid :

4. Derive an expression for energy stored and energy density in magnetic field.

The formula for the energy stored in a magnetic field is E = 1/2 LI2. The energy stored in a
magnetic field is equal to the work needed to produce a current through the inductor. Energy is
stored in a magnetic field. Energydensity can be written as uB=B22μ u B = B 2 2 μ .

5.(a) Derive an expressions for self inductance of two wire transmission line.

5.(b) Derive an expressions for force between two current carrying conductors.

Inductance of Transmission Line

In the medium and long transmission lines inductance (reactance) is more effective than
resistance. The current flow in the transmission line interacts with the other parameter, i.e the
Inductance. We know that when current flow within a conductor, magnetic flux is set up. With
the variation of current in the conductor, the number of lines of flux also changes, and an emf is
induced in it (Faraday’s Law). This induced emf is represented by the parameter known as

The flux linking with the conductor consist of two parts, namely, the internal flux and the
external flux. The internal flux is induced due to the current flow in the conductor. The external
flux produced around the conductor is due to its own current and the current of the other
conductors place around it. The total inductance of the conductor is determined by the
calculation of the internal and external flux.

Inductance of a two-wire line

Considered a single phase line consisting of two conductors (phase and neutral) a and b of equal
radius r. They are situated at a distance D meters. The cross sections of conductors are shown in
the diagram below.

Let the current flow in the conductors are opposite in direction so that one becomes return path
for the other.

The flux linkages of conductor ‘a’ is given by the formula


Ia = +I

Ib = -I

Daa = r’

Dab = D

Substituting these values in above equation

Similarly, the flux linkage with the conductor ‘b’ will be
6.(a) Derive the expression for torque developed in a rectangular closed circuit carrying

current I a uniform field.

6. (b) An iron ring with a cross sectional area of 3cm square and mean circumference of 15 cm

is wound with 250 turns wire carrying a current of 0.3A.The relative permeability of ring is 1500 .

calculate the flux established in the ring

a) Let II = current flowing through the coil PQRSPQRS

a,ba,b = sides of the coil PQRSPQRS

A=abA=ab = area of the coil

θθ = angle between the direction of B

and normal to the plane of the coil.

According to Fleming's left hand rule, the magnetic forces on sides PSPS and QRQR are equal,
opposite and collinear (along the axis of the loop), so their resultant is zero.

The side PQPQ experiences a normal inward force equal to IbBIbB while the side RSRS
experiences an equal normal outward force. These two forces form a couple which exerts a
torque given by

τ=τ= Force ×× perpendicular distance



If the rectangular loop has NN turns, the torque increases NN times i.e.,

τ=τ= NIBAsinθNIBAsin⁡θ

But NIA=m,NIA=m, the magnetic moment of the loop, so


In vector notation, the torque

τ= m× B

The direction of the torque τ is such that it rotates the loop clockwise about the axis of

(b). If the electric field is uniform, the electric flux (ΦE) passing through a surface of vector area
S is: ΦE = E⋅S = EScosθ, where E is the magnitude of the electric field (having units of V/m), S is
the area of the surface, and θ is the angle between the electric field lines and the normal
(perpendicular) to S.

1.State Faraday’s law of induction.

the magnitude of the emf induced in a circuit is proportional to the rate of change of the
magnetic flux that cuts across the circuit.

2.State lenz’s law

Lenz's law states that: The current induced in a circuit due to a change in a magnetic field is
directed to oppose the change in flux and to exert a mechanical force which opposes the

3.Give the equation of transformer emf

RMS value of emf per turn = 1.11 x 4f Φm = 4.44f Φm. This is called the emf equation of
transformer, which shows, emf / number of turns is same for both primary and secondary
winding. For an ideal transformer on no load, E1 = V1 and E2 = V2

4.What is motional electric field?

An emf induced by motion relative to a magnetic field is called a motional emf. This is
represented by the equation emf = LvB, where L is length of the object moving at speed v
relative to the strength of the magnetic field B.

