Tes GR VB Electrical 2013 Paper

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u_ ISGI:<UaL'<G
"- n
Gn4o \'fBii>oplooot
foil , _ - :<>a
rtme - Tlft!C' bri:lc;;3

Tbc ~ m b- -.p ~ WI am'·.-'

~ illr':" ~ to IJ\C d!lci: 21::1i:P"t:'!o -
the;: 'V"o'ft ~ • r. q ~

GROl"P - ' ~~·~·

~..'CfoJ1 conti •
Eact. :.ca. c:w:-.;a. 6 ltn) "*"-

...,.. tl 7QU dkCt ! Sta tt5

brJaa> \ISC of o 9JT •

CQCila.;a c:;:t..::cr- ~
U:K fer. ~

apllfr< m.'lq;

3 Ghtlhc ci=it dlqr1m or •""' ,... tiller-

• A boact) o! ll;l ~ , _ Ia diocbq<
- ol 10 """"- ''"" - il ..... ,
II . N1.r ...... .._ • .. 06 ' •d ......
~ • - - . . woDIP a tr'td•

12. Wt1y oon1mlllll<111 an! t.tJed If! D.C o\8Chinc:t 111111

_ _,ACert 11
1'3 r·
• ' IIlii Lnl~ilct lnllsfoonntion ~ran 1.111•t
. 1·mm•J!te
,.- •
t.t. '1\o.'? indti(Aoo, of induc1811CC.. J., art connc(;!ed ir•
scncs. If lhc «!Ui\·~leot induct:11lCC i!i 2'$[.• [i.fld
Dlll \he value t>f coupling co-c:Jficicnt.

IS. l~W a~ IU.C cin:uil. lind out tbi: rc:;onanoc

fn:ctuency 1md band width.

GROU11 - 8
An~wer ull the qucstiOC'IS·
l~b ques.tion is having four alternllti'\•i:S. Sclec'
nnd write <I~W>·n the c~ 11nswc:1 in am·w er

I. Unit of ill<lti(UI;nee. h
{I) ()Inn (b) Colun'lb

(c) 1-!tQO' (d) F.,.d

(a) i cv' jol.!Je (b) CV: joo1t

cv . k
T JOU (d) CV joule
, . lf'le cu:m:nl
3, In n pu:e ~,;npm:frivc M c•f'Q.l11·
(t) I~ behind the: '"'ftngc
(b) lend$ the vutnage
(e) rc:FU~in is phll!IC \\i lh ,,,l:lng<:
:tfl \'OI Iil&C
{d) rtmnin 181)1) <~Ill of pb3~ \\ I

"· the RMS \•alue of thi:- funclll)fl

. r... 10 sinwl is.
~w.l 10
(•)7 (b) 10
(d) 6"37

S. L:tpi<JQC trnmfommlion ill 11

{,V Con!:j!lex fn:q!JQ'Icy tr.st~.Jfottn3lioo

(b) Pure in~i•*Y fr<que"'y trnnsfomtalion

(c) Di:;erct~ frequntc)' tnm~f(lrnUlion

(d) None of the: nOOve

6. PnroiJel eombbwioo ('If 1wo rt$i5taacc.s R, and

R;. is «j~t~.l c.,

R, •Jl1

(d) R, , R,

(") .Y. v
c (b) iC
(t) ~
c (d) ~

9. nmc OOflRIMl of~ RL elrcuil is

(a) l R (b) Ji:i.
R \d)- •

I(), ~~2SC diffcrena: ixlWl:CI~ primnry emf and

sClOOJ1dazy emf in fl llinelc plltic trunsf(lmtct rt
(n) 270 degree (b) 0 olc-
(.::) 90 dcg.rce (d) 180 olc!lf"'

{Turn l:rv<:r
... qoont!IY 1
II --h-iiCit l

(~) Elcc"lc l'""niliil (V)


(C) ~ l'odd --1)' (II)

C•) ' I I . . . .....

