FEMA 307: Evaluation of Earthquake Damaged Concrete and Masonry Wall Buildings Technical Resources

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FEMA 307



Technical Resources

Prepared by:

The Applied Technology Council

555 Twin Dolphin Drive, Suite 550
Redwood City, California 94065

Prepared for:

The Partnership for Response and Recovery

Washington, D.C.

Funded by:

Federal Emergency Management Agency

Applied Technology Council

The Applied Technology Council (ATC) is a nonprofit, tax-exempt corporation estab-

lished in 1971 through the efforts of the Structural Engineers Association of California.
ATC is guided by a Board of Directors consisting of representatives appointed by the
American Society of Civil Engineers, the Structural Engineers Association of Califor-
nia, the Western States Council of Structural Engineers Associations, and four at-large
representatives concerned with the practice of structural engineering. Each director
serves a three-year term.
The purpose of ATC is to assist the design practitioner in structural engineering (and
related design specialty fields such as soils, wind, and earthquake) in the task of keep-
ing abreast of and effectively using technological developments. ATC also identifies
and encourages needed research and develops consensus opinions on structural engi-
neering issues in a nonproprietary format. ATC thereby fulfills a unique role in funded
information transfer.
Project management and administration are carried out by a full-time Executive Direc-
tor and support staff. Project work is conducted by a wide range of highly qualified con-
sulting professionals, thus incorporating the experience of many individuals from
academia, research, and professional practice who would not be available from any sin-
gle organization. Funding for ATC projects is obtained from government agencies and
from the private sector in the form of tax-deductible contributions.

1998-1999 Board of Directors

Charles H. Thornton, President Edwin H. Johnson

Edwin T. Dean, Vice President Kenneth A. Luttrell
Andrew T. Merovich, Secretary/ Newland J. Malmquist
Treasurer Stephen H. Pelham
C. Mark Saunders, Past President Richard J. Phillips
James R. Cagley Charles W. Roeder
Arthur N. L. Chiu Jonathan G. Shipp
Robert G. Dean


This report was prepared under Contract EMW-95-C-4685 between the Federal Emer-
gency Management Agency and the Partnership for Response and Recovery.
Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication
do not necessarily reflect the views of the Applied Technology Council (ATC), the
Partnership for Response and Recovery (PaRR), or the Federal Emergency Manage-
ment Agency (FEMA). Additionally, neither ATC, PaRR, FEMA, nor any of their em-
ployees makes any warranty, expressed or implied, nor assumes any legal liability or
responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, prod-
uct, or process included in this publication. Users of information from this publication
assume all liability arising from such use.
For further information concerning this document or the activities of the ATC, contact
the Executive Director, Applied Technolgy Council, 555 Twin Dolphin Drive, Suite
550, Redwood City, California 94065; phone 650-595-1542; fax 650-593-2320; e-mail
[email protected].

Following the two damaging California earthquakes in also provides guidance for the repair of damaged
1989 (Loma Prieta) and 1994 (Northridge), many components.
concrete wall and masonry wall buildings were repaired
using federal disaster assistance funding. The repairs The project also involved a workshop to provide an
were based on inconsistent criteria, giving rise to opportunity for the user community to review and
controversy regarding criteria for the repair of cracked comment on the proposed evaluation and repair criteria.
concrete and masonry wall buildings. To help resolve The workshop, open to the profession at large, was held
this controversy, the Federal Emergency Management in Los Angeles on June 13, 1997 and was attended by
Agency (FEMA) initiated a project on evaluation and 75 participants.
repair of earthquake damaged concrete and masonry
wall buildings in 1996. The project was conducted The project was conducted under the direction of ATC
through the Partnership for Response and Recovery Senior Consultant Craig Comartin, who served as Co-
(PaRR), a joint venture of Dewberry & Davis of Principal Investigator and Project Director. Technical
Fairfax, Virginia, and Woodward-Clyde Federal and management direction were provided by a
Services of Gaithersburg, Maryland. The Applied Technical Management Committee consisting of
Technology Council (ATC), under subcontract to PaRR, Christopher Rojahn (Chair), Craig Comartin (Co-
was responsible for developing technical criteria and Chair), Daniel Abrams, Mark Doroudian, James Hill,
procedures (the ATC-43 project). Jack Moehle, Andrew Merovich (ATC Board
Representative), and Tim McCormick. The Technical
The ATC-43 project addresses the investigation and Management Committee created two Issue Working
evaluation of earthquake damage and discusses policy Groups to pursue directed research to document the
issues related to the repair and upgrade of earthquake- state of the knowledge in selected key areas: (1) an
damaged buildings. The project deals with buildings Analysis Working Group, consisting of Mark Aschheim
whose primary lateral-force-resisting systems consist of (Group Leader) and Mete Sozen (Senior Consultant)
concrete or masonry bearing walls with flexible or rigid and (2) a Materials Working Group, consisting of Joe
diaphragms, or whose vertical-load-bearing systems Maffei (Group Leader and Reinforced Concrete
consist of concrete or steel frames with concrete or Consultant), Greg Kingsley (Reinforced Masonry
masonry infill panels. The intended audience is design Consultant), Bret Lizundia (Unreinforced Masonry
engineers, building owners, building regulatory Consultant), John Mander (Infilled Frame Consultant),
officials, and government agencies. Brian Kehoe and other consultants from Wiss, Janney,
Elstner and Associates (Tests, Investigations, and
The project results are reported in three documents. The Repairs Consultant). A Project Review Panel provided
FEMA 306 report, Evaluation of Earthquake Damaged technical overview and guidance. The Panel members
Concrete and Masonry Wall Buildings, Basic were Gregg Borchelt, Gene Corley, Edwin Huston,
Procedures Manual, provides guidance on evaluating Richard Klingner, Vilas Mujumdar, Hassan Sassi, Carl
damage and analyzing future performance. Included in Schulze, Daniel Shapiro, James Wight, and Eugene
the document are component damage classification Zeller. Nancy Sauer and Peter Mork provided technical
guides, and test and inspection guides. FEMA 307, editing and report production services, respectively.
Evaluation of Earthquake Damaged Concrete and Affiliations are provided in the list of project
Masonry Wall Buildings, Technical Resources, contains participants.
supplemental information including results from a
theoretical analysis of the effects of prior damage on The Applied Technology Council and the Partnership
single-degree-of-freedom mathematical models, for Response and Recovery gratefully acknowledge the
additional background information on the component cooperation and insight provided by the FEMA
guides, and an example of the application of the basic Technical Monitor, Robert D. Hanson.
procedures. FEMA 308, The Repair of Earthquake
Damaged Concrete and Masonry Wall Buildings, Tim McCormick
discusses the policy issues pertaining to the repair of PaRR Task Manager
earthquake damaged buildings and illustrates how the
procedures developed for the project can be used to Christopher Rojahn
provide a technically sound basis for policy decisions. It ATC-43 Principal Investigator
ATC Executive Director

FEMA 307 Technical Resources iii

iv Technical Resources FEMA 307
Table of Contents

Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .iii

List of Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix

List of Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .xiii

Prologue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv

1. Introduction ................................................................... 1
1.1 Purpose And Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Materials Working Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2.1 Tests and Investigations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2.2 Component Behavior and Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2.3 Repair Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Analysis Working Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.4 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2. Reinforced Concrete Components ............................................ 7

2.1 Commentary and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.1.1 Development of Component Guides and λ-Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2 Typical Force-Displacement Hysteretic Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.3 Tabular Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.4 Symbols for Reinforced Concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.5 References for Reinforced Concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

3. Reinforced Masonry .......................................................... 39

3.1 Commentary and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.1.1 Typical Hysteretic Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.1.2 Cracking and Damage Severity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.1.3 Interpretation of Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
3.2 Tabular Bibliography for Reinforced Masonry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
3.3 Symbols for Reinforced Masonry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
3.4 References for Reinforced Masonry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

4. Unreinforced Masonry ....................................................... 59

4.1 Commentary and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
4.1.1 Hysteretic Behavior of URM Walls Subjected to In-Plane Demands . . . . . . . . . . 59
4.1.2 Comments on FEMA 273 Component Force/Displacement Relationships . . . . . 72
4.1.3 Development of λ-factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
4.2 Tabular Bibliography for Unreinforced Masonry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
4.3 Symbols for Unreinforced Masonry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

FEMA 307 Technical Resources v

4.4 References for Unreinforced Masonry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81

5. Infilled Frames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85

5.1 Commentary And Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85
5.1.1 Development of λ-Factors for Component Guides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85
5.1.2 Development of Stiffness Deterioration—λK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85
5.1.3 The Determination of λQ for Strength Deterioration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86
5.1.4 Development of λD—Reduction in Displacement Capability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87
5.2 Tabular Bibliography for Infilled Frames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89
5.3 References for Infilled Frames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .91

6. Analytical Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95

6.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95
6.2 Summary of Previous Findings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95
6.2.1 Hysteresis Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95
6.2.2 Effect of Ground Motion Duration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98
6.2.3 Residual Displacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98
6.2.4 Repeated Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98
6.3 Dynamic Analysis Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99
6.3.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99
6.3.2 Dynamic Analysis Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99
6.3.3 Ground Motions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100
6.3.4 Force/Displacement Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .120
6.3.5 Undamaged Oscillator Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .122
6.3.6 Damaged Oscillator Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .123
6.3.7 Summary of Dynamic Analysis Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .125
6.3.8 Implementation of Analyses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .126
6.4 Results Of Dynamic Analyses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .126
6.4.1 Overview and Nomenclature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .126
6.4.2 Response of Bilinear Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .127
6.4.3 Response of Takeda Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .127
6.4.4 Response Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .151
6.5 Nonlinear Static Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .155
6.5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .155
6.5.2 Description of Nonlinear Static Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .156
6.5.3 Comments on Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .159
6.5.4 Application of Procedures to Undamaged and Damaged Oscillators . . . . . . . . . .160
6.6 Comparison of NSP and Dynamic Analysis Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .160
6.6.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .160
6.6.2 Displacement Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .160
6.6.3 Displacement Ratio Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .161
6.7 Conclusions and Implications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .177
6.8 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .178

vi Technical Resources FEMA 307

7. Example Application ........................................................ 181
7.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
7.1.1 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
7.1.2 Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
7.2 Investigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
7.2.1 Building Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
7.2.2 Postearthquake Damage Observations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
7.2.3 Preliminary Classification (by Observation) of Component Types,
Behavior Modes, and Damage Severity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
7.2.4 Final Classification (by Analysis) of Component Type, Behavior Mode
and Damage Severity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
7.2.5 Other Damage Observations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
7.2.6 Summary of Component Classifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
7.3 Evaluation by the Direct Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
7.3.1 Structural Restoration Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
7.3.2 Nonstructural Restoration Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
7.3.3 Restoration Summary and Cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
7.4 Evaluation by Performance Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
7.4.1 Performance Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
7.4.2 Nonlinear Static Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
7.4.3 Force-Displacement Capacity (Pushover Analysis) Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
7.4.4 Estimation of Displacement, de, Caused by Damaging Earthquake . . . . . . . . . . 209
7.4.5 Displacement Demand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
7.4.6 Analysis of Restored Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
7.4.7 Performance Restoration Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
7.5 Discussion of Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
7.5.1 Discussion of Building Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
7.5.2 Discussion of Methodology and Repair Costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
7.6 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215

Appendix A. Component Damage Records for Building Evaluated

in Example Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217

ATC-43 Project Participants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237

Applied Technology Council Projects And Report Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241

FEMA 307 Technical Resources vii

viii Technical Resources FEMA 307
List of Figures

Figure 1-1 Component Force-Deformation Relationships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Figure 1-2 Generalized Undamaged and Damaged Component Curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Figure 1-3 Effect of Damage on Building Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Figure 1-4 Global Load-Displacement Relationships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Figure 2-1 Diagram of process used to develop component guides and component modification factors. 8
Figure 4-1 Bed-joint sliding force/displacement relationship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Figure 4-2 Relationship Between Toe Crushing and Bed-Joint Sliding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Figure 4-3 Developing the initial portion of the damaged force/displacement relationship . . . . . . . . . . 76
Figure 5-1 Energy-based damage analysis of strength reduction to define λQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Figure 6-1 Effect of Hysteretic Properties on Response to 1940 NS El Centro Record (from
Nakamura, 1988) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Figure 6-2 Characteristics of the WN87MWLN.090 (Mount Wilson) Ground Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Figure 6-3 Characteristics of the BB92CIVC.360 (Big Bear) Ground Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Figure 6-4 Characteristics of the SP88GUKA.360 (Spitak) Ground Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Figure 6-5 Characteristics of the LP89CORR.090 (Corralitos) Ground Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Figure 6-6 Characteristics of the NR94CENT.360 (Century City) Ground Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Figure 6-7 Characteristics of the IV79ARY7.140 (Imperial Valley Array) Ground Motion . . . . . . . . 107
Figure 6-8 Characteristics of the CH85LLEO.010 (Llolleo) Ground Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Figure 6-9 Characteristics of the CH85VALP.070 (Valparaiso University) Ground Motion . . . . . . . . 109
Figure 6-10 Characteristics of the IV40ELCN.180 (El Centro) Ground Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Figure 6-11 Characteristics of the TB78TABS.344 (Tabas) Ground Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Figure 6-12 Characteristics of the LN92JOSH.360 (Joshua Tree) Ground Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Figure 6-13 Characteristics of the MX85SCT1.270 (Mexico City) Ground Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Figure 6-14 Characteristics of the LN92LUCN.250 (Lucerne) Ground Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Figure 6-15 Characteristics of the IV79BRWY.315 (Brawley Airport) Ground Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Figure 6-16 Characteristics of the LP89SARA.360 (Saratoga) Ground Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Figure 6-17 Characteristics of the NR94NWHL.360 (Newhall) Ground Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Figure 6-18 Characteristics of the NR94SYLH.090 (Sylmar Hospital) Ground Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Figure 6-19 Characteristics of the KO95TTRI.360 (Takatori) Ground Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Figure 6-20 Force-Displacement Hysteretic Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Figure 6-21 Degrading Models Used in the Analyses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Figure 6-22 Bilinear Model Used to Determine Strengths of Degrading Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Figure 6-23 Specification of the Pinching Point for the Takeda Pinching Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Figure 6-24 Specification of the Uncracked Stiffness, Cracking Strength, and Unloading Stiffness
for the Takeda Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Figure 6-25 Construction of Initial Force-Displacement Response for Prior Ductility Demand > 0
and Reduced Strength Ratio = 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Figure 6-26 Construction of Initial Force-Displacement Response for PDD> 0 and RSR< 1 for
Takeda5 and Takeda10 Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124

FEMA 307 Technical Resources ix

Figure 6-27 Strength Degradation for Takeda Pinching Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .125
Figure 6-28 Construction of Initial Force-Displacement Response for PDD> 0 and RSR< 1 for
Takeda Pinching Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .126
Figure 6-29 Response of Bilinear Oscillators to Short Duration Records (DDD= 8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .128
Figure 6-30 Response of Bilinear Oscillators to Long Duration Records (DDD= 8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .129
Figure 6-31 Response of Bilinear Oscillators to Forward Directive Records (DDD= 8) . . . . . . . . . . . . .130
Figure 6-32 Displacement Response of Takeda Models Compared with Elastic Response and
Bilinear Response, for Short-Duration Records (DDD= 8 and RSR= 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .131
Figure 6-33 Displacement Response of Takeda Models Compared with Elastic Response and
Bilinear Response for Long-Duration Records (DDD= 8 and RSR= 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .132
Figure 6-34 Displacement Response of Takeda Models Compared with Elastic Response and
Bilinear Response for Forward Directive Records (DDD= 8 and RSR= 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . .133
Figure 6-35 Effect of Cracking Without and With Strength Reduction on Displacement Response of
Takeda5 Models, for Short-Duration Records (DDD= 8 and PDD= 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .135
Figure 6-36 Effect of Cracking Without and With Strength Reduction on Displacement Response of
Takeda5 Models, for Long-Duration Records (DDD= 8 and PDD= 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .136
Figure 6-37 Effect of Cracking Without and With Strength Reduction on Displacement Response of
Takeda5 Models, for Forward Directive Records (DDD= 8 and PDD= 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . .137
Figure 6-38 Effect of Large Prior Ductility Demand Without and With Strength Reduction on
Displacement Response of Takeda5 Models, for Short Duration Records (DDD= 8
and PDD= 8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .138
Figure 6-39 Effect of Large Prior Ductility Demand Without and With Strength Reduction on
Displacement Response of Takeda5 Models, for Long Duration Records (DDD= 8
and PDD= 8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .139
Figure 6-40 Effect of Large Prior Ductility Demand Without and With Strength Reduction on
Displacement Response of Takeda5 Models, for Forward Directive Records (DDD= 8
and PDD= 8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .140
Figure 6-41 Effect of Damage on Response to El Centro (IV40ELCN.180) for Takeda5,
T=0.2 sec (DDD= 8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .141
Figure 6-42 Effect of Damage on Response to El Centro (IV40ELCN.180) for Takeda5,
T=0.5 sec (DDD= 8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .142
Figure 6-43 Effect of Damage on Response to El Centro (IV40ELCN.180) for Takeda5,
T=1.0 sec (DDD= 8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .143
Figure 6-44 Effect of Damage on Response to El Centro (IV40ELCN.180) for Takeda5,
T=1.5 sec (DDD= 8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .144
Figure 6-45 Effect of Damage on Response to El Centro (IV40ELCN.180) for Takeda5,
T=2.0 sec (DDD= 8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .145
Figure 6-46 Effect of Large Prior Ductility Demand Without and With Strength Reduction on
Displacement Response of TakPinch Models, for Short Duration Records (DDD= 8
and PDD= 8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .146
Figure 6-47 Effect of Large Prior Ductility Demand Without and With Strength Reduction on
Displacement Response of TakPinch Models, for Long Duration Records (DDD= 8
and PDD= 8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .147
Figure 6-48 Effect of Large Prior Ductility Demand Without and With Strength Reduction on
Displacement Response of TakPinch, for Forward Directive Records (DDD= 8
and PDD= 8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .148
Figure 6-49 Effect of Damage on Response of TakPinch Model to El Centro (IV40ELCN.180) for

x Technical Resources FEMA 307

T=1.0 sec and RSR= 1 (DDD= 8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Figure 6-50 Effect of Damage on Response of TakPinch Model to El Centro (IV40ELCN.180) for
T=1.0 sec and RSR = 0.6 (DDD= 8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Figure 6-51 Effect of Cracking on Displacement Response of Takeda10 Model for Short Duration
Records (DDD= 8 and PDD=1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Figure 6-52 Effect of Cracking on Displacement Response of Takeda10 Model for Long-Duration
Records (DDD= 8 and PDD=1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
Figure 6-53 Effect of Cracking on Displacement Response of Takeda10 Model for Forward Directive
Records (DDD= 8 and PDD=1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
Figure 6-54 Effect of Damage on Response of Takeda10 Model to El Centro (IV40ELCN.180) for
T=1.0 sec and RSR= 1 (DDD= 8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
Figure 6-55 Mean and Standard Deviation Values of d'd /dd for Takeda5 Model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
Figure 6-56 Mean and Standard Deviation Values of d'd /dd for TakPinch Model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Figure 6-57 Percent of Takeda10 Oscillators that Collapsed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
Figure 6-58 Construction of Effective Stiffness for use with the Displacement Coefficient Method . . . 157
Figure 6-59 Initial Effective Stiffness and Capacity Curves Used in the Secant and Capacity
Spectrum Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
Figure 6-60 Schematic Depiction of Secant Method Displacement Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
Figure 6-61 Schematic Depiction of Successive Iterations to Estimate Displacement Response
Using the Secant Method for Single-Degree-of-Freedom Oscillators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
Figure 6-62 Schematic Depiction of Successive Iterations to Estimate Displacement Response
Using the Capacity Spectrum Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
Figure 6-63 Values of dd,NSP/dd for the Takeda5 Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
Figure 6-64 Mean values of dd,NSP /dd for all ground motions for each NSP method, for short
and long-period Takeda5 Models. See text in Section 6.6.3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Figure 6-65 Coefficient Method Estimates of Ratio of Damaged and Undamaged Oscillator
Displacement Normalized by Computed Ratio, for Short-Duration Records . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Figure 6-66 Coefficient Method Estimates of Ratio of Damaged and Undamaged Oscillator
Displacement Normalized by Computed Ratio, for Long-Duration Records . . . . . . . . . . . 164
Figure 6-67 Coefficient Method Estimates of Ratio of Damaged and Undamaged Oscillator
Displacement Normalized by Computed Ratio, for Forward Directive Records . . . . . . . . 164
Figure 6-68 Secant Method Estimates of Ratio of Damaged and Undamaged Oscillator
Displacement Normalized by Computed Ratio, for Short-Duration Records . . . . . . . . . . . 165
Figure 6-69 Secant Method Estimates of Ratio of Damaged and Undamaged Oscillator
Displacement Normalized by Computed Ratio, for Long-Duration Records . . . . . . . . . . . 165
Figure 6-70 Secant Method Estimates of Ratio of Damaged and Undamaged Oscillator
Displacement Normalized by Computed Ratio, for Forward Directive Records . . . . . . . . 166
Figure 6-71 Capacity Spectrum Method Estimates of Ratio of Damaged and Undamaged Oscillator
Displacement Normalized by Computed Ratio, for Short-Duration Records . . . . . . . . . . . 166
Figure 6-72 Capacity Spectrum Method Estimates of Ratio of Damaged and Undamaged Oscillator
Displacement Normalized by Computed Ratio, for Long-Duration Records . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Figure 6-73 Capacity Spectrum Method Estimates of Ratio of Damaged and Undamaged Oscillator
Displacement Normalized by Computed Ratio, for Forward Directive Records . . . . . . . . 167
Figure 6-74 Coefficient Method Estimates of Displacement Ratio of RSR=0.6 and RSR=1.0
Takeda5 Oscillators having DDD= 8 and PDD= 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
Figure 6-75 Coefficient Method Estimates of Displacement Ratio of RSR=0.6 and RSR=1.0

FEMA 307 Technical Resources xi

Takeda5 Oscillators having DDD= 8 and PDD= 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .169
Figure 6-76 Coefficient Method Estimates of Displacement Ratio of RSR=0.6 and RSR=1.0
Takeda5 Oscillators having DDD= 8 and PDD= 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .170
Figure 6-77 Secant Method Estimates of Displacement Ratio of RSR=0.6 and RSR=1.0
Takeda5 Oscillators having DDD= 8 and PDD= 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .171
Figure 6-78 Secant Method Estimates of Displacement Ratio of RSR=0.6 and RSR=1.0
Takeda5 Oscillators having DDD= 8 and PDD= 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .172
Figure 6-79 Secant Method Estimates of Displacement Ratio of RSR=0.6 and RSR=1.0
Takeda5 Oscillators having DDD= 8 and PDD= 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .173
Figure 6-80 Capacity Spectrum Method Estimates of Displacement Ratio of RSR=0.6 and
RSR=1.0 Takeda5 Oscillators having DDD= 8 and PDD= 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .174
Figure 6-81 Capacity Spectrum Method Estimates of Displacement Ratio of RSR=0.6 and
RSR=1.0 Takeda5 Oscillators having DDD= 8 and PDD= 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .175
Figure 6-82 Capacity Spectrum Method Estimates of Displacement Ratio of RSR=0.6 and
RSR=1.0 Takeda5 Oscillators having DDD= 8 and PDD= 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .176
Figure 7-1 Flowchart for Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .182
Figure 7-2 Floor Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .184
Figure 7-3 Building Cross-section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .185
Figure 7-4 Example Solid Wall Detail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .185
Figure 7-5 Example Coupled Wall Detail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .186
Figure 7-6 Solid Wall Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .187
Figure 7-7 Coupled Wall Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .188
Figure 7-8 Detail of Coupling Beam Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .202
Figure 7-9 Response Spectra for Selected Performance Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .203
Figure 7-10 Mathematical Model of Coupled Shear Wall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .204
Figure 7-11 Mathematical Model of Full Building . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .205
Figure 7-12 Component Force-Displacement Curves for Coupling Beams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .207
Figure 7-13 Comparison of Pre-event and Post-event Pushover Curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .208
Figure 7-14 Response Spectra from Damaging Earthquake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .209
Figure 7-15 Comparison of Pre-event and Repaired Pushover Curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .213

xii Technical Resources FEMA 307

List of Tables

Table 2-1 Ranges of Reinforced Concrete Component Displacement Ductility, µ∆, Associated
with Damage Severity Levels and λ Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Table 2-2 Key References on Reinforced Concrete Wall Behavior. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Table 3-1 Damage Patterns and Hysteretic Response for Reinforced Masonry Components . . . . . . . 40
Table 3-2 Ranges of Reinforced Masonry Component Displacement Ductility, µ∆, Associated
with Damage Severity Levels and λ Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Table 3-3 Annotated Bibliography for Reinforced Masonry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Table 4-1 Summary of Significant Experimental Research or Research Summaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Table 5-1 Tabular Bibliography for Infilled Frames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Table 6-1 Recorded Ground Motions Used in the Analyses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Table 7-1 Capacity of Potential Behavior Modes for Typical Solid Wall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Table 7-2 Capacity of Potential Behavior Modes for Typical Coupling Beam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
Table 7-3 Shear Capacities for Potential Behavior Modes of Wall Pier (RC1) Components
in Coupled Wall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Table 7-4 Summary of Component Type, Behavior Mode, and Damage Severity for Wall
Components (North-South Direction) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Table 7-5 Summary of Component Type, Behavior Mode, and Damage Severity for Wall
Components (East-West Direction) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
Table 7-6 Restoration Cost Estimate by the Direct Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Table 7-7 Performance Indices for Pre-event and Post-event Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Table 7-8 Restoration Cost Estimate by the Relative Performance Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214

FEMA 307 Technical Resources xiii

xiv Technical Resources FEMA 307

This document is one of three to result from the ATC-43 seismic performance. This approach models the
project funded by the Federal Emergency Management building as an assembly of its individual
Agency (FEMA). The goal of the project is to develop components. Force-deformation properties (e.g.,
technically sound procedures to evaluate the effects of elastic stiffness, yield point, ductility) control the
earthquake damage on buildings with primary lateral- behavior of wall panels, beams, columns, and other
force-resisting systems consisting of concrete or components. The component behavior, in turn,
masonry bearing walls or infilled frames. The governs the overall displacement of the building and
procedures are based on the knowledge derived from its seismic performance. Thus, the evaluation of the
research and experience in engineering practice effects of damage on building performance must
regarding the performance of these types of buildings concentrate on how component properties change as
and their components. The procedures require a result of damage.
thoughtful examination and review prior to
implementation. The ATC-43 project team strongly • Indicators of damage (e.g., cracking,
urges individual users to read all of the documents spalling) are meaningful only in light of the
carefully to form an overall understanding of the mode of component behavior.
damage evaluation procedures and repair techniques.
Damage affects the behavior of individual
Before this project, formalized procedures for the components differently. Some exhibit ductile modes
investigation and evaluation of earthquake-damaged of post-elastic behavior, maintaining strength even
buildings were limited to those intended for immediate with large displacements. Others are brittle and lose
use in the field to identify potentially hazardous strength abruptly after small inelastic
conditions. ATC-20, Procedures for Postearthquake displacements. The post-elastic behavior of a
Safety Evaluation of Buildings, and its addendum, ATC- structural component is a function of material
20-2 (ATC, 1989 and 1995) are the definitive properties, geometric proportions, details of
documents for this purpose. Both have proven to be construction, and the combination of demand
extremely useful in practical applications. ATC-20 actions (axial, flexural, shearing, torsional) imposed
recognizes and states that in many cases, detailed upon it. As earthquake shaking imposes these
structural engineering evaluations are required to actions on components, the components tend to
investigate the implications of earthquake damage and exhibit predominant modes of behavior as damage
the need for repairs. This project provides a framework occurs. For example, if earthquake shaking and its
and guidance for those engineering evaluations. associated inertial forces and frame distortions
cause a reinforced concrete wall panel to rotate at
each end, statics defines the relationship between
What have we learned? the associated bending moments and shear force.
The project team for ATC-43 began its work with a The behavior of the panel depends on its strength in
thorough review of available analysis techniques, field flexure relative to that in shear. Cracks and other
observations, test data, and emerging evaluation and signs of damage must be interpreted in the context
design methodologies. The first objective was to of the mode of component behavior. A one-eighth-
understand the effects of damage on future building inch crack in a wall panel on the verge of brittle
performance. The main points are summarized below. shear failure is a very serious condition. The same
size crack in a flexurally-controlled panel may be
• Component behavior controls global insignificant with regard to future seismic
performance. performance. This is, perhaps, the most important
finding of the ATC-43 project: the significance of
Recently developed guidelines for structural cracks and other signs of damage, with respect to
engineering seismic analysis and design techniques the future performance of a building, depends on the
focus on building displacement, rather than forces as mode of behavior of the components in which the
the primary parameter for the characterization of damage is observed.

FEMA 307 Technical Resources xv


• Damage may reveal component behavior smaller event would have occurred early in the
that differs from that predicted by evaluation subsequent, larger event anyway.
and design methodologies.

When designing a building or evaluating an What does it mean?

undamaged building, engineers rely on theory and The ATC-43 project team has formulated performance-
their own experience to visualize how earthquakes based procedures for evaluating the effects of damage.
will affect the structure. The same is true when they These can be used to quantify losses and to develop
evaluate the effects of actual damage after an repair strategies. The application of these procedures
earthquake, with one important difference. If has broad implications.
engineers carefully observe the nature and extent of
the signs of the damage, they can greatly enhance • Performance-based damage evaluation uses
their insight into the way the building actually the actual behavior of a building, as
responded to earthquake shaking. Sometimes the evidenced by the observed damage, to
actual behavior differs from that predicted using identify specific deficiencies.
design equations or procedures. This is not really
surprising, since design procedures must account The procedures focus on the connection between
conservatively for a wide range of uncertainty in damage and component behavior and the
material properties, behavior parameters, and implications for estimating actual behavior in future
ground shaking characteristics. Ironically, actual earthquakes. This approach has several important
damage during an earthquake has the potential for benefits. First, it provides a meaningful engineering
improving the engineer’s knowledge of the behavior basis for measuring the effects of damage. It also
of the building. When considering the effects of identifies performance characteristics of the
damage on future performance, this knowledge is building in its pre-event and damaged states. The
important. observed damage itself is used to calibrate the
analysis and to improve the building model. For
• Damage may not significantly affect buildings found to have unacceptable damage, the
displacement demand in future larger procedures identify specific deficiencies at a
earthquakes. component level, thereby facilitating the
development of restoration or upgrade repairs.
One of the findings of the ATC-43 project is that
prior earthquake damage does not affect maximum • Performance-based damage evaluation
displacement response in future, larger earthquakes provides an opportunity for better allocation
in many instances. At first, this may seem illogical. of resources.
Observing a building with cracks in its walls after an
earthquake and visualizing its future performance in The procedures themselves are technical
an even larger event, it is natural to assume that it is engineering tools. They do not establish policy or
worse off than if the damage had not occurred. It prescribe rules for the investigation and repair of
seems likely that the maximum displacement in the damage. They may enable improvements in both
future, larger earthquake would be greater than if it private and public policy, however. In past
had not been damaged. Extensive nonlinear time- earthquakes, decisions on what to do about damaged
history analyses performed for the project indicated buildings have been hampered by a lack of technical
otherwise for many structures. This was particularly procedures to evaluate the effects of damage and
true in cases in which significant strength repairs. It has also been difficult to investigate the
degradation did not occur during the prior, smaller risks associated with various repair alternatives. The
earthquake. Careful examination of the results framework provided by performance-based damage
revealed that maximum displacements in time evaluation procedures can help to remove some of
histories of relatively large earthquakes tended to these roadblocks. In the long run, the procedures
occur after the loss of stiffness and strength would may tend to reduce the prevailing focus on the loss
have taken place even in an undamaged structure. In caused by damage from its pre-event conditions and
other words, the damage that occurs in a prior, to increase the focus on what the damage reveals
about future building performance. It makes little

xvi Technical Resources FEMA 307


sense to implement unnecessary repairs to buildings seismic and structural design procedures. These will
that would perform relatively well even in a take some time to be assimilated in the engineering
damaged condition. Nor is it wise to neglect community. The same is true for building officials.
buildings in which the component behavior reveals Seminars, workshops, and training sessions are
serious hazards regardless of the extent of damage. required not only to introduce and explain the
procedures but also to gather feedback and to
• Engineering judgment and experience are improve the overall process. Additionally, future
essential to the successful application of materials-testing and analytical research will
the procedures. enhance the basic framework developed for this
project. Current project documents are initial
ATC-20 and its addendum, ATC-20-2, were editions to be revised and improved over the years.
developed to be used by individuals who might be
somewhat less knowledgeable about earthquake In addition to the project team, a Project Review Panel
building performance than practicing structural has reviewed the damage evaluation and repair
engineers. In contrast, the detailed investigation of procedures and each of the three project documents.
damage using the performance-based procedures of This group of experienced practitioners, researchers,
this document and the companion FEMA 306 report regulators, and materials industry representatives
(ATC, 1998a) and FEMA 308 report (ATC, 1998b) reached a unanimous consensus that the products are
must be implemented by an experienced engineer. technically sound and that they represent the state of
Although the documents include information in knowledge on the evaluation and repair of earthquake-
concise formats to facilitate field operations, they damaged concrete and masonry wall buildings. At the
must not be interpreted as a “match the pictures” same time, all who contributed to this project
exercise for unqualified observers. Use of these acknowledge that the recommendations depart from
guideline materials requires a thorough traditional practices. Owners, design professionals,
understanding of the underlying theory and building officials, researchers, and all others with an
empirical justifications contained in the documents. interest in the performance of buildings during
Similarly, the use of the simplified direct method to earthquakes are encouraged to review these documents
estimate losses has limitations. The decision to use and to contribute to their continued improvement and
this method and the interpretation of the results must enhancement. Use of the documents should provide
be made by an experienced engineer. realistic assessments of the effects of damage and
valuable insight into the behavior of structures during
• The new procedures are different from past earthquakes. In the long run, they hopefully will
damage evaluation techniques and will contribute to sensible private and public policy
continue to evolve in the future. regarding earthquake-damaged buildings.

The technical basis of the evaluation procedures is

essentially that of the emerging performance-based

FEMA 307 Technical Resources xvii


xviii Technical Resources FEMA 307

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose And Scope effects of earthquake damage, in concrete and

masonry wall buildings.
The purpose of this document is to provide
supplemental information for evaluating earthquake b. To recommend modifications to component
damage to buildings with primary lateral-force-resisting force-deformation relationships currently used in
systems consisting of concrete and masonry bearing nonlinear structural analysis, based on the
walls and infilled frames. This document includes documented effects of damage similar to that
background and theoretical information to be used in caused by earthquakes.
conjunction with the practical evaluation guidelines and c. To describe the specification and efficacy of
criteria given in FEMA 306: Evaluation of Earthquake methods for repair of component damage in a
Damaged Concrete and Masonry Wall Buildings - coordinated format suitable for inclusion in the
Basics Procedures Manual (ATC, 1998a). In both final document.
documents, concrete and masonry wall buildings
include those with vertical-load-bearing wall panels, Figure 1-1 illustrates the idealization of the force-
with and without intermediate openings. In these deformation relationships from actual structural
documents, shear wall buildings also include those with component hysteretic data for use in nonlinear analysis.
vertical-load-bearing frames of concrete or steel that The focus of the Materials Working Group was the
incorporate masonry or concrete infill panels to resist generalized force-deformation relationship for
horizontal forces. The FEMA 306 procedures for these structural components of concrete and masonry wall
building types address: buildings, shown in Figure 1-2.

a. The investigation and documentation of damage 1.2.1 Tests and Investigations

caused by earthquakes. The scope included review of experimental and
b. The classification of the damage to building analytical research reports, technical papers, standards,
components, according to mode of structural and manufacturers’ specifications. Practical example
behavior and severity. applications relating to the documentation,
measurement, and quantification of the structural
c. The evaluation of the effects of the damage on condition of concrete and masonry walls and in-fill
the performance of the building during future frame walls were also reviewed. The reviews focused on
earthquakes. tests and investigative techniques for identifying and
d. The development of hypothetical measures that evaluating cracking, crushing, deterioration, strength,
would restore the performance to that of the and general quality of concrete or masonry and
undamaged building. yielding, fracture, deterioration, strength, and location
of reinforcing steel. Based on this review of existing
Supplemental data in this document, FEMA 307, information, practical guidelines for appropriate tests
includes the results of the efforts of two issues working and investigative techniques were developed and are
groups that focused on the key aspects of adapting and included in FEMA 306. These guidelines consist of
enhancing existing technology for the purposes of the outline specifications for equipment, materials, and
evaluation and repair of earthquake-damaged buildings. procedures required to execute the tests, as well as
The general scope of work for each group is briefly criteria for documenting and interpreting the results.
outlined in the following two sections.
1.2.2 Component Behavior and
1.2 Materials Working Group Modeling
The Materials Working Group effort was a part of the The members of the group reviewed experimental and
overall ATC-43 project. The primary objectives of the analytical research reports, technical papers, and
Materials Working Group were: practical example applications relating to the force-
deformation behavior of concrete and masonry walls
a. To summarize tests and investigative techniques and in-fill frame walls. Of particular interest were the
that can be used to document and evaluate effects of damage of varying nature and extent on the
existing structural conditions, particularly the hysteretic characteristics of elements and components

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 1

Chapter 1: Introduction

Force, F
Backbone curve
Actual hysteretic from FEMA 273

Deformation, D

(a) Backbone curve from actual hysteretic behavior

Backbone curve
C, D
B, C, D
C component

Ductile Semi- ductile Brittle
(deformation controlled) (force contolled)

(b) Idealized component behavior from backbone curves

Figure 1-1 Component Force-Deformation Relationships

subject to cyclic lateral loads. The types of damage (Reinforced Masonry), 4 (Unreinforced Masonry), and
investigated included cracking and crushing of concrete 5 (Infilled Frames).
or masonry and yielding and fracture of reinforcing
steel. Components included a wide variety of 1.2.3 Repair Techniques
configurations for vertical-load-bearing and infilled-
frame elements. Materials included reinforced concrete, The Materials Group also reviewed experimental and
reinforced masonry, and unreinforced masonry. analytical research reports, technical papers, standards,
manufacturers' specifications, and practical example
Based on the review, practical guidelines for identifying applications relating to the repair of damage in concrete
and modeling the force-deformation characteristics of and masonry walls and infilled-frame walls. The
damaged components were developed and included in primary interest was the repair of earthquake damage to
FEMA 306. These consist of modifications (B', C', D', structural components. The review focused on materials
E') to the generalized force-deformation relationships and methods of installation and tests of the effectiveness
for undamaged components, as shown in Figure 1-2. of repair techniques for cracking, crushing, and
Supplemental information on these modifications is deterioration of concrete or masonry and yielding,
included in this volume in Chapters 2 (Concrete), 3 fracture, and deterioration of reinforcing steel.

2 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 1: Introduction

B Undamaged component

Damaged component
D' E'

Figure 1-2 Generalized Undamaged and Damaged Component Curves

Based on the review, practical guidelines for damage so that the following question might be answered (see
repair were developed and are contained in FEMA 308: Figure 1-3): If a building has experienced damage in an
The Repair of Earthquake Damaged Concrete and earthquake (the damaging earthquake), and if that
Masonry Wall Buildings (ATC, 1998b). These intermediate damage state can be characterized in terms
guidelines consist of outline specifications for of its effect on the global force-displacement
equipment, materials, and procedures required to relationship, how will the damage influence global
execute the repairs, as well as criteria for quality control response to a subsequent earthquake (the Performance
and verification of field installations. Earthquake)?

The SDOF oscillators had force-displacement

1.3 Analysis Working Group relationships that represent the effects of earthquake
The work of the Analysis Working Group was a sub- damage on the global dynamic response of hypothetical
project of the overall ATC-43 project. The primary buildings to earthquake ground motions. Types of
objectives of the group were: global force-displacement relationships considered
included those shown in Figure 1-4.
• To determine whether existing structural analysis
techniques are capable of capturing the global The results obtained using existing simplified analyses
effects of previous earthquake damage on future methods were compared to the time-history results. The
seismic performance group was particularly interested in understanding how
nonlinear static analysis methods might be used to
• To formulate practical guidance for the use of these represent the findings. Regarding the nonlinear static
analysis techniques in design-oriented evaluation methods, consideration was given to the applicability of
and repair of damaged masonry and concrete wall the coefficient method, the capacity-spectrum method,
buildings. and the secant method of analysis, as summarized in
FEMA-273 NEHRP Guidelines for the Seismic
Chapter 6 summarizes the results of the Analysis Rehabilitation of Buildings (ATC, 1997a) and ATC-40
Working Group efforts. Work consisted primarily of Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Concrete Buildings
analytical studies of representative single-degree-of- (ATC, 1996). The work included a study of the accuracy
freedom (SDOF) oscillators subjected to a range of of the various methods in terms of predicting future
earthquake ground motions. The study was formulated performance. The study included an assessment of the

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 3

Chapter 1: Introduction


Pre-event Performance
State Damage State

a) Response of Pre-event Building


Pre-event Intermediate Performance Time

State Damage State Damage State '

b) Response of Damaged Building

Figure 1-3 Effect of Damage on Building Response

sensitivity of the predictions to variations in global Federal Emergency Management Agency, Report
load-deformation characteristics and to variations in No. FEMA 273, Washington, D.C.
ground motion characteristics. The results are reflected
ATC, 1997b, NEHRP Commentary on the Guidelines
in the procedures presented in FEMA 306.
for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings, pre-
pared by the Applied Technology Council (ATC-33
1.4 References project) for the Building Seismic Safety Council,
published by the Federal Emergency Management
ATC, 1996, The Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Agency, Report No. FEMA 274, Washington, D.C.
Concrete Buildings, Applied Technology Council,
ATC-40 Report, Redwood City, California. ATC, 1998a, Evaluation of Earthquake Damaged Con-
crete and Masonry Wall Buildings, Basic Proce-
ATC, 1997a, NEHRP Guidelines for the Seismic Reha- dures Manual, prepared by the Applied Technology
bilitation of Buildings, prepared by the Applied Council (ATC-43 project) for the Partnership for
Technology Council (ATC-33 project) for the Response and Recovery, published by the Federal
Building Seismic Safety Council, published by the

4 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 1: Introduction


d d d d

a. Bilinear b. Stiffness
b. Stiffness degraded
Degraded c. Stiffness
c. Stiffness Degraded
Degraded d.d.Stiffness
(positive post-yield
(pos. post-yield stiffness) (negative post-yield
(neg. post-yield stiffness) strength degraded
stiffness) stiffness)

Figure 1-4 Global Load-Displacement Relationships

Emergency Management Agency, Report No. the Partnership for Response and Recovery, pub-
FEMA 306, Washington D.C. lished by the Federal Emergency Management
Agency, Report No. FEMA 308, Washington D.C.
ATC, 1998b, Repair of Earthquake Damaged Concrete
and Masonry Wall Buildings, prepared by the
Applied Technology Council (ATC-43 project) for

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 5

Chapter 1: Introduction

6 Technical Resources FEMA 307

2. Reinforced Concrete Components

2.1 Commentary and Discussion

2.1.1 Development of Component The general process of interpreting the test data is
Guides and λ Factors outlined in the diagram of Figure 2-1. Each structural
test is considered according to the component type and
The Component Damage Classification Guides behavior mode represented by the test. At intervals
(Component Guides) and component modification along the load-displacement history of the test the
factors (λ factors) for reinforced concrete walls were critical damage indicators, such as spalling, cracking,
developed based on an extensive review of the research. etc., are noted. The damage indicators at each interval
The main references used are listed in the tabular are correlated with the displacement ductility reached at
bibliography of Section 2.3. that point of the test and with the characteristics of
subsequent cycles of the test. From the comparisons of Identical Test Specimens Subjected initial and subsequent cycles, λ values are estimated.
to Different Load Histories Critical damage indicators and the associated λ factors
As indicated in FEMA 306, the ideal way to establish are then discretized into different damage severity
λ factors would be from structural tests designed levels.
specifically for that purpose. Two identical test
specimens would be required for each structural The ranges of component displacement ductility, µ∆,
component of interest. One specimen would be tested associated with damage severity levels and λ factors and
to represent the component in its post-event condition for each Component Guide are given in Table 2-1. The
subjected to the performance earthquake; the second range of ductility values are the result of the differences
specimen would be tested to represent the component in in test procedures, specimen details, and relative values
its pre-event condition subjected to the performance of coincident loading (shear, moment, axial load). See
earthquake. The λ values would be derived from the the remarks column of Table 2-1 for specific factors
differences in the force-displacement response between affecting individual components. Typical force-
the two specimens. displacement hysteresis loops from wall tests are given
in Section 2.2. A discussion of the relationship between
Research to date on reinforced concrete walls does not cracking and damage severity for reinforced masonry is
include test programs as described above. There are given in Section 3.1.2. This discussion is largely
only a few tests of identical wall specimens subjected to applicable to reinforced concrete as well as reinforced
different loading histories, and typically this is only a masonry.
comparison of monotonic versus cyclic behavior. For
reinforced concrete columns, there are more studies of In estimating the λ values, it was considered that some
the effects of load history (El-Bahy et al., 1997; stiffness and strength degradation would occur in a
Kawashima and Koyama, 1988) but these studies have structural component in the course of the Performance
not focused on the specific problem of comparing Earthquake, whether or not it was previously subjected
previously damaged components to undamaged to a damaging earthquake. As discussed in FEMA 306,
components. the λ factors refer to the difference in the stiffness,
strength, and displacement capacity of the performance Interpretation of Individual Tests earthquake response, between a pre-event component
In the absence of tests directly designed to develop λ and a post-event component.
factors, the factors can be inferred from individual
cyclic-static tests. This is done by examining the Accuracy
change in force-displacement response from cycle to The λ factors are considered accurate to one significant
cycle as displacements are increased. Initial cycles can digit, as presented in the Component Damage
be considered representative of the damaging Classification Guides. In the case of component types
earthquake, and subsequent cycles representative of the and behavior modes which are not well covered in the
behavior of an initially damaged component. research, engineering judgment and comparisons to
similar component types or behavior modes were used

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 7

Chapter 2: Reinforced Concrete Components

Component Type and Behavior Mode

Damage Indicators:
Spalling, Bar Buckling, Bar Fracture, Residual Drift,
Crack Type and Orientation, Crack Width.

Characteristics of Subsequent Cycles.

Damage Severity:
Insignificant, Slight, Moderate, Heavy, Extreme.

Figure 2-1 Diagram of process used to develop component guides and component modification factors.

to establish λ factors. In cases of uncertainty, the wall performance under load reversals is a function of
recommended λ factors and severity classifications are load history. The previous level of maximum
designed to be conservative — that is, the factors and deformation is critical.”
classifications may overestimate the effect of damage
on future performance. For reinforced concrete columns, Mander et al. (1996)
have shown a correlation between strength degradation
Only limited research is available from which to infer and cumulative plastic drift. El-Bahy et al, (1997) have
specific λD values. However, a number of tests support shown similar results. This research generally supports
the general idea that ultimate displacement capacity can the λD values recommended for reinforced concrete,
be reduced because of previous damaging cycles. which are 0.9 at moderate damage and 0.7 to 0.8 at
Comparisons of monotonic to cyclic-static wall tests heavy damage.
show greater displacement capacities for monotonic
loading, and Oesterle et al. (1976) conclude, “structural

8 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 2: Reinforced Concrete Components

Table 2-1 Ranges of reinforced concrete component displacement ductility, µ∆, associated with damage
severity levels and λ factors
Component Damage Severity Remarks on Ductility Ranges
Guide Insignif. Slight Moderate Heavy
RC1A µ∆ ≤ 3 µ∆ ≈4 – 8 µ∆ ≈ 3– 10 Heavy not Slight category will only occur for low axial
used loads, where concrete does not spall until large
Ductile Flex- λK = 0.8 λK = 0.6 λK = 0.5 ductilities develop
λQ = 1.0 λQ = 1.0 λQ = 0.8
λD = 1.0 λD = 1.0 λD = 0.9
RC1B µ∆ ≤ 3 Slight not µ∆ ≈ 2 – 6 µ∆ ≈ 2 – 8 Ductility depends on ratio of flexural to shear
Flexure/ Diag- λK = 0.8 used λK = 0.5 λK = 0.2 strength. Lower ductility indicates behavior
onal Tension λQ = 1.0 λQ = 0.8 λQ = 0.3 similar to preemptive diagonal tension. Higher
ductility indicates behavior similar to ductile
λD = 1.0 λD = 0.9 λD = 0.7
RC1C µ∆ ≤ 3 Slight not µ∆ ≈ 2 – 6 µ∆ ≈ 3 – 8 Ductility depends on ratio of flexural to web
Flexure/ Web used crushing strength. Lower ductility indicates
See RC1B λK = 0.5 λK = 0.2
Crushing behavior similar to preemptive web crushing.
λQ = 0.8 λQ = 0.3 Higher ductility indicates behavior similar to
λD = 0.9 λD = 0.7 ductile flexural.
RC1D µ∆ ≤ 3 µ∆ ≈ 4 – 6 Moderate µ∆ ≈ 4 – 8 Ductility depends on ratio of flexural to sliding
Flexure/ Slid- not used shear strength.
See RC1A See RC1A λK = 0.4
ing Shear
λQ = 0.5
λD = 0.8
RC1E µ∆ ≤ 3 µ∆ ≈ 4 – 6 µ∆ ≈ 3 – 6 µ∆ ≈ 4 – 8 Slight category will only occur for lower axial
Flexure/ loads, where concrete does not spall until large
See RC1A See RC1A See RC1A λK = 0.4
Boundary ductilities develop. Lower ductility relates
Compression λQ = 0.6 poorer confinement conditions. Higher ductil-
λD = 0.7 ity indicates behavior similar to ductile flexural
RC2A µ∆ ≤ 3 µ∆ ≈ 4 – 6 µ∆ ≈ 3– 10 Heavy not See RC1A
Ductile Flex- used
See RC1A See RC1A λK = 0.5
λQ = 0.8
λD = 0.9
RC2H µ∆ ≤ 1 Slight not µ∆ ≤ 1.5 µ∆ ≤ 2 Force controlled behavior associated with low
Preemptive used ductility levels.
λK = 0.9 λK = 0.5 λK = 0.2
Shear λQ = 1.0 λQ = 0.8 λQ = 0.3
λD = 1.0 λD = 0.9 λD = 0.7
RC3B µ∆ ≤ 3 Slight not µ∆ ≈ 2 – 6 µ∆ ≈ 2 – 8 See RC1B
Flexure/ Diag- used
See RC1B See RC1B λK = 0.2
onal Tension
λQ = 0.3
λD = 0.7
RC3D µ∆ ≤ 3 µ∆ ≈ 4 – 6 Moderate µ∆ ≈ 3 – 8 Sliding shear may occur at lower ductility lev-
Flexure/ Slid- See RC1D See RC1D not used λK = 0.2 els that RC1D because of less axial load.
ing Shear λQ = 0.3
λD = 0.7

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 9

Chapter 2: Reinforced Concrete Components

2.2 Typical Force-Displacement Hysteretic Behavior

System: Reinforced Concrete
Component Type: Isolated Wall or Stronger Wall Pier RC1A Example 1 of 1
Predominant Behavior Mode: Ductile Flexure
Secondary Behavior Mode: —
Reference: Corley, Fioralo, Oesterle (1981), Oesterle et al. (1976), Oesterle et al. (1979)
Specimen: B3

Damage at +3-in. deflection

∆ = 3 in ∆/hw = 0.017 λQ = 1.0

Damage at +6-in. deflection

∆ = 6 in ∆/hw = 0.033 λQ = 1.0

Damage at +8-in. deflection

∆ = 8 in ∆/hw = 0.044 λQ = 0.7

10 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 2: Reinforced Concrete Components


System: Reinforced Concrete
Component Type: Isolated Wall or Stronger Wall Pier RC1B Example 1 of 2
Predominant Behavior Mode: Flexure/Diagonal Tension
Secondary Behavior Mode: —
Reference: Paulay and Priestley (1992)
Specimen: Figure 8.3 of reference

Failure of a squat wall due to diagonal tension after

reversed cyclic loading.

Hysteretic response of a squat wall that eventually

failed in shear.

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 11

Chapter 2: Reinforced Concrete Components


System: Reinforced Concrete
Component Type: Isolated Wall or Stronger Wall Pier RC1B Example 2 of 2
Predominant Behavior Mode: Flexure/Diagonal Tension
Secondary Behavior Mode: Flexure/Web Crushing
Reference: Shiu et al. (1981)
Specimen: PW-1

Crack pattern of specimen PW-1 at end of Phase II.

Load versus top deflection relationship for

specimen PW-1.

Specimen PW-1 at end of test.

12 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 2: Reinforced Concrete Components


System: Reinforced Concrete
Component Type: Isolated Wall or Stronger Wall Pier RC1C Example 1 of 3
Predominant Behavior Mode: Flexure/Web Crushing
Secondary Behavior Mode: —
Reference: Corley, Fioralo, Oesterle (1981), Oesterle et al. (1976), Oesterle et al. (1979)
Specimen: F2

Damage at +3-in. deflection

∆ = 3 in ∆/hw = 0.017 λQ = 1.0

Load versus deflection relationship

Damage prior to web crushing

∆ = 4 in ∆/hw = 0.022 λQ = 1.0

Damage after web crushing

∆ = 5 in ∆/hw = 0.028 λQ = 0.3

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 13

Chapter 2: Reinforced Concrete Components


System: Reinforced Concrete
Component Type: Isolated Wall or Stronger Wall Pier RC1C Example 2 of 3
Predominant Behavior Mode: Flexure/Web Crushing
Secondary Behavior Mode: —
Reference: Corley, Fioralo, Oesterle (1981), Oesterle et al. (1976), Oesterle et al. (1979)
Specimen: B5

Damage at +3-in. deflection

∆ = 3 in ∆/hw = 0.017 λQ = 1.0

Load versus deflection relationship

Damage at -3-in. deflection

∆ = 3 in ∆/hw = 0.017 λQ = 1.0

Damage after web crushing

∆ = 5 in ∆/hw = 0.028 λQ = 0.6

14 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 2: Reinforced Concrete Components


System: Reinforced Concrete
Component Type: Isolated Wall or Stronger Wall Pier RC1C Example 3 of 3
Predominant Behavior Mode: Flexure/Web Crushing
Secondary Behavior Mode: —
Reference: Corley, Fioralo, Oesterle (1981), Oesterle et al. (1976), Oesterle et al. (1979)
Specimen: B6

Damage at +3-in. deflection

∆ = 3 in ∆/hw = 0.017 λQ = 1.0

Damage at -3-in. deflection Load versus deflection relationship

∆ = 3 in ∆/hw = 0.017 λQ = 1.0

Damage after web crushing

∆ = 3 in ∆/hw = 0.017 λQ = 0.3

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 15

Chapter 2: Reinforced Concrete Components


System: Reinforced Concrete
Component Type: Isolated Wall or Stronger Wall Pier RC1D Example 1 of 2
Predominant Behavior Mode: Flexure/Sliding Shear
Secondary Behavior Mode: —
Reference: Corley, Fioralo, Oesterle (1981), Shiu et al. (1981)
Specimen: CI-1

Crack pattern of specimen CI-1 at end of phase II.

Load versus top deflection relationship for

specimen CI-1.

16 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 2: Reinforced Concrete Components


System: Reinforced Concrete
Component Type: Isolated Wall or Stronger Wall Pier RC1D Example 2 of 3
Predominant Behavior Mode: Flexure/Sliding Shear
Secondary Behavior Mode: —
Reference: Paulay, Priestley, and Synge (1982))
Specimen: Wall 1

Overall dimensions of typical test units.

Splitting and Crushing of Concrete at Base of Wall

Load-deflection relationship for wall 1.

Compression Toe

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 17

Chapter 2: Reinforced Concrete Components


System: Reinforced Concrete
Component Type: Isolated Wall or Stronger Wall Pier RC1D Example 3 of 3
Predominant Behavior Mode: Flexure/Sliding Shear
Secondary Behavior Mode: —
Reference: Paulay, Priestley, and Synge (1982))
Specimen: Wall 3

Overall Dimensions for Walls 3 and 4.

Load-Deflection Relationship for Flanged Wall

18 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 2: Reinforced Concrete Components


System: Reinforced Concrete
Component Type: Isolated Wall or Stronger Wall Pier RC1E Example 1 of 1
Predominant Behavior Mode: Flexure/Boundry Compression
Secondary Behavior Mode: —
Reference: Corley, Fioralo, Oesterle (1981), Oesterle et al. (1976), Oesterle et al. (1979)
Specimen: B1

Damage at +3-in. deflection

∆ = 3 in ∆/hw = 0.017 λQ = 1.0

Load versus deflection relationship

Buckled reinforcement after Load Cycle 30

∆ = 4 in ∆/hw = 0.022 λQ = 0.9

Damage during Load Cycle 34

∆ = 6 in ∆/hw = 0.033 λQ = 0.6

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 19

Chapter 2: Reinforced Concrete Components


System: Reinforced Concrete
Component Type: Isolated Wall or Stronger Wall Pier RC1G Example 1 of 2
Predominant Behavior Mode: Flexure/Out-of-Plane Wall Buckling
Secondary Behavior Mode: —
Reference: Corley, Fioralo, Oesterle (1981), Oesterle et al. (1976), Oesterle et al. (1979)
Specimen: R2

Cracking pattern at +3 in. deflection for Specimen R2

Inelastic instability of compression zone

Cracking pattern at -3 in. deflection for Specimen R2

Continuous load-deflection plot for Specimen R2

20 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 2: Reinforced Concrete Components


System: Reinforced Concrete
Component Type: Isolated Wall or Stronger Wall Pier RC1G Example 2 of 2
Predominant Behavior Mode: Flexure/Out-of-Plane Wall Buckling
Secondary Behavior Mode: —
Reference: Paulay and Priestley (1992)
Specimen: Wall 2 and Wall 4, Figure 5.37 of reference

Diagonal cracking and buckling in the plastic hinge region of a structural wall (G1).

Moment (kNm)

P = 0.163f'c Ag Mideal
200 ductility
-3 3
-6 -4 -2 4 4 2 4 6
-80 -60 -40 -20 20 40 60 80
Deflection (mm)
P = 0.040f'c Ag
Mideal -800

bw = 100
lw = 1500

Stable hysteretic response of a ductile wall structure (G1).

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 21

Chapter 2: Reinforced Concrete Components


System: Reinforced Concrete
Component Type: Isolated Wall or Stronger Wall Pier RC1I Example 1 of 2
Predominant Behavior Mode: Preemptive Web Crushing
Secondary Behavior Mode: —
Reference: Barda (1972), Barda, Hanson, & Corley (1976) (Lehigh Univ.)
Specimen: B3-2

Envelope of response

Test specimen at ultimate load

∆ = 0.2 in ∆/hw = 0.005 λQ = 1.0

Test specimen at conclusion of loading

∆ = 3.0 in ∆/hw = 0.080 λQ = 0.2
Hysteretic response
Provided Information Calculated Values
∆ ∆/hw λQ
hw = 37.5 “ P = 4.9 k
0.20 0.005 1.0
fy = 60 ksi Mn = 1700 k-1 0.23 0.006 0.9
0.28 0.007 0.7
fc′ = 3920 psi V
corresponding to Mn = 1810 psi 0.40 0.011 0.5
bw lw 0.80 0.021 0.3
3.00 0.080 0.2

22 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 2: Reinforced Concrete Components


System: Reinforced Concrete
Component Type: Isolated Wall or Stronger Wall Pier RC1I Example 2 of 2
Predominant Behavior Mode: Preemptive Web Crushing
Secondary Behavior Mode: —
Reference: Barda (1972), Barda, Hanson, & Corley (1976)
Specimen: B8-5

Envelope of response

Test specimen at ultimate load

∆ = 0.2 in ∆/hw = 0.005 λQ = 1.0

Test specimen at conclusion of loading

∆ = 3.0 in ∆/hw = 0.040 λQ = 0.2

Provided Information Calculated Values ∆ ∆/hw λQ

hw = 75 “ P = 7.5 k 0.45 0.006 1.0
0.60 0.008 0.9
fy = 71 ksi Mn = 2000 k-1
0.80 0.011 0.7
1.20 0.016 0.5
fc′ = 3400 psi V
corresponding to Mn = 1070 psi 1.70 0.023 0.3
bw lw 3.00 0.040 0.2

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 23

Chapter 2: Reinforced Concrete Components


System: Reinforced Concrete
Component Type: Isolated Wall or Stronger Wall Pier RC1J Example 1 of 1
Predominant Behavior Mode: Preemptive Sliding Shear
Secondary Behavior Mode: Web Crushing
Reference: Barda (1972), Barda, Hanson, & Corley (1976) (Lehigh Univ.)
Specimen: B7-5

Envelope of response
Test specimen at ultimate load
∆ = 0.15 in ∆/hw = 0.008 λQ = 1.0

Hysteretic response to 0.6in.