5.What is motional emf ?

An emf induced by the motion of the conductor across the magnetic field is a motional
electromotive force. The equation is given by E = -vLB. This equation is true as long as the
velocity, field, and length are mutually perpendicular.

6.What is the emf produced by moving loop in time varying field?

The emf induced in a stationary closed path by a time varying magnetic field is called a
transformer emf .

7.What is time harmonic field ?

A time-harmonic field is one that varies periodically or sinusoidally with time.

8. Give time harmonic maxwell’s equation in point form. Assume time factor e-it.

Bu Em × × ∇ = × ∇ 1.11 or from equations 1.6 and 1.11. This is Maxwell's equation (based on
Ampere's circuit law) for a time-varying field.

9. Distinguish between Field theory and Circuit theory

Although electromagnetic Field Theory (EMFT) is complex in comparison with circuit theory
EMFT is simplified by using appropriate mathematics. This theory deals with E and H vectors,
whereas circuit theory deals with voltages and currents.

10.Write Maxwell’s equation in point and integral form for good conductors.
11.What Is significance of displacement current density?

In electromagnetism, displacement current is a quantity appearing in Maxwell's equations that

is defined in terms of the rate of change of electric displacement field. Displacement current has
the same units as electric current, and it is a source of the magnetic field just as actual current

1.What are the different ways of EMF generation? Explain with the governing equations and

suitable practical examples.

The induced emf can be produced by changing :

(i) the magnetic induction (B),

(ii) area enclosed by the coil (A) and

(iii) the orientation of the coil (θ) with respect to the magnetic field.

Emf induced by changing the magnetic induction.

The magnetic induction can be changed by moving a magnet either towards or away from a coil
and thus an induced emf is produced in the coil.

The magnetic induction can also be changed in one coil by changing the current in the
neighbouring coil thus producing an induced emf.

Emf induced by changing the area enclosed by the coil

PQRS is a conductor bent in the shape as shown in the Fig 4.9. L1M1 is a sliding conductor of
length l resting on the arms PQ and RS. A uniform magnetic field ‘B’ acts perpendicular to the
plane of the conductor. The closed area of the conductor is L1QRM1. When L1M1 is moved
through a distance dx in time dt, the new area is L2QRM2. Due to the change in area
L2L1M1M2, there is a change in the flux linked with the conductor. Therefore, an induced emf is

Emf induced by changing the orientation of the coil

PQRS is a rectangular coil of N turns and area A placed in a uniform magnetic field B . The coil is
rotated with an angular velocity ω in the clockwise direction about an axis perpendicular to the
direction of the magnetic field. Suppose, initially the coil is in vertical position, so that the angle
between normal to the plane of the coil and magnetic field is zero. After a time t, let θ (=ωt) be
the angle through which the coil is rotated. If is the flux linked with the coil at this instant, then

= NBA cos θ
2.With necessary explanation, derive the Maxwell’s equation in differential and integral forms.

Maxwell's equations are a set of four differential equations that form the theoretical basis for
describing classical electromagnetism: Gauss's law: Electric charges produce an electric field.
The electric flux across a closed surface is proportional to the charge enclosed.
3.(a) What do you mean by displacement current? Write down the expression for the total

current density.

3.(b) In a material for which =5 s/m and r=1 and E=250 sin 1010t (V/m).find the

conduction and displacement current densities.

(a) Definition of displacement current

: a limited shifting of electric components that occurs within a dielectric when a voltage is
applied to or removed from it (as in charging or discharging a capacitor) and that corresponds to
the current in the circuit supplying the voltage.Current Density (J) = I/A ,In this equation, ‘I’ is
the amount of current in Amperes while ‘A’ is the cross-section area in sq. meters.

4 .(a) Find the total current in a circular conductor of radius 4mm if the current density varies

according to J=104/R A/m2 .

4.(b) Given the conduction current density in a lossy dielectric as Jc=0.02 sin 109 t A/m2
.find the displacement current density if =103 mho/m and r=6.5 .

