Kerala Accounts Officer Paper

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wh. q'lPly.rtitaL" l! hrsod on:

1. 'llusnt$ trnir r s.p&n a'J Jittlnctkonr lfu r{rcor
{a) \lon.r mesuHn'nt conleF {n) Goina.oNd co.n lr
iq ,troulring'Pl

2, \,, \prr.h-.,.,,,1,".', ..n"',r:'tT.:r'.i',.j';l:].','.':,',,.J;l.,Tli:i'

*t,lilli.;l .. ;f :iJ'll "H I ilT",i ill'-i",i",'"'.c o',hp n'q Dr' h n' w"'

;:rlt l, i'ii ru;r'"i: :ilr;;ll', :lill m;H,llli'';tri":

(lJ) Mit.hinB .oncolr
(c) R.{lira'irn.oncrPt (l)) PtYlodLCttYc.r.'Pt

gofit Frgirr on *lling Fri.r is thc Pdfit nrk uP

A cnmtNv s i\h!s to .iirr 105'
on (od, r(hi.I Niil a.hicvr lh'
(rt) 2i1 -
(c) 20%
(l )) Non.or trrc rbov'

t. Dl.bil nolc i!.so.iilcd nlth:

NI.f, rh.u6 ,tu forlcttod

Noninal lrluc or ru.h shnr

Ac.o!fllnrg ShndarJs in Indii re $!utd Dt:

(\r (:cnttrl (;o!e'.mtnr
ls) Rse{lc Bank or Indir
(c) llrsl ure orchrrtc!(d df hrdia
{D) S'l$
rhc rse,ter and .ndn th. gifcl iltrtd k':
(B) Pctsorul a'(rN
(D) N.n. otlhcnbav'
3, Bd$( sh.ei shows linan i.l pGlion ot a con h :

(A) Fo'theye endd (B) As on a pa*i.dar,rdc

(c) Iroi r given penod (D) ,^ll oI ihe alove

a busne$ is < 1,00,m0; Clrent.6sets are I 20,000; Capitai anLl Long t€n
50,000. thm Cur€nt liabrlitics will be:
(B) a 50.000 (c) < 30,000 (D) t 20.000

10. It€linrtnary dpens m ddmpl€ol:

(^) Rerenue expddfture (B) D.temt Fvmue expennitur.
(c) Crpital exFnd'ture (D)

1r. Closing sttrk ola hadi.s.oncen G €qual to:

(A) Opening stock+ Purhas8 Sales
(B) Solca + openins sto.k ?ur.hascs
(c) s.lrs opening slck + Pur.h$es
(D) op.nins stsl + Plrna*s - Cosr of goods sotd

12. Provision tor bad and doub(ul debt tu .r€.ted otr :

(A) SudJy debtm

(B) Sudry debtos plus bad debG
(q Sundry debtoGls doubtful.lebb
(o) sundry dcbbs ls bad .Lbts

13, lhestudyof FlationshiPol thc siatemenrs oi ono d.c.unh1g period

(A) Horizonral Analysis (B)

(C) Trond Aftlysis (D)

14, ro m@suF rhe.lfi.iencv wnh which rhe rsoures ot a fim hrvc b..n
.nployed de elled :
(A) Lqudityratic (B)
(c) lumove. ntios (D)

15. lf thc working capitl ofa ompany is l9rr,000dnJ :olMlrahoF2i

oi i|1 curent asFt ?
(A) a 1,50,000 {B) I 60,000 (c) l2 21,000 (D) I 1,20,000

16. The .aa(trl rrru.turd oi r .onPrny dorshrs ol { 1,00,000 Equirv shar€s, l 30 000 10%
Redecmil'lc p!.fcren.c shdrsr .nd 130,000 8t debenrufe! Whit is its ClPitrl CcarinB

(Al 166 (B) r33 (CJ 2.00 (D) lli

17. ln provh'on Drcthod oI d9rc.idft,n, fic rsct rlways aPPeas rt:

(A) Ivl.rtot Pn e (R) (irst Ptce
(c) wrirrcn r),Nn value (D) Nore ot the abov.

