Jude Dennis
Jude Dennis
Jude Dennis
Mike Dennis
Mike Dennis
Jude Dennis
Jude Dennis
Founder, President & CEO Vice President
Painless, Safer, Quieter®, Painless, Safer Seating™, PRD®, Seven League Boots™SM, ShockBlockers®, SlipNot®, SoftSeal®, SoftSeal/HushKit®, SoftSeat®, SoftSkin®, SoftTop®, Super Cushion®,
We'll Fix What Hurts.™, The Ultimate in Flying Comfort™, The World's Greatest Headset Is the One You Already Own!®, The World's Greatest Helmet Is the one You Already Own!®, TM3™,
Visco-Kinetic®, VK SmartCushion™, Zeta-C®, Zeta II® and ZetaLiner® are trademarks and/or service marks of Oregon Aero, Inc. SPH-4®, SPH-4B®, SPH-5® and TPL® are federally registered
trademarks owned by Gentex Corporation. BOSE® and AVIATION HEADSET X® are trademarks of Bose Corporation. Oregon Aero, Inc. is not affiliated in any way with Bose Corporation. Use
of trademarks other than those of Oregon Aero, Inc. and the mention of other companies and their products throughout this catalog are for reference purposes and do not necessarily imply
any particular business association with Oregon Aero. The rights held in all trademarks and service marks, registered and otherwise, are properties of their respective owners.
Products available herein may be subject to export controls administered by the U.S. Government. Diversion contrary to U.S. law is prohibited.
Certain products may require action on your behalf prior to export, or re-export. For more information, contact Oregon Aero.
OregonAero.com • 800-888-6910
The Story Of Oregon Aero, Inc.
In some ways, the story of Oregon Aero, Inc. began in 1989 because of a
headache — a headache that Jude Dennis (Oregon Aero vice president)
experienced whenever she flew with husband Mike Dennis (Oregon Aero
founder, president and CEO).
Mike set out to tackle Jude’s headache problem. After a great deal of
research, thinking, and experimentation, he created the SoftTop® Headset
Cushion from leather and sheepskin wool.
The SoftTop® Headset Cushion worked. Jude’s headaches disappeared, and
Mike and Jude began selling the Cushions at local fly-ins.
Customer feedback was positive, and Mike continued to improve the
SoftTop® Headset Cushion and add custom designs for various headset
models. Dozens of Headset Cushions were piled high on the kitchen table as
they were sewn by hand; bolts of leather and other materials filled the garage.
From this beginning grew a company which today is the leader in MAKING AND TESTING — Mike Dennis, in his den,
1990, makes SoftTop® Headset Cushions and tests
engineering and manufacturing advanced seating systems for aviation and newly designed ear seals which became Oregon Aero®
other industries. The company also offers a broad range of additional SoftSeal® Ear Cushions.
products and holds dozens of patents.
Even so, the focus remains on the same issues addressed in 1989 with the SoftTop® Headset Cushion — making the
interface between the human body and manufactured hardware pain-free, safer and quieter.
But even so, the beginning of the story goes back much further than 1989.
In designing products and leading Oregon Aero, Mike Dennis does what he has always loved to do — solve problems
by thinking about them in new ways.
“Most of the time when we solve a problem, it’s because we’ve turned the problem upside down and not accepted
traditional assumptions,” says Mike. That way of thinking led to the development of pain-free, safer seating and headgear
and the hundreds of other products he’s designed.
Mike always has been fascinated with airplanes, boats and machines. He comes by his fascination and design skills
honestly. His maternal grandfather, Ronald Young of Poulsbo, Washington, designed and built the first automobile ever
to appear on the Kitsap Peninsula, around 1914. Ronald Young also designed and built boats by hand, notably the
beautiful wooden Poulsbo boat from 1918-1965. Poulsbo boat owners still treasure their craft, which can be found in the
waters of the Pacific Northwest and elsewhere.
In some ways, it started with Mike Dennis was always
fascinated with planes,
a headache. But it goes back boats, and machines. In his
front yard with model
further than that. airplanes at age 16 when
this photo was taken,
Mike already was taking
flying lessons.
We demonstrate independent, innovative thinking and are able to solve problems that have
persisted over time, such as uncomfortable seating.
own plane from show to show. It cuts the fatigue factor, so I’m refreshed,
even after flying for hours. I am honored to be associated with Oregon
A Aero. They get things done right, without any hesitation.”
Pilot Getaways
“I’m jammed into the doorframe, leaning out into the air stream with a
100-knot wind blasting me, or I’m sitting in the cockpit with the door
removed. With your Headset Upgrade, John (George’s brother and pilot)
D and I can communicate easily. I can tell John when to go right, left, or even
to break away during a photo shoot. This increases the safety of our shoots
and helps me take better photos.” (George fashioned dog Woody’s ear
cushions from Oregon Aero ear seal materials.)
courtesy DoD
“I’m a Crew Chief for the KC-135. Most of our cushions, armrests,
headrests, and the boomer’s chin rest are from Oregon Aero. I want to G
thank you for all the effort you put into your products. Believe me, I had
to hear the pilots complain about the other bad seat cushions we had; I’m
glad to have your product aboard my KC-135.”
[email protected] • 800-888-6910 7
World-Class Capabilities
is 100% satisfied.
Oregon Aero is the leader in
engineering, testing, certifying and
manufacturing advanced seating • Extraordinary innovation
systems that offer maximum comfort • Maximum-comfort, innovative seat design considerations
and improved safety. Additional Oregon include: Variables of space, interface locations, cockpit or
Aero equipment is engineered and manu- other environment • seat geometry • spinal and hip align-
factured to be pain-free, safer and quieter. ment • cushion pressure distribution
Oregon Aero’s full range of • State-of-the-art CAE simulation software
Capabilities, from research and • Seamless interchange among design, simulation,
development to engineering and optimization and analysis
manufacturing, results in innovative, • Elegant, multi-functional, modular, reliable
sophisticated, state-of-the-art products. • Refined capabilities to address weight, structure,
Our Capabilities include: performance, cost
• Engineering: Design, • FARO Arm™ technology
Testing, Analysis
• Seating Certification
• Manufacturing
• Research • S tate-of-the-art testing of materials, elements, components,
• Innovation seat sub-assemblies and seat assemblies:
• Individual and OEM Services • Static • dynamic • risk reduction • mission suitability • flammability
Oregon Aero has a proven record • flotation • computer/math modeling
of extraordinary innovation, product • In-house and outside laboratory resources
performance, customer service and • World-class expertise in static and dynamic seat testing
customer satisfaction. Let us know • Seamless flow among testing, analysis, design, quality and
how we can help you. manufacturing
• In-house state-of-the-art servohydraulic testing system
• Data acquisition capabilities
• Validation of FEA (Finite Element Analysis) modeling
• High-fidelity Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
• Optimization of seating structural design for safe,
lightweight seats for the aerospace industry
• Radioss: Linear and non-linear solver. Includes non-linear
implicit and explicit analysis capabilities.
• HyperView post-processor
• Detailed analysis of joints and fittings
• Solid model design
• Performance evaluations of redesigns
• Final test validation
State-Of-The-Art Engineering
Our maximum-comfort,
modular innovative seat
designs are customized
to meet each customer’s
functionality and other
requirements. At right:
Conducting seat cushion
pressure distribution
studies for a U.S. Military
seating project.
Contact us to discuss
your seating needs.
State-Of-The-Art Engineering
We conduct state-of-the-art testing of materials,
elements, components, seat sub-assemblies and seat
assemblies. For example, our in-house servohydraulic
load frame technology permits accurate, repeatable • S tate-of-the-art, sophisti-
static and dynamic testing for seating and other
products. The system tests properties such as tensile cated simulation design
strength, compression, bend, stress relaxation, mate- and testing
rial fatigue, durability and strength. • HyperWorks simulation
Conducting flotation testing of an design, testing and
Oregon Aero® Seat Cushion analysis: HyperMesh,
RADIOSS, OptiStruct,
• Innovative, customized,
courtesy U.S. Military
Oregon Aero has more than 20 years of experience in dynamic seat testing. Our seating passes 19-G
download, 12-G vertical, 21-G longitudinal, and 26-G longitudinal test (shown here) requirements.*
Oregon Aero is
AS 9100 Certified State-Of-The-Art Engineering
and conforms to
ISO 9001:2008
and EN/JISQ/
AS9100:2004 Management System
Standards. Certification is valid
for: The design and manufacture
of seating and helmet pad systems Still image from a high-fidelity finite element analysis
for aerospace and defense applica- of an Oregon Aero® High-G® Seat. Such state-of-the-art
tions; and repair of seating systems engineering tools optimize our seating structural design
and interior components for for safe, lightweight seats for the aerospace industry.
aerospace applications.
*Oregon Aero, Inc. conducts dynamic seat testing per the emergency landing conditions promulgated by the FAA in 1988 to improve
the crashworthy performance of aircraft seating. Compliance with these FAA regulations by Oregon Aero®™SM products does not
ensure freedom from injury or death as a result of aircraft accidents, hard landings or other flight conditions.
Manufactured in the U.S.A. • Superb technical craftsmanship • Full range of fabrication capabilities • Customized
• Superb quality management • Innovative • High-precision machine tooling • Capacity for high volume • Can design and
provide prototypes • In-house engineers, machinists and qualified contractors provide laser metal cutting, welding, other
fabrication • Inventory control, quality systems and assembly processes meet highest international aerospace standards
Seating for: Experimental/homebuilt • certified fixed wing & helicopters • military fixed wing, fixed wing ejection,
rotorcraft • Seating for airframe manufacturers and after-market refurbishment providers • Seat assemblies and seat
cushion systems • Fabric and finishing • Complete aircraft upholstery and interior upgrade services
•C ompany founded upon innovative research and innovative product
• Conduct seating comfort research for US Military
• Have conducted hundreds of dynamic seat tests while researching and
solving seat comfort problems
• Continual development through research of applications of our exper-
tise in understanding human tissue and what happens when it comes
into contact with manufactured equipment Creating pain-free seating required extensive
dynamic testing as part of our research.