B=μ0I2R(at center of loop) B = μ 0 I 2 R ( at center of loop ) , where R is the radius of the loop.
This equation is very similar to that for a straight wire, but it is valid only at the center of a
circular loop of wire.

5 (a) Explain the relation between field theory and circuit theory.

5 (b) The magnetic field intensity in free space is given as H=H0sin ay t A/m.where = t-z and is

a constant quantity. Determine the displacement current density.

(a). Circuit Theory:

1) This analysis is originated by its own.

2) Applicable only for portion of radiofrequency range.

3) It is dependent and independent parameter, I and V are directly obtained from the given

4) Parameters of medium are not involved.

5) Laplace Transform is employed.

6) Z, Y and H parameters are used.

7) Low power is involved.

8) Simple to understand.

9) 2 Dimensional analysis.

10) Frequency is used for reference.

11) Lumped components are used.

Field Theory:

1) Evolved from transmission ratio.

2) Not applicable for portion of radiofrequency range.

3) Not directly obtained from E and H.

4) Parameters (Permeability and Permitiviy) are analysed in the medium.

5) Maxwell's equation is used.

6) S parameter is used.

7) High Power is involved.

8) Needs visualisation effect.

9) 3 Dimensional analysis.

10) Wavelength is used as reference.

11) Distributed components are used.

(b). In electromagnetism, displacement current density is the quantity ∂D/∂t appearing in
Maxwell's equations that is defined in terms of the rate of change of D, the electric
displacement field.

Displacement current is given by: id=dtdQ=εodtdϕE.

The displacement current density is Jd = dD/dt. Since D = εE and in frequency domain d/dt = jw,
thus we get Jd = jwεE. The total current density is given as 0.5i + j – 1.5k units.

6. Derive General field relation for time varying electric and magnetic fields using Maxwell’s’ equations.
1. Define a Wave.

wave, propagation of disturbances from place to place in a regular and organized way. Most
familiar are surface waves that travel on water, but sound, light, and the motion of subatomic
particles all exhibit wavelike properties.

2. Mention the properties of uniform plane wave.

Uniform plane waves have following properties :

They have infinite energy and no source. They are the dual of point particles, but are better
liked. They are a useful abstraction of reality and can make good predictions.

3.Write down the wave equation for E and H in free space.

The quantities E and H are the electric and magnetic field intensities and are measured in units
of [volt/m] and [ampere/m], respectively. The quantities D and B are the electric and magnetic
flux densities and are in units of [coulomb/m2] and [weber/m2], or [tesla].

each component of the magnetic field B satisfies the three-dimensional wave equation.
Similarly, using the fact that E=−∇ϕ−∂A/∂t, it follows that the electric field E in free space also
satisfies the three-dimensional wave equation: ∇2E−1c2∂2E∂t2=0.

4.Write down the wave equation for E and H in a conducting medium

5. Define intrinsic impedance or characteristic impedance.

When an electromagnetic wave propagates through free space, it encounters the characteristic
impedance of the free space, called intrinsic impedance (𝜼). Intrinsic impedance describes the
magnitude of the magnetic and electric fields present in the free space.

6. Calculate the characteristic impedance of free space.

The characteristic impedance of free space is equal to the square root of the ratio of
permeability of free space (in henrys per meter) to the permittivity of free space (in farads per
meter). It works out to about 377 Ω, and that is the characteristic impedance of the universe.

7. Define propagation constant.

The propagation constant of a sinusoidal electromagnetic wave is a measure of the change

undergone by the amplitude and phase of the wave as it propagates in a given direction. The
quantity being measured can be the voltage, the current in a circuit, or a field vector such as
electric field strength or flux density.

8. Define skin depth.

The skin depth is that distance below the surface of a conductor where the current density has
diminished to 1/e of its value at the surface. The thickness of the conductor is assumed to be
several (perhaps at least three) times the skin depth.

