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Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Pure Science Vol.(27) Issue (1) (2022) comp pp.


DES and AES algorithms for image Encryption: Review

Authors Names ABSTRACT
a. Suhad M. Kareem Today the encryption of images has be a requirement to protect” a secret “

image” “from” unauthorized arrival. Different techniques have been”

“ ““ ”” “ ” “

presented and sophisticated in “spatial”, “frequency” “and” “hybrid”

Article History “domains” “to” “encrypt” “the” “image “securely . Depending on the security
” ”

Received on: 5 / 10/2022 requirements, encryption methods can be classified as full encryption or
Revised on: 15 / 12 /2022 partial encryption. This paper aims to present a review of several image
Accepted on: 17 /1 /2023
encryption methods “based” on two most symmetric encryption
Keywords s: Cryptography, algorithms: AES ( advanced” “encryption” “standard”) and DES ( data”
“ “

Symmetric Algorithm, DES, “encryption” “system ). The results of previous research have shown that

AES, Image Encryption. good results in many security analysis such as time execution, entropy,
differential attacks, histogram and others. Comparison between AES and
DES based on number of factors are presented in this work.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.29350/
jops. 2022.27. 1.1512

1. Introduction
Sensitive information in the form of text, pictures, audio, and video are exchanged over communication
systems so, it should be protected from attack. Cryptography is the application of techniques for encrypting
data between the sender and receiver so that the receiver can read the data and an adversary cannot.Making
sensitive data safe is critical with the overwhelming dependence on electronic communication systems in the
modern world. Data may be transferred without the danger of being intercepted by employing several
cryptographic procedures [1].
Nowday, the security of digital data that transmitted over network is great challenge to protect the data from
illegal access, so many of encryption techniques have proposed [2]. Encryption is known as the process
applied to secure the data or information and provide the confidentiality and secure of data through transport
over the network. Based on key numbers, “encryption” algorithms can be classified as symmetric-or-
asymmetric. Symmetric encryption algorithms are used the same key for encryption and decryption process.
Suhad M. Kareem, Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Pure Science 27 , 1 (2022) )comp. pp. 48-56 49

In symmetric key, only one key used for encryption and decryption such as AES, DES, blowfish,...etc. While
asymmetric encryption algorithm that use “different” “keys , “which” “can be” “one” “public” and one “private [3,
” ” “ ”

4]. Key is defined as a binary string used for encryption and decryption, it is necessary to “hold” a “secret”
“ ”

encryption “key”, and” “use” the “keys” “tough” to “guess”[5, 6].

“ ” “

A “digital” image is known as a rectangle” array with two” “dimensional where each pixel of image is
“ “ ”

indicated as the elements of this array. Each pixel has an “intensity” “value” (digital “number”) and a “location
address” (“row”, “column”) [7]. “Digital” images” utilized in numerous communication “applications , thus the
“ ”

security the content” of these images” become very substantial. Image encryption is a method which coding”
“ “ “

the plain image to another un-“understanding” image (encrypted-image). This method must be supplying the
“decoding” the encrypted image to original image without losing” data or image-properties [8]. This paper

presented overview of both DES and AES algorithms for encrypted digital images.

2. DES Algorithm”
D “

The “Data Encryption Standard ( DESS) is a symmetric” “key “block” “cipher released by the “National”
” “ ” “ ” D “ ” ”

“Institute” of “Standards” and “Technology” (NIST ). DES “is” “a” very well-known encryption algorithm as

shown in Figure (1). It is accept data of 64-bit plaintext blocks are which divides “into two halves”: “left” ” “ ” “

(332-bits) and “right ( 32-bits) that encrypted using a 64-bit key. It is based on fiestel network for mixing the
” 3

plaintext and the key through sixteen rounds to generate 64-bit output blocks [9, 10].

Figure (1) the structure work of DES algorithm [11].