Test specimen at conclusion of loading
∆ = 3.0 in ∆/hw = 0.160 λQ = 0.4
Provided Information
hw = 18.75 “
λQ values from response plot
fy = 78 ksi
∆ ∆/hw λQ
fc′ = 3730 psi 0.15 0.008 1.0
Calculated Values 0.30 0.016 0.9
P = 3.6 k 0.70 0.037 0.8
Mn = 2180 k-1 1.80 0.096 0.6
V 3.00 0.160 0.4
corresponding to
bw lw
Mn = 4600 psi

Hysteretic response to 3.0 in.

24 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 2: Reinforced Concrete Components


System: Reinforced Concrete
Component Type: Weaker Spandrel or Coupling Beam RC3A Example 1 of 1
Predominant Behavior Mode: Ductile Flexure
Secondary Behavior Mode: —
Reference: Paulay & Binney (1974)
Specimen: Beam 316

Theoretical (uncracked section)

5 13

Load (kips)

1 Theoretical ultimate load

100 3 Pu* = 128.4k held
80 11
7 Reinforcement

Radians x 10 -3 20 12
-10 -8 -6 -4 -2
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 54 56 58 60 62
-20 Radians x 10 -3
4 10

2 Beam after
13th cycle

Pu* = 124.5k

Load-rotation relationship for Beam 316.

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 25

Chapter 2: Reinforced Concrete Components


System: Reinforced Concrete
Component Type: Weaker Spandrel or Coupling Beam RC3D Example 1 of 1
Predominant Behavior Mode: Flexure/Sliding Shear
Secondary Behavior Mode: —
Reference: Paulay & Binney (1974)
Specimen: Beam 315

(b) Uncracked sections
(a) Cracked sections
180 Pu* = 184.0k
Theoretical ultimate load
Extensive crushing at
Load (kips)

140 right hand support

60 7
Reinforcement 40 Load held
Radians x 10 -3 20
-24 -22 -20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 30
-20 Radians x 10 -3
4 6 Load cycle
6 -120


Pu* = 184.0k

Beam 315 Beam after 7th Cycle

Load-rotation relationship for a conventional coupling beam.

26 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 2: Reinforced Concrete Components


System: Reinforced Concrete
Component Type: Weaker Spandrel or Coupling Beam RC3H Example 1 of 1
Predominant Behavior Mode: Preemptive Diagonal Tension
Secondary Behavior Mode: —
Reference: Paulay (1977), Paulay (1986)
Specimen: Beam 392

Beam 392 after being subjected to seismic-type Beam 392, Cycle 14.
loading: Cycle 13.

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 27

Chapter 2: Reinforced Concrete Components

2.3 Tabular Bibliography

Table 2-2 contains a brief description of the key techni- behavior modes are indicated The full references can be
cal reports that address specific reinforced concrete found in Section 2.5.
component behavior. The component types and their

28 Technical Resources FEMA 307

FEMA 307

Table 2-2 Key References on Reinforced Concrete Wall Behavior.

Reference Description Comp. Behavior modes Addressed
Types A B C D E F G H I J K L


ACI 318 (1995) Code provisions for the design of r/c walls. RC1 –
Distinct behavior modes are often not considered explicitly. RC4
Paulay & Priestley Comprehensive recommendations for the design of r/c walls. RC1 – • • • • • • • •

Chapter 2: Reinforced Concrete Components

(1992) Considers all component types and prevalent behavior modes. RC4
Oesterle et al (1983) Development of a design equation for web crushing strength. RC1 •
Strength is related to story drift and correlation with research results is shown.
Technical Resources

Wood (1991) Review of 27 specimens. 24 cyclic-static loading, 3 monotonic loading. RC1

“Slender” walls: 1.1 < M/VL < 2.9, All specimens reached flexural yield.
Failure categorized as either “shear” or “flexure”.
Wood (1990) Review of 143 specimens. 50 cyclic-static loading, 89 monotonic loading, 4 repeated RC1
unidirectional loading.
“Short” walls: 0.23 < M/VL < 1.7. Review focuses on maximum strength.
Failure modes and displacement capacity not addressed
ATC-11(1983) Commentary on implications of r/c wall test results and design issues. RC1,
Sozen & Moehle Review of wall test results applicable to nuclear power plant structures. Focused on RC1
(1993) predicting initial stiffness.
Behavior modes:
A Ductile Flexural Response F Flexure/Lap-Splice Slip K Preemptive Boundary Zone Compression Failure
B Flexure/Diagonal Tension G Flexure/Out-of-Plane Wall Buckling L Preemptive Lap-Splice Failure
C Flexure/Diagonal Compression (Web Crushing) H Preemptive Diagonal Tension M Global foundation rocking of wall
D Flexure/Sliding Shear I Preemptive Web Crushing N Foundation rocking of individual piers
E Flexure/Boundary-Zone Compression J Preemptive Sliding Shear

Table 2-1 Key References on Reinforced Concrete Wall Behavior (continued)

Reference Description Comp. Behavior modes Addressed
Types A B C D E F G H I J K L
Barda (1972) 8 test specimens: 6 cyclic-static loading, 2 monotonic loading, Small axial load. RC1 • •
Barda, Hanson & Approx. 1/3 scale, flanged walls. Low-rise: M/VL = 1.0, 0.5, 0.25.
Corley (1976) Wall vertical & horiz. reinf. and flange longit. reinf. varied
(Lehigh Univ.) 1 specimen repaired by replacement of web concrete and tested.
Oesterle et al (1976) 16 test specimens: 2 rectangular, 12 barbell, 2 flanged. M/VL = 2.4. RC1 • • • •

Chapter 2: Reinforced Concrete Components

Oesterle et al (1979) Approx. 1/3 scale. Variables include boundary longit. and hoop reinf., wall horiz. reinf.,
(Portland Cement axial load, load history
Association) 2 specimens repaired and tested.
Shiu et al (1981) 2 test specimens. One solid wall and one wall with openings. Approx. 1/3 scale. RC1, • •
(Portland Cement Rectangular sections. Solid wall governed by sliding shear. Wall with openings was gov- RC2,
Technical Resources

Association) erned by diagonal compression in the piers. RC4

Coupling beams were not significantly damaged.
Wang, Bertero & 10 test specimens: 6 barbell and 4 rectangular. 5 cyclic-static loading, 5 monotonic. RC1 • • • •
Popov (1975) Valle- 1/3 scale, modeled bottom 3 stories of 10-story barbell wall and 7-story rectangular wall.
nas, Bertero & Popov 5 specimens repaired with replacement of damaged rebar and crushed concrete.
(U.C. Berkeley)
Iliya & Bertero 2 test specimens. Barbell-shaped sections. Combination of cyclic-static and monotonic RC1 • •
(1980) loading.
(U.C. Berkeley) 1/3 scale, modeled bottom 3 stories of 10-story barbell wall. Specimens repaired with
epoxy injection of cracks after minor damage then subsequently repaired (after major
damage) with replacement of damaged rebar and crushed concrete.
Behavior modes:
A Ductile Flexural Response F Flexure/Lap-Splice Slip K Preemptive Boundary Zone Compression Failure
B Flexure/Diagonal Tension G Flexure/Out-of-Plane Wall Buckling L Preemptive Lap-Splice Failure
C Flexure/Diagonal Compression (Web Crushing) H Preemptive Diagonal Tension M Global foundation rocking of wall
D Flexure/Sliding Shear I Preemptive Web Crushing N Foundation rocking of individual piers
E Flexure/Boundary-Zone Compression J Preemptive Sliding Shear
FEMA 307
FEMA 307

Table 2-1 Key References on Reinforced Concrete Wall Behavior (continued)

Reference Description Comp. Behavior modes Addressed
Types A B C D E F G H I J K L
Paulay, Priestley & 4 test specimens, 2 rectangular, 2 flanged. RC1 • •
Synge (1982) Low-rise walls, M/VL = 0.57 Approx. 1/2 scale.
Two specimens with diagonal bars to prevent sliding shear.
Paulay & Binney 12 coupling-beam test specimens, 3 monotonic loading, 9 cyclic-static loading. RC3 • • • •
(1974) Paulay (1971a, M/VL = 0.51, 0.65. Approx. 1/2 scale. Varied amount of stirrup reinforcement, and amount
1971b) and arrangement of longitudinal reinf., 3 specimens with diagonal bars.
Paulay and Santhaku- Two 7-story coupled wall specimens. Cyclic-static loading 1/4 scale. One specimen with RC1 • •

Chapter 2: Reinforced Concrete Components

mar (1976) diagonally reinforced coupling beams. RC3
Barney et al (1978) 8 coupling beam test specimens, Cyclic-static loading. M/VL = 1.25, 2.5. Approximately RC3 • • •
(Portland Cement 1/3-scale specimens with conventional longitudinal reinforcement, diagonal bars in
Association) hinge zones, and full length diagonal bars. Full length diagonal reinforcement signifi-
cantly improved performance.
Technical Resources

Wight (Editor) 7-story building, two bays by three bays with beam and slab floors, cyclic-static loading full RC1 •
(1985) scale. One wall acting parallel to moment frames. Parallel and perpendicular frames
increased the capacity of the structure.
Test structure repaired with epoxy injection and re-tested
Alexander, Heide- M/VL = 2.0, 1.33, 0.67 Cyclic-static loading. RC1 • •
brcht, and Tso (1973) 1/2 scale. Axial load varied.
(McMaster Univer-
Shiga, Shibata, and 8 test specimens, 6 cyclic-static loading, 2 monotonic. RC1 •
Takahashi (1973 Approx. 1/4 scale. Barbell section.Load history, web reinforcement, and axial load varied.
,1975) (Tohoku Uni- M/VL = 0.63.
Maier (1991) 10 test specimens, 2 cyclic-static loading, 8 monotonic. RC1 • •
7 flanged sections, 3 rectangular. Approx. 1/3 scale. Reinforcement and axial load varied.
M/VL = 1.12.
Behavior modes:
A Ductile Flexural Response F Flexure/Lap-Splice Slip K Preemptive Boundary Zone Compression Failure
B Flexure/Diagonal Tension G Flexure/Out-of-Plane Wall Buckling L Preemptive Lap-Splice Failure
C Flexure/Diagonal Compression (Web Crushing) H Preemptive Diagonal Tension M Global foundation rocking of wall
D Flexure/Sliding Shear I Preemptive Web Crushing N Foundation rocking of individual piers
E Flexure/Boundary-Zone Compression J Preemptive Sliding Shear

Table 2-1 Key References on Reinforced Concrete Wall Behavior (continued)

Reference Description Comp. Behavior modes Addressed
Types A B C D E F G H I J K L
Mansur, Balendra, 4 successful test specimens, cyclic-static loading. RC1 • •
and H’ng (1991) Approx. 1/4 scale. Flanged section. Web reinforced with welded wire mesh or expanded
M/VL = 0.68.
Saatcioglu (1991) 3 test specimens, cyclic-static loading RC1 • • •
Approx. 1/3 scale. Rectangular section. Horizontal and sliding-shear dowel reinforcement

Chapter 2: Reinforced Concrete Components

M/VL = 0.50.
Aristizabal-Ochoa, 4 shake-table specimens. Approx. 1/12 scale. RC1 •
Dario, & Sozen 10-story coupled walls, rectangular pier and beam sections. Discusses reduced stiffness of RC3
(1976) (University of coupling beams resulting from bond slip, and redistribution of demands between wall
Illinois) piers.
Technical Resources

Lybas & Sozen 6 test specimens, 5 shake-table and 1 cyclic static. Approx. 1/12 scale. RC1 •
(1977) (University of 6-story coupled walls, rectangular pier and beam sections. RC3
Azizinamini et al. Out-of-plane tests on tilt-up walls. 6 test specimens. RC1
(1994) (Portland Approx. 3/5 scale. Monotonic out-of-plane loading.
Cement Association) Report shows typical crack patterns resulting from out-of-plane forces.
ACI-SEAOSC Out-of-plane tests on tilt-up walls, 12 reinforced concrete specimens (Also, 18 reinforced RC1
Task Force (1982) masonry specimens). Full scale monotonic out-of-plane loading and constant axial loading
h/t ratios of 30 to 60.
Behavior modes:
A Ductile Flexural Response F Flexure/Lap-Splice Slip K Preemptive Boundary Zone Compression Failure
B Flexure/Diagonal Tension G Flexure/Out-of-Plane Wall Buckling L Preemptive Lap-Splice Failure
C Flexure/Diagonal Compression (Web Crushing) H Preemptive Diagonal Tension M Global foundation rocking of wall
D Flexure/Sliding Shear I Preemptive Web Crushing N Foundation rocking of individual piers
E Flexure/Boundary-Zone Compression J Preemptive Sliding Shear
FEMA 307
Chapter 2: Reinforced Concrete Components

2.4 Symbols for Reinforced Concrete

Symbols that are used in this chapter are defined below. hw = Height of wall or segment of wall considered
Further information on some of the variables used (per ACI)
(particularly those noted “per ACI”) may be found by
looking up the symbol in Appendix D of ACI 318-95. krc = Coefficient accounting the effect of ductility
demand on Vc per FEMA 306, Section A2.3.6.b
Ach = Cross sectional area of confined core of wall
lp = Equivalent plastic hinge length, determined
boundary region, measured out-to-out of con-
according to FEMA 306, Section A2.3.3.
fining reinforcement and contained within a
length c’ from the end of the wall, FEMA 306, lu = Unsupported length considered for wall buck-
Section A2.3.7 ling, determined according to FEMA 306,
Acv = Net area of concrete section bounded by web Section A2.3.9
thickness and length of section in the direction ln = Beam clear span (per ACI)
of shear force considered, in2 (per ACI) lw = Length of entire wall or segment of wall con-
Ag = Gross cross sectional area of wall boundary sidered in direction of shear force (per ACI).
region, taken over a length c’ from the end of (For isolated walls and wall piers equals hori-
the wall, FEMA 306, Section A2.3.7 zontal length, for spandrels and coupling beams
equals vertical dimension i.e., overall depth)
Ash = Total cross-sectional area of transverse rein-
forcement (including crossties) within spacing s Mcr = Cracking moment (per ACI)
and perpendicular to dimension hc. (per ACI) Me = Expected moment strength at section, equal to
b = Width of compression face of member, in (per nominal moment strength considering expected
ACI) material strengths.
bw = Web width, in (per ACI) Mn = Nominal moment strength at section (per ACI)
c = Distance from extreme compressive fiber to Mu = Factored moment at section (per ACI)
neutral axis (per ACI)
M/V = Ratio of moment to shear at a section. When
c’ = Length of wall section over which boundary moment or shear results from gravity loads in
ties are required, per FEMA 306, addition to seismic forces, can be taken as
Section A2.3.7 Mu /Vu
db = Bar diameter (per ACI) Nu = Factored axial load normal to cross section
dbt = Bar diameter of tie or loop occurring simultaneously with Vu; to be taken
as positive for compression, negative for ten-
f c¢ = Specified compressive strength of concrete, psi sion (per ACI)
(per ACI)
s = Spacing of transverse reinforcement measured
fy = Specified yield strength of nonprestressed rein- along the longitudinal axis of the structural
forcement, psi. (per ACI) member (per ACI)
fyh = Specified yield strength of transverse reinforce- s1 = spacing of vertical reinforcement in wall (per
ment, psi (per ACI) ACI)
hc = Cross sectional dimension of confined core of Vc = Nominal shear strength provided by concrete
wall boundary region, measured out-to-out of (per ACI)
confining reinforcement Vn = Nominal shear strength (per ACI)
hd = Height over which horizontal reinforcement Vp = Nominal shear strength related to axial load per
contributes to Vs per FEMA 306, Section
Section A2.3.6.b

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 33

Chapter 2: Reinforced Concrete Components

Vs = Nominal shear strength provided by shear rein- µ∆ = Displacement ductility demand for a compo-
forcement (per ACI) nent, used in FEMA 306, Section A2.3.4, as
discussed in Section of FEMA-273.
Vu = Factored shear force at section (per ACI)
Equal to the component deformation corre-
Vwc = Web crushing shear strength per FEMA 306, sponding to the global target displacement,
Section A2.3.6.c divided by the effective yield displacement of
the component (which is defined in Section
α = Coefficient accounting for wall aspect ratio of FEMA-273).
effect on Vc per FEMA 306, Section A2.3.6.b
ρg = Ratio of total reinforcement area to cross-sec-
β = Coefficient accounting for longitudinal rein- tional area of wall.
forcement effect on Vc per FEMA 306,
ρl = Local reinforcement ratio in boundary region of
Section A2.3.6.b
wall according to FEMA 306, Section A2.3.7
δ = Story drift ratio for a component, correspond-
ing to the global target displacement, used in ρn = Ratio of distributed shear reinforcement on a
the computation of Vwc, FEMA 306, plane perpendicular to plane of Acv (per ACI).
Section A2.3.6.c (For typical wall piers and isolated walls indi-
cates amount of horizontal reinforcement.)
µ = Coefficient of friction (per ACI)

34 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 2: Reinforced Concrete Components

2.5 References for Reinforced Concrete

This list contains references from the reinforced ATC, 1997b, NEHRP Commentary on the Guidelines
concrete chapters of both FEMA 306 and 307. for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings, pre-
pared by the Applied Technology Council (ATC-33
ACI, 1995, Building Code Requirements for Reinforced project) for the Building Seismic Safety Council,
Concrete, American Concrete Institute, Report ACI published by the Federal Emergency Management
318-95, Detroit, Michigan. Agency, Report No. FEMA 274, Washington, D.C.
ACI-SEAOSC, 1982, Test Report on Slender Walls, Azizinamini, A., Glikin, J.D., and Oesterle, R.G., 1994,
Task Committee on slender Walls, American Con- Tilt-up Wall Test Results, Portland Cement Associa-
crete Institute, Southern California Chapter, and tion, Report RP322D, Skokie, Illinois.
Structural Engineers of Southern California.
Barda, Felix, 1972, Shear Strength of Low-Rise Walls
Alexander, C.M., Heidebrecht, A.C., and Tso, W.K., with Boundary Elements, Ph.D. University, Lehigh
1973, “Cyclic Load Tests on Shear Wall Panels, University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.
Proceedings,” Fifth World Conference on Earth-
Barda, Felix, Hanson, J.W., and Corley, W.G., 1976,
quake Engineering, Rome, pp. 1116–1119.
Shear Strength of Low-Rise Walls with Boundary
Ali, Aejaz and Wight, J. K., 1991, “R/C Structural Elements, Research and Development Bulletin
Walls with Staggered Door Openings,” Journal of RD043.01D, preprinted with permission from ACI
Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 117, No. 5, Symposium Reinforced Concrete Structures in
pp. 1514-1531. Seismic Zones, American Concrete Institute.
Antebi, J., Utku, S., and Hansen, R.J., 1960, The Barney, G.B., Shiu, K.N., Rabbat, B.G., Fiorako, A.E.,
Response of Shear Walls to Dynamic Loads, MIT Russell, H.G., and Corley, W.G., 1978, Earthquake
Department of Civil and Sanitary Engineering, Resistant Structural Walls — Test of Coupling
Report DASA-1160, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Beams, Report to National Science Foundation,
Portland Cement Association, Skokie, Illinois.
Aristizabal-Ochoa, D., J., and Sozen, M.A., 1976,
Behavior of Ten-Story Reinforced Concrete Walls Benjamin, J.R., and Williams, H.A., 1958a, “The
Subjected to Earthquake Motions, Civil Engineer- Behavior of One-Story Reinforced Concrete Shear
ing Studies Structural Research Series No. 431, Walls,” Journal of the Structural Division, ASCE,
Report UILU-ENG-76-2017, University of Illinois, Vol. 83, No. ST3.
Urbana, Illinois.
Benjamin, J.R., and Williams, H.A., 1958b, Behavior of
ASCE/ACI Task Committee 426, 1973, “The Shear One-Story Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls Con-
Strength of Reinforced Concrete Members,” ASCE taining Openings, ACI Journal, Vol. 55, pp. 605-
Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 99, No. 618.
ST6, pp 1091-1187.
BSSC, 1992, NEHRP Handbook for the Seismic Evalu-
ATC, 1983, Seismic Resistance of Reinforced Concrete ation of Existing Buildings , prepared by the Build-
Shear Walls and Frame Joints: Implication of ing Seismic Safety Council for the Federal
Recent Research for Design Engineers, Applied Emergency Management Agency, Report No.
Technology Council, ATC-11 Report, Redwood FEMA-178, Washington, D.C.
City, California.
BSSC, 1997, NEHRP Recommended Provisions for
ATC, 1996, The Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Seismic Regulations for New Buildings and Other
Concrete Buildings, Applied Technology Council, Structures, prepared by the Building Seismic Safety
ATC-40 Report, Redwood City, California. Council for the Federal Emergency Management
Agency, Report No. FEMA 302, Composite Draft
ATC, 1997a, NEHRP Guidelines for the Seismic Reha-
Copy, Washington, D.C.
bilitation of Buildings, prepared by the Applied
Technology Council (ATC-33 project) for the Cardenas, Alex E., 1973, “Shear Walls -- Research and
Building Seismic Safety Council, published by the Design Practice,” Proceedings, Fifth World Confer-
Federal Emergency Management Agency, Report ence on Earthquake Engineering, Rome Italy.
No. FEMA 273, Washington, D.C.

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 35

Chapter 2: Reinforced Concrete Components

Corley, W.G., Fiorato, A.E., and Oesterle, R.G., 1981, Mansur, M.A., Balendra, T., and H’Ng, S.C., 1991,
Structural Walls, American Concrete Institute, Pub- “Tests on Reinforced Concrete Low-Rise Shear
lication SP-72, Detroit, Michigan, pp. 77-131. Walls Under Cyclic Loading,” Preliminary Pro-
ceedings, International Workshop on Concrete
CRSI, No publication date given, Evaluation of Rein-
Shear in Earthquake, Houston Texas.
forcing Steel in Old Reinforced Concrete Struc-
tures, Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute, Oesterle, R.G., Fiorato, A.E., Johal, L.S., Carpenter,
Engineering Data Report No. 11, Chicago, Illinois. J.E., Russell, H.G., and Corley, W.G., 1976, Earth-
quake Resistant Structural Walls -- Tests of Isolated
CSI, 1997, SAP2000, Computers and Structures, Inc.,
Walls, Report to National Science Foundation, Port-
Berkeley, California.
land Cement Association, Skokie, Illinois, 315 pp.
El-Bahy, A., Kunath, S.K., Taylor, A.W., and Stone,
Oesterle, R.G., Aristizabal-Ochoa, J.D., Fiorato, A.E.,
W.C., 1997, Cumulative Seismic Damage of Rein-
Russsell, H.G., and Corley, W.G., 1979, Earthquake
forced Concrete Bridge Piers, Building and Fire
Resistant Structural Walls -- Tests of Isolated Walls
Research Laboratory, National Institute of Stan-
-- Phase II, Report to National Science Foundation,
dards and Technology (NIST), Draft Report, Gaith-
Portland Cement Association, Skokie, Illinois.
ersburg, Maryland.
Oesterle, R.G., Aristizabal, J.D., Shiu, K.N., and Cor-
Hill, James A, 1997, “Summary of Finite Element Stud-
ley, W.G., 1983, Web Crushing of Reinforced Con-
ies of Walls,” oral communication
crete Structural Walls, Portland Cement
ICBO, 1994, 1997, Uniform Building Code, Interna- Association, Project HR3250, PCA R&D Ser. No.
tional Conference of Building Officials, Whittier, 1714, Draft Copy, Skokie, Illinois.
Ogata, K., and Kabeyasawa, T., 1984, “Experimental
Iliya, R., and Bertero, V.V., 1980, Effects of Amount and Study on the Hysteretic Behavior of Reinforced
Arrangement of Wall-Panel Reinforcement on Concrete Shear Walls Under the Loading of Differ-
Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Walls, Earthquake ent Moment-to-Shear Ratios,” Transactions, Japan
Engineering Research Center, University of Cali- Concrete Institute, Vol. 6, pp. 274-283.
fornia at Berkeley, Report UCB-EERC-82-04.
Park, R., 1996, “A Static Force-Based Procedure for the
Kawashima, K., and Koyama, T., 1988, “Effect of Seismic Assessment of Existing R/C Moment
Number of Loading Cycles on Dynamic Character- Resisting Frames,” Proceedings of the Annual
istics of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Pier Col- Technical Conference, New Zealand National Soci-
umns,” Proceedings of the Japan Society of Civil ety for Earthquake Engineering.
Engineers, Structural Eng./Earthquake Eng., Vol.
Park, R. and Paulay, T., 1975, Reinforced Concrete
5, No. 1.
Structures, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
Lybas, J.M. and Sozen, M.A., 1977, Effect of Beam
Paulay, T., 1971a, “Coupling Beams of Reinforced-
Strength and Stiffness on Dynamic Behavior of
Concrete Shear Walls,” Journal of the Structural
Reinforce Concrete Coupled Walls, University of
Division, ASCE, Vol. 97, No. ST3, pp. 843–862.
Illinois Civil Engineering Studies, Structural
Research Series No. 444, Report UILU-ENG-77- Paulay, T., 1971b, “Simulated Seismic Loading of
2016 (two volumes), Urbana, Illinois. Spandrel Beams,” Journal of the Structural Divi-
sion, ASCE, Vol. 97, No. ST9, pp. 2407-2419.
Maier, Johannes, 1991, “Shear Wall Tests,” Preliminary
Proceedings, International Workshop on Concrete Paulay, T., 1977, “Ductility of Reinforced Concrete
Shear in Earthquake, Houston Texas. Shearwalls for Seismic Areas,” Reinforced Con-
crete Structures in Seismic Zones, American Con-
Mander, J.B., Mahmoodzadegan, B., Bhadra, S., and
crete Institute, ACI Publication SP-52, Detroit,
Chen, S.S.,1996, Seismic Evaluation of a 30-Year-
Michigan, pp. 127-147.
Old Highway Bridge Pier and Its Retrofit, Depart-
ment of Civil Engineering, State University of New Paulay, T., 1980, “Earthquake-Resisting Shearwalls --
York, Technical Report NCEER-96-0008, Buffalo New Zealand Design Trends,” ACI Journal, pp.
NY. 144-152.

36 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 2: Reinforced Concrete Components

Paulay, T., 1986, “A Critique of the Special Provisions Shiga, Shibata, and Takahashi, 1975, “Hysteretic
for Seismic Design of the Bulding Code Require- Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls,”
ments for Reinforced Concrete,” ACI Journal, pp. Proceedings of the Review Meeting, US-Japan
274-283. Cooperative Research Program in Earthquake Engi-
neering with Emphasis on the Safety of School
Paulay, T., and Binney, J.R., 1974, “Diagonally Rein-
Buildings, Honolulu Hawaii, pp. 1157–1166
forced Coupling Beams of Shear Walls,” Shear in
Reinforced Concrete, ACI Publication SP-42, Shiu, K.N., Daniel, J.I., Aristizabal-Ochoa, J.D., A.E.
American Concrete Institute, Detroit, Michigan, pp. Fiorato, and W.G. Corley, 1981, Earthquake Resis-
579-598. tant Structural Walls -- Tests of Wall With and With-
out Openings, Report to National Science
Paulay, T. and Priestley, M.J.N., 1992, Seismic Design
Foundation, Portland Cement Association, Skokie,
of Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Buildings,
John Wiley & Sons, New York.
Paulay, T., and Priestley, M.J.N., 1993, “Stability of Sozen, M.A., and Moehle, J.P., 1993, Stiffness of Rein-
Ductile Structural Walls,” ACI Structural Journal, forced Concrete Walls Resisting In-Plane Shear,
Vol. 90, No. 4. Electric Power Research Institute, EPRI TR-
102731, Palo Alto, California.
Paulay, T., Priestley, M.J.N., and Synge, A.J., 1982,
“Ductility in Earthquake Resisting Squat Shear- Vallenas, J.M., Bertero, V.V., Popov, E.P., 1979, Hyster-
walls,” ACI Journal, Vol. 79, No. 4, pp.257-269. etic Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Structural
Walls, Earthquake Engineering Research Center,
Paulay, T., and Santhakumar, A.R., 1976, “Ductile University of California, Report No. UCB/EERC-
Behavior of Coupled Shear Walls,” Journal of the 79/20, Berkeley, California, 234 pp.
Structural Division, ASCE, Vol. 102, No. ST1, pp.
93-108. Wallace, J. W., 1996, “Evaluation of UBC-94 Provi-
sions for Seismic Design of RC Structural Walls,”
Priestley M.J.N., Evison, R.J., and Carr, A.J., 1978, Earthquake Spectra, EERI, Oakland, California.
“Seismic Response of Structures Free to Rock on
their Foundations,” Bulletin of the New Zealand Wallace, J. W. and Moehle, J.P., 1992, “Ductility and
National Society for Earthquake Engineering, Vol. Detailing Requirements for Bearing Wall Build-
11, No. 3, pp. 141–150. ings,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE,
Vol. 118, No. 6, pp. 1625–1644.
Priestley, M.J.N., Seible, F., and Calvi, G.M., 1996,
Seismic Design and Retrofit of Bridges, John Wiley Wallace, J. W. and Thomsen IV, J.H., 1995, “Seismic
& Sons, New York, 686 pp. Design of RC Shear Walls (Parts I and II),” Journal
of Structural Engineering, -ASCE, pp. 75-101.
Saatcioglu, Murat, 1991, “Hysteretic Shear Response of
Low-rise Walls,” Preliminary Proceedings, Inter- Wang, T.Y., Bertero, V.V., Popov, E.P., 1975, Hysteretic
national Workshop on Concrete Shear in Earth- Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Framed Walls,
quake, Houston Texas. Earthquake Engineering Research Center, Univer-
sity of California at Berkeley, Report No. UCB/
SANZ, Standards Association of New Zealand, 1995, EERC-75/23, Berkeley, California, 367 pp.
Code of Practice for the Design of Concrete Struc-
tures, NZS3101. Wight, James K. (editor), 1985, Earthquake Effects on
Reinforced Concrete Structures, US-Japan
SEAOC, 1996, Recommended Lateral Force Require- Research, ACI Special Publication SP-84, Ameri-
ments and Commentary (“Blue Book”), 6th Edition, can Concrete Institute, Detroit Michigan.
Seismology Committee, Structural Engineers Asso-
ciation of California, Sacramento, California. Wiss, Janney, Elstner and Associates, 1970, Final
Report on Bar Tests, for the Committee of Concrete
Shiga, Shibata, and Takahashi, 1973, “Experimental Reinforcing Bar Producers, American Iron and
Study on Dynamic Properties of Reinforced Con- Steel Institute (Job #70189), Northbrook, Illinois.
crete Shear Walls,” Proceedings, Fifth World Con-
ference on Earthquake Engineering, Rome, pp. Wood, S. L, 1990, “Shear Strength of Low-Rise Rein-
107–117 forced Concrete Walls,” ACI Structural Journal,
Vol. 87, No. 1, pp 99-107.

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 37

Chapter 2: Reinforced Concrete Components

Wood, S. L., 1991, “Observed Behavior of Slender Publication SP-127, S.K. Ghosh, Editor, American
Reinforced Concrete Walls Subjected to Cyclic Concrete Institute, Detroit Michigan, pp. 453–478
Loading,” Earthquake-Resistant Concrete Struc-
tures, Inelastic Response and Design, ACI Special

38 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 3: Reinforced Masonry

3. Reinforced Masonry

3.1 Commentary and fully-grouted hollow brick or block masonry, diagonal

cracks typically propagate through the units with short
Discussion deviations along the mortar joints. Stair-step diagonal
Several topics that are relevant to the development of cracks are rare, and would indicate partial grouting and
the reinforced masonry component guides are addressed low-strength mortar. In plastic-hinge zones undergoing
in this chapter. flexural response, diagonal cracks propagate from the
ends of flexural cracks. In shear-dominated panels,
3.1.1 Typical Hysteretic Behavior diagonal cracks are more independent of flexural
The behavior modes described for reinforced masonry
in FEMA 306, Section A3.2 are based on experimental In a flexurally-controlled wall, diagonal cracks are well-
research and field observation of earthquake damaged distributed and of uniform, small width. In a wall
masonry buildings. Typical damage patterns and undergoing the transition from flexural response to
hysteretic response representative of different shear response, one or two diagonal cracks, typically at
components and behavior modes are presented in the center of the wall, will grow wider than the others,
Table 3-1 dominating the response and concentrating shear
deformations in a small area. A poorly-detailed wall
3.1.2 Cracking and Damage Severity undergoing preemptive shear behavior may have very
Cracks in a structural wall can provide information few cracks until a critical, single diagonal crack opens.
about previous displacements and component response.
Aspects of cracking that relate to component behavior In the investigation of earthquake-damaged concrete
include: and masonry wall structures, cracks are the most visible
evidence of damage. Because cracks are a striking and
• The orientation of cracks easily observed indication of the effect of earthquakes
on walls, there is a strong temptation to overemphasize
• The number (density) of cracks the relationship between crack width and the associated
decrease (if any) in the strength and deformation
• The spacing of cracks capacity of a wall. Hanson (1996), has made the case
that crack width alone is a poor indicator of damage
• The width of individual cracks severity. In recognition of this, the Component Damage
Classification Guides in FEMA 306 do not rely on
• The relative size of crack widths crack width as the only description of damage—
numerous indicators of damage severity in reinforced
In reinforced masonry with a flexural behavior mode, masonry walls are described, among which crack width
flexural cracks generally form in the mortar bed joints. is only one. Cracking patterns can provide a wealth of
At the base of a tall cantilever wall, flexural cracks may information about the performance of a structural wall,
propagate across the entire length of the wall. Following but the location, orientation, number, and distribution of
an earthquake, flexural cracks tend to close due to the cracks must be considered as important as, if not
gravity loads, and they may be particularly hard to more important than, the crack width.
locate in mortar joints. They are generally associated
with ductile response and the natural engagement of With the understanding that crack width must be
vertical reinforcement; as a result, they do not provide a considered in the context of all of the other parameters
good measure of damage. When such cracks are visible, that can affect the behavior mode and damage severity
they are only used to identify behavior modes, not to of a wall, a rational approach is required to understand
assess the severity of damage. the influence of crack width on damage. This section
outlines the basis of crack width limits specified in the
Diagonal cracks reflect associated shear stresses, but Component Damage Classification Guides.
they may be a natural part of ductile flexural action. In

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 39


Table 3-1 Damage Patterns and Hysteretic Response for Reinforced Masonry Components
Component and Reference Crack / Damage Pattern Hysteretic Response
Behavior Mode
RM1 Shing et al.,
Flexure Specimen 12

See Guide RM1A

Chapter 3: Reinforced Masonry

Technical Resources

RM1 Priestley and

Elder 1982

See Guide RM1A

FEMA 307
FEMA 307

Table 3-1 Damage Patterns and Hysteretic Response for Reinforced Masonry Components (continued)
RM1 Shing et al.,
Flexure / Shear Specimen 7

See Guides RM1B

and RM2B

Chapter 3: Reinforced Masonry

Technical Resources

RM1 Priestley and

Elder 1982
Flexure / Shear

See Guides RM1B

and RM2B

Table 3-1 Damage Patterns and Hysteretic Response for Reinforced Masonry Components (continued)
RM1 Shing et al.,
Flexure / Sliding Specimen 8

See Guide RM1C

Chapter 3: Reinforced Masonry

Technical Resources

RM1 Shing et al.,

Flexure / Shear / Specimen 6
Sliding Shear

See Guides RM1B

and RM1C
FEMA 307
FEMA 307

Table 3-1 Damage Patterns and Hysteretic Response for Reinforced Masonry Components (continued)
RM1 Shing et al.,
Flexure /lap splice Specimen 19

See Guide RM1E

Chapter 3: Reinforced Masonry

RM1 or RM2 Shing et al.,
Technical Resources

Preemptive Shear Specimen 9

See Guide RM2G


Table 3-1 Damage Patterns and Hysteretic Response for Reinforced Masonry Components (continued)
RM1 or RM2 Shing et al.,
Preemptive Shear Specimen 14

See Guide RM2G

Chapter 3: Reinforced Masonry

Technical Resources

RM3 Priestley and

Hon, 1985

See Guide RM3A

FEMA 307
FEMA 307

Table 3-1 Damage Patterns and Hysteretic Response for Reinforced Masonry Components (continued)
RM1 or RM2 with Priestley and
flange. He, 1990

Flexure / Shear

See Guides RM1A,

RM1B, and / or

Chapter 3: Reinforced Masonry

Technical Resources
Chapter 3: Reinforced Masonry

Research has been conducted to evaluate the been determined empirically, using crack widths
relationship between crack width, crack spacing, and reported in the literature and photographs of damaged
reinforcing bar strain. A partial review of the literature specimens. Consideration has been given to the
on crack width is provided by Noakowski, (1985). theoretical crack width required to achieve yield of
Research indicates that the width of a crack crossing a reinforcement under a variety of conditions. A
reinforcing bar at first yield of the reinforcement fundamental presumption is that the width of shear
depends on the bar diameter, the reinforcement yield cracks is related to damage severity, while flexural
stress, the reinforcement ratio, the reinforcement elastic crack widths are not closely related to damage severity.
modulus, and on the characteristics of the bond stress-
slip relationship. However, most research in this area 3.1.3 Interpretation of Tests
has focused on nearly elastic systems (prior to yield in
reinforcement), and flexural cracking in beams and Interpretation of test results for reinforced masonry was
uniaxial tension specimens. It is difficult to extrapolate similar to that for reinforced concrete as described in
quantitative expressions for crack width and spacing Section The ranges of component ductility and
prior to yield to reinforced masonry specimens with l-factors are presented in Table 3-2.
sufficient damage to reduce strength or deformation
capacity. 3.2 Tabular Bibliography for
Sassi and Ranous (1996) have suggested criteria to Reinforced Masonry
relate crack width to damage, but they have not Table 3-3 contains a brief description of the key
provided sufficient information to associate crack technical reports which address specific reinforced
patterns with specific behavior modes, which is masonry component behavior. The component types
essential when determining damage severity. and their behavior modes are indicated. The full
references can be found in Section 3.4.
In the guides for reinforced masonry components, the
crack width limits for each damage severity level have

46 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 3: Reinforced Masonry

Table 3-2 Ranges of reinforced masonry component displacement ductility, µ∆, associated with
damage severity levels and λ factors
Damage Damage Severity
Guide Insignificant Slight Moderate Heavy
RM1A µ∆ ≤ 3 µ∆ ≈2 – 4 µ∆ ≈ 3– 8 Heavy not used
Ductile Flexural λK = 0.8 λK = 0.6 λK = 0.4
λQ = 1.0 λQ = 1.0 λQ = 0.9
λD = 1.0 λD = 1.0 λD = 1.0
RM1B µ∆ ≤ 2 µ∆ ≈ 2 – 3 µ∆ ≈ 3 – 5
Flexure/Shear λK = 0.8 λK = 0.6 λK = 0.4
λQ = 1.0 λQ = 1.0 λQ = 0.8
λD = 1.0 λD = 1.0 λD = 0.9
RM1C See RM1A µ∆ ≈ 2 – 4 µ∆ ≈ 3 – 8
Flexure/ Sliding Shear λK = 0.5 λK = 0.2
λQ = 0.9 λQ = 0.8
λD = 1.0 λD = 0.9
RM1D See RM1A See RM1A See RM1A µ∆ ≈ 8 – 10
Flexure/ Out-of-Plane λK = 0.4
Instability λQ = 0.5
λD = 0.5
RM1E See RM1A See RM1A µ∆ ≈ 3 – 4
Flexure/ Lap Splice Slip or RM1B or RM1B λK = 0.4
λQ = 0.5
λD = 0.8
RM2B µ∆ ≤ 2 µ∆ ≈ 2 – 3 µ∆ ≈ 3– 5 Heavy not used
λK = 0.8 λK = 0.6 λK = 0.4
λQ = 1.0 λQ = 1.0 λQ = 0.8
λD = 1.0 λD = 1.0 λD = 0.9
RM2G µ∆ ≤ 1 µ∆ ≈ 1 – 2 µ∆ ≈ 1 – 2 µ∆ ≈ 2 – 3
Preemptive Shear
λK = 0.9 λK = 0.8 λK = 0.5 λK = 0.3
λQ = 1.0 λQ = 1.0 λQ = 0.8 λQ = 0.4
λD = 1.0 λD = 1.0 λD = 0.9 λD = 0.5
RM3A µ∆ ≤ 2 µ∆ ≤ 3 µ∆ ≈ 6
λK = 0.9 λK = 0.8 λK = 0.6
λQ = 1.0 λQ = 0.9 λQ = 0.8
λD = 1.0 λD = 1.0 λD = 1.0
RM3G λK = 0.9 λK = 0.8 λK = 0.3
Preemptive Shear λQ = 1.0 λQ = 0.8 λQ = 0.5
(No µ values for RM3G) λD = 1.0 λD = 1.0 λD = 0.9

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 47


Table 3-3 Annotated Bibliography for Reinforced Masonry

Reference(s) Description Comp. Behavior modes
Type(s) Addressed
a b c d e f g


Paulay and Priestley Overview of capacity-design prin- Description of R/M compo- RM1 • • • • • • •
(1992) ciples for reinforced concrete and nent response in terms of dis- RM2
masonry structures. Thorough placement and ductility. RM3
description of R/C failure modes, RM4
and, to a lesser extent, R/M failure

Chapter 3: Reinforced Masonry

Technical Resources

Drysdale, Hamid, and Textbook for design of masonry RM1 • • •

Baker (1994) structures. Includes complete bib- RM2
liography and selected results RM4
from experimental research.
Abrams and Paulson 2 specimens RM2 • • •
(1989) 1/4-scale model
Abrams and Paulson
Foltz and Yancy 10 Specimens No vertical reinforcement Many damage photos. No hyster- RM2 •
(1993) 8” CMU ρv = 0.0% esis curves.
56” tall by 48” wide Joint reinforcement improved
ρh = 0.024% - 0.22%
Axial load 200+ psi ultimate displacement from µ=1
to µ=3.
Axial load increased w/ dis-
Clear improvement in displace-
ment and crack distribution w/
increased horizontal reinforce-
FEMA 307

FEMA 307

Table 3-3 Annotated Bibliography for Reinforced Masonry (continued)

Ghanem et al. (1993) 14 Specimens Monotonic tests only reported RM2 •
1/3 scale concrete block here.
Hammons et al. 124 specimens Monotonic testing of lap Tensile splitting failure likely N/A
(1994) Hollow concrete and clay masonry splices. regardless of lap splice length
Only #4 in 8” units fail by clas- #4 in 4 inch units
sical pull-out. #6 in 6 inch units
Others fail in tensile splitting. #8 in 8 inch units
Hidalgo et al. (1978) 63 specimens: Aspect ratios: 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 All failures in shear or flexure/ RM2 • •
Chen et al. (1978) 28 8” hollow clay brick High axial loads, increasing shear
Hidalgo et al. (1979) 18 2-wythe clay brick with lateral displacement.

Chapter 3: Reinforced Masonry

17 8” hollow concrete block
Hon & Priestley 2 fully-grouted specimens Full-scale, fully-reversed cyclic Stable hysteresis up to displace- RM3 •
Technical Resources

(1984) 8” hollow concrete block loading. ment ductility of 4 at first crush-

Priestley & Hon One specimen tested in New 2nd specimen purposely vio- ing.
(1985) Zealand, and a second later at UC lated proposed design criteria, Achieved ductility of 10 with
Hart & Priestley San Diego. and performed in a ductile minor load degradation.
(1989) manner.
Priestley (1990)
Igarashi et al. (1993) 1 fully grouted 3-story wall speci- ρv = 0.15% Flexural response to 0.3% drift RM1 •
men followed by lap-splice slip at
ρh = 0.22%
6” hollow concrete block base and stable rocking to 1%
3-story full-scale cantilever wall drift at approx. 1/3 of max. load.
Kubota and 5 cmu wall specimens Sudden loss of strength associ- Vertical splitting at lap RM2 • •
Murakami (1988) Investigated effect of lap splices ated w/ lap-splice failure. Test
stopped following lap-splice
Kubota et al. (1985) 5 wall specimens Minimum vertical reinf RM2 • •
Hollow clay brick ρh = 0.17% - 0.51%
Matsumura (1988) Includes effect of grout flaws on Missing or insufficient grout RM2 • •
damage patterns and shear causes localized damage and
strength. inhibits uniform distribution of

Table 3-3 Annotated Bibliography for Reinforced Masonry (continued)

Matsuno et al. (1987) 1 grouted hollow clay specimen Limited ductility, significant Flexure response in long wall RM1 • • •
3-stories strength degradation associ- (RM1) RM2
3-coupled flanged walls ated w/ preemptive shear fail- Flexure/shear in short walls RM4
ure of coupling beams. (RM2)
Merryman et al 6 fully-grouted, 2-story wall speci- Flexural design by 1985 UBC. Stable flexural response in cou- RM1 • •
(1990) mens Shear design to ensure flexure pled walls, limited by compres-
Leiva and Klingner 2-story walls with openings hinging. sion toe spalling, fracture of
(1991) 2-story pairs of wall coupled by ρv = 0.22% reinforcement, and sliding. No
slab only significant load degradation even
ρh = 0.22% - 0.44%
2-story pairs of walls coupled by at end of test.
slab and R/M lintel One specimen inadvertently
loaded to 60% of max base shear

Chapter 3: Reinforced Masonry

in single pulse prior to test, with
no clear effect on response.
Technical Resources

Okada and Concrete block beams Similar to concrete. Damage for lap splices limited to RM4 • •
Kumazawa (1987) 32”x90” Rotation capacity of 1/100 splice zone. More distributed
without laps.
Priestley and Elder RM1 • •
Schultz, (1996) 6 partially-grouted specimens Minimum vertical reinf Drift = 0.3%-1% at 75% of max RM2 •
concrete masonry ρh = .05% - .12% strength.

Moderately ductile response w/ Behavior characterized by verti-

initial peak and drop to degrad- cal cracks at junction of grouted
ing plateau at approx. 75% of and ungrouted cells. Few if any
max. diagonal cracks except in one
FEMA 307
FEMA 307

Table 3-3 Annotated Bibliography for Reinforced Masonry (continued)

Seible et al. (1994) 1 fully grouted, 5-story building Flexural design by 1991 Ductile flexural response with RM1 • •
Seible et al. (1995) specimen NEHRP Recommended Provi- some sliding to µ=6 and 9, (drift
Kingsley (1994) 6” hollow concrete block sions for the Development of = 1% and 1.5%).
Kingsley et al. (1994) 5-story full-scale flanged walls Seismic Regulations for New Distributed cracking.
Kürkchübasche et al. coupled by topped, precast plank Buildings. Significant influence of flanges
(1994) floor system Shear design to ensure flexural and coupling slabs.
ρv = 0.23%-0.34% hinging.

ρh = 0.11% - 0.44%
Shing et al. (1990a) 24 fully-grouted test specimens: Full-scale walls, 6-ft square, 2 specimens with lap splices at RM1 • • • •
Shing et al. (1990b) 6 6-inch hollow clay brick loaded in single curvature. base, others with continuous RM2
Shing et al. (1991) 18 6-inch hollow concrete block M/VL = 1 reinforcement.

Chapter 3: Reinforced Masonry

1 specimen w/ confinement
2 monotonic loading Uniformly distributed vertical comb at wall toe.
Technical Resources

22 cyclic-static loading. & horizontal reinforcement.

ρv = 0.38% - 0.74% Most comprehensive tests on
reinforced masonry wall compo-
4 levels of axial load ρh = 0.14% - 0.26%
nents to date
Tomazevic and Zarnic 32 wall specimens ρv = 0.26% - 0.52% RM2 • • •
(1985) Concrete block walls and com- ρh = 0.00% - 0.52%
Tomazevic and Lut- plete structures
man (1988) Static and shaking table
Tomazevic and
Modena (1988)
Tomazevic et al.
Yamazaki et al. 1 fully-grouted 5-story building First damage in masonry lintel Flexural modes degraded to RM1 • •
(1988a) specimen beams of many different geom- shear failing modes at 0.75% RM2
Yamazaki et al. 8” hollow concrete block etries. building drift (1.4% first story RM4
(1988b) 5-story full-scale flanged walls drift).
coupled by cast-in-place 6” and 8”
R/C floor slabs

Table 3-3 Annotated Bibliography for Reinforced Masonry (continued)

Innamorato (1994) 3 fully-grouted test specimens Tested in “original” and Repair by epoxy injection and RM1 • • •
Designed to match Shing (1991) “repaired” condition carbon fiber overlay RM2
Preemptive shear failure
Flexure failure
Laursen et al. (1995) 2 in-plane specimens Tested in “original,” Repair by epoxy injection and RM1 • •
Designed to match Shing (1991) “repaired,” and “retrofit” con- carbon fiber overlays in horizon- RM2
specimen preemptive shear failure. figurations. tal or vertical direction to
2 out-of-plane specimens enhance ductility or strength
Weeks et al. (1994) 5-story building tested previously Repair by epoxy injection and RM1
by Seible et al. (1994) repaired carbon fiber overlay

Chapter 3: Reinforced Masonry

and retested.
Technical Resources

1 c Flexure/Sliding Shear f Foundation rocking of individual piers

Behavior modes:
a Ductile Flexural Response: d Flexure/Out-of-Plane Wall Buckling g Preemptive Diagonal Shear Failure
b Flexure/Diagonal Shear e Flexure/Lap-Splice Slip
FEMA 307
Chapter 3: Reinforced Masonry

3.3 Symbols for Reinforced Masonry

Ag = Gross crossectional area of wall s = Spacing of reinforcement
Asi = Area of reinforcing bar i t = Wall thickness

Av = Area of shear reinforcing bar Ve = Expected shear strength of a reinforced

masonry wall
Avf = Area of reinforcement crossing perpendicular
Vm = Portion of the expected shear strength of a
to the sliding plane
wall attributed to masonry
a = Depth of the equivalent stress block
Vs = Portion of the expected shear strength of a
c = Depth to the neutral axis wall attributed to steel
Cm = Compression force in the masonry Vp = Portion of the expected shear strength of a
fme = Expected compressive strength of masonry wall attributed to axial compression effects

fye = Expected yield strength of reinforcement Vse = Expected sliding shear strength of a masonry
he = Effective height of the wall (height to the
xi = Location of reinforcing bar i
resultant of the lateral force) = M/V
ld = Lap splice development length
∆p = Maximum inelastic displacement capacity
lp = Effective plastic hinge length
∆y = Displacement at first yield
lw = Length of the wall
φm = Maximum inelastic curvature of a masonry
M/V = Ratio of moment to shear (shear span) at a
section section

Me = Expected moment capacity of a masonry sec- φy = Yield curvature of a masonry section

tion µ∆ = Displacement ductility
Pu = Wall axial load µ = Coefficient of friction at the sliding plane

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 53

Chapter 3: Reinforced Masonry

3.4 References for Reinforced Masonry

This list contains references from the reinforced tional Brick Masonry Conference, Melbourne, Aus-
masonry chapters of both FEMA 306 and 307. tralia.
Chen, S.J., Hidalgo, P.A., Mayes, R.L., and Clough,
Abrams, D.P., and Paulson, T.J., 1989, “Measured Non-
R.W., 1978, Cyclic Loading Tests of Masonry Sin-
linear Dynamic Response of Reinforced Concrete
gle Piers, Volume 2 – Height to Width Ratio of 1,
Masonry Building Systems,” Proceedings of the
Earthquake Engineering Research Center Report
Fifth Canadian Masonry Symposium, University of
No. UCB/EERC-78/28, University of California,
British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
Berkeley, California.
Abrams, D.P., and Paulson, T.J., 1990, “Perceptions and
Drysdale, R.G., Hamid, A.A., and Baker, L.R., 1994,
Observations of Seismic Response for Reinforced
Masonry Structures, Behavior and Design, Prentice
Masonry Building Structures,” Proceedings of the
Hall, New Jersey.
Fifth North American Masonry Conference, Uni-
versity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Fattal, S.G., 1993, Strength of Partially-Grouted
Masonry Shear Walls Under Lateral Loads,
Agbabian, M., Adham, S, Masri, S.,and Avanessian, V.,
National Institute of Standards and Technology,
Out-of-Plane Dynamic Testing of Concrete
NISTIR 5147, Gaithersburg, Maryland.
Masonry Walls, U.S. Coordinated Program for
Masonry Building Research, Report Nos. 3.2b-1 Foltz, S., and Yancy, C.W.C., 1993, “The Influence of
and 3.2b-2. Horizontal Reinforcement on the Shear Perfor-
mance of Concrete Masonry Walls”, Masonry:
Anderson, D.L., and Priestley, M.J.N., 1992, “In Plane
Design and Construction, Problems and Repair,
Shear Strength of Masonry Walls,” Proceedings of
ASTM STP 1180, American Society for Testing
the 6th Canadian Masonry Symposium, Saskatoon,
and Materials, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Ghanem, G.M., Elmagd, S.A., Salama, A.E., and
Atkinson, R.H.,Amadei, B.P.,Saeb, S., and Sture, S.,
Hamid, A.A., 1993, “Effect of Axial Compression
1989, “Response of Masonry Bed Joints in Direct
on the Behavior of Partially Reinforced Masonry
Shear,” American Society of Civil Engineers Jour-
Shear Walls,” Proceedings of the Sixth North Amer-
nal of the Structural Division, Vol. 115, No. 9.
ican Masonry Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylva-
Atkinson, R.H., and Kingsley, G.R., 1985, A Compari- nia.
son of the Behavior of Clay and Concrete Masonry
Hamid, A., Assis, G., and Harris, H., 1988, Material
in Compression, U.S. Coordinated Program for
Models for Grouted Block Masonry, U.S. Coordi-
Masonry Building Research, Report No. 1.1-1.
nated Program for Masonry Building Research,
Atkinson, R.H., Kingsley, G.R., Saeb, S., B. Amadei, Report No. 1.2a-1.
B., and Sture, S., 1988, “A Laboratory and In-situ
Hamid, A., Abboud, B., Farah, M., Hatem, K., and Har-
Study of the Shear Strength of Masonry Bed
ris, H., 1989, Response of Reinforced Block
Joints,” Proceedings of the 8th International Brick/
Masonry Walls to Out-of-Plane Static Loads, U.S.
Block Masonry Conference, Dublin.
Coordinated Program for Masonry Building
BIA, 1988, Technical Notes on Brick Construction, No. Research, Report No. 3.2a-1.
17, Brick Institute of America, Reston, Virginia.
Hammons, M.I., Atkinson, R.H., Schuller, M.P.,and
Blakeley, R.W.G., Cooney, R.C., and Megget, L.M., Tikalsky, P.J., 1994, Masonry Research for Limit-
1975, “Seismic Shear Loading at Flexural Capacity States Design, Construction Productivity Advance-
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Engineering Research Institute.

54 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 3: Reinforced Masonry

Hart, G.C., and Priestley, M.J.N., 1989, Design Recom- The Structural Design of Tall Buildings, Vol. 2,
mendations for Masonry Moment-Resisting Wall 163-191.
Frames, UC San Diego Structural Systems
Kingsley, G.R., 1994, Seismic Design and Response of
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a Full-scale Five-Story Reinforced Masonry
Hart, G.C., Priestley, M.J.N., and Seible, F., 1992, Research Building, Doctoral Dissertation, Univer-
“Masonry Wall Frame Design and Performance,” sity of California, San Diego, School of Structural
The Structural Design of Tall Buildings, John Wile Engineering.
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Kingsley, G.R., Noland, J.L., and Atkinson, R.H., 1987,
He, L., and Priestley, M.J.N., 1992, Seismic Behavior of “Nondestructive Evaluation of Masonry Structures
Flanged Masonry Walls, University of California, Using Sonic and Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Tech-
San Diego, Department of Applied Mechanics and niques,” Proceedings of the Fourth North American
Engineering Sciences, Report No. SSRP-92/09. Masonry Conference, University of California at
Los Angeles.
Hegemier, G.A., Arya, S.K., Nunn, R.O., Miller, M.E.,
Anvar, A., and Krishnamoorthy, G., 1978, A Major Kingsley, G.R., Seible, F., Priestley, M.J.N., and Hege-
Study of Concrete Masonry Under Seismic-Type mier, G.A., 1994, The U.S.-TCCMAR Full-scale
Loading, University of California, San Diego Five-Story Masonry Research Building Test, Part
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tural Systems Research Project, Report No. SSRP-
Hidalgo, P.A., Mayes, R.L., McNiven, H.D., and
94/02, University of California at San Diego.
Clough, R.W., 1978, Cyclic Loading Tests of
Masonry Single Piers, Volume 1 – Height to Width Kubota, T., and Murakami, M., 1988, “Flexural Failure
Ratio of 2, University of California, Berkeley, Test of Reinforced Concrete Masonry Walls --
Earthquake Engineering Research Center Report Effect of Lap Joint of Reinforcement,” Proceedings
No. UCB/EERC-78/27. of the Fourth Meeting of the U.S.-Japan Joint Tech-
nical Coordinating Committee on Masonry
Hidalgo, P.A., Mayes, R.L., McNiven, H.D., and
Research, San Diego, California.
Clough, R.W., 1979, Cyclic Loading Tests of
Masonry Single Piers, Volume 3 – Height to Width Kubota, T., Okamoto, S., Nishitani, Y., and Kato, S.,
Ratio of 0.5, University of California, Berkeley, 1985, “A Study on Structural Behavior of Brick
Earthquake Engineering Research Center Report Panel Walls,” Proceedings of the Seventh Interna-
No. UCB/EERC-79/12. tional Brick Masonry Conference, Melbourne, Aus-
Hon, C.Y., and Priestley, M.J.N., 1984, Masonry Walls
and Wall Frames Under Seismic Loading, Depart- Kürkchübasche, A.G., Seible, F., and Kingsley, G.R.,
ment of Civil Engineering, University of Canter- 1994, The U.S.-TCCMAR Five-story Full-scale
bury, Research Report 84-15, New Zealand. Reinforced Masonry Research Building Test: Part
IV, Analytical Models, Structural Systems Research
Igarashi, A., F. Seible, and Hegemier, G.A., 1993,
Project, Report No. TR - 94/04, University of Cali-
Development of the Generated Sequential Dis-
fornia at San Diego.
placement Procedure and the Simulated Seismic
Testing of the TCCMAR 3-Story In-plane Walls, Laursen, P. T., Seible, F., and Hegemier, G. A. , 1995,
U.S. Coordinated Program for Masonry Building Seismic Retrofit and Repair of Reinforced Concrete
Research Report No. 3.1(b)-2. with Carbon Overlays, Structural Systems Research
Project, Report No. TR - 95/01, University of Cali-
Innamorato, D. , 1994, The Repair of Reinforced Struc-
fornia at San Diego.
tural Masonry Walls using a Carbon Fiber, Poly-
meric Matrix Composite Overlay, M.Sc. Thesis in Leiva, G., and Klingner, R.E., 1991, In-Plane Seismic
Structural Engineering, University of California, Resistance of Two-story Concrete Masonry Shear
San Diego. Walls with Openings, U.S. Coordinated Program for
Masonry Building Research, Report No. 3.1(c)-2.
Kariotis, J.C., Rahman, M. A., El-mustapha, A. M.,
1993, “Investigation of Current Seismic Design Leiva, G., and Klingner, R.E., 1994, “Behavior and
Provisions for Reinforced Masonry Shear Walls,” Design of Multi-Story Masonry Walls under In-

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 55

Chapter 3: Reinforced Masonry

plane Seismic Loading,” The Masonry Society Meeting of the U.S.-Japan Joint Technical Coordi-
Journal, Vol. 13, No. 1. nating Committee on Masonry Research, Tomamu,
Hokkaido, Japan.
Matsumura, A., 1988, “Effectiveness f Shear Reinforce-
ment in Fully Grouted Hollow Clay Masonry Park, R. and T. Paulay, 1975, Reinforced Concrete
Walls,” Proceedings of the Fourth Meeting of the Structures, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
U.S.-Japan Joint Technical Coordinating Commit-
Paulay T., and Priestley, M.J.N, 1992, Seismic Design of
tee on Masonry Research, San Diego, California.
Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Structures, John
Matsuno, M., Yamazaki, Y., Kaminosono, T., Teshi- Wiley & Sons, New York.
gawara, M., 1987, “Experimental and Analytical
Paulay, T., and Priestley, M.J.N, 1993, “Stability of
Study of the Three Story Reinforced Clay Block
Ductile Structural Walls,” ACI Structural Journal,
Specimen,” Proceedings of the Third Meeting of the
Vol. 90, No. 4.
U.S.-Japan Joint Technical Coordinating Commit-
tee on Masonry Research, Tomamu, Hokkaido, Paulay, T., Priestley, M.J.N., and Synge, A.J., 1982,
Japan. “Ductility in Earthquake Resisting Squat Shear-
walls,” ACI Journal, Vol. 79, No. 4, pp.257-269.
Mayes, R.L., 1993, Unpublished study in support of the
U.S. Coordinated Program for Masonry Building Priestley, M.J.N., 1977, “Seismic Resistance of Rein-
Research Design and Criteria Recommendations forced Concrete Masonry Shear Walls with High
for Reinforced Masonry. Steel Percentages,” Bulletin of the New Zealand
National Society for Earthquake Engineering, Vol.
Merryman, K.M., Leiva, G., Antrobus, N., and Kling-
10, No. 1, pp.1-16.
ner, 1990, In-plane Seismic Resistance of Two-story
Concrete Masonry Coupled Shear Walls, U.S. Priestley, M.J.N., 1986, “Flexural Strength of Rectan-
Coordinated Program for Masonry Building gular Unconfined Shear Walls with Distributed
Research, Report No. 3.1(c)-1. Reinforcement,” The Masonry Society Journal, Vol.
5, No. 2.
Modena, C., 1989, “Italian Practice in Evaluating,
Strengthening, and Retrofitting Masonry Build- Priestley, M.J.N., 1990, Masonry Wall-Frame Joint
ings,” Proceedings of the International Seminar on Test, Report No. 90-5, Sequad Consulting Engi-
Evaluating, Strengthening, and Retrofitting neers, Solana Beach, California.
Masonry Buildings, University of Texas, Arlington,
Priestley, M.J.N. and Elder, D.M., 1982, Seismic Behav-
ior of Slender Concrete Masonry Shear Walls, Dept.
Noakowski, Piotr, 1985, Continuous Theory for the of Civil Engineering, University of Canterbury,
Determination of Crack Width under the Consider- Christchurch, Research Report ISSN 0110-3326,
ation of Bond, Beton-Und Stahlbetonbau, 7 u.. New Zealand.
Noland, J.L., 1990, "1990 Status Report: U.S. Coordi- Priestley M.J.N., Evison, R.J., and Carr, A.J., 1978,
nated Program for Masonry Building Research," “Seismic Response of Structures Free to Rock on
Proceedings of the Fifth North American Masonry their Foundations,” Bulletin of the New Zealand
Conference, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois. National Society for Earthquake Engineering, Vol.
11, No. 3, pp. 141–150.
Ohkubo, M., 1991, Current Japanese System on Seis-
mic Capacity and Retrofit Techniques for Existing Priestley, M.J.N., and Hart, G.C., 1989, Design Recom-
Reinforced Concrete Buildings and Post-Earth- mendations for the Period of Vibration of Masonry
quake Damage Inspection and Restoration Tech- Wall Buildings, Structural Systems Research
niques, University of California, San Diego Project, Report No. SSRP 89/05, University of Cal-
Structural Systems Research Project Report No. ifornia at San Diego.
Priestley, M.J.N., and Hon, C.Y., 1985, “Seismic
Okada, T., and Kumazawa, F., 1987, “Flexural Behavior Design of Reinforced Concrete Masonry Moment -
of Reinforced Concrete Block Beams with Spirally- Resisting Frames,” The Masonry Society Journal,
Reinforced Lap Splices,” Proceedings of the Third Vol. 4., No. 1.

