Hamburgers Design Folio

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The key takeaways are that the document provides information for teachers on designing an agricultural project related to food production and nutrition. It covers topics like food and fibre production, managed environments, and food preparation techniques.

The purpose of the document is to provide context and learning outcomes for an agricultural design project on Australian hamburgers for NSW Agriculture and Technology Mandatory teachers and students.

The document covers topics like food and fibre production, managed environments, food preparation techniques, and nutrition. It also provides NSW syllabus outcomes that can be addressed through the project.

Design Folio

Author: Meg Dunford (Project Officer School programs, NSW DPI Orange) and Libby Dawes (Head of
Agriculture, Scots, All Saints College, Bathurst)

Editors and Advisors: Michelle Fifield (Education Officer Schools, NSW DPI Orange), Jo Hathway (Project
Officer School programs, NSW DPI Tocal College) and David Brouwer (NSW DPI Tocal College).
Designer: Romina Barbagallo (Communications Officer, NSW DPI Orange)

Disclaimer: This resource is produced for use by NSW Agriculture and Technology Mandatory teachers and
students. The information contained in this resource is based on knowledge and understanding at the time
of writing (October, 2018). However, because of advances in knowledge and technology, users are
reminded to ensure that the information upon which they rely is up to date and to check the currency of
the information, content and hyperlinks.
To the extent permitted by law, NSW Department of Industry excludes all liability for any direct or indirect
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document (in part or in whole) and any information or material contained in it. Recognising that some of
the information in this document is provided by third parties, the State of New South Wales, the author and
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Information for teachers .............................................................................................................................................................. 4

Syllabus context – Agriculture and food technologies .................................................................................................. 4

Learning outcomes ................................................................................................................................................................... 4

Resource description................................................................................................................................................................ 4

Glossary ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 5

Australian Hamburgers – the design process ........................................................................................................................ 6

Design situation ......................................................................................................................................................................... 6

Design brief................................................................................................................................................................................. 6

Design folio production .......................................................................................................................................................... 6

The design and production process .................................................................................................................................... 7

Design activities .............................................................................................................................................................................. 8

1. Identifying and Defining..................................................................................................................................................... 8

2. Research and planning ....................................................................................................................................................... 9

3. Producing and Implementing ......................................................................................................................................... 20

4. Testing and Evaluating ...................................................................................................................................................... 23

References and Further Reading ............................................................................................................................................. 24

NSW Syllabus outcomes ............................................................................................................................................................ 25

Information for teachers

Syllabus context – Agriculture and food technologies

This Australian Hamburger unit of work is mapped to outcomes from Agriculture and Food Technologies
context of the NSW Technology Mandatory (2017) syllabus. It integrates content from agriculture (food
and fibre production) and food technologies to enable delivery considering the school context and
available resources.

Agriculture (food and fibre production) focuses on investigating managed environments, such as farms and
plantations. Students learn about the processes of food and fibre production and investigate the innovation
and sustainable supply of agriculturally-produced raw materials. Students develop deep knowledge and
understanding about managed systems that produce food and fibre through designing and producing

Food technologies focuses on the use of resources produced and harvested to sustain human life. Students
learn about the characteristics and properties of food. Students develop knowledge and understanding
about food selection and preparation, food safety and how to make informed choices when experimenting
with and preparing nutritious food.

Source: NESA, 2017. Technology Mandatory Syllabus.

Learning outcomes
This unit of work provides students with the opportunity to investigate the importance of Australian
agricultural production to our society and gain a broad understanding of some of our main agricultural
industries including: beef, sheep, poultry, pork, cropping (wheat) and horticulture.

Resource description
The Australian Hamburgers unit of work consists of three resources including a workbook, an answer guide,
and a design folio.

These resources are designed to be used together. However, teachers are advised to alter the resources to
suit the learners, school facilities and individual skills.

The unit of work has been designed as a digital resource, so to research all information and complete the
learning activities, students will require access to the internet to follow embedded links throughout the

Term Definition

Aesthetic Aesthetic judgement is concerned with the visual impact or appeal of

a product or environment and is influenced by social, emotional and demographic factors.