50 Suhad M. Kareem, Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Pure Science 27 , 1 (2022) )comp. pp. 48-56

3. AES “algorithm
A ”

“The” AESS “algorithm” is a traditional symmetric “encryption” “algorithm” that” “was” founded as” “the
“ ” “ ”

“standard” for “encrypting” digital" “data” “by” “the” US “National -"Institute -for-Standard and-Technology
“ u ” ” ” ”

( NIST ). It is accepts input plaintext block ( 128-bit) and “using” “three” “different “key” length 1288, 192 , and
n T 1 “ 2

256 bits [9]. The" “key” length” specifies the “number” rounds of encryption” and “decryption” which could be
6 “ “ “ ”

100, 120, and 14 rounds for 1288, 192 , and 256 -bit key-length, respectively . The strength of the algorithm
0 2 6 “ ”

security depend on the larger key length. The process of encryption and decryption of AES algorithm
“consists” of “four “invertible transformations : Sub-Bytes , Shift-Rows , Mix-Columns , and Add-Round-Key,
” ” “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ”

“as” shown in Figure (2) [12,13]

“ ”

a. Sub-Bytes is process that use substitution boxes for replaced the bytes of array state.
b. Shift-Rows implements a cyclic” “shift” “operation” on “each” “row” in the 4x4 matrix .
“ “ ”

c. Mix-Columns, utilizes “linear” “conversion” to mix” 4-bytes “per column. “ ”

d. Add-Round-Key applies bitwise XOR operation between” each “round” of “input” and round-keys.
R “

In the side of decryption process these four operation have used the inverse operations

Figure (2) The structure work of AES algorithm [4].

4. Literature surveys
Many of works have been proposed for encrypting digital images using two most popular algorithms DES
and AES encryption algorithms. Some of the previous related works are surveyed in this section.
Mohammad Ali Bani Younes and Aman Jantan (2008) [14] are proposed AES algorithm for encrypted
images. In initial step as image permutation, the input image was separated into (4*4) pixels blocks then
Suhad M. Kareem, Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Pure Science 27 , 1 (2022) )comp. pp. 48-56 51

arranged into permeated image, after that the AES algorithm was implemented for generating encrypted
image. The method was give good results in the term of entropy and correlation between the pixels.
Zhang Yun-peng and et al (2009) [15] are presented the combination between DES and chaotic encryption
by recognized” the digital-image encryption” during the “chaos” and improving” DDES. At first, new-encryption
“ “ “

method utilizes the logistic”-chaos”-sequencer” to produce the “pseudo”-random”-sequence”, “carries” on” “the”

RRGB with” “this” sequence” “to” the “image” chaotically , then produces “double” “time”-“encryptions with
“ “ “ ” ”

enhancement DES, offers they particular feature. The experimental results indicated that the proposed

methods get high security and encryption speed.

“ ”

S.H Kamali and et al (2010) [16] presented an alteration on the AES algorithm called M AES. The a

adjustment is achieved by modifying the Shift-Row-transformation by changing the rows and shifting it
cyclically. The aim of this modification to reflect a high level security and better image” “encryption”. The “

results of modified AES give good results in image encryption as compared with original algorithm.
Ahmed Bashir Abugharsa and et al (2012) [17] the researchers used AES to encrypt colour image. This is
done by applying magic cube to rotate the input image for generating another image to pose the relation
“between” the “plain”-“image” “and” “the” “encrypted”-“image”. “The” “rotated” results-“image” “is” pass “into” “an”

AAES “algorithm which” “is” used “to” “each” pixel “of” “the” image to “encrypt”-the-image”. Number of numerical
” “ ” ”

analysis have been applied for test the security of algorithm which shows the force of the proposed algorithm
against various “types” of attack such as “statistical” and “differential” attacks.
Manoj. B and Manjula N Harihar (2012)[18], in this paper 128-bit AES can be designed and performed “ ”

for encrypt digital image to provide secret-image data” “from” “an” unauthorized” “access” “the” researchers ” “ “

establish “that” effective “implementation” of” AES “algorithm” is” “one” “of” “the” good “encryption” “and” A

“decryption” “standard” available “in market .“ ” ” “ ”

Mahajan et al. (2013) [19], three encryption algorithms: DES, AES and RSA are implemented in this work
then the performance of this techniques are presented depended on” “the” analysis” “of” “its” stimulated” “time” “ “ “ @

“at” “the”-“time” “of”-"encryption” and “decryption . The simulation “results” are offered “to” analyses” the ”” “ ” @ @

@ efficiency of “each algorithm .