• 20+ patents, dozens more pending
• How we consistently meet and exceed customer expectations
• Foundation of proven product performance
• At the heart of our world-class expertise in providing
maximum-comfort seating
• Evident in all product lines including seat assemblies and seat
cushion systems, portable seat cushion systems, aviation
helmet and headset upgrade components, ballistic helmet liner
and retention systems, other headgear components and avia-
tion accessories
OEM Services
•P roven record of serving individual
aviation seating customers
• Proven record of providing high-
volume seating to the military, law
enforcement, general aviation, other
• Proven record of working with
airframe manufacturers to design and
manufacture certified seating
• 100% customer satisfaction
OregonAero.com • 800-888-6910 11
Oregon Aero® Seating Systems: Overview
Comfortable. Crashworthy. Adaptable to
Multiple Applications.
Experimental/ Certified Certified Military Land Vehicles
Homebuilt Fixed Wing Helicopters
*Oregon Aero, Inc. conducts dynamic seat testing per the emergency landing conditions promulgated by the FAA in 1988 to improve the crashworthy performance of aircraft seating. Compliance with these
FAA regulations by Oregon Aero®™SM products does not ensure freedom from injury or death as a result of aircraft accidents, hard landings or other flight conditions.
1) 2)
The highly engineered Our Seating Systems support manufacturers, refurbishment centers,
designs of our Seating occupants over as large an after-market service providers
Systems shift a person’s area of the seat cushion surface • Seating meets and exceeds installation
hips, pelvis, lumbar and as possible, preventing ischemia, requirements
upper body into the commonly called “hot spots.” • Optimum combination of comfort,
proper, pain-free sitting Cushion materials, including safety, functionality and styling
position. This shift per- visco-elastic foam, read body • Comply with all applicable FAA
mits the body to stay temperature and pressure and regulations
erect without effort, permit unrestricted blood flow. The • Available for aircraft, land vehicles,
reducing fatigue and cushions create a perfect fit every marine and other applications
pain. time someone uses the seat. • Modular High-G® Seat Assembly
permits custom designs for specific
“It sounds simple — to make a comfortable seat — but if it were, it would requirements
have been done long before we achieved it,” Mike Dennis, Oregon Aero •H igh-G® Seat includes custom
Founder, President and CEO. maximum-comfort VK
“Each problem that prevents comfortable seating may be a small problem, SmartCushion™ System, Seat Frame,
but they all add up to create a big problem — pain — and they all need to be Seat Pan and Operating Mechanisms
solved at the same time,” says Mike. •H igh-G® Seat complements TSO’d
“When one problem is solved, another is created or amplified; that’s the way restraint systems
the engineering process works. But add to this the sensitivity of the human • See “Features and Benefits” on page 12.
body to being in contact with manufactured hardware, and the engineering • See “OEM Seating Systems” on
challenge becomes even greater. We are experts in addressing that human body/ pages 15-16.
equipment interface.” *Original Equipment Manufacturer
1 2 3 4
We’ve developed the most comfortable seat in the industry. We also offer one-on-one personal service and are dedicated to
100% customer satisfaction.
Designed to fit you and your aircraft, the VK SmartCushion™ System for certified fixed wing aircraft and helicopters
combines state-of-the-art engineering and superb technical craftsmanship.
You can have peace of mind knowing your VK SmartCushion™ System meets all applicable FAA regulations.
We provide appropriate documentation for return-to-service. All materials meet FAA burn requirements.
Here’s what you can expect:
1. Call Oregon Aero’s Seat Department to schedule an appointment to send
or bring your seat to Oregon Aero. 800-888-6910. Take Comfort
2. We strip the seat to its frame (photo #1). Wherever You Go:
3. We inspect the frame for damage and arrange for necessary repairs. We
clean the frame and if necessary or requested, we paint the frame. If SoftSeat Portable
14 [email protected] • 800-888-6910
OEM Seat Cushions and Seat Assemblies
We Can Meet Your OEM Seating Needs
Oregon Aero provides high-volume, custom OEM Seat Cushions and Seat Assemblies for com-
mercial and general aviation, law enforcement, the U.S. Military and other industries. Our
world-class expertise in addressing seating comfort, safety and functionality extends to every
seating project we undertake.
See pages 8-14 for complete information about Oregon Aero® Seating Systems.
Shown here and on page 16 are just a few examples of Oregon Aero® OEM Seating Systems.
Contact us to talk about your OEM seating needs. We are dedicated to 100% customer satisfaction.
OEM Customers
Some of our OEM Seating customers include the following companies:
• Aviat Aircraft, Inc. • Liberty Aerospace, Inc.
• Cessna Aircraft Company • LoPresti Aviation We offer the most
• Columbia Helicopters • Maule Air, Inc. comfortable low-profile
• Cub Crafters, Inc. • Van’s Aircraft, Inc. FAA 562-certified seat.
• Dakota Cub Aircraft • Viking Air Limited
• Erickson Air-Crane Incorporated
Oregon Aero also provides high-volume, custom
After-Market Seating to many companies.
courtesy Aviat Aircraft, Inc.
Complete Oregon Aero® Interior for the RV-10 in Leather, including Rear VK SmartCushion™
Systems. Oregon Aero® High-G® Seats are standard equipment for the Front Seats. See pages 12-16
for more information.
RV-8 Front,
Leather &
[email protected] • 800-888-6910
Seating: Certified Fixed Wing Aircraft
Cushion Systems, Seat Assemblies
You can feel confident bringing your certified aircraft seating needs to Oregon Aero. Our maximum-
comfort seating systems are available for individual aircraft as well as for airframe manufacturers and
other aviation and aerospace customers.
We work one-on-one with each customer to provide:
• VK SmartCushion™ Upgrades through the Oregon Aero FAA-approved Repair Station. We
provide documentation for return-to-service. See pages 12-14 and page 19.
• High-volume or other certified VK SmartCushion™ Systems and High-G® Seat Assemblies to air-
frame manufacturers and after-market service providers. Our seating meets FAA requirements, regu-
lations and dynamic testing and complements TSO’d restraint systems. See pages 15-16 and below.
courtesy OEM
Cessna Aircraft
Company VK SmartCushion™
System for the Husky,
Prototype of an
Oregon Aero®
High-G® Seat for a
general aviation
Custom Upholstery,
Interior Services
We can upholster your certified Oregon
Aero® Seating System in Leather, Fabric,
Leather & Fabric, Leather & Sheepskin or
Fabric & Sheepskin.
We also provide complete interior
upgrade services for certified aircraft.
See pages 14, 30-31.
100% Customer Satisfaction
Our pain-free seating improves crew endurance. We can upgrade seat cushions
through our Repair Station or certify seat cushions and seat assemblies.
FIRE AND RESCUE — This Bell Super Huey is used for
fire suppression and hoist rescue. “The best thing about
your products is that they reduce fatigue and help us stay
focused on our mission,” says the chief pilot.
Oregon Aero complies with all applicable FAA regulations by supplying FAA-approved seating and other parts to the public and OEMs. Oregon Aero is an FAA-approved Repair Station #O1IR004X. Oregon Aero, Inc.
conducts dynamic seat testing per the emergency landing conditions promulgated by the FAA in 1988 to improve the crashworthy performance of aircraft seating. Compliance with these FAA regulations and
requirements by Oregon Aero®™SM products does not ensure freedom from injury or death as a result of aircraft accidents, hard landings or other flight conditions.
Bell 407
Fabric &
Sheepskin Bell 206
Upgrade, Bell Super Huey
Fabric Upgrade, Fabric
Bell 212
How Do We
Upgrade a
Certified Seat
See pages 14 and 19.
Maximum comfort.
100% Customer
courtesy Ericks
on Air-Crane
Mike Dennis during development
of a seat cushion system for a Vertol
logging helicopter
Freightliner Seat
courtesy Mast Trucking, Inc.
Cushion System
“After the first race with the Oregon Aero® seat cushion
system, I noticed that my fatigue level was greatly
reduced…The peace of mind I get from knowing
that this seat performs so well is one less
worry that’s on my mind during the
race.” — Tommy Elstoen, award-
winning race car driver. (Tommy
competes with his #2 Chevy
Impala at speedways in Oregon
and Washington States.)
Coal Car Hauler several such projects over the company’s history.
For example, crews and passengers of military high-speed
Cushioning Systems boats are subjected to shock forces of up to 6G’s every
1/2-1 second, an uncomfortable ride and one which can
Four-Piece Coal Car Hauler Cushioning System lead to injuries over time. Oregon Aero has modified our
............................................................................. #50CC012 High-G® Seat for use in these boats; the Oregon Aero® Seat
Three-Piece Hinged Coal Car Hauler Cushioning System reduces shock loads significantly.
(not pictured)................................................... #50CC012-S
SoftSeat™ Portable
Cushions are available
in custom Leather and
embroidery by special
1 Lumbar Options
(1) 2 Thickness Options
Standard Lumbar Support Each SoftSeat® Cushion Base thickness offers the same
Lumbar Support zippers to any benefits, including maximum comfort. Select thickness
thickness Cushion Base. For best based on being raised the height of the SoftSeat® Cushion
results and best value, use the Base; our Cushions do not compress over time! We offer a
SoftSeat® Portable Cushion variety of thickness to accommodate a person’s physical
Base/Lumbar Combo. characteristics and the cockpit or other environment.
