HOPE Module 1

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Physical Education and Health (H.O.P.E.

Quarter 3 – Module 1: Moving On: Adapting the “New
Mernalyn A. Bacur Grade 12 – ARES
What I Know

Test I. Test II.
1. A. 6. COVID-19 – Corona Virus Disease - 19
2. B. 7. IATF – EID – Inter-Agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious Disease
3. B. 8. DOH – Department of Health
4. D. 9. ECQ – Enhanced Community Quarantine
5. B. 10. GCQ – General Community Quarantine
11. DOLE – Department of Labor and Employment
12. DBM – Department of Budget and Management
13. DA – Department of Agriculture
14. DTI – Department of Trade and Industry
15. DFA – Department of Foreign Affairs

What’s New
Activity 1: KNOW ME WELL
1. COVID Corona Virus Disease
2. DOH Department of Health
3. IATF-EID Inter-Agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious Disease
4. LGU Local Government Unit_
5. DOLE Department of Labor and Employment ___

What Is It?
I’m taking it one step at a time and with the uncertainty I’m not making any drastic decisions. I don’t
worry about something I have no control over for it is just a waste of time and energy. The uncertainty is
exciting, in a way, because I expect the world to change for the better because of it. The virus is teaching us
how to relate properly to one another, which is something that was lacking pre-pandemic. We’re discovering
that we’re all in this together, which might be a cool catch phrase of our time, but it’s becoming more and
more true each and every day. The world is becoming round, where we can’t see where something ends and
another begins. One key lesson is that the pandemic is only an initial blow from nature, and we can expect
more in more severe forms because the time has come for us to undergo a major transformation: a shift in
our entire approach to life, from a competitive self-centered approach to one where we share mutual
responsibility and consideration for each other and nature.

What’s More
Activity 2: Describe Me Now
If there’s something I could compare myself and relate to, it would
be a plant, any kind of plant. Plants are the unsung heroes of our existence.
They help us survive by providing oxygen, food, and shelter. Plants made
me realize that growth takes time. We do not plant a seed today and expect
it to be all grown up by tomorrow. It doesn’t matter if we water the seed
tremendously expecting it to grow fast in one day. This encourages me not
to try to rush any process in life that requires growth time and I am
learning to appreciate the time growth takes. When we wait for that
growth and see it happen, it is very rewarding. Nourishment should also
be continuous. Plants, like us, need continuous care. This teaches me that
self-nourishment is not a one-and-done thing but should be an ongoing
process. That I still need to thrive even if faced with the challenges posed
by the pandemic. For my mental well-being it’s important that I have a
positive outlook on life like how plants turn to face the sun and not focus
on the weeds and predators around them. They bathe in its rays as they
concentrate on their primary objective: growing.

Just like our gardens, life is short, full the unexpected, filled with
failure and adversity, and never seems to go as we planned. It’s also
magnificent in its beauty as we experience love and laughter, adventures
and the small joys that can fill us with sublime happiness. Almost none of
the happiest moments in life are planned but it is the spontaneity of life
that is the most delightful part and makes it meaningful.


Dear health care workers and frontliners,

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the sacrifices you
make everyday to help those in need. Through these difficult times, thank you for
always helping and taking care of people. For waking up everyday and saving
lives. Thank you for keeping people safe and for motivating people. We have not
forgotten, and never will. You are all making the difference between life and
death. Please don’t lose heart, keep doing the important work that we all need to
defeat this virus and take care of yourselves! May God bless you and keep you
and your loved ones safe and healthy, and continue to give care of yourselves!
May God bless you and keep you and your loved ones safe and healthy, and
continue to give you strength, courage and hope. I know your works aren’t easy,
I’m proud of you. You are our heroes! Thank you so much for all you do to help
keep us safe. We appreciate all of you!

Mernalyn Bacur

What I Have Learned

I think my significant contribution in our society as a student is
applying what I have learned from my home and school. Conserving
electricity, cleaning the environment, doing community service, helping
those in need, following the laws and studying hard are what we students do.
I always wear face mask, maintain a safe distance from others and keep my
surroundings tidy. Improving our living environment will really help us
function faster and motivate us to do better. Making other people aware and
updated of things like the importance of education, how to keep ourselves
and our families safe during the pandemic and other issues faced by our
country is another way of making a contribution. We, the learners, start to
undertake the responsibility of fighting anti-social activities of a few corrupt
people by posting on social media using credible information to spread
awareness and for prevention. Whenever there is a general crisis like what
we are experiencing, floods or earthquakes, we are ready to aid the
distressed. My role as a young adult is also to challenge tradition, put
forward new ideas and create something that would be beneficial to our

What I Can Do
At home, during this pandemic, I can do things that could improve my
skills, broaden my knowledge and things that would help my family. Some of
these things are studying, painting, crochet, listening to music, enhancing my
entrepreneur skills, cooking, working out, cleaning our rooms, building a brand
and making my business grow, discovering my strengths and weaknesses, and
being an active member of the community.