Criteria for success A descriptive list of essential features against which success can be measured.

Design brief A concise statement clarifying a project task and defining a need or opportunity to be resolved
after some analysis, investigation and research. It usually identifies users, criteria for success,
constraints, available resources and timeframe for a project and may include possible
consequences and impacts.

Design process A process that typically involves investigating and defining; generating
and designing; producing and implementing; evaluating; and management to create a designed

Design solution A product, service or environment that has been created for a specific purpose as a result
of design thinking, design processes and production processes.

Designing A process that typically involves investigating and defining; generating; producing and
implementing; evaluating; and collaborating and managing to create a designed solution.

Evaluating Measuring performance against established criteria. Estimating nature, quality, ability, extent or
significance to make a judgement determining a value.

Functionality Design of products, services or environments to ensure they are fit for purpose and meet the
intended need and identified criteria for success. Criteria for success in relation
to functionality are likely to include such things as operation, performance, safety, reliability and

That is, does the product, service or environment do what it was meant to do, or provide what it
was meant to provide? (For example, does the torch provide light, is it easy to hold, and is it safe
to use?)

Material A substance from which a thing is or can be made. Natural (e.g. animals, food, fibre, timber,
mineral) and fabricated (e.g. metal alloys, plastics, textiles, composites) materials. Materials are
used to create products or environments and their structure can be manipulated by applying
knowledge of their origins, structure, characteristics, properties and uses.

Paddock to plate All steps in the growing, processing and preparation of food.

Product Products are the end results of natural, human, mechanical, manufacturing, electronic or digital
processes to meet a need or want.

Resources In Design and Technologies, this includes technologies, energy, time, finance and human input.

Risk management A practice of identifying potential risks in advance, analysing them and taking precautionary
steps to reduce the risk. Risk management involves risk identification, analysis, response
planning, monitoring, controlling and reporting.

Technologies Materials, data, systems, components, tools and equipment used to create solutions for
identified needs and opportunities, and the knowledge, understanding and skills used by people
involved in the selection and use of these.

Source: Adapted from the Australian Curriculum (ACARA) Glossary

Australian hamburgers – the design process

Australian Hamburgers – the design process

Design situation
Food is a large part of our lives and culture. Every day we are given choices for the selection of the food we
consume. In Australia we are very lucky, as we live in a country where we have the option to grow or buy
our own healthy, delicious, affordable and environmentally sustainable fresh produce, to satisfy our culinary
desires and nutritional needs.

Whether it’s our fascination with America or just our general love of affordable and accessible food, burgers
have become a popular choice in Australia throughout the mid to late 20 th century since their introduction
in milk bars and fast food chains.

Fast food burgers have traditionally been viewed as a convenient—but often not so healthy—food option.
Burgers are easy to cook and eat, and by including healthy ingredients can provide a nutritious and
balanced meal.

THINK ABOUT how you can design, prepare and produce a burger that is healthy and uses only
home-grown or Australian grown produce to support our farmers.

Design brief

Use your skills in food preparation and knowledge of the nutritional value of food to
design and produce a healthy Australian agriculture ‘paddock to plate’ burger.

 Use at least one ingredient from each of the seven Australian agricultural industries studied.
o Wheat and cropping o Sheep meat and wool
o Beef o Poultry meat and eggs
o Dairy o Pork
o Horticulture
 Grow or produce at least two of the ingredients in your own school garden.
 Use research to only select healthy Australian grown ingredients and products.
 Use research and practical skills to select healthy cooking and preparation techniques specific to
your chosen ingredients.

Design folio production

Your design folio is an important communication tool for design projects. It should show the journey of
your design project’s development, from recording your first rough ideas on paper, to the final evaluation
of your design brief solution.

Australian hamburgers –the design process

The design and production process

Throughout this unit, you will explore and learn about design process and how to apply it in your design
project. The folio will assist you to work through the design process.