Full Cushion Back: Choose from:
Moves Occupant Forward
SoftSeat® Full Cushion Back with ½"
Adjustable Lumbar Support. Zippers to For Limited Headroom
any thickness SoftSeat® Cushion Base. 1"
Secured to seat with sewn-in adjustable Standard Thickness
straps and side release buckles. 2"
21" high x 16 1/2" wide x 2" thick. To Raise Occupant
Order separately.
3 Anchor Options
(3) (4)
4 N o Cutout vs. Cutout
Non-Skid Strips Anchor
(Pilot) Options 15"
(most popular option) No Cutout
More portable option. Two strips (most popular option)
of black webbing with black Indicate “none” when selecting 17½"
non-skid rubber are hand sewn to cutout option. Use with SoftSeat®
bottom of Cushion Base. Lumbar Support for best result.
Straps Anchor Cutout Cushion Base 18"
Good option if using Cushion We call it the Pilot SoftSeat®
Base for single purpose. Straps with Cushion Base. Specially designed
adjustable buckle hand sewn from to accommodate aircraft controls
side-to-side. Two hook-and-loop and restraint systems. Used
fasteners hand sewn to bottom of successfully in fixed wing and
Cushion Base. Straps Anchor not rotorcraft. Can also be used for
available with Pilot SoftSeat® other seating (cars, boats, chairs, 5½"
Cutout Cushion Base. etc.). Use with SoftSeat® Lumbar 4¾"
Support for best results.
5 Color Options
We offer eight color options. Free fabric swatches available. Slight variations in fabric colors may occur.
1" 2"
½" To Raise Occupant
For Limited Headroom Standard Thickness
26 Developed and manufactured in the U.S.A.
Oregon Aero® Portable Cushions
Super Cushion® We Make
Portable Cushion Parachute Pads!
This 13" x 13" x 2" slice of heaven brings com- Here’s another problem we help solve. If
you fly classic warbirds or perform aero-
fort to your you-know-what no matter where
batics, you know it’s uncomfortable to sit
you sit — on stadium bleachers, boats, chairs or
on your parachute or conventional para-
picnic bench. Carry handle, lightweight. Visco-
chute pads.
elastic foam with nylon pack cloth cover. We make cus-
Floatable. Made by Oregon Aero in the U.S.A. tomized para-
Super Cushion® Portable Cushion chute pads with
(Black, Blue, Gold, Red, Purple)............ #30040 the same atten-
tion to detail and
Super Cushion® materials we use
for all Oregon
Carry Bag Aero® Seat
Room for two Super Cushion® Portable Cushion Systems.
Cushions, blanket, water bottles and For more infor-
food. Made by Oregon Aero in the U.S.A. mation, call us at courtesy Aviat Aircraft, Inc.
Super Cushion® Portable Cushion Carry Bag
w/Oregon Aero Logo......................... #73010L*
*Bags come with Oregon Aero logo. Bags without the Oregon Aero
logo are available by special order at the same price. Allow three weeks
for shipment.
“I used (the
Oregon Aero® VK
System for the Glasair)
during an 11-hour
flight back and forth
from the midwest
to the east coast. I
No Squirming can only imagine how
“The (Cherokee Six Oregon Aero® VK SmartCushion™ uncomfortable I
Upgrade) seemed very firm for the first few minutes, and then I WOULD have been
forgot about it. I flew 6.5 hours. I dodged thunderstorms, flew without it! Thanks
through turbulence and rain, and never once felt the need to for great service and
squirm around in the seat. With the old seat I started to get attentiveness.”
uncomfortable after an hour. With this seat I was comfortable — I.W., Omaha, NE
after spending the day in the plane.” — H.D., Louisburg, NC courtesy Glasair Aviation
“Unbelievable Comfort,
OEM Seats, Incomparable Workmanship”
Custom “The comfort of these seats is unbelievable and they actually get
Upholstery more comfortable the longer you fly. Having had the available STC
“Wow!! I knew you guys performed that adds shoulder harnesses to
would do a great job, but my stock Navion seat buckets, I challenged
this is better than I Oregon Aero to upholster these now non-
imagined. Thanks to standard seats and increase their comfort
everyone at Oregon Aero level. The finished product is not only an
for the excellent support esthetically pleasing addition to my cockpit,
and very fine work that but the quality of the materials and the
was applied (in) creating professional workmanship in the
my seats.” — S.B., installation are incomparable. These
RV-10 Builder seats make time spent in the cockpit a
real pleasure. Great job.” — Jay Foster,
Lincolnville, ME courtesy Jay Foster
36 Hours: No Pain!
“We left for Texas at 2 a.m. and drove 36 hours straight. I was sitting
on your SoftSeat® Cushion and Lumbar and the whole way I kept
thinking ‘my back isn’t hurting.’ I’ve had back problems for more than
40 years and have worked as a hairdresser my entire adult life. Sitting
has always been the worst. The car would barely move and I’d start to
hurt. But this time, instead of arriving at my destination barely able to
courtesy LoPresti Aviation
walk, I arrived in Texas without any pain!” — Linda F., Greenville, PA
LoPresti Fury:
An Extra Boost OEM Seating
“Besides being so wonderfully “We love the Oregon Aero® (High-G®) Seat
comfortable hour after hour, my in the Fury experimental kit. No one else in
2" SoftSeat® Cushion Base and the industry pays as much attention to the
Full Cushion Back from Oregon details as Oregon Aero. Mike Dennis’
Aero give me, at 5'1", that extra demanding commitment to quality has
leg-length and height boost I engendered a legacy of trust. The Fury is a
need for better visibility when unique aircraft. It’s an aerobatic performer but
flying our team’s Twin it has 1000 mile legs. This requires a very
Comanche to airshows. Thanks!” comfortable long distance seat AND a firm
— Teresa Stokes, pilot and air- support for aerobatics, which is usually
show wingwalker, Gene Soucy mutually contradictory.
“Oregon Aero came up with a compromise
which is as close to perfect as anything
we have ever used. What customers notice
is comfort. We have pilots who are 5'7"
and 6'3". Amazingly, both find the seat
comfortable. For me personally, after a few
motorcycle and various racing accidents, I no
longer own a complete set of vertebrae. Your
seat is perfect for me.” — R.J. Siegel, CEO,
Wingwalker Teresa Stokes
LoPresti Aviation Engineering
courtesy Gene Soucy Airshows
*These services provided through affiliation with FAA-Approved Repair Station #U9AR750Y, located conveniently across the tarmac from the Oregon Aero Repair Station headquarters at the
Scappoose, OR Airport.
SAME VIEW, NEW LEATHER INTERIOR — Three views of an interior transformation. We pay meticulous attention to every detail.
Complete interior upgrade for a six-seat Cessna 310. We can upgrade interiors for most types of civilian, law enforcement and military fixed wing and rotorcraft.
Oregon Aero Repair Station Certificate #O1IR004X (Limited Airframe, Limited Accessories). Call to verify your aircraft is on or can be added to our Capabilities list.
Oregon Aero complies with all applicable FAA regulations by supplying FAA-approved seating and other parts to the public and OEMs.
APECS® IV Ejection Seat Cushion Instructor Navigator Full Bottom Defense Instructor Full Bottom
for B-52 w/Fabric & Sheepskin Cushion (Non-Ejection) w/Fabric Cushion (Non-Ejection) w/Fabric
(see page 36) & Sheepskin & Sheepskin
courtesy DoD
courtesy DoD
See pgs 36-42 for Oregon Aero® Ejection & Rotor Wing Seat Cushion Systems. 33
Seating: Military Fixed Wing Aircraft
Pilot, Co-Pilot, Flight Engineer Seat Cushion Systems in Fabric.
CoastalAircraftParts.com, [email protected],
954-980-6929. C-23 Pilot or Co-Pilot C-23 Flight Engineer
Seat Cushion System w/Fabric Seat Cushion System w/Fabric
Pilot, Co-Pilot, Flight Engineer, EW Seat Captain, First Officer, Observer, Second
Cushion Systems in Fabric & Sheepskin or Officer Seat Cushion Systems in Fabric &
All Fabric. Sub-assembly parts available. Sheepskin or All Fabric. Cushions also fit
CoastalAircraftParts.com, 954-980-6929, the L-1011. Order from Oregon Aero:
[email protected]. [email protected],
Pilot or Co-Pilot Seat
Cushion System w/Fabric Tri-Star Captain or First
& Sheepskin Officer Seat Cushion System
w/Fabric & Sheepskin................ #343004
w/Fabric (not pictured)................ #30300
Tri-Star Observer Seat Cushion System
w/Fabric & Sheepskin.......#343204
Flight Engineer or EW Seat Cushion w/Fabric (not pictured)....#303202
System w/Fabric & Sheepskin
that meet and exceed customer requirements. Contact us to discuss your seating needs.
touching, the Oregon Aero Logo to complete
the brand and certification message.
The OA AS9100 graphic should not be placed
closer than 25% of the height of the Oregon
Aero logo that it is appearing with.
A-10 Warthog:
Whenever possible, the OA AS9100 graphic
should not be displayed at size that is more
than 50% of the height of the Oregon Aero
logo that it is appearing with.
The Oregon Aero AS9100 certification
Proximity & Sizing
graphic has been designed for highest
visibility at minimal size. To ensure it’s
messaging conveyance, minimum sizes Y
for electronic and print applications are
USAF Safe-To-Fly Approved. Full Seat
as follows:
-electronic version
- a954-980-6929, CoastalAircraftParts.com,
- a two color version (preferred)
single color (black) version for when
Both [email protected].
color is not an option
graphics are available in eps, jpg or
pdf format.