@ ” @ ”

Tanvi (2013) [20] presented an image” “encryption” system for encrypting the digital” “image.” this is done
“ “

by separating them into blocks”, and then apply scramble operation on image pixel. The “scrambled” “blocks”

are then feed to the AES algorithm randomly. Experimental results prove that the algorithm get high entropy
and low correlation between the pixels.
Saraf et al. (2014) [21], in this paper, the researchers are used AES algorithm for encrypting both text and @

“image “encryption. This research shows effective application of “text” and “image” “encryption” “as” well
as “decryption. Results showed here utilizes various “numbers”, “symbols” and “letters” for text “encryption”.
All the monitoring clearly infer the “behaviour of text “encryption” code. ”

Roshni Padate and Aamna Patel (2015) [22], “this” research characterizes a design” of efficient “security for “ ”

communication by AES algorithm” for-encryption-and-decryption. It is depended on AES key-expansion in

“ ” A “ A

“which” the encryption process is a bit-wise exclusive XOR operation of a “set” of image “pixels” over with” “

1128-bit “key” “which” alterations for “every” “set” of pixels . “ ”

Priya Deshmukh (2016) [23] presented an” “image is” offered “as" input to AES” “encryption” algorithm”
“ ” “ “ ” A “

“which” “gives” “encrypted” “output”. This” “encrypted” “output” is “given” “as” “input” to AES” “decryption”
“ A

“algorithm” and “original” image is recovered as output”. The AES algorithm for image encryption and “ A

decryption which “synthesizes and simulated with the help of “MATLAB” “software .
” “ ” ”

Venkata Krishnaand et al (2017) [24] presented a combination of AAES and “visual” cryptographic “ ”

“techniques” for securing “image”-encryption-algorithm The “image” is “encrypted” using AAES and an encoding
52 Suhad M. Kareem, Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Pure Science 27 , 1 (2022) )comp. pp. 48-56

method “has” “been” presented to “convert” the “key” “into” “shares” depended on “visual” “secret “sharing”. ”

Experimental results of “the” proposed algorithm show that encrypted image is more secure.
V. Gamido and et al (2018) [25] the researchers modified Mix-Columns Transformation of AES based on
bit permutation to improve the security of the algorithm. The proposed AES is implemented by “encrypting”
images and text files. The results is displayed as compared” the efficiency of the proposed AES algorithm
“ A “ ”

with original once in the term of “encryption” time, CPUU employment and collapse” “effect”. Experimental“”

“results prove that the proposed algorithm get lower encryption time for encrypt images and text files.

Alireza Arab and et al (2019) [26], the researches proposed a novel @image encryption algorithm@ as the
@ @

combination of the chaos sequence and the modified AES algorithm. In @this method , the encryption key is @ @ @

@ generated by Arnold chaos sequence. After that, the modified AES algorithm is used to encrypt the original
@ @ @

image algorithm and implementing the round keys generated by the chaos system. Experimental results get
@ @ @

less time complexity, good results against many attacks: statistical analysis, brute force attacks and
differential attacks.
Suhad .M. Kareem (2020) [10], this paper proposes anew alteration on DES algorithm by increasing level
keys (three keys) to rise the security” level of” the algorithm”. This is completed by” replacing ordinary XOR
“ “ “ “

operation with # operation using 256 tables to complete encryption and decryption process. The proposed
algorithm is implemented on digital colour images. The proposed DES get higher complexity compared with
the original DES.
Priynka Sharma (2020) [7], the researchers proposed on modified in key expansion of AES algorithm. The
keys to be utilized are created “independently” at the “sender” and “receiver” side depend on key expansion
process of “modified” AESS hence” the “initial” “key” is single participated rather than involvement the whole”
“ “

“set” of “keys”. The images are used for test the performance of the algorithm has been drown with standard