13, h:hich oI lhc fol!.{ing is <hown in Pbfit dnd PProPrialn'n anount I
(^) Pro!irnlr nr lnco'.e llx (B) tbvisio.lor d.l'(irtion
(c) I'ld sbn nn doubtlul \ (D) Contribution to Conolil Psefl.

19. wr elolrtd as :
rpn DoNi Vrlue ir
{ ) nrok vJlu.-D.F.i.rhn (B) ori8inal cost-S.raF uru.
(c) Bo.kVilur+Dcfrc.iirion (Ir) Non.rtheari.vo

20. I]]e n8.ftnll! cansnLRd a! prli*dal therme or:

(^) Rctcipt or ord€r (B) R1RiPt or.rsh
(c) sais (D) ro +r
21. l\!rh ol ti. folobrg F onsidcFd !o b€ rh. .PProPnat otl(iivc .f lmial ]
(^r lt.rt rvhtmisaibn P) $..llh \'I$tu*lion
(c) srl$ Ilr\inrjsdtion (D) As*l Malinierin

22. Finan.i.'l nnutjrmcnt n niirlly.omemPd wiih

(A) f_ninciJl pl,nn'n8 ind ioreasth8
(B) AcqunftiDn and iNortmut of fm&
{Cl Nl.,i.lri'ring protnabilily and liquidity
(D) ll ol lhc ibovc

23. lhc diRNnr rit. thit cLir.l.x rhe PnsPni val!. ot.ash nnbss lYnh mitiil rnv!5tmmt
rsNiaLi rvilh a Fr+.'
(\J lnhn" nt ot .du's.all"d: (B) laPal rabe.r dr{ounr
(c) ,ate.i {ru'i (D) Nonmal.air ol J klunr
ol Fturne p.r ruPe. ,nvcnerl.
(B) Tcminal rilue
(l)) Rclum on inveshcnt

25. Th€.hoic€ ot iDl'shent flol'els urder lidn.i.l .oNkrinrs of..Pilal e\Pendrtun budSct

{l )} Gpilal expendih.e o.tol

26. r,sl to th€ lim oi bejng undbl.

l he to ..!{ tircd oPtriting cost
(A) Fiiancial is! (ll) liGEq r't nsk
(c) Businssnsk (D) sYst.naLic risk

27, 'lh. EBIT level at { hich tPs is thc s.hc tworh. 31ive fimn ial plans
(A) aEak{ven point (B)
(c) Finamial BFak-*6 pojnr (D)

28. Avdage ratp of ptum is cJl.ulated fiom :

{A) Amlal Gsh flors (3)
{c) el6 (l))
2r. In whkh relhod of caPital budg€ting cash inllows aF <li<ounbd .t o,c ost or.aftdl
(^) Inteml Gte ot Plm (B) Av.a8e nre ot retum
(c) Nct Fr*nt value (D) None of ihe ahole

30. [email protected] l.rerage is 6lcuLkd by I


(c) conkibution /EBIT (o) IBIT /EPs

31. "Pmking ordd thory" is asinLd with :

(A) Dividmd dfrision (B) lnv6|nenr dFision

(c) working apibl ddsion (l)) FidftinS d{irion

32. Arbrhs€ Frcs 6 dp op€rarion.l iustafi(drion or whth or lhe forlowif,g rhoric

{A) Nettrotufisry (rt N€l op.rrlins lftome.h{ry
(c) ModisLdi dd MiUd th&ry (D) w.ll!r's ihcory

33. [Ur - EPsanalysis ic lssi.led wilh ]
(A) t'csignins crplltl slructure (B)

(() Capital Budsctirtg (D)

ie a 1,m,m0, irs ()PratinS lasage

34. ll th. Fixed.Dsl ol a

(B) 0 90 (c) l0 (D) 0 10

of retum on cquilv is Sivcn bv

GPit l Asei I'ri.i!g Model (cAl,M) th. ruqui€d FF
35, As Pcr
(A) (Dlv/Ii+8 (B) &+Br(Rn-RJ
(D) Rr+(Rn+Ri) 3,

36. l\tlin .I lhe tollor'in8 i5.oslli"