The design and production process:

 Involves a sequence of organised steps that provide a solution to design needs and opportunities
 May take a few seconds or minutes, or years depending on the complexity of the task
 May involve one person or many people
 May be simple or complex, depending on the task
 Involves the designer questioning (or evaluating) throughout the process (Department of
Education, 2018)

•Identify the need or design opportunity

•Question and review existing ideas/solutions
1) Identifying •Develop evaluation criteria
and defining
Review if required to improve

•Research relevant equipment and processes

•Develop, test and communicate design ideas
2) Research and •Develop plans to safely manage production
Ongoing evaluation


•Apply skills and techniques

•Manage production
3) Producing and •Implement and modify solutions

•Evaluate quality and effectiveness against the evaluation criteria

•Evaluate the design and production process
4) Testing and

Figure 1 the design and production process. Source Department of Education, 2018, Crack the Code

1. Identifying and defining

Design activities

1. Identifying and Defining

Thinking about the design brief
Underline circle or highlight words in the design brief that give you specific information or

Design brief: Use your skills in food preparation and knowledge of the nutritional value
of food to design and produce a healthy Australian agriculture ‘paddock to plate’
Criteria for success
In order to complete this project, what will you need to do? Make a list of the things you believe will
make your project a success. Add more lines if required.
Prior knowledge
What knowledge and skills do you already have that you could use to solve the problem or make the
 I know _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
 I can _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
What are the gaps in your knowledge? What else do you need to find out about the problem before
you start?
Personal goals
What new skills and or information will you need to learn to complete this project?
Question and review existing ideas and solutions - group activity
1. In groups brainstorm ‘hamburgers’. Ideas to think about include: ingredients, taste, types,
marketing, packaging, availability, aesthetics, price, nutrition.
2. Make a list of possible ingredients and types of burgers.
3. For the ingredients you chose in question 2, identify which industries they come from.
4. Propose a list of alternative ingredients and burger types.
5. Make a list of ingredients you might grow to include in your burger.

2. Research and planning

2. Research and planning

Learning activity - Agricultural industries

You have discussed the ingredients found in hamburgers and which agricultural industries they
come from.
1. Choose TWO ingredients from plants and TWO ingredients from animals and complete the
following tables:
Plant ingredient 1___________________________ Plant Ingredient 2_______________________________

Plant ingredient 1 Plant ingredient 2

Name the agricultural industry

that produces this ingredient

Where in NSW is it grown?

When is it grown?

Name 3 different varieties of

the plant

How many hectares of land is

used in NSW to produce the

How many tonne is harvested

each year in NSW?

How long does it take to grow

from planting to harvest?

Describe how the plant is

grown – include soil, plant
spacing, needs during the
growing period (for example
fertilising and spraying)

Name the agricultural industry

that produces this ingredient

2. Research and planning

Animal ingredient 1___________________________ Animal Ingredient 2_______________________________

Animal ingredient 1 Animal ingredient 2

Name the agricultural industry

that produces this ingredient

Where in NSW is this ingredient


How many of these animals

were in NSW last year?

Name 3 different breeds of this

animal type?

How many tonnes of this animal

were processed last year?

Give a brief description of how

the animal product is produced

How much money was made

from this product in NSW last

What is the export value of this


What countries does Australia

export this animal to?

What other products come from

this animal?

2. Research and planning

Learning activity - Intensive or extensive?

Australian farming systems can be carried out in two ways, as intensive or extensive systems.
1. Select one type of intensive farming and one type of extensive farming and investigate the
advantages and disadvantages of each system. Present your findings in the space below.
Include pictures where possible.
Intensive agriculture
Advantages Disadvantages

Extensive agriculture
Advantages Disadvantages

2. Research and planning

Learning activity - What is in a hamburger?

1. List at least 5-8 ingredients you would like to include in your burger. Research these
ingredients to complete the table below.
Ingredient Calories Protein Fat Cholesterol Sodium Sugar

2. Make a comment about the ingredients you have chosen. Do you think they are all healthy
options or do you need to make some changes?
3. What other factors may come into action when deciding what to put on your hamburger?
4. Give a final list of the ingredients you will put on your burger.

2. Research and planning

Learning activity - What to grow in the garden?