DNV graphic
DNV (Det Norske Veritas), the auditor and
Registrar for OA’s certification has provided
Full Seat Assembly (Lumbar, Bottom, Full BottomOregonAero.com
Cushion in 800.888.6910
Back) in Fabric & Sheepskin or All Fabric & Sheepskin or All
B-2 Bomber:
36 Every branch of the U.S. Military flies with Oregon Aero® Seating.
Seating: Military Fixed Wing Ejection Cushions
F-15 Eagle:
USAF Safe-To-Fly Approved. Full Seat Assembly
(Lumbar, Bottom, Back) in Fabric & Sheepskin
or All Fabric. Sub-assembly parts available.
954-980-6929, CoastalAircraftParts.com,
[email protected].
courtesy DoD
Seat Cushions available for the
FA-18 and NACES US and Canadian
Hornet. Full Seat Assemblies (Lumbar,
Bottom, Back) in Fabric
APECS® III-N Ejection & Sheepskin or All Fabric.
Seat Cushion System Sub-assembly parts available.
installed in the FA-18 CoastalAircraftParts.com,
[email protected],
See pages 32- 35 and 39- 42 for more military aircraft cushion systems. 37
Seating: Military Fixed Wing Ejection Cushions
F-22 Raptor: APECS® Ejection
APECS® I Cushion Testing
Full Seat Assembly (Lumbar, Bottom, Oregon Aero® APECS® Ejection Seat
Back) in Fabric & Sheepskin or All Cushion Systems have been tested at
Fabric. Sub-assembly parts available. NASA’s Dryden Flight Test Center,
CoastalAircraftParts.com, Rosamond, CA; Wright-Patterson Air
[email protected], Force Base, Dayton, OH; Patuxent River
954-980-6929. Naval Air Station, Lexington Park, MD;
Brooks Air Force Base, San Antonio, TX;
Fabric & Sheepskin.........#30320 and McDonnell Douglas, St. Louis, MO.
All Fabric.....................#3032012
Universal Propulsion
Ejection Seat
Cushion: APECS® II
Full Seat Assembly (Lumbar, Bottom, Back)
in Fabric & Sheepskin or All Fabric.
Sub-assembly parts available.
954-980-6929, CoastalAircraftParts.com,
[email protected].
courtesy DoD
Pilot or Co-Pilot in Fabric & Sheepskin or All Fabric. Order from Oregon Aero.
Designed and manufactured for the U.S. Army 160th SOAR (Special Operations
Aviation Regiment). Water-resistant. Three Cushion Back options.
courtesy DoD photo by: SSGT SHANE CUOMO, USAF
MH-47 Chinook
AWR Approved. Pilot, Co-Pilot
Seat Cushion System in waterproof
Fabric. For armor plated seats.
Sub-assembly parts available.
[email protected],
courtesy DoD
40 See pages 12-16 for more about Oregon Aero® Seating Systems.
Seating: Military Rotor Wing Aircraft
courtesy DoD
Pilot or Co-Pilot Seat • Eliminate distraction from seat pain and discomfort
Cushion System w/
Fabric & Sheepskin • Shift hips, pelvis and back into pain-free position
• Minimize low back pain and fatigue caused by
Thin Back Cushion for use prolonged sitting
with standard H-60 Pilot,
Co-Pilot Cushion Bottom. • Help maintain leg circulation on long flights
Effective option when
wearing protective • Are equally comfortable for every occupant
• Are designed and manufactured in the U.S.A.
• Are backed by 100% guaranteed satisfaction
See pages 12-16 for more information.
H-60 Observer Seat
Cushion System
Every branch of the U.S. Military flies Oregon Aero® Aircraft Seating. 41
Seating: Military Rotor Wing Aircraft
UH-1N Iroquois
Pilot, Co-Pilot, Flight Engineer Seat
Cushion Systems in Fabric & Sheepskin or
All Fabric. Web or Armor Frame options.
Sub-assembly parts available.
[email protected],
UH-1N Pilot, Co-Pilot Seat
Cushion System w/Fabric.
Options for Web or Armor
Frame Seats. courtesy DoD
OH-58A+ Pilot,
Co-Pilot Seat Cushion
System w/Fabric
courtesy DoD
UH-1 Huey
Pilot, Co-Pilot Seat Cushion System in Fabric & Sheepskin or Fabric. Sub-assembly parts
available. CoastalAircraftParts.com, [email protected], 954-980-6929.
42 See pages 32-38 for military fixed wing seat cushion systems.
Military Land, Maritime Seating
Advanced Performance
Mission-Specific, Escape Cushion
Multiple Systems (APECS)
Oregon Aero can design and manufacture seating for most types of military land vehicles and other
land-based systems, as well as for maritime applications. We are able to analyze the required functionality
and each seating environment, providing maximum-comfort, maximum-performance, durable, safer seating.
Contact us to discuss your land vehicle and maritime seating needs. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.
courtesy DOD
Seat Cushion Systems
The Oregon Aero® Seat Cushion Systems for the High
Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV —
HUMVEE® Vehicle) are energy-absorbing, pain-free and
durable. Users consistently give the cushions top evaluations.
Driver Seat Driver Seat Cushions
System Back ............................................................................#551112
Bottom . .......................................................................#571112
Front Passenger Seat
Back ............................................................................#551212
Bottom . .......................................................................#571212
Rear Passenger Seat
Back ............................................................................#551312
Bottom . .......................................................................#571312
Front Passenger
Seat Cushion
System Pain-Free Seats During
Military Convoy
Here’s what a 27-year military officer had to say about the
Oregon Aero® Seat Cushion Systems for the HMMWV seats after
a two-week evaluation:
“We did a 477 mile convoy, approximately 18 hours each way,
with only scheduled ten minute breaks and one 60-minute halt
for fuel and chow. During this time I had no discomfort from the
Oregon Aero® (Seat Cushions). They remained secure in place,
they provide good cushioning and did not develop any hot spots.
The seats are very good in wet weather. After a rain, I would wipe
off the excess water and the seats would dry in minutes. The
Rear Passenger issued seats would have stayed wet for hours. My driver and
Seat Cushion various other passengers all had very positive comments.”
— LTC C.N.S., Kentucky National Guard
Custom upholstery,
Contact us at seat cushions for
the Oregon Air
or 800-888-6910
to discuss your land vehicle Cushions Designed
and maritime seating. for ANG
Oregon Aero designs and manufactures each seating
system for the specific application and environment. In
this case, we created seat cushions and custom upholstery
for an Oregon Aero National Guard vehicle. Now Guard
personnel can be comfortable, no matter how long
they’re in the driver or passenger seats.
44 Mission-Specific Seating
Satisfied Customers
B-52 Crews Fly with Oregon Aero
“From all the aircrew who have flown with your seat cushions,
they will never sit on another green brick seat cushion again…
One guy from the active unit said he did not like the new
(Oregon Aero®) cushion, but after flying a 15-hour sortie…in
the old style cushion he swore he would ‘never complain
again.’ For us older reservists, we can not imagine how we
flew this long on such a terrible cushion. Thanks.” — C.R.
Available as OEM or
Upgrade Equipment.
Complete Kit
or Replacement parts
available. Marine LWH
Moisture and waterproof yet • Enables helmet to float in water-fording or amphibious conditions (positively buoyant)
breathable coating • Performance of pads not compromised when wet
• Waterproof tested to 66' for 12 hours
• Keeps water and sweat out, air in
Self-wicking fabric covering • Keeps head cool in warm climates and warm in cold climates
• Routes perspiration and heat away
• Reduces sweat • Won’t cause skin irritation or itchiness
Easy installation • Upgrade helmet in minutes
• No helmet shell modifications required
• Hook/loop fabric sticks to hook/loop strips inside helmet
Four-point chin strap/harness • Can be used with various helmets and sizes
and integrated nape pad • Provides maximum comfort
• Adjustable, durable
• Replacement, Upgrade or OEM equipment courtesy DoD
Minor Injury
Standard Original w/Oregon Aero® w/Oregon Aero® w/Oregon Aero®
Helmet impact tests conducted
by two independent,
certified laboratories
Pads to
Issue Pads
modified 49 CFR 571.218 per U.S. Military instructions. The Abbreviated
Injury Scale (AIS) is an anatomical scoring system first introduced in 1969.
Since then, it has been revised and updated against survival so that it now
provides a reasonably accurate way of ranking the severity of injury. The
latest incarnation of the AIS score is the 1990 revision. The AIS is monitored
by a scaling committee of the Association for the Advancement of
Automotive Medicine.
MICH, RBR and others. each Helmet Liner Pad. The material is kept at a constant temperature
and humidity. Each Oregon Aero® Helmet Liner Pad goes through 27
manufacturing steps.
*98% of our customers use the ¾" thick crown pad and ½" thick oval and trapezoid pads for their PASGT. If you have an extremely loose-fitting
helmet, however, ¾" oval and trapezoid pads are available.
**98% of our MICH, ACH, CVC and other non-PASGT customers use the ¾" thick crown pad and ¾" thick oval and trapezoid pads. If you think
you need ½" thick pads for your helmet, call Oregon Aero at 800-888-6910.
48 Upgrade, OEM, Replacement Parts Available
Ballistic Helmet Upgrade Kits
BLSS® Kit for the PASGT Helmet Call Oregon Aero for GSA information.
Coyote Brown..........................#95041-T
Green...................................... #95041-G
THREE COLOR OPTIONS — Customers can order Oregon Aero’s four-point chin strap/harness GREEN
and integrated nape pad as a replacement item in three colors.