56 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 3: Reinforced Masonry

Priestley, M.J.N., and Limin, He, 1990, “Seismic Seible, F., Yamazaki, Y., Kaminosono, T., and Teshi-
Response of T-Section Masonry Shear Walls,” The gawara, M., 1987, "The Japanese 5-story Full Scale
Masonry Society Journal, Vol. 9, No. 1. Reinforced Concrete Masonry Test -- Loading and
Instrumentation of the Test Building," The Masonry
Priestley, M.J.N., Verma, R., and Xiao, Y., 1994, “Seis-
Society Journal, Vol. 6, No. 2.
mic Shear Strength of Reinforced Concrete Col-
umns,” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Shing, P.B., Brunner, J., and Lofti, H.R., 1993, “Analy-
Vol. 120, No. 8. sis of Shear Strength of Reinforced Masonry
Walls,” Proceedings of the Sixth North American
Sassi, H., and Ranous, R., 1996, “Shear Failure in Rein-
Masonry Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
forced Concrete Walls,” From Experience, Struc-
tural Engineers Association of Southern California, Shing, P.B., Noland, J.L., Spaeh, H.P., Klamerus, E.W.,
Whittier, California. and Schuller, M.P., 1991, Response of Single Story
Reinforced Masonry Shear Walls to In-plane Lat-
Schuller, M.P., Atkinson, R.H., and Borgsmiller, J.T. ,
eral Loads, TCCMAR Report No. 3.1(a)-2.
1994, “Injection Grouting for Repair and Retrofit of
Unreinforced Masonry,” Proceedings of the 10th Shing, P., Schuller, M., Hoskere, V., and Carter, E.,
International Brick and Block Masonry Conference, 1990a, “Flexural and Shear Response of Reinforced
Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Masonry Walls,” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 87,
No. 6.
Schultz, A.E., 1996 “Seismic Resistance of Partially-
Grouted Masonry Shear Walls,” Worldwide Shing, P., Schuller, M., and Hoskere, V., 1990b, “In-
Advances in Structural Concrete and Masonry, plane Resistance of Reinforced Masonry Shear
A.E. Schultz and S.L. McCabe, Eds., American Walls,” Proceedings of ASCE Journal of the Struc-
Society of Civil Engineers, New York. tural Division, Vol 116, No. 3.
Seible, F., Hegemier, G.A., Igarashi, A., and Kingsley, Soric, Z. and Tulin, L.E., 1987, “Bond in Reinforced
G.R., 1994a, “Simulated Seismic-Load Tests on Concrete Masonry,” Proceedings Fourth North
Full- Scale Five-Story Masonry Building,” ASCE American Masonry Conference, Los Angeles, Cali-
Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 120, No. 3. fornia.
Seible, F., Kingsley, G.R., and Kürkchübasche, A.G., Thurston, S., and Hutchinson, D., 1982, “Reinforced
1995, “Deformation and Force Capacity Assess- Masonry Shear Walls Cyclic Load Tests in Con-
ment Issues in Structural Wall Buildings,” Recent traflexure, “ Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for
Developments in Lateral Force Transfer in Build- Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 15, No. 1.
ings – Thomas Paulay Symposium, ACI SP-157.
TMS, 1994, Performance of Masonry Structures in the
Seible, F., Okada, T., Yamazaki, Y., and Teshigawara, Northridge, California Earthquake of January 17,
M., 1987, "The Japanese 5-story Full Scale Rein- 1994, Richard E. Klingner, ed., The Masonry Soci-
forced Concrete Masonry Test — Design and Con- ety.
struction of the Test Specimen," The Masonry
Tomazevic, M., and Lutman, M., 1988, “Design of
Society Journal, Vol. 6, No. 2.
Reinforced Masonry Walls for Seismic Actions,”
Seible, F., Priestley, M.J.N., Kingsley, G.R., and Brick and Block Masonry, J.W. DeCourcy, Ed.,
Kürkchübasche, A.G., 1991, Flexural coupling of Elsevier Applied Science, London.
Topped Hollow Core Plank Floor Systems in Shear
Tomazevic, M., Lutman, M., and Velechovsky, T., 1993,
Wall Structures, Structural Systems Research
“The Influence of Lateral Load Time-history on the
Project, Report No. SSRP-91/10, University of Cal-
Behavior of Reinforced-Masonry Walls Failing in
ifornia at San Diego.
Shear,” Proceedings of the Sixth North American
Seible, F., Priestley, M.J.N., Kingsley, G.R., and Masonry Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Kürkchübasche, A.G., 1994b, “Seismic Response
Tomazevic, M., and Modena, C., 1988, “Seismic
of a Five-story Full-scale RM Research Building”,
Behavior of Mixed, Reinforced Concrete, Rein-
ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 120,
forced Masonry Structural Systems,” Brick and
No. 3.
Block Masonry, J.W. DeCourcy, Ed., Elsevier
Applied Science, London.

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 57

Chapter 3: Reinforced Masonry

Tomazevic, M., and Zarnic, R., 1985, “The Effect of Joint Technical Coordinating Committee on
Horizontal Reinforcement on the Strength and Duc- Masonry Research, Keystone, Colorado.
tility of Masonry Walls at Shear Failure,” Proceed-
Yamazaki, Y., F. Seible, H., Mizuno, H., Kaminosono,
ings of the Seventh International Brick Masonry
T., Teshigawara, M., 1988b, "The Japanese 5-story
Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
Full Scale Reinforced Concrete Masonry Test --
Vulcano A., and Bertero, V.V., 1987, Analytical Models Forced Vibration and Cyclic Load Test Results,"
for Predicting the Lateral Response of RC Shear The Masonry Society Journal, Vol. 7, No. 1.
Walls, University of California, UCB/EERC Report
Yamazaki, Y., Kaminosono, T., Teshigawara, M., and
No. 87-19, Berkeley, California.
Seible, F., 1988a, "The Japanese 5-story Full Scale
Weeks, J., Seible, F., Hegemier, G., and Priestley, Reinforced Concrete Masonry Test -- Pseudo
M.J.N., 1994, The U.S.-TCCMAR Full-scale Five- Dynamic and Ultimate Load Test Results," The
story Masonry Research Building Test, Part V - Masonry Society Journal, Vol. 7, No. 2.
Repair and Retest, University of California Struc-
Young, J.M., and Brown, R.H., 1988, Compressive
tural Systems Research Project Report No. SSRP-
Stress Distribution of Grouted Hollow Clay
Masonry Under Stain Gradient, U.S. Coordinated
Yamamoto, M., and Kaminosono, T., 1986, “Behavior Program for Masonry Building Research, Report
of Reinforced Masonry Walls with Boundary No. 1.2b-1.
Beams,” Proceedings of the Second Meeting of the

58 Technical Resources FEMA 307

4. Unreinforced Masonry

4.1 Commentary and predictive equations for strength and stiffness

(particularly post-elastic stiffness); when analysis has
Discussion been done, it has usually used fairly sophisticated finite
element modelling techniques.
4.1.1 Hysteretic Behavior of URM
Walls Subjected to In-Plane Hysteresis loops for in-plane wall behavior are shown
Demands on the following pages, Sections to,
A search of the available literature was performed to organized by behavior mode. Research shows that the
identify experimental and analytical research relevant to governing behavior mode depends upon a number of
unreinforced masonry bearing-wall damage. Because variables including material properties, aspect ratio, and
URM buildings have performed poorly in past axial stress. To aid in comparing the curves, basic data
earthquakes, there is an extensive amount of anecdotal given in the research report are provided, including the
information in earthquake reconnaissance reports; there average compressive strength of prism tests and the
have also been several studies that took a more masonry unit, the pier aspect ratio, the nominal axial
statistical approach and collected damage information stress, and whether the specimen was free to rotate at
in a consistent format for a comprehensive population the top (cantilever condition) or was fixed (double-
of buildings. These studies help to confirm the curvature condition). For many of the specimens,
prevalence of the damage types listed in FEMA 306, independent calculations have been carried out for this
and they help to indicate the intensity of shaking document to allow comparison between the evaluation
required to produce certain damage types. procedure predictions in Section 7.3 of FEMA 306 and
the actual experimental results. Predictions using
The proposed methodology for this document, however, FEMA 273 are also noted. In several cases, engineering
requires moving beyond anecdotal and qualitative judgment has been exercised to make these calculations,
discussions of component damage and instead obtaining since not all of the necessary information is available.
quantitative information on force/displacement Material properties that were assumed for the purposes
relationships for various components. The focus of of the calculation are identified. It is expected that
research on URM buildings has been on the in-plane predicted results could vary significantly if different
behavior of walls. Most of the relevant research has assumptions are made. In addition, the experimental
been done in China, the former Yugoslavia, Italy, and research in URM piers is difficult to synthesize for
the United States. This stands in contrast to the several reasons:
elements in URM buildings that respond to ground
shaking with essentially brittle or force-controlled • Some researchers do not report a measure of bed-
behavior: parapets, appendages, wall-diaphragm ties, joint sliding-shear strength. Others use triplet tests
out-of-plane wall capacity, and, possibly, archaic rather than in-place push tests to measure bed-joint
diaphragms such as brick arch floors. While there has sliding capacity. Comparisons between triplet tests
been very little research on most of these elements, it is and in-place push tests are not well established.
less important because performance of these elements is Several different assumptions were investigated for
not deformation-controlled. this project, and the approach shown below was
found to correlate best with the data.
Unfortunately, research on in-plane wall behavior is
rarely consistent—materials, experimental techniques, • Descriptions of cracking can be inconsistent and
modes of reporting, and identified inelastic mechanisms overly vague. Diagonal cracking, for example, is
all vary widely. Placing the research in a format often reported, but it can be unclear if the report
consistent with FEMA 273 and this project’s emphasis refers to diagonal tension cracking, toe crushing
on components, damage types, hysteresis curves, with diagonally-oriented cracks, or stair-stepped
nonlinear force/displacement relationships, and bed-joint sliding.
performance levels is difficult. Almost no experimental
tests have been done on damaged URM walls; typically, • Observed damage is often not linked to points on the
tests were done on undamaged walls and stopped. In force/displacement hysteresis loops.
some cases, the damaged wall was repaired and
retested. Most of the research does not provide simple • Final drift values are not always given; when they
are, it is often unclear why the test was stopped and

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 59

Chapter 4: Unreinforced Masonry

whether additional stable deformation capacity ′ . FEMA 273 equations

• There is no direct test for fdt1
use vme for f ′ . This gives the value for Vdt1 . As an
• In many tests, the applied axial load varies additional check, 1/30th of the value of flat-wise
significantly from the desired nominal value at compressive strength of the masonry units was also
different times during the test. Thus, lateral used; this results in the value for Vdt2.
capacities can be affected. Rocking

Reference: Anthoine et al. (1995)

Specimen: High wall, first run
Material: Brick
Loading: Reversed quasistatic cyclic
Provided Information:
Prism f ’m=6.2 MPa, brick f ’m=16 MPa
L/heff =1m/2m= 0.5
Nominal fa=0.60 MPa
Fixed-fixed end conditions
Assumed Values:
vme1=(0.75/1.5)*(0.23+0.57fa) MPa
vme2=(0.75/1.5)*(0.57fa) MPa
Calculated Values (kN):
Vr=68 Vtc=65
Vbjs1=73 Vbjs2=43
Vdt1=85 Vdt2=130
FEMA 273 Predicted Mode: Toe crushing
ATC-43 Predicted Behavior: Rocking at 68 kN
with drift “d”=0.8%
Actual Behavior: Rocking at 72 kN with test Hysteretic response of the high wall, first run.
stopped at 0.6%. Slight cracks at mid-pier. Axial
load increased for second run (see below).

60 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 4: Unreinforced Masonry

Reference: Anthoine et al. (1995)

Specimen: High wall, second run
Material: Brick
Loading: Reversed quasistatic cyclic
Provided Information:
Prism f ’m=6.2 MPa, brick f’m=16 MPa
L/heff=1m/2m= 0.5
Nominal fa= 0.80 MPa
Fixed-fixed end conditions
Assumed Values:
vme1=(0.75/1.5)*(0.23+0.57fa) MPa
vme2=(0.75/1.5)*(0.57fa) MPa
Calculated Values (kN):
Vr=90 Vtc=82
Vbjs1=85 Vbjs2=58
Vdt1=104 Vdt2=141
FEMA 273 Predicted Mode: Toe crushing
ATC-43 Predicted Behavior: Same as FEMA 273 Hysteretic response of the high wall, second run.
Actual Behavior: Rocking, then stair-stepped bed-
joint sliding at a drift of 0.75%

Reference: Magenes & Calvi (1995)

Specimen: 3, runs 7-12
Material: Brick
Loading: Shaketable
Provided Information:
Prism f ’m=8.6 MPa, brick f ’m=18.2 MPa
L/heff =1m/2m = 0.5
Nominal fa= 0.63 MPa
Fixed-fixed end conditions
Assumed Values:
vme1=(0.75/1.5)*(1.15+0.57fa) MPa
vme2=(0.75/1.5)*(0.57fa) MPa
Calculated Values (kN):
Vr=71 Vtc=70
Vbjs1=189 Vbjs2=45
Vdt1=171 Vdt2=145 Shear-displacement curve characterized
by rocking (wall 3, run 10). The figure
FEMA 273 Predicted Mode: Toe crushing does not show final runs 11 and 12.
ATC-43 Predicted Behavior: Rocking at 71 kN with
drift "d" = 0.8%.
Actual Behavior: Rocking at 87 kN with drift of
1.3% in run 10.

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 61

Chapter 4: Unreinforced Masonry

Reference: Costley & Abrams (1996)

Specimen: S1 Door Wall
Material: Brick
Loading: 3/8th-scale building on shaketable
Provided Information:
Prism f ’m=1960 psi, brick f ’m=6730 psi
Fixed-fixed end conditions
Assumed Values:
vme1=(0.75/1.5)*(0.75*361+fa) psi
vme2=(0.75/1.5)*(fa) psi
Outer Piers:
L/heff=1.44ft/2.67ft =0.54
Nominal fa= 33 psi Door-wall shear vs. first-level door-wall
Calculated Values (kips): displacement from Test Run 14
Vr=1.0 Vtc=1.1
Vbjs1=9.7 Vbjs2=1.1
Vdt1=7.2 Vdt2=10.3
Inner Pier:
L/heff=0.79ft/1.50ft =0.53
Nominal fa= 40 psi
Calculated Values (kips):
Vr=2.7 Vtc=2.9
Vbjs1=15.3 Vbjs2=1.8
Vdt1=14.3 Vdt2=20.4
FEMA 273 Predicted Behavior of Wall Line: Rock-
ing at 4.7 kips with inner-pier drift “d”=0.5%
ATC-43 Predicted Behavior of Wall Line: Same as
FEMA 273
Actual Behavior of the Wall Line:
Run 14: Rocking up to 8 kips, then stable at 4-6 kips.
Drift up to 1.1%. Door-wall shear vs. first-level door-wall
Run 15: Rocking at 4-6 kips with drift up to 1.3% displacement from Test Run 15

62 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 4: Unreinforced Masonry

Reference: Costley & Abrams (1996)

Specimen: S2 Door Wall
Material: Brick
Loading: 3/8th-scale building on shaketable
Provided Information:
Prism f ’m=1960 psi, brick f ’m=6730 psi
Fixed-fixed end conditions
Assumed Values:
vme1=(0.75/1.5)*(0.75*361+fa) psi
vme2=(0.75/1.5)*(fa) psi
Outer Piers:
L/heff=0.79ft/2.67ft =0.30
Nominal fa= 40 psi Door-wall shear vs. first-level door-wall
Calculated Values (kips): displacement from Test Run 22
Vr=0.4 Vtc=0.4
Vbjs1=5.5 Vbjs2=0.7
Vdt1=4.1 Vdt2=5.7
Inner Piers:
L/heff=1.12ft/2.67ft =0.42
Nominal fa= 48 psi
Calculated Values (kips):
Vr=0.9 Vtc=1.0
Vbjs1=7.9 Vbjs2=1.2
Vdt1=6.1 Vdt2=8.2
FEMA 273 Predicted Behavior of Wall Line: Rock-
ing at 2.6 kips with inner-pier drift “d”=1.0%
ATC-43 Predicted Behavior of Wall Line: Same as
FEMA 273 Door-wall shear vs. first-level door-wall
Actual Behavior of the Wall Line: displacement from Test Run 23
Run 22: Rocking at 4 kips, up to a 0.3% drift
Run 23: Rocking at 4 kips, up to a 0.8% drift
Run 24: Rocking at 4 kips, up to a 1.1% drift

Door-wall shear vs. first-level door-wall

displacement from Test Run 24

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 63

Chapter 4: Unreinforced Masonry Bed-joint Sliding

Reference: Magenes & Calvi (1992)

Specimen: MI4
Material: Brick
Loading: Reversed quasistatic cyclic
Provided Information:
Prism f ’m=7.9 MPa, brick f ’m=19.7 MPa
L/heff=1.5m/3m = 0.5
Nominal fa= 0.69 MPa
Fixed-fixed end conditions
Assumed Values:
vme1=(0.75/1.5)*(0.206+0.813fa) MPa
vme2=(0.75/1.5)*(0.813fa) MPa
Calculated Values (kN):
Vr=177 Vtc=172
Vbjs1=219 Vbjs2=160
Vdt1=245 Vdt2=360
FEMA 273 Predicted Behavior: Toe crushing at 172
kN Specimen MI4
ATC-43 Predicted Behavior: Rocking at 177kN
with drift "d" = 0.8%
Actual Behavior: Stair-stepped bed-joint sliding at
153 kN with a final drift of 0.6%

Reference: Abrams & Shah (1992)

Specimen: W1
Material: Brick
Loading: Reversed quasistatic cyclic
Provided Information:
Prism f ’m=911 psi, brick f ’m=3480 psi
L/heff=12ft/6ft = 2
Nominal fa= 75 psi
Cantilever conditions
Assumed Values:
vme1=(0.75/1.5)*(0.75*100+fa) psi
vme2=(0.75/1.5)*(fa) psi
Calculated Values (kips): Test Wall W1
Vr=76 Vtc=74
Vbjs1=84 Vbjs2=42
Vdt1=149 Vdt2=167
FEMA 273 Predicted Behavior: Toe crushing at 74
ATC-43 Predicted Behavior: Flexural cracking/toe
crushing/bed-joint sliding with a peak load of 74
kips with “d” drift of 0.4%
Actual Behavior: Bed-joint sliding at 92 kips with
test stopped at a drift of 2.4%.

64 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 4: Unreinforced Masonry

Reference: Magenes & Calvi (1995)

Specimen: 5
Material: Brick
Loading: Shaketable
Provided Information:
Prism f ’m=6.2 MPa, brick f ’m=16 MPa
L/heff=1m/1.35m = 0.74
Nominal fa= 0.63 MPa
Fixed-fixed end conditions
Assumed Values:
vme1=(0.75/1.5)*(0.23+0.57fa) MPa
vme2=(0.75/1.5)*(0.57fa) MPa
Calculated Values (kN):
Vr=105 Vtc=102
Vbjs1=74 Vbjs2=45
Vdt1=97 Vdt2=160
FEMA 273 Predicted Behavior: Bed-joint sliding at
74 kN with “d” drift of 0.4% Shear-displacement curve characterized
by rocking and sliding (wall 5, runs 2-6).
ATC-43 Predicted Behavior: Same as FEMA 273 The figure does not show final run 7.
Actual Behavior: Flexural cracking then horizontal
and stepped bed-joint sliding with peak load of 114

Reference: Magenes & Calvi (1992)

Specimen: MI2
Material: Brick
Loading: Reversed quasistatic cyclic
Provided Information:
Prism f ’m=7.9 MPa, brick f ’m=19.7 MPa
L/heff=1.5m/2m = 0.74
Nominal fa= 0.67 MPa
Fixed-fixed end conditions
Assumed Values:
vme1=(0.75/1.5)*(0.206+0.813fa) MPa
vme2=(0.75/1.5)*(0.813fa) MPa
Calculated Values (kN):
Vr=257 Vtc=251
Vbjs1=213 Vbjs2=155
Vdt1=267 Vdt2=399
FEMA 273 Predicted Behavior: Bed-joint sliding at
213 kN with “d” drift of 0.4%.
ATC-43 Predicted Behavior: Same as FEMA 273
Actual Behavior: Horizontal bed-joint sliding at top Specimen MI2
course, then stair-stepped bed-joint sliding with a
peak load of 227 kN and drift of 0.7%

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 65

Chapter 4: Unreinforced Masonry Rocking/Toe Crushing

Reference: Abrams & Shah (1992)

Specimen: W3
Material: Brick
Loading: Reversed quasistatic cyclic
Provided Information:
Prism f ’m= 911 psi, brick f ’m= 3480 psi
L/heff= 6ft/6ft =1.0
Nominal fa= 50 psi
Cantilever conditions
Assumed Values:
vme1=(0.75/1.5)*(0.75*100+fa) psi
vme2=(0.75/1.5)*(fa) psi
Calculated Values (kips):
Vr= 12.6 Vtc=12.9
Vbjs1=35 Vbjs2=14 Test Wall W3: Measured relation between
lateral force and deflection.
Vdt1=69 Vdt2=78
FEMA 273 Predicted Behavior: Rocking at 12.6
kips with drift “d”=0.4%
ATC-43 Predicted Behavior: Same as FEMA 273
Actual Behavior: Rocking at 20 kips then toe crush-
ing at drift of 0.8% Flexural Cracking/Toe Crushing/Bed-Joint Sliding

Reference: Manzouri et al. (1995)

Specimen: W1
Material: Brick
Loading: Reversed quasistatic cyclic
Provided Information:
Prism f ’m= 2000 psi, brick f ’m= 3140 psi
L/heff= 8.5ft/5ft =1.7
Nominal fa= 150 psi
Cantilever conditions
Assumed Values:
vme1=(0.75/1.5)*(0.75*85+fa) psi
vme2=(0.75/1.5)*(fa) psi
Calculated Values (kips):
Vr= 152 Vtc=151
Vbjs1=156 Vbjs2=99
Vdt1=235 Vdt2=172 Specimen W1
FEMA 273 Predicted Behavior: Toe crushing at 151
ATC-43 Predicted Behavior: Flexural cracking/toe
crushing/bed-joint sliding with a 151 kip peak load,
99 kip load for “c” and a “d”drift of 0.4%.
Actual Behavior: Flexural cracking at 88 kips, toe
crushing then bed-joint sliding at 156 kips, with a
final drift of 1.3%

66 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 4: Unreinforced Masonry

Reference: Manzouri et al. (1995)

Specimen: W2
Material: Brick
Loading: Reversed quasistatic cyclic
Provided Information:
Prism f ’m= 2200 psi, brick f ’m= 3140 psi
L/heff= 8.5ft/5ft =1.7
Nominal fa= 55 psi
Cantilever conditions
Assumed Values:
vme1=(0.75/1.5)*(0.75*85+fa) psi
vme2=(0.75/1.5)*(fa) psi
Calculated Values (kips):
Vr= 56 Vtc=60
Vbjs1=93 Vbjs2=36
Vdt1=124 Vdt2=171
FEMA 273 Predicted Behavior: Rocking at 56 kips.
ATC-43 Predicted Behavior: Flexural cracking/toe
crushing at 60 kips. Specimen W2
Actual Behavior: Flexural cracking at 31 kips, toe
crushing at 68 kips, diagonal cracking at 62 kips,
then bed-joint sliding at 52 kips and below, with a
final drift of 1.2%

Reference: Manzouri et al. (1995)

Specimen: W3
Material: Brick
Loading: Reversed quasistatic cyclic
Provided Information:
Prism f ’m= 2600 psi, brick f ’m= 3140 psi
L/heff= 8.5ft/5ft =1.7
Nominal fa= 85 psi
Cantilever conditions
Assumed Values:
vme1=(0.75/1.5)*(0.75*85+fa) psi
vme2=(0.75/1.5)*(fa) psi
Calculated Values (kips):
Vr= 86 Vtc=91
Vbjs1=113 Vbjs2=56
Vdt1=159 Vdt2=187
FEMA 273 Predicted Behavior: Rocking at 86 kips.
ATC-43 Predicted Behavior: Flexural cracking/toe
crushing/bed-joint sliding with a 91 kip peak load, Specimen W3
56 kip load for “c” and a “d”drift of 0.4%.
Actual Behavior: Flexural cracking at 55 kips, toe
crushing at 80 kips, then bed-joint sliding at 80 kips,
reducing to 56-62 kips, with some final toe crushing
up to final drift of 0.8%

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 67

Chapter 4: Unreinforced Masonry Flexural Cracking/Diagonal Tension

Reference: Anthoine et al. (1995)

Specimen: Low Wall
Material: Brick
Loading: Reversed quasistatic cyclic
Provided Information:
Prism f ’m=6.2 MPa, brick f ’m=16 MPa
L/heff=1m/1.35m= 0.74
Nominal fa= 0.60 MPa
Fixed-fixed end conditions
Assumed Values:
vme1=(0.75/1.5)*(0.23+0.57fa) MPa
vme2=(0.75/1.5)*(0.57fa) MPa
Calculated Values (kN):
Vr=100 Vtc=96
Vbjs1=73 Vbjs2=43
Vdt1=94 Vdt2=144
FEMA 273 Predicted Behavior: Bed-joint sliding at
73 kips with “d” drift of 0.4%
ATC-43 Predicted Behavior: Same as FEMA 273 Hysteretic response of the low wall.
Actual Behavior: Flexural cracking then diagonal
tension cracking with a peak load of 84 kN and a
final drift of 0.5%

Reference: Magenes & Calvi (1992)

Specimen: MI3
Material: Brick
Loading: Reversed quasistatic cyclic
Provided Information:
Prism f ’m=7.9 MPa, brick f ’m=19.7 MPa
L/heff=1.5m/3m = 0.5
Nominal fa= 1.245 MPa
Fixed-fixed end conditions
Assumed Values:
vme1=(0.75/1.5)*(0.206+0.813fa) MPa
vme2=(0.75/1.5)*(0.813fa) MPa
Calculated Values (kN):
Vr=319 Vtc=275
Vbjs1=347 Vbjs2=288
Vdt1=406 Vdt2=427
FEMA 273 Predicted Behavior: Toe crushing
ATC-43 Predicted Behavior: Flexural cracking/ Specimen MI3
diagonal tension at 275 kN
Actual Behavior: Flexural cracking then diagonal
tension cracking with a peak load of 185 kN and a
final drift of 0.5%

68 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 4: Unreinforced Masonry

Reference: Magenes & Calvi (1995)

Specimen: 8
Material: Brick
Provided Information:
Prism f ’m=6.2 MPa, brick f ’m=16 MPa
L/heff=1m/2m = 0.5
Nominal fa= 1.11 MPa
Fixed-fixed end conditions
Assumed Values:
vme1=(0.75/1.5)*(0.23+0.57fa) MPa
vme2=(0.75/1.5)*(0.57fa) MPa
Calculated Values (kN):
Vr=125 Vtc=109
Vbjs1=108 Vbjs2=79
Vdt1=137 Vdt2=171
FEMA 273 Predicted Behavior: Bed-joint sliding or
toe crushing. Brittle collapse due to diagonal cracking
ATC-43 Predicted Behavior: Bed-joint sliding or (wall 8, runs 5-9)
flexural cracking/diagonal tension at 108-109 kN
Actual Behavior: Flexural cracking then diagonal
tension cracking with a peak load of 129 kN and a
final drift of 0.8-1.3%

Reference: Magenes & Calvi (1992)

Specimen: MI1
Material: Brick
Loading: Reversed quasistatic cyclic
Provided Information:
Prism f ’m=7.9 MPa, brick f ’m=19.7 MPa
L/heff=1.5m/2m= 0.75
Nominal fa= 1.123 MPa
Fixed-fixed end conditions
Assumed Values:
vme1=(0.75/1.5)*(0.206+0.813fa) MPa
vme2=(0.75/1.5)*(0.813fa) MPa
Calculated Values (kN):
Vr=432 Vtc=383
Vbjs1=319 Vbjs2=260
Vdt1=415 Vdt2=462
FEMA 273 Predicted Behavior: Bed-joint sliding at Test on wall MI1 and MI1m
(dashed line); h = 2m.
319 kN with drift “d”=0.4%
ATC-43 Predicted Behavior of Wall Line: Same as
FEMA 273
Actual Behavior: Flexural cracking then diagonal
tension at 259 kN, with maximum drift of 0.6%

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 69

Chapter 4: Unreinforced Masonry Flexural Cracking/Toe Crushing

Reference: Abrams & Shah (1992)

Specimen: W2
Material: Brick
Loading: Reversed quasistatic cyclic
Provided Information:
Prism f ’m= 911 psi, brick f ’m=3480 psi
L/heff= 9ft /6ft = 1.5
Nominal fa= 50 psi
Cantilever conditions
Assumed Values:
vme1=(0.75/1.5)*(0.75*100+fa) psi
vme2=(0.75/1.5)*(fa) psi
Calculated Values (kips):
Vr=28 Vtc=29
Vbjs1=53 Vbjs2=21
Vdt1= 155 Vdt2= 175
FEMA 273 Predicted Behavior: Rocking at 28 kips Test Wall W2
with drift “d”=0.3%
ATC-43 Predicted Behavior: Flexural cracking/toe
crushing at 29 kips
Actual Behavior: Flexural cracking/toe crushing,
with a maximum capacity of 43-45 kips.

Reference: Epperson and Abrams (1989)

Specimen: E1
Material: Brick
Loading: Monotonic
Provided Information:
Prism f ’m= 1740 psi, brick f ’m=8280 psi
L/heff= 7.83ft /6ft = 1.31
Nominal fa= 126 psi
Cantilever conditions
Assumed Values:
vme1=(0.75/1.5)*(0.75*186+fa) psi
vme2=(0.75/1.5)*(fa) psi
Calculated Values (kips):
Vr=118 Vtc=118
Vbjs1=250 Vbjs2=101
Vdt1= 336 Vdt2= 533
FEMA 273 Predicted Behavior: Rocking or toe
crushing Summary of measured top level
ATC-43 Predicted Behavior: Flexural cracking/toe displacement of the Test Walls
vs shear stress
crushing at 118 kips
Actual Behavior: Flexural cracking/toe crushing,
with a maximum capacity of 120 kips and final drift
of 0.3%

70 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 4: Unreinforced Masonry

Reference: Epperson and Abrams (1989) Reference: Epperson and Abrams (1989)
Specimen: E3 Specimen: E5
Material: Brick Material: Brick
Loading: Monotonic Loading: Monotonic
Provided Information: Provided Information:
Prism f ’m= 1740 psi, brick f ’m=8280 psi Prism f’m= 1740 psi, brick f ’m=8280 psi
L/heff= 9.5ft /6ft = 1.58 L/heff= 11.42ft /6ft = 1.90
Nominal fa= 141 psi Nominal fa= 81 psi
Cantilever conditions Cantilever conditions
Assumed Values: Assumed Values:
vme1=(0.75/1.5)*(0.75*186+fa) psi vme1=(0.75/1.5)*(0.75*186+fa) psi
vme2=(0.75/1.5)*(fa) psi vme2=(0.75/1.5)*(fa) psi
Calculated Values (kips): Calculated Values (kips):
Vr=190 Vtc=186 Vr=150 Vtc=156
Vbjs1=307 Vbjs2=133 Vbjs1=289 Vbjs2=88
Vdt1= 420 Vdt2= 635 Vdt1= 367 Vdt2= 680
FEMA 273 Predicted Behavior: Toe crushing at 186 FEMA 273 Predicted Behavior: Rocking at 150 kips
kips with “d” drift of 0.2%
ATC-43 Predicted Behavior: Flexural cracking/toe ATC-43 Predicted Behavior: Flexural cracking/toe
crushing at 186 kips crushing at 156 kips
Actual Behavior: Flexural cracking/toe crushing, Actual Behavior: Flexural cracking/toe crushing, with a
with a maximum capacity of 164 kips and final drift of maximum capacity of 154 kips and final drift of 0.4%

Reference: Epperson and Abrams (1989) Reference: Epperson and Abrams (1989)
Specimen: E6 Specimen: E7
Material: Brick Material: Brick
Loading: Monotonic Loading: Monotonic
Provided Information: Provided Information:
Prism f ’m= 1740 psi, brick f ’m=8280 psi Prism f’m= 1740 psi, brick f ’m=8280 psi
L/heff= 11.42ft /6ft = 1.90 L/heff= 11.42ft /6ft = 1.90
Nominal fa= 76 psi Nominal fa= 93 psi
Cantilever conditions Cantilever conditions
Assumed Values: Assumed Values:
vme1=(0.75/1.5)*(0.75*186+fa) psi vme1=(0.75/1.5)*(0.75*186+fa) psi
vme2=(0.75/1.5)*(fa) psi vme2=(0.75/1.5)*(fa) psi
Calculated Values (kips): Calculated Values (kips):
Vr=141 Vtc=147 Vr=173 Vtc=177
Vbjs1=284 Vbjs2=82 Vbjs1=302 Vbjs2=101
Vdt1= 357 Vdt2= 675 Vdt1= 390 Vdt2= 692
FEMA 273 Predicted Behavior: Rocking at 141 kips FEMA 273 Predicted Behavior: Rocking at 173 kips
with “d” drift of 0.2% with “d” drift of 0.2%
ATC-43 Predicted Behavior: Flexural cracking/toe ATC-43 Predicted Behavior: Flexural cracking/toe
crushing at 147 kips crushing at 177 kips
Actual Behavior: Flexural cracking/toe crushing, Actual Behavior: Flexural cracking/toe crushing, with a
with a maximum capacity of 150 kips and final drift of maximum capacity of 157 kips and final drift of 0.4%

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 71

Chapter 4: Unreinforced Masonry

4.1.2 Comments on FEMA 273 data (Abrams, 1997), but aside from Specimen W3,
Component Force/Displacement higher “c” values are probably likely.
• There are few pure bed-joint sliding tests. Specimen Conclusions from Review of the W1 of Abrams and Shah (1992) is one example, and
Research and Their Impact on the Specimens MI2 and MI4 of Magenes and Calvi
Evaluation Methodology (1992) appear to be examples as well. The drop in
lateral strength appears to occur at about 0.3-0.4%
As the previous sections indicate, the FEMA 273 drift in W1 and MI4, so the proposed “d” value of
methodology leads to successful predictions in certain 0.4 seems reasonable. The “c” of 0.6 also seems
cases. In other cases, the predictions did not match the reasonable. The capacity for bed-joint sliding is
observed behavior. To help address this issue, some based on the bond-plus-friction strength. After
modifications were made in the Section 7.3 cracking, the bond capacity will be eroded, and the
methodology in FEMA 306. Some of these issues and strength is likely to be based simply on the friction
their resolution include: portion of the equation. Cyclic in-place push tests
show this behavior; so does Specimen W1 of
• Rocking and toe crushing equations often yield very Abrams and Shah (1992). One could argue that the
similar values; when they do differ, the lower value second cycle backbone curve of FEMA 273 (which,
does not necessarily predict the governing mode. by definition, goes into the nonlinear, post-cracking
Section 7.3 in FEMA 306 thus identifies which range) should be limited only to the frictional
mode will occur on the basis of aspect ratio, unless capacity. But in many cases, other modes will be
the axial stress is very high, since there have been no reached before the full bed-joint sliding capacity is
reported instances of rocking in stocky piers. The reached. In some of these cases, interestingly, bed-
L/heff > 1.25 is a somewhat arbitrary threshold based joint sliding occurs after another mode has occurred.
simply on a review of test results. Manzouri et al. (1995), for example, show sequences
such as initial toe crushing that progresses to bed-
• Stable rocking generally exceeds the proposed “d” joint sliding at higher drift values. One explanation
drift value of 0.4heff/L. Thus, this value is is that toe crushing degenerated into bed-joint
conservative (see Costley and Abrams, 1996 and sliding because the toe crushing and initial bed-joint
Anthoine et al., 1995). sliding values were quite close. See Section
for further explanation.
• Rocking does not appear to exhibit the FEMA 273
drop to the “c” capacity value in the above two tests • Mixed modes or, more accurately, sequences of
nor, apparently, in the Magenes and Calvi (1995) different behavior modes are common in the
tests. The only exception is Specimen W3 of experiments.
Abrams and Shah (1992), which, after rocking for
ten cycles at drifts of up to 0.5% (0.5heff /L), was The Bed-Joint Sliding and Flexural
Cracking/Toe Crushing/Bed-Joint
then pushed to 0.8% drift (0.8heff /L) where it
Sliding Modes
experienced toe crushing. The test was stopped at
that point. Given the limited number of specimens, The model of bed-joint sliding used in this document is
it is difficult to determine if this represents the drop shown in Figure 4-1. For estimating the strength and
from initial load to the “c” level, or a special, deformation capacity of the undamaged bed-joint
sequential mode. For simplicity, this case was sliding mode, FEMA 273 was used. The idealized
combined with the rocking cases, and the “d” drift relationship has a plateau at the bed-joint capacity Vbjs1,
level was set to account for this level of toe crushing. which includes the bond and friction components.
In most cases, though, rocking capacities will not After bond is lost, the residual strength is limited to
drop off significantly. The “d” drift value of 0.4heff/L 60% of Vbjs1. The actual backbone curve is likely to be
was set based on Costley and Abrams (1996), with smoother than the idealized model, since the loss of
some conservatism (Abrams, 1997) to account for bond does not occur all at once in the entire masonry
Specimen W3. The “c” drift value was section. Instead, more heavily stressed portions crack,
conservatively set at 0.6, because of the limited test and shear demand is redistributed to the remaining

72 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 4: Unreinforced Masonry

Insignificant Moderate Heavy Extreme

Actual undamaged
backbone curve
FEMA 273 Idealized

Loss of bond
Insignificant damage curve
Moderate damage curve
Heavy damage curve

d = 0.4% e = 0.8% heff

Figure 4-1 Bed-joint sliding force/displacement relationship

sections. The actual residual strength could be higher is likely to lead to a small reduction in capacity below
or lower than 0.6Vbjs1. One measure of the residual the Vbjs2 level.
capacity is Vbjs2.
The varying level of bed-joint sliding strength is
Figure 4-1 also shows the assumed changes to the force/ assumed in this document to be a possible explanation
displacement relationship following the damaging for some of the observed testing results in stocky walls,
event. Insignificant damage is characterized by in particular results such as (1) Specimen W1 of
displacement during the damaging event that is between Abrams and Shah (1992), in which bed-joint sliding
points A and B. Loss of bond is limited. Following the was the only mode observed; (2) Manzouri et al. (1995),
damaging event, the dashed “Insignificant Damage in which toe crushing behavior was followed by bed-
Curve” represents the force/displacement relationship. joint sliding; and (3) Epperson and Abrams (1989), in
For damaging events that reach levels of initial which toe crushing was not followed by sliding.
displacement beyond point B, greater loss of bond Figure 4-2 helps to explain the hypothesis.
occurs, and the subsequent damage curve achieves a
lower strength. Eventually, with initial displacements In the top set of curves, toe-crushing strength
beyond point C, the entire bond is lost and only friction substantially exceeds the Vbjs1 level. As displacement
remains. Thus, future cycles will no longer be able to occurs, the bed-joint sliding capacity is reached first,
achieve the original Vbjs1 level, reaching only the Vbjs2 and it becomes the limit state. If displacement is such
level. With significant cyclic displacements, some that heavy damage occurs, then in subsequent cycles,
erosion of the crack plane and deterioration of the wall the strength will be limited to the Vbjs2 level.

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 73

Chapter 4: Unreinforced Masonry

1.25Vbjs1 < Vtc :

Bed-joint sliding

Toe crushing
Bed-joint sliding Bed-joint sliding


Initial Force/Displacement Relationship Heavy Damage

Vbjs2 < 0.75Vbjs1 < Vtc < Vbjs1 :

Flexural yield/Toe crushing/Bed-joint sliding

Toe crushing

Vbjs1 Bed-joint sliding

Vtc Bed-joint sliding
Composite curve

Initial Force/Displacement Relationship Heavy Damage

0.75Vbjs1 < Vtc :
Toe crushing

Toe crushing
Bed-joint sliding Toe crushing


Composite curve

Initial Force/Displacement Relationship Heavy Damage

Figure 4-2 Relationship Between Toe Crushing and Bed-Joint Sliding

In the second set of curves, toe-crushing and initial bed- will be limited to the Vbjs2 level. This is one possible
joint sliding strengths are similar. As displacement explanation for the Manzouri et al. (1995) tests.
occurs, the toe-crushing strength is reached first,
cracking and movement occur within the wall, some of In the third set of curves, toe-crushing strength is
the bond is lost, and the wall begins to slide. The initial substantially lower than initial bed-joint sliding strength
force/displacement curve is thus similar to that for bed- and the ductile mechanism of sliding is not achieved.
joint sliding, except that the peak is limited by the toe- This is one possible explanation for the Epperson and
crushing strength. If displacement is such that Heavy Abrams (1989) results, in which mortar shear strength
damage occurs, then in subsequent cycles, the strength was much higher and ductility was lower.

74 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 4: Unreinforced Masonry

Section 7.3.2 in FEMA 306 makes use of the above contained in the Component Guides in FEMA 306.
hypotheses; cutoff values for the middle set of curves Unfortunately, as noted in Section 4.1.1 there have been
were based in part on review of the results shown in almost no experimental tests done on damaged URM
Section 4.1.1. Results are promising, but additional walls; typically, tests were done on undamaged walls
testing and verification of other tests should be done. and either stopped or continued only after the damaged
wall was repaired. Out-of-Plane Flexural Response
In the absence of test results on damaged walls,
The most comprehensive set of testing done to date on hysteresis curves of initially undamaged walls were
the out-of-plane response of URM walls was part of the reviewed. In reviewing these tests, the goal was to
ABK program in the 1980s, and it is documented in characterize how force/displacement relationships
ABK (1981c). Input motions used in the ABK (1981c) changed from cycle to cycle as displacement was
were based on the following earthquake records: Taft increased. Early cycles were considered to represent
1954 N21E, Castaic 1971 N69E, Olympia 1949 S04E, “damaging” events, and subsequent cycles represented
and El Centro 1940 S00E. They were scaled in the behavior of an initially-damaged component.
amplitude and were processed to represent the changes Particular attention was given to tests in which multiple
caused by diaphragms of varying stiffness to produce runs on a specimen were performed. In these cases,
the final series of 22 input motion sets. Each set has a initial runs (representing not just a damaging cycle, but
motion for the top of the wall and the bottom of the a damaging earthquake record) were compared with
wall. Peak velocities range up to 39.8 in/sec; subsequent runs to determine the extent of strength and
accelerations, up to 1.42g; and displacements, up to stiffness deterioration.
9.72 inches. In ABK (1984), the mean ground input
velocity for UBC Seismic Zone 4 was assumed to be 12 Using these tests, the following general approaches
in/sec. For buildings with crosswalls, diaphragm were used to estimate λ-factors for this project. The
amplification would increase this about 1.75-fold, to 21 reloading stiffnesses (i.e., the stiffness observed moving
in/sec. For buildings without crosswalls, wood roofs from the fourth quadrant to the first) at different cycles
were assumed to have a velocity of about 24 in/sec and or different runs were compared to the intial stiffness to
floors about 27 in/sec. determine λK. This variable is estimated to be the ratio
of stiffness at higher cycles to the initial stiffness. The
Since 1981, a significant number of ground motion assumption made is that if testing had been stopped and
records have been obtained, including a number of near- the displacement reset to zero and then restarted, the
field records. In several instances, recent recordings stiffness of the damaged component would have been
substantially exceed the 12 in/sec value and even exceed similar to the reloading stiffness. See Figure 4-3 for an
the maximum values used by ABK (1981c). Of example.
particular concern are near-field pulse effects and
whether they were adequately captured by the original For determining λQ, the approach shown in Figure 4-1
testing. When site-specific spectra and time histories
that incorporate these effects are available, it may be and discussed in the previous section is applied where
possible to address this issue using the original appropriate to determine λQ, the ratio of strength at
research. higher cycles to initial strength. The loss of strength is
roughly equal to the capacity at high drift levels divided
4.1.3 Development of λ-factors by the peak capacity. FEMA 273 describes both
deformation-controlled and force-controlled modes. In
One of the central goals of this document is to develop a a purely force-controlled mode, there is, by definition,
method for quantitatively characterizing the effect of little or no ductility. Deformation progresses until a
damage on the force/displacement relationship of wall brittle failure results. Thus, there are few, if any,
components. Ideally, the most accurate approach would damage states between Insignificant and Extreme, and
be to have two sets of cyclic tests for a component. One there would be little, if any, post-cracking strength.
test would be of an initially undamaged wall displaced Further, until a brittle mode occurs, the component
to failure. The second set would include walls initially would be expected to be minimally affected by previous
displaced to various levels of damage (to represent the displacement. Review of available hysteresis curves
“damaging event”) and then retested to failure. This shows, though, that even modes defined as force-
would allow for direct determination of the λ-factors

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 75

Chapter 4: Unreinforced Masonry

Initial backbone
2 3 curve
Negative Qexp 4
set on
cycle 4

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 % eff /heff

de dl

Example Hysteresis Curve

Qexp 4 4 Shifted
Shift cycle 4
over so it
intersects Shift equals
zero drift negative set
on cycle 4

de dshift
Size of initial Shift for Residual Set
reduction depends
on de
Beyond dshift
curves assumed Initial
to match Q
Qexp Qexp


de dshift dshift eff /heff

Idealized Force-
Initial vs. Damaged Backbone Curves Deflection Relations
Figure 4-3 Developing the initial portion of the damaged force/displacement relationship

controlled by FEMA 273 (such as diagonal tension) do hysteretic energy has been dissipated in part by the
have some residual strength. damaging earthquake, and there is less available in the
subsequent event. The result is the final displacement
There is little available information for determining λ∆, that can be achieved is reduced.
because retesting of damaged components to failure has
not been done. Values were estimated using Values for λK*, λQ*, and λ∆* are based, where possible,
engineering judgment. In most cases, less-ductile on tests of repaired walls. The values in URM1F, for
modes are assumed to have higher λ∆ values, even at example, are set at 1.0 because the hysteresis curves of
higher damage levels. The basis of this assumption is repaired walls were equal to or better than those of the
the idea that in more-ductile modes, λ∆ is assumed to be original walls. In most other cases, repairs typically
somewhat more dependent on cumulative inelastic involve injection of cracks, but since microcracking can
deformation. In more-ductile modes, the available never be fully injected, it may not be possible to restore

76 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 4: Unreinforced Masonry

complete initial stiffness. In the bed-joint sliding modes t, remains unchanged. At higher levels of damage,
without tests, it was assumed that the strength could not deterioration, crushing, and spalling of the corners of
be fully restored by injection, because the horizontal the masonry at crack locations reduces the effective
crack planes are closed and bond cannot be restored in thickness and the ability of the wall to resist movements
these locations. It is important to recognize that imparted by the diaphragm.
injection of walls with many cracks or unfilled collar
joints and cavities, may enhance strength, but it may
also lead to less ductile behavior, because other modes 4.2 Tabular Bibliography for
may then occur prior to bed-joint sliding. Unreinforced Masonry
Values for λh/t are based on a review of the ABK Table 4-1 contains a brief description of the key
technical reports that address specific reinforced
(1981c) document, the model proposed in Priestley
masonry component behavior. The component types
(1985), and engineering judgment. At low levels of
and their behavior modes are indicated. The full
damage, the portions of wall between the crack planes
references can be found in Section 4.4.
are essentially undamaged, and the effective thickness,

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 77


Table 4-1 Summary of Significant Experimental Research or Research Summaries

Behavior Modes Addressed1
Reference Specimen/Loading Aspect Axial Predictive Repair Com- a b c d e f g h i j k l m n
Ratio Stress Equations ponent-
(L/heff) (fa in Type
Abrams (1992) Based on Abrams and Strength None URM1 •
Shah (1992) and Epper-
son and Abrams (1989)
Abrams and Shah 3 cantilever brick piers 2 75 Strength None URM1 •
(1992) with reversed static- 1.5 50 •
cyclic loading 1 50 •
ABK (1981c) 22 specimens with h/t from 2-23 None Ferrocement surface URM1 •
dynamic out-of-plane 14.0-25.2 coating on 2 speci-

Chapter 4: Unreinforced Masonry

loading, including brick, mens
grouted and ungrouted
Technical Resources

clay and concrete block

Anthoine et al. 3 brick piers in double 0.5 87 None None URM2 •
(1995) curvature with reversed 0.5 87 • •
static cyclic loading 0.74 116 •
Costley and Abrams 2 3/8th-scale brick build- 0.54-0.84 33-36 Strength None URM2 •
(1996b) ings on shake table, each 0.53-0.74 40-48 •
with two punctured walls 0.30-0.40 40-48 •
lines in the in-plane 0.96-1.50 33-36 •
Epperson and 5 cantilever brick piers 1.31 126 Strength None URM1 •
Abrams (1989) with monotonic loading 1.58 143 •
1.90 81 •
1.90 76 •
1.90 93 •
Kingsley et al. 1 2-story, full-scale brick na na None None URM2 •
(1996) building with reversed
static-cyclic loading
Magenes and Calvi 4 brick piers in double 0.75 163 Strength None URM2 •
(1992) curvature with reversed 0.75 97 •
static cyclic loading 0.5 181 •
0.5 100 •
FEMA 307
FEMA 307

Table 4-1 Summary of Significant Experimental Research or Research Summaries (continued)

Behavior Modes Addressed1
Reference Specimen/Loading Aspect Axial Predictive Repair Com- a b c d e f g h i j k l m n
Ratio Stress Equations ponent-
(L/heff) (fa in Type
Magenes and Calvi 8 brick piers in double 0.74 59 None URM2 • •
(1995) curvature tested on a 0.74 68 • •
shake table, some run 0.74 152 • •
multiple times with vary- 0.5 62 •
ing axial load 0.5 91 •
0.5 149 •
0.5 160 •
0.74 91 •

Chapter 4: Unreinforced Masonry

0.74 161
0.5 91 •
0.5 173
Technical Resources

0.5 161 • •
Manzourzi et. al. 4 virgin brick piers with 1.7 150 Sophisti- Repair techniques URM1 •
(1995) reversed static-cyclic 1.7 55 cated finite- include grout injec- URM1 •
loading, 3 cantileved and 1.7 85 element tion, pinning, and URM1 •
1 pair of piers with span- 1.27 70 modelling addition of rebar- URM2 •
drels filled chases
Rutherford & Chek- Contains extensive set of na na Uses Grout and epoxy
ene (1997) research summaries of FEMA 273 injection, surface
URM enhancement and pro- coatings, adhered
vides equa- fabrics, shotcrete,
tions for reinforced and post-
enhanced tensioned cores,
walls infilled openings,
enlarged openings,
and steel bracing
Tomasevic and 4 1/4-scale brick build- na na None Compares effective- •
Weiss (1996) ings on shake table ness of various wall-
diaphragm ties
1Behavior Mode:
a Wall-pier rocking f Flexural cracking/toe crushing/bed-joint sliding k Preemptive diagonal tension
b Bed-joint sliding g Flexural cracking/diagonal tension l Preemptive toe crushing
c Bed-joint sliding at wall base h Flexural cracking/toe crushing m Out-of-plane flexural response
d Spandrel joint sliding i Spandrel unit cracking n Other: Includes complex modes and those reported as having
e Rocking/toe crushing j Corner damage “diagonal cracking”
Chapter 4: Unreinforced Masonry

4.3 Symbols for Unreinforced Masonry

Symbols used in the unreinforced masonry sections of bl Length of masonry unit, in.
FEMA 306 and 307 are the same as those given in
Section 7.9 of FEMA 273 except for the following bw Width of brick unit, in.
additions and modifications. dsp Depth of spandrel, in.
C Resultant compressive force in a spandrel, lb deffcr Distance between resultant tensile and com-
Lsp Length of spandrel, in. pressive forces in a cracked spandrel, in.
deffun Distance between resultant tensile and com-
Mspcr Expected moment capacity of a cracked span-
pressive forces in an uncracked spandrel, in.
drel, lb-in.
f ’dt Masonry diagonal tension strength, psi
Mspun Expected moment capacity of an uncracked
spandrel, lb-in. vbjcr Cracked bed joint shear stress, psi
Vspcr Expected diagonal tension capacity of a vbjun Uncracked bed joint shear stress in a spandrel,
cracked spandrel, lb psi
Vspun Expected diagonal tension capacity of an vccr Cracked collar joint shear stress in a spandrel,
uncracked spandrel, lb psi
NB Number of brick wythes in a spandrel vcun Uncracked collar joint shear stress in a span-
NR Number of rows of bed joints in a spandrel drel, psi
T Resultant tensile force in a spandrel, lb β =0.67 when L/heff <0.67, =L/heff when
0.67≤L/heff ≤1.0, and = 1.0 when L/heff >1
Vbjs1 Expected shear strength of wall or pier based on
bed joint shear stress, including both the bond ∆s Average slip at cracked spandrel (can be esti-
and friction components, lb mated as average opening width of open head
Vbjs2 Expected shear strength of wall or pier based on joint), in.
bed joint shear stress, including only the fric- ε Factor for estimating the bond strength of the
tion component, lb mortar in spandrels
Vsp Shear imparted on the spandrel by the pier, lb γ Factor for coefficient of friction in bed joint
sliding equation for spandrels
Vdt Expected shear strength of wall or pier based on
diagonal tension using vme for f’dt, lb η Factor to estimate average stress in uncracked
spandrel. Equal to NR/2 or, for more sophistica-
Vtc Expected shear strength of wall or pier based on tion, use Σi=1,NR [(dsp /2 - bh (i))/( dsp /2 - bh)]
toe crushing using vme for f ’dt, lb
λh/t Factor used to estimate the loss of out-of-plane
Ww Expected weight of a wall, lb wall capacity to damaged URM walls
beffcr Effective length of interface for a cracked span- µ∆ Displacement ductility demand for a compo-
drel, in. nent, used in FEMA 306, Section 5.3.4, and
discussed in Section of FEMA 273.
beffun Effective length of interface for an uncracked Equal to the component deformation corre-
spandrel, in. sponding to the global target displacement,
bh Height of masonry unit plus bed joint thickness, divided by the effective yield displacement of
the component (which is defined in Section
in. of FEMA 273).

80 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 4: Unreinforced Masonry

4.4 References for Unreinforced Masonry

ABK, 1981a, Methodology for Mitigation of Seismic the 7th International Brick Masonry Conference,
Hazards in Existing Unreinforced Masonry Build- Melbourne, Australia.
ings: Categorization of Buildings, A Joint Venture
Anthoine, A., Magonette, G., and Magenes, G., 1995,
of Agbabian Associates, S.B. Barnes and Associ-
“Shear-Compression Testing and Analysis of Brick
ates, and Kariotis and Associates (ABK), Topical
Masonry Walls,” Proceedings of the 10th European
Report 01, c/o Agbabian Associates, El Segundo,
Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Duma,
editor, Balkema: Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
ABK, 1981b, Methodology for Mitigation of Seismic
ATC, 1997a, NEHRP Guidelines for the Seismic Reha-
Hazards in Existing Unreinforced Masonry Build-
bilitation of Buildings, prepared by the Applied
ings: Diaphragm Testing, A Joint Venture of Agba-
Technology Council (ATC-33 project) for the
bian Associates, S.B. Barnes and Associates, and
Building Seismic Safety Council, published by the
Kariotis and Associates (ABK), Topical Report 03,
Federal Emergency Management Agency, Report
c/o Agbabian Associates, El Segundo, California.
No. FEMA 273, Washington, D.C.
ABK, 1981c, Methodology for Mitigation of Seismic
ATC, 1997b, NEHRP Commentary on the Guidelines
Hazards in Existing Unreinforced Masonry Build-
for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings, pre-
ings: Wall Testing, Out-of-Plane, A Joint Venture of
pared by the Applied Technology Council (ATC-33
Agbabian Associates, S.B. Barnes and Associates,
project) for the Building Seismic Safety Council,
and Kariotis and Associates (ABK), Topical Report
published by the Federal Emergency Management
04, c/o Agbabian Associates, El Segundo, Califor-
Agency, Report No. FEMA 274, Washington, D.C.
BSSC, 1992, NEHRP Handbook for the Seismic Evalu-
ABK, 1984, Methodology for Mitigation of Seismic
ation of Existing Buildings , prepared by the Build-
Hazards in Existing Unreinforced Masonry Build-
ing Seismic Safety Council for the Federal
ings: The Methodology, A Joint Venture of Agba-
Emergency Management Agency, Report No.
bian Associates, S.B. Barnes and Associates, and
FEMA-178, Washington, D.C.
Kariotis and Associates (ABK), Topical Report 08,
c/o Agbabian Associates, El Segundo, California. Calvi, G.M., Kingsley, G.R., and Magenes, G., 1996,
“Testing of Masonry Structures for Seismic Assess-
Abrams, D.P., 1992, “Strength and Behavior of Unrein-
ment,” Earthquake Spectra, Earthquake Engineer-
forced Masonry Elements,” Proceedings of Tenth
ing Research Institute, Oakland, California, Vol. 12,
World Conference on Earthquake Engineering,
No. 1, pp. 145-162.
Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam, The Netherlands,
pp. 3475-3480. Calvi, G.M, and Magenes, G., 1994, “Experimental
Results on Unreinforced Masonry Shear Walls
Abrams, D.P., 1997, personal communication, May.
Damaged and Repaired,” Proceedings of the 10th
Abrams, D.P., and Epperson, G.S, 1989, “Evaluation of International Brick Masonry Conference, Vol. 2,
Shear Strength of Unreinforced Brick Walls Based pp. 509-518.
on Nondestructive Measurements,” 5th Canadian
Calvi, G.M., Magenes, G., Pavese, A., and Abrams,
Masonry Symposium, Department of Civil Engi-
D.P., 1994, “Large Scale Seismic Testing of an
neering, University of British Columbia, Vancou-
Unreinforced Brick Masonry Building,” Proceed-
ver, British Columbia., Volume 2.
ings of Fifth U.S. National Conference on Earth-
Abrams, D.P., and Epperson, G.S, 1989, “Testing of quake Engineering, Chicago, Illinois, July 1994,
Brick Masonry Piers at Seventy Years”, The Life of pp.127-136.
Structures: Physical Testing, Butterworths, London.
City of Los Angeles, 1985, “Division 88: Earthquake
Abrams, D.P., and Shah, N., 1992, Cyclic Load Testing Hazard Reduction in Unreinforced Masonry Build-
of Unreinforced Masonry Walls, College of Engi- ings,” City of Los Angeles Building Code, Los
neering, University of Illinois at Urbana, Advanced Angeles, California.
Construction Technology Center Report #92-26-10.
City of Los Angeles, 1991, Seismic Reinforcement Sem-
Adham, S.A., 1985, “Static and Dynamic Out-of-Plane inar Notes, City of Los Angeles Department of
Response of Brick Masonry Walls,” Proceedings of Building and Safety.

