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SSRG International Journal of Economics and Management Studies ( SSRG – IJEMS ) – Volume 3 Issue 9 Sep 2016

A Study on Problems Faced by Women

Entreprenuersin Tuticorin District
Dr.J.Angel Beulah Gracelin, M.Com., M.Phil., Ph.D.,
Department of Commerce, Holy Cross Home Science College, Tuticorin District

Abstract mere few decades ago. However, women

Women’s skills and knowledge, their talents entrepreneurs face a wide variety of challenges both
and abilities in business and a compelling desire of in starting and in growing their business ventures.
wanting to do something positive are some of the
reasons for the women entrepreneurs to organize Women have been successful in breaking
industries. According to World Bank, investing more their freedom within the limits of their homes by
in business of women rather in men leads to greater entering into varied kinds of professionals and
development of a Nation. Empowering women in services. Women entrepreneurs have proved to be on
entrepreneurship leads to break the inequalities and par with their men counterparts in business wisdom
reduces the poverty. Entrepreneurs are faced with and are emerging as smart and dynamic
many obstacles that limit their growth and survival. entrepreneurs. There are many reasons for women to
In addition to this, women have to cope with negative enter into entrepreneurial ventures in a predominantly
prevailing social and cultural attitudes, lack of society. Entrepreneurship among women is an
education and training, as well as gender important avenue through which women can
discrimination. The study aims at analyses problems overcome their subordination within the family and
faced by the women entrepreneurs. This paper the family and the society as a whole. Therefore,
employed an interpretative, qualitative methodology development of entrepreneurship among women has
to examine the problems faced by women received special attention of the policy makers to
entrepreneurs. The present study is designed to select promote the healthy growth of entrepreneurial
60 respondents. Most of the women entrepreneurs are activities and enterprises owned by women.
started their business under sole proprietor ship &
small scale. So that government has to aid their Women owned businesses are highly
business and help those to start large-scale business increasing in the economies of almost all States of the
like company form of organization. Most of the Nation. The hidden entrepreneurial potentials of
Women Entrepreneurs are getting their finance from women have gradually been changing with the
banking and Financial Institutions .So that growing sensitivity to the role and economic status in
government has to take initiative and supportive role the society. Skill, knowledge and adaptability in
for both banks and women entrepreneurs. business are the main reasons for women to emerge
into business ventures. „Women Entrepreneur‟ is a
Keywords:financial problems, marketing problems, person who accepts challenging role to meet her
HR problems etc. personal needs and become economically
independent. A strong desire to do something positive
I. INTRODUCTION is an inbuilt quality of entrepreneurial women, who is
India is a vast country with an estimated capable of contributing values in both family and
population of about 1.21 billion of which nearly half social life. With the advent of media, women are
are women. Entrepreneurship amongst women in aware of their own traits, rights and also the work
India is relatively a recent phenomenon. Various situations. They are flourishing as designers, interior
programmes are being conducted to improve the decorators, exporters, publishers, garment
status of women, their access to resources and so on. manufacturers and still exploring new avenues of
But peripheral interest has been shown in developing economic participation. In India, although women
a realistic and well-designed plan and programme for constitute the majority of the total population, the
promoting women entrepreneurs. Despite the shared entrepreneurial world is still a male dominated one.
characteristics, gender based differences have been Women in advanced nations are recognized and are
found to influence both business start-up and more prominent in the business world. But the Indian
performance. women entrepreneurs are facing some major
constraints like
In today‟s post-modern era, the role of
women entrepreneurs in economic development is  Lack of confidence in their strength and
inevitable and women are willing to take action in competence
business and contribute to the nation‟s growth.  Socio-cultural barriers
Women are stepping up to own and run businesses in  Market-oriented risks
numbers that would have been hard to imagine a

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SSRG International Journal of Economics and Management Studies ( SSRG – IJEMS ) – Volume 3 Issue 9 Sep 2016

