Food Truck Design

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ID 212 Commercial Studio

Prince Sultan University Instructor: Eng. Raja Alnasrullah

Interior Design & Architecture
2ND Semester 2023 - 2024
ID No.:……………………….……………
Group Assignment (Food Truck)
Jury Tuesday April 11th 2023 (W13)
Task: You are required to create a new & improved “makeover” to a food truck of your choosing.
Each group will provide the following on A0 boards provided by the instructor, in addition to a printed A3 booklet. (board design must compliment
the design concept)
Task Description CLOs
Research ● Name CLO 3
● Cuisine & menu CLO 5
● Price range
● Mission & Vision
● Clientele
● Existing design concept (this includes logo and exterior truck design)
● Existing finishes (interior and exterior)
● Existing color palette
● Used kitchen appliances
● Food truck location
● Food truck photos
Documentation of  Rendered elevations (4) of existing exterior views CLO1
existing design  Rendered floorplan of existing interior space (with leaders describing the space). CLO4
 New branding proposal (logo, menu design, business card)
New design proposal  Design concept (text & mood board with color palette and finishes) CLO2
 New rendered floorplan CLO3
 New rendered exterior views CLO4
 1 rendered perspective of exterior view CLO5
Model  New food truck design model in scale 1:20 CLO4
+ Jury  Model must be fully rendered to represent the proposed design CLO6
presentation  All elements (interior and exterior) must be presented in 3D
 All 4 phases must be properly designed on A0 boards & on an A3 booklet

ID 212 Commercial Design Studio, 2023 -2024

ID 212 Commercial Studio
Prince Sultan University Instructor: Eng. Raja Alnasrullah
Interior Design & Architecture
2ND Semester 2023 - 2024
ID No.:……………………….……………

ID 212 Commercial Design Studio, 2023 -2024

ID 212 Commercial Studio
Prince Sultan University Instructor: Eng. Raja Alnasrullah
Interior Design & Architecture
2ND Semester 2023 - 2024
ID No.:……………………….……………


CL Criteria Inadequate C-D Average B Accomplished A Outstanding A+ Score

CLO3 RESEARCH Student has failed to Student has shown weak Student has shown adequate Student has successfully provided a /5
present enough research research skills research skills in this category, and thorough research regarding the client
In this category, and/or is have covered almost all of the profile category.
and is missing missing some required points required points in detail. All points have been met at discussed in
some required points. detail.
*student successfully covered entire
section requirements.
CLO1 DOCUMENTATION Student has failed to Student showed weak skills in Student showed adequate skills in Student showed excellent skills in demonstrating /5
CLO4 OF EXISTING demonstrate proper drawings of demonstrating proper drawings of demonstrating proper drawings of existing proper drawings of existing design and proposed
DESIGN existing design and proposed existing design and proposed design and proposed branding is adequate branding is excellent and is strongly linked to food
branding is missing or unlinked branding is weak or unlinked to food or somewhat linked to food truck mission truck mission or menu. Visual skills are excellent.
to food truck mission or menu. truck mission or menu. Visual skills or menu. Visual skills are acceptable.
Visual skills are weak are weak

CLO2 NEW DESIGN Student has failed to Student showed weak skills Student showed adequate Student showed excellent skills in /5
,CL PROPOSAL demonstrate proper drawings in demonstrating proper skills in demonstrating demonstrating proper drawings of
O3 of new design. Concept is not drawings of new design. proper drawings of new. new design. Concept is stronge.
suitable. Concept is weak, needs Concept is acceptable.
CLO improvement.

CLO4 Model is missing or is Model is poorly done or is Model is adequately done and is Model is properly done and is rendered properly /5
,CLO poorly done – does not rendered poorly– slightly rendered adequately – model matches – model matches 2D drawings. excellent
6 match 2D drawings. Model matches 2D drawings. Rendering 2D drawings. Properly rendered. rendering.
is not rendered needs improvement.

TOTAL: /20

ID 212 Commercial Design Studio, 2023 -2024

ID 212 Commercial Studio
Prince Sultan University Instructor: Eng. Raja Alnasrullah
Interior Design & Architecture
2ND Semester 2023 - 2024
ID No.:……………………….……………

ID 212 Commercial Design Studio, 2023 -2024

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