(B) l'rcfcr@e shaE
(O R.hined &hin8i {D) HquitY Shes

37. Jhc fornula for l'Iesenl V.luc i5:

(^) 1/0+4n (n) 1/0 4n (c) 1/0 ')" (r)) 1/(1:4^

33. W.ltPt/s Dividend Model is ha*ri m rhe rclationshit

(A) Earninss Pd $e (B) R t(oIEbwt}'
(c) [4uitY oP !' (D) CGt or.aPibl

39, acliP dividdd mc.ns

(A) cash Dvjdend (B) Oivldend Paid orher than cosh
((:) Arears ol dividEnJ (D) Noft of th€ above

40, Which is lhe sldt tomul. for the com?ur.rn,n ol NOPAT ?

(A) PBITO +T) (B) PBII-(lNT+T)

(q PAr-INr'(l-T) (D) PA1'+INT(I T)

41, follo{i.s is thc comPonenl ol "Pit'l mrkri 7

Which ol ih.
(A) conmed.l bill mrl.t (B) lieeurr hill narke{
ici c-"--*, **i i* *ter (D) shon ten IGn mrk't

42. 'li. tntrDdfttion ot l.iquidirt adjushcnr

("ility in lndta w'i on thc basis of tht
donmdnd.rim o{ I
(A)(:hoR.ontrittcc (B)tildnicomm'ltee
(C) Kanmn.ommittec ltr) Nargimhan
43, The jobtu is al$ knorvn as
{ ) TaravaniBala (B)
hnve th. nbiury to s{rPass rhe 6DP of lne co{ntry arc

In mortg.$ guar&te, mcaro$ficalbn oi a borowcr account as NPA.

(A) Trig8cr oant (B) GioodinS (c) Filb€!€nt (o) chunhs
Thr lem i\vaUing tEnk'- * alat€d with :

(A) Disouling (B) EactorinS

47. The eqoity asr*snent pu6s olmenes at the Fquest oJ:

(A) l$ud (B) Invesror (c) Govehmenr (D) Coui

4a. Refa.6oling .har8$ have lo b. paid in lhc ca$ of :

(A) ladorin8
Cou<tion G) FUI *dice ra.toring
(c) wilh ffiolF Gcrorhg (D) wnhout tuue ng

49. Cedific.te ot D€pcit are i${€d as Usre }'iodi$ory Nohes aith naturity rmging rtun :
(a) 7 days (E 14 days (c) 4s trdys (D) 365 datt

50. Liquidity adilstmenl lacjlily ir a rool which alows bants to lorow

noney lhiough
(A) Arbitragc (B) MaiSitul standn\g racility
{c) Margin trading (o) RePurchae agrem€nt

51. conbir
A fund lhdt th€ f€atlFs ol op.Rnded and clo@nd€d $he@ ir:
(A) lntflal tu d (Bi CreB-i\ tund
{g Dunl rund (D) 3rl .d tund
s2. Which ot 6c lollowing G not a pa* of systcnati. risk ?

(A) tuk
Marker (B) Busn6srisL
(c) Intctu3t !.le risk (D) lnrlatiorDr-a rik

53. Wiich o,lhc lollowing is be_vond thc sntrcl ot mombrt policy aulhorili6
(B) lnplensrah.n hg
(D) Rsognition lag
r?te6 ro incronr. ln lhe Mber ol ilems that a li..nqcd induty
54. "n ftulu'c
within the liconsed ranS€ of Prodrcls.
(A) fulllrne rociS (Fl BUJ bdfrtin.
(c) vcrlicll restNts (D) lioNard rinkge

55. Undd (onomtc 4vtroMeni.r .na'vsE c plJN ftc tr nrnn brs fl\ tr\ rrt!

56. II tha cconooy is altady,lo$ to tull emPllyosni' v srbsrrnhl

d6e ol go!'irrNt
-' arNbric
ii".-'r*.i *ri r""a . ai.pld.. Pnvat€ invastne.r Plans rhis i\ 'Jllcd
(A) Country rtk nPad (B) VulbPrid efiNr
(r}) -
{c) (:roNdinS out efi<t vciled qualjrv

ot L\e
57, A profitable busin€$ or govenm'nl organisrtion with iegular 'arh flow becnusc
sutrincd dennnd or PoPularilY :
(A) Btu chip P) co* (c) cilteds'd p) sr'8

