Week 7 Classroom Observation Form

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EDU62360-CP1 Week 7

Note. It is unlikely that all TPE Domains can be documented in a single classroom visit.

Instructions: Fill in your name, the date of the observation, School/Location, Grade & Subject. Complete the table
according to the header column. Respond to the prompts at the end.

Teacher Candidate: i DateSchool/Location: Grade & Subject

TPE Domain 1: Engaging & Supporting All Specific Examples (if Evident)
☒ Evident/
Students in Learning
(InTASC Standards 1 & 2)
☐ Not
What is the Teacher Doing?
What are the Students Doing?
The teacher's lesson is about unit application.
Capacity, length, and weight are all important
considerations. All students must collaborate to select
one of the measurement subjects. They will work in
Draws upon student backgrounds and groups to develop subunits and identify items in the
language abilities to provide differentiated ☒ classroom to demonstrate measuring. In the case of
instruction (1.1) length, the subunits are inches, meters, yards, and
Students are assigned to work in groups of three to
four to devise measurement methods for classroom
The teacher applies the material to real-world
Connects student information to learning, examples such as oz for coke bottles, miles for
making clear connections between subject ☒ running around the park four times, and so on.
matter and real-life contexts (1.3) Students listen and provide examples of real-life items
that relate to the topic.
The teacher walks around the classroom to see what
the students are working on. The teacher asked
Understands important characteristics of the
questions to assess students' comprehension.
learners, including child and/or adolescent ☒
Students create posters by identifying and drawing
development (1.4)
items. They are used to determine which unit of
measurement to use.
Understands and applies theories, principles,
and instructional practices for English ☐
Language Development (1.2, 1.6)
Fosters ongoing communication with families ☒ The teacher takes notes on students with 504s and
and students through a variety of means (e- IEPs in order to report on their progress to the special
mail, phone, text) (1.2) education teacher. The 504 students have outbursts
and do not follow directions, so they must be

The student is seated in front of the class and has his

chart on his desk. He will receive a check mark if he

Version 2
has an outburst or misbehaves.
The teacher tests the students' comprehension by
Engages learners in a variety of
asking why the particular unit is used in this poster. If
developmentally and ability appropriate
the measurement is incorrect, the teacher redirects
instructional strategies, including inquiry,
them by questioning them rather than providing the
problem-solving, reflection, and engagement ☒
with visual and/or performing arts (where
The students work together to decide which item in the
appropriate to context and/or content) (1.4;
classroom to measure and how to display it on the
1.6; 1.7)
Monitors and adjusts instruction while
teaching to foster student engagement and ☐
academic achievement (1.8)
The teacher provides printer paper, and the students
select one of the measuring units available, such as
Draws upon student backgrounds and
capacity, length, and weight. There are subunits within
language abilities to provide differentiated ☒
the units that must be defined using classroom items.
instruction (1.1)
Students must write it down and explain it in their own

TPE Domain 2: Creating and Maintaining Specific Examples (if Evident)

☒ Evident/
Effective Environments for Student
☐ Not
Learning (InTASC Standard 3) What is the Teacher Doing?
What are the Students Doing?
Depending on the option selected by the students, the
teacher instructs them to go around the classroom with
Understands the importance of the social their groups and find something that can be used to
environment to academic achievement (2.1; ☒ measure.
2.5) Students converse with one another and debate why a
specific unit, such as length, should be used to
measure a table. Yards are the unit of measurement.
Implements promising practices to promote
productive student learning and positive
interactions within the classroom (i.e. positive ☐
interventions, restorative justice, conflict
resolution) (2.1)
In the classroom, the teacher explains the rules for
Creates learning environment that is working together positively and listening to one
culturally responsive and reflects diversity, another while respecting one another.
recognizing and appropriately responding to ☒ The students continue to work positively with one
harassing behavior (i.e. bullying, racism, another, while the student with 504 was sent to the
sexism, homophobia) (2.2; 2.3) office for misbehaving or breaking the rules by using
sexist language.
The teacher distributed worksheets and poster paper
to the students. The teacher encourages the students
to collaborate in order to complete this assignment by
Creates learning environment that supports the end of the lesson. All of the items that require

and is inclusive of all learners (2.3) measurement are available in the classroom and can
be measured by groups.
The students collaborate to complete the assignments
in a positive manner.
Creates and maintains high expectations for ☒ The teacher has high expectations for his or her
students’ academic performance (2.5) students and works with them to achieve those
expectations. She has a nurturing and supportive
relationship with her students.

