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Articles in English Grammar

What Are Articles?
Articles are words that define a noun as specific or unspecific. Consider the following examples:
EXAMPLE: After the long day, the cup of tea tasted particularly good.

By using the article the, we’ve shown that it was one specific day that was long and one specific cup of
tea that tasted good.

EXAMPLE: After a long day, a cup of tea tastes particularly good.

By using the article a, we’ve created a general statement, implying that any cup of tea would taste good
after any long day.

English has two types of articles: definite and indefinite. Let’s discuss them now in more detail.

The Definite Article

The definite article is the word the. It limits the meaning of a noun to one particular thing. For example,
your friend might ask, “Are you going to the party this weekend?” The definite article tells you that your
friend is referring to a specific party that both of you know about.
The definite article can be used with singular, plural, or uncountable nouns.
Below are some examples of the definite article the used in context:
Please give me the hammer.
Please give me the red hammer; the blue one is too small.
Please give me the nail.
Please give me the large nail; it’s the only one strong enough to hold this painting.
Please give me the hammer and the nail.

The Indefinite Article

The indefinite article takes two forms. It’s the word a when it precedes a word that begins with a
consonant. It’s the word an when it precedes a word that begins with a vowel. The indefinite
article indicates that a noun refers to a general idea rather than a particular thing. For example, you
might ask your friend, “Should I bring a gift to the party?” Your friend will understand that you are not
asking about a specific type of gift or a specific item. “I am going to bring an apple pie,” your friend tells
you. Again, the indefinite article indicates that she is not talking about a specific apple pie. Your friend
probably doesn’t even have any pie yet. The indefinite article only appears with singular nouns.
Consider the following examples of indefinite articles used in context:
Please hand me a book; any book will do.
Please hand me an autobiography; any autobiography will do.

Exceptions: Choosing A or An
There are a few exceptions to the general rule of using a before words that start with consonants
and an before words that begin with vowels. The first letter of the word honor, for example, is a


Articles in English Grammar

consonant, but it’s unpronounced. In spite of its spelling, the word honor begins with a vowel sound.
Therefore, we use an. Consider the example sentence below for an illustration of this concept.
Incorrect: My mother is a honest woman.
Correct: My mother is an honest woman.
Similarly, when the first letter of a word is a vowel but is pronounced with a consonant sound, use a, as
in the sample sentence below:
Incorrect: She is an United States senator.
Correct: She is a United States senator.
This holds true with acronyms and initialisms, too: an LCD display, a UK-based company, an HR
department, a URL.

Article Before an Adjective

Sometimes an article modifies a noun that is also modified by an adjective. The usual word order is
article + adjective + noun. If the article is indefinite, choose a or anbased on the word that immediately
follows it. Consider the following examples for reference:
Correct: Eliza will bring a small gift to Sophie’s party.
Correct: I heard an interesting story yesterday.

Indefinite Articles with Uncountable Nouns

Uncountable nouns are nouns that are either difficult or impossible to count. Uncountable nouns include
intangible things (e.g., information, air), liquids (e.g., milk, wine), and things that are too large or
numerous to count (e.g., equipment, sand, wood). Because these things can’t be counted, you should
never use a or anwith them—remember, the indefinite article is only for singular nouns. Uncountable
nouns can be modified by words like some, however. Consider the examples below for reference:
Incorrect: Please give me a water.
Water is an uncountable noun and should not be used with the indefinite article.
Correct: Please give me some water.
However, if you describe the water in terms of countable units (like bottles), you can use the indefinite
Correct: Please give me a bottle of water.
Incorrect: Please give me an ice.
Correct: Please give me an ice cube.
Correct: Please give me some ice .
Note that depending on the context, some nouns can be countable or uncountable (e.g., hair, noise,
Correct: We need a light in this room.
Correct: We need some light in this room.

Using Articles with Pronouns

Possessive pronouns can help identify whether you’re talking about specific or nonspecific items. As
we’ve seen, articles also indicate specificity. But if you use both a possessive pronoun and an article at
the same time, readers will become confused. Possessive pronouns are words like his, my, our, its,
her, and their. Articles should not be used with pronouns. Consider the examples below.


Articles in English Grammar

Incorrect: Why are you reading the my book?

The and my should not be used together since they are both meant to modify the same noun. Instead,
you should use one or the other, depending on the intended meaning:
Correct: Why are you reading the book?
Correct: Why are you reading my book?

Omission of Articles
Occasionally, articles are omitted altogether before certain nouns. In these cases, the article is implied
but not actually present. This implied article is sometimes called a “zero article.” Often, the article is
omitted before nouns that refer to abstract ideas. Look at the following examples:
Incorrect: Let’s go out for a dinner tonight.
Correct: Let’s go out for dinner tonight.
Incorrect: The creativity is a valuable quality in children.
Correct: Creativity is a valuable quality in children.
Many languages and nationalities are not preceded by an article. Consider the example below:
Incorrect: I studied the French in high school for four years.
Correct: I studied French in high school for four years.
Sports and academic subjects do not require articles. See the sentences below for reference:
Incorrect: I like to play the baseball.
Correct: I like to play baseball .
Incorrect: My sister was always good at the math .
Correct: My sister was always good at math .