9. Define Pointing vector.

The rate of energy travelled through per unit area i.e. the amount of energy flowing through per
unit area in the perpendicular direction to the incident energy per unit time is called poynting
Poynting's theorem states that the rate of energy transfer per unit volume from a region of
space equals the rate of work done on the charge distribution in the region, plus the energy flux
leaving that region.

11.What is lossy dielectric medium?

A lossy dielectric medium is defined as a medium in which the electric conductivity is not equal
to zero yet it is not a good conductor.

13. Define Polarization.

Polarization is a property of waves that can oscillate with more than one orientation.
Electromagnetic waves such as light exhibit polarization, as do some other types of wave, such
as gravitational waves. Classification of Polarization.

14.Define Circular Polarization.

In electrodynamics, circular polarization of an electromagnetic wave is a polarization state in

which, at each point, the electromagnetic field of the wave has a constant magnitude and is
rotating at a constant rate in a plane perpendicular to the direction of the wave.

15.Define Elliptical polarization.

In electrodynamics, elliptical polarization is the polarization of electromagnetic radiation such

that the tip of the electric field vector describes an ellipse in any fixed plane intersecting, and
normal to, the direction of propagation.

16.Define Linear Polarization.

In electrodynamics, linear polarization or plane polarization of electromagnetic radiation is a

confinement of the electric field vector or magnetic field vector to a given plane along the
direction of propagation.

1. (a) Calculate the attenuation constant and phase constant for the uniform plane wave with the
frequency of 10GHz in a medium for which μr=1 ,

r=48, =20s/m. calculate the Propagation constant at a =μr=1 , r=48, =20s/m. calculate the Propagation
constant at a 0, r=2.3 and =2.54×10-4/m .

The equation V(x,t)=Ae−αxcos(2πft+θ−βx) V ( x , t ) = A e − α x c o s ( 2 π f t + θ − β x ) says the

amplitude at x meters will be Ae−αx A e − α x which means the amplitude will decrease by a
constant percentage every meter.

β=ω√μϵ is the phase propagation constant, η=√μ/ϵ is the wave impedance, and E0 is a complex-
valued constant associated with the magnitude and phase of the source.

1.(b) Derive the expression for the attenuation constant ,phase constant and intrinsic
impedance for a uniform plane wave in a good conductor.
The full equation for a harmonic wave with positions x and y with time t is:

Deriving Intrinsic Impedance

The atmospheric air is typically a low-loss medium with little magnetization. It can be modeled
as a vacuum or otherwise called free space. Free space is non-conductive, 𝞂=0, where 𝞂 is the
conductivity of the medium. The permeability (𝜇) and permittivity (𝜀) of free space is
represented by 𝜇0 and 𝜀0, respectively. As there are no physical conductances or resistances in
free space, the equation of intrinsic impedance reduces to one with permeability and

In general, the intrinsic impedance or wave intrinsic impedance of an electromagnetic wave

traveling through a medium can be given by the ratio of its electric to magnetic field intensities,
that is, E/H. For a uniform plane wave traveling in a given medium, E/H is a constant and
provides the impedance. The units of E and H are volts per meter and amperes per meter,
respectively. Taking the ratio of E/H, the unit is Volts/ ampere which is equal to Ohms.
Consider a uniform plane wave traveling in the positive y-direction. The electric field is varying in
the z-direction and the magnetic field in the x-direction. The electric field can be given by the

Using the relationship given by equation (2):

The magnetic field can be derived as:

2. Derive the one dimensional general wave equation and find the solution for wave equation.

One-Dimensional Wave Equation Derivation Let us consider the relationship between the
volume ∆v in the direction x and Newton's law which is being applied to it:
The one-dimensional wave equation can be solved exactly by d'Alembert's solution, using a
Fourier transform method.d'Alembert devised his solution in 1746, and Euler subsequently
expanded the method in 1748.
3. Discuss about the plane waves in lossy dielectrics.
4. Discuss about the plane waves in lossless dielectrics.
5.Briefly explain about the wave incident (i) Normally on perfect conductor (ii) Obliquely to the

surface of perfect conductor.

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