53. Basel norms ,k regulatory stiPuratiols mea for :

(A) ntrk€t
Monc! P) CaPittl ma'ict
(c) larks (D) ln$rance

59. Providing permission io lsc know how bv Pareni organier&


60. EXIM Bank is owmd bt I

(A) Fully owned by cov.rn .nt or Indir

(B) covc@nt cI lndb and RBI jondY
(c) RBI anJ siab Bank ol India joinll!
{D) stdte Bank of lndia aftt ils assrnls

61. Facrorin8 meaff _
{Al l;inln irg rsainst bill5 rNilabls
{B) Finarcing hvoi€ silnoll EouFo .nly
(C) ftr$din8 anl adninislering rhe Kivabl€s of a concm
(D) colldinS rhe KeivabLs nd rcnilling t6 thr *ll.r

of int€rurt at wluch RAI is pn|ared t.r buy/ rediKunt bills ot erchange or


63, Giowth Funt is a nulual tund lhit:

(A) A$ur6 grc*rh in incone (B) s(uritics
Invesrs in tixed incon€
(c) Asurs fixed rellm (D) Invesb pnmnly in €quirid

6t. wlid ot lhe followinS roms parr ul s€ial enviloMmt I

(A) Monq supplr i. rhe scFty
(3) c.Etrm€r Fort tion
(c) cmrituhon ol rh. @nby
(o) compGition of ranily

55, FaLro^ dDr ,ffe.r .on<uhcr purcha\in8 pawtr Jnd spend'ng patlerni nale up rht
(A) DemoraPh. (B) E(onoro

66. ln the inplm€ntchur sb8t ol a proi.cL provide siart !p rinance.

(B) Me(hui banking
(c) lnv6lmmr .onpani€s (D) Vmrure Gpital
a dtinuo$ and corelant involvorent i. th€ op.ratic of rhe renlle capital
th€ v€ntuE capilal instjhlion.

68. SEBI sas elablisheJ in thc yar:

( ) 1933 (B) 1989

t/2015 l0
rfl.6 io mrrsurer ttktn bI IIBI to contDl and reButntd mo.ev suPPly

n.rk.l operariotu ft u$d as:

A whi.h:$ists ( iov€mnnl Lrodowng
(R) mcd$!. ro .ou.reia.t exllem' kenis in hrness
(c) A nt'surc to nduencr ltu balane ol Pav'nPnl! F6'hon
(D) moncrary mdslrc to ngulal€ qunnlny of m@!

71. Dorbl. .omPnrlF€nrar sY$'n $:

(,\) A.('unhg Pre.nlrr f(nl'Nved bv wholesal' 'o_oPei'tve srcFs
iD M$r0l,"8 P*"d!" follow'd bv aa'i'{ltural Feketina 'o{p"rlives
(c) KNprB Phtn al sltrk try hiiketing cnPtrdrirr
(Dl ldnnigre t srow inP$(d larieti6 nr phdurt
ol nel Pn)fil
of thc Kcr:la Co_oPe.ahvc lociclics Acl dcr ls with dhPosal
(c) 57 s7A (I)

s.rnon 72 ot the K{.la CFT'rnlive Sdicti$ A.t tltrlt

wnh :
{r\) winding uP or ri€t'6 (B) (5ftcl ion or rsistnhon
(c) Awrd on dsPutes

a siety inio fore on dre dav :

shau nol hrvc .ighr r()


to .ssist die.ondu.t.f cl(hon of a G'norativo socidv ?

robe \ounJ up if n ha5 nul cvmen.ed worLnS $ irhin

74. f6r ooF.rhve eduGiion and raininS

(c) Srite CGopaative Union
(D) Narioml Co{p€rarive Unior of Indi.

so.iely Ior its first yef ot audit :

Erempted hom ore p.j'mcnt of ludn I*

(B) N&ds to pay oily 50% of.udil fo.
(c) N€ds to pal lull audit lee
(D) Ned not audt books of a..ounG