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 81

Chapter 4: Unreinforced Masonry

Costley, A.C., Abrams, D.P., and Calvi, G.M., 1994, Masonry Walls Shaken by Earthquakes,” Proceed-
“Shaking Table Testing of an Unreinforced Brick ings of the 7th International Brick Masonry Confer-
Masonry Building,” Proceedings of Fifth U.S. ence, Melbourne, Australia.
National Conference on Earthquake Engineering,
Kariotis, J.C., Ewing, R.D., and Johnson, A.W., 1985b,
Chicago, Illinois, July 1994, pp.127-136.
“Strength Determination and Shear Failure Modes
Costley, A.C., and Abrams, D.P, 1996a, “Response of of Unreinforced Brick Masonry with Low Strength
Building Systems with Rocking Piers and Flexible Mortar,” Proceedings of the 7th International Brick
Diaphragms,” Worldwide Advances in Structural Masonry Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
Concrete and Masonry, Proceedings of the Commit-
Kariotis, J.C., Ewing, R.D., and Johnson, A.W., 1985c,
tee on Concrete and Masonry Symposium, ASCE
“Methodology for Mitigation of Earthquake Haz-
Structures Congress XIV, Chicago, Illinois.
ards in Unreinforced Brick Masonry Buildings,”
Costley, A.C., and Abrams, D.P., 1996b, Dynamic Proceedings of the 7th International Brick Masonry
Response of Unreinforced Masonry Buildings with Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
Flexible Diaphragms, National Center for Earth-
Kingsley, G.R., 1995, “Evaluation and Retrofit of Unre-
quake Engineering Research, Technical Report
inforced Masonry Buildings,” Proceedings of the
NCEER-96-0001, Buffalo, New York.
Third National Concrete and Masonry Engineering
Epperson, G.S., and Abrams, D.P., 1989, Nondestruc- Conference, San Francisco, California, pp. 709-728.
tive Evaluation of Masonry Buildings, College of
Kingsley, G.R., Magenes, G., and Calvi, G.M., 1996,
Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana,
“Measured Seismic Behavior of a Two-Story
Advanced Construction Technology Center Report
Masonry Building,” Worldwide Advances in Struc-
No. 89-26-03, Illinois.
tural Concrete and Masonry, Proceedings of the
Epperson, G.S., and Abrams, D.P., 1992, “Evaluating Committee on Concrete and Masonry Symposium,
Lateral Strength of Existing Unreinforced Brick ASCE Structures Congress XIV, Chicago, Illinois.
Masonry Piers in the Laboratory,” Journal of The
Magenes, G., 1997, personal communication, May.
Masonry Society, Boulder, Colorado, Vol. 10, No. 2,
pp. 86-93. Magenes, G., and Calvi, G.M., 1992, “Cyclic Behavior
of Brick Masonry Walls,” Proceedings of the Tenth
Feng, Jianguo, 1986, “The Seismic Shear Strength of
World Conference, Balkema: Rotterdam, The Neth-
Masonry Wall,” Proceedings of the US-PRC Joint
Workshop on Seismic Resistance of Masonry Struc-
tures, State Seismological Bureau, PRC and Magenes, G. and Calvi, G.M., 1995, “Shaking Table
National Science Foundation, USA, Harbin, China. Tests on Brick Masonry Walls,” 10th European
Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Duma,
Gambarotta, L. and Lagomarsino, S., 1996, “A Finite
editor, Balkema: Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Element Model for the Evaluation and Rehabilita-
tion of Brick Masonry Shear Walls,” Worldwide Manzouri, T., Shing, P.B., Amadei, B., Schuller, M.,
Advances in Structural Concrete and Masonry, Pro- and Atkinson, R., 1995, Repair and Retrofit of
ceedings of the Committee on Concrete and Unreinforced Masonry Walls: Experimental Evalu-
Masonry Symposium, ASCE Structures Congress ation and Finite Element Analysis, Department of
XIV, Chicago, Illinois. Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineer-
ing, University of Colorado: Boulder, Colorado,
ICBO, 1994, Uniform Code for Building Conservation,
Report CU/SR-95/2.
International Conference of Building Officials,
Whittier, California. Manzouri, T., Shing, P.B., Amadei, B., 1996, “Analysis
of Masonry Structures with Elastic/Viscoplastic
Kariotis, J.C., 1986, “Rule of General Application -
Models, 1996,” Worldwide Advances in Structural
Basic Theory,” Earthquake Hazard Mitigation of
Concrete and Masonry, Proceedings of the Commit-
Unreinforced Pre-1933 Masonry Buildings, Struc-
tee on Concrete and Masonry Symposium, ASCE
tural Engineers Association of Southern California,
Structures Congress XIV, Chicago, Illinois.
Los Angeles, California.
Priestley, M.J.N, 1985, “Seismic Behavior of Unrein-
Kariotis, J.C., Ewing, R.D., and Johnson, A.W., 1985a,
forced Masonry Walls,” Bulletin of the New
“Predictions of Stability for Unreinforced Brick

82 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 4: Unreinforced Masonry

Zealand National Society for Earthquake Engineer- Loma Prieta Earthquake, Department of Civil
ing, Vol. 18, No. 2. Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign, Structural Research Series No. 576.
Proposal for Change G7-7, 1997, proposal to change the
in-plane URM wall provisions of FEMA 273 Tomazevic, M., and Anicic, 1989, “Research, Technol-
(1996). ogy and Practice in Evaluating, Strengthening, and
Retrofitting Masonry Buildings: Some Yugosla-
Rutherford & Chekene, 1990, Seismic Retrofitting
vian Experiences,” Proceedings of the International
Alternatives for San Francisco’s Unreinforced
Seminar on Evaluating, Strengthening and Retrofit-
Masonry Buildings: Estimates of Construction Cost
ting Masonry Buildings, The Masonry Society:
and Seismic Damage for the San Francisco Depart-
Boulder, Colorado.
ment of City Planning, Rutherford and Chekene
Consulting Engineers: San Francisco, California. Tomazevic, M., Lutman, M., and Weiss, P., 1996, “Seis-
mic Upgrading of Old Brick-Masonry Urban
Rutherford & Chekene, 1997, Development of Proce-
Houses: Tying of Walls with Steel Ties,” Earth-
dures to Enhance the Performance of Rehabilitated
quake Spectra, EERI: Oakland, California, Volume
Buildings, prepared by Rutherford & Chekene Con-
12, No. 3.
sulting Engineers, published by the National Insti-
tute of Standards and Technology as Reports NIST Tomazevic, M., and Weiss, P., 1990, “A Rational,
GCR 97-724-1 and 97-724-2. Experimentally Based Method for the Verification
of Earthquake Resistance of Masonry Buildings,”
SEAOC/CALBO, 1990, “Commentary on the SEAOC-
Proceedings of the Fourth U.S. National Confer-
CALBO Unreinforced Masonry Building Seismic
ence on Earthquake Engineering, EERI: Oakland,
Strengthening Provisions,” Evaluation and
Strengthening of Unreinforced Masonry Buildings,
1990 Fall Seminar, Structural Engineers Associa- Turnsek, V., and Sheppard, P., 1980, “The Shear and
tion of Northern California, San Francisco, Califor- Flexural Resistance of Masonry Walls,” Proceed-
nia. ings of the International Research Conference on
Earthquake Engineering, Skopje, Yugoslavia.
SEAOSC, 1986, “RGA (Rule of General Application)
Unreinforced Masonry Bearing Wall Buildings Willsea, F.J., 1990, ”SEAOC/CALBO Recommended
(Alternate Design to Division 88),” Earthquake Provisions”, Evaluation and Strengthening of Unre-
Hazard Mitigation of Unreinforced Pre-1933 inforced Masonry Buildings, 1990 Fall Seminar,
Masonry Buildings, Structural Engineers Associa- Structural Engineers Association of Northern Cali-
tion of Southern California: Los Angeles, Califor- fornia, San Francisco, California.
Xu, W., and Abrams, D.P., 1992, Evaluation of Lateral
Sheppard, P.F. and Tercelj, S., 1985, “Determination of Strength and Deflection for Cracked Unreinforced
the Seismic Resistance of an Historical Brick Masonry Walls, U.S. Army Research Office, Report
Masonry Building by Laboratory Tests of Cut-Out ADA 264-160, Triangle Park, North Carolina.
Wall Elements,” Proceedings of the 7th Interna-
Zsutty, T.C., 1990, “Applying Special Procedures”,
tional Brick Masonry Conference, Melbourne, Aus-
Evaluation and Strengthening of Unreinforced
Masonry Buildings, 1990 Fall Seminar, Structural
Tena-Colunga, A., and Abrams, D.P., 1992, Response of Engineers Association of Northern California, San
an Unreinforced Masonry Building During the Francisco, California.

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 83

Chapter 4: Unreinforced Masonry

84 Technical Resources FEMA 307

5. Infilled Frames

5.1 Commentary And When investigating the out-of-plane behavior of infilled

frame panels, it is difficult to enforce a complete failure,
Discussion as evidenced by recent tests by Angel and Abrams
There is a wealth of experimental data reported in the (1994). It should be noted that these investigators first
literature on infilled frames. Unfortunately, only a loaded their specimens in-plane before conducting their
limited amount of the research has been performed out-of-plane tests. Results of this study indicate that
under cyclic loading and conducted on specimens that lateral strength capacity is generally well in excess of
reflect U.S. construction practice. For these test results, 200 psf. Thus, it is unlikely that out-of-plane failure
it is evident that infilled frames can possess stable should occur for normal infill height-to-thickness aspect
hysteresis loops and continue to carry substantial lateral ratios. These results suggest that if an out-of-plane
loads at significant interstory drifts. This is true in spite failure is observed in the field, then some other (in-
of the highly damaged appearance and even complete plane) behavior mode has contributed to the failure of
loss of some of the masonry units within an infill panel. the infill.

Most experimental results on infilled-frame systems Dealing with infill panels with openings is difficult due
show a mixture of behavior modes that take place at to the many potential types of openings that may occur
various stages of loading. At low interstory drift levels in practice. Evidently, when openings are present, the
(0.2% - 0.4%), corner crushing and some diagonal strength capacity is bounded by that of bare frame
cracking in the panel tend to occur first. This is (lower bound) and that of a system with solid infill
followed by frame yielding (0.5% - 1.0% interstory panels (upper bound). Although these results are
drift) and possible bed-joint sliding. As the drift derived from monotonic tests, they suggest that the
amplitude increases beyond about 1%, cracking in the deformation capacity is not impaired if openings exist.
infill panel becomes more extensive, along with further
frame damage. The frame damage takes the form of 5.1.1 Development of λ-Factors for
cracking, crushing, and spalling of concrete in the case Component Guides
of reinforced concrete frames or prying damage to
bolted semi-rigid connections in steel frames. The The Component Damage Classification Guides and
coexistence of several behavior modes makes it difficult component modification factors (λ-factors) for infilled
to determine what λ-factors should be used for frames were based on an extensive review of research in
quantitative strength and deformation analysis. the area of both nonductile reinforced concrete frames,
Therefore, it is necessary to resort to individual as well as masonry structures. The principal references
component tests to assess λ-values. The results of used in this work are listed in the tabular bibliography
experiments conducted by Aycardi et al. (1994) are presented in Section 5.2. For each component behavior
illustrative of the performance of nonductile reinforced mode, three types of λ-factors are used: stiffness
concrete frames. These tests give results for each of the reduction factors (λK), strength reduction factor (λQ)
failure modes (except column shear). and a displacement reduction factor (λD). Description
of how each of these λ-factors were derived from
In the experimental studies on infilled frames by experimental evidence and theoretical considerations is
Mander et al. (1993a,b), steel frames were used and presented in what follows.
were instrumented with numerous strain gauges so the
behavior of the frame could be uncoupled from the 5.1.2 Development of Stiffness
behavior of the infill panel. It was, therefore, possible Deterioration— λK
to plot the net lateral load-drift capacity of the brick
masonry infill panel. These results were helpful in As the displacement ductility of a member
identifying the λ-factors for corner crushing, diagonal progressively increases, the member also softens. Even
cracking and general shear-failure behavior modes for though the strength may be largely maintained at a
masonry. The bed-joint sliding behavior mode tends to nominal yield level, softening is manifest in the form of
occur mostly in steel frames with ungrouted/ stiffness reduction. The degree of softening is generally
unreinforced masonry infill with low panel height-to- related to the maximum displacement ductility the
length aspect ratios. The experimental results of member has previously achieved.
Gergely et al. (1994) were useful for identifying λ-
factors for this behavior mode.

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 85

Chapter 5: Infilled Frames

There are several analytical models that can be used to shown that the reduced strength Fi = λQFn can be
give guidance on how one can assess the degree of evaluated through
softening in an element. For example, Chang and
Mander (1994) describe several computational Fi Mc M c Σθ pi
λQ = = 1− ΣDci = 1 − (5-2)
hysteretic models calibrated for reinforced concrete Fn Mn M n Σθ PC
components. Utilizing their information obtained from
a calibrated modified Takeda model, the λK-factor for in which ΣDci = accumulated damage, Σθci =
stiffness reduction can be related by the following cumulative plastic drift, Mn = nominal moment
relationship: capacity, Mc = the moment generated by the eccentric
−α concrete stress block and ΣθPC = cumulative plastic

F ∆ I = aµ f
(5-1) rotation capacity considering concrete fatigue alone.
H ∆ JK
∆ Using energy concepts where it is assumed that the
y finite energy reserve of an unconfined concrete section
where ∆max = maximum displacement in the is gradually consumed to resist the concrete
displacement history, ∆y = yield displacement, compression force, a work expression can be
formulated as
µ∆ = displacement ductility factor, and α = an
experimentally calibrated factor that is material- or EWD = IWD (5-3)
specimen-dependent. where EWD = external work done on the section by the
concrete compression force defined by the left hand
Strictly, α should be established on a component-by- side of the equation below, and IWD = internal work or
component basis. However, for reinforced concrete energy absorption capacity of the section defined by the
components there is a range of values from α = 0.25 to right hand side of the following equation
α = 1 that may be applicable, α = 0.5 being typical for ε cu
most specimens. Well detailed members tend to have
low α values, whereas higher α values are common for Cc × φ pFH c IK × 2 N c = Ag z fc d ε (5-4)
poorly detailed members. Although specific research on 0

infill panels is not developed to the same extent, it in which Cc = concrete compression force, φp = plastic
seems reasonable that similar trends would be found for curvature, c = neutral axis depth, 2Nc = total number of
these components. reversals and Ag = gross area of the concrete section.
The integral in the above expression actually denotes
5.1.3 The Determination of λQ for the finite energy capacity of an unconfined concrete
Strength Deterioration section which in lieu of a more precise analysis, can be
In structural elements not specifically designed for approximated as 0.008 fc′ . Note also that the term in
seismic resistance, there is generally a lack of adequate brackets in the above equation denotes the plastic strain
transverse reinforcement necessary to provide adequate at the location of the concrete compression force.
confinement and shear resistance. As a result, under
reversed cyclic loading the strength of such elements Assuming that in a cantilever column the plastic
deteriorates progressively. Furthermore, if the non- rotation is entirely confined to the plastic hinge zone (of
seismically designed frame elements have inadequate length Lp), using the moment-area theorem and
anchorage for the reinforcing steel, there can be a rearranging terms in the above equation, it is possible to
gradual loss in strength and then a sudden drop in solve for the cumulative plastic drift capacity as
strength when the anchorage zone or lap splice zone
fails. An energy approach can be used to assess the loss
of strength in a reinforced concrete column or beam
element where inadequate transverse reinforcement is Σθ PC = (5-5)
found. The energy-based approach advanced by FG IJ F I
Cc c
Mander and Dutta (1997) has been used in developing
this process. A summary of the underlying theoretical H KH K
fc ′Ag D
concepts is given below. where ΣθP = 2Ncθp is the cumulative plastic drift
defined as the sum of all positive and negative drift
Assuming the moment capacity contributed by the amplitudes up to a given stage of loading; and D =
concrete is gradually consumed by the propagating level overall depth/diameter of the column.
of damage, then at the end of the i-th cycle it can be

86 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 5: Infilled Frames

The concrete damage model described so far is previous loading history—that is, the amount of energy
generally applicable to beam and/or column elements absorbed with respect to the total energy absorption
with adequate bonding between the longitudinal capacity. Strictly this cannot be ascertained without
reinforcement and the surrounding concrete. Thus resorting to fatigue type of testing.
following Equation 5-2, the concrete strength continues
to decay until the moment capacity of the eccentric Mander et al. (1994, 1995) and Mander and Dutta
concrete block is fully exhausted. At this point the (1997) have shown that the displacement capability of
residual moment capacity entirely consists of the steel structural concrete and steel elements follows a well-
contribution. This is schematically portrayed in known Manson-Coffin fatigue relationship that can be
Figure 5-1a. However, more often than not, older written in displacement ductility terms as follows:
buildings possess lap splice zones at their column bases.
Such splices are not always equipped with adequate lap µ ∆ = µ m N cf (5-6)
length to ensure proper development of bond strength.
The lap splice thus becomes the weak point in the where Nf = number of equi-amplitude cycles required to
column which shows a drastic reduction in the strength produce failure at ductility amplitude µ∆; µm =
almost immediately following the lap splice failure. monotonic ductility capacity; and c = fatigue exponent.
This is depicted in Figure 5-1b where the bond failure Typical values of the latter are c = -1/3 for steel failure
in the lap splice is assumed to occur over one complete and c = -1/2 for nonductile reinforced concrete.
cycle. The residual strength immediately after Fi is
determined by the extent of confinement around the lap The above equation can be written in terms of a
splice, if any. Subsequently the lateral strength is “damage fraction” (D = nd / Nf ) that can be sustained
entirely dependent on the performance of pure concrete for nd cycles of loading in the damaging earthquake:
which continues to decay following the same
Equation 5-2 until the residual rocking strength Fr is 1

obtained. D=
nd F µ IJ
=n G


This theory has been validated with experimental results

Nf Hµ K

as shown in Figures 5-1c and 5-1d. In Figure 5-1c, the The remaining fatigue life then is (1 - D). The
lateral strength envelope is compared with test results displacement-based λD-factor can thus be defined as
with instances of unconfined concrete failure only. In
1 −c
Figure 5-1d, the strength envelope is plotted for column
µ r
LM 1 F µ I d −
= a1 − Df =
specimen with a clear indication of lap splice failure.
MMn − GH µ JK
∆ ∆ (5-8)
λD =
Satisfactory agreement between theory and experiment µm PP
is observed. N d m
Therefore, with the mechanism of failure and the In the above two equations superscripts d and r refer to
progression of strength deterioration clearly identified the damaging earthquake and remaining life,
and quantified, it is possible to assess, analytically, λQ respectively.
factors for reinforced concrete elements with specific Thus for nonductile reinforced concrete failure taking
detailing. The research has not been developed to the c = -1/2 gives
same extent for infill panels, although an examination
of test results indicates that similar trends are present.
λD =
1 µ
− ∆
5.1.4 Development of λD—Reduction nd µm H K
in Displacement Capability
For frictional or sliding behavior modes such as lap-
The reduction in displacement capability is more splice failure of masonry infill panels, there is no limit
difficult to ascertain from traditional, quasi-static, to the displacement capability. Therefore, for these two
reversed-cyclic-loading, laboratory tests on members. behavior modes, λD = 1 at all times.
Generally such tests are conducted using two cycles at
each ductility factor (or drift angle percentages) of ±1,
±2, ±6... until failure occurs. The reduction in Although specific research on infill components is less
displacement capacity depends on the severity of the developed, it is reasonable to assume that similar trends
would be observed.

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 87

Chapter 5: Infilled Frames

Figure 5-1 Energy-based damage analysis of strength reduction to define λQ

88 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 5: Infilled Frames

5.2 Tabular Bibliography for Infilled Frames

Table 5-1 Tabular Bibliography for Infilled Frames
References Categories* Remarks

Abrams, 1994 ✓
Al-Chaar et al., 1994 ✓
Aycardi et al., 1992 ✓ Nonductile concrete frame performance

Aycardi et al., 1994 ✓ Nonductile concrete frame performance

Axely and Bertero, 1979 ✓ ✓ Experiments on multistory frames

Benjamin and Williams, 1958 ✓ ✓ ✓ Classic brick infilled steel frame experiments

Bertero and Brokken, 1983 ✓ ✓ ✓

Bracci et al., 1995 ✓ Emphasis on nonductile frame performance

Brokken and Bertero, 1981 ✓

Coul, 1966 ✓
Crisafully et al., 1995 ✓
Dawe and McBride, 1985 ✓ ✓ ✓ Steel frame with pierced brick infills

Dhanasekar et al., 1985 ✓

Flanagan and Bennett, 1994 ✓ Steel frame-clay tile infill

Focardi and Manzini, 1984 ✓

Gergely et al., 1993 ✓ Steel frame-clay tile infill

Hamburger and Chakradeo, 1993 ✓

Hill, 1994 ✓
Holmes, 1961 ✓
Kadir, 1974 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Kahn and Hanson, 1977 ✓
Klingner and Bertero, 1976 ✓ Multistory infilled frame performance

Klingner and Bertero, 1978 ✓ Multistory infilled frame performance

Kodur et al., 1995 ✓

Liauw and Lee, 1977 ✓ ✓ ✓
Liauw, 1979 ✓ ✓ Multistory steel frames-concrete infills

Liauw and Kwan, 1983a ✓ ✓ Steel frame-concrete infill plastic failure modes

Liauw and Kwan, 1983b ✓ ✓ Plastic-strength theory

Maghaddam and Dowling, 1987 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ General treatise on infilled-frame behavior

Mainstone and Weeks, 1970 ✓ ✓

*A = Modes of Failure, B = Strength, C = Stiffness, D = Ductility, E = Hysteretic Performance, F = Openings, G = Repairs,
H = Experimental Performance of Infilled Frames, I = Steel and Concrete Frame Behavior

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 89

Chapter 5: Infilled Frames

Table 5-1 Tabular Bibliography for Infilled Frames (continued)

References Categories* Remarks

Mainstone, 1971 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Classical work on strut methods of analysis

Mallick and Garg, 1971 ✓

Mander and Nair, 1993a ✓ ✓ ✓ Steel frames-brick infills under cyclic loading

Mander et al., 1993b ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Effect of ferrocement repairs

Mander et al., 1994 ✓ Low-cycle fatigue of steel frame connections

Mander et al., 1995 ✓

Mehrabi et al., 1996 ✓ Concrete frame-block infill experiments

Mosalam et al., 1994 ✓ Steel frame brick infills finite-element analysis

Parducci and Mezzi, 1980 ✓ ✓

Paulay and Priestley, 1992 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Classical text on design

Polyakov, 1956 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Earliest work on infills translated from Russian

Prawel and Lee, 1994 ✓ Ferrocement repairs for masonry

Priestley, 1996 ✓ Most recent work on RC in shear

Priestley et al., 1996 ✓ Most recent work on RC in shear

Reinhorn et al., 1995 ✓ Advanced analysis methods for infills

Riddington and Stafford-Smith, 1977 ✓ ✓ ✓ Early work on strut methods of analysis

Riddington, 1984 ✓ ✓ Emphasis on gap effects

Sachanski, 1960 ✓
Saneinejad and Hobbs, 1995 ✓ ✓ ✓ Most up-to-date reference on analysis methods

Shapiro et al., 1994 ✓

Shen and Zhu, 1994 ✓ Pseudo-dynamic tests

Shing et al., 1994 ✓

Stafford-Smith, 1966 ✓ ✓ ✓ Early experimental work

Stafford-Smith and Carter, 1969 ✓ Pioneering work on analysis using strut methods

Thomas, 1953 ✓ Emphasis on brick work

Wood, 1978 ✓ ✓ Early work on plastic methods of analysis

Yoshimura and Kikuchi, 1995 ✓

Zarnic and Tomazevic, 1984 ✓ ✓ ✓
Zarnic and Tomazevic, 1985a ✓ ✓ ✓
Zarnic and Tomazevic, 1985b ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
*A = Modes of Failure, B = Strength, C = Stiffness, D = Ductility, E = Hysteretic Performance, F = Openings, G = Repairs,
H = Experimental Performance of Infilled Frames, I = Steel and Concrete Frame Behavior

90 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 5: Infilled Frames

5.3 References for Infilled Frames

This list contains references from the infilled frames Chang, G. A., and Mander, J.B.,1994, Seismic Energy
chapters of both FEMA 306 and 307. Based Fatigue Damage Analysis of Bridge Col-
umns: Part I - Evaluation of Seismic Capacity,
Abrams, D.P. (Ed.), 1994, Proceedings of the NCEER Technical Report NCEER-94-0006, and Part II -
Workshop on Seismic Response of Masonry Infills, Evaluation of Seismic Demand, Technical Report
National Center for Earthquake Engineering NCEER-94-0013, National Center for Earthquake
Research, Technical Report NCEER-94-0004. Engineering Research, State University of New
Al-Chaar, G., Angel, R. and Abrams, D., 1994, York at Buffalo.
“Dynamic testing of unreinforced brick masonry Cheng, C.T., 1997, New Paradigms for the Seismic
infills,” Proc. of the Structures Congress ‘94, Design and Retrofit of Bridge Piers, Ph.D. Disserta-
Atlanta, Georgia., ASCE, 1: 791-796. tion, Science and Engineering Library, State Uni-
Angel R., and Abrams, D.P., 1994, "Out-Of-Plane versity of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York.
Strength evaluation of URM infill Panels," Pro- Chrysostomou, C.Z., Gergely, P, and Abel, J.F., 1988,
ceedings of the NCEER Workshop on Seismic Preliminary Studies of the Effect of Degrading Infill
Response of Masonry Infills, D.P. Abrams editor, Walls on the Nonlinear Seismic Response of Steel
NCEER Technical Report NCEER-94-0004. Frames, National Center for Earthquake Engineer-
Aycardi, L.E., Mander, J.B., and Reinhorn, A.M., 1992, ing Research, Technical Report NCEER-88-0046.
Seismic Resistance of RC Frame Structures Coul, A., 1966, “The influence of concrete infilling on
Designed only for Gravity Loads, Part II: Experi- the strength and stiffness of steel frames,” Indian
mental Performance of Subassemblages, National Concrete Journal.
Center for Earthquake Engineering Research, Tech-
nical Report NCEER-92-0028. Crisafulli, F.J., Carr, A.J., and Park, R., 1995, “Shear
Strength of Unreinforced Masonry Panels,” Pro-
Aycardi, L.E., Mander, J.B., and Reinhorn, A.M., 1994, ceedings of the Pacific Conference on Earthquake
"Seismic resistance of reinforced concrete frame Engineering; Melbourne, Australia, Parkville, Vic-
structures designed only for gravity loads: Experi- toria, 3: 77-86.
mental performance of subassemblages", ACI
Structural Journal, (91)5: 552-563. Dawe, J.L. and McBride, R.T., 1985, “Experimental
investigation of the shear resistance of masonry
Axely, J.W. and Bertero, V.V., 1979, “Infill panels: their panels in steel frames,” Proceedings of the 7th
influence on seismic response of buildings,” Earth- Brick Masonry Conf., Melbourne, Australia.
quake Eng. Research Center, University of Califor-
nia at Berkeley, Report No. EERC 79-28. Dawe, J.L. and Young, T.C., 1985, “An investigation of
factors influencing the behavior of masonry infill in
Benjamin, J.R., and Williams, H.A., 1958, “The behav- steel frames subjected to in-plane shear,” Proceed-
ior of one-story shear walls,” Proc. ASCE, ST. 4, ings of the 7th International. Brick Masonry Con-
Paper 1723: 30. ference, Melbourne, Australia.
Bertero, V.V. and Brokken, S.T., 1983, “Infills in seis- Dhanasekar, K., Page, A.W., and Kleeman, P.W., 1985,
mic resistant building,” Proc. ASCE, 109(6). “The behavior of brick masonry under biaxial stress
Bracci, J.M., Reinhorn, A.M., and Mander, J.B., 1995, with particular reference to infilled frames,” Pro-
"Seismic resistance of reinforced concrete frame ceedings of the 7th International. Brick Masonry
structures designed for gravity loads: Performance Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
of structural system", ACI Structural Journal, Durrani, A.J., and Luo, Y.H., 1994, "Seismic Retrofit of
(92)5: 597-609. Flat-Slab Buildings with Masonry Infills," in Pro-
Brokken, S.T., and Bertero, V.V., 1981, Studies on ceedings of the NCEER Workshop on Seismic
effects of infills in seismic resistance R/C construc- Response of Masonry Infills, D.P. Abrams editor,
tion, Earthquake Engineering Research Centre, National Center for Earthquake Engineering
University of California at Berkeley, Report No. Research, Technical Report NCEER-94-0004.
EERC 81-12. Flanagan, R.D. and Bennett, R.M., 1994, “Uniform Lat-
eral Load Capacity of Infilled Frames,” Proceed-

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 91

Chapter 5: Infilled Frames

ings of the Structures Congress ‘94, Atlanta, ceedings of the 6th World Conf. on Earthquake
Georgia, ASCE, 1: 785-790. Engineering, New Delhi, India, III: 2499-2504.
Focardi, F. and Manzini, E., 1984, “Diagonal tension Klingner, R.E. and Bertero, V.V., 1976, Infilled frames
tests on reinforced and non-reinforced brick pan- in earthquake resistant construction, Earthquake
els,” Proceedings of the 8th World Conference on Engineering Research Centre, University of Cali-
Earthquake Engineering, San Francisco, California, fornia at Berkeley, Report No. EERC 76-32.
VI: 839-846. Klingner, R.E. and Bertero, V.V., 1978, “Earthquake
Freeman S. A., 1994 "The Oakland Experience During resistance of infilled frames,” Journal of the Struc-
Loma Prieta - Case Histories," Proceedings of the tural Division, Proc. ASCE, (104)6.
NCEER Workshop on Seismic Response of Masonry Kodur, V.K.R., Erki, M.A., and Quenneville, J.H.P.,
Infills, D.P. Abrams editor, National Center for 1995, “Seismic design and analysis of masonry-
Earthquake Engineering Research, Technical infilled frames,” Journal of Civil Engineering, 22:
Report NCEER-94-0004. 576-587.
Gergely, P., White, R.N., and Mosalam, K.M., 1994, Liauw, T.C. and Lee, S.W., 1977, “On the behavior and
“Evaluation and Modeling of Infilled Frames,” Pro- the analysis of multi-story infilled frames subjected
ceedings of the NCEER Workshop on Seismic to lateral loading,” Proceedings of the Institute of
Response of Masonry Infills, D.P. Abrams editor, Civil Engineers, 63: 641-656.
National Center for Earthquake Engineering
Research, Technical Report NCEER-94-0004, pp. Liauw, T.C., 1979, “Tests on multi-storey infilled
1-51 to 1-56. frames subject to dynamic lateral loading,” ACI
Journal, (76)4: 551-563.
Gergely, P., White, R.N., Zawilinski, D., and Mosalam,
K.M., 1993, “The Interaction of Masonry Infill and Liauw, T.C. and Kwan, K.H., 1983a, “Plastic theory of
Steel or Concrete Frames,” Proceedings of the 1993 infilled frames with finite interface shear strength,”
National Earthquake Conference, Earthquake Haz- Proceedings of the Institute of Civil Engineers,
ard Reduction in the Central and Eastern United (2)75: 707-723.
States: A Time for Examination and Action; Mem- Liauw, T.C. and Kwan, K.H., 1983b, “Plastic theory of
phis, Tennessee, II: 183-191. non-integral infilled frames,” Proceedings of the
Hamburger, R.O. and Chakradeo, A.S., 1993, “Method- Institute of Civil Engineers, (2)75: 379-396.
ology for seismic capacity evaluation of steel-frame Maghaddam, H.A. and Dowling, P.J., 1987, The State of
buildings with infill unreinforced masonry,” Pro- the Art in Infilled Frames, Civil Engineering
ceedings of the 1993 National Earthquake Confer- Department, Imperial College, ESEE Research
ence, Earthquake Hazard Reduction in the Central Report No. 87-2, London.
and Eastern United States: A Time for Examination
and Action; Memphis, Tennessee, II: 173-182. Mainstone, R.J. and Weeks, G.A., 1970, “The influence
of bounding frame on the racking stiffness and
Hill, James A., 1994, “Lateral Response of Unrein- strength of brick walls,” 2nd International Brick
forced Masonry Infill Frame,” Proceedings of the Masonry Conference.
Eleventh Conference (formerly Electronic Compu-
tation Conference) held in conjunction with ASCE Mainstone, R.J., 1971, “On the stiffness and strength of
Structures Congress ‘94 and International Sympo- infilled frames,” Proceedings of the Institute of
sium ‘94, Atlanta, Georgia, pp. 77-83. Civil Engineers Sup., pp. 57-90.
Holmes, M., 1961, “Steel frames with brickwork and Mallick, D.V. and Garg, R.P., 1971, “Effect of openings
concrete infilling,” Proceedings of the Institute of on the lateral stiffness of infilled frames,” Proceed-
Civil Engineers, 19: 473. ings of the Institute of Civil Engineers, 49: 193-209.
Kadir, M.R.A., 1974, The structural behavior of Mander J. B., Aycardi, L.E., and Kim, D-K, 1994,
masonry infill panels in framed structures, Ph.D. "Physical and Analytical Modeling of Brick Infilled
thesis, University of Edinburgh. Steel Frames," Proceedings of the NCEER Work-
shop on Seismic Response of Masonry Infills, D.P.
Kahn, L.F. and Hanson, R.D., 1977, “Reinforced con- Abrams editor, National Center for Earthquake
crete shear walls for a seismic strengthening,” Pro- Engineering Research, Technical Report NCEER-

92 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 5: Infilled Frames

Mander, J.B., Chen, S.S., and Pekcan, G., 1994, "Low- Paulay, T. and Priestley, M.J.N., 1992, Seismic Design
cycle fatigue behavior of semi-rigid top-and-seat of Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Buildings,
angle connections", AISC Engineering Journal, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
(31)3: 111-122. Polyakov, S.V., 1956, Masonry in framed buildings,
Mander, J.B., and Dutta, A., 1997, "How Can Energy pub. by Gosudarstvennoe Izdatelstvo po Stroitel-
Based Seismic Design Be Accommodated In Seis- stvu I Arkhitekture (Translation into English by
mic Mapping," Proceedings of the FHWA/NCEER G.L.Cairns).
Workshop on the National Representation of Seis- Prawel, S.P. and Lee, H.H., 1994, “Research on the
mic Ground Motion for New and Existing Highway Seismic Performance of Repaired URM Walls,”
Facilities, Technical Report, National Center for Proc. of the US-Italy Workshop on Guidelines for
Earthquake Engineering Research, NCEER-97- Seismic Evaluation and Rehabilitation of Unrein-
0010, pp 95-114. forced Masonry Buildings, Department of Struc-
Mander, J.B., and Nair, B., 1993a, "Seismic Resistance tural Mechanics, University of Pavia, Italy, June 22-
of Brick-Infilled Steel Frames With and Without 24, Abrams, D.P. et al. (eds.) National Center for
Retrofit," The Masonry Society Journal, 12(2): 24- Earthquake Engineering Research, SUNY at Buf-
37. falo, pp. 3-17 - 3-25.
Mander, J.B., Nair, B., Wojtkowski, K., and Ma, J., Priestley, M.J.N., 1996, "Displacement-based seismic
1993b, An Experimental Study on the Seismic Per- assessment of existing reinforced concrete build-
formance of Brick Infilled Steel Frames, National ings," Bulletin of the New Zealand National Soc. for
Center for Earthquake Engineering Research, Tech- Earthquake Eng., (29)4: 256-271.
nical Report NCEER-93-0001. Priestley, M.J.N., Seible, F., and Calvi, G.M., 1996,
Mander, J.B., Pekcan, G., and Chen, S.S., 1995, "Low- Seismic Design and Retrofit of Bridges, John Wiley
cycle variable amplitude fatigue modeling of top- & Sons, New York, 686 pp.
and-seat angle connections," AISC Engineering Reinhorn, A.M., Madan, A., Valles, R.E., Reichmann,
Journal, American Institute of Steel Construction, Y., and Mander, J.B., 1995, Modeling of Masonry
(32)2: 54-62. Infill Panels for Structural Analysis, National Cen-
Mander, J.B., Waheed, S.M., Chaudhary, M.T.A., and ter for Earthquake Engineering Research, Technical
Chen, S.S., 1993, Seismic Performance of Shear- Report NCEER-95-0018.
Critical Reinforced Concrete Bridge Piers, Riddington, J. and Stafford-Smith, B., 1977, “Analysis
National Center for Earthquake Engineering of infilled frames subject to racking with design
Research, Technical Report NCEER-93-0010. recommendations,” Structural Engineers, (52)6:
Mehrabi, A.B., Shing, P.B., Schuller, M.P. and Noland 263-268.
J.L., 1996, “Experimental evaluation of masonry- Riddington, J.R., 1984, “The influence of initial gaps on
infilled RC frames,” Journal of Structural Engi- infilled frame behavior,” Proceedings of the Insti-
neering. tute of Civil Engineers, (2)77: 259-310.
Mosalam, K.M., Gergely, P., and White, R., 1994, “Per- Sachanski, S., 1960, “Analysis of earthquake resistance
formance and Analysis of Frames with “URM” of frame buildings taking into consideration the car-
Infills,” Proceedings of the Eleventh Conference ring capacity of the filling masonry,” Proceedings
(formerly Electronic Computation Conference) of the 2nd World Conference on Earthquake Engi-
held in conjunction with ASCE Structures Congress neering, Japan, 138: 1-15.
‘94 and International Symposium ‘94, Atlanta,
Georgia, pp. 57-66. Saneinejad, A and Hobbs, B., 1995, “Inelastic design of
infilled frames,” Journal of Structural Engineering,
Parducci, A. and Mezzi, M., 1980, "Repeated horizontal (121)4: 634-650.
displacement of infilled frames having different
stiffness and connection systems--Experimental Shapiro, D., Uzarski, J., and Webster, M., 1994, Esti-
analysis", Proceedings of the 7th World Conference mating Out-of-Plane Strength of Cracked Masonry
on Earthquake Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey, 7: Infills, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
193-196. Report SRS-588, 16 pp.

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 93

Chapter 5: Infilled Frames

Shen, J. and Zhu, R., 1994, “Earthquake response simu- Wood, R.H., 1978, “Plasticity, composite action and
lation of reinforced concrete frames with infilled collapse design of unreinforced shear wall panels in
brick walls by pseudo-dynamic test,” Proc. of the frames,” Proceedings of the Institute of Civil Engi-
Second International Conference on Earthquake neers, 2: 381-411.
Resistant Construction and Design, Berlin, A. Yoshimura, K. and Kikuchi, K., 1995, “Experimental
Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 955-962. study on seismic behavior of masonry walls con-
Shing, P.B., Mehrabi, A.B., Schuller, M. and Noland fined by R/C frames,” Proceedings of the Pacific
J.D., 1994, “Experimental evaluation and finite ele- Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Mel-
ment analysis of masonry-infilled R/C frames,” bourne, Australia, Parkville, Victoria, 3: 97-106.
Proc. of the Eleventh Conference (formerly Elec- Zarnic, R. and Tomazevic, M., 1984, “The behavior of
tronic Computation Conference) held in conjunc- masonry infilled reinforced concrete frames sub-
tion with ASCE Structures Congress ‘94 and jected to seismic loading,” Proceedings of the 8th
International Symposium ‘94, Atlanta, Georgia., World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Cal-
pp. 84-93. ifornia, VI: 863-870.
Stafford-Smith, B.S., 1966, “Behavior of square infilled Zarnic, R. and Tomazevic, M., 1985a, “Study of the
frames,” ASCE (92)1: 381-403. behavior of masonry infilled reinforced concrete
Stafford-Smith, B. and Carter, C., 1969, “A method of frames subjected to seismic loading,” Proc. 7th Intl.
analysis for infilled frames,” Proceedings of the Brick Masonry Conf., Melbourne, Australia.
Institute of Civil Engineers, 44: 31-48. Zarnic, R. and Tomazevic, M., 1985b, Study of the
Thiruvengadam, V., 1985, "On the natural frequencies behavior of masonry infilled reinforced concrete
of infilled frames," Earthquake Engineering and frames subjected to seismic loading, Part 2. A
Structural Dynamics, 13: 401-419. report to the research community of Slovenia,
Thomas, F.G., 1953, “The strength of brickwork,” J. ZRMK/IKPI - 8502, Ljubljana.
Instnt. Struct. Engrs., (31)2: 35-46.

94 Technical Resources FEMA 307

6. Analytical Studies

6.1 Overview methods is presented in ATC-40 (ATC, 1996).

Estimates of peak displacement response were
Analytical studies were conducted as part of this project determined according to these methods and compared
to serve two broad objectives: (1) to assess the effects of with computed values obtained in the dynamic analyses
damage from a prior earthquake on the response of for the damaged and undamaged structures. In addition,
single-degree-of-freedom oscillators to a subsequent, the ratio of the peak displacement estimates of damaged
hypothetical performance-level earthquake, and (2) to and undamaged structures was compared with the ratio
evaluate the utility of simple, design-oriented methods obtained from the displacements computed in the
for estimating the response of damaged structures. nonlinear dynamic analyses.
Previous analytical studies were also reviewed.
This chapter summarizes related findings by previous
To assess the effects of prior damage on response to a investigators in Section 6.2. The dynamic analysis
performance-level earthquake, damage to a large framework is described in detail in Section 6.3, and
number of single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) oscillators results of the nonlinear dynamic analyses are presented
was simulated. The initially “damaged” oscillators were in Section 6.4. The design-oriented nonlinear static
then subjected to an assortment of ground motions. The procedures are described in Section 6.5, and the results
response of the damaged oscillators was compared with of these analyses are compared with the results
that of their undamaged counterparts to identify how the computed in the dynamic analyses in Section 6.6.
damage affected the response. Conclusions and implications of the work are presented
in Section 6.7.
The oscillators ranged in initial period from 0.1 to 2.0
seconds, and the strength values were specified such
that the oscillators achieved displacement ductility 6.2 Summary of Previous
values of 1, 2, 4, and 8 for each of the ground motions Findings
when using a bilinear force-displacement model. The
effects of damage were computed for these oscillators Previous studies have addressed several issues related to
using several Takeda-based force-displacement models. this project. Relevant analytical and experimental
Damage was parameterized independently in terms of findings are reviewed in this section.
ductility demand and strength reduction.
6.2.1 Hysteresis Models
Ground motions were selected to represent a broad Studies of response to recorded ground motions have
range of frequency characteristics in each of the used many force-displacement models that incorporate
following categories: Short-duration (SD) records were various rules for modeling hysteretic response. By far,
selected from earthquakes with magnitudes less than the most common of these are the bilinear and stiffness-
about 7, while long-duration (LD) records were degrading models, which repeatedly attain the strengths
generally selected from stronger earthquakes. A third given by the monotonic or envelope force-displacement
category, forward directivity (FD), consists of ground relation. The response of oscillators modeled using
motions recorded near the fault rupture surface for bilinear or stiffness-degrading models is discussed
which a strong velocity pulse may be observed very below.
early in the S-wave portion of the record. Six motions
were selected for each category, representing different Bilinear and Stiffness-Degrading
frequency characteristics, source mechanisms, and Models
earthquakes occurring in locations around the world
over the last half-century. Many studies (for example, Iwan,1977; Newmark and
Riddell, 1979; Riddell, 1980; Humar, 1980; Fajfar and
The utility of simple, design-oriented methods for Fischinger, 1984; Shimazaki and Sozen, 1984; and
estimating response was evaluated for the damaged and Minami and Osawa, 1988) have examined the effect of
undamaged SDOF oscillators. The displacement the hysteresis model on the response of SDOF
coefficient method is presented in FEMA 273 (FEMA, structures. These studies considered elastic-perfectly-
1997a) and the capacity spectrum and secant stiffness plastic, bilinear (with positive post-yield stiffness), and
stiffness-degrading models such as the Takeda model

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 95

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

and the Q model, as well as some lesser-known models. bilinear systems having the same initial stiffness and
For the nonlinear models used in these studies, the post- yield strength. For one-second oscillators having
yield stiffness of the primary curve ranged between 0 different system parameters and subjected to different
and 10% of the initial stiffness. It is generally found that earthquake records, the ratio of mean degrading-system
for long-period structures with positive post-yield peak displacement response to bilinear system response
stiffness, peak displacement response tends to be was 1.06, with standard deviation of 0.14. Iwan noted
independent of the hysteresis model, and it is that for periods appreciably less than one second, the
approximately equal to the peak displacement of linear- response of degrading systems was significantly greater
elastic oscillators having the same initial stiffness. For than that for the corresponding bilinear system, but
shorter-period structures, however, peak displacement these effects were not quantified.
response tends to exceed the response of linear-elastic
oscillators having the same initial stiffness. The Iwan (1977) reported on the effects of a reduction in
difference in displacement response is exacerbated in stiffness caused by cracking. Modeling the uncracked
lower-strength oscillators. Fajfar and Fischinger (1984), stiffness caused a reduction in peak displacement
found that for shorter-period oscillators, the peak response for shorter-period oscillators with
displacements of elastic-perfectly-plastic models tend displacement ductility values less than four, when
to exceed those of degrading-stiffness models (the Q- compared with the response of systems having initial
model), and these peak displacements tend to exceed stiffness equal to the yield-point secant stiffness.
those of the bilinear model. Riddell (1980), reported
that the response of stiffness-degrading systems tends to Humar (1980) compared the displacement ductility
“go below the peaks and above the troughs” of the demand calculated for the bilinear and Takeda models
spectra obtained for elastoplastic systems. for SDOF and multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF)
systems. For the shorter-period SDOF oscillators, the
The dynamic response of reinforced concrete structures displacement ductility demands exceeded the strength-
tested on laboratory shake tables has been compared reduction factor, particularly for the Takeda model.
with the response computed using different hysteretic Five- and ten-story frames were designed with girder
models. The Takeda model was shown to give good strengths set equal to 25% of the demands computed in
agreement with measured response characteristics an elastic analysis, and column strengths were set
(Takeda et al., 1970). In a subsequent study, the Takeda higher than the values computed in an elastic analysis.
model was shown to match closely the recorded The Takeda model, which included stiffness
response; acceptable results were obtained with the degradation, generally led to larger interstory drifts and
less-complicated Q-Hyst model (Saiidi, 1980). Time girder ductility demands than were computed with the
histories computed by these models were far more bilinear model.
accurate than those obtained with the bilinear model.
The studies described above considered hysteretic
Studies of a seven-story reinforced concrete moment- models for which the slope of the post-yield portion of
resisting frame building damaged in the 1994 the primary curve was greater than or equal to zero.
Northridge earthquake yield similar conclusions. Where negative post-yield slopes are present, peak
Moehle et al. (1997) reported that the response displacement response is heightened (Mahin, 1980).
computed for plane-frame representations of the The change in peak displacement response tends to be
structure most nearly matched the recorded response significantly larger for decreases in the post-yield slope
when the frame members were modeled using stiffness- below zero than for similar increases above zero. Even
degrading models and strength- and stiffness-degrading post-yield stiffness values equal to negative 1% of the
force/displacement relationships; dynamic analysis yield stiffness were sufficient to cause collapse. These
results obtained using bilinear force/displacement effects were found to be more pronounced in shorter-
relationships were not sufficiently accurate. period systems and in relatively weak systems.

Iwan (1973) examined the effect of pinching and Rahnama and Krawinkler (1995) reported findings for
yielding on the response of SDOF oscillators to four SDOF structures subjected to 15 records obtained on
records. It was found that the maximum displacement rock sites. They found that higher lateral strength is
response of oscillators having an initial period equal to required, relative to elastic demands to obtain target
one second was very nearly equal to that computed for displacement ductility demands, for oscillators with

96 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

negative post-yield stiffness. The decrease in the Strength-Degrading Models

strength-reduction factor is relatively independent of
The response of structures for which the attainable
vibration period and is more dramatic with increases in
strength is reduced with repeated cyclic loading is
target displacement ductility demand. These effects
discussed below.
depend on the hysteresis model; the effect of negative
post-yield stiffness on the strength-reduction factor is
Parducci and Mezzi (1984) used elasto-plastic force-
much smaller for stiffness-degrading systems than for
displacement models to examine the effects of strength
bilinear systems. They note that stiffness-degrading
degradation. Yield strength was modeled as decreasing
systems behave similarly to bilinear systems for
linearly with cumulative plastic deformation. Using
positive post-yield stiffness, and they are clearly
accelerograms recorded in Italian earthquakes, The
superior to systems with negative values of post-yield
authors found that strength degradation causes an
increase in displacement ductility demand for the
stronger, shorter-period oscillators. For weaker
Palazzo and DeLuca (1984) found that the strength
oscillators, strength degradation amplifies ductility
required to avoid collapse of SDOF oscillators
demand over a broader range of periods. The more rapid
subjected to the Irpinia earthquake increased as the
the degradation of strength, the greater the increase in
post-yield stiffness of the oscillator became
ductility demand. An analogy can be made with the
increasingly negative. Xie and Zhang (1988) compared
findings of Shimazaki and Sozen (1984): when strength
the response of stiffness-degrading models (having zero
degradation occurs, the increase in ductility demand can
post-yield stiffness) with the response of models having
be kept small for shorter-period structures if sufficient
a negative post-yield stiffness. The SDOF oscillators
strength is provided.
were subjected to 40 synthetic records having duration
varying from 6 to 30 seconds. It appears that Xie and
Nakamura and Tanida (1988) examined the effect of
Zhang found that for shorter-period structures, negative
strength degradation and slip on the response of SDOF
post-yield stiffness models were more likely to result in
oscillators to white noise and to the 1940 NS El Centro
collapse than were the stiffness-degrading models for
motion. Figure 6-1 plots the force/displacement
all durations considered.
response curves obtained in this study for various
combinations of hysteresis parameters for oscillators
with a 0.2-sec period. The parameter D controls the

Figure 6-1 Effect of Hysteretic Properties on Response to 1940 NS El Centro Record (from Nakamura, 1988)

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 97

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

amount of slip, C controls the degraded loading duration on inelastic response is contained within
stiffness, and as and ac control the unloading stiffness representations of elastic response quantities.
for the slip and degrading components of the model. It
is clear that peak displacement response tends to 6.2.3 Residual Displacement
increase as slip becomes more prominent, as post-yield Kawashima et al. (1994) studied the response of bilinear
stiffness decreases or even becomes negative, and as systems with periods between 0.1 and 3 seconds that
loading stiffness decreases. were subjected to Japanese ground-motion records.
According to this study, residual displacement values
Rahnama and Krawinkler (1995) modeled strength are strongly dependent on the post-yield stiffness of the
degradation for SDOF systems as a function of bilinear system; that is, systems with larger post-yield
dissipated hysteretic energy. Strength degradation may stiffness tend to have significantly smaller residual
greatly affect the response of SDOF systems, and the displacements, and systems with zero or negative post-
response is sensitive to the choice of parameters by yield stiffness tend to have residual displacements that
which the strength degradation is modeled. Results of approach the peak response displacement. They also
such studies need to be tied to realistic degradation found that the magnitude of residual displacement,
relationships to understand the practical significance of normalized by peak displacement, tends to be
computed results. independent of displacement ductility demand, based
on displacement ductility demands of two, four, and six.
6.2.2 Effect of Ground Motion The results also indicated that the magnitude of residual
Duration displacement is not strongly dependent on the
As described previously, Xie and Zhang (1988) characteristic period of the ground motion, the
subjected a number of SDOF oscillators to 40 synthetic magnitude of the earthquake, or the distance from the
ground motions, which lasted from 6 to 30 seconds. For epicenter.
stiffness-degrading and negative post-yield stiffness
models, the number of collapses increased, as ground In shake-table tests of reinforced concrete wall and
motion duration increased. The incidence of collapse frame/wall structures, Araki et al. (1990) reported that
tended to be higher for shorter-period structures than residual drifts for all tests were less than 0.2% of
longer-period structures. Shorter-duration ground structure height. These tests included wall structures
motions that were just sufficient to trigger the collapse exhibiting displacement ductility demands up to about
of short-period structures did not trigger the collapse of 12 and frame/wall structures exhibiting displacement
any longer-period structures. ductility demands up to about 14. The small residual
drifts in this study were attributed to the presence of
Mahin (1980) reported on the evolution of ductility restoring forces (acting on the mass of the structure),
demand with time for SDOF oscillators subjected to which are generated as the wall lengthens when
five synthetic records, each having a 60-second displaced laterally. Typical response analyses do not
duration. Peak evolutionary ductility demands were model these restoring forces. These results appear to be
plotted at 10-second intervals for bilinear oscillators; applicable to systems dominated by flexural response.
ductility demand was found to increase asymptotically However, larger residual displacements have been
toward the peak values obtained at 60 seconds. This observed in postearthquake reconnaissance.
implies that increases in the duration of ground motion
may cause relatively smaller increases in ductility 6.2.4 Repeated Loading
demand. In the shake-table tests, Araki et al. (1990) also
subjected reinforced concrete wall and frame-wall
Sewell (1992) studied the effect of ground-motion structures to single and repeated motions. It appears that
duration on elastic demand, constant-ductility strength- a synthetic ground motion was used. It was found that
reduction factors, and inelastic response intensity, using the low-rise structures subjected to repeated shake-table
a set of 262 ground-motion records. He found that the tests displaced to approximately twice as much as they
spectral acceleration of elastic and inelastic systems is did in a single test. For the mid-rise and high-rise
not correlated with duration, and that strength-reduction structures, repeated testing caused peak displacements
factors can be estimated using elastic response that were approximately 0 to 10% larger than those
ordinates. These findings suggest that the effect of obtained in single tests.

98 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

Wolschlag (1993) tested three-story reinforced concrete taken: the first simulates the damaging earthquake, and
walls on a shake table. In one test series, an undamaged the second simulates the damage caused by the
structure was subjected to repeated ground motions of damaging earthquake.
the same intensity. In the repeat tests, the peak
displacement response at each floor of the damaged To simulate the damaging earthquake, oscillators can be
specimen hardly differed from the response measured subjected to an acceleration record that is composed of
for the initially undamaged structure. an initial, damaging ground motion record, a quiescent
period, and a final ground motion record specified as
Cecen (1979) tested two identical ten-story, three-bay, the performance-level event. This approach appears to
reinforced concrete frame models on a shake table. The simulate reality well, but it is difficult to determine a
two models were subjected to sequences of base priori how to specify the intensity of the damaging
motions of differing intensity, followed by a final test ground motion. One rationale would be to impose
using identical base motions. When the structures were damaging earthquakes that cause specified degrees of
subjected to the repeated base motion, the peak ductility demand. This would result in oscillators
displacement response at each story was only slightly having experienced prior ductility demand and residual
affected by the previous shaking of the same intensity. displacement at the start of the performance-level
When the two structures were subjected to the same ground motion.
final motion, peak displacement response over the
height of the two structures was only slightly affected In the second approach, taken in this study, the force-
by the different prior sequences. Floor acceleration displacement curve of the oscillator is modified
response, however, was prone to more variation. prescriptively to simulate prior ductility demand, and
these analytically “damaged” oscillators are subjected
Mahin (1980) investigated the analytical response of to only the performance-level ground motion. To
SDOF oscillators to repeated ground motions. He identify the effects of damage (through changes in
reported minor-to-moderate increases in displacement stiffness and strength of the oscillator force/
ductility demand across all periods, and weaker displacement response), the possibility of significant
structures were prone to the largest increases. For residual displacements resulting from the damaging
bilinear models with negative post-yield stiffness, earthquake was neglected. Thus, the damaging
increased duration or repeated ground motions tended earthquake is considered to have imposed prior ductility
to cause significant increases in displacement ductility demands (PDD), possibly in conjunction with strength
demand (Mahin and Boroschek, 1991). reduction or strength degradation, on an initially-
undamaged oscillator. Initial stiffness, initial unloading
stiffness, and strength of the oscillators at the start of the
6.3 Dynamic Analysis performance-level ground motion may be affected.
Framework Response of the initially-damaged structure is
compared with the response of the undamaged structure
6.3.1 Overview under the performance-level motion. This approach
presumes that an engineer will be able to assess changes
This section describes the dynamic analyses deter- in lateral stiffness and strength of a real structure based
mining the effects of damage from prior earthquakes on on the nature of damage observed after the damaging
the response to a subsequent performance-level earthquake.
earthquake. In particular, this section describes the
ground motion and hysteresis models, the properties of While a number of indices may be used to compare
the undamaged oscillators, and the assumptions and response intensity, peak displacement response is
constructions used to establish the initially-damaged preferred here because of its relative simplicity, its
oscillators. Results of the dynamic analyses are immediate physical significance, and its use as the basic
presented in Section 6.4. parameter in the nonlinear static procedures (described
in Section 6.5). The utility of the nonlinear static
6.3.2 Dynamic Analysis Approach procedures is assessed vis-a-vis their ability to estimate
The aim of dynamic analysis was to quantify the effects accurately the peak displacement response.
of a damaging earthquake on the response of a SDOF
oscillator to a subsequent, hypothetical, performance- It should be recognized that predicting the capacity of
event earthquake. Two obvious approaches may be wall and infill elements may be difficult and prone to
uncertainty, whether indexed by displacement, energy,

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 99

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

or other measures. When various modes of response The physical rupture process tends to correlate ground-
may contribute significantly to an element’s behavior, motion duration and earthquake magnitude. It can be
existing models may not reliably identify which mode observed that earthquakes with magnitudes less than 7
will dominate. Uncertainty in the dominant mode tended to produce records that were categorized as
necessarily leads to uncertainty in estimates of the short-duration motions, while those with magnitudes
various capacity measures. greater than 7 tended to be categorized as long-duration
6.3.3 Ground Motions
Ground motions recorded near a rupturing fault may
Several issues were considered when identifying ground contain relatively large velocity pulses if the fault
motion records to be used in the analyses. First, the rupture progresses toward the recording station.
relative strength of the oscillators and the duration of Motions selected for the forward directivity category
ground motion are thought to be significant because were identified by others as containing near-field pulses
these parameters control the prominence of inelastic (Somerville et al., 1997). Recorded components aligned
response. Second, it is known that ground motions rich most nearly with the direction perpendicular to the fault
in frequencies just below the initial frequency of the trace were selected for this category.
structure tend to exacerbate damage, because the period
of the structure lengthens as yielding progresses. Third, The records shown in Table 6-1 are known to come
information is needed on the characteristics of structural from damaging earthquakes. The peak ground
response to near-field motions having forward- acceleration values shown in Table 6-1 are in units of
directivity effects. the acceleration of gravity. The actual value of peak
ground acceleration does not bear directly on the results
The analyses were intended to identify possible effects of this study, because oscillator strength is determined
of duration and forward directivity on the response of relative to the peak ground acceleration in order to
damaged structures. Therefore, three categories of obtain specified displacement ductility demands.
ground motions were established: short duration (SD),
long duration (LD), and Forward Directivity (FD). The Identifiers in Table 6-1 are formulated using two
characteristics of several hundred ground motions were characters to represent the earthquake, followed by two
considered in detail in order to select the records used in digits representing the year, followed by four characters
each category. Ground motions within a category were representing the recording station, followed by three
selected to represent a broad range of frequency digits representing the compass bearing of the ground-
content. In addition, it was desired to use some records motion component. Thus, IV40ELCN.180 identifies the
that were familiar to the research community, and to use South-North component recorded at El Centro in the
some records obtained from the Loma Prieta, 1940 Imperial Valley earthquake. Various magnitude
Northridge, and Kobe earthquakes. Within these measures are reported in the literature and repeated here
constraints, records were selected from a diverse for reference: ML represents the traditional local or
worldwide set of earthquakes in order to avoid
systematic biases that might otherwise occur. Six time Richter magnitude, MW represents moment magnitude,
series were used in each category to provide a statistical and MS represents the surface-wave magnitude.
base on which to interpret response trends and
variability. Table 6-1 identifies the ground motions that Detailed plots of the ground motions listed in Table 6-1
compose each category, sorted by characteristic period. are presented in Figures 6-2 through 6-19. The plots
present ground motion acceleration, velocity, and
Record duration was judged qualitatively in order to displacement time-series data, as well as spectral-
sort the records into the short duration and long duration response quantities. In all cases, ground acceleration
categories. The categorization is intended to data were used in the response computations, assuming
discriminate broadly between records for which the zero initial velocity and displacement. For most records,
duration of inelastic response is short or long. Because the ground velocity and displacement data presented in
the duration of inelastic response depends the figures were prepared by others. For the four records
fundamentally on the oscillator period, the relative identified with an asterisk (*) in Table 6-1, informal
strength, and the force/displacement model, a suitable integration procedures were used to obtain the ground
scalar index of record duration is not available. velocity and displacement values shown.