As part of the major design project you will need to grow and harvest at least two ingredients for your
burger from your own school garden.
Things you need to think about before you decide what to grow:
 time of the year
 time it takes to harvest
 space you have
 what you like to eat

Find a list of vegetables that you can grow in your local climatic conditions. Investigate the Australian
Bureau of Meteorology to investigate your local climate.
For each plant, you will also need to know:
 best sowing method
 sowing depth
 spacing between plants and rows
 how to care for your plants (fertiliser, water, sunlight and other management requirements)
 time to harvest
Investigate the seed packets page on the Yates website, to complete the following table.
Vegetable type Months it Sowing Sowing Time till Light Plant Row Time to Suitable
can grow method depth emergence requirements distance distance harvest (/)

2. Research and planning

Learning activity - Designing your garden layout

You will need to sketch a layout for your vegetable garden to scale. But first, what are scale drawings and
how do you draw them?

This is a blueprint layout for a vegetable garden. Every 1cm on the blueprint represents 50cm in the real
garden so the scale is 1cm:50cm

1. What is the width of the

garden in the diagram?
2. What is the length of the
garden in the diagram?
3. What would the width of
the real garden be?
4. What would the length of
the real garden be?
5. Complete the table below
by selecting three
vegetable or herb garden
sections from the blueprint
and calculating their area
in the real garden.

Garden section Blueprint measurement Real life measurement Real life area

2. Research and planning

Now it’s your turn to design a garden to grow the plants you chose in the last activity.
6. Measure the width and length of your school garden plot to create a scale drawing below.
Your design should consider plant space, row space, plant types and the layout for where the
plants will grow.
7. You will use this blueprint for planting out your garden.
8. Create a calendar of operations to care for your garden. Identify sowing, harvesting and
when inputs of fertiliser, watering, weeding and maintenance must be carried out.

Width of your garden_______________________________ Length of your garden_______________________

2. Research and planning

Learning activity - Burger concepts

Develop at least 4 different burgers and sketch them below. Label each ingredient in your burger
with the agricultural industry that produces it and cooking methods.
Burger 1 Burger 2

Burger 3 Burger 4

2. Research and planning

1. Complete the table on your ideas.

Burger Possible? Potential for Identify the positives and negatives
Practical? (/ ) success (/ )

2. Ask students in your class their opinion of your burger concepts - which burgers were the
most popular? _________
3. From the table above identify which burger is the most practical and has the greatest
potential for success? This is the burger that you will put into action. Give your burger a
4. List all the ingredients you need for your project. This will become your shopping list.
5. List the tools that you will use to complete your project.
6. List the preparation techniques you will use for each ingredient in your burger.

2. Research and planning

7. Sketch and describe in detail your final design burger.

3. Producing and implementing

Learning activity - Action plan

Write an action plan for producing your burger. Your plan should include all key steps that you must
carry out to successfully create your burger. For each step in your plan, consider and answer the
following questions in your table. Add more rows if required.

 What action must be carried out?

 Who is responsible for the action?
 How will it be achieved?
 Where will this step happen?
 When is this step due to be finished?
Step What Who How Where When Complete

3. Producing and implementing

3. Producing and Implementing

Learning activity - Safe and ethical work practices

Throughout this unit you will have the opportunity to work both inside and outside such as in a
kitchen facility and the school garden. Complete the table below to outline workplace health and
safety elements at your school farm and kitchen.

School Garden School Kitchen

List at least 5 specific tools or equipment List at least 5 specific tools or equipment

Identify 5 risks Identify 5 risks

Identify 5 school garden rules to minimise risk Identify 5 school kitchen rules to minimise risk

3. Producing and implementing

Learning activity - Record your progress

Follow your action plan to create your burger and garden. Use this page to attach photos of your progress
for both.

3. Producing and implementing

Learning activity - Record your recipe

On this page write your recipe including a list of ingredients and the method you will use to prepare
your burger. Ensure that there is enough detail so that anyone could pick up your recipe and
recreate your burger.



4. Testing and evaluating

4. Testing and Evaluating

1. List two things about this project that you are most proud of.
2. How did your burger meet the design brief?
3. List any criteria for success that you did not meet.
4. What would do differently if you were to repeat this project?
5. Overall what do you think were the best parts of your folio and final product?
6. What did other people say about your work?