*98% of our customers use the ¾" thick crown pad and ½" thick oval and trapezoid pads for their PASGT. If you have an extremely loose-fitting helmet, however, ¾" oval and
trapezoid pads are available.
**98% of our MICH, ACH, CVC and other non-PASGT customers use the ¾" thick crown pad and ¾" thick oval and trapezoid pads. If you think you need ½" thick pads for your
helmet, call Oregon Aero at 800-888-6910.
800-888-6910 · [email protected] 49
Ballistic Helmet
Helmet Upgrade
Upgrade Kits
Sole Supplier for U.S. “HALO” Operations
Oregon Aero® Upgrade Kit for the Pro-Tec Helmet
Oregon Aero is the sole provider of a helmet liner upgrade for the Pro-Tec
helmet used by several branches of the U.S. Military in high altitude, low opening
(HALO) operations. We developed the patented Upgrade for U.S. Special
Operations (SOCOM) to make the helmets comfortable and stable.
The Upgrade Kit can be installed in minutes without any helmet modification
and is made from several materials, including visco-elastic foam. The Upgrade
is equally effective for any Pro-Tec helmet application.
This same helmet pad liner developed for the military is available for anyone
using this helmet style, such as mountain climbers and parachutists.
The Oregon Aero® Helmet Liner Pads are pain-free and stable. The
pads also are shock-absorbent, moisture and waterproof and air
permeable, making them cooler and drier.
3/4" Thick . ........................................................ #95501-3
NSN 8415-00-X13-2885
7/8" Thick (not pictured) ................................. #95502-4
NSN 8415-00-X13-2886
Contact Oregon Aero for GSA information.
“(On) our 21-day march to Baghdad we lived in those helmets and rarely took them off. I was comfortable
the whole time and not bothered by the helmet….an RPG impacted about 1 foot above my head. The
concussion was so loud and so great that I was knocked to the ground along with our Corpsman HM2
(JC) who by the way was wearing your helmet liner too. We both jumped to our feet and continued in
the fight. My cloth helmet cover was torn and burnt. My ears rang for about 2 days and I had an awful
headache, but other than that I was in good shape. I returned home healthy and alive.”
— Sgt. K.D., USMC
“I have fallen in love with the comfort and fitting of the BLSS® Kit. I can’t forget the smiles on
men’s and women’s faces once they donned their helmet with the BLSS® Kit and no longer had
to live with the constant knots and pain throughout the day in Iraq. Your attention to soldiers
and their comfort has made our job a lot easier.” — D.S., Combat Engineer
“I ‘inherited’ (a BLSS® Kit) from a soldier exiting the military and it has been wonderful to
wear. I no longer dread putting on my Kevlar as it is no longer painful.” — Sgt. J.S., U.S. Army
“I used the BLSS® Kit during combat operations in Iraq, and it was magnificent! Not once did I
have to think about helmet comfort, which is exactly the result desired.” — 1st Lt. Price, USMC
“(I experienced) a nine months deployment that saw duty all over the globe including combat
operations in Iraq. Your helmet liner system was incredible. It was almost a joy to wear the normally
uncomfortable helmet. Your product made it so unbelievably comfortable. I can’t say enough about
this great product. Many of my friends now have it also. I let all who ask me about it know how great
it is. Once they try it on, they are hooked.” — HMC J.P., USN
courtesy DoD
Oregon Aero provides
head-to-toe products
that make troops
more comfortable and
effective, including
ballistic and other
headgear upgrade kits,
tactical elbow and knee
pads, and insole inserts.
D NVG Finger Lite FL-5
NVG-compatible green light. One LED. Inset to prevent side B
scatter. Use on any finger of either hand. Mounts using stretch
hook/loop, allowing freedom of finger movement while holding
light securely. Two common 1.5V A76 batteries included, 10+ hours
of normal operation. Vibration proof. Kit includes NVG Finger Lite,
hook/loop wrap, two batteries and container. From SSI Inc.
Lite......................................................................... #40FL5
NSN 6230-01-357-2175
[email protected] • OregonAero.com 51
Additional Military Products
E NVG “Mike Lite”
Can be used with Oregon Aero® MicMuff® Microphone Cover. Emits soft green light.
Effective ONLY with Night Vision equipment such as NVGs. Three LEDs, inset to prevent
side scatter. Preserves dark adaptation. Weighs less than
3/4 oz. Includes wire, batteries, battery pouch, two tie wraps,
one mic boom screw. Mounts on wire frame mic boom. Fits
M-87 and M-162 mics. Will fit most others with optional
MK-1 Mount Kit. From SSI Inc.
NVG “Mike Lite” ML-8.........................................#40ML8 NOTE:“Mike Lite” effective ONLY
with Night Vision equipment.
NSN 6240-01-362-4902 E
Optional MK-1 Mount Kit (not pictured).......... #40MK1
Oregon Aero®
F Universal Folding Kneeling Pad Oregon Aero® Upgrade Kits for
H & I Aviation Headsets, Helmets
Hurting from kneeling on the job? Work in comfort with the
Oregon Aero® Universal Folding Kneeling Pad for industrial, Painless, Quieter Flying™
home, law enforcement and military use. Water-resistant pad Military Aviation Headsets and Helmets can be pain-free and
spreads weight load, eliminates pressure points. Industrial- quieter, with improved intelligibility and transmission clarity.
strength outer cover. Non-skid strips. 12" x 24" x 1" unfolded. Custom-designed Upgrade Kits and individual components
12" x 12" x 2" folded. Lead time required for larger orders. are available for most headset and helmet types. See pages
Universal Folding Kneeling Pad..........#48001-1-A 53-68 for Headset Upgrades and pages 69-83 for Helmet
ShockBlockers® J
Insole Inserts come
with instructions and
a template in case
trimming is necessary.
Improved Intelligibility
“Intelligibility” means how well you UNDERSTAND what you hear.
The Oregon Aero® HushKit® Passive Ear Cup Noise Attenuation is
particularly effective in the speech frequency of 700-7000 Hz, where
intelligibility is reduced because of background noise and where noise–
induced hearing loss often occurs. Testing data confirm our Upgrade’s
noise-dampening benefits.
The combination of the
E components addresses
every issue.
What began as a one-pad headset cushion (see page 2) evolved into the Oregon Aero® Headset Upgrade Kit with five
components, which work as one to end headset pain and improve acoustic performance. Several factors, not just one, cause
headset pain; ignoring any one factor makes the entire headset as uncomfortable as it ever was. The Headset Upgrade Kit
addresses each physiological issue which results from wearing a headset over time. Kits are custom designed for more than
150 civilian, military, law enforcement, first responder and other headsets.
Q My headset isn’t listed in your upgrade chart. Can I still get an upgrade?
A Most likely. Call Dan, Oregon Aero’s headset specialist, at 800-888-6910 for help. Or go to OregonAero.com for a more complete listing of headsets.
Q I’m not comfortable doing my own headset upgrade. Can you do it?
A You bet. Just send us your headset. We’ll do the upgrade and mail it back to you. Be sure to send a note with your name, return address, phone
number, and instructions about what you would like done.
[email protected] • 800-888-6910 55
Aviation Headset Upgrade Kits
Components: SoftTop® Headset Cushions
Cranials and David Clark/Clones, 5/8" wide head band used in cloth/leather flying helmet
Without D-ring . ............................. #10008 With D-ring............................ #10008D
Eliminates localized blood circulation loss, so top-of-head pain disappears.
56 Designed and made by Oregon Aero in the U.S.A.
Aviation Headset Upgrade Kits
Components: SoftTop® Headset Cushions
Lightspeed Sierra, Peltor, Pilot 1776/1779/21-60, Sennheiser HMEC250/S-1, Telex Airman ANR/ANR200
Without D-ring................................ #10017 With D-ring (pictured).......... #10017D
This product may look simple, but we’ve continued to improve its design since we introduced it in 1989.
ELNO, FlightCom Eclipse, LYNX, Old Style Military, Telex 900 Series/D950/D951E
Without D-ring . ............................. #10019 With D-ring ........................... #10019D
Narrow-style SoftTop® Headset Cushion with hook/loop wrap for smaller headsets.
*BOSE and AVIATION HEADSET X are trademarks of Bose Corporation. Oregon Aero, Inc. is not affiliated in any way with
Call Oregon Aero for GSA information. Bose Corporation, and this accessory product is not authorized or sponsored by Bose Corporation.
[email protected] • 800-888-6910 57
Aviation Headset Upgrade Kits
Components: 3/4" SoftSeal® Ear Cushions
Brand-B Original, Brand-B Type II
3/4" thick......................................... #20006
SoftSeal® Ear Cushions, one of five upgrade components, feature a
soft synthetic leather cover over visco-elastic foam cores.
Bose® Aviation Headset X®*, Brand-B A20, Lightspeed Sierra, Sennheiser HMEC250/S-1
3/4" thick......................................... #20007
These Oregon Aero® SoftSeal® Ear Cushions eliminate pressure on your ears and are great with
eyewear or earrings.
Acousticom, Cloth Helmet Headsets, Comtronics Sport 5000, Cranial Navy Types,
David Clark DCNC/10-13X&XL/10-56X/H10-76XL, DRE 6000, Evolution,
FlightCom 6ANX, Gentex Wolf Ears 10-30A, Pilot PA-9001/1761T/1761TH,
SoftComm BNE/C-90 & 100, Telex Air 3000/3100/3500/4000/4100/Air ANR 150/
ANR/ ANR1-D/Echelon 100 & 150
3/4" thick......................................... #20034
Adhesive ensures ear cushions don’t come off when used with helmet
David Clark X11
3/4" thick......................................... #20035
Oregon Aero® Headset Upgrade Kits are so comfortable pilots say they forget they are wearing them.