(Text continued on page 120)

100 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

Table 6-1 Recorded Ground Motions Used in the Analyses

Identifier Earthquake Mag. Station Com- PGA Epic. Char.

Date ponent (g) Dist. Period
(km) (sec)
Short Duration (SD)
WN87MWLN.090 Whittier Narrows ML=6.1 Mount Wilson 90 0.175 18 0.20
1 Oct 87 Caltech Seismic Station
BB92CIVC.360 Big Bear Ms=6.6 Civic Center Grounds 360 0.544 12 0.40
28 Jun 92
SP88GUKA.360 Spitak Ms=6.9 Gukasyan, Armenia 360 0.207 57 0.55
* 7 Dec 88
LP89CORR.090 Loma Prieta Ms=7.1 Corralitos 90 0.478 8 0.85
17 Oct 89 Eureka Canyon Rd.
NR94CENT.360 Northridge Mw=6.7 Century City 360 0.221 19 1.00
17 Jan 94
IV79ARY7.140 Imperial Valley ML=6.6 Array #7-14 140 0.333 27 1.20
15 Oct 79
Long Duration (LD)
CH85LLEO.010 Central Chile Ms=7.8 Llolleo-Basement of 1- 010 0.711 60 0.30
3 Mar 85 Story Building
CH85VALP.070 Central Chile Ms=7.8 Valparaiso University of 070 0.176 26 0.55
3 Mar 85 Santa Maria
IV40ELCN.180 Imperial Valley ML=6.3 El Centro 180 0.348 12 0.65
18 May 40 Irrigation District
TB78TABS.344 Tabas M=7.4 Tabas 344 0.937 <3 0.80
16 Sep 78
LN92JOSH.360 Landers M=7.5 Joshua Tree 360 0.274 15 1.30
28 Jun 92
MX85SCT1.270 Michoacan Ms=8.1 SCT1-Secretary of Com- 270 0.171 376 2.00
19 Sep 85 munication and Transpor-
Forward Directivity (FD)
LN92LUCN.250 Landers M=7.5 Lucerne 250 0.733 42 0.20
* 28 Jun 92
IV79BRWY.315 Imperial Valley ML=6.6 Brawley Municipal Airport 315 0.221 43 0.35
15 Oct 79
LP89SARA.360 Loma Prieta Ms=7.1 Saratoga 360 0.504 28 0.40
17 Oct 89 Aloha Avenue
NR94NWHL.360 Northridge Mw=6.7 Newhall 360 0.589 19 0.80
17 Jan 94 LA County Fire Station
NR94SYLH.090 Northridge Mw=6.7 Sylmar County Hospital 090 0.604 15 0.90
17 Jan 94 Parking Lot
KO95TTRI.360 Hyogo-Ken Nambu ML= 7.2 Takatori-kisu 360 0.617 11 1.40
* 17 Jan 95
* Indicates that informal integration procedures were used to calculate the velocity and displacement histories
shown in Figures 6-2 through 6-19.

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 101

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies


100 Ground Acceleration (cm/sec )

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

4 Ground Velocity (cm/sec)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Ground Displacement (cm)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (sec)
Equivalent Velocity (cm/sec) Pseudo Acceleration (cm/sec2)
60 1200
2% Damping 2% Damping
5% Damping 5% Damping
50 10% Damping 1000 10% Damping
20% Damping 20% Damping

40 800

30 600

20 400

10 200

0 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Period, (sec) Period, (sec)

Figure 6-2 Characteristics of the WN87MWLN.090 (Mount Wilson) Ground Motion

102 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies


500 Ground Acceleration (cm/sec2)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Ground Velocity (cm/sec)




0 10 20 30 40 50 60

2 Ground Displacement (cm)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (sec)
Equivalent Velocity (cm/sec) Pseudo Acceleration (cm/sec2)
250 3000
2% Damping 2% Damping
5% Damping 5% Damping
10% Damping 2500 10% Damping
200 20% Damping 20% Damping





0 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Period, (sec) Period, (sec)
Figure 6-3 Characteristics of the BB92CIVC.360 (Big Bear) Ground Motion

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 103

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies


150 Ground Acceleration (cm/sec2)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Ground Velocity (cm/sec)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Ground Displacement (cm)



0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (sec)
Equivalent Velocity (cm/sec) Pseudo Acceleration (cm/sec2)
90 900
2% Damping 2% Damping
80 5% Damping 800 5% Damping
10% Damping 10% Damping
20% Damping 20% Damping
70 700

60 600

50 500

40 400

30 300

20 200

10 100

0 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Period, (sec) Period, (sec)

Figure 6-4 Characteristics of the SP88GUKA.360 (Spitak) Ground Motion

104 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies


400 Ground Acceleration (cm/sec2)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60

30 Ground Velocity (cm/sec)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Ground Displacement (cm)



0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (sec)
Equivalent Velocity (cm/sec) 2
Pseudo Acceleration (cm/sec )
400 2500
2% Damping 2% Damping
350 5% Damping 5% Damping
10% Damping 10% Damping
20% Damping 2000 20% Damping





0 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Period, (sec) Period, (sec)

Figure 6-5 Characteristics of the LP89CORR.090 (Corralitos) Ground Motion

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 105

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies


200 Ground Acceleration (cm/sec )
0 10 20 30 40 50 60

20 Ground Velocity (cm/sec)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60

6 Ground Displacement (cm)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (sec)
Equivalent Velocity (cm/sec) Pseudo Acceleration (cm/sec )
160 1000
2% Damping 2% Damping
5% Damping 900 5% Damping
10% Damping 10% Damping
20% Damping 800 20% Damping

80 500


0 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Period, (sec) Period, (sec)

Figure 6-6 Characteristics of the NR94CENT.360 (Century City) Ground Motion

106 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies


Ground Acceleration (cm/sec2)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60

40 Ground Velocity (cm/sec)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60

15 Ground Displacement (cm)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (sec)
Equivalent Velocity (cm/sec) Pseudo Acceleration (cm/sec2)
160 1000
2% Damping 2% Damping
140 5% Damping 900 5% Damping
10% Damping 10% Damping
20% Damping 20% Damping

20 200

0 100
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Period, (sec) Period, (sec)

Figure 6-7 Characteristics of the IV79ARY7.140 (Imperial Valley Array) Ground Motion

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 107

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies


600 Ground Acceleration (cm/sec2)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60

30 Ground Velocity (cm/sec)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Ground Displacement (cm)



0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (sec)
Equivalent Velocity (cm/sec) Pseudo Acceleration (cm/sec2)
500 4000
2% Damping 2% Damping
450 5% Damping 5% Damping
10% Damping 10% Damping
400 20% Damping 20% Damping

250 2000


0 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Period, (sec) Period, (sec)

Figure 6-8 Characteristics of the CH85LLEO.010 (Llolleo) Ground Motion

108 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies


150 Ground Acceleration (cm/sec2)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Ground Velocity (cm/sec)



0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Ground Displacement (cm)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (sec)
Equivalent Velocity (cm/sec) Pseudo Acceleration (cm/sec2)
120 1000
2% Damping 2% Damping
5% Damping 900 5% Damping
100 10% Damping 10% Damping
20% Damping 800 20% Damping


60 500



0 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Period, (sec) Period, (sec)

Figure 6-9 Characteristics of the CH85VALP.070 (Valparaiso University) Ground Motion

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 109

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies


Ground Acceleration (cm/sec2)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Ground Velocity (cm/sec)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Ground Displacement (cm)



0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (sec)
Equivalent Velocity (cm/sec) Pseudo Acceleration (cm/sec2)
200 1400
2% Damping 2% Damping
180 5% Damping 5% Damping
10% Damping 1200 10% Damping
160 20% Damping 20% Damping

140 1000


60 400

0 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Period, (sec) Period, (sec)

Figure 6-10 Characteristics of the IV40ELCN.180 (El Centro) Ground Motion

110 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies


800 Ground Acceleration (cm/sec2)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Ground Velocity (cm/sec)




0 10 20 30 40 50 60

60 Ground Displacement (cm)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (sec)
Equivalent Velocity (cm/sec) Pseudo Acceleration (cm/sec2)
450 5000
2% Damping 2% Damping
400 5% Damping 4500 5% Damping
10% Damping 10% Damping
20% Damping 4000 20% Damping
100 1000
50 500

0 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Period, (sec) Period, (sec)

Figure 6-11 Characteristics of the TB78TABS.344 (Tabas) Ground Motion

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 111

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies


250 Ground Acceleration (cm/sec2)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Ground Velocity (cm/sec)




0 10 20 30 40 50 60

6 Ground Displacement (cm)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (sec)
Equivalent Velocity (cm/sec) Pseudo Acceleration (cm/sec2)
250 1200
2% Damping 2% Damping
5% Damping 5% Damping
10% Damping 1000 10% Damping
200 20% Damping 20% Damping





0 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Period, (sec) Period, (sec)

Figure 6-12 Characteristics of the LN92JOSH.360 (Joshua Tree) Ground Motion

112 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies


150 Ground Acceleration (cm/sec )
20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Ground Velocity (cm/sec)
20 30 40 50 60 70 80

20 Ground Displacement (cm)
20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Time (sec)
Equivalent Velocity (cm/sec) Pseudo Acceleration (cm/sec2)
1000 1800
2% Damping 2% Damping
900 5% Damping 1600 5% Damping
10% Damping 10% Damping
800 20% Damping 20% Damping

200 400

100 200

0 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Period, (sec) Period, (sec)

Figure 6-13 Characteristics of the MX85SCT1.270 (Mexico City) Ground Motion

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 113

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies


600 Ground Acceleration (cm/sec2)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60

60 Ground Velocity (cm/sec)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60

20 Ground Displacement (cm)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (sec)
Equivalent Velocity (cm/sec) Pseudo Acceleration (cm/sec2)
180 4000
2% Damping 2% Damping
160 5% Damping 3500 5% Damping
10% Damping 10% Damping
20% Damping 20% Damping

20 500

0 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Period, (sec) Period, (sec)

Figure 6-14 Characteristics of the LN92LUCN.250 (Lucerne) Ground Motion

114 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies


150 Ground Acceleration (cm/sec2)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60

35 Ground Velocity (cm/sec)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60

6 Ground Displacement (cm)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (sec)
Equivalent Velocity (cm/sec) 2
Pseudo Acceleration (cm/sec )
120 1000
2% Damping 2% Damping
5% Damping 900 5% Damping
100 10% Damping 10% Damping
20% Damping 800 20% Damping


60 500



0 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Period, (sec) Period, (sec)

Figure 6-15 Characteristics of the IV79BRWY.315 (Brawley Airport) Ground Motion

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 115

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies


200 Ground Acceleration (cm/sec2)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60

20 Ground Velocity (cm/sec)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Ground Displacement (cm)



0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (sec)
Equivalent Velocity (cm/sec) Pseudo Acceleration (cm/sec2)
200 2000
2% Damping 2% Damping
180 5% Damping 1800 5% Damping
10% Damping 10% Damping
160 20% Damping 1600 20% Damping

140 1400

120 1200

100 1000

80 800

60 600

40 400

20 200

0 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Period, (sec) Period, (sec)

Figure 6-16 Characteristics of the LP89SARA.360 (Saratoga) Ground Motion

116 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies


Ground Acceleration (cm/sec2)




0 10 20 30 40 50 60

40 Ground Velocity (cm/sec)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Ground Displacement (cm)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (sec)
Equivalent Velocity (cm/sec) Pseudo Acceleration (cm/sec2)
450 3000
2% Damping 2% Damping
400 5% Damping 5% Damping
10% Damping 2500 10% Damping
20% Damping 20% Damping

300 2000


150 1000


0 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Period, (sec) Period, (sec)

Figure 6-17 Characteristics of the NR94NWHL.360 (Newhall) Ground Motion

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 117

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies


500 Ground Acceleration (cm/sec )
0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Ground Velocity (cm/sec)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Ground Displacement (cm)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (sec)
Equivalent Velocity (cm/sec) Pseudo Acceleration (cm/sec )
250 2000
2% Damping 2% Damping
5% Damping 1800 5% Damping
10% Damping 10% Damping
200 20% Damping 1600 20% Damping


150 1200


100 800


50 400


0 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Period, (sec) Period, (sec)

Figure 6-18 Characteristics of the NR94SYLH.090 (Sylmar Hospital) Ground Motion

118 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies


Ground Acceleration (cm/sec2)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Ground Velocity (cm/sec)




0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Ground Displacement (cm)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (sec)
Equivalent Velocity (cm/sec) 2
Pseudo Acceleration (cm/sec )
800 3000
2% Damping 2% Damping
700 5% Damping 5% Damping
10% Damping 2500 10% Damping
20% Damping 20% Damping

400 1500


0 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Period, (sec) Period, (sec)

Figure 6-19 Characteristics of the KO95TTRI.360 (Takatori) Ground Motion

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 119

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

The characteristic period, Tg, of each ground motion and thus becomes a convenient reference point to
was established assuming equivalent-velocity spectra differentiate between short- and long-period systems.
and pseudo-acceleration spectra for linear elastic oscil-
lators having 5% damping. The equivalent velocity, Vm, 6.3.4 Force/Displacement Models
is related to input energy, Em, and ground acceleration The choice of force/displacement model influences the
and response parameters by the following expression: response time-history and associated peak response
quantities. Ideally, the force/displacement model should
1 represent behavior typical of wall buildings, including
mVm = Em = m ∫ &x&g x&dt
(6-1) strength degradation and stiffness degradation.
Actual response depends on the details of structural
where m= mass of the single-degree-of-freedom configuration and component response, which in turn,
oscillator, &x&g = the ground acceleration, and x& = the depend on the material properties, dimensions, and
relative velocity of the oscillator mass (Shimazaki and strength of the components, as well as the load
Sozen, 1984). The spectra present peak values environment and the evolving dynamic load history
calculated over the duration of the record. (which can influence the type and onset of failure). The
objective of the dynamic analyses is to identify basic
The characteristic periods were determined according to trends in how prior damage affects system response in
engineering judgment to correspond approximately to future earthquakes. Fulfilling this objective does not
the first (lowest-period) peak of the equivalent-velocity require the level of modeling precision that would be
spectrum, and, at the same time, the period at which the needed to understand the detailed response of a
transition occurs between the constant-acceleration and particular structure or component. For this reason, we
constant-velocity portions of a smooth design spectrum selected relatively simple models that represent a range
fitted to the 5% damped spectrum (Shimazaki and of behaviors that might be expected in wall buildings.
Sozen, 1984; Qi and Moehle, 1991; and Lepage, 1997). Three broad types of system response can be
Characteristic periods were established prior to the distinguished:
dynamic analyses.
Type A: Stiffness-degrading systems with positive
Other criteria are available to establish characteristic post-yield stiffness (Figure 6-20a).
periods. For example, properties of the site, Type B: Stiffness-degrading systems with nega-
characterized by variation of shear-wave velocity with tive post-yield stiffness (Figure 6-20b).
depth, may be used to establish Tg. Alternatively, the Type C: Pinched systems exhibiting strength and
characteristic period may be defined as the lowest stiffness degradation Figure 6-20c).
period for which the equal-displacement rule applies,


∆ ∆ ∆

(a) Stiffness Degrading (b) Stiffness Degrading (c) Stiffness and Strength
(positive post-yield stiffness) (negative post-yield stiffness) Degrading (with pinching)
Figure 6-20 Force-Displacement Hysteretic Models

120 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

Type A behavior typically represents wall systems Type C behavior was represented in the analyses by a
dominated by flexural response. Type B behavior is modified version of the Takeda model (Figure 6-21c).
more typical of wall systems that exhibit some The behavior is the same as for Type A, except for
degradation in response with increasing displacement; modifications to account for pinching and cyclic
degradation may be due to relatively brittle response strength degradation. The pinching point is defined
modes. Type C behavior is more typical of wall systems independently in the first and third quadrants
that suffer degradation of strength and stiffness, (Figure 6-22). The pinching-point displacement is set
including those walls in which brittle modes of response equal to 30% of the current maximum displacement in
may predominate. the quadrant. The pinching-point force level is set equal
to 10% of the current maximum force level in the
Type A behavior was represented in the analyses using quadrant. Cyclic strength degradation incorporated in
the Takeda model (Takeda et al., 1970) with post-yield this model is described in Section 6.3.6. This model is
stiffness selected to be 5% of the secant stiffness at the subsequently referred to as “TakPinch”.
yield point (Figure 6-21a). Previous experience
(Section 6.2.1) indicates that this model represents Collectively, the Takeda5, Takeda10, and TakPinch
stiffness degradation in reinforced concrete members models are referred to as degrading models in the body
exceptionally well. In addition, it is widely known by of this section. For these models, dynamic analyses
researchers, and it uses displacement ductility to were used to identify the effects of prior damage on
parameterize stiffness degradation. The Takeda model response to future earthquakes. The analyses covered a
features a trilinear primary curve that is composed of number of relative strength values, initial periods of
uncracked, cracked, and yielding portions. After vibration, damage intensities, and performance-level
yielding, the unloading stiffness is reduced in earthquakes. For all dynamic analyses, damping was set
proportion to the square root of the peak displacement equal to 5% of critical damping, based on the period of
ductility. Additional rules are used to control other vibration that corresponds to the yield-point secant
aspects of this hysteretic model. This model is stiffness.
subsequently referred to as “Takeda5”.
In addition, a bilinear model (Figure 6-23) was selected
Type B behavior was represented in the analyses using to establish the strength of the degrading oscillators,
the Takeda model with post-yield stiffness selected to which were set equal to the strength required to achieve
be –10% of the yield-point secant stiffness bilinear displacement ductility demands of 1 (elastic), 2,
(Figure 6-21b). This model is subsequently referred to 4, and 8 for each reference period and for each of the 18
as “Takeda10”. ground motions. The bilinear model does not exhibit
stiffness or strength degradation. Besides establishing

F k 0.05k F Yield Point F k 0.05k

∆ ∆ ∆

(a) Takeda Model (+5%) (b) Takeda Model (-10%) (c) Takeda Pinching Model
(Takeda5) (Takeda10) (TakPinch)
Figure 6-21 Degrading Models Used in the Analyses

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 121

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

F k Yield Point
FF kk Yield Point
Yield Point
Fy 0.05k
FFy y 0.05k


Figure 6-22 Bilinear Model Used to Determine Strengths of Degrading Models

k Yield Point
F k Yield Point
F Pinching Point
Fmax Pinching Point

Maximum prior displacement

Maximum prior displacement
Current cycle
0.1Fmax Current cycle
0.3∆max ∆max
0.3∆max ∆max
Figure 6-23 Specification of the Pinching Point for the Takeda Pinching Model

the strength of the oscillators, this model serves two ductility demands (DDD) of 1 (elastic), 2, 4, and 8
additional purposes. First, results obtained in this study using the bilinear model. This is done at each period
with the bilinear model can be compared with those and for each ground motion. For any period and ground
obtained by other researchers to affirm previous motion considered, the yield strength of the initially-
findings and, at the same time, to develop confidence in undamaged models is the same, but only the bilinear
the methods and techniques used in this study. Second, model achieves the target displacement ductility
the bilinear model provides a convenient point of demand. Where the same target displacement ductility
departure from which the effects of stiffness and demand can be achieved for various strength values, the
strength degradation can be compared. largest strength value is used, as implemented in the
computer program PCNSPEC (Boroschek, 1991).
6.3.5 Undamaged Oscillator
Parameters The initial stiffness of the models is established to
achieve initial (reference) vibration periods of 0.1, 0.2,
To identify effects of damage on response, it is first 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.5, and 2.0 seconds.
necessary to establish the response of initially- These periods are determined using the yield-point
undamaged oscillators to the same ground motions. The secant stiffness for all the models considered.
response of the undamaged oscillators is determined
using the degrading models of Figure 6-21 for the For the undamaged Takeda models, the cracking
performance-level ground motions. strength is set equal to 50% of the yield strength, and
the uncracked stiffness is set equal to twice the yield-
The yield strength of all degrading models is set equal point secant stiffness (Figure 6-24).
to the strength required to achieve displacement

122 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

2k k Yield Point


Cracking Point

∆y ∆max ∆
Figure 6-24 Specification of the Uncracked Stiffness, Cracking Strength, and Unloading Stiffness for the Takeda

6.3.6 Damaged Oscillator The analytical study considered damaging earthquakes

Parameters of smaller intensity than the performance-level
earthquake. Consequently, the PDD values considered
Damage is considered by assuming that the force- must be less than or equal to the design displacement
displacement curves of the oscillators are altered as a ductility (DDD). Thus, an oscillator with strength
result of previous inelastic response. Reduction in established to achieve a displacement ductility of 4 is
stiffness caused by the damaging earthquake is analyzed only for prior displacement ductility demands
parameterized by prior ductility demand. Strength of 1, 2, and 4. The undamaged Takeda oscillators
degradation is parameterized by the reduced strength sometimes had ductility demands for the performance-
ratio. level earthquake that were lower than their design
values (DDD). Again, because the damaging earthquake
Each of the initially-undamaged degrading oscillators is is considered to be less intense than the performance-
considered to have experienced prior ductility demand level event, oscillators having PDD in excess of the
(PDD) equal to 1, 2, 4, or 8 as a result of the damaging undamaged oscillator response were not considered
earthquake. The construction of an initially-damaged further.
oscillator force/displacement curve is illustrated for a
value of PDD greater than zero in Figure 6-25. The The Takeda models of the undamaged oscillators
prior ductility demand also regulates the unloading represent cracking behavior by considering the
stiffness of the Takeda model until larger displacement uncracked stiffness and the cracking strength. The
ductility demands develop. effects of cracking in a previous earthquake were
assessed by comparing the peak displacement response

Initially Undamaged
Initially Damaged

∆y (PDD)∆y ∆

Figure 6-25 Construction of Initial Force-Displacement Response for Prior Ductility Demand > 0 and Reduced
Strength Ratio = 1

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 123

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

Initially Undamaged
Initially Damaged


∆y (PDD)∆y ∆
Figure 6-26 Construction of Initial Force-Displacement Response for PDD> 0 and RSR< 1 for Takeda5 and Takeda10

of initially-uncracked oscillators to the response of should more closely approximate the response of
oscillators that are initially cracked; that is, Takeda the ideal model.
oscillators having a PDD of one. When larger PDD
2. TakPinch Oscillators: Rather than begin with a
values are considered, the reductions in initial loading
reduced strength, a form of cyclic strength degrada-
and unloading stiffness are determined in accordance
tion was explicitly modeled for the Takeda Pinching
with the Takeda model.
oscillators. A trilinear primary curve was estab-
lished (Figure 6-27), identical to the envelope curve
It is not obvious what degree of strength degradation is
used in the Takeda5 model. The curve exhibits
consistent with the PDDs, nor just how the degradation
cracking, a yield strength determined from the
of strength should be modeled to represent real
response of the bilinear models, and a post-yield
structures. We used two approaches to gauge the extent
stiffness equal to 5% of the yield-point secant stiff-
to which strength degradation might affect the response:
ness. A secondary curve is established, having the
1. Takeda5 and Takeda10 Oscillators: The initial same yield displacement and post-yield stiffness as
strength of the damaged models was reduced to try the primary curve, but having yield strength equal
to capture the gross effects of strength degradation to the reduced strength ratio (RSR) times the pri-
on response. The initial response of the damaged mary yield strength. For displacements less than the
oscillator was determined using the construction of current maximum displacement in the quadrant, a
Figure 6-26. The resulting curve may represent a reduced-strength point is defined at the maximum
backbone curve that is constructed to approximate displacement at 0.5n(1-RSR)Fy above the secondary
the response of a strength-degrading oscillator. For curve strength, where n is the number of cycles
example, a structure for which repeated cycling approaching the current maximum displacement.
causes a 20% degradation in strength relative to the The oscillator may continue beyond this displace-
primary curve may be modeled as having an initial ment, and once it loads along the primary curve, n
strength equal to 80% of the undegraded strength. is reset to one, to cause the next cycle to exhibit
If the backbone curve is established using the strength degradation. The term (1-RSR)Fy is simply
expected degraded-strength asymptotes, then the the strength difference between the primary and
modeled structure tends to have smaller initial secondary curves, and the function 0.5n represents
stiffness and larger displacement response relative an asymptotic approach toward the secondary curve
to the ideal degrading structure. Consequently, the with each cycle. In each cycle, the strength is
modeled response is expected to give an upper reduced by half the distance remaining between the
bound to the displacement response expected from current curve and the secondary curve. Pinching
the ideal model. If, instead, the backbone curve is and strength degradation are modeled indepen-
selected to represent an average degraded response, dently in the first and third quadrants.
using typical degraded-strength values rather than
the lower asymptotic values, the computed response

124 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

Primary Curve
Secondary Curve
Reduced Strength Point

Prior maximum
displacement cycle
Current cycle

∆y ∆max ∆

Figure 6-27 Strength Degradation for Takeda Pinching Model

For the TakPinch models, strength degradation is 6.3.7 Summary of Dynamic Analysis
modeled with and without PDD. When PDD is Parameters
present, the oscillator begins with n equal to one.
This represents a single previous cycle to the PDD Nonlinear dynamic analyses were conducted for SDOF
displacement, and corresponds to initial loading systems using various force/displacement models,
towards a reduced-strength point halfway between various initial strength values, and for various degrees
the primary and secondary curves at the PDD of damage. The analyses were repeated for the 18
displacement (Figure 6-28). selected ground-motion records. The analysis
procedures are summarized below.
For the other degrading models, strength reduction is
considered possible only for PDDs greater than zero. 1. Initially-undamaged oscillators were established at
eleven initial periods of vibration, equal to 0.1, 0.2,
The parameter RSR is used to describe strength 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.5, and 2.0 seconds.
degradation in the context of the Takeda Pinching At these periods, the strength necessary to obtain
models and strength reduction in the context of the design displacement ductilities (DDDs) of 1 (elas-
other degrading models. For this study, values of RSR tic), 2, 4, and 8 were obtained using the bilinear
were arbitrarily set at 100%, 80%, and 60%. model for each earthquake. This procedure estab-
lishes 44 oscillators for each of 18 ground motions.
Oscillators were referenced by their initial, undamaged 2. The responses of the oscillators designed in step 1
vibration periods, determined using the yield-point were computed using the three degrading models
secant stiffness, regardless of strength loss and PDDs. (Takeda5, Takeda10, and TakPinch). The yield
Note that changes in strength further affect the initial strength of the degrading oscillators in this step is
stiffness of the damaged oscillators. identical to that determined in the previous step for
the bilinear model. The period of vibration of the
While the values of the parameters used to model Type degrading oscillators, when based on the yield-
A, B, and C behaviors, as well as the hysteresis rules point secant stiffness, matches that determined in
themselves, were chosen somewhat arbitrarily, they the previous step for the bilinear model.
were believed to be sufficiently representative to allow
meaningful conclusions to be made regarding the 3. Damage is accounted for by assuming that the
effects of prior damage on response characteristics of force/displacement curves of the oscillators are
various wall structures. Values of RSR and PDD were altered as a result of previous inelastic response.
selected to identify trends in response characteristics, The extent of prior damage is parameterized by
not to represent specific structures. PDD. For some cases, the strength of the oscillators
is reduced as well. Each of the initially-undamaged,
degrading oscillators was considered to have expe-
rienced a PDD equal to 1, 2, 4, or 8, but not in
excess of the ductility demand for which the oscilla-

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 125

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

Primary Curve
Secondary Curve
F Pinching Point
Reduced Strength Point
Initial Damaged Response

∆y 0.3(PDD)∆ (PDD)∆y ∆

Figure 6-28 Construction of Initial Force-Displacement Response for PDD> 0 and RSR< 1 for Takeda Pinching Model

tor was designed. The effects of cracking on 6.4 Results Of Dynamic

response were determined by considering a PDD of
one. Where larger PDDs are considered, reductions
in the initial loading and unloading stiffness were
determined in accordance with the Takeda model. 6.4.1 Overview and Nomenclature
4. Strength degradation was modeled explicitly in the This section describes results obtained from the
TakPinch model. In the Takeda5 and Takeda10 dynamic analyses. Section 6.4.2 characterizes the
models, strength degradation was approximated by ground motions in terms of strength and displacement
reducing the initial strength of the damaged demand characteristics for bilinear oscillators, in order
Takeda5 and Takeda10 models. RSRs equal to to establish that the ground motions and procedures
100%, 80%, and 60% were considered. Although used give results consistent with previous studies.
the strength reduction considered in the Takeda 5 Section 6.4.3 discusses the response of the Takeda
and Takeda10 models does not model the evolution models in some detail, for selected values of
of strength loss, it suggests an upper bound for the parameters. Section 6.4.4 presents summary response
effect of strength degradation on response charac- statistics for the Takeda models for a broader range of
teristics. parameter values.

6.3.8 Implementation of Analyses Several identifiers are used in the plots, as follows:

Over 22,000 inelastic SDOF analyses were conducted Records:

using a variety of software programs. The strength of
SD= Short-duration ground motions.
the oscillators was determined using constant-ductility
iterations for the bilinear oscillators using the program LD= Long-duration ground motions.
PCNSPEC (Boroschek, 1991), a modified version of FD= Forward-directivity ground motions.
NONSPEC (Mahin and Lin , 1983). Response of the
Takeda models was computed using a program DDD: Design Displacement Ductility. Strength
developed by Otani (1981). This program was modified was determined to achieve the specified
at the University of Illinois to include the effects of DDD response for bilinear oscillators hav-
PDD, pinching, and strength degradation and to identify ing post-yield stiffness equal to 5% of the
collapse states for models with negative post-yield initial stiffness. Values range from 1 to 8.
PDD: Prior Ductility Demand. This represents a
modification of loading and unloading
stiffness, to simulate damage caused by

126 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

previous earthquakes. Values range from 1 T/Tg < 4 in order to reveal sufficient detail in the range
to 8, but not in excess of DDD. T/Tg < 1.
RSR: Reduced Strength Ratio. This represents a
reduction or degradation of strength and The trends shown in Figures 6-29 through 6-31
associated changes in stiffness. Values resemble those reported by other researchers, for
ranges from 100% to 60%, as detailed in example, Shimazaki and Sozen (1984), Miranda (1991),
Figures 6-26, 6-27, and 6-28. and Nassar and Krawinkler (1991). However, it can be
Displacements: observed that the longer-period structures subjected to
dd = Peak displacement response of ground motions with forward-directivity effects show a
undamaged oscillator peak displacement response in the range of
approximately 0.5 to 2 times the elastic structure
d'd =Peak displacement response of dam- response, somewhat in excess of values typical of the
aged oscillator other classes of ground motion. Additionally, strength-
de = Peak displacement response of elastic reduction factors, R, tend to be somewhat lower for the
oscillator having stiffness equal to the FD motions, representing the need to supply a greater
yield-point secant stiffness of the cor- proportion of the elastic strength demand in order to
responding Takeda oscillator maintain prespecified DDDs.

Space constraints limit the number of included figures. 6.4.3 Response of Takeda Models
Selected results for oscillators designed for a The Takeda models were provided with lateral strength
displacement ductility of 8 are presented below. Elastic equal to that determined to achieve specified DDDs of
response characteristics are presented as part of the 1, 2, 4, and 8 for the corresponding bilinear models,
ground motion plots in Figures 6-2 to 6-19. based on the yield-point secant stiffness.
6.4.2 Response of Bilinear Models Prior damage was parameterized by prior ductility
Figures 6-29 to 6-31 present the response of bilinear demand (PDD), possibly in conjunction with strength
models to the SD, LD, and FD ground motions, reduction or strength degradation, which is
respectively. The ratio of peak displacement of the parameterized by RSR. PDD greater than zero (damage
inelastic model to the peak displacement response of an present) and RSR less than one (strength reduced or
elastic oscillator having the same initial period, degrading) both cause the initial period of the oscillator
dd/de, is presented in the upper plot of each figure. The to increase. When previous damage has caused
lower plot presents the ratio of elastic strength demand displacements in excess of the yield displacement
to the yield strength provided in order to attain the (PDD>1), even small displacements cause energy
specified DDD, which in this case equals 8. dissipation through hysteretic response. No further
attention is given to those oscillators for which the
When the strength reduction factor, R, has a value of 8, imposed PDD exceeds the response of the undamaged
the inelastic design strength is 1/8 of the elastic oscillator, and these data points are not represented on
strength. For DDD = 8, an R = 8 means that the reduced subsequent plots.
inelastic design strength and the resulting oscillator Response of the Takeda5 Model
ductility are equal. If R is greater than 8, say 12, for
DDD = 8, then the reduced inelastic design strength of It is of interest to observe how structures proportioned
the structure can be 1/12 of the expected elastic strength based on the bilinear model respond if their force/
to achieve an oscillator ductility of 8. That is, for any R, displacement response is represented more accurately
the structure can be designed for 1/R times the elastic by a Takeda model. This interest is based in part on the
needed strength to achieve a ductility of DDD. widespread use of the bilinear model in developing
current displacement-based design approaches.
Response to each ground motion is indicated by the
plotted symbols, which are ordered by increasing Figures 6-32 through 6-34 present the response of
characteristic period, Tg. It was found that the Takeda5 models in which the oscillator strength was set
displacement and strength data are better organized to achieve a bilinear displacement ductility demand of
when plotted against the ratio T/Tg instead of the 8. The upper plot of each figure shows the ratio of peak
reference period, T. The plots present data only for displacement response to the peak response of an elastic
(Text continued on page 134)

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 127

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

Records=SD; DDD=8; PDD=0; RSR=1; Model=Bilinear

6 BB92CIVC.360
5 LP89CORR.090
dd,Bilinear / de


0 1 2 3 4
Period Ratio, T/Tg

Records=SD; DDD=8; PDD=0; RSR=1; Model=Bilinear

Strength Reduction Factor, R

20 NR94CENT.360



0 1 2 3 4
Period Ratio, T/Tg

Figure 6-29 Response of Bilinear Oscillators to Short Duration Records (DDD= 8)

DDD = Design Displacement Ductility; PDD = Prior Ductility Demand; RSR = Reduced Strength Ratio

128 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

Records=LD; DDD=8; PDD=0; RSR=1; Model=Bilinear

6 CH85VALP.070
5 TB78TABS.344
dd,Bilinear / de


0 1 2 3 4
Period Ratio, T/Tg

Records=LD; DDD=8; PDD=0; RSR=1; Model=Bilinear

Strength Reduction Factor, R

20 LN92JOSH.360



0 1 2 3 4
Period Ratio, T/Tg

Figure 6-30 Response of Bilinear Oscillators to Long Duration Records (DDD= 8)

DDD = Design Displacement Ductility; PDD = Prior Ductility Demand; RSR = Reduced Strength Ratio

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 129

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

Records=FD; DDD=8; PDD=0; RSR=1; Model=Bilinear

6 IV79BRWY.315
5 NR94NWHL.360
dd,Bilinear / de


0 1 2 3 4
Period Ratio, T/Tg

Records=FD; DDD=8; PDD=0; RSR=1; Model=Bilinear

25 LP89SARA.360
Strength Reduction Factor, R

20 NR94SYLH.090



0 1 2 3 4
Period Ratio, T/Tg

Figure 6-31 Response of Bilinear Oscillators to Forward Directive Records (DDD= 8)

DDD = Design Displacement Ductility; PDD = Prior Ductility Demand; RSR = Reduced Strength Ratio

130 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

Records=SD; DDD=8; PDD=0; RSR=1; Model=Takeda5

8 SP88GUKA.360
dd,Takeda5 / de

6 IV79ARY7.140

0 1 2 3 4
Period Ratio, T/Tg

Records=SD; DDD=8; PDD=0; RSR=1; Models=Takeda5 & Bilinear

6 BB92CIVC.360
5 LP89CORR.090
dd,Takeda5 / dd,Bilinear


0 1 2 3 4
Period Ratio, T/Tg

Figure 6-32 Displacement Response of Takeda Models Compared with Elastic Response and Bilinear Response, for
Short-Duration Records (DDD= 8 and RSR= 1)
DDD = Design Displacement Ductility; PDD = Prior Ductility Demand; RSR = Reduced Strength Ratio

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 131

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

Records=LD; DDD=8; PDD=0; RSR=1; Model=Takeda5

8 IV40ELCN.180
dd,Takeda5 / de

6 MX85SCT1.270

0 1 2 3 4
Period Ratio, T/Tg

Records=LD; DDD=8; PDD=0; RSR=1; Models=Takeda5 & Bilinear

6 CH85VALP.070
5 TB78TABS.344
dd,Takeda5 / dd,Bilinear


0 1 2 3 4
Period Ratio, T/Tg

Figure 6-33 Displacement Response of Takeda Models Compared with Elastic Response and Bilinear Response for
Long-Duration Records (DDD= 8 and RSR= 1)
DDD = Design Displacement Ductility; PDD = Prior Ductility Demand; RSR = Reduced Strength Ratio

132 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

Records=FD; DDD=8; PDD=0; RSR=1; Model=Takeda5

8 LP89SARA.360
dd,Takeda5 / de

6 KO95TTRI.360

0 1 2 3 4
Period Ratio, T/Tg

Records=FD; DDD=8; PDD=0; RSR=1; Models=Takeda5 & Bilinear

6 IV79BRWY.315
5 NR94NWHL.360
dd,Takeda5 / dd,Bilinear


0 1 2 3 4
Period Ratio, T/Tg

Figure 6-34 Displacement Response of Takeda Models Compared with Elastic Response and Bilinear Response for
Forward Directive Records (DDD= 8 and RSR= 1)
DDD = Design Displacement Ductility; PDD = Prior Ductility Demand; RSR = Reduced Strength Ratio

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 133

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

analog, dd/de. The upper plots of Figures 6-32 through reduction in stiffness, and both effects contribute to the
6-34 are analogous to those presented in Figures 6-29 tendency for displacements to increase.
through 6-31.
To understand the effects of prior damage on the
The lower plots of Figures 6-32 through 6-34 show the response of the Takeda5 models, it is helpful to consider
ratio of the Takeda5 and bilinear ultimate displace- several oscillators exposed to the IV40ELCN.180 (El
ments, dd,Takeda5/dd,Bilinear. It is clear that peak dis- Centro) record. Figures 6-41 to 6-45 plot the response
placements of the Takeda model may be several times of oscillators having initial (reference) periods of 0.2,
larger or smaller than those obtained with the corre- 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 sec, respectively, to this ground
sponding bilinear model. motion. The oscillators have yield strength equal to that
required to obtain displacement ductility demands of 8
The effect of damage on the Takeda5 model is shown in for the bilinear model. Oscillators having PDD of 0
Figures 6-35 through 6-40, for Takeda5 oscillators that (undamaged), 1, 4, and 8 are considered. Displacement
were initially designed for a bilinear DDD of 8. The time-histories (40 sec) of the oscillators are plotted at
upper plot of each figure shows the response without the top of each figure. Details of the first 10 seconds of
strength reduction (RSR = 1); the lower plot shows response are shown below these. The solid lines
response for RSR = 0.6. represent the response of the initially-undamaged
oscillators, and the dashed and dotted lines represent
Figures 6-35 through 6-37 show the effect of cracking oscillators with PDD > 0. Force/displacement plots for
on response. The displacement response, d'd, of the first 10 sec of response of each oscillator are
provided in the lower part of the figure, using the same
Takeda5 oscillators subjected to a PDD of one is
PDD legend. It can be observed that even though the
compared with the response of the corresponding
undamaged oscillators initially have greater stiffness,
undamaged Takeda5 oscillators, dd. Where no strength
their displacement response tends to converge upon the
degradation occurs (RSR = 1), cracking rarely causes an response of the initially-damaged oscillators within a
increase in displacement demand; for the vast majority few seconds. The displacement response of the
of oscillators, cracking is observed to cause a slight damaged oscillators tends to be in phase with that of the
decrease in the peak displacement response. Reductions initially-undamaged oscillators, and maximum values
in strength typically cause a noticeable increase in tend to be similar to and to occur at approximately the
displacement response, particularly for low T/Tg. same time as the undamaged oscillator peaks. Thus, it
appears that prior ductility demands have only a small
Figures 6-38 through 6-40 show the effect of a PDD of effect on oscillator response characteristics and do not
8 on peak displacement, d'd, relative to the response of cause a fundamentally different response to develop.
the corresponding undamaged oscillators. Prior damage
is observed to cause modest changes in displacement Response of the TakPinch Model
response where the strength is maintained (RSR = 1); Figures 6-46 to 6-48 plot the ratio, d'd/dd, of damaged
displacements may increase or decrease. Where
displacements increase, they rarely increase more than and undamaged displacement response for the TakPinch
about 10% above the displacement of the undamaged models having DDD = 8 and PDD = 8, for RSR = 1 and
oscillator for the short-duration and long-duration 0.6. Figure 6-49 plots the displacement time-history of
motions. For the forward directivity motions, they TakPinch oscillators subjected to the NS component of
rarely increase more than about 30% above the the 1940 El Centro record, and Figure 6-50 plots results
displacement of the undamaged oscillator. The largest for oscillators having cyclic strength degradation given
displacements tend to occur more frequently for T<Tg. by RSR = 0.6. These oscillators have a reference period
of one second, DDD = 8, and various PDDs.
The above discussion concerned oscillators for which By comparison with the analogous figures for the
the strength is maintained. When strength is reduced Takeda5 model (Figures 6-38 to 6-40 and 6-43), it can
(RSR = 0.6), prior ductility demand may cause be observed that: (1) for RSR = 1 (no strength
displacements to increase or decrease, but the tendency degradation), the effect of PDD on displacement
for displacements to increase is more prominent than response is typically small for the Takeda5 and
for RSR = 1. Furthermore, the increase in displacement TakPinch oscillators, and (2) the effect of cyclic
tends to be larger than for RSR = 1. Reduction in strength degradation, as implemented here, is also
strength, as represented in Figure 6-26, also causes relatively small. Thus, the observation that prior
(Text continued on page 151)

134 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

Records=SD; DDD=8; PDD=1; RSR=1; Model=Takeda5

2 Excludes cases where prior damage (PDD) exceeds undamaged response
1.5 LP89CORR.090
d'd / dd


0 1 2 3 4
Period Ratio, T/Tg

Records=SD; DDD=8; PDD=1; RSR=0.6; Model=Takeda5

5 Excludes cases where prior damage (PDD) exceeds undamaged response
4 SP88GUKA.360
3 IV79ARY7.140
d'd / dd

0 1 2 3 4
Period Ratio, T/Tg

Figure 6-35 Effect of Cracking Without and With Strength Reduction on Displacement Response of Takeda5 Models,
for Short-Duration Records (DDD= 8 and PDD= 1)
DDD = Design Displacement Ductility; PDD = Prior Ductility Demand; RSR = Reduced Strength Ratio

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 135

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

Records=LD; DDD=8; PDD=1; RSR=1; Model=Takeda5

Excludes cases where prior damage (PDD) exceeds undamaged response
1.5 TB78TABS.344
d'd / dd


0 1 2 3 4
Period Ratio, T/Tg

Records=LD; DDD=8; PDD=1; RSR=0.6; Model=Takeda5

Excludes cases where prior damage (PDD) exceeds undamaged response
4 IV40ELCN.180
3 MX85SCT1.270
d'd / dd

0 1 2 3 4
Period Ratio, T/Tg

Figure 6-36 Effect of Cracking Without and With Strength Reduction on Displacement Response of Takeda5 Models,
for Long-Duration Records (DDD= 8 and PDD= 1)
DDD = Design Displacement Ductility; PDD = Prior Ductility Demand; RSR = Reduced Strength Ratio

136 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

Records=FD; DDD=8; PDD=1; RSR=1; Model=Takeda5

2 Excludes cases where prior damage (PDD) exceeds undamaged response
1.5 NR94NWHL.360
d'd / dd


0 1 2 3 4
Period Ratio, T/Tg

Records=FD; DDD=8; PDD=1; RSR=0.6; Model=Takeda5

5 Excludes cases where prior damage (PDD) exceeds undamaged response
4 LP89SARA.360
3 KO95TTRI.360
d'd / dd

0 1 2 3 4
Period Ratio, T/Tg

Figure 6-37 Effect of Cracking Without and With Strength Reduction on Displacement Response of Takeda5 Models,
for Forward Directive Records (DDD= 8 and PDD= 1)
DDD = Design Displacement Ductility; PDD = Prior Ductility Demand; RSR = Reduced Strength Ratio

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 137

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

Records=SD; DDD=8; PDD=8; RSR=1; Model=Takeda5

2 Excludes cases where prior damage (PDD) exceeds undamaged response
1.5 LP89CORR.090
d'd / dd


0 1 2 3 4
Period Ratio, T/Tg

Records=SD; DDD=8; PDD=8; RSR=0.6; Model=Takeda5

5 Excludes cases where prior damage (PDD) exceeds undamaged response
4 SP88GUKA.360
3 IV79ARY7.140
d'd / dd

0 1 2 3 4
Period Ratio, T/Tg

Figure 6-38 Effect of Large Prior Ductility Demand Without and With Strength Reduction on Displacement
Response of Takeda5 Models, for Short Duration Records (DDD= 8 and PDD= 8)
DDD = Design Displacement Ductility; PDD = Prior Ductility Demand; RSR = Reduced Strength Ratio

138 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

Records=LD; DDD=8; PDD=8; RSR=1; Model=Takeda5

Excludes cases where prior damage (PDD) exceeds undamaged response
1.5 TB78TABS.344
d'd / dd


0 1 2 3 4
Period Ratio, T/Tg

Records=LD; DDD=8; PDD=8; RSR=0.6; Model=Takeda5

Excludes cases where prior damage (PDD) exceeds undamaged response
4 IV40ELCN.180
3 MX85SCT1.270
d'd / dd

0 1 2 3 4
Period Ratio, T/Tg

Figure 6-39 Effect of Large Prior Ductility Demand Without and With Strength Reduction on Displacement
Response of Takeda5 Models, for Long Duration Records (DDD= 8 and PDD= 8)
DDD = Design Displacement Ductility; PDD = Prior Ductility Demand; RSR = Reduced Strength Ratio

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 139

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

Records=FD; DDD=8; PDD=8; RSR=1; Model=Takeda5

2 Excludes cases where prior damage (PDD) exceeds undamaged response
1.5 NR94NWHL.360
d'd / dd


0 1 2 3 4
Period Ratio, T/Tg

Records=FD; DDD=8; PDD=8; RSR=0.6; Model=Takeda5

5 Excludes cases where prior damage (PDD) exceeds undamaged response
4 LP89SARA.360
3 KO95TTRI.360
d'd / dd

0 1 2 3 4
Period Ratio, T/Tg

Figure 6-40 Effect of Large Prior Ductility Demand Without and With Strength Reduction on Displacement
Response of Takeda5 Models, for Forward Directive Records (DDD= 8 and PDD= 8)
DDD = Design Displacement Ductility; PDD = Prior Ductility Demand; RSR = Reduced Strength Ratio

140 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

IV40ELCN DDD=8 T=0.2 sec, Takeda5

Displacement (cm)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Figure 6-41 Effect of Damage on Response to El Centro (IV40ELCN.180) for Takeda5, T=0.2 sec (DDD= 8)
DDD = Design Displacement Ductility

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 141

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

Displacement (cm)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Figure 6-42 Effect of Damage on Response to El Centro (IV40ELCN.180) for Takeda5, T=0.5 sec (DDD= 8)
DDD = Design Displacement Ductility

142 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

IV40ELCN DDD=8 T=1.0 sec, Takeda5

Displacement (cm)
12 pdd0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Figure 6-43 Effect of Damage on Response to El Centro (IV40ELCN.180) for Takeda5, T=1.0 sec (DDD= 8)
DDD = Design Displacement Ductility

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 143

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

IV40ELCN DDD=8 T=1.5 sec, Takeda5

Displacement (cm)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Figure 6-44 Effect of Damage on Response to El Centro (IV40ELCN.180) for Takeda5, T=1.5 sec (DDD= 8)
DDD = Design Displacement Ductility

144 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

IV40ELCN DDD=8 T=2.0 sec, Takeda5

Displacement (cm)



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Figure 6-45 Effect of Damage on Response to El Centro (IV40ELCN.180) for Takeda5, T=2.0 sec (DDD= 8)
DDD = Design Displacement Ductility

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 145

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

Records=SD; DDD=8; PDD=8; RSR=1; Model=TakPinch

Excludes cases where prior damage (PDD) exceeds undamaged response
4 SP88GUKA.360
3 IV79ARY7.140
d'd / dd

0 1 2 3 4
Period Ratio, T/Tg

Records=SD; DDD=8; PDD=8; RSR=0.6; Model=TakPinch

Excludes cases where prior damage (PDD) exceeds undamaged response
4 SP88GUKA.360
d'd / dd

0 1 2 3 4
Period Ratio, T/Tg

Figure 6-46 Effect of Large Prior Ductility Demand Without and With Strength Reduction on Displacement
Response of TakPinch Models, for Short Duration Records (DDD= 8 and PDD= 8)
DDD = Design Displacement Ductility; PDD = Prior Ductility Demand; RSR = Reduced Strength Ratio

146 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

Records=LD; DDD=8; PDD=8; RSR=1; Model=TakPinch

Excludes cases where prior damage (PDD) exceeds undamaged response
3 MX85SCT1.270
d'd / dd

0 1 2 3 4
Period Ratio, T/Tg

Records=LD; DDD=8; PDD=8; RSR=0.6; Model=TakPinch

Excludes cases where prior damage (PDD) exceeds undamaged response
4 IV40ELCN.180
3 MX85SCT1.270
d'd / dd

0 1 2 3 4
Period Ratio, T/Tg

Figure 6-47 Effect of Large Prior Ductility Demand Without and With Strength Reduction on Displacement
Response of TakPinch Models, for Long Duration Records (DDD= 8 and PDD= 8)
DDD = Design Displacement Ductility; PDD = Prior Ductility Demand; RSR = Reduced Strength Ratio

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 147

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

Records=FD; DDD=8; PDD=8; RSR=1; Model=TakPinch

Excludes cases where prior damage (PDD) exceeds undamaged response
4 LP89SARA.360
3 KO95TTRI.360
d'd / dd

0 1 2 3 4
Period Ratio, T/Tg

Records=FD; DDD=8; PDD=8; RSR=0.6; Model=TakPinch

Excludes cases where prior damage (PDD) exceeds undamaged response
4 LP89SARA.360
d'd / dd

0 1 2 3 4
Period Ratio, T/Tg

Figure 6-48 Effect of Large Prior Ductility Demand Without and With Strength Reduction on Displacement
Response of TakPinch, for Forward Directive Records (DDD= 8 and PDD= 8)
DDD = Design Displacement Ductility; PDD = Prior Ductility Demand; RSR = Reduced Strength Ratio

148 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

IV40ELCN DDD=8 T=1.0 sec, Takeda Pinching RSR=1

Displacement (cm)



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Figure 6-49 Effect of Damage on Response of TakPinch Model to El Centro (IV40ELCN.180) for
T=1.0 sec and RSR= 1 (DDD= 8)
DDD = Design Displacement Ductility

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 149

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

IV40ELCN DDD=8 T=1.0 sec, Takeda Pinching RSR=0.6

Displacement (cm)



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Figure 6-50 Effect of Damage on Response of TakPinch Model to El Centro (IV40ELCN.180) for
T=1.0 sec and RSR = 0.6 (DDD= 8)
DDD = Design Displacement Ductility

150 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

ductility demand has, in general, only a small effect on Takeda10 oscillators having DDD = 2. Collapse of the
displacement demand applies equally to the standard damaged oscillators (whether the corresponding
Takeda oscillator and to Takeda oscillators that exhibit undamaged oscillator collapsed or not) is indicated by a
pinching. The Takeda5 oscillators with initially reduced ratio equal to six, and collapse of the undamaged
strength, given by RSR = 0.6, tended to have a response oscillators is indicated by a ratio equal to zero.
amplified to a much greater extent than is observed for Approximately 10% of the oscillators having DDD = 2
the TakPinch model, reflecting the more dramatic form collapsed with no prior damage. This indicates that
of strength degradation that was implemented in the structures characterized by negative post-yield
Takeda5 model. stiffnesses must remain nearly elastic if collapse is to be
avoided. Prior ductility demand may cause Response of Takeda10 Model displacement response to either increase or decrease for
those oscillators that do not collapse.
The Takeda10 model is a Takeda model having post-
yield stiffness equal to –10% of the yield-point secant
Figure 6-54 plots the displacement time-history of a
stiffness. As has been found previously by others, mod-
one-second oscillator having DDD = 8 and PDD
els with negative post-yield stiffness are prone to col-
ranging from 0 (undamaged) to 8, subjected to the NS
lapse, where collapse is defined as the point at which
component of the 1940 El Centro record. It can be
the displacement is large enough that the force resisted
observed that prior ductility demand helps to avoid
by the oscillator decreases to zero. Comparisons of peak
collapse in some cases, and may cause collapse in
displacement response are of limited value when col-
lapse occurs. Instead, the likelihood of collapse is used
to assess the impact of prior damage on response for the
Takeda10 models. 6.4.4 Response Statistics
Summary response statistics were prepared to identify
Figures 6-51 to 6-53 plot the ratio, d'd/dd, of damaged general trends in the data.
and undamaged peak displacement response for the

Records=SD; DDD=2; PDD=1; RSR=1; Model=Takeda10

6 Amplitude of 6 identifies collapse of damaged oscillator; 0 identifies collapse of only the undamaged oscillator
Excludes cases where prior damage (PDD) exceeds undamaged response
5 BB92CIVC.360
4 LP89CORR.090
d'd / dd


0 1 2 3 4
Period Ratio, T/Tg

Figure 6-51 Effect of Cracking on Displacement Response of Takeda10 Model for Short Duration Records (DDD= 8
and PDD=1)
DDD = Design Displacement Ductility; PDD = Prior Ductility Demand; RSR = Reduced Strength Ratio

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 151

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

Records=LD; DDD=2; PDD=1; RSR=1; Model=Takeda10

Amplitude of 6 identifies collapse of damaged oscillator; 0 identifies collapse of only the undamaged oscillator
Excludes cases where prior damage (PDD) exceeds undamaged response
5 CH85VALP.070
4 TB78TABS.344
d'd / dd


0 1 2 3 4
Period Ratio, T/Tg

Figure 6-52 Effect of Cracking on Displacement Response of Takeda10 Model for Long-Duration Records (DDD= 8
and PDD=1)
DDD = Design Displacement Ductility; PDD = Prior Ductility Demand; RSR = Reduced Strength Ratio

Records=FD; DDD=2; PDD=1; RSR=1; Model=Takeda10

Amplitude of 6 identifies collapse of damaged oscillator; 0 identifies collapse of only the undamaged oscillator
Excludes cases where prior damage (PDD) exceeds undamaged response
5 IV79BRWY.315
4 NR94NWHL.360
d'd / dd


0 1 2 3 4
Period Ratio, T/Tg

Figure 6-53 Effect of Cracking on Displacement Response of Takeda10 Model for Forward Directive Records (DDD=
8 and PDD=1)
DDD = Design Displacement Ductility; PDD = Prior Ductility Demand; RSR = Reduced Strength Ratio

152 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

IV40ELCN DDD=8 T=1.0 sec, Takeda10

Displacement (cm)
10 pdd1



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Figure 6-54 Effect of Damage on Response of Takeda10 Model to El Centro (IV40ELCN.180) for
T=1.0 sec and RSR= 1 (DDD= 8)
DDD = Design Displacement Ductility

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 153

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

The left side of Figure 6-55 plots mean values of the strength degradation during the performance-level
ratio of damaged and undamaged oscillator peak event. Thus, the comparison of d'd with dd does not
displacement response, d'd/dd, as a function of DDD provide a sufficient basis to determine the effect of
and PDD, for RSR = 1, 0.8, and 0.6, for the Takeda5 strength degradation on response. Comparing response
model. The right side of this figure plots mean-plus-one of structures having reduced strength, both with and
standard deviation values of d'd/dd. Figure 6-56 plots without prior ductility demands would provide more
similar data, but for the TakPinch model. Mean meaningful information. Comparing data for RSR = 0.6
displacement ratios d'd/dd for the Takeda5 and TakPinch or 0.8, one can see in Figure 6-55 that the effect of PDD
models are only slightly affected by PDD and DDD, for is to reduce the mean displacement ratio for Takeda5
RSR = 1. Mean displacement ratios of the TakPinch oscillators. The capacity curve developed for a structure
oscillators increase slightly as RSR decreases. should incorporate strength degradation when it is
In Figure 6-55 it can be seen that strength reduction can
have a significant effect on the mean displacement ratio The above discussion has focused on mean ratios of
d'd/dd for the Takeda5 oscillators. However, if the d'd/dd. Variability of this ratio, plotted as mean plus one
damaging earthquake reduces oscillator strength, then standard deviation values on the right sides of
surely the undamaged structure would experience Figures 6-55 and 6-56, indicates that response of a

Mean(d’d /dd), Takeda5, RSR=1 Mean + SD (d’d /dd), Takeda5, RSR=1

Prior Ducitility Demand (PDD)

Prior Ducitility Demand (PDD)

8 1.00 8 1.15

6 6

4 1.06 0.98 4 1.26 1.09

2 1.06 1.00 0.97 2 1.31 1.15 1.09

1.07 1.03 0.98 0.97 1.28 1.21 1.07 1.05
0 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Design Displacement Ductility (DDD) Design Displacement Ductility (DDD)
Mean(d’d /dd), Takeda5, RSR=0.8 Mean + SD (d’d /dd), Takeda5, RSR=0.8
Prior Ducitility Demand (PDD)

Prior Ducitility Demand (PDD)

8 1.09 8 1.31

6 6

4 1.23 1.11 4 1.58 1.35

2 1.33 1.21 1.12 2 1.90 1.58 1.44

1.32 1.41 1.23 1.16 1.87 2.03 1.64 1.53
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Design Displacement Ductility (DDD) Design Displacement Ductility (DDD)
Mean(d’d /dd), Takeda5, RSR=0.6 Mean + SD (d’d /dd), Takeda5, RSR=0.6
Prior Ducitility Demand (PDD)

Prior Ducitility Demand (PDD)

8 1.23 8 1.60

6 6

4 1.44 1.24 4 1.98 1.62

2 1.68 1.48 1.26 2 2.72 2.19 1.71

1.91 1.94 1.63 1.44 3.51 3.31 2.72 2.47
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Design Displacement Ductility (DDD) Design Displacement Ductility (DDD)

Figure 6-55 Mean and Standard Deviation Values of d'd /dd for Takeda5 Model.