(b) Alii.() IJ'IIntronner

(c) s.q,..., _,.....,

13, Whitt~ or1hc following dcnw:n1s block IJ.f: In


c~ 7

(\} ......
(C) PW junCiloo dlock

14. A lh)'rlmr -hb 0( )oocoioo

(I) " ' (\) , .

(c) l'l>l'N (d) I'Nl'NJ>
1211'1VrEs1E-IWOlYil l'l
,__,, __""_
IS. Under-.,..
. · """
ttonal eten1l'tlt
(a) Oiod. 1
til dtmen1 I' m• unidin:~

(c) Ctpacii.CIC' ,.,_

(b) ~'""
16. Whith ~
klrquc ?.,.. or lnOlor doc-. ... ,._ _.,.._..
(a] l·ph hldO<tioft ....,
(b) 0 · C Rties 1n"'llf
l<l D.c...,._
(d) Synehronoua II)Olor

(a) Oamrlng n.tc«

I (h]Pokliooe
(e) Rise 1hne
I (ol)l'di-

1... i.Jtn OFI'

ON.Qff - If T.. ;, ON - ... T.o
dmc. lbr:'n dl.lly qc.:k 1• cquul 1.o

I) !... (b) !c.

~ T,. r.
r. (d) T
.q :
(c) 'r.._ ~ T.., • •
1 ~1VV(DYil
19. lo 11 IUgh l,_o filter
(a) n:.ln lJ Juw .l high frequc:nC)'
(b) Ualn il hil!l> 01 '"Ill> li<qUei1<Y
(c) Gain bo low '" low licqucDCY
(d) (iain b ••., .. low licqucDCY

20. Mttcrial used ror tnn!Ustor is

(a) S<m1 conduotor
(b) Super cclfld•.ctor
(c) COIUiuclor
(d) ln!iUIAior

21. MuldvibrMcw iJ •
(a) Sine ,...,,. _ . ,
(b)s.,- ..... _ _
(c) PulocT~>~n-
(d) Trialllli1M "'"~ gcncnnor

22. For M Ideal OI'AMP

(a) Oulpul impcdwe is infinite
(b) Outpu' impcdaooe is fuUte
(c) lnpol lmp<d"""" is infioilc
(d) · - lmpedlnc< ;, futile
12JTRII"eYe.IIN(li~IJ (I)
l3. fietd Etl"eet transts-<Or is a

(a) VCVS fVolta&e: eomrolled , ·oltage SOU.."'Gt)

(b) cccs rcu.'it:!'l\ COiltrol!ed ~ur.ent ,wu.-ee)

(c) CCVS (Curre~n «!C'nrolled \'Ohage: W\1.f'C.t)

(d) VCCS C'«>ltgae CCXItro.Utd eur:ent sourc-e)

24. In a Thyristor, pulse is given ~o

(a) Gate temUnal
(b) Anode te.-mil\JII
(c) Calbod terminal

(d) Nooe or the above

. ptOVI.ded in elec:trical installation

25. Type of earthmg
(a) Pipe earthing
(b) Plote earthing
(o) Strip eanh;ng
(d) All the .oove

tlffR!l'ESIE-JW(B)/13 (9)
2fi 11w1 mlnlntuM viM of ~ aftt'f" which

..,_ ... at< io coiled

C')C I,.-
fo)f ...... -

(<)1 ...... -

(d) DiopiO«mllll -

27,' FO< o O,C ola»nl

(a} RM8 v•lue it paler lhatl •'•eraac vaft~ll
(1>) 1\M$ vaho< It 00.. ""' .,.,.. ,,....
(<)A_ _ _ _ _ IUol$_

(d) A_ _ _.AMS,_..,_

fo'lliclo~~P< et ... ?- - - -...-

1L cum:MC~Il

(I) ~,., 10 llno .,...,. r.wo

(b) l ~pllt.te 11hun clreuit
(c) Uno 10 Unc huh
(d) ...... 10 . - liolo


L .x......, ......_
29, linear \'arinbk cUm
~lllal (r.eos(onucr mwura
(a) Vt:IO(:ily
(cl) Smoll .s..,.......
30· \\1Qth or tlloC following SUIIcmenu. is Cli.JI'R'CI 1