The Kits are hand made and custom designed.
Sennheiser 100/300/400
3/4" thick......................................... #20135
Upgrade Kits are available for nearly every make and
model of aviation headset.
Telex Airman 750 (includes HushKit® Passive Ear Cup Noise Attenuation Kit)
3/4" thick......................................... #28734
SoftSeal® Ear Cushions feature smooth, soft, washable synthetic leather over temperature- and
pressure-sensitive visco-elastic foam.
Call Oregon Aero for GSA information. *BOSE and AVIATION HEADSET X are trademarks of Bose Corporation. Oregon Aero, Inc. is not affiliated in any way with
Bose Corporation, and this accessory product is not authorized or sponsored by Bose Corporation.
AstroCom DC Clone, AvComm, Aviall, Comtronics Sport 3000, most David Clarks (see headset
chart), DRE 1000/2000/4000, Falcon F-14/15, FlightCom 4DX/5DX/4DLX, Gulf Coast,
Hush A Com GA Clark Type, MG-20/40/50/55/95/76 Military, MicroCom M40/60,
Pacific Coast PCA-4T/6T/9T, Pilot PA 11-00/P-51/P-51 Cadet/11-20/11-30/11-40/11-76/1151ACB/11
51ACG/1161T/1161TH/1171T/1171TH/1181T/1181TH, Sigtronics S-20/40/45/58/65/68, SoftComm
1-1/8" thick...................................... #20005 NSN 5965-01-561-5212
Acousticom Military, AstroCom, AstroCom Military, AudioCom, Hush A Com Round, Sigtronics
Square, Telex 900 Series/D950/D951/MRB0600 (comes with adhesive fasteners)
1-1/8" thick...................................... #20025 NSN 5965-01-387-8681
1-1/8" thick...................................... #20040
The slit in the flange of this SoftSeal® Ear Cushion accommodates the plastic tab of the Atlantic headset.
The OA AS9100 graphic should always
appear in visible proximity to, yet never
touching, the Oregon Aero Logo to complete
less than a new headset!
the brand and certification message.
The OA AS9100 graphic should not be placed
closer than 25% of the height of the Oregon
Aero logo that it is appearing with. Call Oregon Aero for GSA information.
Whenever possible, the OA AS9100 graphic
should not be displayed at size that is more
than 50% of the height of the Oregon Aero
logo that it is appearing with. For best results, use all Upgrade components. 59
The Oregon Aero AS9100 certification
Proximity & Sizing
graphic has been designed for highest
Aviation Headset Upgrade Kits
Components: HushKit® Passive Ear Cup Noise Attenuation
HushKit® Passive Ear Cup Noise Attenuation for:
All David Clark/Clones headsets
.......................................................... #92005
All David Clark/Clones headsets (see Headset Upgrade Chart
on pages 62-63)
.......................................................... #92015
Each Upgrade Kit is custom designed. If you’re not sure what to
order, call Dan, our headset specialist, at 800-888-6910.
1. Most SoftTop® Headset Cushions also available with D-ring. See Price List or go to OregonAero.com.
2. These Upgrades installed by Oregon Aero because of intricacies of the headset model.
3. Not recommended.
4. Please call Oregon Aero. We need more information to provide your correct Upgrade components.
BOSE and AVIATION HEADSET X are trademarks of Bose Corporation. Oregon Aero, Inc. is not affiliated in any way with Bose Corporation,
and this accessory product is not authorized or sponsored by Bose Corporation.
Call Oregon Aero for GSA information.
1. Most SoftTop® Headset Cushions also available with D-ring. See Price List or go to OregonAero.com.
2. These Upgrades installed by Oregon Aero because of intricacies of the headset model.
3. Not recommended.
4. Please call Oregon Aero. We need more information to provide your correct Upgrade components.
“Others who try to copy our headset upgrade parts may get part of it right,
but it’s the last 15%-20% of our product designs and our
manufacturing methods that make all the difference.”
— Mike Dennis, Oregon Aero, Inc. Founder, President, and CEO
[email protected] • 800-888-6910 63
Aviation Headset Upgrade Kits To both commemorate and promote Oregon Aero’s
AS9100/ISO9001 certification a new graphic has been
developed for use in marketing and PR materials.
The following are examples of Military
Whenever possible, the OA AS9100 Headset
graphic Upgrade Kits.
See page 65 or go to OregonAero.com to view more headset upgrades.
should not be displayed at size that is more
than 50% of the height of the Oregon Aero
Email [email protected]
logo that it is appearing with. or
call 800-888-6910
The Oregon Aero AS9100 forcertification
Proximity & Sizing
graphic has been designed for highest
visibility at minimal size. To ensure it’s
messaging conveyance, minimum sizes Y
OregonAero.com 800.888.6910
David Clark Headsets, Upgrade Kits for Military Use
Customers can order David Clark H10-76 and H10-76XL Headsets directly from Oregon Aero. When
ordering, you may choose to have us install an Oregon Aero® Headset Upgrade for maximum comfort
and noise reduction. There are no installation fees.
64 [email protected] • 800-888-6910
Aviation Headset Upgrade Kits
Military Headset Upgrade Chart:
What to Order
How to Order
NOTE: Complete Kits or Headset Upgrade components available according to military approval guidelines.
A. Find your headset type and model on the chart below. Additional headsets listed at OregonAero.com.
B. We recommend you order the Complete Headset Upgrade Kit for best results and best value. Order at OregonAero.com or
call 800-888-6910. Your Kit will include components required for your headset. Kit components also can be ordered
separately (shown below).
C. If you’re not sure what to order, contact us. Note that some components are not recommended or should be installed
by Oregon Aero.
1. Most SoftTop® Headset Cushions also available with D-ring. See Price List or go to OregonAero.com. Each Kit includes
2. These Upgrades installed by Oregon Aero because of intricacies of the headset model. (Not applicable
to above chart. Applicable to some headsets on pages 62-63.) custom components.
3. Not recommended. Together, they
Contact Oregon Aero for GSA information.
BOSE and AVIATION HEADSET X are trademarks of Bose Corporation. Oregon Aero, Inc. is not affiliated in any way with Bose
address every issue of
Corporation, and this accessory product is not authorized or sponsored by Bose Corporation. pain and noise.
Firefighting Communications
Headset Upgrade Kit
Includes SoftTop® Headset Cushion, SoftSeal®
Ear Cushions, HushKit® Passive Ear Cup Noise
Attenuation, SoftSkin® Ear Seal Covers,
MicMuff® Microphone Cover. For use under
helmets or safety caps. You'll be able to hear
and be heard clearly, and the headset will be
Oregon Aero® Headset Upgrade for the H10-60H, including
pain-free. Unlike other ear cushions, the SoftTop® Headset Cushion, SoftSeal® Ear Cushions,
Oregon Aero® Ear Cushions are non-flammable, SoftSkin® Ear Seal Covers, HushKit® Passive Noise
non-leaking. Attenuation and MicMuff® Microphone Cover
Oregon Aero® Upgraded David Clark H3442................... #83060
Designed by Oregon Aero for the F-15. Keeps pen or pencil from rolling away. Great for car dash, boats,
anywhere. Handy item to make life easier and safer. Hook/loop fastening.
Plug Adapters
Other plug styles available. Call 800-888-6910. We offer Plug Adapters and other
headset accessories as a service to our customers.
Cord Clip
Cord Clip
.......................................................... #80500
Get rid of that bothersome headset cord. Spring lock attaches to headset cord. Alligator clip
attaches to clothing. No more dragging and pulling.
Headset Headband
9-1/4" band length.......................... #80001
10-1/4" band length........................ #80002
11-3/4" band length........................ #80003
Headband too small or large? This steel band installs like the original on your Clark-style
headset. Small size adjusts a Clark-style headset to fit children and small adults. Large size
adjusts Clark-style headset to fit larger adults.
Oregon Aero designs and
sews many types of aviation
equipment bags, including
this Double Headset Bag.
See the “Flight Bags”
section of this catalog.
[email protected] • 800-888-6910 67
Satisfied Customers, Headset Upgrades
A Forgettable Is Good™ Upgrade
20-Plus Hours of Comfort
“I have been aircrew on the C-130 Hercules for over seven
years and have logged over 2,000 hours of flight time, all
while wearing a headset fitted with your upgrade. I can say
without hesitation that without the upgrade I would not have
been able to wear them continuously for sometimes 20-plus
hours! I most recently wore them on some of the longest and
most demanding missions of my career, combat operations to
Iraq. They were one less thing to worry about. I had to borrow
a pair of headsets without your upgrade and after a very short
time I developed a headache. I will never go without (your
upgrade) again.” — T.G.
“If I had known how well the Kit WWII Prowler Comfortable, Quieter
would work, I wouldn’t have paid “Your staff took my (headsets) and did amazing things. For the first
time in an environment of noise levels that would sterilize mice,
what I did for one of my headsets.” we can actually hear ourselves think and hear each other as well. Our
comfort has been improved, our enjoyment of flying this machine has
been improved and mostly our safety and efficiency have been
“I have been a Law Enforcement Officer for
improved.” — James W. Terry, Major USAF Retired and pilot,
over 12 years and a U.S. Army soldier prior
The Pacific Prowler WWII B-25
to that. I recently decided to upgrade my
hearing protection for the range with your
(Headset Upgrade Kit). What a difference
at the range. I’m now more comfortable
and able to concentrate on shooting and
not hurting!” — J.A., law enforcement
officer (He also uses an Oregon Aero®
Portable Cushion in his patrol car and
wears ShockBlockers® Insole Inserts.) courtesy James Terry
Improved Intelligibility
“Intelligibility” means how well you UNDERSTAND what you hear. The Oregon Aero® HushKit® Passive Ear Cup Noise Attenuation Kit is
particularly effective in the speech frequency of 700-7000 Hz, where intelligibility is reduced because of background noise and where noise
induced hearing loss most often occurs. Testing data confirms our Upgrade’s noise dampening benefits. We recommend use of the SoftSeal/
HushKit® Combo in some helmet types.