154 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

Mean(d’d /dd), TakPinch, RSR=1 Mean + SD (d’d /dd), TakPinch, RSR=1

Prior Ducitility Demand (PDD)

Prior Ducitility Demand (PDD)

8 0.99 8 1.16

6 6

4 1.04 0.99 4 1.27 1.13

2 1.10 1.01 0.99 2 1.43 1.22 1.16

1.00 1.01 0.97 0.95 1.23 1.22 1.10 1.01
0 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Design Displacement Ductility (DDD) Design Displacement Ductility (DDD)
Mean(d’d /dd), TakPinch, RSR=0.8 Mean + SD (d’d /dd), TakPinch, RSR=0.8
Prior Ducitility Demand (PDD)

Prior Ducitility Demand (PDD)

8 1.01 8 1.19

6 6

4 1.07 1.00 4 1.34 1.16

2 1.15 1.04 1.01 2 1.54 1.31 1.23

1.07 1.08 1.00 0.98 1.37 1.40 1.17 1.11
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Design Displacement Ductility (DDD) Design Displacement Ductility (DDD)
Mean(d’d /dd), TakPinch, RSR=0.6 Mean + SD (d’d /dd), TakPinch, RSR=0.6
Prior Ducitility Demand (PDD)

Prior Ducitility Demand (PDD)

8 1.02 8 1.24

6 6

4 1.11 1.02 4 1.45 1.20

2 1.21 1.08 1.04 2 1.72 1.42 1.35

1.11 1.17 1.07 1.03 1.48 1.64 1.43 1.26
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Design Displacement Ductility (DDD) Design Displacement Ductility (DDD)

Figure 6-56 Mean and Standard Deviation Values of d'd /dd for TakPinch Model.

damaged structure to a given earthquake varies relative reduction tends to increase the tendency of the
to the response in the initially-undamaged state. oscillators to collapse. No clear trend emerges as to the
However, this variability is insignificant in the context effect of PDD on the tendency of these oscillators to
of variability arising from other sources. For example, collapse.
the hysteresis model and earthquake ground motion
have a greater effect on response displacements than the
variability arising due to prior damage. Figures 6-32 to 6.5 Nonlinear Static
6-34 indicate how different the peak displacement Procedures
response of undamaged Takeda and bilinear models can
be to a given earthquake. 6.5.1 Introduction
Figure 6-57 shows the percentage of Takeda10 Nonlinear static analysis is used to estimate inelastic
oscillators that reached their collapse displacement. It response quantities without undertaking the effort
can be observed that 10% or more of those structures required for inelastic dynamic analyses. Several
designed to achieve a displacement ductility of two methods are presently in use. No consensus has
collapsed. This indicates the need to ensure that emerged as to the applicability and relative accuracy of
structures having negative post-yield stiffnesses remain the methods, which are collectively known as nonlinear
nearly elastic if collapse is to be avoided. Strength static procedures (NSP). These procedures each focus

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 155

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

Collapse Percentage for RSR=1

Prior Ducitility Demand (PDD)

8 80%

4 65% 86%

2 21% 58% 90%

0% 10% 55% 85%
0 0% 10% 55% 86%

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Design Displacement Ductility (DDD)
Collapse Percentage for RSR=0.8
Prior Ducitility Demand (PDD)

8 83%

4 73% 92%

2 42% 69% 96%

6% 30% 69% 95%
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Design Displacement Ductility (DDD)
Collapse Percentage for RSR=0.6
Prior Ducitility Demand (PDD)

8 NA

4 82% 96%

2 57% 79% 98%

18% 52% 81% 98%
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Design Displacement Ductility (DDD)

Figure 6-57 Percent of Takeda10 Oscillators that Collapsed

on different parameters for determining estimates of NSP are compared with values computed from dynamic
peak displacement response. Consequently, NSP analyses in Section 6.6.
displacement estimates may be affected to different
degrees by differences in hysteretic model, initial 6.5.2 Description of Nonlinear Static
stiffness, lateral strength, and post-yield stiffness. Procedures
Section 6.5.2 describes three nonlinear static methods; The methods are briefly described in this section for
displacement coefficient, secant, and capacity spectrum cases assumed to correspond most closely to the
methods. Differences among the methods and the dynamic analysis framework of Section 6.3.3,
implications for estimating displacements are discussed representing wall buildings at the collapse prevention
in Section 6.5.3. Assumptions made to extend the performance level. The reader is referred to FEMA 273
methods to cases with prior damage are discussed in for greater detail on the displacement coefficient
Section 6.5.4. Displacement estimates obtained using method, and to ATC-40 for greater detail on the secant
and capacity spectrum methods. The displacement

156 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

coefficient method described here is the same as in yield strength, Fye, illustrated in Figure 6-58. An
FEMA 273. optional limit of 2 on C1 was not applied in the analyses
described here. Displacement Coefficient Method
The displacement coefficient method estimates peak The coefficient C2 accounts for the type of hysteretic
inelastic displacement response as the product of a response. At the collapse prevention performance level,
series of coefficients and the elastic spectral C2 varies linearly between 1.5 at 0.1 sec and 1.2 at Tg,
displacement. The peak displacement estimate, dd, is and remains at 1.2 for Te greater than Tg.
given by
The coefficient C3 accounts for increases in
T 
displacements that arise when P-∆ effects are sig-
d d = C 0 C1C 2 C 3 S a  e  (6-2)
nificant. Because the dynamic analyses did not include
 2π  second-order effects, C3 was assigned a value of 1.
However, the Takeda 10 models had a negative post-
where coefficients C0 through C3 modify the spectral yield stiffness of 10 percent, which approximates P-∆
displacement, given by the product of the elastic effects
spectral acceleration, Sa, and (Te/2π)2, where Te is an
effective period based on the effective stiffness Secant Method
determined using the construction of Figure 6-58. The secant method assumes that the peak displacement
In the above, C0 relates the spectral displacement and response of a nonlinear system can be estimated as the
the expected roof displacement, and is set at 1 for peak response of an elastic system having increased
SDOF systems. The coefficient C1 accounts for the period. An idealized lateral-force/displacement curve
amplification of peak displacement for short-period for the structure is developed using a static “pushover”
systems, is set at 1 for Te > Tg, and is computed as analysis. The elastic response of the structure is
follows for Te < Tg: computed using a response-spectrum analysis, using
initial component stiffness values. The resulting elastic
displacements are used to obtain revised stiffness values
1  1  Tg for the components, set equal to the secant stiffness
C1 = + 1 −  (6-3)
defined at the intersections of the component force/
R  R  Te
displacement curves and the elastic displacements
obtained from the response-spectrum analysis. Using
where R = the strength-reduction factor, given by the
these revised stiffness values, another response-
ratio of the elastic base shear force and the effective
spectrum analysis is performed, and iterations continue

Undamaged Damaged
Force Force
Fy Fy
Pushover Undamaged
Effective Effective

∆ye ∆y ∆y PDD∆y
Displacement Displacement

Figure 6-58 Construction of Effective Stiffness for use with the Displacement Coefficient Method

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 157

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

Undamaged Damaged
Force Force
Fy Fy

Pushover Effective

∆y ∆y PDD∆y
Displacement Displacement
Figure 6-59 Initial Effective Stiffness and Capacity Curves Used in the Secant and Capacity Spectrum Methods

Force or Spectral 5% Damped

Pseudo-Acceleration Elastic Spectrum
Pushover Curve
Peak Displacement Estimate

Displacement or Spectral

Figure 6-60 Schematic Depiction of Secant Method Displacement Estimation

until the displacements converge. All response- stiffness. This stiffness may be used to obtain a revised
spectrum analyses are made for 5% damping in the estimate of peak displacement response. These
secant method, as described in ATC-40. iterations continue until satisfactory convergence
For SDOF structures, the secant method can be occurs. This is shown schematically in Figure 6-61.
implemented in spectral pseudo-acceleration–spectral
displacement space, much like the capacity spectrum Capacity Spectrum Method
method. The force/displacement curve may be Like the secant method, the capacity spectrum method
determined using the constructions of Figure 6-59 for assumes that the peak displacement response of a
both the undamaged and damaged oscillators. This nonlinear system can be estimated by an elastic system
curve is plotted together with the elastic response having reduced stiffness. The difference is that the
spectrum for 5% damping in Figure 6-60. An estimate elastic spectral-response values are modified to reflect
of peak displacement is indicated in the figure. For the increases in damping associated with inelastic response.
undamaged oscillators, an initial estimate of peak A lateral force “pushover” curve is developed for the
displacement response is the peak response of an elastic structure and plotted on spectral pseudo-acceleration–
oscillator having stiffness equal to the initial stiffness of spectral displacement coordinates. The structure is
the oscillator. The intersection of the previous assumed to displace until it reaches an elastic demand
displacement estimate with the idealized force/ curve that has damping that corresponds to a value
displacement curve of the structure defines a new secant based on the current displacement estimate.

158 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

Force or Spectral
Iteration 1
Pseudo-Acceleration 2 5% Damped
Elastic Spectrum
3 Pushover Curve
4 Peak Displacement Estimate
5, 6

Displacement or Spectral

Figure 6-61 Schematic Depiction of Successive Iterations to Estimate Displacement Response Using the Secant
Method for Single-Degree-of-Freedom Oscillators

The method may be implemented by successively 6.5.3 Comments on Procedures

iterating displacement response. The initial
displacement is estimated using the initial stiffness of From the above descriptions, it is clear that there are
the structure and assuming elastic response for damping fundamental differences among the various NSPs. The
equal to 5% of critical damping. The intersection of the displacement coefficient method primarily relies on the
displacement estimate and the idealized force/ initial effective stiffness to determine a baseline spectral
displacement curve determines a revised estimate of the displacement, and it considers strength to a lesser extent
secant stiffness. Effective viscous damping is revised for short-period structures.
prescriptively, based on the displacement estimate. This
calculation represents the increase in effective damping The secant and capacity spectrum methods are
with increased hysteretic losses. The iterations continue insensitive to initial stiffness (for structures that yield)
until satisfactory convergence is obtained. Figure 6-62 ,and displacement estimates depend primarily on yield
illustrates the application of the method. strength and post-yield stiffness. Effective damping
varies with displacement amplitude in the capacity

Iteration 1
Spectral Pseudo- 5% Damped Elastic Spectrum
Acceleration 2
10, 15, and 20% Damped Spectra
Pushover Curve
4, 5
Peak Displacement Estimate

Displacement or Spectral

Figure 6-62 Schematic Depiction of Successive Iterations to Estimate Displacement Response Using the Capacity
Spectrum Method

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 159

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

spectrum method, while it is invariant in the secant initial stiffness of the damaged oscillators therefore
method. In the form presented in ATC-40, secant reflected the previous damage.
method displacement estimates are independent of
hysteretic model. Through changes in coefficient C2, The capacity spectrum method was also applied
changes in the force/displacement model may be iteratively, beginning with the same initial oscillator
incorporated in the displacement coefficient method. stiffness used in the secant method. Effective damping
Differences in hysteresis model are accounted for in the was determined by using the yield point of the
capacity spectrum method adjusting effective damping undamaged oscillators. The capacity spectrum method
for three “structural behavior types.” was implemented for an intermediate “building
characteristic,” identified as Type B. This type is
6.5.4 Application of Procedures to considered to represent average existing buildings
Undamaged and Damaged subjected to short-duration motions and new buildings
Oscillators subjected to long-duration motions. For this type,
effective damping is limited to 29% of critical damping.
Each procedure presumes that a smoothed, elastic
design response spectrum is to be used in practice. To For both the capacity spectrum and the secant stiffness
avoid uncertainties in interpretation of results, the actual methods, 10 iterations were performed for each
pseudo-acceleration spectra were used in place of a structure. These iterations generally converged on a
smoothed approximation in this study. For the capacity single result, and differences in successive
spectrum method, the actual pseudo-acceleration approximations were typically less than 1%. On
spectra were computed for a range of damping levels, occasion, differences in successive approximations
and the spectral reduction factors that are prescribed for were large, suggesting a lack of convergence due to the
use with smoothed design spectra were not employed. jagged nature of the actual (not smoothed) spectra.
These modifications introduce some scatter in the Where these differences occurred, the displacement
resulting displacement estimates that would not occur if estimate at the tenth iteration was retained.
smoothed spectra had been used. Thus, some
“smoothing” of the data may be appropriate when
interpreting the results. 6.6 Comparison of NSP and
Dynamic Analysis Results
The NSPs were developed for use with undamaged
structures. In this study, the NSPs were applied to the 6.6.1 Introduction
initially-damaged structures using the assumptions
described below, representing one of many approaches In evaluating the utility of the NSPs, attention may be
that can be taken. Recommended procedures for directed at two estimates. The first is peak displacement
estimating displacements are described in Section 4.4 of response; it could be expected that an acceptable
FEMA 306. procedure would estimate the peak displacement
response, dd, of a nonlinear system within acceptable
For the displacement coefficient method, the capacity limits of accuracy. Second, it is possible that a
curve was obtained by the procedure described in procedure may be systematically biased, and hence may
FEMA 273. For the uncracked oscillators, a bilinear estimate displacement response poorly while providing
curve was fit, crossing at 60% of the bilinear curve yield reasonable estimates of displacement ratio; that is, the
strength. For the damaged oscillators, the effective ratio of damaged structure displacement to undamaged
period of vibration was set at the initial period of the structure displacement, d'd/dd. These response indices,
damaged oscillators. Displacements were amplified by dd and d'd/dd, are examined in detail in the following
the factor C1 without imposing the optional limit of 2 sections for Takeda oscillators designed for bilinear
specified in the provisions. DDDs of 8.

The secant method was applied iteratively. For 6.6.2 Displacement Estimation
undamaged oscillators, the initial stiffness was the
yield-point secant stiffness. For damaged oscillators, it Peak displacement response of the undamaged Takeda
was set at the secant stiffness obtained at the oscillators was estimated for each earthquake record.
displacement imposed by prior ductility demands. The The ratio of the peak displacement estimate from NSP

160 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

and the value computed for each Takeda5 oscillator, at tended to overestimate displacement and exhibited more
each period and for each ground motion record, is scatter in values of dd,NSP/dd.
plotted in Figure 6-63 for DDD = 8 and RSR = 1. The
log scale plots the ratio of estimated and computed 6.6.3 Displacement Ratio Estimation
displacement, dd,NSP/dd. Plots are presented for each
ground motion category and for each NSP. The ratio of damaged oscillator displacement, d'd, and
the displacement of the corresponding Takeda oscillator
In Figure 6-63, it can be observed that the ratio of the having no initial damage, dd, was estimated using the
estimated and computed displacements, dd,NSP/dd, can NSP methods for each Takeda oscillator/earthquake
vary significantly, ranging from less than 0.3 to more pair, as described in Section 6.5.4. This estimated
than 100. At any period ratio, the ratio dd,NSP/dd may displacement ratio is compared with the ratio computed
approach or exceed an order of magnitude. Because the from the dynamic analyses in Figures 6-65 through
trends tend to be consistent for each ground motion 6-73.
record, the jaggedness of the actual spectra does not It can be observed that simple application of the
appear to be the source of most of the variability. displacement coefficient method using the initial
stiffness of the undamaged oscillator to calculate dd and
Figure 6-64 plots mean values of ratios dd, NSP/dd using the reduced stiffness of the damaged oscillator to
determined for each NSP, for all ground motions and all calculate d'd almost always overestimates the effects of
DDD values. Results for short- and long-period damage for the cases considered.
Takeda5 oscillators are plotted separately. In Application of the secant and capacity spectrum
Figure 6-64, it can be observed that the NSP procedures methods, using the initial and reduced stiffness values,
tend to overestimate, in a mean sense, the displacements typically led to nearly identical displacement estimates:
computed for the short-period Takeda5 oscillators for estimates of d'd/dd were often approximately equal to
all DDD. Takeda oscillators having DDD = 1 often one. Figures 6-68 through 6-73, which might appear to
displaced less than their bilinear counterparts because testify to the success of the methods, instead tend more
the Takeda oscillators had initial stiffness equal to twice to represent the inverse of the d'd/dd as computed for the
that of their bilinear counterparts. The difference in Takeda models. Figures 6-38 through 6-40 indicate that
initial stiffness explains the tendency of the NSP computed values of dd/d'd should tend to be around one,
methods to overestimate displacements for low DDD. decreasing slightly for small periods.
This is particularly true for the secant method estimates
of short-period oscillators, for which mean ratios The preceding plots examine the effectiveness of the
exceeded six for DDD greater than 1. The period ratio, methods, as implemented here, for estimating the
Te/Tg, marking the boundary of the elevated estimates consequences of prior ductility demand. It is also of
tends to be less than one, possibly reflecting the interest to examine the effectiveness of the methods in
effective increase in period of Takeda5 oscillators as accounting for strength loss. To do this, the ratio of the
their stiffness reduces (Figure 6-63). displacement obtained with RSR = 0.6 to that with
RSR = 1.0 was evaluated for the nonlinear Takeda5
Figure 6-64 indicates that each NSP tends to oscillators having DDD = 8 and PDD = 1, in order to
overestimate the displacement response of short-period compare the NSP estimates of the displacement ratio
oscillators and that the capacity spectrum method is with the displacement ratio computed for the nonlinear
most accurate for long-period Takeda5 oscillators, in a Takeda5 oscillators. The upper plots in Figures 6-74
mean sense. Nevertheless, Figure 6-63 indicates the through 6-82 show the estimated displacement ratio for
substantial variability in displacement estimates and the one of the three NSPs, and the lower plots of these
potential to overestimate or underestimate figures normalize this displacement ratio by the
displacements with all methods. A single estimate displacement ratio computed for the Takeda5
cannot capture the breadth of response variability that oscillators. It can be observed that the NSP methods
may occur at a given site. tend to account correctly for the effect of strength
reduction on displacement response, in a mean sense.
Based on Figures 6-63 and 6-64, the coefficient and
capacity spectrum methods appear to be reasonably
accurate and to have the least scatter. The secant method
(Text continued on page 177)

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 161


Figure 6-63

Short Duration Long Duration Forward Directive

100 100 100

Values of dd,NSP/dd for the Takeda5 Model

WN87MWLN.090 CH85LLEO.010 LN92LUCN.250

Coefficient Method
BB92CIVC.360 CH85VALP.070 IV79BRWY.315
SP88GUKA.360 IV40ELCN.180 LP89SARA.360
10 LP89CORR.090 10 TB78TABS.344 10 NR94NWHL.360
NR94CENT.360 LN92JOSH.360 NR94SYLH.090
IV79ARY7.140 MX85SCT1.270 KO95TTRI.360

1 1 1

0.1 0.1 0.1

0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

Capacity Spectrum Method
100 100 100
Technical Resources

10 10 10

1 1 1

0.1 0.1 0.1

0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4

100 100 100

Secant Method
10 10 10

1 1 1

0.1 0.1 0.1

0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4

Period Ratio: T e/T g

FEMA 307
Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

Takeda Model, Te <Tg Takeda Model, Te >Tg

6 6
Coef Cap Spec Secant Coef Cap Spec Secant
Mean (dd,NSP /dd)

Mean (dd,NSP /dd)

5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
1 2 4 8 1 2 4 8
Design Displacement Ductility Design Displacement Ductility

Figure 6-64 Mean values of dd,NSP /dd for all ground motions for each NSP method, for short and long-period
Takeda5 Models. See text in Section 6.6.2.

Records=SD; DDD=8; PDD=8; RSR=1; Model=Takeda5

Excludes cases where prior damage (PDD) exceeds undamaged response
(d’d /dd,Coef ) / (d’d /dd,Takeda5 )

4 SP88GUKA.360
3 IV79ARY7.140
Mean Coef

0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Period, T (sec)

Figure 6-65 Coefficient Method Estimates of Ratio of Damaged and Undamaged Oscillator Displacement
Normalized by Computed Ratio, for Short-Duration Records
DDD = Design Displacement Ductility; PDD = Prior Ductility Demand; RSR = Reduced Strength Ratio

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 163

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

Records=LD; DDD=8; PDD=8; RSR=1; Model=Takeda5

Excludes cases where prior damage (PDD) exceeds undamaged response
(d’d /dd,Coef ) / (d’d /dd,Takeda5 )

4 IV40ELCN.180
3 MX85SCT1.270
Mean Coef

0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Period, T (sec)

Figure 6-66 Coefficient Method Estimates of Ratio of Damaged and Undamaged Oscillator Displacement
Normalized by Computed Ratio, for Long-Duration Records
DDD = Design Displacement Ductility; PDD = Prior Ductility Demand; RSR = Reduced Strength Ratio

Records=FD; DDD=8; PDD=8; RSR=1; Model=Takeda5

5 Excludes cases where prior damage (PDD) exceeds undamaged response
(d’d /dd,Coef ) / (d’d /dd,Takeda5 )

4 LP89SARA.360
Mean Coef

0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Period, T (sec)

Figure 6-67 Coefficient Method Estimates of Ratio of Damaged and Undamaged Oscillator Displacement
Normalized by Computed Ratio, for Forward Directive Records
DDD = Design Displacement Ductility; PDD = Prior Ductility Demand; RSR = Reduced Strength Ratio

164 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

Records=SD; DDD=8; PDD=8; RSR=1; Model=Takeda5

Excludes cases where prior damage (PDD) exceeds undamaged response
(d’d /dd,Secant ) / (d’d /dd,Takeda5 )

4 SP88GUKA.360
3 IV79ARY7.140
Mean Sec

0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Period, T (sec)

Figure 6-68 Secant Method Estimates of Ratio of Damaged and Undamaged Oscillator Displacement Normalized by
Computed Ratio, for Short-Duration Records
DDD = Design Displacement Ductility; PDD = Prior Ductility Demand; RSR = Reduced Strength Ratio

Records=LD; DDD=8; PDD=8; RSR=1; Model=Takeda5

Excludes cases where prior damage (PDD) exceeds undamaged response
(d’d /dd,Secant ) / (d’d /dd,Takeda5 )

4 IV40ELCN.180
3 MX85SCT1.270
Mean Sec

0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Period, T (sec)

Figure 6-69 Secant Method Estimates of Ratio of Damaged and Undamaged Oscillator Displacement Normalized by
Computed Ratio, for Long-Duration Records
DDD = Design Displacement Ductility; PDD = Prior Ductility Demand; RSR = Reduced Strength Ratio

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 165

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

Records=FD; DDD=8; PDD=8; RSR=1; Model=Takeda5

5 Excludes cases where prior damage (PDD) exceeds undamaged response
(d’d /dd,Secant ) / (d’d /dd,Takeda5 )

4 LP89SARA.360
Mean Sec

0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Period, T (sec)

Figure 6-70 Secant Method Estimates of Ratio of Damaged and Undamaged Oscillator Displacement Normalized by
Computed Ratio, for Forward Directive Records
DDD = Design Displacement Ductility; PDD = Prior Ductility Demand; RSR = Reduced Strength Ratio

Records=SD; DDD=8; PDD=8; RSR=1; Model=Takeda5

Excludes cases where prior damage (PDD) exceeds undamaged response
(d’d /dd,CapSpec ) / (d’d /dd,Takeda5 )

4 SP88GUKA.360
3 IV79ARY7.140
Mean CapSpec

0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Period, T (sec)

Figure 6-71 Capacity Spectrum Method Estimates of Ratio of Damaged and Undamaged Oscillator Displacement
Normalized by Computed Ratio, for Short-Duration Records
DDD = Design Displacement Ductility; PDD = Prior Ductility Demand; RSR = Reduced Strength Ratio

166 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

Records=LD; DDD=8; PDD=8; RSR=1; Model=Takeda5

Excludes cases where prior damage (PDD) exceeds undamaged response
(d’d /dd,CapSpec ) / (d’d /dd,Takeda5 )

4 IV40ELCN.180
3 MX85SCT1.270
Mean CapSpec

0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Period, T (sec)

Figure 6-72 Capacity Spectrum Method Estimates of Ratio of Damaged and Undamaged Oscillator Displacement
Normalized by Computed Ratio, for Long-Duration Records
DDD = Design Displacement Ductility; PDD = Prior Ductility Demand; RSR = Reduced Strength Ratio

Records=FD; DDD=8; PDD=8; RSR=1; Model=Takeda5

5 Excludes cases where prior damage (PDD) exceeds undamaged response
(d'd /dd,CapSpec ) / (d'd /dd,Takeda5 )

4 LP89SARA.360
3 KO95TTRI.360
Mean CapSpec

0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Period, T (sec)

Figure 6-73 Capacity Spectrum Method Estimates of Ratio of Damaged and Undamaged Oscillator Displacement
Normalized by Computed Ratio, for Forward Directive Records
DDD = Design Displacement Ductility; PDD = Prior Ductility Demand; RSR = Reduced Strength Ratio

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 167

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

Records=SD; DDD=8; PDD=1; Model=Takeda5

Excludes cases where prior damage (PDD) exceeds undamaged response
d'd (RSR = .6)/d'd (RSR = 1), Coef

2 NR94CENT.360
Mean Coef

0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Period, T (sec)

Records=SD; DDD=8; PDD=1; Model=Takeda5

Excludes cases where prior damage (PDD) exceeds undamaged response
(d'd (.6)/d'd (1),Coef ) / (d'd (.6)/d'd (1),Takeda5 )

4 SP88GUKA.360
3 IV79ARY7.140
Mean Coef

0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Period, T (sec)

Figure 6-74 Coefficient Method Estimates of Displacement Ratio of RSR=0.6 and RSR=1.0 Takeda5 Oscillators
having DDD= 8 and PDD= 1
DDD = Design Displacement Ductility; PDD = Prior Ductility Demand; RSR = Reduced Strength Ratio

168 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

Records=LD; DDD=8; PDD=1; RSR=0.6; Model=Takeda5

Excludes cases where prior damage (PDD) exceeds undamaged response
d'd (RSR = .6)/d'd (RSR = 1), Coef


2 LN92JOSH.360
Mean Coef

0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Period, T (sec)

Records=LD; DDD=8; PDD=1; Model=Takeda5

Excludes cases where prior damage (PDD) exceeds undamaged response
(d'd (.6)/d'd (1),Coef ) / (d'd (.6)/d'd (1),Takeda5 )

4 IV40ELCN.180
3 MX85SCT1.270
Mean Coef

0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Period, T (sec)

Figure 6-75 Coefficient Method Estimates of Displacement Ratio of RSR=0.6 and RSR=1.0 Takeda5 Oscillators
having DDD= 8 and PDD= 1
DDD = Design Displacement Ductility; PDD = Prior Ductility Demand; RSR = Reduced Strength Ratio

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 169

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

Records=FD; DDD=8; PDD=1; Model=Takeda5

Excludes cases where prior damage (PDD) exceeds undamaged response
d'd (RSR = .6)/d'd (RSR = 1), Coef

3 NR94NWHL.360
Mean Coef

0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Period, T (sec)

Records=FD; DDD=8; PDD=1; Model=Takeda5

5 Excludes cases where prior damage (PDD) exceeds undamaged response
(d'd (.6)/d'd (1),Coef ) / (d'd (.6)/d'd (1),Takeda5 )

4 LP89SARA.360
3 KO95TTRI.360
Mean Coef

0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Period, T (sec)

Figure 6-76 Coefficient Method Estimates of Displacement Ratio of RSR=0.6 and RSR=1.0 Takeda5 Oscillators
having DDD= 8 and PDD= 1
DDD = Design Displacement Ductility; PDD = Prior Ductility Demand; RSR = Reduced Strength Ratio

170 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

Records=SD; DDD=8; PDD=1; Model=Takeda5

Excludes cases where prior damage (PDD) exceeds undamaged response
d'd (RSR = .6)/d'd (RSR = 1), Secant

2 NR94CENT.360
Mean Sec

0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Period, T (sec)

Records=SD; DDD=8; PDD=1; Model=Takeda5

(d'd (.6)/d'd (1),Secant) / (d'd (.6)/d'd (1),Takeda5 )

Excludes cases where prior damage (PDD) exceeds undamaged response

4 SP88GUKA.360
3 IV79ARY7.140
Mean Sec

0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Period, T (sec)

Figure 6-77 Secant Method Estimates of Displacement Ratio of RSR=0.6 and RSR=1.0 Takeda5 Oscillators having
DDD= 8 and PDD= 1
DDD = Design Displacement Ductility; PDD = Prior Ductility Demand; RSR = Reduced Strength Ratio

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 171

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

Records=LD; DDD=8; PDD=1; Model=Takeda5

Excludes cases where prior damage (PDD) exceeds undamaged response
d'd (RSR = .6)/d'd (RSR = 1), Secant

2 LN92JOSH.360
Mean Sec

0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Period, T (sec)

Records=LD; DDD=8; PDD=1; Model=Takeda5

Excludes cases where prior damage (PDD) exceeds undamaged response
(d'd (.6)/d'd (1),Secant) / (d'd (.6)/d'd (1),Takeda5 )

4 IV40ELCN.180
3 MX85SCT1.270
Mean Sec

0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Period, T (sec)

Figure 6-78 Secant Method Estimates of Displacement Ratio of RSR=0.6 and RSR=1.0 Takeda5 Oscillators having
DDD= 8 and PDD= 1
DDD = Design Displacement Ductility; PDD = Prior Ductility Demand; RSR = Reduced Strength Ratio

172 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

Records=FD; DDD=8; PDD=1; Model=Takeda5

Excludes cases where prior damage (PDD) exceeds undamaged response
d'd (RSR = .6)/d'd (RSR = 1), Secant

2 NR94SYLH.090
Mean Sec

0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Period, T (sec)

Records=FD; DDD=8; PDD=1; Model=Takeda5

5 Excludes cases where prior damage (PDD) exceeds undamaged response
(d'd (.6)/d'd (1),Secant) / (d'd (.6)/d'd (1),Takeda5 )

4 LP89SARA.360
3 KO95TTRI.360
Mean Sec

0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Period, T (sec)

Figure 6-79 Secant Method Estimates of Displacement Ratio of RSR=0.6 and RSR=1.0 Takeda5 Oscillators having
DDD= 8 and PDD= 1
DDD = Design Displacement Ductility; PDD = Prior Ductility Demand; RSR = Reduced Strength Ratio

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 173

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

Records=SD; DDD=8; PDD=1; Model=Takeda5

Excludes cases where prior damage (PDD) exceeds undamaged response
d'd (RSR = .6)/d'd (RSR = 1), CapSpec


2 NR94CENT.360
Mean CapSpec

0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Period, T (sec)

Records=SD; DDD=8; PDD=1; Model=Takeda5

(d'd (.6)/d'd (1),CapSpec) / (d'd (.6)/d'd (1),Takeda5 )

Excludes cases where prior damage (PDD) exceeds undamaged response

4 SP88GUKA.360
Mean CapSpec

0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Period, T (sec)

Figure 6-80 Capacity Spectrum Method Estimates of Displacement Ratio of RSR=0.6 and RSR=1.0 Takeda5
Oscillators having DDD= 8 and PDD= 1
DDD = Design Displacement Ductility; PDD = Prior Ductility Demand; RSR = Reduced Strength Ratio

174 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

Records=LD; DDD=8; PDD=1; Model=Takeda5

Excludes cases where prior damage (PDD) exceeds undamaged response
d'd (RSR = .6)/d'd (RSR = 1), CapSpec


2 LN92JOSH.360
Mean CapSpec

0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Period, T (sec)

Records=LD; DDD=8; PDD=1; Model=Takeda5

(d'd (.6)/d'd (1),CapSpec) / (d'd (.6)/d'd (1),Takeda5 )

Excludes cases where prior damage (PDD) exceeds undamaged response

4 IV40ELCN.180
3 MX85SCT1.270
Mean CapSpec

0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Period, T (sec)

Figure 6-81 Capacity Spectrum Method Estimates of Displacement Ratio of RSR=0.6 and RSR=1.0 Takeda5
Oscillators having DDD= 8 and PDD= 1
DDD = Design Displacement Ductility; PDD = Prior Ductility Demand; RSR = Reduced Strength Ratio

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 175

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

Records=FD; DDD=8; PDD=1; Model=Takeda5

Excludes cases where prior damage (PDD) exceeds undamaged response
d'd (RSR = .6)/d'd (RSR = 1), CapSpec


2 NR94SYLH.090
Mean CapSpec

0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Period, T (sec)

Records=FD; DDD=8; PDD=1; Model=Takeda5

(d'd (.6)/d'd (1),CapSpec) / (d'd (.6)/d'd (1),Takeda5 )

5 Excludes cases where prior damage (PDD) exceeds undamaged response

Mean CapSpec

0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Period, T (sec)

Figure 6-82 Capacity Spectrum Method Estimates of Displacement Ratio of RSR=0.6 and RSR=1.0 Takeda5
Oscillators having DDD= 8 and PDD= 1
DDD = Design Displacement Ductility; PDD = Prior Ductility Demand; RSR = Reduced Strength Ratio

176 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

6.7 Conclusions and While prior damage causes relatively small changes in
mean displacement response relative to undamaged
Implications structures, it also introduces some variability in
The analyses presented indicate that the displacement displacement response. Variability in response is
response characteristics of the ground motions gener- inherent in earthquake-resistant design, and the
ally conform to expectations based on previous studies. variability introduced by prior damage should be
Forward-directivity motions may have larger displace- considered in the context of variability arising from
ment response in the long-period range than would be different ground motions, choice of hysteretic models,
predicted by the equal-displacement rule. The strength- modeling assumptions, and other sources. For example,
reduction factor, R, appropriate for forward-directivity Figures 6-32 to 6-34 illustrate the degree to which
motions may need to be reduced somewhat relative to different earthquakes can cause bilinear and Takeda
other classes of motion if ductility demands are to be oscillators of equal strength to have substantially
held constant. different peak displacement response. Thus, the
variability in response introduced by prior damage is
The displacements of the Takeda oscillators were not considered significant.
sometimes several-fold greater or less than those of the
bilinear oscillators. Although it is fundamentally Three NSPs for estimating peak displacement response
important to consider displacements in seismic were applied to the Takeda oscillators. Significant
response, variability of the response estimates as variability in the estimated displacements, when
affected by ground motions and hysteresis model must compared with the values calculated from nonlinear
also be considered. dynamic analysis, underscores the difficulty in
accurately estimating response of a SDOF system to a
Previous damage, modeled as prior ductility demand, known ground motion. The accuracy of the NSP
did not generally cause large increases in displacement estimates is compared in Figure 6-63. In Figure 6-64 it
response when the Takeda models with positive post- can be observed that the capacity spectrum and
yield stiffness were exposed to performance-level coefficient methods are more accurate, in a mean sense,
earthquakes associated with life safety or collapse pre- than the secant method, and that all methods tend to
vention. Prior ductility demands were found to cause overestimate the displacement response of short-period
mean changes in displacement response ranging from Takeda5 oscillators.
–3% to +10% for the Takeda5 and TakPinch oscillators
having no strength degradation (Figures 6-55 and 6-56). The NSPs were also used to estimate the change in
PDDs of 8 often caused a slight decrease in the displacement caused by a prior earthquake. Given the
displacement response computed using the Takeda5 and relatively small effect of damage on peak displacement
TakPinch models; response infrequently was 20% to response, it appears that damaged structures should be
30% or more higher than that for the undamaged modeled similar to their undamaged counterparts, in
oscillator. order to obtain identical displacement estimates for
performance events that are stronger than the damaging
For oscillators having cyclic strength degradation, event. This results in damage having no effect on the
represented by the TakPinch oscillators, the effect of displacement response, which closely approximates the
strength degradation was generally to increase the mean analytical results.
displacement response, but only by a few percent. The
mean increase was larger for the structures having lower The accuracy with which an NSP accounts for strength
DDD, reaching as much as 21% for oscillators having reduction was explored. It was found that each NSP was
RSR = 0.6. This result merely indicates that strength reasonably able to capture the effect of strength
degradation tends to cause displacement response to reduction.
increase relative to undamaged or nondegrading sys-
tems. Further examination revealed that increasing PDD The above findings pertain to systems characterized by
increases or decreases the mean response of TakPinch ductile flexural response having degrading stiffness,
systems with strength degradation by only a few percent with and without pinching. Systems with negative post-
(Figure 6-56). The weaker oscillators, represented by yield stiffness were prone to collapse, even with DDD
larger DDD, are more likely to exhibit damage in a real of 2. Such systems should remain nearly elastic if their
earthquake, and to have smaller increases in collapse is to be avoided.
displacement due to prior ductility demands.

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 177

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

6.8 References Kawashima, K., Macrae, G., Hoshikuma, J., and

Nagaya, K., 1994, “Residual Displacement
Araki, H., Shimazu, T., and Ohta, Kazuhiko, 1990, “On Response Spectrum and its Application,” Journal of
Residual Deformation of Structures after Earth- Structural Mechanics and Earthquake Engineering,
quakes,” Proceedings of the Eighth Japan Earth- Japan Society of Civil Engineers, No. 501, pp. 183-
quake Engineering Symposium—1990, Tokyo, Vol. 192. (In Japanese with English abstract.)
2, pp. 1581-1586. (In Japanese with English
abstract.) Lepage, A., 1997, A Method for Drift Control in Earth-
quake-Resistant Design of RC Building Structures,
ATC, 1996, Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Concrete Doctoral Thesis, Department of Civil Engineering,
Buildings, Applied Technology Council, ATC-40 University of Illinois at Urbana.
Report, Redwood City, California.
Mahin, S.A., 1980, “Effects of Duration and After-
ATC, 1997a, NEHRP Guidelines for the Seismic Reha- shocks on Inelastic Design Earthquakes,” Proceed-
bilitation of Buildings, prepared by the Applied ings of the Seventh World Conference on
Technology Council (ATC-33 project) for the Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 5, pp. 677-679.
Building Seismic Safety Council, published by the
Federal Emergency Management Agency, Report Mahin, S.A., and Lin, J., 1983, Construction of Inelastic
No. FEMA 273, Washington, D.C. Response Spectra for Single-Degree-of-Freedom
Systems—Computer Program and Applications,
ATC, 1997b, NEHRP Commentary on the Guidelines Earthquake Engineering Research Center, Univer-
for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings, pre- sity of California at Berkeley, Report No. UCB/
pared by the Applied Technology Council (ATC-33 EERC-83/17, Berkeley, California.
project) for the Building Seismic Safety Council,
published by the Federal Emergency Management Mahin, S.A., and Boroschek, R., 1991, Influence of
Agency, Report No. FEMA 274, Washington, D.C. Geometric Nonlinearities on the Seismic Response
and Design of Bridge Structures, Background
Boroschek, R.L., 1991, PCNSPEC Manual, (Draft), Report to California Department of Transportation,
Earthquake Engineering Research Center, Univer- Sacramento, California.
sity of California at Berkeley.
Minami, T., and Osawa, Y., 1988, “Elastic-Plastic
Cecen, H., 1979, Response of Ten-Story Reinforced Response Spectra for Different Hysteretic Rules,”
Concrete Model Frames to Simulated Earthquakes, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics,
Doctoral Thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, Vol. 16, pp. 555-568.
University of Illinois at Urbana.
Miranda, E., 1991, Seismic Evaluation and Upgrading
Fajfar, P. and Fischinger, M., 1984, “Parametric Study of Existing Buildings, Doctoral Thesis, Department
of Inelastic Response to Some Earthquakes of Civil Engineering, University of California, Ber-
Recorded in Southern Europe,” Proceedings of the keley.
Eighth World Conference on Earthquake Engineer-
ing, Vol. 4, pp. 75-82. Moehle, J.P., Browning, J., Li, Y.R., and Lynn, A., 1997,
“Performance Assessment for a Reinforced Con-
Humar, J., 1980, “Effect of Stiffness Degradation on crete Frame Building,” (abstract) The Northridge
Seismic Response of Concrete Frames,” Proceed- Earthquake Research Conference, California Uni-
ings of the Seventh World Conference on Earth- versities for Research in Earthquake Engineering,
quake Engineering, Vol. 5, pp. 505-512. Richmond, California.
Iwan, W.D., 1973, “A Model for the Dynamic Analysis Nakamura, T., and Tanida, K., 1988, “Hysteresis Model
of Deteriorating Structures,” Proceedings of the of Restoring Force Characteristics of Reinforced
Fifth World Conference on Earthquake Engineer- Concrete Members,” Proceedings of the Ninth
ing, Vol. 2., pp. 1782-1791. World Conference on Earthquake Engineering,
Iwan, W.D., 1977, “The Response of Simple Stiffness Paper 6-4-7, Vol. VI.
Degrading Systems,” Proceedings of the Sixth Nasser, A.A., and H. Krawinkler, H., 1991, Seismic
World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vol. Demands for SDOF and MDOF Systems, John A.
2, pp. 1094-1099. Blume Earthquake Engineering Center, Stanford
University, Report No. 95, Stanford, California.

178 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

Newmark, N.M., and Riddell, R., 1979, “A Statistical Proceedings of the Seventh World Conference on
Study of Inelastic Response Spectra,” Proceedings Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 4, pp. 427-433.
of the Second U.S. National Conference on Earth-
Saiidi, M., 1980, “Influence of Hysteresis Models on
quake Engineering, pp. 495-504.
Calculated Seismic Response of R/C Frames,” Pro-
Otani, S., 1981, “Hysteresis Models of Reinforced Con- ceedings of the Seventh World Conference on
crete for Earthquake Response Analysis,” Journal Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 5, pp. 423-430.
(B), Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo,
Sewell, R.T., 1992, “Effects of Duration on Structural
Vol. XXXVI, No. 2, pp. 125 - 159.
Response Factors and on Ground Motion Damage-
Palazzo, B., and DeLuca, A., 1984, “Inelastic Spectra ability,” Proceedings of the SMIP92 Seminar on
for Geometrical and Mechanical Deteriorating Seismological and Engineering Implications of
Oscillator,” Proceedings of the Eighth World Con- Recent Strong Motion Data, pp. 7-1 to 7-15.
ference on Earthquake Engineering, Volume IV, pp.
Shimazaki, K., and M.A. Sozen, M.A., 1984, Seismic
Drift of Reinforced Concrete Structures, Research
Parducci, A., and Mezzi, M., 1984, “Elasto-Plastic Reports, Hasama-Gumi Ltd., Tokyo (in Japanese),
Response Spectra of Italian Earthquakes Taking and draft research report (in English).
into Account the Structural Decay,” Proceedings of
Somerville, P.G., Smith, N.F. , Graves, R.W. and Abra-
the Eighth World Conference on Earthquake Engi-
hamson, N.A., 1997, “Modification of Empirical
neering, Volume IV, pp. 115-122.
Strong Ground Motion Attenuation Relations to
Paulay, T, and Priestley, M.J.N., 1992, Reinforced Con- Include the Amplitude and Duration Effects of Rup-
crete and Masonry Buildings: Design for Seismic ture Directivity,” Seismological Research Letters,
Resistance, Wiley & Sons, New York. Vol. 68, No. 1.
Qi, X., and Moehle, J.P., 1991, Displacement Design Takeda, T., Sozen, M.A., and Nielsen, N.N., 1970,
Approach for Reinforced Concrete Structures Sub- “Reinforced Concrete Response to Simulated
jected to Earthquakes, Earthquake Engineering Earthquakes,” Journal of the Structural Division,
Research Center, Report No. UCB/EERC 91/02, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 96, No.
University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, Cali- ST12, pp. 2557-2573.
Wolschlag, C., 1993, Experimental Investigation of the
Rahnama, M., and Krawinkler, H., 1995, “Effects of P- Response of R/C Structural Walls Subjected to
Delta and Strength Deterioration on SDOF Strength Static and Dynamic Loading, Doctoral Thesis,
Demands”, Proceedings of the 10th European Con- Department of Civil Engineering, University of Illi-
ference on Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 2, pp. nois at Urbana.
1265-1270. Xie, L.-L., and Zhang, X., 1988, “Engineering Duration
Riddell, R., 1980, “Effect of Damping and Type of of Strong Motion and its Effects on Seismic Dam-
Material Nonlinearity on Earthquake Response,” age,” Proceedings of the Ninth World Conference
on Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 2, Paper 3-2-7.

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 179

Chapter 6: Analytical Studies

180 Technical Resources FEMA 307

7. Example Application

7.1 Introduction must be implemented under the direction of a knowl-

edgeable structural engineer, particularly when a perfor-
This section gives an example of the use of FEMA 306 mance analysis is carried out. The responsible engineer
recommendations to evaluate earthquake damage in a should have a thorough understanding of the principles
two-story reinforced-concrete building. The example is behind the FEMA 306 recommendations and should be
meant to be as realistic as possible and is based on an familiar with the applicable earthquake research and
actual structure. post-earthquake field observations. FEMA 307 pro-
vides tabular bibliographies and additional information
7.1.1 Objectives on applicable research.
The example is intended to help evaluating engineers
understand such issues as: A fundamental tenet of the component evaluation meth-
ods presented in FEMA 306 is that the severity of dam-
• the overall process of a FEMA 306 evaluation. age in a structural component may not be determined
without understanding the governing behavior mode of
• accounting for pre-existing damage. the component, and that the governing behavior mode is
a function not only of the component’s properties, but
• how both observation and analysis are used in the of its relationship and interaction with surrounding
evaluation procedures. components in a structural element. In the following
sections, the evaluation of the example building empha-
• determining and using the applicable FEMA 306 sizes the importance of this principle. There may be a
Component Damage Classification Guides, temptation among users of FEMA 306 to use the dam-
including cases where an exactly applicable damage age classification guides as simple graphical keys to
guide is not provided. damage, and to complete the analysis by simply match-
ing the pictures in the guides to the observed damage.
• foundation rocking of walls, which may be a The example is intended to show that this is not the
prevalent behavior mode in many structures. appropriate use of the guides. It is organized to empha-
size the importance of the analytical and observation
• some of the ways engineering judgment may need to verification process that is an essential element of the
be applied. evaluation procedure.

• how restoration measures can be determined based 7.1.2 Organization

on either the direct method or the performance The example is organized as shown in the flow chart of
analysis method. Figure 7-1. This organization follows the overall evalu-
ation procedure outlined in FEMA 306, beginning with
• aspects of using a nonlinear static procedure of a building description and observations of earthquake
analysis (pushover analysis). damage.
• establishing displacement capacities and demands. The building has been subjected to a previous earth-
quake. The damage investigation establishes the pre-
Reading through the example could be the best intro- existing conditions so that the loss from the recent
duction to an understanding of the FEMA 306 evalua- earthquake can be evaluated. The preliminary classifi-
tion process. References to the applicable sections of cation of component types, behavior modes, and dam-
FEMA 306 or 307 (or to other sources) are given in age severity are made by observing the structure. It is
“bookmark” boxes adjacent to the text. Because the shown, however, that classification of behavior modes,
example is meant to be illustrative, it contains more and hence damage severity, may be unclear when based
description and explanation than would normally be on observation alone. Simple analytical tools provided
contained in an engineer’s evaluation report for an in the material chapters of FEMA 306 are used to verify
earthquake-damaged building. the expected component types and behavior modes, and
damage severity is assigned accordingly. The steps
It should be clear from this example that the FEMA 306 required to estimate the loss by the direct method are
recommendations for evaluating earthquake damage

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 181

Chapter 7: Example Application

1 Introduction

2 Investigation
2.1 Building Description
2.2 Damage Observations
2.3 Preliminary Classification (by Observation)
of Component Types, Behavior Modes, and
Damage Severity.
2.4 Final Classification (by Analysis) of
Component Types, Behavior Modes, and
Damage Severity
2.5 Summary of Component Classifications

3 Evaluation by the 4 Evaluation by

Direct Method Performance Analysis
Performance restoration 4.1 Performance Objectives
4.2 Nonlinear static analysis
4.3 Pushover capacity curve
4.4 Estimate of de, the
displacement caused by the
damaging earthquake
4.5 Displacement demand
4.6 Analysis of the restored
4.7 Performance restoration

5 Comparison and Discussion

Figure 7-1 Flowchart for example

182 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 7: Example Application

illustrated, and a relative performance analysis is car- In the lower level there are several reinforced concrete
ried out. It is emphasized that the direct method pro- masonry (CMU) walls that are framed between the
vides only loss estimation information, and that a ground and the first floor slab (basement level) in the
relative performance analysis is required in order to three-story section of the building. The CMU walls are
make performance-based design decisions. attached to the first floor slab. However, these walls
were not designed as shear-resisting elements. Because
Damage records for all of the structural walls of the the first floor slab is anchored to the foundation in the
building are included. The damage records for two of two-story portion of the building, the contribution of the
the walls are discussed in detail. Damage records for the CMU walls to the lateral force resistance, particularly in
remaining walls are given at the end of the example. the east-west direction, is minimal.

Several of the reinforced concrete walls have door

7.2 Investigation openings, 7 feet 3 inches tall by 6 feet 6 inches wide, in
the middle of the wall, creating a coupled wall. The typ-
7.2.1 Building Description ical coupled wall configuration and reinforcement are
The example building is a two-story concrete building shown in Figure 7-5. In the three-story section of the
located on a sloping site. The building is a “T” shape in building (the stem of the T), the walls are discontinued
plan with the stem of the T on the downhill side, con- at the lower level. This lower level contains a single
taining a partial lower story below the other two stories. reinforced concrete wall in the north-south direction
The building was designed and constructed in the late centered between the two walls above.
1950s. The building is located about 3.6 miles from the
epicenter of the damaging earthquake. 7.2.2 Post-earthquake Damage
The overall plan dimensions of the building are 362 feet Following the damaging earthquake,
in the North-South direction by 299 feet in the East- Visual
the engineers performed a post-earth- observation,
West direction. The floor slabs cantilever about 6 feet quake evaluation of the building. The Guide NDE1,
from the perimeter columns forming exterior sun- initial survey was conducted one Section 3.8
screens/balconies. The building facade along the perim- of FEMA 306
month after the damaging earthquake.
eter is set back 8 feet from the edge of the slab. For the The structural drawings for the building were reviewed.
typical floor, the interior floor area is about 62,600 The follow-up investigations were conducted about
square feet, and the total slab area is about 70,400 three months following the earthquake.
square feet. The lower level encompasses about 20,200
square feet. Floor plans are shown in Figure 7-2 and an The post-earthquake evaluations were conducted using
elevation is shown in Figure 7-3. The roof of the build- visual observation techniques on exposed surfaces of
ing supports mechanical equipment. the structural elements. The sections of wall above the
ceiling were typically observed only where the sus-
The floors and roof are constructed with waffle slabs pended ceiling tiles had fallen during the earthquake.
comprised of a 4-½ inch thick slab and 14 inch deep Crack widths were measured at selected locations using
pans (18-½ inches total depth). Columns supporting the magnifying crack comparators for most of the signifi-
slabs are typically spaced at 26 feet in each direction. cant cracks in each wall.
The interior columns are 18-inch square and the perime-
ter columns are 18-inch diameter. The columns are sup- Pre-Earthquake Conditions
ported on spread footings.
The building had experienced some
cracking prior to the damaging earth- Old cracks
Reinforced concrete walls in both directions of the vs. new
building resist lateral forces. The walls are 12 inches quake. The pre-existing damage is cracks,
thick and are cast monolithically at each end with the judged to have been caused by a previ- Section 3.4
ous earthquake. The heaviest damage of FEMA 306
gravity-load-carrying columns. The walls are typically
located along corridors, and the corridor side of the wall appeared to have been in the coupling
has a 1-inch thick plaster coat. The typical solid wall beams. The wall cracks above the ceiling line were
configuration and reinforcement are shown in observed to have been repaired by epoxy injection.
Figure 7-4.

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 183

Chapter 7: Example Application

6 7 8 9 10 11
3 2 '-4 "

Edge of
F lo o r S la b 26'


B u ild in g J
Facade 26'

1 2 3 4 13 14 15 16

6 ' (T y p )
2 1 '-6 "

T y p ic a l S o lid R e in fo rc e d 26'

C o n c re te W a ll

T y p ic a l C o u p le d 26'

R e in fo rc e d C o n c re te W a ll
2 1 '-6 "

3 2 '-4 " 26' 26' 26' 26' 26' 26' 26' 26' 26' 26' 26' 3 2 '-4 "

a) First and Second Floor Plan

6 7 8 9 10 11
6' (Typ)
Reinforced Concrete Wall 32'-4"



Edge of K

Floor Slab CMU wall 26'


b) Basement Floor Plan

Figure 7-2 Floor Plans

184 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 7: Example Application


Figure 7-3 Building Cross-section

R oof

# 4 B a rs @ 1 3 in .
E ach Face
1 3 '- 6 " 1 8 in . S q C o lu m n
(T y p )
# 4 B a rs @ 1 3 in .
E ach Face S econd

# 4 B a rs @ 1 3 in .
1 3 '- 6 " E ach Face

# 4 B a rs @ 1 3 in . E a c h F a c e 5 " S la b O n
F irs t G ra d e
1 '- 6 "
6' Sq
9 0 ° H o o k ( T y p a t B o tto m ) F o o tin g
2 6 '- 0 "

Figure 7-4 Example Solid Wall Detail (Condition at Line 7)

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 185

Chapter 7: Example Application

6 7
2 # 1 0 B a rs # 4 S ti r r u p s @ 1 2 " R oof

# 4 B a rs @ 1 3 in . E a c h

1 3 '- 6 " 2 # 1 0 B a rs 1 8 in . S q C o lu m n
4' E xt (T yp )
2 # 9 B a rs
# 4 B a rs @ 1 3 in . E a c h F a c e
3' Lap S econd
18" Lap

2 # 1 0 B a rs # 4 S ti r r u p s
@ 12"
# 4 B a rs @ 1 3 in . E a c h F a c e
1 3 '- 6 " 2 # 1 0 B a rs
# 4 B a rs @ 1 3 in . E a c h F a c e
3 # 1 0 B a rs
5 " S la b O n
3' G ra d e
F irs t
1 '- 6 "
6 ' S q F o o tin g
3 # 1 0 H o o k s (T yp )
9 0 ° H o o k (T y p a t B o tto m )
2 6 '- 0 "

Figure 7-5 Example Coupled Wall Detail (Condition at line B)

Below the ceiling the cracks may also have been D19. Each of the component damage records depicts
injected with epoxy. However, the architectural finishes the observations for both stories of a two-story wall,
on those surfaces obscured the evidence of the previous except for the single-story wall on the lower level
repairs. Many of the cracks in the plaster coat on the shown on Record D19. All observable cracks are
walls appeared to have been cosmetically repaired using shown, but only those cracks found to be wider than 30
a strip of fabric and plaster placed over the crack. It was mils (1/32 inch) have the crack width, in mils, written
not clear whether the underlying cracks in the concrete on the component damage record at the approximate
had been repaired. Therefore, the building is assumed to location of the measurement. Cracks found to be
have some cracking prior to the damaging earthquake previously repaired with epoxy and those with pre-
and the pre-existing cracking is taken into account by existing surface patches are indicated. Spalls are also
reducing the pre-event stiffness of the concrete walls. noted. Postearthquake Condition and The two first-story coupled walls in the stem of the T
Damage Documentation section of the building experienced heavy cracking in
The concrete walls experienced minor the coupling beams (Column lines 7 and 10, L to M,
to moderate amounts of cracking. Based Documen- Component Damage Records D4 and D6). One of the
on the visual observations, component tation of other coupling beams (Column Line B, 14 to 15, Record
damage, D12) also experienced heavy cracking. The damage to
damage records were prepared for each Section 3.7
of the walls in the building. These forms of FEMA 306 the coupling beams included some spalling of the con-
are included as Figures 7-6, 7-7, and in crete, buckling of reinforcing bars, and cracking of the
Appendix A, Component Damage Records D1 through floor slab adjacent to the wall. Several walls were

186 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 7: Example Application

Figure 7-6 Solid Wall Example

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 187

Chapter 7: Example Application

Figure 7-7 Coupled Wall Example

188 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 7: Example Application

observed to have horizontal cracks along the interface 5-3 of FEMA 306 are also helpful in identifying behav-
between the top of the wall and the floor slab above. ior modes appropriate to the identified components.

7.2.3 Preliminary Classification (by For the typical coupled wall shown in Figure 7-7, the
Observation) of Component coupling beam component (RC3) on the second floor is
Types, Behavior Modes, and observed to have light diagonal (shear) cracking, with
Damage Severity little or no evidence of flexural cracking. As is typical
of a building designed in the late 1950s, the coupling
The first critical step in interpreting beam does not contain diagonal reinforcement, or even
component damage records is to iden- types, sufficient stirrup reinforcement, so mode A (ductile
tify the components within the struc- Table 5-1 of flexure) may be safely eliminated. The diagonal cracks
tural element under investigation. In FEMA 306 then suggest that the behavior mode may be either mode
this case, the example building is rein- B (flexure/diagonal tension) or mode H (preemptive
forced concrete, so the summary of relevant component diagonal tension). At the first floor coupling beams, the
types is found in Sections 2.4 and 5.2.1 of FEMA 306. damage is more severe, but the behavior mode still
appears to be either B or H. Component Types
The first pass in the identification process is conducted In the first floor coupling beam, identi-
by observation, keeping in mind that the definition of a fication of the damage severity is rela- Component
tively straightforward: the observed Guides,
component type is not a function of the geometry alone, Section 5.5
but of the governing mechanism of lateral deformation damage would be classified as Heavy of FEMA 306
for the entire element or structure. Thus the identifica- regardless of the behavior mode. In
tion of structural components requires consideration of many cases, however, the damage severity level may
the wall element over multiple floor levels. Complete depend on the behavior mode. In the second floor cou-
diagrams showing the crack pattern over multiple floor pling beam, for example, the damage would be classi-
levels such as the ones shown in the attached damage fied as Insignificant if the behavior mode is identified as
records shown in Figures 7-6, 7-7 and Damage Records B (flexure followed by diagonal tension), but as Moder-
D1 through D19 (Appendix A) are essential. ate if the behavior mode is identified as H (preemptive
diagonal tension).
For the typical coupled wall elements
of the example building, shown in Component Similarly, the wall piers of the coupled walls (RC1)
Figure 7-7, a survey of the element identification, have light diagonal cracking, which may be indicative
Section 2.4 of early stages of mode B (flexure/diagonal tension),
geometry and the general pattern of of FEMA 306
damage suggests that the beams over early stages of mode C (flexure/diagonal compression)
the openings may be classified as weaker coupling or more advanced stages of mode H (preemptive diago-
beams (RC3), and that the wall piers flanking the open- nal tension). In the first two cases, damage would be
ings will behave as two-story cantilever components classified as Insignificant, while in the last case, dam-
(RC1). The thought process that leads to this conclusion age would be classified as Moderate.
includes the recognition that the beam elements are
likely to be weaker than the walls on either side of the It is often not possible to distinguish
coupling beams, as well as a mental visualization of the between the different behavior modes, Verification
and hence the damage severity, with- loop,
lateral deformation of the walls and the attendant large Figure 1-3 of
deformation demands on the beams. As shown in out some analysis. This is particularly FEMA 306
Figure 7-6, the solid reinforced concrete wall compo- important for lower levels of damage
nent is type RC1. where different modes may look very much alike, but
which have different response at higher levels of dam- Behavior Modes and Damage Severity age. Consider, for example, modes B and H. The flex-
ural cracks that initiate mode B response may have
Once the component types have been closed and become nearly invisible. The light diagonal
identified, an initial classification of the Behavior cracking that occurs at the outset of both modes B and
behavior modes and damage severity modes,
Table 5-2 of H will then be indistinguishable from one another, and
may be made by inspecting the visible FEMA 306 only analysis of the section will differentiate the two
damage with reference to the compo- modes, and hence the severity of damage. In other
nent damage classification guides. Tables 5-1, 5-2, and cases, the differences between modes are of less impor-

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 189

Chapter 7: Example Application

tance. Modes B and C are physically different, but have sary to perform some analysis to distinguish between
a similar effect on the stiffness, strength, and deforma- behavior modes that are different but visually similar.
tion capacity of the component at all levels of damage As a first example, consider the damage record for the
severity. wall shown in Figure 7-6. The wall is 12 inches thick
with 18-inch square boundary elements at each end.
7.2.4 Final Classification (by The wall length from center to center of the boundary
Analysis) of Component Type, elements is 26 feet, and the story height is 13 feet-6
Behavior Mode and Damage inches. Note that the wall is L-shaped in plan and has a
Severity 26-foot return along line B.