Use 'A' before a word which begins with a consonant sound.

a man a movie a school a city

a pen a star a shoe a teacher
a boy a bike a bottle a website
a car a student a mouse a dollar
a fish a watch a tiger a machine
a house a computer a camera a game

Use 'AN' before a word which begins with a vowel sound

an umbrella an American an ice-cream

an elephant an automobile an ambulance
an actor an airplane an offer
an emergency an ant an equipment


Articles in English Grammar

Complete the following sentences using appropriate articles.
In some cases, no articles are needed.
1. ………………….. man is mortal.
2. I am …………………. university student.
3. She goes to the temple in ……………….. mornings.
4. Kiran is …………………. best student in the class.
5. ………………….. camel is the ship of the desert.
6. This book has won ………………….. Booker prize.
7. Harishchandra was …………………. honest king.
8. I am fond of ………………. classical music.
9. I met ..................... boy in the store.
10. Gold is ....................... precious metal.
11. She returned after ………………….. hour.
12. There is ..................... . institution for ....................... blind in this city.

1. Man is mortal. (No article is needed.)
2. I am a university student.
3. She goes to temple in the mornings.
4. Kiran is the best student in the class.
5. The camel is the ship of the desert.
6. This book has won the Booker prize.
7. Harishchandra was an honest king.
8. I am fond of classical music. (No article is needed.)
9. I met a boy in the store.
10. Gold is a precious metal.
11. She returned after an hour.
12. There is an institution for the blind in this city.

Fill in: The, a, an or --- (leave blank)

1. I have just had __________ great idea.
2. Columbus was one of __________ first people to cross __________ Atlantic.
3. __________ British drink too much tea.
4. __________ Thames flows into __________ North Sea.
5. Judith earns € 2000 __________ month.
6. Dancing is __________ more interesting activity than reading.
7. As __________ captain of __________ ship I have __________ complete authority.
8. __________ people we met on __________ holiday in __________ north of England came from __________ USA.
9. What’s on __________ TV today?

10. He was doing eighty miles __________ hour on __________ motorway.

11. How many hours do you work on __________ average?
12. You are __________ first to reach the top.
13. The people who live in __________ Netherlands are called __________ Dutch. 14. The burglar hit me on __________ back
of my neck.
15. __________ Football is his whole life.
16. I try to go for __________ run four times __________ week.
17. Did you read __________ book I gave you?
18. Sally went to __________ prison to visit her husband.
19. This is __________ only cinema in the area.


Articles in English Grammar

20. __________ People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw __________ stones.
21. Do you go to __________ church on Sundays?
22. This is __________ man I told you about.
23. This is exactly __________ job I was looking for.
24. __________ Trafalgar Square is near __________ Charing Cross Station.
25. __________ little knowledge is __________ dangerous thing.
26. __________ Philosophers seem to think that life is __________ mystery.
27. I need time to think about __________ offer you made.
28. I can’t play __________ piano but I can play __________ guitar.
29. There was __________ time when I enjoyed __________ skating.
30. The worst part of living in a tent is __________ lack of space.
31. __________ most cars start badly on __________ cold mornings.
32. __________ Prime Minister will give a speech this afternoon.
33. __________ Tower of London is one of __________ main attractions of London.
34. I haven’t been to __________ concert like that before.
35. I was in __________ pain after I twisted my ankle.
36. Of all these cars I prefer __________ Japanese one.
37. Neil Armstrong made __________ first footprint on __________ moon.
38. Where are __________ scissors you borrowed last week?
39. It’s __________ long way by train to __________ south of France.
40. __________ French drink a lot of wine.

1. I have just had a great idea.
2. Columbus was one of the first people to cross the Atlantic.
3. The British drink too much tea.
4. The Thames flows into the North Sea.
5. Judith earns € 2000 a month.
6. Dancing is a more interesting activity than reading.
7. As captain of the ship I have complete authority.
8. The people we met on holiday in the north of England came from the USA.
9. What’s on TV today?
10. He was doing eighty miles an hour on the motorway.
11. How many hours do you work on average?
12. You are the first to reach the top.
13. The people who live in the Netherlands are called the Dutch.
14. The burglar hit me on the back of my neck.
15. Football is his whole life.
16. I try to go for a run four times a week.
17. Did you read the book I gave you?
18. Sally went to the prison to visit her husband.
19. This is the only cinema in the area.
20. People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.
21. Do you go to church on Sundays?
22. This is the man I told you about.
23. This is exactly the job I was looking for.
24. Trafalgar Square is near Charing Cross Station.
25. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
26. Philosophers seem to think that life is a mystery.