Version 2
The students will make every effort to meet the weekly
The teacher has a behavior policy, and each student is
aware of it. If an outburst occurs, students must wait
Creates and maintains high expectations for outside for a few minutes and reflect on why their

students’ behavior (2.6) behavior is inappropriate. Once the student is
prepared to return, they will approach the teacher for

TPE Domain 3:
☒ Specific Examples (if Evident)
Understanding and How Might You Apply This Evident
Organizing Subject Matter Standard When You Have Your / ☐ Not What is the Teacher Doing?
for Student Learning Own Classroom? Evident What are the Students Doing?
(InTASC Standards 4 & 5)
Students were instructed to choose
I would create my a lesson on a unit of measurement such as
measurement by using capacity, capacity, length, or weight. Once
Demonstrates knowledge and
length, and weight to meet the they've decided on a measurement,
understanding of subject-
California State Standards and they must define it by finding an
specific content, including the
curriculums. I would create a ☒ item in the classroom to write and
California State Standards
worksheet where students can use draw it on.
and curriculum frameworks
items around the class to do Students collaborate to identify an
measurement and demonstrate their item where they can define and
understanding. draw the unit. The units for length
are (inches, feet, yards, miles)
The teacher provides
Students' accommodations and accommodations to IEP student by
Establishes academic academic learning objectives will be having him draw the items rather
learning goals, and makes developed in collaboration with their then write it.
appropriate accommodations special education teacher. Any type ☒
to foster student access to of research-based material that I The students is provide
content and learning (3.2) have available to me will be used for accommodations in addition to his
the students' learning. aid in helping him finish his work, by
drawing in the items.
The teacher employs student-
friendly language to which the
students can relate. She involves
the students by asking them
questions or addressing their
concerns. The content was well
Depending on the subject, I will organized and demonstrated to the
Organizes content and
gather materials to put together and class, and the videos were an
curriculum in ways to
use student-friendly language to ☒ added bonus. It was very
facilitate student
relate to students' lives and interesting.
understanding (3.2)
learning. The students were ecstatic to walk
around the classroom and
demonstrate their learning by
founding items to measure. If they
encountered any difficulties, they
would immediately seek assistance
from the teacher.
Designs, plans, and I plan to use research-based ☒ Yes, the teacher provided a great
implements instruction using practices in the classroom when lesson in a variety of ways to
current best practices in designing my lesson. This will be engage students in their learning,
content pedagogy (3.3) accomplished through practice and including videos, pointing out
collaboration with more seasoned physical objections in the
Version 2
classroom, and an online app. She
colleagues. demonstrated well by employing
current best practices.
The teacher gives students the
option of drawing or describing the
measurement using classroom
In my classroom, I will provide
Designs, plans, and objects. Additionally, they had
various methods of instruction to
implements disciplinary and yardsticks and rulers for measuring
meet the needs of my students,
cross-disciplinary learning, anything in the classroom.
including visual aid, audio text,
providing multiple means for ☒ Additionally, the teacher provides
dictionaries, and any other materials
representing and assessing handouts on how to measure and
required in the classroom, with the
student knowledge and skill what units to employ when
collaboration of the special
(where appropriate) (3.3; 3.4) measuring.
education teacher and the school.
The students measured throughout
the classroom with a ruler or yard
The teacher used YouTube videos
to help students understand the
measuring units. The students'
comprehension will be tested the
I will utilizing online application to
Monitors student learning to following week.
monitor students progress for
adjust sequencing and pacing ☒ Students were expected to
appropriate subjects. For math, I will
as appropriate (3.3) complete this assignment by the
utilize Freckle, Kahoot.
end of the week and to use
classroom items for measuring. The
students are also assigned 20
minutes for freckle app.
For special education students, I will
coordinate with special education
teacher to provide the best
strategies and content for my
Collaborates with peers to special friends.
develop age-appropriate For students in general education, I

strategies within the content will work with general education
(3.4; also 4.6) teachers to come up with
instructions and strategies for
teaching the content in a way that is
right for their age. Such as videos,
visual aids, fun activities etc.
Students will provide opportunities The teacher has two English
Understands and adapts or accommodations to English learners, 504 student, and IEP
curriculum materials to learners in order for them to achieve student. These students were
accommodate the full range their learning objectives. This could assigned to work in a group that can
of English learners and include making videos available provided them the support they
providing equitable access to (visual aid, dictionary). Students will ☒ need. The English learners were
students with a variety of be given technology-based aids provided visuals aids in addition to
academic abilities, through such as audio text, dictionaries, the class video they watch. The 504
assistive technology where translation materials, or visual student and the IEP students were
appropriate (3.5; 3.6) imagery to help them understand assisted in a group along with aids
what they are learning. to navigated their learning.

1. Cite three specific strategies learned from the observation.

• The students were given a paper with references about how to measure mass, length, and volume. These were
meant to help students remember what each unit was worth.

Version 2
• The teacher checks how well the students understand by asking them questions or helping them figure out how to
think critically. Also, the students were interested and gave thought-out answers to the question.
• The teacher gives the students a lot of ways to learn, such as showing it on the white board, having them work in
groups, and having them draw.

2. How will what you learned impact your teaching?

Teacher of the class lesson focused on measurements such as capacity, length, and weight. Students were told to pick
one of the measurements on their posters and find items within that unit. Length measurements, for example, can be
found in inches, feet, yards, miles, and meters. The class was divided into four groups by the teacher. The teacher
reminded them that they would be working in a group lesson. They needed to collaborate, listen, and finish this
assignment together in order to get it signed off. She prepared them ahead of time and wrote the rules on the board. This
assisted the students in understanding what they needed to do in order to complete the assignment. I also like how the
teacher effectively engages her students by using real-life examples.

Version 2

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