In the previous section, component type, behavior Component Type. The definition of this wall as a sin-
mode, and damage severity were preliminarily defined gle RC1 component (isolated wall or stronger wall pier)
based only on observation. In this section, those defini- is easily and intuitively verified by sketching the inelas-
tions are verified by calculation. In practice, iterations tic deformation mechanism for the wall and its sur-
between observation and analysis may be needed to rounding structure. The slabs framing into the wall
interpret correctly the seismic response and damage. clearly do not have the stiffness or strength to force a
“weaker wall” type of behavior. The wall is therefore a Expected Strength single component with a height of 27 feet.
The expected pre-earthquake strengths
for each of the components were cal- Expected Behavior Mode. The preliminary
strength, classification identified four possible Component
culated using the FEMA 306 Section 3.6 guides,
Section 3.6 procedures. The design of FEMA 306
behavior modes for this component RC1B, RC1C,
concrete strength was shown on the that were consistent with the compo- and RC2H,
drawings to be 3000 psi. According to the discussion in nent type and the observed damage: Section 5.5
mode B (flexure/diagonal tension), of FEMA 306
FEMA 306, Section 5.3.2, expected concrete strengths
ranging from 1.0 to 2.3 times the specified strength are mode C (flexure/diagonal compres-
not unrealistic. In the example building, concrete sion), mode H (preemptive diagonal tension), and mode
strength was suspect, so tests were conducted which M (foundation rocking). For each of these behavior
revealed that expected strength was, in fact, near the modes, Component Guides provide, in addition to the
specified strength. For the purposes of the following visual description of the different behavior modes, guid-
analysis an expected strength of 3000 psi was assumed. ance in the analytical steps required to verify a particu-
Based on the drawing notes, reinforcing bars had a lar behavior mode. See for example the Component
specified yield strength of 40 ksi. The expected strength Damage Classification Guide RC1B under “How to dis-
of the reinforcing bars was assumed to be greater than tinguish behavior mode by analysis”. Based on the rec-
the nominal yield strength by a factor of 1.25, so a value ommendations of the guide, the shear associated with
of 50 ksi was used for the yield strength in all calcula- the development of the maximum strength in flexure,
tions. If, during the course of the analysis, it becomes diagonal tension, web crushing, and foundation rocking
difficult to reconcile analytically determined behavior were calculated. Calculation results are summarized in
modes with observed damage, assumed values for Table 7-1. Selected details of the calculations are pro-
material strength may need to be re-evaluated or veri- vided in the box on 192.
fied through tests.
The relationship between capacities of the different
There are two typical element types in the lateral-force- potential behavior modes defines the governing compo-
resisting system, solid walls and coupled walls. The fol- nent behavior mode. Initially, consider the first five
lowing sections describe the details of the calculations modes listed in Table 7-1, temporarily neglecting the
and methodology used to classify the components of overturning (foundation rocking) response. Because the
these elements. wall is flanged, its response depends on the direction of
seismic force, and the flexural capacity must be calcu- Example 1 – Solid Wall (2B-2C) lated for each direction. It is possible that a different
behavior mode will govern in each of the two different
Once a preliminary damage classification has been loading directions. In this example, the diagonal tension
made by visual observation, it will generally be neces- strength at low ductility is less than the flexural strength

190 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 7: Example Application

Table 7-1 Capacity of Potential Behavior Modes for Typical Solid Wall (2B-2C)
Behavior Mode Shear FEMA 306 Comments
Capacity Reference
Flexure (modes A & B) – flange 1570* Sect. 5.3.5 All distributed reinforcement is included
in compression in the calculation of flexural strength, as is
the contribution of the flange reinforce-
Me = 31,300 k-ft ment.

Flexure (A & B) – flange in ten- 2230* Sect. 5.3.5


Me = 44,600 k-ft
Diagonal Tension (B & H) – at 1350 Sect. 5.3.6b Low ductility implies µ ≤ 2 and high duc-
low flexural ductility tility implies µ ≥ 5, but for this example
the exact displacement ductility is not
Diagonal Tension (B) – at high 851 Sect. 5.3.6b important. Capacity at high ductility does
flexural ductility not govern, since flexural yielding does
not occur.
Web crushing (C) 2560 Sect. 5.3.6c
Overturning (M) – flange in com- 343 Sect. 5.2.6 When the flange is in tension, the vertical
pression Me = 6,860 k-ft load includes dead load contribution of
Overturning (M) – flange in ten- 923 Sect. 5.2.6
sion Me = 18,000 k-ft
* Shear associated with development of the moment strength

in either loading direction, so mode H (preemptive restoring force. However, the overturning value calcu-
diagonal tension) appears to be the governing the lated is sufficiently less than the other behavior modes
behavior mode. In either direction, web crushing can be to suggest that damage will be limited by rocking on the
eliminated as a potential behavior mode since its capac- foundation. Mode M is therefore the behavior mode for
ity is greater than that of all of the other modes. In the the wall.
absence of overturning, mode H would therefore be
selected as the behavior mode for this component. Damage Severity. The identification of the rocking
behavior mode is important, because the damage sever-
Additional calculations indicate, however, that founda- ity is different for mode M than for mode H. While
tion rocking (overturning of the wall and its foundation) there is no explicit Component Damage Classification
will occur before the other failure modes can develop. Guide provided for the rocking mode—the component
This is indicated in the last two rows of Table 7-1, may be considered as roughly analogous to the portion
where overturning capacity with the flange in compres- of a flexural wall (mode A) above the plastic hinge
sion is shown to be less than other behavior modes. As region—there is a ductile fuse in the structure below the
shown in the example calculations (see sidebar), the component in question that will prevent the develop-
foundation rocking capacity is based on the static over- ment of the brittle, force-controlled behavior mode H
turning force associated with all tributary gravity loads. by limiting the development of additional seismic force.
In reality, there are a number of factors that would Using this analogy, and Component Guide RC1A, the
increase the force required to overturn the wall, so the damage severity is classified as Insignificant. Without
calculated value may be a lower bound. For example, as the rocking mechanism, the behavior mode would be
the foundation lifts, it will pick up an increasing tribu- classified as H, and the damage severity would be Mod-
tary area of the surrounding slabs, thus increasing the erate rather than Insignificant. It is important to note

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 191

Chapter 7: Example Application


Flexure: The steel contribution is given by Equation 5-5:

The boundary elements at each end of the wall have 4-#10 Vs = ρ n f ye b w h d

and 7-#11 bars. The vertical wall reinforcment is #4 bars at
13" on center in each face. An approximation of the flex- where ρn = .00256, fye = 50 ksi, bw = 12", and hd is limited
ural capacity with the flange in compression may be made,
assuming that all the steel in the tension boundary and all by the component height of 27'-0". Thus
the wall vertical steel is yielding, as follows: Vs = 498 kips
Boundary Wall Verts. Dead Load The axial load contribution is given by Equation 5-6. Con-
Me(comp.) = As fye lwall + Asv fye lwall /2 + PDL (wall) lwall /2 sidering only the structure dead load tributary to the wall
= (15.3) 50 (26) + (9.2) 50 (13) + (419) 13 (419 kips) Vp becomes
= 31,300 k-ft
With the flange in tension the capacity increases because of (l − c) Nu
Vp = = 264 kips (flange in compression)

the yielding of the wall vertical reinforcing in the effective (2M / V )

flange width assumed to be one half the effective wall
height (M/V) plus the wall thickness, or about ten feet. The = 249 kips (flange in tension)
capacity also increases because of the additional dead load
resistance of the flange. An approximation of the flexural NOTE: c = 16.8 in. (flange in compression), c = 33 in.
capacity with the flange in tension is then: (flange in tension)
Flange Verts. Flange Dead Load Therefore, Equation 5-1 for the diagonal tension strength
Me(ten.) = Me(comp.) + Asv fye lwall + PDL(flange) lwall gives a value of 1352 kips at low ductility demand, and 851
= 31,317 + (3.8) 50 (26) + (320) 26 kips at high ductility demand, both with the flange in
= 44,600 k-ft tension.
These approximations for moment capacities were checked Diagonal Compression (Web Crushing):
using strain compatibility calculations and found to be
acceptable. Using an M/V ratio of 20 ft the shear forces The web crushing strength is given by Equation 5-7. This
associated with the moment capacities are 1570 k (flange in equation requires an estimate of the drift ratio to which the
compression) and 2230 k (flange in tension). component is subjected, with increasing drift corresponding
to a decrease in capacity. An upper bound estimate of 1 per-
Diagonal Tension (Shear Strength): cent drift is assumed, to get a lower bound on the web
crushing strength:
In order to include the effect of axial load on shear strength,
and the potential degradation of the shear in plastic hinge 1.8 fce′b w ( 0 .8 l w )
Vwc = = 2560 kips
zones, the equations recommended in Section 5.3.6b of
FEMA 306 were used to calculate the diagonal tension
1 + 600 − 2000
Nu IJ δ
strength. H Ag fce′ K
Vn = Vc + Vs + Vp Foundation Rocking (Overturning):
An M/V ratio of 20 feet was used (approximately 0.75 times The static overturning calculation includes not only the
the component height) based on the analysis results for dead weight of the wall and tributary slabs at the 2nd floor
shear and moment. and roof, but also a tributary area of the slab on grade (496
kips total) and the foundation weight (16 kips per footing).
As = 41.2 in2 When the wall flange is in tension, the weight of the flange
Ag = 4176 in2 and additional DL are included.
ρs = 0.0098 1 1
Vot = M ot = ( 496 k ( 26 ′ / 2 ) + 16 k ( 26 ′ ) )
Thus Equations 5-3 and 5-4 of FEMA 306 yield (M / V ) 20
α = 1.5 krc = 3.5 (low ductility) = 343 kips (flange in compression)
β = 0.7 krc = 0.6 (high ductility)
and the concrete contribution (Equation 5-2) becomes Vot = M ot
(M / V )
Vc = αβkrc a f
fce′ bw 0.8lw 1
= ( 496 k ( 26 ′ / 2 ) + 446 k ( 26 ′ ) + 16 k ( 26 ′ ))
Vc = 605 kips at low ductility demand 20
Vc = 104 kips at high ductility demand
= 923 kips (flange in tension)

192 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 7: Example Application

that the damage severity is not a function of the mode B (flexure / diagonal tension) or mode H (pre-
observed crack pattern alone – the governing behavior emptive diagonal tension), and the wall piers were des-
mode must be known before a judgement of the damage ignated as mode B (flexure / diagonal tension), mode C
severity can be made. (flexure / diagonal compression), mode H (preemptive
diagonal tension), or mode N (individual pier rocking). Example 2 – Coupled Wall (7L-7M) As in the first example, the shears associated with the
development of the maximum strength in flexure, diag-
As an example of the second typical wall element type,
onal tension, and web crushing were calculated, with
consider the damage record for the coupled wall shown
results summarized in Tables 7-2 and 7-3. Selected
in Figure 7-7. Like the solid wall example, the wall is
details of the calculations are provided for reference on
12 inches wide with 18-inch-square boundary elements
pages 196 through 198.
at each end. However, there is a 6'-6" wide by 7'-3" tall
opening in the center of the wall at each floor. The wall
Looking first at the RC3 coupling beam component, the
length from center to center of the boundary elements is
calculation results shown in Table 7-2 indicate that the
26 feet, and the story height is 13'-6". The coupled wall
shear strength will be reached before the development
has an L-shaped plan with a 26-foot flange along line
of the moment strength, even at low ductility levels, so
M. The coupling beam and wall are similar to the exam-
the behavior mode H (preemptive diagonal tension)
ple shown in Figure 7-5, except that this particular cou-
pled wall is discontinuous below the first floor and is
supported on 24-inch-square reinforced-concrete col-
For the RC1 wall pier components, the calculations and
umns at the basement.
discussions that follow show that behavior mode N,
individual pier rocking, governs the seismic response.
Component Type. Visual observation leads to the divi-
For the piers of the coupled wall, which discontinue
sion of this structural element into two RC1 wall piers
below the first floor and are supported on basement col-
and two RC3 coupling beams. Analysis will verify that
umns, this behavior mode involves the yielding in flex-
the beams are weaker than the walls, and thus that the
ure of the basement columns and the coupling beams
initial classification is valid.
reaching their capacity in shear. The wall pier rotates
Behavior Mode. In the preliminary classification, the about the supporting column in a manner similar to
coupling beams were designated by observation as

Table 7-2 Capacity of Potential Behavior Modes for Typical Coupling Beam
Coupling Beams Limiting Compo- FEMA 306 Comments
RC3 Behavior Mode nent Shear (kips) Reference
Flexure (mode A) 373* Sect. 5.3.5 Note that slab reinforcement was
Me = 1210 k-ft ignored in the calculation of the beam
flexure capacity. Since preemptive
shear governs (242 < 373), this is irrel-
evant. A more accurate calculation
would be warranted if the capacities in
the different modes were similar.
Diagonal Tension (B and H) – 242 Sect. 5.3.6b Governing capacity
at low flexural ductility
Diagonal Tension (B) – at 137 Sect. 5.3.6b This capacity does not govern since
high flexural ductility flexural yielding does not occur.
Sliding Shear (D) 150 Sect. 5.3.6c This mode is unlikely since it typically
occurs after flexural yielding. Such
yielding is not expected since preemp-
tive diagonal tension governs over
flexural response.
* Component shear in beam associated with development of the component moment strength

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 193

Chapter 7: Example Application
Table 7-3 Shear Capacities for Potential Behavior Modes of Wall Pier (RC1) Components in Coupled
Potential Behavior Mode Limiting FEMA 306 Notes
Component Reference
Shear (kips)
Flexure(mode A) See notes* Sect. 5.3.5 *In example calculations, moment capaci-
ties are compared to moment demands
corresponding to mode N. Flexure is
shown not to govern.
Diagonal Tension (mode B and
H) at Low Flexural Ductility Sect. 5.3.6b Limiting shears are compared to those for
RC1@7L-load to east 690 behavior mode N. To consider redistribu-
RC1@7L-load to west 311 tion of lateral forces, the sum of shears
RC1@7M-load to east 328 for the two wall piers is considered.
RC1@7M-load to west 692
Diagonal Tension (mode B) at
High Flexural Ductility Sect. 5.3.6b These capacities do not govern, since
RC1@7L-load to east 470 flexural yielding does not occur.
RC1@7L-load to west 163
RC1@7M-load to east 166
RC1@7M-load to west 472
Web Crushing (mode C) Sect. 5.3.6c Web crushing not applicable for low axial
RC1@7L-load to east 1710 load or tension.
RC1@7M-load to west 1810
Rotation about Column Shear in piers is limited by capacity of
(mode N) coupling beam (RC3) components.
RC1@7L-load to east 330
RC1@7L-load to west 300
RC1@7M-load to east 300
RC1@7M-load to west 330

foundation rocking. Free body diagrams corresponding The limiting component shears associated with possible
to this mechanism and behavior mode are shown in the behavior modes for the wall piers are summarized in
example calculations that follow. Table 7-3. The table verifies that the web crushing
(diagonal compression) can be eliminated as a possible
Comparison of the moment demands corresponding to behavior mode because the capacity is much higher
the behavior mode N to moment capacities of the wall than that corresponding to other behavior modes.
pier sections is shown in the example calculations. The Behavior mode H, preemptive diagonal tension, is
moment demands are well below the moment capaci- investigated by comparing the limiting shears to those
ties, indicating that flexural yielding will not occur. This of mode N.
eliminates modes B (flexure/diagonal tension) and C
(flexure/diagonal compression) as possible behavior Diagonal tension capacities at high ductility are only
modes. relevant for the combined flexure/diagonal tension
behavior mode, which will not occur since flexural

194 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 7: Example Application

yielding and the consequent degradation of the Vc com- crack and suspected that sliding shear behavior may
ponent of shear strength does not occur. The relevant have occurred.
diagonal tension capacities are those at low ductility.
Subsequent thinking by the evaluating engineers about
The diagonal tension capacities of 311k (RC1@7L-load this observation, however, weighed against the conclu-
to west) to 328k (RC1@7M-load to east) for the wall sion of sliding shear behavior. The crack was not
piers subject to axial tension are similar to the shear observed to extend into the boundary columns of the
demands in the pier rotation mode after failure of the wall, and there was no evidence of lateral offset at the
coupling beams; however, there is significant capacity boundary columns. While the crack is located near a
of 690k (RC1@7L-load to east) to 692k (RC1@7M- likely construction joint where poor construction prac-
load to west) in diagonal tension on the corresponding tice can exacerbate sliding shear behavior, the crack is
compression sides of the wall. A diagonal tension fail- not located in the maximum moment region of the wall.
ure cannot fully develop on one side of the coupled wall As is indicated in FEMA 306, sliding shear behavior is
without transferring lateral forces to the other side of most likely to occur after flexural yielding has occurred.
the wall. Considering that shear can be transferred as For this wall, flexural yielding would initiate at the base
axial forces in the coupling beam and slab according to of the wall where moments are at a maximum, not at the
the stiffness and strength of each wall pier, the sum of top. In any case, foundation rocking preempts flexural
wall pier component strengths on each side of the cou- yielding for the typical solid wall, as indicated previ-
pled wall can be used to determine the governing behav- ously in this example. A quick calculation of sliding
ior mode. For the individual pier rotation behavior, the shear strength shows that the behavior mode is not
associated total shear demand is 630k on the coupled expected to govern the wall’s response.
wall element. For a diagonal tension behavior mode
occurring in both wall piers, the associated shear capac- Given this information, the damage observations are
ity is 1003k to 1018k. Diagonal tension failure will not reconsidered, and it is judged that sliding movements
govern, since the pier rotation behavior mode occurs at did not occur at the horizontal crack. Therefore, the
a lower total lateral load. Thus, the results of the analyt- most likely explanation is that these horizontal cracks
ical calculations indicate the pier rotation (N) is the are caused by earthquake displacements in the out-of-
governing behavior mode for the RC1 components. plane direction of the wall. It is judged that the horizon-
This analytical conclusion agrees with field observa- tal cracks, whose widths are less than 0.03 inches, do
tion. The degree of diagonal cracking observed in the not significantly affect seismic response.
wall pier RC1 components is consistent with substantial
shear stress, but less than that which might be expected 7.2.6 Summary of Component
for diagonal tension failure. Classifications

Damage Severity. For the RC3 components behaving Solid Walls
in mode H, the damage classification guides indicate All wall components of the building are evaluated in a
that the observed damage is Moderate in the second similar manner, as described in the preceding sections.
story and Heavy in the first story coupling beam. In the In total, the building has six coupled walls plus five
wall piers, the protection of the element by a ductile solid walls acting in the North-South direction, and two
mode (similar to mode N, Foundation Rocking) in sur- coupled walls plus six solid walls acting in the East-
rounding components places them in an Insignificant West direction. The damage records for these walls can
damage category. be found in Component Damage Records D1–D19
(Appendix A).
7.2.5 Other Damage Observations
Each solid wall is a single structural component (RC1),
Several of the walls were observed to have horizontal
while each coupled wall has four components: two cou-
cracks just below the roof slab and/or the second-floor
pling beams (RC3) and two wall piers (RC1). Thus
slab. In addition to new cracks of this type, a few walls
there are a total of 43 structural wall components in the
had pre-existing horizontal cracks below the slabs,
building, as indicated in Tables 7-4 and 7-5. For each of
which had been repaired by epoxy injection. The widest
these, the component type, behavior mode and damage
of these horizontal cracks occurred under the roof slab
severity is established as described below and shown in
of the wall on column lines 7C-7D, as shown in the
the tables.
Component Damage Record D3. The engineer in the
field indicated that joint movement occurred at this

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 195

Chapter 7: Example Application


COUPLING BEAMS The total diagonal tension strength is then 242 kips at low
ductility, and 137 kips at high ductility.
RC3 Flexure:
RC3 Sliding (Sliding Shear):
The moment strength of the coupling beams is calculated as
discussed in FEMA 306, Section 5.3.5 using expected val- FEMA 306 Section 5.3.6d gives the sliding shear strength
ues for material properties (f’ce = 3000 psi, fye = 50 ksi). The for coupling beams at moderate ductility levels as
beams are 6'-3" deep, with 3 - #9 bars at top and bottom and
#4 bars @ 13" on center at each face. The calculated
moment capacity is 1210 k-ft. This capacity is determined
using strain compatibility calculations that demonstrate that
Vsliding = 3 FH IK
f ce′ b w d = 150 kips
all longitudinal bars yield. The M/V ratio for the coupling
beam is 3'-3", so the shear associated with development of This failure mode is generally associated with beams that
the moment capacity at each end of the beam is 373 kips. are well reinforced for diagonal tension, and that undergo
Note that slab reinforcement is ignored in the calculation of multiple cycles at a moderate ductility level. Since the pre-
the beam flexure capacity. It will be shown below that pre- emptive shear failure mode governs, the sliding shear mode
emptive shear clearly governs, so this is irrelevant. How- is not a potential failure mode.
ever, a more accurate calculation would be warranted if the
capacities in the different modes were similar. WALL PIERS
RC3 Diagonal Tension (Shear Strength): RC1 Flexure:
The equations for diagonal tension strength in The figures below show the free body diagrams of the wall
Section 5.3.6b of FEMA 306 may be used for coupling for lateral forces toward the east and toward the west. In
beams. For beams, the axial load is not significant, thus both cases it is assumed that the coupling beams and first
Vp = 0 and Equation 5-1 becomes: floor slab have reached their capacities. It is also assumed
that the columns beneath the first floor are yielding in flex-
ure. These assumptions define a potential inelastic lateral
Vn = Vc + Vs mechanism for the wall. If the assumed lateral mechanism
for the coupled wall is correct, the flexural capacity of the
Using an M/V ratio of 3'-3" (half the clear span of the cou- RC1 components must be sufficient to generate the diagonal
pling beams) Equations 5-3 and 5-4 of FEMA 306 yield tension failure in the RC3 coupling beams. The moment
demand diagrams for the RC1 pier components are also
α = 1.5 ρg = 0.0059 κrc = 3.5, 0.6 shown below.

β = 0.61 f ce′ = 55 psi

The boundary elements in the wall piers at lines L and M
each contain 8-#11 vertical bars. The vertical wall reinforc-
ing comprises #4 bars at 13” on center in each face. Using
and the concrete contribution Equation 5-2 becomes strain compatibility calculations, the moment capacities at
the top and bottom of the piers (between the first floor and
Vc = αβkrc a f
fce′ bw 0.8lw the top of the door opening) corresponding to the appropri-
ate axial loads are calculated.

Vc = 127 kips at low ductility The moment capacity and demand for the RC1 components
must be determined with respect to the same axis. For
RC1@L the elastic centroid is selected. For RC1@M the
Vc = 22 kips at high ductility elastic centroid of the component neglecting the return wall
is used as the axis. When the return wall is in compression it
The steel contribution is given by Equation 5-5 contributes little to the flexural strength of the wall pier.
However, when in tension, the reinforcment in the return
Vs = ρ n f ye bw h d increases moment strength. Therefore, in the capacity cal-
culations, the vertical reinforcment in approximately 10 ft.
where ρn = .00256 is based on the vertical (stirrup) rein- of return is included. This distance is estimated in accor-
forcement, fye = 50 ksi is the expected steel yield strength, dance with FEMA 306 Section 5.3.5b as 50% to 100% of
the M/Vfor the entire wall.
bw = 12", and hd = 75" is the horizontal length over which
vertical stirrup reinforcement contributes to shear strength, The flexural demand and capacity of the RC1 components
in this case the length of the coupling beam. Thus are summarized in the following table:
Vs = 115 kips

196 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 7: Example Application


Component Load Direction Location on Axial Load Moment Capacity Moment Demand
Pier (k,comp.+) (k-ft) (k-ft)
Top 773 6470 1650
Bottom 773 6470 3960
Top -265 2190 428
Bottom -265 2190 1660
Top -215 2400 618
Bottom -215 7120 1480
Top 823 6660 1850
Bottom 823 6660 4160

26' 26'

Return wall on Return wall on

3k 3k Line M
Line M
(Coupling bm. DL) (Coupling bm. DL)
220 k 3k 201 k 201 k 220 k

242 k(Coupling 242 k(Coupling

18 k bm. shear capac.) 18 k bm. shear capac.)
(Wall DL) (Wall DL)
106 k 13.5' 106 k
(Column DL) 18 k 13.5'
(Column DL) 119 k
119 k
110 k 18 k
3k 3k 99 k 99 k 3k 3k 110 k

18 k 18 k 18 k 18 k
242 k 242 k

13.5' 106 k 13.5'

106 k 143 k RC1 RC1
RC1 RC1 143 k
@7L @7M
@7L @7M
330 k 300 k 300 k 330 k

35 k 35 k

443 ft-k 280 ft-k (Col. moment capacity 248 ft-k 431 ft-k (Col. moment capacity
@ associated axial load)
at associated axial load)
773 k Axial forces in RC1 215 k 265 k Axial forces in RC1 823 k
(comp.) components (ten.) (ten.) components (comp.)

Free Body Diagram for Seismic Forces to East Free Body Diagram for Seismic Forces to West
x x x x

Roof Roof

286 1286 1223 244

Second Second
1253 121 170 1295

1650 M/V=5.5’’ 428 1846

618 M/V=4.9’ M/V=12.6’

First First
3960 1482 1657 4156

Moment Diagram(@ centroid of piers) for Load to East Moment Diagram(@ centroid of piers) for Load to West
(plotted on tension side in k-ft) (plotted on tension side in k-ft)

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 197

Chapter 7: Example Application



x x

18’’ 12’’

Return wall
126’’ (wall flange)
Distance to the elastic centroid from gridline:
X={ [126(12)126/2+2(18)3(9)] / [126(12)+2(18)3] } - 9
= 50.2” or 4.2’

Comp. Load Axial Load Reduce Net Tot. Duct.

Direct. (k) Vc for Ten. Vc Vs Vp V
(k) (k) (k) (k)

East 773 265 1.0 265 133 292 690 low

(comp.) 45 45 470 high
West -265 265 0.67 178 133 0 311 low
(ten.) 45 30 163 high
East -215 265 0.74 195 133 0 328 low
(ten.) 45 33 166 high
West 823 265 1.0 265 133 294 692 low
(comp.) 45 45 472 high
RC1 Diagonal Tension (Shear Strength): Vs = 133 kips

The equations in Section 5.3.6 of FEMA 306 were again The compressive axial load contribution is given by
used to calculate the diagonal tension strength. Equation 5-6.

Vn = Vc + Vs + V p Vp =
al − c f N
w u

Using the component M/V values from the moment dia-

grams, Equations 5-3 and 5-4 yield V
α = 1.5 β = 0.76 ρg = 0.0013 Considering all of the above contributions the diagonal ten-
sion strengths of the RC1 components are summarized in the
and the concrete contribution from Equation 5-2 becomes table above:
RC1 Diagonal Compression (Web Crushing):
b g
Vc = αβkrc fce′ bw 0.8lw
The web crushing strength is given by Equation 5-7. This
Vc = 265 kips at low ductility equation requires an estimate of the drift ratio to which the
component is subjected, with increasing drift decreasing the
Vc = 45 kips at high ductility capacity. An upper bound estimate of 1% is assumed to get a
lower bound on the web crushing strength:
When the component experiences net axial tension ACI
318-95, eqn. 11-8 specifies the the concrete contribution to
Vwc =
18 a f =1710 kips for RC1@7L load to East
. fce′ bw 0.8lw
shear strength, Vc, be reduced by the factor 1-[Nu / (500 F N I
Ag)]. 1 + G600 − 2000
H Jδ
A f′Kg ce

The steel contribution is given by Equation 5-5

= 1807 kips for RC1@7M load to West
Vs = ρ n f ye bw hd
Web crushing is not typically an issue for low axial loads or
where ρn = .00256, fye = 50 ksi, bw = 12", and hd is limited net tension.
by the height of the door 7'-3". Thus

198 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 7: Example Application

The typical solid walls were calculated to behave in a the appropriate potential repairs to restore each compo-
foundation rocking (or overturning) mode (type M). nent.
There are no damage guides for this behavior mode.
However, component behavior description in FEMA The potential repairs required to restore the structural
306 considers this mode to have moderate to high duc- performance and nonstructural functionality of the
tility. The damage associated with this behavior mode building include both structural and nonstructural (e.g.,
may not be apparent based on the observations of the cosmetic) measures for each damaged component.
walls. Damage to other structural and nonstructural ele-
ments, such as damage to the floor slab at the base or to 7.3.1 Structural Restoration Measures
the beams framing into the ends of the walls, should be Coupling Beams
used to assess the severity of the mode. Since there was
no significant damage to the adjacent structural and As shown in Tables 7-4 and 7-5, three
nonstructural elements, the damage severity is judged to of the coupling beams were classified Damage
guide for
be Insignificant. as component type RC3, behavior RC3H,
mode H, having Heavy damage. As Table 5-2 of Coupling Beams recommended for this component FEMA 306
Based on calculations, the behavior mode of the cou- type, behavior mode, and damage
pling beams is Preemptive Diagonal Tension (Type H). severity, the component restoration measure chosen is
Based on the damage observations and the component to replace these components. The proposed repair
guides, the damage for the coupling beams with spal- would be to remove the concrete at the coupling beam
ling, bar-buckling, and/or significant cracking was clas- and a portion of the floor slab, install new reinforcing
sified as Heavy. For the coupling beams with shear bars, and cast new concrete for the wall. The new
cracking, but no bar-buckling or significant spalling, the reinforcing steel in the coupling beams would be
damage is Moderate. detailed in accordance with the current provisions of the
governing building code for coupled shear walls, as Wall Piers shown in Figure 7-8.

The walls adjacent to the coupling beams are expected The coupling beams with Moderate damage could be
to behave in a mode of indiviudal pier rocking (type N). repaired by epoxy injection of all diagonal shear cracks
Thre are no Component Guides for this behavior mode. greater than 10 mils wide, since epoxy injection is rec-
However, the component behavior description for this ommended for structural restoration using the damage
mode of behavior considers this mode to have moderate guide for RC3H. Although it is possible to inject
to high ductility. Similar to the solid shear walls, the smaller cracks, the additional cost does not justify the
lack of damage to the adjacent structural and nonstruc- marginal benefit. Since cracks as large as 12 mils can be
tural elements was used to classify the damage as Insig- tolerated in normal concrete structures (ACI, 1994), the
nificant. unrepaired cracks should not be detrimental. The length
of the cracks to be injected is estimated as 100 feet.
7.3 Evaluation by the Direct Solid Walls
Method The remaining wall components are type N or M. There
The effects of damage are quantified are no Component Guides for these modes to indicate
by the costs associated with potential Hypothetical the appropriate repairs directly. As discussed earlier,
repairs for
repairs (component restoration mea- direct
these modes have moderate to high ductility capacity.
sures), which if implemented, would method, Conservatively, the damage guide for Type B, flexure /
restore the components to their pre- Section 4.6 diagonal tension, is used since this is a moderate ductil-
event condition. In the direct method, of FEMA 306 ity mode, analogous to the actual behavior mode. The
restoration measures are considered on Component Guides for the type RC1B components
a component-by-component basis without an analysis indicate that if cracks are less than 1/16 inch, the dam-
of global performance. It is intended to be a simple and age can be classified as Insignificant, and therefore
approximate approach. The Component Damage Clas- structural repairs are not necessary. Two of the shear
sification Guides in FEMA 306 are used to determine wall components had cracks that exceeded 1/16 inch.
This amount of cracking would be classified as Moder-

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 199

Chapter 7: Example Application

Table 7-4 Summary of Component Type, Behavior Mode, and Damage Severity for Wall Components
(North-South Direction)

Column Floor Wall Type Component Type and Damage Severity

Line Behavior Mode
B / 2-3 First-Second Coupled RC1N Insignificant
First Coupled RC3H Moderate
First-Second Coupled RC1N Insignificant
Second Coupled RC3H Moderate
B / 5-7 First-Second Coupled RC1N Insignificant
First Coupled RC3H Moderate
First-Second Coupled RC1N Insignificant
Second Coupled RC3H Moderate
B / 10-12 First-Second Coupled RC1N Insignificant
First Coupled RC3H Moderate
First-Second Coupled RC1N Insignificant
Second Coupled RC3H Moderate
B / 14-15 First-Second Coupled RC1N Insignificant
First Coupled RC3H Heavy
First-Second Coupled RC1N Insignificant
Second Coupled RC3H Moderate
E / 2-3 First-Second Coupled RC1N Insignificant
First Coupled RC3H Moderate
First-Second Coupled RC1N Insignificant
Second Coupled RC3H Insignificant
E / 14-15 First-Second Coupled RC1N Insignificant
First Coupled RC3H Moderate
First-Second Coupled RC1N Insignificant
Second Coupled RC3H Moderate
G / 7-8 First-Second Solid RC1M Insignificant
G / 9-10 First-Second Solid RC1M Insignificant
M / 7-8 First-Second Solid RC1M Insignificant
M / 9-10 First-Second Solid RC1M Insignificant
M / 8-9 Ground Solid RC1B Insignificant

200 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 7: Example Application

Table 7-5 Summary of Component Type, Behavior Mode, and Damage Severity for Wall Components
(East-West Direction)

Column Floor Wall Type Component Type and Damage Severity

Line Behavior Mode
7 / L-M First-Second Coupled RC1N Insignificant
First Coupled RC3H Heavy
First-Second Coupled RC1N Insignificant
Second Coupled RC3N Moderate
10 / L-M First-Second Coupled RC1N Insignificant
First Coupled RC3H Heavy
First-Second Coupled RC1N Insignificant
Second Coupled RC3N Moderate
2 / B-C First-Second Solid RC1M Insignificant
2 / D-E First-Second Solid RC1M Insignificant
7 / C-D First-Second Solid RC1M Insignificant
10 / C-D First-Second Solid RC1M Insignificant
15 / B-C First-Second Solid RC1M Insignificant
15 / D-E First-Second Solid RC1M Insignificant

ate for type B behavior. Epoxy injection is recom- In addition, many of the suspended ceiling tiles became
mended in the Component Damage Classification dislodged and fell during the earthquake. The nonstruc-
Guides for these cracks. Thus, for performance restora- tural repairs would include replacing the ceiling tiles.
tion by the direct method, these walls would have all of
the cracks exceeding 1/16 inch repaired by injection 7.3.3 Restoration Summary and Cost
with epoxy. The total length of crack to be injected is
estimated at 22 feet. Table 7-6 summarizes the performance restoration mea-
sures and estimated costs. Additional costs related to
Spalls (other than at the coupling beams that are being inspection, evaluation, design, management and indi-
replaced) could be repaired by application of a concrete rect costs may also be involved.
repair mortar to restore the visual appearance. The total
volume of concrete spalls is estimated to be 3 cubic 7.4 Evaluation by Performance
7.3.2 Nonstructural Restoration The use of the direct method is limited to an estimate of
Measures the loss associated with the damaging earthquake. It
The wall components with visible cracks could be cannot be used to evaluate actual performance. For
repaired by patching the cracks with plaster, and then these purposes, relative performance analysis as
painting the entire wall. This repair is only intended to described in FEMA 306 is used. The basic procedure
restore the visual appearance of the wall. Restoration of comprises a comparison of the anticipated performance
other nonstructural characteristics, such as water tight- of the building in future earthquakes in its pre-event,
ness and fire protection, are not necessary in this damaged, and repaired conditions. This comparison
instance. may be made for one or more performance objectives.

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 201

Chapter 7: Example Application


Remove & Replace

Existing Concrete
Coupling Beam #4 Hoops @ 2 1/2 inches
Second 4-#6 Diagonal Bars in a
Existing 3-#9 Bars 6 inch x 8 inch Cage
to Remain Epoxy Dowel 38 inches into
Existing Wall
#4 Bars @ 12 inches


# 4 Stirrups @
6 inches
Floor Slab

Joists New Concrete

Coupling Beam
#4 Hoops #6 Diagonal Bars


Figure 7-8 Detail of Coupling Beam Replacement

Table 7-6 Restoration Cost Estimate by the Direct Method

Item Unit Cost Quantity Cost

(1997 dollars) (1997 dollars)
Epoxy Injection $25.00 /lin ft 122 ft $ 3,050.
Coupling Beam Removal and Replacement $74.00 /cu ft 122 cu ft $ 9,028.
Patch and paint walls $0.60 /sq ft 10,175 sq ft $ 6,105.
Replace ceiling tiles $2.00 /sq ft 15,000 sq ft $30,000.
General Conditions, Fees, Overhead & Profit (@ 30%) $14,455.
Total $62,638.

7.4.1 Performance Objectives return period (10 percent probability of exceedance in

50 years) for this site. The response spectrum for this
Two performance objectives are earthquake is shown in Figure 7-9. The soil at the site
considered in this example. The first is Performance
objectives, was determined to be type Sc. Using the available
the life safety performance level, as Section 4.2 seismic data, the spectral response at short periods (T =
defined in FEMA 273, for an of FEMA 306 0.2 sec) for this site is 1.0 g and the spectral response at
earthquake associated with a 475-year 1 second is 0.56 g.

202 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 7: Example Application


Spectral Acceleration (g)

Life Safety
0.6 Occupancy



0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3

Period (Sec)

Figure 7-9 Response Spectra for Selected Performance Levels

The building was also checked for immediate occu- that represent the wall section stiffness. Rigid end
pancy performance level using an earthquake with a 50 offsets are used to model the joint regions in the
percent probability of exceedance in 50 years. For this coupled walls as shown in Figure 7-10. Small models of
earthquake, the spectral response at short periods at this individual walls are used to verify that the beam
site is 0.68 g and the spectral response at 1 second is elements used to model the walls have approximately
0.35 g. The response spectra for the immediate occu- the same stiffness and shear distribution as a model
pancy performance level is also shown in Figure 7-9. using shell elements for the walls. A three dimensional
view of the global model is shown in Figure 7-11. The
It should be noted that these performance objectives do horizontal floor and roof diaphragms are modeled using
not necessarily correspond to the original criteria used beam elements, as shown in Figure 7-11, with lumped
for design of the building. masses at the nodes.

7.4.2 Nonlinear Static Analysis The pushover analysis is conducted by applying static
loads at the locations of the lumped masses in a vertical Computer Model distribution pattern as described in the second option of
The building is analyzed in its pre-event, post-event and Section C, of FEMA 273. Sixty percent of the
repaired conditions using a three-dimensional computer total lateral force is applied to the roof, thirty percent is
model. Modeling of the building is done using the rec- applied at the second floor, and ten percent is applied at
ommendations of FEMA 273 and FEMA 306. The the first floor. The nodal loads are increased proportion-
model is subjected to a nonlinear static (pushover) anal- ally in progressive iterations. When elements reach
ysis to assess its force/displacement response. For this their strength limit, their stiffness is iteratively reduced
example, the analysis is run only in the East-West direc- to an appropriate secant stiffness and the model is rerun
tion, which is the direction that experienced the most at the same load level until no elements resist loads in
significant damage. excess of their calculated capacities. (Secant stiffness
method, see side bar.)
The computer analysis program SAP2000 (CSI, 1997)
is used to model the structure. The reinforced concrete The pushover analysis is continued to cover the dis-
walls and coupling beams are modeled using beam placement range of interest, which is based on a prelim-
elements. The beam elements are located at the center inary estimate of the maximum displacement demand.
of gravity of each wall section, and are given properties A global pushover curve is then produced.

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 203

Chapter 7: Example Application

R ig id E n d
O ffse t

N o d e

C o u p lin g B e a m
E le m e n t
C o lu m n E le m e n t
R e p re s e n tin g W a ll P ie r

C o lu m n E le m e n t

Figure 7-10 Mathematical Model of Coupled Shear Wall Component Force-Displacement chord-rotation relationship is shown in Figure 7-12(a).

Behavior Also shown in this figure are the points representing the
Component force-displacement displacement limits for immediate occupancy and life
curves are developed for each of the Component safety performance.
typical wall components using the displacement
generalized force-displacement The initial slope of the component
relations, Component
curves from Figure 6-1 of FEMA 273. FEMA 273 and force/deformation curves is based on
modeling for
The acceptance limits for the coupling Sections 4.3 the initial elastic stiffness of the com- pre-event
beam components are based on Table and 4.4 of ponent. The pre-event structure is condition,
FEMA 306 modeled using the effective initial Section
6-17 of FEMA 273 for the case of of
“nonconforming”, transverse reinforcement, and shear stiffness values recommended in Table
6-4 of FEMA 273. Walls and coupling FEMA 306
exceeding 6twlw fc′ . The pre-event shear-strength-to-


Either of two methods are recommended for establishing ing a set of coefficients times a function of the effective
displacement demands for a nonlinear static analysis: the building period and the spectral acceleration.
coefficient method and the capacity spectrum method. A
description of these methods is included in ATC 40. The Te2
coefficient method is also described in FEMA 273, and the δ t = C 0 C1C 2 C3 Sa g
coefficient and capacity spectrum methods are described in 4π 2
FEMA 274. Although either method may be used, it is es- To use the coefficient method, the nonlinear static analysis
sential for a valid comparison that the same method be used must be conducted in order to construct the pushover curve.
to assess the performance of the pre-earthquake, post-earth- The pushover curve can be presented as spectral accelera-
quake, and repaired structure, as outlined in FEMA 306. tion versus spectral displacement or as base shear versus
roof displacement. Once the pushover curve is constructed,
In this example, the coefficient method is used. In this an equivalent bilinear curve is fitted to approximate the
method, a target displacement, dt is calculated and compared actual curve. The equivalent bilinear curve is then used to
to the displacement of a control node, generally located at obtain the effective stiffness of the building and the yield
the roof. The target displacement is determined by multiply- base shear needed for calculating the target displacement.

204 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 7: Example Application

Beam Elements
Representing Solid Wall

Beam Elements
Representing Floor

Coupled Wall

Nodes Where Lateral

Loads are Applied

Figure 7-11 Mathematical Model of Full Building

beams are given a flexural rigidity of 0.5EcIg. The base- is based on calculations as illustrated in Section 7.2.4 of
ment columns of the structure, which support the dis- this example. For the post-event structure, the pre-event
continuous walls, are given a flexural rigidity of strength is multiplied by the λQ factors recommended in
0.7EcIg. As recommended in FEMA 273, the shear FEMA 306. Heavily damaged coupling beams have
rigidities of all components are set equal to gross sec- their strength reduced to 30 percent of the pre-event
tion values. value. Moderately damaged coupling beams have their
strength reduced to 80 percent of the pre-event value.
The post-event structure is modeled with stiffness val- For components where damage is classified either
ues multiplied by the λk factors recommended in FEMA Insignificant or None, the strength is not reduced.
306. Heavily damaged coupling beams have their stiff- Figure 7-12(b) shows the force-deformation curves for
ness reduced to 20 percent (λk = 0.2) of the pre-event the moderately and heavily damaged coupling beams.
value. Moderately damaged coupling beams have their Foundation Rocking
stiffness reduced to 50 percent (λk = 0.5) of the pre-
event value. For the solid shear walls, where damage is Since the governing behavior mode of the solid con-
classified between Insignificant and None, stiffness is crete walls is identified to be foundation rocking, this
reduced to between 80 percent to 100 percent of the pre- behavior is incorporated into the pushover analysis. To
event stiffness depending on the amount of cracking. model the rocking, the stiffness of the lower story wall
elements is reduced when the shear force in those ele-
The horizontal plateau of the component force/deforma- ments reaches the shear force that causes rocking. Once
tion curves is based on the strength of the governing the wall element in the model had started to overturn in
behavior mode. For the pre-event structure, the strength the analysis, the stiffness is adjusted so that the wall

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 205

Chapter 7: Example Application


Currently, there are few commercially available computer

programs for direct implementation of the nonlinear analysis
required for a pushover analysis. Many of the nonlinear pro-
grams available are sophisticated but can be expensive and
difficult to use. For many buildings, a linear elastic analysis
program can be used to assess iteratively the nonlinear
behavior of the building.

There are two ways to implement a nonlinear static analysis

using a linear computer program. Both methods are based on
adjusting the stiffness of an element once the analysis indi-
cates that the element has reached its yield level. One
method uses the tangential stiffness of the element at the dis-
placement level above yield; the other uses a secant stiff-
ness. The figures below depict the difference between the
two methods. Figure ii – Secant Stiffness Method

model until another component reaches its yield level. The

process continues until a complete mechanism has formed
or until the maximum displacement level of interest has
been reached. The sum of forces and deformations of each
of the incremental models then represent the global behavior
of the structure.

In the secant stiffness method, lateral forces are applied to

the building and proportionally increased until a component
reaches its yield level. A new model is then created in which
the yielding element has its stiffness reduced by a value cho-
sen to produce the correct post-yield force in the component.
The new model is then rerun at the same force level, and
components are checked to verify that the force in the com-
ponent has not exceeded, or reduced significantly below, its
yield level. If necessary, the stiffness of the yielding element
may need to be adjusted so that the force in that element is
Figure i – Tangential Stiffness Method approximately equal to the post-yield force level. Other ele-
ments need also be checked since they may be resisting
additional load no longer resisted by the yielding element.
The tangential stiffness method is described in detail in ATC After iterating until all elements are at approximately the
40 (ATC, 1996). Lateral forces are applied to the building correct force level, a new model is created at a larger lateral
and proportionally increased until an element reaches its force level. The process is repeated at each force level. The
yield level. A new model is then created in which the yield- behavior of the structure and each element at a given force
ing component has its stiffness reduced to zero or a small level is represented directly by the behavior of the appropri-
post-yield value. An incremental load is applied to the new ate model, rather than combining the results of several mod-

would resist about 10 to 20 percent more shear force 7.4.3 Force-Displacement Capacity
than that calculated to cause overturning. This adjust- (Pushover Analysis) Results
ment is made to account for the additional dead weight
of the structure that the wall would pick up once it Pre-Event Structure
started to uplift. The amount of additional overturning
resistance in the wall is based on the shear and moment The results of the pushover analysis indicate the pro-
capacity of the beams framing into the wall. gression of displacement events to be as follows for
East-West loading (See Figure 7-2 for wall locations):

• Initially the two solid walls on lines 7 and 10

between lines C and D reach their rocking capacity.

206 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 7: Example Application

300 IO LS
250 CP
Shear (kips)

0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035
Rotation (Radians)

a) Pre-event

250 IO LS CP
Shear (kips)

200 Moderate
150 Heavy

0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035
Rotation (Radians)

b) Post-event

300 IO LS CP

Shear (kips)

0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035
Rotation (Radians)

c) Replacement Coupling Beam with Diagonal Reinforcement

Figure 7-12 Component Force-Displacement Curves for Coupling Beams

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 207

Chapter 7: Example Application

Comparison of Pre-event and Post-event Pushover




Base Shear (kips)




0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Roof Displacement (Inches)

Figure 7-13 Comparison of Pre-event and Post-event Pushover Curves

• When the solid walls between lines C and D are As shown in Figure 7-13, the pushover analysis
softened, the solid walls on lines 2 and 15 between indicates that global nonlinearity begins at a base shear
lines B and C, and between D and E at the first floor of approximately 5000 k. As lateral displacements
pick up additional force and reach their rocking increase, the base shear climbs to about 8000 k. Since
capacity. 10% of the total is applied at the first floor and is
transmitted directly into the foundation, the force
• As the solid walls are softened, the coupled walls on resisted by the structure above the first floor prior to
lines 7 and 10 between lines L and M resist more global nonlinearity is about 4500 k. Allowing for some
force. The first floor coupling beam picks up more increase in capacity to reflect rocking behavior more
force than the second floor coupling beam and accurately (see Section, this agrees well with
reaches its shear capacity first. the hand-calculated capacities of the walls summarized
in Tables 7-1 and 7-3. The applied load in excess of the
• Additional coupling beams reach their capacity and capacity of the walls is resisted by the columns. The
the solid walls continue to rock as the displacement magnitude of the increased load is compatible with the
of the structure is increased. capacity of the columns. In the analysis, the first story
coupling beams are the first element to reach the
• The approximate target roof displacement is reached immediate occupancy and life safety acceptability
after the coupling beams have exceeded their limits. The component deformation limit for immediate
collapse prevention acceptability limit, requiring a occupancy occurs when the roof displacement reaches
reduction in their capacity. about 0.65 inches and that for life safety is reached at

208 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 7: Example Application

about 0.88 inch. These displacements are taken as the larger displacements (greater than about 1.5 inches) the
displacement capacity dc, as defined in FEMA 306. response of the pre-event and post-event structures are
essentially the same.
The progression of damage shown in the analysis is
consistent with the observed damage. 7.4.4 Estimation of Displacement, de,
Caused by Damaging Post-Event Condition Earthquake
For the post-event structure, the pro- The accuracy of the structural model of the building can
gression of displacement events is Modeling of
the post-event be verified by estimating the maximum displacement,
essentially the same as that outlined condition, de, that was caused by the damaging event. This is done
for the pre-event structure. The results Section in two ways. If the data were available, actual ground
of the post-event pushover analysis of FEMA 306
motion records could be used to predict displacement
are shown in Figure 7-13. In this anal- analytically. Secondly, the pushover curve in conjunc-
ysis, the first story coupling beams reach the immediate tion with component capacity data could be used to esti-
occupancy acceptability limit at a roof displacement of mate displacements from the observed damage.
0.47 inches; the beams reach the life safety limit at a
roof displacement of 0.66 inches. These values are used In this case, a spectrum from recorded ground motion at
for d'c. a site approximately 1.5 mi. from the building was
available (see Figure 7-14). FEMA 273 (equation 3-11) Comparison of Force-Displacement uses the displacement coefficient method to estimate
Capacity Curves (Pushover Curves) maximum displacement from spectral acceleration as
The performance of the post-event building was slightly follows:
different than the pre-event performance; the overall
building is softer since more deflection is obtained for Te2
the same magnitude of applied load. The reduced stiff- de = C0 C1C2 C3 Sa g (7-1)
ness of the damaged components causes the global
4π 2
reduction of stiffness of the post-event structure. The
In this expression the coefficients C0 to C3 modify the
Moderate and Heavy damage to some of the compo-
nents corresponds to a reduction in their strength. At basic relationship between spectral acceleration and dis-

Spectral Acceleration (g)

5% Damp
0.8 10% Damp
20% Damp



0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Period (Sec.)

Figure 7-14 Response Spectra from Damaging Earthquake

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 209

Chapter 7: Example Application

placement for an elastic system as a function of the From the damage observations, one of the first-floor
effective period of the structure, Te. The effective period coupling beams in the east-west direction appeared to
for the pre-event structure is approximately 0.3 sec. The reach its capacity, since a severe crack had developed
spectral acceleration for this period from Figure 7-14 and a transverse bar had buckled. Shear cracking had
would be approximately 0.5 to 0.6 g producing an elas- also developed in the wall piers adjacent to the coupling
tic spectral displacement between 0.4 and 0.5 in. beams.

The coefficient C0 converts spectral displacement to From the pushover analysis, at displacement demands
roof displacement and has an approximate value of 1.25 between 0.3 inches and 0.5 inches, the coupling beams
for two- and three-story buildings. reach their capacity. The pushover analysis also indi-
cates that the first floor coupling beam would be the
For short-period buildings, the maximum inelastic dis- first to reach its capacity, which is verified by the obser-
placement often is greater than the elastic. FEMA 273 vations. Since only the first floor beams were heavily
provides the following expression C1 to adjust conser- damaged, the displacement demand of the damaging
event should not have been much greater than 0.5 in.
vatively from elastic to inelastic:
The difference between the analytical estimate of de and
FG1.0 + a R − 1.0f T IJ
0 the estimate from the model and observed damage is not

C =
where R =
Sa 1 (7-2) large. The difference is acceptable because the building
is farther away from the epicenter than the site where
Vy C0 the motion was recorded, and actual recorded building
W response is usually less than that which is predicted ana-
lytically. Based on the comparison there is no need to
In these expressions, Vy /W is the effective base shear at adjust the structural model.
yield as a portion of the building weight, or about 0.28
in this case. This would result in an R-factor of approxi- 7.4.5 Displacement Demand
mately 1.4 to 1.7. The point where the spectral accelera- Estimate of Target Displacement
tion transitions from the acceleration to velocity
controlled zone occurs at a period of around 0.5 to 0.6 Estimating the target displacement can be an interactive
sec. These values would combine to result in a coeffi- process. The nonlinear static analysis produces a force-
cient C1 of around 1.2 to 1.4. displacement pushover curve covering the displacement
range of interest. Based on the procedures of FEMA
273, an equivalent bilinear curve is fitted to the push-
The coefficient C2 accounts for the shape of the hystere-
over curve and a yield point is estimated.
sis curve and is equal to 1.0 in this case. The coefficient
C3 accounts for dynamic P-∆ effects and is also equal to Using this yield point and the associated effective
1.0 for this case. period, the target displacement is calculated using the
coefficient method. Given the calculated target dis-
Combining all of the coefficients and the elastic spectral placement, the equivalent bilinear curve can be refitted,
displacement results in an estimate for the maximum adjusting the yield point, and giving a new target dis-
displacement at the roof, de, of between 0.6 to 0.9 in. placement. The revised target displacement is close to
the original estimate so further iteration is not needed.


Section 5.4 of FEMA 306 describes the procedures for cal- Pre-Event Target Displacement, dd
culating the displacement demand for both the pre-event and
the post-event structures. The pre-event and post-event An idealized bi-linear capacity curve for the pre-event
pushover curves for this example are shown in Figure 7-13. structure is developed to approximate the actual pushover
For this example, the coefficient method is used to calculate curve. Based on this idealized curve, the yield level base
the target displacements and FEMA 306 procedures are used shear Vy is 6000 kips and the yield level displacement Dy is
to determine the corresponding displacement demands.
0.31 inches. The effective stiffness Ke then becomes 19,400

210 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 7: Example Application


Base Shear (kips)


6,000 Pushover curve

4,000 Idealized curve


0 0.5 1 1.5 2

Roof Displacement (Inches)

Comparison of idealized bilinear curve to pushover the pre-event effective stiffness and the post-yield stiffness
curve for the post-event curve to calculate a target displacement.
In this example, the slopes of the post-yield curves for the
The initial period Ti is 0.25 seconds taken from the initial pre-event and post-event conditions are similar. Therefore,
structural model. The effective period is calculated to be the target displacements will be essentially the same. The
0.30 seconds using the ratio of the initial to the effective value for d'd1 will be taken as the pre-event demand dis-
stiffness. placement, which is 1.68 inches.

Ki 27900 Post-Event Target Displacement, d'd2

Te = Ti = 0.25 = 0.30
Ke 19400
Considering the post-event pushover curve, the effective
stiffness Ke, with Vy = 5600 and Dy = 0.32 is 17,500. The
The spectral acceleration Sa, based on the life safety earth-
initial and effective periods are 0.25 seconds and 0.31 sec-
quake response spectra at the effective period is 1.0 g. onds.
The coefficients are: The damping coefficient β for the post-event structure is cal-
C0 = 1.25 for a 2-to-3-story building culated to be 0.06 based on Equation 5-3 of FEMA 306, due
to the change in the post-event effective stiffness. The
C1 = 1.58 using the equation for Te in the constant damping adjustments for the response spectrum (Bs and B1),
acceleration region of the spectrum interpolating from Table 2-15 in FEMA 273, are 1.06 and
1.04 respectively. This changes the spectral acceleration for
C2 = 1.0 the post-event structure to 0.97.
C3 = 1.0 The value for C1 becomes 1.55, and the other coefficients
Thus the target displacement from Equation 3-11 of FEMA are the same as for the pre-event condition. Using these val-
273 is: ues, the new target displacement is calculated as:
dt = 1.25 (1.58) (1.0g) (386 in/sec2g) (0.30)2/4π2 dt = 1.71 inches
= 1.68 inches
This value is assigned as d'd2.
This value is assigned as dd, the maximum displacement in
its pre-event condition. The displacement demand from the damaging earthquake de
was estimated to be 0.6 inches. Since d'd1 is greater than de,
Post-Event Target Displacement, d'd1 the displacement demand for the post-event structure d'd is
equal to d'd1, which is 1.68 inches.
There are two values for the post-event displacement
demand that need to be calculated. The first value, d'd1 uses

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 211

Chapter 7: Example Application

The target displacement dd for the The Performance Indices for both the pre-event and
Displacement post-event structures are less than one for both perfor-
pre-event structure for life safety per- demand,
formance against the 475-year- Section 4.4.4 mance objectives, indicating that the objectives are not
return-period earthquake, based on of FEMA 306 met. The effects of damage can be quantified by identi-
the coefficient method calculations, fying restoration measures to return the Performance
is 1.68 inches. The displacement demand for immediate Index to its pre-event value, as outlined in the following
occupancy after the 100-year earthquake is 0.97 inches. sections. The actual course of action to accept, restore,
or upgrade the damaged building is a separate consider-
Calculations (see sidebar on previous page) indicate ation for the owner and the local building authority.
that displacement demand for the post-event structure is
essentially the same as for the pre-event structure. 7.4.6 Analysis of Restored Structure Effects of Damage on Performance Proposed Performance Restoration

The changes in displacement capacity and displacement
The primary difference between the pushover models of
demand caused by the effects of damage are summa-
the pre-event building and the post-event building is the
rized in Table 7-7. The Performance Indices, P and P',
performance of the coupling beams. In their post-earth-
in Table 7-7 are the ratios of the displacement capacity,
quake condition, the coupling beams were considered to
dc or dc ', to displacement demand, dd or dd', as defined
have less stiffness and strength than in their pre-event
in FEMA 308. The displacement capacities calculated condition. The displacement limits were also reduced
in Section 7.4.3 are based on the assumption that the by the λD factor of 0.7. This resulted in the overall
coupling beams are primary components. FEMA 273
reduced stiffness, strength, and displacement capacity
allows coupling beams to be treated as secondary mem-
of the structure.
bers. Since the global capacity is controlled by the
acceptability of the coupling beams, the displacement
To restore the overall performance of the building, vari-
capacities are determined again assuming that the cou-
ous schemes could be investigated, for example, the
pling beams are secondary components and the results
addition of new concrete walls without repairing dam-
are included in Table 7-7. The global displacement
aged components. In this case however, the most
capacity, although higher for Life Safety, is still con-
straightforward repair appears to be the same compo-
trolled by the coupling beams. The relative change in
nent-by-component restoration considered in the direct
Performance Index is similar in both cases, indicating
method. This principally involves the repair of the dam-
that the effects of damage are the same.
aged coupling beams. The coupling beams would be
repaired as suggested by the Component Guides in
FEMA 306 for the RC3H components. The moderately

Table 7-7 Performance Indices for Pre-event and Post-event Structures

Displacement Capacity Displacement Demand Performance Index
(inches) (Inches) (Capacity/Demand)
Life Immediate Life Immediate Life Immediate
Safety Occupancy Safety Occupancy Safety Occupancy
Coupling beams treated as primary components
Pre-event dc = 0.88 dc = 0.65 dd = 1.68 dd = 0.97 P = 0.52 P = 0.67
Post-event dc' = 0.66 dc' = 0.47 dd' = 1.68 dd' = 0.97 P' = 0.39 P' = 0.48
Coupling beams treated as secondary components
Pre-event dc = 1.00 dc = 0.65 dd = 1.68 dd = 0.97 P = 0.60 P = 0.67
Post-event dc' = 0.76 dc' = 0.47 dd' = 1.68 dd' = 0.97 P' = 0.45 P' = 0.48

212 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 7: Example Application

damaged coupling beams are repaired by injecting the the model are unchanged from their post-event condi-
cracks with epoxy. The heavily damaged coupling tion. The pushover analysis is then conducted using the
beams are repaired by removing the damaged coupling same procedures and load patterns.
beams and replacing them with new coupling beams.
Each new coupling beam will be designed using the The progression of displacement events for the repaired
provisions of the current building code, which requires structure is similar to that for the pre-event structure
diagonal reinforcing bars be installed as the primary except that the replaced coupling beam does not reach
shear resistance. A detail of the potential repair is its collapse prevention displacement limit. Figure 7-15
shown in Figure 7-8. shows the pushover curve for the repaired structure.
Also shown on this curve is the pre-event pushover Analysis Results curve. The overall behavior of the repaired structure
closely matches that of the pre-earthquake structure, as
The moderately damaged coupling beams are
it was designed to do. The ratio of displacement capac-
“repaired” in the model by revising their stiffness and
ity to demand, dc∗ / d d∗ , is 0.53 for the life safety perfor-
strength based on the Component Damage Classifica-
tion Guides. The heavily damaged coupling beams that mance level and 0.66 for immediate occupancy, which
were replaced are given stiffness values for initial, are the same as those for the pre-event performance.
undamaged elements and displacement capacities as in
FEMA 273 for flexure-governed beams with diagonal The displacement capacity for the repaired structure is
reinforcement, as shown in Figure 7-12(c). The stiffness governed by the component deformation limits of the
of the moderately damaged coupling beams is restored coupling beams that were not replaced. Note that an
to 80 percent of the pre-event stiffness. The strength and effective upgrade measure might be to replace all cou-
displacement limits are restored to the pre-event values. pling beams, as this would greatly increase global dis-
The strength and stiffness of the other components in placement capacity.