(1) Steo!Wiary ar II Wm:m lnUI.!Ifonncr r;hoold

I'Cinl.lil'l AIWU)'f g.I.Jrt\.-d

(b) Prill111t)' or a eumrn tra11$f'onncr should

•l"liY• be •hantd

- I---
s_,. of a

(cl) Sc<•o•y oi
,.....ial olloulcl ,...,. b<

31. A ourrml ~1) • S siJJW1 b passed ~ I

~ fllllflel movina roi1 insi:I'Umenl, Tbc
read~ In lhc lnttnll'IICIII will be

(1) S Ampo (b) 0 Amps

(c) J·s 1\mpo (d) J Ami>'

J2/Tl<ll<SIE4' V(BYU (II) rr......

C•l V A II
(h) \ All

\<) \' Alii

(d) V A o II

33. ( 'lh) ~~~

(<) llolb types of lix....,;,g

(d) Hale o f -

34. 11~ m1nlmum value of a ql.lM!ity measured by

IUl ins~rumc.u is caned

(a) Sen•ltlvhy

(b) ACCtttl>C)'

(<) P.-..,..r ......

;s. 'Tl.e intem.,"'] •
l't.'~ISl~llCC or R V~thmctCT l)hOu\d be
(a) V.ry low
(b) Very high
(c) D1.-pcndtnl un f'fl.t\ge of voltmet<:r
(d) None of lhe above

~6. A.C Tec:ho.gcnerator gives volla&C output

proponi on~tc to
(a) 1\PM input
(b) A<;cclenttioL' input
(c) Input <:um:Jlt
(d) tnput voltage

•3 7. A galvanometer bas
(:t) Air friction damping
(b) Spring <Otltrolled damping
(c) Eddy <ureru damping
(d) Fluid friction damping

38. A flip Oop is a

(a) MOD 4 counter
(b) MOD 8 counter
(c) MOD 16 count<:r
(d) MOD 2 counter

12/I1VTESJE-nN(B)IB (13) (Tum over

A!:!S'I,.e !Ill ~ q~
i.adl question ci:Ties 6 rsi.x) m..:rrki
A bit~·~ rcaifi.~ UJCS a diode ~ith 300 ~
l. m!Rnce. If !he A.C i:IP'It is 200V CkMSJ &.;d
1* !s J200 00m. Ql!culate !he ~e lQ;!S
\-al~ of load cum:n.

2. A ..,;, i"'i= ~>o.;,g 120 oi>m -

td &&:it factor 2 is ~ ill series t;~.iQ
llf>ollm "'"'-< """' 12V O.C suwfl'
C~aot!!e W ditrc:reace "oltaet across the s:n.ia
P~~gto wl:b oo ~ ~lied <lOQctixioo lad
140 N!Sq,cm ~ ~lftG OOndltion. YCP.IO.(l
Modu~ is 2tlOOQo ~1..
12/l'R.fr"'"cSJE.Il!VfBYJl (IC)
1\ lu111l clrn\\·~ 20() W;ut teal i'KIWU t'ton\ a source
111 (U\ JlClwc r f~tctor lnt;~;ing. Whal ts the value
t•f ren\!livc fM)Wt:r drown 1

l:lud n ul tho vuluc of maximum powct thn1 ~

ll V<•h O.t ~ourc«; wilh internal resistance \ ) f
2 ul'un Qnn ~upply to a JCsistivc \(l:u.t

1. CnlculnH: cminer c:;um:·n l in u tnmsi~'1.or fclr which

bttSC current is 20 millilm1ps nnd curn.:.nt
IIPI)Iili~.:ulion fin~tor i:;. cqunl lo 50.

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