“bench” “mark” images presented in USC -SIPI database. The results of the security efficiency of the modified

algorithm shows perfect fight “against ”brute force” “attack , key” sensitivity-“tests and statistical -“crypt -
” ” “ ” ” “ ” ”

“analysis . ”

Abhinav Gupta and Aayush Gupta, (2021) [27], a novel picture encryption algorithm has been
investigated in this research paper which is rooted in the enhanced AES algorithm. This investigated
approach offers numerous advantages over existing picture encryption algorithms such as less computational
complexity and lower image encryption time which is high in demand across the globe for efficient and fast
transmission of the pictures over communication channels. The proposed algorithm is more protected and
fast as well as maintain the confidentiality of the images against various noise attacks by multiple strikers
over communication channel during picture transmission for multifarious purposes.
Sarah Jassim and Sarab M. Hameed (2022) [28] the researchers in the paper proposed a modified AES
called as (M- AES) to increase the efficiency of the AES algorithm by improving the security
- “ ” A

algorithm to implement the algorithm for encrypting colour image. The “modification” is performed on
Shift-Rows @transformation of the"well-known AES algorithm@. the efficiency of the modified M-AES

algorithm is tested by using many @images are drawn from the Signal-and-Image-Processing-Institute's

( SIPI) image dataset. The results display that @proposed modification to the original AES algorithm
@ @ A

give good results for image encryption.

5. Problem-Domain
@After comparing diverse @research works, some problem area can be listed in the following:
1. The previous works are presented for image encryption and decryption using two algorithms: DES
and AES.
Suhad M. Kareem, Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Pure Science 27 , 1 (2022) )comp. pp. 48-56 53

2. The AES encryption algorithms are proposed as modification with another methods like chaotic
3. Previous research succeeded in encrypting color images, but it failed in encrypting multi images.
4. Experimental results are presented based on some of security analysis such as correlation coefficient,
entropy, NPCR (Pixel Correlation Rate) and UACI.

6. Comparison and analysis

The performance of AES and DES algorithms in terms of number of metrics are compared between two
algorithms are listed in Table 1.

Table 1. Comparison performance between DES and AES “algorithms”

Developed 1977 2000
Encryption1 Slow2 Fast3
Decryption1 Slow2 Fast3
Key1 size1 56-bit2 128, 196,256 -bits 3

Block size 64-bit 2 128-bit3

Round1 162 10,12,14 3

Speed1 based on key1 Yes2 Yes 3

Security1 Insecure2 Secure 3

The analysis of three previous that implemented AES algorithm for encrypt and decrypt image for security
analysis : entropy , correlation-coefficient, NPCR and UACI. The result are presented in Table2.
“ ” “ ” N U

Table 2. Analysis results for image encryption based on AES algorithms.

Ref. Method Images Entrop Correlation NPCR UACI
y coefficient in
[3] Lena 7.999 0.0300 99.61 33.48
MAES cameraman 7.999 -0.0185 99.62 33.38
peppers 7.996 -0.0055 99.61 33.53
[24] CCAES Lena 7.9974 0.0027 99.63 33.47
cameraman 7.9971 0.0002267 99.56 33.47
peppers 7.9972 0.0020 99.64 33.58
[27] Lena 7.9973 -0.0262 99.61 33.48
M-AES baboon 7.9972 -0.0056 99.66 33.39
peppers 7.9972 -0.0071 99.61 33.41
54 Suhad M. Kareem, Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Pure Science 27 , 1 (2022) )comp. pp. 48-56

From table 2 has been shown the previous research get better results of modified AES algorithm for
encrypted colour images.
7. Conclusion
It is important to secure digital image from unauthorized access through transmitting over network. Many
of encryption methods are proposed for encrypt and decrypt image. This paper presented a review of some
study of the encryption techniques that use of AES and DES encryption algorithms for encrypt digital image.
Also, this methods are combined with another methods such as chaotic, magic cube and others. From
analysis these previous works, the proposed methods get good result for provide secure image in the term of
statistical, differential and brute force attacks.

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