Ece014 - Electronics 3 - Experiment 4

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Filter circuits are essential components in electrical and electronic systems that are
used to manipulate signals. A high pass filter is a type of filter that allows high frequency
signals to pass through while blocking low-frequency signals. High pass filters find
applications in a variety of fields such as audio, radio communication, and control

The purpose of this laboratory report is to present the results obtained from the testing
of a high pass filter circuit. The circuit is constructed using a resistor and capacitor
combination in a series configuration. The testing to be performed is to verify the filter's
ability to pass high-frequency signals while blocking low-frequency signals.

 To determine the frequency response of the high-pass filter, its cut-off frequency,
and its attenuation characteristics.
 To analyze the performance of a high-pass filter circuit, with the aim of
understanding its frequency response characteristics and its ability to attenuate
low-frequency signals while passing high-frequency signals.
 To detail the experimental measurements to validate the theoretical analysis.

A High Pass Filter is the exact opposite to the low pass filter circuit as the two
components have been interchanged with the filters output signal now being taken from
across the resistor
Where as the low pass filter only allowed signals to pass below its cut-off frequency
point, ƒc, the passive high pass filter circuit as its name implies, only passes signals
above the selected cut-off point, ƒc eliminating any low frequency signals from the
waveform. Consider the circuit below.

The High Pass Filter Circuit

In this circuit arrangement, the reactance of the capacitor is very high at low frequencies
so the capacitor acts like an open circuit and blocks any input signals at VIN until the
cut-off frequency point ( ƒC ) is reached. Above this cut-off frequency point the
reactance of the capacitor has reduced sufficiently as to now act more like a short circuit
allowing all of the input signal to pass directly to the output as shown below in the filters
response curve.

Frequency Response of a 1st Order High Pass Filter

The Bode Plot or Frequency Response Curve above for a passive high pass filter is the
exact opposite to that of a low pass filter. Here the signal is attenuated or damped at
low frequencies with the output increasing at +20dB/Decade (6dB/Octave) until the
frequency reaches the cut-off point ( ƒc ) where again R = Xc. It has a response curve
that extends down from infinity to the cut-off frequency, where the output voltage
amplitude is 1/√2 = 70.7% of the input signal value or -3dB (20 log (Vout/Vin)) of the
input value.
Also we can see that the phase angle ( Φ ) of the output signal LEADS that of the input
and is equal to +45° at frequency ƒc. The frequency response curve for this filter implies
that the filter can pass all signals out to infinity. However in practice, the filter response
does not extend to infinity but is limited by the electrical characteristics of the
components used.
The cut-off frequency point for a first order high pass filter can be found using the same
equation as that of the low pass filter, but the equation for the phase shift is modified
slightly to account for the positive phase angle as shown below.
Cut-off Frequency and Phase Shift

The circuit gain, Av which is given as Vout/Vin (magnitude) and is calculated as:

High Pass Filter Example No1

Calculate the cut-off or “breakpoint” frequency ( ƒc ) for a simple passive high pass filter
consisting of an 82pF capacitor connected in series with a 240kΩ resistor.

Second-order High Pass Filter

Again as with low pass filters, high pass filter stages can be cascaded together to form
a second order (two-pole) filter as shown.

Second-order High Pass Filter

The above circuit uses two first-order filters connected or cascaded together to form a
second-order or two-pole high pass network. Then a first-order filter stage can be
converted into a second-order type by simply using an additional RC network, the same
as for the 2nd-order low pass filter. The resulting second-order high pass filter circuit will
have a slope of 40dB/decade (12dB/octave).
As with the low pass filter, the cut-off frequency, ƒc is determined by both the resistors
and capacitors as follows.

In practice, cascading passive filters together to produce larger-order filters is difficult to

implement accurately as the dynamic impedance of each filter order affects its
neighboring network. However, to reduce the loading effect we can make the
impedance of each following stage 10x the previous stage, so R2 = 10*R1 and C2 =
1/10th of C1.

High Pass Filter Summary

We have seen that the Passive High Pass Filter is the exact opposite to the low pass
filter. This filter has no output voltage from DC (0Hz), up to a specified cut-off frequency
( ƒc ) point. This lower cut-off frequency point is 70.7% or -3dB (dB = -20log VOUT/VIN)
of the voltage gain allowed to pass.
The frequency range “below” this cut-off point ƒc is generally known as the Stop Band
while the frequency range “above” this cut-off point is generally known as the Pass
The cut-off frequency, corner frequency or -3dB point of a high pass filter can be found
using the standard formula of: ƒc = 1/(2πRC). The phase angle of the resulting output
signal at ƒc is +45°. Generally, the high pass filter is less distorting than its equivalent
low pass filter due to the higher operating frequencies.
A very common application of this type of passive filter, is in audio amplifiers as a
coupling capacitor between two audio amplifier stages and in speaker systems to direct
the higher frequency signals to the smaller “tweeter” type speakers while blocking the
lower bass signals or are also used as filters to reduce any low frequency noise or
“rumble” type distortion. When used like this in audio applications the high pass filter is
sometimes called a “low-cut”, or “bass cut” filter.
The output voltage Vout depends upon the time constant and the frequency of the input
signal as seen previously. With an AC sinusoidal signal applied to the circuit it behaves
as a simple 1st Order high pass filter. But if we change the input signal to that of a
“square wave” shaped signal that has an almost vertical step input, the response of the
circuit changes dramatically and produces a circuit known commonly as a
Part 1
1. Construct the high pass filter circuit as shown below:

2. Measure Vin and Vout for every change in frequency. Use the frequencies from
the table below.

Frequency Vin Vout

100 Hz
500 Hz
1 kHz
5 kHz
10 kHz
11 kHz
12 kHz
13 kHz
14 kHz
15 kHz
16 kHz
17 kHz
18 kHz
19 kHz
20 kHz
21 kHz
25 kHz
30 kHz

Part 2
Using the data from Part 1, determine the critical frequency.


Critical Frequency:


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