80. 6jnor cn be a renb€r .o4perariv. *i.ty :

o{ a
{A) Fomed sclust€ll for lne b.nelil or the clildr€n
(R) Fom€d ex.hsi!€lt ror tnt b€rufiI ot th€ students oI dJ rhol or .olLcgr
(C) It he is a resid€nt *i0i. tlE aea of operation of in€ si€ty
(Dl lf he is in mcup:tion o{ land i^ the area ot operation of *p eciety

81. Anong rhe lollowing whch is not the triburdiG ol th€ Canga nrer ?

(A) Yamuna (B) cobti (c) Ravi (D) Kosi

32. Name the programme amou.ed Lr 2009 to make Indiaslln tee wilhin five yea$
(A) Rajiv Awr Yojam (B) Aan Admi Bina Yojana
(c) rndna Aw4 Yojam (D) Udyami Mika Yojana

33, wlich Acr of Briti\h in Inda {as namod 8'Bbcr Act by (]adnjji ?
(A) V€rnacrrr A.t
(g lvrhro \,Idrs Aci (r)) council A.r or 1892

34. Chooe lhe wrDnS pac

{A) Piradip - o.ise
(c) K.nd,la GDiaral (D) Tuliconn Maharaslka

2/ 2013
35. .\h.n8 rhc lollorvinS hho is notnl.l. ki rhP of 1&i7 7
1r) \rnr sihrb (B) ttm Uumi Bai
(( ) R$icri,liliu (D) Ku.{nr

36, Inlllli lnrgr$ so] Powcr I'lint in.ugarated Rcntly s situareri in whl.h state ?

(,\) Nhdhli l,taden, G) K{al.

(() Lllr lrrrlt6h (D) Bengil

37. \'!hi.i .ornkl \b th. tuurth larget Sreel produe. n m13 l

i,\) Prrshn (B) l'r.n {c) chrna (I)) Indi.

33. lht li'd Indran Wonrn singles player to Llin a m.dal .l thc l{orld llrdminht,

39. \\hirh tiln rvon rhe Oridr Award in 2014 ?

(^) llr.G.rtc.lsby (B) 12 yem a slave

(c) f'o?.n (D) Bluehtu

90- inc b({l "Tnin b Pr'njstan" rvntEn by lamors rvrilft \'ho Llid natnllt i! l
(r\) Kushr'trni s'ngh i3) vikDn *ih
((:) oesal (D) Jdved Akhrar
91. Whi1.h is rh.larSesi nfl !f(l.r the.are ot Alchacologrcal SUF€t folnd in KerJla 7

(A) tlirLia'nlort (B) st C@rse ron

(C) selar tun (D) nchunthe.g! loi

92. Itro \rd$t pas in Sahtadri k

(^) ps (B) sodinrikanoor pass
{(:) ^'t'ankaw
KiNb.n ta$

93. W1i.1' ., Ihe follosing is .ot the biburaris ol BharatlD Plzha ?

94. sinluthnisscr.lh. rul.'. dt:

(^) KozLrilode (B) Q,nri
lC) lhiruvrnanthJp{rdm (D) Kainur
95, r{tlich i6 rhB preddinant soil
P) rlkrite sDii
(E) sali'Esoil

96, Wls touxt€d hrftFl6ha

(E v-r Ahatt.rhinPP6d
{D) Fo sYil YoftnM

9r, Amdg dE folowinA who *. n l tE dildPL of rllydud Ayya ?

(B) s@ N@yd cur!
(o) q8lhdbi swani*nl

98, Th€ b@k "TMtrnent ol Ttly.r in Tr.vftoFa i6 wrtften bY :

(E) Dr'PllPu
(D) K€tavs As
9t. Ahdg rhe toilNhg rhich 13 lot 0E mrt ol Bhtd@nd. swann Sivayogi ?

(A) sir.t%a RinasYd (B) Alanda Ktwn

(c) AMrla Gdm (D) |(..niruF Kiml,u

o. r4tb aharyed hit |raft nd 'Modkhudd P6'Nur-6 -Mliiu Kunt'dle !o t'l*tE

(A) chrdanPi Sw,nildl
(Cr) vailurda swanl,l

2/2015 t4

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