Lesson 2: Finding Joy in the “New Normal”

(Integration of Psychosocial Activities in the Lessons)

What’s New
Activity 1: GUESS WHAT?
Arrange the jumbled letters until you get the right term.
Jumbled Words Answer


What Is It?
The locking down of places has significantly improved the environmental quality with a sharp drop
in air pollution levels making me enjoy the outdoors more. It calms my mind and nerves just to see the clear
sky with birds and green trees standing tall. This inspired me to become one of the plantitas, which is one of
the unforgettable and unexpected things that happened in my life, for I’ve observed that gardening also helps
in keeping ourselves well and entertained especially when I saw the flowers are blooming and the seeds are
already grown. It feels nice and it gives me a sense of accomplishment when you see that the seeds you’ve
planted have grown which also applies to our personal growth and development. Plants react to the world
around them but they always move at their own pace. In order to grow, they require light, water, nutrients
and love. Like them, we need to be patient before we can see the results.

What’s More?
Activity 2. ME AND MY FAMILY
Days in lockdown were actually a blessing in disguise and an opportunity for us to strengthen and
improve relationships not only with our families but with others as well. It is true that this crisis has taken its
toll on humanity, however it also provided a chance for every person to unite and perhaps begun to shape us
to think differently about our own roles and how we as individuals can all contribute in our own ways to find
a solution to problems. I actually enjoyed the peaceful days being with my loved ones, started paying more
attention to my personal health and even encourage my family members to become physically active. I
regained my interest towards the activities I do before the pandemic and keep myself motivated for me to be
able to study well and do my responsibilities. I can’t say that I have completely adapted to the culture of new
normal but I think I’m almost there. I realized that one of life inevitabilities is that circumstances change.
When we are inflexible, our well-being suffers therefore we have to accept that there are some thing we
can’t change and just carry on with life.

Activity 3: #COVID-FREE

After the pandemic the recreational activity I want to do is swimming, I

want to go to the beach again with my family. In the beach is my favorite place,
I’m hoping to visit some Island near our place after this pandemic to go
swimming again. I really miss swimming, it’s one of my hobby before the
pandemic starts. I started paying more attention to my personal health and even
encouraged my family members to become physically active. Working out has
become one of my favorite recreational activities. I regained my interest towards
the activities I do before the pandemic like cycling and keep myself motivated for
me to be able to study well and do my responsibilities. After this pandemic I
want to go cycling again with my friends, I really miss cycling with them, we
bring our bikes and we go to some places with beautiful views, we enjoyed it a
lot, it makes our body healthy and it makes us relax seeing the views and the
fresh air from the ocean and the green fields we passed by.

What I Have Learned

The COVID-19 pandemic is sweeping the planet. We, as individuals in the
extended human family, are living through a crisis together. Within the vast and
daunting global crisis are changes to every person’s daily life. These changes
reveal the normally hidden human needs of care and collaboration and force us
to re-invest in ourselves and our communities. Health protocols can reduce the
likelihood of you being infected by the virus. If you’re not infected, you can’t
spread the virus to other people, who in turn can’t spread the virus to even more
people. Eventually, the spread of the virus could be controlled, before future
mutations render current vaccines ineffective. People in the community wear
masks, maintain a distance from others and follow other health protocols
especially when they’re outside.

What I Can Do
 Gardening (planting sunflowers and other flowering plants)
 Painting my room with color pink
 Rearranging our furniture
 Redecorating our home
 Cutting or trimming the lawn
 Making DIYs and crafts
 Sewing dresses or gowns
 Painting new sceneries
 Drawing anime
 Clean our ceiling

Post test
Test I.
1. A.
2. B.
3. B.
4. D.
5. B.

Test II.
6. COVID-19 – Corona Virus Disease - 19
7. IATF – EID – Inter-Agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious Disease
8. DOH – Department of Health
9. ECQ – Enhanced Community Quarantine
10. GCQ – General Community Quarantine

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