 Motivational factors
 Knowledge in Business Administration A. Statement of the Problem
 Awareness about the financial assistance Entrepreneurship is one of the important
 Exposed to the training programs factors of industrialization; in the absence of
 Identifying the available resources entrepreneurship, industrialization cannot take place.
Women‟s skills and knowledge, their talents and
II. REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE abilities in business and a compelling desire of
Soundarpandian, (1999) suggested that for wanting to do something positive are some of the
entrepreneurship development in India, there was a reasons for the women entrepreneurs to organize
greater need to emphasize on research relating to industries. According to World Bank, investing more
process and enhancement of entrepreneurship. The in business of women rather in men leads to greater
problems of women entrepreneur are listed as, Stiff development of a Nation. Empowering women in
competition from male entrepreneurs, High price of entrepreneurship leads to break the inequalities and
raw materials required, Financial constraints, reduces the poverty. Entrepreneurs are faced with
Managerial constraints, Technical difficulties, Low many obstacles that limit their growth and survival.
ability to bear risks, Low level of favourable family In addition to this, women have to cope with negative
background, Lack of entrepreneurial initiative. prevailing social and cultural attitudes, lack of
education and training, as well as gender
Vatharkar (2012) examined the problems discrimination. The study aims at analyses problems
faced by women entrepreneurs in Pune district faced by the women entrepreneurs.
atvarious levels in their journey as entrepreneurs and
also found the factors motivating thesewomen to B. Objectives of the study
become entrepreneur. The study found that women The following objectives are framed for the study
entrepreneurs face lots of problems at start-up as well  To analyses the problems faced by the
as operating stage like, role conflict, lack of women entrepreneurs in TuticorinDistrict.
motivation, lack of finance, maintaining balance  To know the factors influencing women
between work and family life, discriminating entrepreneurial development
treatment, understanding government rules and  To offer suitable suggestions to improve
regulations, etc. Further, it is noted that these women entrepreneurial development especially
entrepreneurs are both “willing” as well as “forced” women entrepreneurs
entrepreneurs. For some of them, factor motivating to
start their own enterprise is to support family C. Methodology
financially, while for some of them it is the urge to be This paper employed an interpretative,
economically independent. qualitative methodology to examine the problems
faced by women entrepreneurs. The present study is
Kapadia and Barodia in 2004 while studying designed to select 60 respondents.
the problems of women entrepreneurs quoted that in
order to improve living conditions, developing D. Significance of the Study
capabilities of women for self-employment had There is need for a clear understanding of
become essential. Women were often the main the challenges hampering the growth and
economic agents to ensure the survival of a poor development of these small ventures if meaningful
family. Hence, women get empowered if they are led solutions are to be implemented. Although some
towards entrepreneurship. They also reported that research has been conducted on entrepreneurship, it
there were successful women entrepreneurs today remains important to investigate challenges faced by
heading enterprises like electronics, multimedia, women entrepreneurs operating in the
garment industry and so on. They also suggested that TuticorinDistrict.
women entrepreneurs had to face many problems.

Table.1 Analysis and Interpretations

S. No Nature of family type No. of Percentage
Respondents (%)
1. Joint family 24 40.0%
2. Nuclear family 36 60.0%
Total 60 100.0%

The above table shows that 60 percent of respondents are belong to the nuclear family. Remaining 40
percent of respondent are belong to the joint family. It is understood that maximum of the respondents are
belongs to the nuclear family. Nuclear family women are having more courage than joint family women.

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SSRG International Journal of Economics and Management Studies ( SSRG – IJEMS ) – Volume 3 Issue 9 Sep 2016

Table.2 One-way ANOVA

Mean Std. Sum of df Mean Square Statistical
Deviation Squares inference
Financial problem
Between Groups 1.268 2 .634 F = 0.786
Hindu 1.45 1.084 0.642= 0.05
muslim 1.00 .000 Not significant
christian 1.00 .000
Within Groups 61.132 57 1.072

Marketing problmes
Between Groups 1.098 2 .549 F = 2.894
Hindu 1.74 1.303 0.265= 0.05
muslim 1.00 .000 Not significant
christian 1.60 1.342
Within Groups 95.502 57 1.675

Human resource
Between Groups .971 2 .485 F = 0.346
Hindu 1.40 .968 0.982= 0.05
muslim 1.00 .000 Not significant
christian 1.00 .000
Within Groups 48.679 57 .854

Overall problems faced

by women entrepreneur
Between Groups .515 2 .258
Hindu 1.42 .989 F = 2.342
muslim 1.00 .000 0.967= 0.05
christian 1.60 1.342 Not significant
Within Groups 58.068 57 4.019

E. Research Hypothesis knowledge in entrepreneurship. It is recommended

There is a significant difference between that women entrepreneurs should acquire skills that
religion of the respondents and overall perception of will help to break the stereotypes and value systems
problem faced by the women entrepreneur that hinder them from participating in everyday
activities. Women entrepreneurs should form
F. Null Hypothesis partnerships with individuals from different areas of
There is no significant difference between knowledge and expertise in order to learn from one
religion of the respondents and overall perception of another.
problem faced by the women entrepreneur
Statistical tools Lack of technical know-how, lack of
One way ANOVA „f‟ test was used in the specialized skills, non-availability of modern
above table technology, difficulties in maintenance of machinery
are some of the technological related constraints, or
III. FINDINGS rather major constraints in running the enterprise.
The above table shows that there is no This is one of the vital factors in success of any
significant difference between religion of the business.
respondents and overall perception of problem faced
by the women entrepreneur. Hence the calculated Most of the women entrepreneurs are started
value is greater than table value. So that research their business under sole proprietor ship & small
hypothesis is rejected and null hypothesis is accepted. scale. So that government has to aid their business
and help those to start large-scale business like
IV. SUGGESTIONS company form of organization.
Women entrepreneurs should raise
confidence, empower themselves through Most of the Women Entrepreneurs are
entrepreneurialeducation, which is one of the getting their finance from banking and Financial
initiatives that can be designed to enhance skills and Institutions .So that government has to take initiative

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SSRG International Journal of Economics and Management Studies ( SSRG – IJEMS ) – Volume 3 Issue 9 Sep 2016

and supportive role for both banks and women


Government has to conduct special training

programs, entrepreneurial development programmes,
and improvement programs to Women Entrepreneurs
as well as their employees to enhance their

Women entrepreneurs must have an
intention to fulfil their dreams. They have to make a
dream transferred into an idea enterprise studies show
that successful women work hard. Many authors have
tried to define these most important concepts
differently. For positive change to be realised around
these five aspects there is need for all people to come
togetherand have an input to ensure that all views are
included in decision making for women
empowerment. It is important to note that students,
especially women, should be afforded opportunities
and resources to make decisions and learn about

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