A Stable Helmet
The Oregon Aero® ZetaLiner® and Zeta II® Helmet Liners eliminate “bob and roll,” even with Night Vision
and other externally mounted equipment. The components
Improved Energy Absorption work together
Testing shows transmitted loads were reduced 25%-35% in a helmet equipped with the ZetaLiner® Helmet
Liner and SoftSeal/HushKit® Combo insulation kit and ear seals, compared to the original helmet. and address
An Easy Fitting every issue of
Fitting takes 3 to 5 minutes. Usually a great fit is achieved by trying one or two ZetaLiner® and Zeta II®
Helmet Liner sizes. Can’t get much easier! pain and noise.
You’ll Feel Cooler and Drier
Tired of perspiration running down your neck? Place Oregon Aero® SoftSkin® Ear Seal Covers over our SoftSeal® Ear Cushions. The SoftSkin®
Ear Seal Covers are made of a perspiration-wicking fabric which draws the perspiration away from the skin where it then evaporates. Also, the
ZetaLiner® Helmet Liner reduces skin temperature 1.5°F compared to conventional liner systems.
A Lighter Weight Helmet
Simply put, a helmet equipped with the Oregon Aero® Aviation Helmet Upgrade is lighter weight, compared to a helmet equipped with standard
components. You can expect a 2 to 6 oz. weight reduction, depending on the type of original helmet components, as measured during actual
Upgrade installations.
CUSTOM DESIGNED — Oregon Aero® Aviation Helmet Upgrade Kits are custom designed to fit most helmet types, such as (left to right) the HGU-84P, SPH®,
HGU-68P, CGF, HGU-56P and MSA Gallett.
Testing shows transmitted impact loads were reduced 25%-35% in a helmet equipped with the ZetaLiner® Helmet Liner and
SoftSeal/HushKit® Combo ear seals and insulation kit, compared to the original helmet. Visco-elastic foam sewn into cool,
washable wear-resistant fabric. Eliminates top-of-head hot spots. Self-wicking fabric controls heat buildup by evaporative cooling
of perspiration. Eliminates “bob and roll” when mounting external equipment. Lighter weight than other liners. Fitting only takes a
few minutes. Testing shows ZetaLiner® Helmet Liner reduces skin temperature 1.5°F compared to existing liner systems. Washable,
Conform to your head and eyewear. 200%-300% more volume for total comfort. Temperature- and pressure-sensitive, two-part
visco-elastic foam core. Smooth, soft synthetic leather coverings. Flange and/or adhesive mounting for plastic ear cup, depending on
applications. Original ear seals are replaced with the SoftSeal® Ear Cushions.
Keep your ears even drier and cooler and add to product life by slipping SoftSkin® Ear Seal Covers over SoftSeal® Ear Cushions.
Self-wicking reduces perspiration buildup. Especially helpful in hot, humid climates. They fit loosely, not tightly like a drum (this is
important because tight cloth covers produce pressure on the ear, causing pain). Choose for 3/4" or 1-1/8" thick SoftSeal® Ear
Testing shows HushKit® Passive Ear Cup Noise Attenuation Kit performs better in the 700-7000 Hz mid-range where hearing loss
occurs. Dramatically improves noise attenuation and intelligibility. Four die-cut visco-elastic foam layers fill all ear cup voids. Turn
down your radio volume! It’s not that you can’t hear your radio (even though it’s on high volume) — it’s that you can’t understand
what’s being said in the voice mid-range.
E SoftSeal/HushKit Combo
Testing shows transmitted impact loads were reduced 25%-35% in a helmet equipped with SoftSeal/HushKit® Combo ear seals and
insulation kit and ZetaLiner® Helmet Liner, compared to the original helmet. An ear seal and insulation kit in one — one giant shock
absorber. Replaces triangular leather earpad or upgrades plastic ear cup. Eliminates pain. Testing shows significantly enhanced noise
attenuation. Hook/loop attachment. Reduces weight. 3/4" thick Combo pair weighs 2.5 oz., 1-1/8" thick Combo pair weighs 3.2 oz.
The OA AS9100 graphic should not be placed
closer than 25% of the height of the Oregon
Aero logo that it is appearing with.
Whenever possible, the OA AS9100 graphic
should not be displayed at size that is more
than 50% of the height of the Oregon Aero
logo that it is appearing with.
Two versions have been developed;
- a two color version (preferred)
- a single color (black) version for when
color is not an option
Both graphics are available in eps, jpg or
pdf format.
DNV graphic
HELMET AND HEADSET UPGRADE SPECIALIST — Help is always just a phone call away if
DNV (Det Norske Veritas), the auditor and you’re not sure what parts to order for your aviation helmet or headset. Call and ask for
Registrar for OA’s certification has provided Dan and he can help determine what you need.
Oregon Aero
their own ® Upgrade
certification for that
graphic themay
MSA alsoGallett. We
provide Upgradeswhen
be implemented for added
Civilian andisMilitary use.
[email protected] • 800-888-6910 71
Aviation Helmet Upgrade Kits
Helmet Upgrades for Civilian Use
Go to OregonAero.com, email [email protected], or call 800-888-6910 for assistance. Order the Complete Upgrade
Kit or components can be ordered separately. If your helmet isn’t listed, call Dan at Oregon Aero for help. The chart below can be
used for helmets formerly used in military service.
You can choose to send
your David Clark “K”
Helmet to Oregon Aero for
installation of a modified
ZetaLiner® Helmet Liner in
addition to the other BEST HELMET IN 26 YEARS — Members of the
Upgrade components for Lima Lima Flight T-34 Team fly with Oregon Aero®
this helmet. Call Oregon Helmet Upgrades. Says team member Gary
Aero at 800-888-6910 for Donovan, “I’ve never had a more comfortable
information. helmet in more than 26 years of wearing helmets.”
72 [email protected] • 800-888-6910
Aviation Helmet Upgrade Kits
Helmet Upgrades for Military Use
Go to OregonAero.com, email [email protected] or call 800-888-6910 for assistance. Complete
Kits or components available according to military approval guidelines.
*Listed are the standard SoftSeal® Ear Cushions and SoftSkin® Ear Seal Covers for each helmet type. Some customers may require alternative
components. Call Oregon Aero for assistance.
**Standard ZetaLiner® Helmet Liner size for the Alpha Helmet is Part #95133A, 13" measurement from front to back and 3/8" thick. See ZetaLiner®
Helmet Liner Fitting Instructions on page 76 to verify your ZetaLiner® Liner fitting or call Oregon Aero for assistance.
The Zeta II® Helmet Liner is installed easily in the HGU-56P using a hook/loop system. Complete instructions come with the Liner.
74 [email protected] • 800-888-6910
Aviation Helmet Upgrade Kits
Aviation Helmet Upgrades for Military Use
Upgrade Approved for “HALO” Operations
courtesy DoD
Oregon Aero is the sole supplier of a helmet liner upgrade for the Pro-Tec
helmet used by several branches of the military in high altitude, low
opening (HALO) operations. We developed the Upgrade for U.S. Special
Operations (SOCOM) to make the helmets comfortable and stable. The
helmet liner also is waterproof and improves shock absorption.
courtesy DoD
courtesy DoD
[email protected] • 800-888-6910 75
Aviation Helmet Upgrade Kits
Components: ZetaLiner® Helmet Liner
Choosing Your Easy Helmet Liner Fitting
ZetaLiner Liner Length
No more hour-long fitting sessions that require liner
Measure the inside of your helmet from front heating! ZetaLiner® Upgrades can be done in minutes
to back, down into the bowl, as shown in the as shown below. Call our helmet specialist, Dan, at
photo. Then consult the chart at bottom right 800-888-6910 for assistance.
and find the correct part number.
Choosing Your
ZetaLiner® Liner Thickness
The ZetaLiner® Helmet Liner comes in four thicknesses: 1/4", 3/8",
1/2" and 5/8". The most commonly used thickness is 3/8". To select
the proper ZetaLiner® Helmet Liner thickness, review the informa-
tion below, then find your part number. NOTE: If your TPL® has
been heated and fitted, you will probably need a ZetaLiner®
Liner one thickness thinner than those listed below. Apply self-adhesive hook Place Helmet Liner inside
NOTE: The sizing charts on this page are intended to suggest a starting point for the (as needed). helmet.
fitting process. Each pilot should be fitted individually for comfort and stability. Final
results may differ from the data shown here. We are committed to helping customers
select the proper ZetaLiner® Helmet Liner. See the previous page for fitting information.
2 Layers 1/4" ZetaLiner® Liner
3 Layers 3/8" ZetaLiner® Liner
4-5 Layers 1/2" ZetaLiner® Liner
5+ Layers 5/8" ZetaLiner® Liner Helmet Liner is retained by Ready to go!