Base Shear (kips)

5,000 Repaired Structure
Pre-event Structure
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Roof Displacement (Inches)

Figure 7-15 Comparison of Pre-event and Repaired Pushover Curves

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 213

Chapter 7: Example Application

7.4.7 Performance Restoration 7.5 Discussion of Results

Measures Structural Restoration Measures 7.5.1 Discussion of Building
Based on the relative performance
analysis, replacing the three heavily Hypothetical The example building contains some typical features
repairs for found in older concrete wall buildings, such as lightly
damaged coupling beams and inject- relative
ing the cracks in the moderately dam- performance reinforced concrete elements and discontinuous wall
aged coupling beams restores the method, elements. Although the building was designed ade-
performance of the structure. The vol- Section 4.5 of quately according to the building code at the time, the
ume of reinforced concrete coupling FEMA 306 design would not be appropriate by current building
beams to be removed is estimated to codes. Because of the improvement in seismic design
be about 41 cubic feet per coupling beam. The length of provisions over the years, it is expected that the build-
shear cracks to be injected in the moderately damaged ing, in its pre-event condition, would not meet the life
coupling beams is estimated to be 100 feet. safety performance level of FEMA 273. Nonstructural Restoration Measures The weak link in the building, as determined by analy-
sis and confirmed with the field observations, is the
The Component Guides for the type RC1B components shear capacity of the coupling beams. Although the
indicate that if cracks are less than 1/8 inch, the damage analysis indicates that foundation rocking of the solid
can be classified as Insignificant, and therefore struc- walls is probably the initial nonlinearity in the building,
tural repairs are not necessary. Two of the wall compo- the rocking of the walls is not detrimental to the global
nents had cracks that exceeded 1/16 inch. These wall behavior under the anticipated seismic demands.
components will have all of the cracks exceeding 1/16
inch repaired by injection with epoxy. The total length In the section of the building in which the coupling
of these cracks is estimated to be about 22 feet. beams were damaged, the coupled shear walls are dis-
continuous and are supported by columns at the ends of
The wall components with visible cracks will be the walls. Normally, columns supporting discontinuous
repaired by patching the cracks with plaster and paint- walls are susceptible to high compressive stresses, and
ing the entire wall. This repair is only intended to consequently reduced ductility capacity, as the wall
restore the visual appearance of the wall. Restoration of overturns. During the pushover analysis, the forces in
other nonstructural characteristics, such as water tight- the columns supporting the coupled walls remained
ness and fire protection, is not necessary. within their capacity. The reason the columns were not
overstressed is that the coupling beams acted as fuses Summary of Restoration Measures for the coupled wall element. The overturning force in
and Costs the columns could not be greater than the shear capacity
Table 7-8 summarizes the repairs and estimated costs. of the coupling beams. If the strength of the replaced
Additional costs related to inspection, evaluation, man- coupling beams is too large, the overturning force gen-
agement, and indirect costs may also be involved. erated could cause failure of the columns below the

Table 7-8 Restoration Cost Estimate by the Relative Performance Method

Item Unit Cost Quantity Cost
(1997 Dollars) (1997 Dollars)
Epoxy Injection $25.00 /lin ft 122 ft $3,050.
Coupling Beam Removal and Replacement $74.00 / cu ft 122 ft3 $9,028.
Patch and paint walls $0.60 /sq ft 10,175 ft2 $6,105.
Replace ceiling tiles $2.00 /sq ft 15,000 ft2 $ 30,000.
General Conditions, Fees, Overhead & Profit (@ 30%) $ 14,455.
Total $ 62,638.

214 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Chapter 7: Example Application

wall, resulting in a partial collapse of the building. For FEMA 306 presents two methods for calculating the
this reason, the capacity of the repaired coupling beam loss associated with earthquake damage, the direct
was designed to be similar to that of the previous cou- method and the relative performance method. These
pling beam. methods are used to determine the loss, which is mea-
sured as the cost associated with returning the building
One of the advantages of the relative performance anal- to its pre-event performance. In this example, the cost
ysis is the ability to assess the behavior of structure and of restoring the performance using the two methods
the influence of the behavior of the individual compo- produce the same result, principally because the repairs
nents on the overall behavior. Strengthening a single chosen in the relative performance method match those
component may not produce a significant improvement suggested by the direct method. In other buildings, there
in the overall performance if the progression of failure can be differences between the results obtained by the
shifts to a less desirable mode. The pushover analysis two methods.
of the repaired structure needs to consider the change in
overall behavior caused by the repairs. The Nonlinear Static Procedure described in FEMA 273
is used in the relative performance method to assess the
Because of the improved performance of the first story performance of the building in the pre-event, post-event
coupling beams that were replaced, these beams no and repaired conditions. This analysis method is rela-
longer control the global displacement limit of the tively new and is still subject to further refinements.
structure. The force/displacement capacity of the sec- This procedure can be time-consuming to implement
ond story coupling beams in their repaired condition is properly. As the method and the analytical tools become
the same as in the pre-event condition. The displace- further developed, this method should be easier to
ment demand at which the second story coupling beams implement.
reach their acceptability limit is very close to the limit at
which the first story coupling beams in the pre-event
condition reached their limit. Therefore, the overall per- 7.6 References
formance of the building is not improved substantially. ACI Committee 201, 1994, “Guide for Making a Condi-
The information gained from these analyses can be used tion Survey of Concrete in Service,” Manual of
to assess whether an upgrade of the building to improve Concrete Practice, American Concrete Institute,
its performance may be cost effective. Detroit, Michigan.
7.5.2 Discussion of Methodology and CSI, 1997, SAP2000: Integrated Structural Design &
Repair Costs Analysis Software, Computers and Structures Inc,
Berkeley, California
This example has illustrated some of the important
aspects in the FEMA 306 approach to assessing the ATC, 1996, The Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of
earthquake damage to concrete and masonry wall build- Concrete Buildings, Applied Technology Council,
ings. The example building represents an actual build- ATC-40 Report, Redwood City, California.
ing that experienced a damaging earthquake.

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 215

Chapter 7: Example Application

216 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Appendix A. Component Damage Records for
Building Evaluated in Example

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 217

Component Damage Records for Building Evaluated in Example Application

Component Damage Record D1

Building Name: Project ID: Prepared by:
Concrete Shear Wall Building ATC 43 Example ATC
Location Within Building: Date:
Floor: 1 /2 nd Column Line: 2 Component Type: 24-Sep-97
Sketch and Description of Damage:

Crack Spall
Crack Width in Mils (0.001 Inch)
Crack Previously Filled with Epoxy Not Accessible
Crack at Pre-existing Surface Patch

218 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Component Damage Records for Building Evaluated in Example Application

Component Damage Record D2

Building Name: Project ID: Prepared by:
Concrete Shear Wall Building ATC 43 Example ATC
Location Within Building: Date:
Floor: 1 /2 nd Column Line: 2 Component Type: 24-Sep-97
Sketch and Description of Damage:

Crack Spall
Crack Width in Mils (0.001 Inch)
Crack Previously Filled with Epoxy Not Accessible
Crack at Pre-existing Surface Patch

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 219

Component Damage Records for Building Evaluated in Example Application

Component Damage Record D3

Building Name: Project ID: Prepared by:
Concrete Shear Wall Building ATC 43 Example ATC
Location Within Building: Date:
Floor: 1 /2 nd Column Line: 7 Component Type: 24-Sep-97
Sketch and Description of Damage:

Crack Spall
Crack Width in Mils (0.001 Inch)
Crack Previously Filled with Epoxy Not Accessible
Crack at Pre-existing Surface Patch

220 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Component Damage Records for Building Evaluated in Example Application

Component Damage Record D4

Building Name: Project ID: Prepared by:
Concrete Shear Wall Building ATC 43 Example ATC
Location Within Building: Date:
Floor: 1 /2 nd Column Line: 7 Component Type: 24-Sep-97
Sketch and Description of Damage:

Crack Spall
Crack Width in Mils (0.001 Inch)
Crack Previously Filled with Epoxy Not Accessible
Crack at Pre-existing Surface Patch

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 221

Component Damage Records for Building Evaluated in Example Application

Component Damage Record D5

Building Name: Project ID: Prepared by:
Concrete Shear Wall Building ATC 43 Example ATC
Location Within Building: Date:
Floor: 1 /2 nd Column Line: 10 Component Type: 24-Sep-97
Sketch and Description of Damage:

Crack Spall
Crack Width in Mils (0.001 Inch)
Crack Previously Filled with Epoxy Not Accessible
Crack at Pre-existing Surface Patch

222 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Component Damage Records for Building Evaluated in Example Application

Component Damage Record D6

Building Name: Project ID: Prepared by:
Concrete Shear Wall Building ATC 43 Example ATC
Location Within Building: Date:
Floor: 1 /2 nd Column Line: 10 Component Type: 24-Sep-97
Sketch and Description of Damage:

Crack Spall
Crack Width in Mils (0.001 Inch)
Crack Previously Filled with Epoxy Not Accessible
Crack at Pre-existing Surface Patch

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 223

Component Damage Records for Building Evaluated in Example Application

Component Damage Record D7

Building Name: Project ID: Prepared by:
Concrete Shear Wall Building ATC 43 Example ATC
Location Within Building: Date:
Floor: 1 /2 nd Column Line: 15 Component Type: 24-Sep-97
Sketch and Description of Damage:

Crack Spall
Crack Width in Mils (0.001 Inch)
Crack Previously Filled with Epoxy Not Accessible
Crack at Pre-existing Surface Patch

224 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Component Damage Records for Building Evaluated in Example Application

Component Damage Record D8

Building Name: Project ID: Prepared by:
Concrete Shear Wall Building ATC 43 Example ATC
Location Within Building: Date:
Floor: 1 /2 nd Column Line: 15 Component Type: 24-Sep-97
Sketch and Description of Damage:

Crack Spall
Crack Width in Mils (0.001 Inch)
Crack Previously Filled with Epoxy Not Accessible
Crack at Pre-existing Surface Patch

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 225

Component Damage Records for Building Evaluated in Example Application

Component Damage Record D9

Building Name: Project ID: Prepared by:
Concrete Shear Wall Building ATC 43 Example ATC
Location Within Building: Date:
Floor: 1 /2 nd Column Line: B Component Type: 24-Sep-97
Sketch and Description of Damage:

Crack Spall
Crack Width in Mils (0.001 Inch)
Crack Previously Filled with Epoxy Not Accessible
Crack at Pre-existing Surface Patch

226 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Component Damage Records for Building Evaluated in Example Application

Component Damage Record D10

Building Name: Project ID: Prepared by:
Concrete Shear Wall Building ATC 43 Example ATC
Location Within Building: Date:
Floor: 1 /2 nd Column Line: B Component Type: 24-Sep-97
Sketch and Description of Damage:

Crack Spall
Crack Width in Mils (0.001 Inch)
Crack Previously Filled with Epoxy Not Accessible
Crack at Pre-existing Surface Patch

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 227

Component Damage Records for Building Evaluated in Example Application

Component Damage Record D11

Building Name: Project ID: Prepared by:
Concrete Shear Wall Building ATC 43 Example ATC
Location Within Building: Date:
st nd 24-Sep-97
Floor: 1 /2 Column Line: B Component Type:
Sketch and Description of Damage:

Crack Spall
Crack Width in Mils (0.001 Inch)
Crack Previously Filled with Epoxy Not Accessible
Crack at Pre-existing Surface Patch

228 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Component Damage Records for Building Evaluated in Example Application

Component Damage Record D12

Building Name: Project ID: Prepared by:
Concrete Shear Wall Building ATC 43 Example ATC
Location Within Building: Date:
st nd 24-Sep-97
Floor: 1 /2 Column Line: B Component Type:
Sketch and Description of Damage:

Crack Spall
Crack Width in Mils (0.001 Inch)
Crack Previously Filled with Epoxy Not Accessible
Crack at Pre-existing Surface Patch

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 229

Component Damage Records for Building Evaluated in Example Application

Component Damage Record D13

Building Name: Project ID: Prepared by:
Concrete Shear Wall Building ATC 43 Example ATC
Location Within Building: Date:
st nd 24-Sep-97
Floor: 1 /2 Column Line: E Component Type:
Sketch and Description of Damage:

Crack Spall
Crack Width in Mils (0.001 Inch)
Crack Previously Filled with Epoxy Not Accessible
Crack at Pre-existing Surface Patch

230 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Component Damage Records for Building Evaluated in Example Application

Component Damage Record D14

Building Name: Project ID: Prepared by:
Concrete Shear Wall Building ATC 43 Example ATC
Location Within Building: Date:
st nd 24-Sep-97
Floor: 1 /2 Column Line: E Component Type:
Sketch and Description of Damage:

Crack Spall
Crack Width in Mils (0.001 Inch)
Crack Previously Filled with Epoxy Not Accessible
Crack at Pre-existing Surface Patch

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 231

Component Damage Records for Building Evaluated in Example Application

Component Damage Record D15

Building Name: Project ID: Prepared by:
Concrete Shear Wall Building ATC 43 Example ATC
Location Within Building: Date:
st nd 24-Sep-97
Floor: 1 /2 Column Line: G Component Type:
Sketch and Description of Damage:

Crack Spall
Crack Width in Mils (0.001 Inch)
Crack Previously Filled with Epoxy Not Accessible
Crack at Pre-existing Surface Patch

232 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Component Damage Records for Building Evaluated in Example Application

Component Damage Record D16

Building Name: Project ID: Prepared by:
Concrete Shear Wall Building ATC 43 Example ATC
Location Within Building: Date:
st nd 24-Sep-97
Floor: 1 /2 Column Line: G Component Type:
Sketch and Description of Damage:

Crack Spall
Crack Width in Mils (0.001 Inch)
Crack Previously Filled with Epoxy Not Accessible
Crack at Pre-existing Surface Patch

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 233

Component Damage Records for Building Evaluated in Example Application

Component Damage Record D17

Building Name: Project ID: Prepared by:
Concrete Shear Wall Building ATC 43 Example ATC
Location Within Building: Date:
st nd 24-Sep-97
Floor: 1 /2 Column Line: M Component Type:
Sketch and Description of Damage:

Crack Spall
Crack Width in Mils (0.001 Inch)
Crack Previously Filled with Epoxy Not Accessible
Crack at Pre-existing Surface Patch

234 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Component Damage Records for Building Evaluated in Example Application

Component Damage Record D18

Building Name: Project ID: Prepared by:
Concrete Shear Wall Building ATC 43 Example ATC
Location Within Building: Date:
st nd 24-Sep-97
Floor: 1 /2 Column Line: M Component Type:
Sketch and Description of Damage:

Crack Spall
Crack Width in Mils (0.001 Inch)
Crack Previously Filled with Epoxy Not Accessible
Crack at Pre-existing Surface Patch

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 235

Component Damage Records for Building Evaluated in Example Application

Component Damage Record D19

Building Name: Project ID: Prepared by:
Concrete Shear Wall Building ATC 43 Example ATC
Location Within Building: Date:
st nd 24-Sep-97
Floor: 1 /2 Column Line: M Component Type:
Sketch and Description of Damage:

Crack Spall
Crack Width in Mils (0.001 Inch)
Crack Previously Filled with Epoxy Not Accessible
Crack at Pre-existing Surface Patch

236 Technical Resources FEMA 307

ATC-43 Project Participants

Mr. Christopher Rojahn, Mr. Craig Comartin,
Principal Investigator Co-PI and Project Director
Applied Technology Council 7683 Andrea Avenue
555 Twin Dolphin Drive, Suite 550 Stockton, CA 95207
Redwood City, CA 94065

Technical Management Committee

Prof. Dan Abrams Mr. Andrew T. Merovich
University of Illinois A.T. Merovich & Associates, Inc.
1245 Newmark Civil Eng’g. Lab., MC 250 1163 Francisco Blvd., Second Floor
205 North Mathews Avenue San Rafael, CA 94901
Urbana, IL 61801-2397
Prof. Jack Moehle
Mr. James Hill Earthquake Engineering Research Center
James A. Hill & Associates, Inc. University of California at Berkeley
1349 East 28th Street 1301 South 46th Street
Signal Hill, CA 90806 Richmond, CA 94804

FEMA/PARR Representatives
Mr. Timothy McCormick Prof. Robert Hanson
PaRR Task Manager FEMA Technical Monitor
Dewberry & Davis 74 North Pasadena Avenue, CA-1009-DR
8401 Arlington Boulevard Parsons Bldg., West Annex, Room 308
Fairfax, VA 22031-4666 Pasadena, CA 91103

Mr. Mark Doroudian

PaRR Representative
42 Silkwood
Aliso Viejo, CA 92656

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 237

ATC-43 Project Participants

Materials Working Group

Dr. Joe Maffei, Group Leader Mr. Bret Lizundia
Consulting Structural Engineer Rutherford & Chekene
148 Hermosa Avenue 303 Second Street, Suite 800 North
Oakland California San Francisco, CA 94107

Mr. Brian Kehoe, Lead Consultant Prof. John Mander

Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. SUNY at Buffalo
2200 Powell Street, Suite 925 Department of Civil Engineering
Emeryville, CA 94608 212 Ketter Hall
Buffalo, NY 14260
Dr. Greg Kingsley
KL&A of Colorado
805 14th Street
Golden, CO 80401

Analysis Working Group

Prof. Mark Aschheim, Group Leader Prof. Mete Sozen, Senior Consultant
University of Illinois at Urbana Purdue University, School of Engineering
2118 Newmark CE Lab 1284 Civil Engineering Building
205 North Mathews, MC 250 West Lafayette, IN 47907-1284
Urbana, IL 61801

Project Review Panel

Mr. Gregg J. Borchelt Mr. Vilas Mujumdar
Brick Institute of America Office of Regulation Services
11490 Commerce Park Drive, #300 Division of State Architect
Reston, VA 20191 General Services
1300 I Street, Suite 800
Dr. Gene Corley Sacramento, CA 95814
Construction Technology Labs
5420 Old Orchard Road Dr. Hassan A. Sassi
Skokie, IL 60077-1030 Governors Office of Emergency Services
74 North Pasadena Avenue
Mr. Edwin Huston Pasadena, CA 91103
Smith & Huston
Plaza 600 Building, 6th & Stewart, #620 Mr. Carl Schulze
Seattle, WA 98101 Libby Engineers
4452 Glacier Avenue
Prof. Richard E. Klingner San Diego, CA 92120
University of Texas
Civil Engineering Department Mr. Daniel Shapiro
Cockbell Building, Room 4-2 SOH & Associates
Austin, TX 78705 550 Kearny Street, Suite 200
San Francisco, CA 94108

238 Technical Resources FEMA 307

ATC-43 Project Participants

Prof. James K. Wight Mr. Eugene Zeller

University of Michigan Long Beach Department of Building & Safety
Department of Civil Engineering 333 W. Ocean Boulevard, Fourth Floor
2368 G G Brown Long Beach, CA 90802
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2125

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 239

ATC-43 Project Participants

240 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Applied Technology Council Projects And Report

One of the primary purposes of Applied Technology mic analysis and design that was proposed by vari-
Council is to develop resource documents that translate ous segments of the engineering profession.
and summarize useful information to practicing engi- Specific building designs, design procedures and
neers. This includes the development of guidelines and parameter values were evaluated for future applica-
manuals, as well as the development of research recom- tion. Eleven existing buildings of varying dimen-
mendations for specific areas determined by the profes- sions were redesigned according to the procedures.
sion. ATC is not a code development organization,
although several of the ATC project reports serve as ATC-3: The report, Tentative Provisions for the Devel-
resource documents for the development of codes, stan- opment of Seismic Regulations for Buildings (ATC-3-
dards and specifications. 06), was funded by NSF and NBS. The second printing
of this report, which includes proposed amendments, is
Applied Technology Council conducts projects that available through the ATC office. (Published 1978,
meet the following criteria: amended 1982, 505 pages plus proposed amendments)
1. The primary audience or benefactor is the design ABSTRACT: The tentative provisions in this docu-
practitioner in structural engineering. ment represent the results of a concerted effort by a
multi-disciplinary team of 85 nationally recognized
2. A cross section or consensus of engineering opinion experts in earthquake engineering. The provisions
is required to be obtained and presented by a neutral serve as the basis for the seismic provisions of the
source. 1988 Uniform Building Code and the 1988 and sub-
sequent issues of the NEHRP Recommended Provi-
3. The project fosters the advancement of structural
sions for the Development of Seismic Regulation for
engineering practice.
New Buildings. The second printing of this docu-
A brief description of several major completed projects ment contains proposed amendments prepared by a
and reports is given in the following section. Funding joint committee of the Building Seismic Safety
for projects is obtained from government agencies and Council (BSSC) and the NBS.
tax-deductible contributions from the private sector.
ATC-3-2: The project, Comparative Test Designs of
ATC-1: This project resulted in five papers that were Buildings Using ATC-3-06 Tentative Provisions, was
published as part of Building Practices for Disaster funded by NSF. The project consisted of a study to
Mitigation, Building Science Series 46, proceedings of a develop and plan a program for making comparative
workshop sponsored by the National Science Founda- test designs of the ATC-3-06 Tentative Provisions. The
tion (NSF) and the National Bureau of Standards project report was written to be used by the Building
(NBS). Available through the National Technical Infor- Seismic Safety Council in its refinement of the ATC-3-
mation Service (NTIS), 5285 Port Royal Road, Spring- 06 Tentative Provisions.
field, VA 22151, as NTIS report No. COM-73-50188.
ATC-3-4: The report, Redesign of Three Multistory
ATC-2: The report, An Evaluation of a Response Spec- Buildings: A Comparison Using ATC-3-06 and 1982
trum Approach to Seismic Design of Buildings, was Uniform Building Code Design Provisions, was pub-
funded by NSF and NBS and was conducted as part of lished under a grant from NSF. Available through the
the Cooperative Federal Program in Building Practices ATC office. (Published 1984, 112 pages)
for Disaster Mitigation. Available through the ATC
ABSTRACT: This report evaluates the cost and tech-
office. (Published 1974, 270 Pages)
nical impact of using the 1978 ATC-3-06 report,
ABSTRACT: This study evaluated the applicability Tentative Provisions for the Development of Seismic
and cost of the response spectrum approach to seis- Regulations for Buildings, as amended by a joint

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 241

Applied Technology Council Projects And Report Information

committee of the Building Seismic Safety Council ATC-4-1: The report, The Home Builders Guide for
and the National Bureau of Standards in 1982. The Earthquake Design, was published under a contract
evaluations are based on studies of three existing with HUD. Available through the ATC office. (Pub-
California buildings redesigned in accordance with lished 1980, 57 pages)
the ATC-3-06 Tentative Provisions and the 1982
Uniform Building Code. Included in the report are ABSTRACT: This report is an abridged version of
recommendations to code implementing bodies. the ATC-4 report. The concise, easily understood
text of the Guide is supplemented with illustrations
ATC-3-5: This project, Assistance for First Phase of and 46 construction details. The details are pro-
ATC-3-06 Trial Design Program Being Conducted by vided to ensure that houses contain structural fea-
the Building Seismic Safety Council, was funded by the tures that are properly positioned, dimensioned and
Building Seismic Safety Council to provide the services constructed to resist earthquake forces. A brief
of the ATC Senior Consultant and other ATC personnel description is included on how earthquake forces
to assist the BSSC in the conduct of the first phase of its impact on houses and some precautionary con-
Trial Design Program. The first phase provided for trial straints are given with respect to site selection and
designs conducted for buildings in Los Angeles, Seattle, architectural designs.
Phoenix, and Memphis.
ATC-5: The report, Guidelines for Seismic Design and
ATC-3-6: This project, Assistance for Second Phase of Construction of Single-Story Masonry Dwellings in
ATC-3-06 Trial Design Program Being Conducted by Seismic Zone 2, was developed under a contract with
the Building Seismic Safety Council, was funded by the HUD. Available through the ATC office. (Published
Building Seismic Safety Council to provide the services 1986, 38 pages)
of the ATC Senior Consultant and other ATC personnel
to assist the BSSC in the conduct of the second phase of ABSTRACT: The report offers a concise methodol-
its Trial Design Program. The second phase provided ogy for the earthquake design and construction of
for trial designs conducted for buildings in New York, single-story masonry dwellings in Seismic Zone 2
Chicago, St. Louis, Charleston, and Fort Worth. of the United States, as defined by the 1973 Uni-
form Building Code. The Guidelines are based in
ATC-4: The report, A Methodology for Seismic Design part on shaking table tests of masonry construction
and Construction of Single-Family Dwellings, was pub- conducted at the University of California at Berke-
lished under a contract with the Department of Housing ley Earthquake Engineering Research Center. The
and Urban Development (HUD). Available through the report is written in simple language and includes
ATC office. (Published 1976, 576 pages) basic house plans, wall evaluations, detail draw-
ings, and material specifications.
ABSTRACT: This report presents the results of an
in-depth effort to develop design and construction ATC-6: The report, Seismic Design Guidelines for
details for single-family residences that minimize Highway Bridges, was published under a contract with
the potential economic loss and life-loss risk associ- the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Avail-
ated with earthquakes. The report: (1) discusses able through the ATC office. (Published 1981, 210
the ways structures behave when subjected to seis- pages)
mic forces, (2) sets forth suggested design criteria
for conventional layouts of dwellings constructed ABSTRACT: The Guidelines are the recommenda-
with conventional materials, (3) presents construc- tions of a team of sixteen nationally recognized
tion details that do not require the designer to per- experts that included consulting engineers, academ-
form analytical calculations, (4) suggests ics, state and federal agency representatives from
procedures for efficient plan-checking, and (5) pre- throughout the United States. The Guidelines
sents recommendations including details and sched- embody several new concepts that were significant
ules for use in the field by construction personnel departures from then existing design provisions.
and building inspectors. Included in the Guidelines are an extensive com-
mentary, an example demonstrating the use of the

242 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Applied Technology Council Projects And Report Information

Guidelines, and summary reports on 21 bridges published under a grant from NSF. Available
redesigned in accordance with the Guidelines. through the ATC office. (Published 1980, 302 pages)
The guidelines have been adopted by the Ameri-
can Association of Highway and Transportation ABSTRACT: The report includes seven papers on
Officials as a guide specification. state-of-the-practice and two papers on recent
research. Also included are recommendations
ATC-6-1: The report, Proceedings of a Workshop for future research that were developed by the 35
on Earthquake Resistance of Highway Bridges, was workshop participants.
published under a grant from NSF. Available
through the ATC office. (Published 1979, 625 pages) ATC-8: This report, Proceedings of a Workshop on
the Design of Prefabricated Concrete Buildings for
ABSTRACT: The report includes 23 state-of-the- Earthquake Loads, was funded by NSF. Available
art and state-of-practice papers on earthquake through the ATC office. (Published 1981, 400 pages)
resistance of highway bridges. Seven of the
twenty-three papers were authored by partici- ABSTRACT: The report includes eighteen state-
pants from Japan, New Zealand and Portugal. of-the-art papers and six summary papers. Also
The Proceedings also contain recommendations included are recommendations for future
for future research that were developed by the 45 research that were developed by the 43 work-
workshop participants. shop participants.

ATC-6-2: The report, Seismic Retrofitting Guide- ATC-9: The report, An Evaluation of the Imperial
lines for Highway Bridges, was published under a County Services Building Earthquake Response and
contract with FHWA. Available through the ATC Associated Damage, was published under a grant
office. (Published 1983, 220 pages) from NSF. Available through the ATC office. (Pub-
lished 1984, 231 pages)
ABSTRACT: The Guidelines are the recommen-
dations of a team of thirteen nationally recog- ABSTRACT: The report presents the results of an
nized experts that included consulting engineers, in-depth evaluation of the Imperial County Ser-
academics, state highway engineers, and federal vices Building, a 6-story reinforced concrete
agency representatives. The Guidelines, appli- frame and shear wall building severely damaged
cable for use in all parts of the United States, by the October 15, 1979 Imperial Valley, Cali-
include a preliminary screening procedure, fornia, earthquake. The report contains a review
methods for evaluating an existing bridge in and evaluation of earthquake damage to the
detail, and potential retrofitting measures for the building; a review and evaluation of the seismic
most common seismic deficiencies. Also design; a comparison of the requirements of var-
included are special design requirements for var- ious building codes as they relate to the building;
ious retrofitting measures. and conclusions and recommendations pertain-
ing to future building code provisions and future
ATC-7: The report, Guidelines for the Design of research needs.
Horizontal Wood Diaphragms, was published under
a grant from NSF. Available through the ATC ATC-10: This report, An Investigation of the Corre-
office. (Published 1981, 190 pages) lation Between Earthquake Ground Motion and
Building Performance, was funded by the U.S. Geo-
ABSTRACT: Guidelines are presented for design- logical Survey (USGS). Available through the ATC
ing roof and floor systems so these can function office. (Published 1982, 114 pages)
as horizontal diaphragms in a lateral force resist-
ing system. Analytical procedures, connection ABSTRACT: The report contains an in-depth ana-
details and design examples are included in the lytical evaluation of the ultimate or limit capac-
Guidelines. ity of selected representative building framing
types, a discussion of the factors affecting the
ATC-7-1: The report, Proceedings of a Workshop seismic performance of buildings, and a sum-
of Design of Horizontal Wood Diaphragms, was

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 243

Applied Technology Council Projects And Report Information

mary and comparison of seismic design and seismic at a 3-day workshop in New Zealand attended by 16
risk parameters currently in widespread use. U.S. and 35 New Zealand bridge design engineers
and researchers.
ATC-10-1: This report, Critical Aspects of Earthquake
Ground Motion and Building Damage Potential, was ATC-12-1: This report, Proceedings of Second Joint
co-funded by the USGS and the NSF. Available U.S.-New Zealand Workshop on Seismic Resistance of
through the ATC office. (Published 1984, 259 pages) Highway Bridges, was published under a grant from
NSF. Available through the ATC office. (Published
ABSTRACT: This document contains 19 state-of- 1986, 272 pages)
the-art papers on ground motion, structural
response, and structural design issues presented by ABSTRACT: This report contains written versions of
prominent engineers and earth scientists in an ATC the papers presented at this 1985 Workshop as well
seminar. The main theme of the papers is to iden- as a list and prioritization of workshop recommen-
tify the critical aspects of ground motion and build- dations. Included are summaries of research
ing performance that currently are not being projects being conducted in both countries as well
considered in building design. The report also con- as state-of-the-practice papers on various aspects of
tains conclusions and recommendations of working design practice. Topics discussed include bridge
groups convened after the Seminar. design philosophy and loadings; design of columns,
footings, piles, abutments and retaining structures;
ATC-11: The report, Seismic Resistance of Reinforced geotechnical aspects of foundation design; seismic
Concrete Shear Walls and Frame Joints: Implications analysis techniques; seismic retrofitting; case stud-
of Recent Research for Design Engineers, was pub- ies using base isolation; strong-motion data acquisi-
lished under a grant from NSF. Available through the tion and interpretation; and testing of bridge
ATC office. (Published 1983, 184 pages) components and bridge systems.
ABSTRACT: This document presents the results of ATC-13: The report, Earthquake Damage Evaluation
an in-depth review and synthesis of research reports Data for California, was developed under a contract
pertaining to cyclic loading of reinforced concrete with the Federal Emergency Management Agency
shear walls and cyclic loading of joint reinforced (FEMA). Available through the ATC office. (Published
concrete frames. More than 125 research reports 1985, 492 pages)
published since 1971 are reviewed and evaluated in
this report. The preparation of the report included a ABSTRACT: This report presents expert-opinion
consensus process involving numerous experienced earthquake damage and loss estimates for indus-
design professionals from throughout the United trial, commercial, residential, utility and transporta-
States. The report contains reviews of current and tion facilities in California. Included are damage
past design practices, summaries of research devel- probability matrices for 78 classes of structures and
opments, and in-depth discussions of design impli- estimates of time required to restore damaged facil-
cations of recent research results. ities to pre-earthquake usability. The report also
describes the inventory information essential for
ATC-12: This report, Comparison of United States and estimating economic losses and the methodology
New Zealand Seismic Design Practices for Highway used to develop loss estimates on a regional basis.
Bridges, was published under a grant from NSF. Avail-
able through the ATC office. (Published 1982, 270 ATC-14: The report, Evaluating the Seismic Resistance
pages) of Existing Buildings, was developed under a grant from
the NSF. Available through the ATC office. (Published
ABSTRACT: The report contains summaries of all 1987, 370 pages)
aspects and innovative design procedures used in
New Zealand as well as comparison of United ABSTRACT: This report, written for practicing
States and New Zealand design practice. Also structural engineers, describes a methodology for
included are research recommendations developed performing preliminary and detailed building seis-

244 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Applied Technology Council Projects And Report Information

mic evaluations. The report contains a state-of- including braced steel frame buildings, beam-col-
practice review; seismic loading criteria; data col- umn joints in reinforced concrete buildings, sum-
lection procedures; a detailed description of the maries of comparative U. S. and Japanese design,
building classification system; preliminary and and base isolation and passive energy dissipation
detailed analysis procedures; and example case devices.
studies, including nonstructural considerations.
ATC-15-3: The report, Proceedings of Fourth U.S.-
ATC-15: The report, Comparison of Seismic Design Japan Workshop on Improvement of Building Structural
Practices in the United States and Japan, was published Design and Construction Practices, was published
under a grant from NSF. Available through the ATC jointly by ATC and the Japan Structural Consultants
office. (Published 1984, 317 pages) Association. Available through the ATC office. (Pub-
lished 1992, 484 pages)
ABSTRACT: The report contains detailed technical
papers describing design practices in the United ABSTRACT: This report contains 22 technical
States and Japan as well as recommendations ema- papers presented at this Kailua-Kona, Hawaii,
nating from a joint U.S.-Japan workshop held in workshop in August, 1990, by practitioners and
Hawaii in March, 1984. Included are detailed researchers from the United States, Japan, and Peru.
descriptions of new seismic design methods for Included are papers on postearthquake building
buildings in Japan and case studies of the design of damage assessment; acceptable earth-quake dam-
specific buildings (in both countries). The report age; repair and retrofit of earthquake damaged
also contains an overview of the history and objec- buildings; base-isolated buildings, including Archi-
tives of the Japan Structural Consultants Associa- tectural Institute of Japan recommendations for
tion. design; active damping systems; wind-resistant
design; and summaries of working group conclu-
ATC-15-1: The report, Proceedings of Second U.S.- sions and recommendations.
Japan Workshop on Improvement of Building Seismic
Design and Construction Practices, was published ATC-15-4: The report, Proceedings of Fifth U.S.-
under a grant from NSF. Available through the ATC Japan Workshop on Improvement of Building Structural
office. (Published 1987, 412 pages) Design and Construction Practices, was published
jointly by ATC and the Japan Structural Consultants
ABSTRACT: This report contains 23 technical Association. Available through the ATC office. (Pub-
papers presented at this San Francisco workshop in lished 1994, 360 pages)
August, 1986, by practitioners and researchers from
the U.S. and Japan. Included are state-of-the-prac- ABSTRACT: This report contains 20 technical
tice papers and case studies of actual building papers presented at this San Diego, California
designs and information on regulatory, contractual, workshop in September, 1992. Included are papers
and licensing issues. on performance goals/acceptable damage in seismic
design; seismic design procedures and case studies;
ATC-15-2: The report, Proceedings of Third U.S.- construction influences on design; seismic isolation
Japan Workshop on Improvement of Building Structural and passive energy dissipation; design of irregular
Design and Construction Practices, was published structures; seismic evaluation, repair and upgrad-
jointly by ATC and the Japan Structural Consultants ing; quality control for design and construction; and
Association. Available through the ATC office. (Pub- summaries of working group discussions and rec-
lished 1989, 358 pages) ommendations.
ABSTRACT: This report contains 21 technical ATC-16: This project, Development of a 5-Year Plan
papers presented at this Tokyo, Japan, workshop in for Reducing the Earthquake Hazards Posed by Existing
July, 1988, by practitioners and researchers from Nonfederal Buildings, was funded by FEMA and was
the U.S., Japan, China, and New Zealand. Included conducted by a joint venture of ATC, the Building Seis-
are state-of-the-practice papers on various topics, mic Safety Council and the Earthquake Engineering

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 245

Applied Technology Council Projects And Report Information

Research Institute. The project involved a workshop in Federal Highway Administration. Available through the
Phoenix, Arizona, where approximately 50 earthquake ATC office. (Published 1997, 152 pages)
specialists met to identify the major tasks and goals for
reducing the earthquake hazards posed by existing non- ABSTRACT: This report documents the findings of a
federal buildings nationwide. The plan was developed 4-year project to review and assess current seismic
on the basis of nine issue papers presented at the work- design criteria for new highway construction. The
shop and workshop working group discussions. The report addresses performance criteria, importance
Workshop Proceedings and Five-Year Plan are available classification, definitions of seismic hazard for
through the Federal Emergency Management Agency, areas where damaging earthquakes have longer
500 “C” Street, S.W., Washington, DC 20472. return periods, design ground motion, duration
effects, site effects, structural response modification
ATC-17: This report, Proceedings of a Seminar and factors, ductility demand, design procedures, foun-
Workshop on Base Isolation and Passive Energy Dissi- dation and abutment modeling, soil-structure inter-
pation, was published under a grant from NSF. Avail- action, seat widths, joint details and detailing
able through the ATC office. (Published 1986, 478 reinforced concrete for limited ductility in areas
pages) with low-to-moderate seismic activity. The report
also provides lengthy discussion on future direc-
ABSTRACT: The report contains 42 papers describ- tions for code development and recommended
ing the state-of-the-art and state-of-the-practice in research and development topics.
base-isolation and passive energy-dissipation tech-
nology. Included are papers describing case studies ATC-19: The report, Structural Response Modification
in the United States, applications and developments Factors was funded by NSF and NCEER. Available
worldwide, recent innovations in technology devel- through the ATC office. (Published 1995, 70 pages)
opment, and structural and ground motion issues.
Also included is a proposed 5-year research agenda ABSTRACT: This report addresses structural
that addresses the following specific issues: (1) response modification factors (R factors), which are
strong ground motion; (2) design criteria; (3) mate- used to reduce the seismic forces associated with
rials, quality control, and long-term reliability; (4) elastic response to obtain design forces. The report
life cycle cost methodology; and (5) system documents the basis for current R values, how R
response. factors are used for seismic design in other coun-
tries, a rational means for decomposing R into key
ATC-17-1: This report, Proceedings of a Seminar on components, a framework (and methods) for evalu-
Seismic Isolation, Passive Energy Dissipation and ating the key components of R, and the research
Active Control, was published under a grant from NSF. necessary to improve the reliability of engineered
Available through the ATC office. (Published 1993, 841 construction designed using R factors.
ATC-20: The report, Procedures for Postearthquake
ABSTRACT: The 2-volume report documents 70 Safety Evaluation of Buildings, was developed under a
technical papers presented during a two-day semi- contract from the California Office of Emergency Ser-
nar in San Francisco in early 1993. Included are vices (OES), California Office of Statewide Health
invited theme papers and competitively selected Planning and Development (OSHPD) and FEMA.
papers on issues related to seismic isolation sys- Available through the ATC office (Published 1989, 152
tems, passive energy dissipation systems, active pages)
control systems and hybrid systems.
ABSTRACT: This report provides procedures and
ATC-18: The report, Seismic Design Criteria for guidelines for making on-the-spot evaluations and
Bridges and Other Highway Structures: Current and decisions regarding continued use and occupancy
Future, was published under a contract from the Multi- of earthquake damaged buildings. Written specifi-
disciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering cally for volunteer structural engineers and building
Research (formerly NCEER), with funding from the inspectors, the report includes rapid and detailed

246 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Applied Technology Council Projects And Report Information

evaluation procedures for inspecting buildings and a contract with FEMA. Available through the ATC
posting them as “inspected” (apparently safe), “lim- office. (Published 1993, 177 pages; 160 slides)
ited entry” or “unsafe”. Also included are special
procedures for evaluation of essential buildings ABSTRACT: This training manual is intended to
(e.g., hospitals), and evaluation procedures for non- facilitate the presentation of the contents of the
structural elements, and geotechnical hazards. ATC-20 and ATC-20-1. The training materials con-
sist of 160 slides of photographs, schematic draw-
ATC-20-1: The report, Field Manual: Postearthquake ings and textual information and a companion
Safety Evaluation of Buildings, was developed under a training presentation narrative coordinated with the
contract from OES and OSHPD. Available through the slides. Topics covered include: posting system;
ATC office (Published 1989, 114 pages) evaluation procedures; structural basics; wood
frame, masonry, concrete, and steel frame struc-
ABSTRACT: This report, a companion Field Manual tures; nonstructural elements; geotechnical hazards;
for the ATC-20 report, summarizes the hazardous materials; and field safety.
postearthquake safety evaluation procedures in
brief concise format designed for ease of use in the ATC-21: The report, Rapid Visual Screening of Build-
field. ings for Potential Seismic Hazards: A Handbook, was
developed under a contract from FEMA. Available
ATC-20-2: The report, Addendum to the ATC-20 through the ATC office. (Published 1988, 185 pages)
Postearthquake Building Safety Procedures was pub-
lished under a grant from the NSF and funded by the ABSTRACT: This report describes a rapid visual
USGS. Available through the ATC office. (Published screening procedure for identifying those buildings
1995, 94 pages) that might pose serious risk of loss of life and
injury, or of severe curtailment of community ser-
ABSTRACT: This report provides updated assess- vices, in case of a damaging earthquake. The
ment forms, placards, and procedures that are based screening procedure utilizes a methodology based
on an in-depth review and evaluation of the wide- on a "sidewalk survey" approach that involves iden-
spread application of the ATC-20 procedures fol- tification of the primary structural load resisting
lowing five earthquakes occurring since the initial system and building materials, and assignment of a
release of the ATC-20 report in 1989. basic structural hazards score and performance
ATC-20-3: The report, Case Studies in Rapid modification factors based on observed building
Postearthquake Safety Evaluation of Buildings, was characteristics. Application of the methodology
funded by ATC and R. P. Gallagher Associates. Avail- identifies those buildings that are potentially haz-
able through the ATC office. (Published 1996, 295 ardous and should be analyzed in more detail by a
pages) professional engineer experienced in seismic
ABSTRACT: This report contains 53 case studies
using the ATC-20 Rapid Evaluation procedure. ATC-21-1: The report, Rapid Visual Screening of
Each case study is illustrated with photos and Buildings for Potential Seismic Hazards: Supporting
describes how a building was inspected and evalu- Documentation, was developed under a contract from
ated for life safety, and includes a completed safety FEMA. Available through the ATC office. (Published
assessment form and placard. The report is intended 1988, 137 pages)
to be used as a training and reference manual for ABSTRACT: Included in this report are (1) a review
building officials, building inspectors, civil and and evaluation of existing procedures; (2) a listing
structural engineers, architects, disaster workers, of attributes considered ideal for a rapid visual
and others who may be asked to perform safety screening procedure; and (3) a technical discussion
evaluations after an earthquake. of the recommended rapid visual screening proce-
ATC-20-T: The report, Postearthquake Safety Evalua- dure that is documented in the ATC-21 report.
tion of Buildings Training Manual was developed under

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 247

Applied Technology Council Projects And Report Information

ATC-21-2: The report, Earthquake Damaged Build- ATC-22-1: The report, Seismic Evaluation of Existing
ings: An Overview of Heavy Debris and Victim Extrica- Buildings: Supporting Documentation, was developed
tion, was developed under a contract from FEMA. under a contract from FEMA. (Published 1989, 160
(Published 1988, 95 pages) pages)
ABSTRACT: Included in this report, a companion ABSTRACT: Included in this report, a companion
volume to the ATC-21 and ATC-21-1 reports, is volume to the ATC-22 report, are (1) a review and
state-of-the-art information on (1) the identification evaluation of existing buildings seismic evaluation
of those buildings that might collapse and trap vic- methodologies; (2) results from field tests of the
tims in debris or generate debris of such a size that ATC-14 methodology; and (3) summaries of evalu-
its handling would require special or heavy lifting ations of ATC-14 conducted by the National Center
equipment; (2) guidance in identifying these types for Earthquake Engineering Research (State Uni-
of buildings, on the basis of their major exterior fea- versity of New York at Buffalo) and the City of San
tures, and (3) the types and life capacities of equip- Francisco.
ment required to remove the heavy portion of the
debris that might result from the collapse of such ATC-23A: The report, General Acute Care Hospital
buildings. Earthquake Survivability Inventory for California, Part
A: Survey Description, Summary of Results, Data Anal-
ATC-21-T: The report, Rapid Visual Screening of ysis and Interpretation, was developed under a contract
Buildings for Potential Seismic Hazards Training Man- from the Office of Statewide Health Planning and
ual was developed under a contract with FEMA. Avail- Development (OSHPD), State of California. Available
able through the ATC office. (Published 1996, 135 through the ATC office. (Published 1991, 58 pages)
pages; 120 slides)
ABSTRACT: This report summarizes results from a
ABSTRACT: This training manual is intended to seismic survey of 490 California acute care hospi-
facilitate the presentation of the contents of the tals. Included are a description of the survey proce-
ATC-21 report. The training materials consist of dures and data collected, a summary of the data,
120 slides and a companion training presentation and an illustrative discussion of data analysis and
narrative coordinated with the slides. Topics cov- interpretation that has been provided to demonstrate
ered include: description of procedure, building potential applications of the ATC-23 database.
behavior, building types, building scores, occu-
pancy and falling hazards, and implementation. ATC-23B: The report, General Acute Care Hospital
Earthquake Survivability Inventory for California, Part
ATC-22: The report, A Handbook for Seismic Evalua- B: Raw Data, is a companion document to the ATC-
tion of Existing Buildings (Preliminary), was developed 23A Report and was developed under the above-men-
under a contract from FEMA. Available through the tioned contract from OSHPD. Available through the
ATC office. (Originally published in 1989; revised by ATC office. (Published 1991, 377 pages)
BSSC and published as the NEHRP Handbook for Seis-
mic Evaluation of Existing Buildings in 1992, 211 ABSTRACT: Included in this report are tabulations
pages) of raw general site and building data for 490 acute
care hospitals in California.
ABSTRACT: This handbook provides a methodol-
ogy for seismic evaluation of existing buildings of ATC-24: The report, Guidelines for Seismic Testing of
different types and occupancies in areas of different Components of Steel Structures, was jointly funded by
seismicity throughout the United States. The meth- the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), American
odology, which has been field tested in several pro- Institute of Steel Construction (AISC), National Center
grams nationwide, utilizes the information and for Earthquake Engineering Research (NCEER), and
procedures developed for and documented in the NSF. Available through the ATC office. (Published
ATC-14 report. The handbook includes checklists, 1992, 57 pages)
diagrams, and sketches designed to assist the user.

248 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Applied Technology Council Projects And Report Information

ABSTRACT: This report provides guidance for most ABSTRACT: This report identifies and provides reso-
cyclic experiments on components of steel struc- lutions for issues that will affect the development of
tures for the purpose of consistency in experimental guidelines for the seismic strengthening of existing
procedures. The report contains recommendations buildings. Issues addressed include: implementa-
and companion commentary pertaining to loading tion and format, coordination with other efforts,
histories, presentation of test results, and other legal and political, social, economic, historic build-
aspects of experimentation. The recommendations ings, research and technology, seismicity and map-
are written specifically for experiments with slow ping, engineering philosophy and goals, issues
cyclic load application. related to the development of specific provisions,
and nonstructural element issues.
ATC-25: The report, Seismic Vulnerability and Impact
of Disruption of Lifelines in the Conterminous United ATC-29: The report, Proceedings of a Seminar and
States, was developed under a contract from FEMA. Workshop on Seismic Design and Performance of
Available through the ATC office. (Published 1991, 440 Equipment and Nonstructural Elements in Buildings
pages) and Industrial Structures, was developed under a grant
from NCEER and NSF. Available through the ATC
ABSTRACT: Documented in this report is a national office. (Published 1992, 470 pages)
overview of lifeline seismic vulnerability and
impact of disruption. Lifelines considered include ABSTRACT: These Proceedings contain 35 papers
electric systems, water systems, transportation sys- describing state-of-the-art technical information
tems, gas and liquid fuel supply systems, and emer- pertaining to the seismic design and performance of
gency service facilities (hospitals, fire and police equipment and nonstructural elements in buildings
stations). Vulnerability estimates and impacts and industrial structures. The papers were presented
developed are presented in terms of estimated first at a seminar in Irvine, California in 1990. Included
approximation direct damage losses and indirect are papers describing current practice, codes and
economic losses. regulations; earthquake performance; analytical and
experimental investigations; development of new
ATC-25-1: The report, A Model Methodology for seismic qualification methods; and research, prac-
Assessment of Seismic Vulnerability and Impact of Dis- tice, and code development needs for specific ele-
ruption of Water Supply Systems, was developed under ments and systems. The report also includes a
a contract from FEMA. Available through the ATC summary of a proposed 5-year research agenda for
office. (Published 1992, 147 pages) NCEER.
ABSTRACT: This report contains a practical method- ATC-29-1: The report, Proceedings Of Seminar On
ology for the detailed assessment of seismic vulner- Seismic Design, Retrofit, And Performance Of Non-
ability and impact of disruption of water supply structural Components, was developed under a grant
systems. The methodology has been designed for from NCEER and NSF. Available through the ATC
use by water system operators. Application of the office. (Published 1998, 518 pages)
methodology enables the user to develop estimates
of direct damage to system components and the ABSTRACT: These Proceedings contain 38 papers
time required to restore damaged facilities to pre- presenting current research, practice, and informed
earthquake usability. Suggested measures for miti- thinking pertinent to seismic design, retrofit, and
gation of seismic hazards are also provided. performance of nonstructural components. The
papers were presented at a seminar in San Fran-
ATC-28: The report, Development of Recommended cisco, California, in 1998. Included are papers
Guidelines for Seismic Strengthening of Existing Build- describing observed performance in recent earth-
ings, Phase I: Issues Identification and Resolution, was quakes; seismic design codes, standards, and proce-
developed under a contract with FEMA. Available dures for commercial and institutional buildings;
through the ATC office. (Published 1992, 150 pages) seismic design issues relating to industrial and haz-
ardous material facilities; design, analysis, and test-

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 249

Applied Technology Council Projects And Report Information

ing; and seismic evaluation and rehabilitation of of Caltrans-designed bridges in the 1989 Loma Pri-
conventional and essential facilities, including hos- eta and other recent California earthquakes.
ATC-34: The report, A Critical Review of Current
ATC-30: The report, Proceedings of Workshop for Uti- Approaches to Earthquake Resistant Design, was devel-
lization of Research on Engineering and Socioeconomic oped under a grant from NCEER and NSF. Available
Aspects of 1985 Chile and Mexico Earthquakes, was through the ATC office. (Published, 1995, 94 pages)
developed under a grant from the NSF. Available
through the ATC office. (Published 1991, 113 pages) ABSTRACT. This report documents the history of U.
S. codes and standards of practice, focusing prima-
ABSTRACT: This report documents the findings of a rily on the strengths and deficiencies of current
1990 technology transfer workshop in San Diego, code approaches. Issues addressed include: seismic
California, co-sponsored by ATC and the Earth- hazard analysis, earthquake collateral hazards, per-
quake Engineering Research Institute. Included in formance objectives, redundancy and configura-
the report are invited papers and working group rec- tion, response modification factors (R factors),
ommendations on geotechnical issues, structural simplified analysis procedures, modeling of struc-
response issues, architectural and urban design con- tural components, foundation design, nonstructural
siderations, emergency response planning, search component design, and risk and reliability. The
and rescue, and reconstruction policy issues. report also identifies goals that a new seismic code
should achieve.
ATC-31: The report, Evaluation of the Performance of
Seismically Retrofitted Buildings, was developed under ATC-35: This report, Enhancing the Transfer of U.S.
a contract from the National Institute of Standards and Geological Survey Research Results into Engineering
Technology (NIST, formerly NBS) and funded by the Practice was developed under a contract with the
USGS. Available through the ATC office. (Published USGS. Available through the ATC office. (Published
1992, 75 pages) 1996, 120 pages)
ABSTRACT: This report summarizes the results from ABSTRACT: The report provides a program of rec-
an investigation of the effectiveness of 229 seismi- ommended “technology transfer” activities for the
cally retrofitted buildings, primarily unreinforced USGS; included are recommendations pertaining to
masonry and concrete tilt-up buildings. All build- management actions, communications with practic-
ings were located in the areas affected by the 1987 ing engineers, and research activities to enhance
Whittier Narrows, California, and 1989 Loma Pri- development and transfer of information that is
eta, California, earthquakes. vital to engineering practice.
ATC-32: The report, Improved Seismic Design Criteria ATC-35-1: The report, Proceedings of Seminar on New
for California Bridges: Provisional Recommendations, Developments in Earthquake Ground Motion Estima-
was funded by the California Department of Transpor- tion and Implications for Engineering Design Practice,
tation (Caltrans). Available through the ATC office. was developed under a cooperative agreement with
(Published 1996, 215 Pages) USGS. Available through the ATC office. (Published
1994, 478 pages)
ABSTRACT: This report provides recommended
revisions to the current Caltrans Bridge Design ABSTRACT: These Proceedings contain 22 technical
Specifications (BDS) pertaining to seismic loading, papers describing state-of-the-art information on
structural response analysis, and component design. regional earthquake risk (focused on five specific
Special attention is given to design issues related to regions--California, Pacific Northwest, Central
reinforced concrete components, steel components, United States, and northeastern North America);
foundations, and conventional bearings. The rec- new techniques for estimating strong ground
ommendations are based on recent research in the motions as a function of earthquake source, travel
field of bridge seismic design and the performance path, and site parameters; and new developments

250 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Applied Technology Council Projects And Report Information

specifically applicable to geotechnical engineer- ern States Seismic Policy Council “Overall
ing and the seismic design of buildings and Excellence and New Technology Award.”
ATC-44: The report, Hurricane Fran, South Caro-
ATC-37: The report, Review of Seismic Research lina, September 5, 1996: Reconnaissance Report, is
Results on Existing Buildings, was developed in con- available through the ATC office. (Published 1997,
junction with the Structural Engineers Association of 36 pages.)
California and California Universities for Research
in Earthquake Engineering under a contract from the ABSTRACT: This report represents ATC’s
California Seismic Safety Commission (SSC). Avail- expanded mandate into structural engineering
able through the Seismic Safety Commission as problems arising from wind storms and coastal
Report SSC 94-03. (Published, 1994, 492 pages) flooding. It contains information on the causative
hurricane; coastal impacts, including storm
ABSTRACT. This report describes the state of surge, waves, structural forces and erosion;
knowledge of the earthquake performance of building codes; observations and interpretations
nonductile concrete frame, shear wall, and of damage; and lifeline performance. Conclu-
infilled buildings. Included are summaries of 90 sions address man-made beach nourishment, the
recent research efforts with key results and con- effects of missile-like debris, breaches in the
clusions in a simple, easy-to-access format writ- sandy barrier islands, and the timing and duration
ten for practicing design professionals. of such investigations.
ATC-40: The report, Seismic Evaluation and Retro- ATC-R-1: The report, Cyclic Testing of Narrow Ply-
fit of Concrete Buildings, was developed under a con- wood Shear Walls, was developed with funding from
tract from the California Seismic Safety the Henry J. Degenkolb Memorial Endowment Fund
Commission. Available through the ATC office. of the Applied Technology Council. Available
(Published, 1996, 612 pages) through the ATC office (Published 1995, 64 pages)
ABSTRACT. This 2-volume report provides a ABSTRACT: This report documents ATC's first
state-of-the-art methodology for the seismic self-directed research program: a series of static
evaluation and retrofit of concrete buildings. and dynamic tests of narrow plywood wall pan-
Specific guidance is provided on the following els having the standard 3.5-to-1 height-to-width
topics: performance objectives; seismic hazard; ratio and anchored to the sill plate using typical
determination of deficiencies; retrofit strategies; bolted, 9-inch, 5000-lb. capacity hold-down
quality assurance procedures; nonlinear static devices. The report provides a description of the
analysis procedures; modeling rules; foundation testing program and a summary of results,
effects; response limits; and nonstructural com- including comparisons of drift ratios found dur-
ponents. In 1997 this report received the West- ing testing with those specified in the seismic
provisions of the 1991 Uniform Building Code.

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 251

Milton A. Abel (1979-85) John F. Meehan* (1973-78)
James C. Anderson (1978-81) Andrew T. Merovich (1996-99)
Thomas G. Atkinson* (1988-94) David L. Messinger (1980-83)
Albert J. Blaylock (1976-77) Stephen McReavy (1973)
Robert K. Burkett (1984-88) Bijan Mohraz (1991-97)
James R. Cagley (1998-2001) William W. Moore* (1973-76)
H. Patrick Campbell (1989-90) Gary Morrison (1973)
Arthur N. L. Chiu (1996-99) Robert Morrison (1981-84)
Anil Chopra (1973-74) Ronald F. Nelson (1994-95)
Richard Christopherson* (1976-80) Joseph P. Nicoletti* (1975-79)
Lee H. Cliff (1973) Bruce C. Olsen* (1978-82)
John M. Coil* (1986-87, 1991-97) Gerard Pardoen (1987-91)
Eugene E. Cole (1985-86) Stephen H. Pelham (1998-2001)
Edwin T. Dean (1996-99) Norman D. Perkins (1973-76)
Robert G. Dean (1996-2001) Richard J. Phillips (1997-2000)
Edward F. Diekmann (1978-81) Maryann T. Phipps (1995-96)
Burke A. Draheim (1973-74) Sherrill Pitkin (1984-87)
John E. Droeger (1973) Edward V. Podlack (1973)
Nicholas F. Forell* (1989-96) Chris D. Poland (1984-87)
Douglas A. Foutch (1993-97) Egor P. Popov (1976-79)
Paul Fratessa (1991-92) Robert F. Preece* (1987-93)
Sigmund A. Freeman (1986-89) Lawrence D. Reaveley* (1985-91)
Barry J. Goodno (1986-89) Philip J. Richter* (1986-89)
Mark R. Gorman (1984-87) John M. Roberts (1973)
Gerald H. Haines (1981-82, 1984-85) Charles W. Roeder (1997-2000)
William J. Hall (1985-86) Arthur E. Ross* (1985-91, 1993-94)
Gary C. Hart (1975-78) C. Mark Saunders* (1993-2000)
Lyman Henry (1973) Walter D. Saunders* (1975-79)
James A. Hill (1992-95) Lawrence G. Selna (1981-84)
Ernest C. Hillman, Jr. (1973-74) Wilbur C. Schoeller (1990-91)
Ephraim G. Hirsch (1983-84) Samuel Schultz* (1980-84)
William T. Holmes* (1983-87) Daniel Shapiro* (1977-81)
Warner Howe (1977-80) Jonathan G. Shipp (1996-99)
Edwin T. Huston* (1990-97) Howard Simpson* (1980-84)
Paul C. Jennings (1973-75) Mete Sozen (1990-93)
Carl B. Johnson (1974-76) Donald R. Strand (1982-83)
Edwin H. Johnson (1988-89, 1998-2001) James L. Stratta (1975-79)
Stephen E. Johnston* (1973-75, 1979-80) Scott Stedman (1996-97)
Joseph Kallaby* (1973-75) Edward J. Teal (1976-79)
Donald R. Kay (1989-92) W. Martin Tellegen (1973)
T. Robert Kealey* (1984-88) John C. Theiss* (1991-98)
H. S. (Pete) Kellam (1975-76) Charles H. Thornton* (1992-99)
Helmut Krawinkler (1979-82) James L. Tipton (1973)
James S. Lai (1982-85) Ivan Viest (1975-77)
Gerald D. Lehmer (1973-74) Ajit S. Virdee* (1977-80, 1981-85)
James R. Libby (1992-98) J. John Walsh (1987-90)
Charles Lindbergh (1989-92) Robert S. White (1990-91)
R. Bruce Lindermann (1983-86) James A. Willis* (1980-81, 1982-86)
L. W. Lu (1987-90) Thomas D. Wosser (1974-77)
Walter B. Lum (1975-78) Loring A. Wyllie (1987-88)
Kenneth A. Luttrell (1991-98) Edwin G. Zacher (1981-84)
Newland J. Malmquist (1997-2000) Theodore C. Zsutty (1982-85)
Melvyn H. Mark (1979-82)
John A. Martin (1978-82) * President


Ronald Mayes (1979-81) Roland L. Sharpe (1973-79)
Christopher Rojahn (1981-present)

252 Technical Resources FEMA 307

Applied Technology Council
Sponsors, Supporters, and Contributors

Structural Engineers Association of California
James R. & Sharon K. Cagley
John M. Coil
Burkett & Wong

Charles H. Thornton
Degenkolb Engineers
Japan Structural Consultants Association

Lawrence D. Reaveley
Omar Dario Cardona Arboleda
Edwin T. Huston
John C. Theiss
Reaveley Engineers
Rutherford & Chekene
E. W. Blanch Co.

FEMA 307 Technical Resources 253

Applied Technology Council Projects And Report Information

254 Technical Resources FEMA 307

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