References and further reading

References and Further Reading

Crack the Code

Department of Education, 2018, ‘Crack the Code’, Sate of NSW, Department of Education, NSW
Government, Education, Public Schools,
learning/curriculum/key-learning-areas/tas/s4-5/resources/crack-the-code, viewed July 24 2018


Australian Curriculum, 2018 ‘Glossary’, Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority,, viewed
October 10 2018

Technology Mandatory Years 7-8 Syllabus

NESA, 2018, ‘Technology Mandatory Years 7-8 Syllabus’, NSW Education Standards Authority,
areas/technologies/technology-mandatory-7-8-new-syllabus, viewed October 10 2018

NSW syllabus outcomes

NSW Syllabus outcomes

Technology Mandatory 2017 Stage 4

Outcomes Content

Agriculture and Food Technologies

Identifying and defining
TE4-1DP designs,
 investigate the importance of food and fibre production to Australia’s food security and
communicates and economy including Asia’s imports and exports (ACTDEK029)
evaluates innovative ideas  investigate how food and fibre production is managed in environments as a system and how
sustainability can be improved, for example: (ACTDEK032) ST
and creative solutions to – plants and/or animal species grown in managed environments
authentic problems or – land management by Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
opportunities – boundaries, inputs, outputs, processes and feedback occurring in
a managed environment
TE4-2DP plans and  evaluate environments that have been designed in consultation with community groups, for
manages the production of – a bush tucker garden
designed solutions – a school or community garden
 investigate the characteristics and properties of a variety of nutritious foods, for example: CT
– high in fibre, such as fruits and vegetables
TE4-3DP selects and safely – high in protein, such as meat and meat alternatives
 explore the nutritional needs of a group of people, e.g. adolescents, toddlers CT
applies a broad range of
 develop criteria to evaluate design ideas, processes and solutions, the functionality, aesthetics
tools, materials and and a range of constraints, e.g. accessibility, cultural, economic, resources, safety, social,
sustainability, technical (ACTDEP038, ACTDIP027, ACTDIP031) DT ST
processes in the
Researching and planning
production of quality
 design and plan a product associated with agricultural production (ACTDEP036) DT ST
 research legal and ethical requirements associated with agricultural production, e.g. keeping
TE4-5AG investigates how  investigate ideal conditions for growth and development of an agricultural plant or animal
food and fibre are
 develop a schedule or calendar for ongoing care of a plant or animal species associated with
produced in managed an agricultural project (ACTDEP039) ST
 acquire and interpret data, for example: (ACTDIP025, ACTDIP026) CT ST
– local environmental and/or physical conditions, e.g. rainfall,
TE4-6FO explains how the – nutrition information panels, e.g. saturated fat, sugar content
 plan nutritious dish(es) to suit a group within society, for example: DT
characteristics and – high calcium and iron for adolescents
properties of food – food for cultural celebrations
 identify a range of food preparation techniques and analyse the impact on nutrient value
determine preparation (ACTDEK033) CT
techniques for healthy  investigate and communicate how a recipe can be improved to enhance nutritional value, and
justify the recipe adjustment, for example: (ACTDEP039) DT
eating – using wholemeal flour instead of white flour for increased dietary
TE4-10TS explains how Producing and implementing
 produce and implement an agricultural project and/or produce nutritious food (ACTDEP039)
people in technology DT
related professions  select, justify and use a range of appropriate tools and techniques in an agricultural project
and/or food preparation (ACTDEK037) DT ST
contribute to society now  identify and apply safe and ethical work practices, for example: DT
and into the future – correct use of tools and equipment
– food safety and hygiene practices
Testing and evaluating
 evaluate the effectiveness and suitability of choices made during the development and
production of the solution
 assess the solution against the predetermined criteria

NSW syllabus outcomes

Engineered Systems

TE4-1DP designs,
communicates and  investigate the way Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples use engineered solutions
evaluates innovative ideas to serve community needs including those of cultural identity,
and creative solutions to
authentic problems or


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