TYPE SIZE Helmet Liner
Rotorcraft Helmets Styroliner internal measurement 12" from front to back
SPH-4® Regular 15" 1/4" thick:..................... #95122A NSN 8475-01-472-3318
Large 16" 3/8" thick:..................... #95123A NSN 8475-01-472-3774
X-Large 16"
1/2" thick:..................... #95124A NSN 8475-01-472-3319
SPH-4B® Regular 15"
X-Large 16" 5/8" thick:..................... #95125A NSN 8475-01-472-3321
Styroliner internal measurement 13" from front to back
SPH-5® Regular 15"
X-Large 16" 1/4" thick:..................... #95132A NSN 8475-01-472-3776
HGU-56 Regular 15"
3/8" thick:..................... #95133A NSN 8475-01-472-3320
Large 16" 1/2" thick:..................... #95134A NSN 8475-01-472-3323
X-Large 17" 5/8" thick:..................... #95135A NSN 8475-01-472-3777
HGU-84 Medium 12"-13" Styroliner internal measurement 14" from front to back
Large 13"-14" 1/4" thick:..................... #95142A NSN 8475-01-472-3322
X-Large 14"-15"
X-Large Wide 14"-15" 3/8" thick:..................... #95143A NSN 8475-01-472-3324
1/2" thick:..................... #95144A NSN 8475-01-472-3779
Fixed Wing Helmets 5/8" thick:..................... #95145A NSN 8475-01-472-3326
HGU-33 Medium 12"-13" Styroliner internal measurement 15" from front to back
Large 13"-14"
X-Large 14"-15" 1/4" thick:..................... #95152A NSN 8475-01-472-3325
3/8" thick:..................... #95153A NSN 8475-01-472-3780
HGU-55 Medium 12"-13"
Large 13"-14" 1/2" thick:..................... #95154A NSN 8475-01-472-3327
X-Large 14"-15" 5/8" thick:..................... #95155A NSN 8475-01-472-3770
HGU-68 Medium 12"-13" Styroliner internal measurement 16" from front to back
Large 13"-14" 1/4" thick:..................... #95162A NSN 8475-01-472-3781
X-Large 14"-15" 3/8" thick:..................... #95163A NSN 8475-01-472-3773
X-Large Wide 14"-15"
1/2" thick:..................... #95164A NSN 8475-01-472-3775
HGU-85 Medium 12"-13"
Large 13"-14" 5/8" thick:..................... #95165A NSN 8475-01-472-3783
X-Large 14"-15" Styroliner internal measurement 17" from front to back
X-Large Wide 14"-15" 1/4" thick:..................... #95172A
CGF Medium 12" 3/8" thick:..................... #95173A
Large 13" 1/2" thick:..................... #95174A NSN 8415-01-573-3935
X-Large 14"
5/8" thick:..................... #95175A NSN 8415-01-581-2154
ALPHA Medium 13"
Call Oregon Aero for GSA information.
SPH-4B®, SPH-5®
Replaces ear seal on plastic ear cup. Adhesive fastening tape
ring for attachment — won’t come off!
1-1/8" thick.............................. #20001
3/4" thick................................. #20002
SPH® Helmet
HGU-56P Upgrade Kit. Also
shown is the
3/4" thick.................................#20007
Oregon Aero®
Visco-Elastic Chin
Strap Cushion.
3/4" thick.................................#20034
BEFORE AND AFTER INSTALLATION — SoftSeal/HushKit® Combo for HGU style helmet,
shown uninstalled (two component pieces at left) and installed (single component at right).
Eliminates potential injury from rigid ear cups and reduces weight by as much as 50%.
MicMuff® Microphone Cover lets a noise-canceling mic do its job above 97dB. Eliminates ambient cockpit noise and noise from radios and
intercom. The noisier the cockpit (warbirds, open cockpit, large engine aircraft), the more dramatic the improvement in noise reduction and clarity.
See Q&A on page 55 for complete information. MicMuff® Cover must be used on all helmets installed in the communications system. Soft
leatherette cover over foam sleeve creates chamber around mic. Cockpit noise has limited access to mic cartridges, but voice enters easily through
holes in leatherette cover. Doesn’t blow away.
Replacement Harnesses
For Civilian SPH® Helmet For Military/Civilian Helicopter HGU Helmet
....................................... #98363 .......................................#98342
Dual plugs, straight cord. PJ-068, PJ-055 Single plug, coil cord. U-174/U
plug styles. (TP-120) plug style.
................................................ #98323
800-888-6910 • [email protected] 81
Aviation Helmet Upgrade Kits
Helmet Accessories
Complete Replacement Mic/Boom Assemblies
(A) Flexible (Gooseneck) Boom w/Waterproof Electret Mic
...................................................... #98305-7 (A)
Wire in 7" length only.
(B) Combination Wire Frame and Flexible Boom
w/Waterproof Electret Mic................... #98304
Mic in Black or Gray. Wire in 7" or 14" length.
(C) Wire Frame Boom w/M-87 Military Mic
w/Pre-amp for Civilian Equipment........ #98302
Wire in 7" or 14" length. Limited supply. (D)
(D) Military Wire Frame Boom w/M-87 Mic & Cord
......................................................... #98301
Wire in 7" or 14" length. Select Black or Chrome. (E)
(E) Wire Frame w/Electret Mic & Cord
......................................................... #98303
Mic in Black or Gray. Wire in 7" or 14" length.
..................................... #98500
Dual Plugs to Single Plug Adapter
Available in Black or Gray.
....................................... #97600
For Wire Boom Adapter cord does not amplify military
..................................... #98600 headsets. Uses PJ-068, PJ-055 plugs.
Available in Black.
Single Military Plug to Dual Civilian Plug
Adapter with Amp
Replacement M-87 Mic .................................. #98393-12
Allows military headset or helmet to be
Military Dynamic (M-87) mic
used in civilian aircraft. We stock 12" but
custom lengths can be ordered. Uses
...................................... #98400
U-174/U (TP-120) plug. Custom orders may
Available in Black. take at least two weeks to ship.
800-888-6910 • OregonAero.com 83
Additional Pilot Accessories
Oregon Aero offers an assortment of products for pilots that reflect our constant quest to make life easier
and more comfortable for our customers. Here are additional products that can be used by pilots or in other
settings. Call us at 800-888-6910 for more information.
84 [email protected] • 800-888-6910
Additional Pilot Accessories
Adjustable Plier Wrench
7" Knipex Plier Wrench (adjustable to 1-3/8")......... #48607
10" Knipex Plier Wrench (adjustable to 1-3/4")....... #48610
12" Knipex Plier Wrench (adjustable to 2-3/8")....... #48612
Superior tool for gripping, holding, bending. Provides 3,000 pounds
pressure but is gentle enough for careful assembly of fittings with finished
surfaces. 12-position push button adjustment. Three sizes available. Cam
action of gripping jaws allows ratchet action to handle nuts and bolts up
to 1-3/8", 1-3/4", or 2-3/8". Replaces your
entire wrench set in aircraft, car, boat
or motorcycle.
OregonAero.com • 800-888-6910 85
Oregon Aero® Bags
*Bags without the Oregon Aero logo are available by special order at the same price.
86 OregonAero.com • 800-888-6910
Oregon Aero® Bags
Deluxe Heavy Duty Helmet Bag Super Cushion® Portable
with Oregon Aero logo*....... #72000L Cushion Carry Bag
Double zippered. Hook/loop fastening and zipper pockets for
with Oregon Aero logo*....... #73010L
radios, glasses, charts, e-pubs, etc. Hidden inside pocket. Shock-
insulated for helmet protection. Durable fabric, hand sewn. Room for two Oregon Aero® Super Cushion® Portable
Padded handle. Room for helmet, flight suit and gloves. Cushions, blanket, water bottles and food. Cushions can be
Embroidered Oregon Aero logo. 13-1/2" high x 13-1/2" wide x used in your aircraft but they’re also great for ball games,
10-1/2" deep. Black only. concerts or anywhere with bleachers or uncomfortable seats.
Embroidered Oregon Aero logo. 13" high x 13" wide x 3-1/2"
deep. Black only. Cushions shown on page 27.
*Bags without the Oregon Aero logo are available by special order at the same price.
[email protected] 87
Additional Headgear Upgrades
You don’t have to be a pilot to enjoy pain-free, stable, cooler headgear. Oregon Aero has
developed Upgrade Kits for use at work or play!
The innovative
maximum comfort.
Wear a half-size? Select the insole that is INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATION — Each pair of
the next size larger than your shoe size. ShockBlockers® Insole Inserts comes with instructions
and a template in case trimming is necessary to fit the
inserts properly.
*See Price List for military ordering information. Call Oregon Aero for GSA information.
and abrasion resistance. Wick Test (cm) ShockBlockers® Inserts Fabric SATRA Interpretation
Wick Time:
3 Less than 1 minute "Excellent"
10 Less than 15 minutes "Excellent"
Multiple factors may affect the life of Shockblockers® Insole Inserts, including,
but not limited to: usage, frequency of usage and care. Guarantee does not *1 "Revolution" = Machine passing back and forth on material
cover misuse such as putting them through a washer and/or dryer, trimming
errors, and natural wear and tear.
90 [email protected] · 800-888-6910
The Oregon Aero Logo: Clothing and Hats
Customers like the Oregon Aero logo, so here’s a chance to wear it.
It’s a logo that looks good and says “Quality.”
Four-Color T-Shirt with Oregon Aero logo
Adult Small............................#40200-1
Adult Medium........................#40200-2
Adult Large............................#40200-3
Adult X-Large........................#40200-4
Adult XX-Large......................#40200-5
Adult XXX-Large...................#40200-6
Comfortable, 100% cotton t-shirt with
the distinctive Oregon Aero logo. See
OregonAero.com for up-to-date selections.
Styles may vary from photos.
Adult Small......................................#40300-1
Adult Medium..................................#40300-2
Adult Large......................................#40300-3
Adult X-Large..................................#40300-4
Adult XX-Large................................#40300-5
Heavyweight, quality denim jacket with
Oregon Aero’s distinctive multi-colored logo.
Logo featured on front and back. Styles may
vary. See OregonAero.com for current offerings.
Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.
Styles may vary from photo.