Articles in English Grammar

27. I need time to think about the offer you made.

28. I can’t play the piano but I can play the guitar.
29. There was a time when I enjoyed skating.
30. The worst part of living in a tent is the lack of space.
31. Most cars start badly on cold mornings.
32. The Prime Minister will give a speech this afternoon.
33. The Tower of London is one of the main attractions of London.
34. I haven’t been to a concert like that before.
35. I was in pain after I twisted my ankle.
36. Of all these cars I prefer a Japanese one.
37. Neil Armstrong made the first footprint on the moon.
38. Where are the scissors you borrowed last week?
39. It’s a long way by train to the south of France.
40. The French drink a lot of wine.

Fill in an article (THE, A, AN) where necessary – or leave blank !

1. Teachers are like weather, one minute they’re good, other they’re bad.
2. Jake took out beer opened it and drank cold beer from bottle.
beer always tasted better from bottle.
3. She is on diet, so she ordered calorie-free dinner.
4. We’d like to have wedding in early fall, in early October if possible.
5. Emma’s eyes rested on letter. Here was opportunity she had been waiting for.
6. The plane was climbing up through sky.
7. My grandmother was true original. Strong of character, she ruled our family with
iron hand.
8. Maxim was at centre of her thoughts.
9. Winston Churchill, former Prime Minister of England, went to Harrow.
10. Marmalade is usually made from oranges.
11. I live in apartment, which is brand new.
12. Royals is a serial which portraits life of members of Royal family in
United Kingdom.
13. It was cold Saturday morning at beginning of month.
14. It had rained earlier in the day and as Maggie left the house she lifted her eyes towards
15. I arrived I USA last Monday. We left Rome, flew over Alps and made a
quick stop in London.
16. Before we landed at JFK airport, we saw Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island and
Empire State building.
17. Most children like sweets.
18. Jane’s husband got home early from work.
19. Last year we visited St. Paul’s Cathedral and Tower of London.
20. Our friends, Millers, moved to Florida last summer.
21. Our children go to school by bus.


Articles in English Grammar

22. She likes Indian tea but she doesn’t like tea that comes from Ceylon.
23. President of the United States is giving a speech tonight.
24. The two countries reached peace after a long, disastrous war.
25. We needed house to live in when we were in London.
26. Elephants are intelligent animals.
27. This is a book on Irish history.
28. She had laughing eyes and most charming mouth.
29. I’ll book sleeper on Geneva-Paris train tomorrow,
30. I’m tired. I think I’ll be going to bed.
31. We need to be at airport in hour.
32. Their car does over a hundred miles hour.
33. Carol’s father works as electrician.
34. Milk is rich in nutrients.
35. Money is one of most important things in life.
36. Dogs make wonderful pets.
37. Do you happen to know who invented camera?

1. Teachers are like THE weather, one minute they’re good, THE other they’re bad.
2. Jake took out A beer opened it and drank THE cold beer from THE bottle. A beer always tasted better from
THE bottle.
3. She is on diet, so she ordered A calorie-free dinner.
4. We’d like to have THE wedding in early fall, in early October if possible.
5. Emma’s eyes rested on THE letter. Here was THE opportunity she had been waiting for.
6. The plane was climbing up through THE sky.
7. My grandmother was A true original. Strong of character, she ruled our family with AN iron hand.
8. Maxim was at THE centre of her thoughts.
9. Winston Churchill, THE former Prime Minister of England, went to Harrow.
10. Marmalade is usually made from oranges.
11. I live in AN apartment, which is brand new.
12. THE Royals is a serial which portraits THE life of THE members of THE Royal family in THE United
13. It was A cold Saturday morning at THE beginning of THE month.
14. It had rained earlier in the day and as Maggie left the house she lifted her eyes towards THE sky.
15. I arrived in THE USA last Monday. We left Rome, flew over THE Alps and made a quick stop in
16. Before we landed at JFK airport, we saw THE Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island and THE Empire State
17. Most children like sweets.
18. Jane’s husband got home early from work.
19. Last year we visited St. Paul’s Cathedral and THE Tower of London.


Articles in English Grammar

20. Our friends, the Millers, moved to Florida last summer.

21. Our children go to school by bus.
22. She likes Indian tea but she doesn’t like THE tea that comes from Ceylon.
23. THE President of THE United States is giving a speech tonight.
24. The two countries reached peace after a long, disastrous war.
25. We needed A house to live in when we were in London.
26. Elephants are intelligent animals.
27. This is a book on Irish history.
28. She had laughing eyes and A most charming mouth.
29. I’ll book A sleeper on THE Geneva-Paris train tomorrow,
30. I’m tired. I think I’ll be going to bed.
31. We need to be at THE airport in AN hour.
32. Their car does over a hundred miles AN hour.
33. Carol’s father works as AN electrician.
34. Milk is rich in nutrients.
35. Money is one of THE most important things in life.
36. Dogs make wonderful pets.
37. Do you happen to know who invented THE camera?

Fill in the correct article (A , AN or THE) where necessary – or leave blank !

1. _____________ modern life is stressful.

2. What’s _____________ capital of your country?

3. _____________ doctor earns more than _____________ teacher.

4. Do you know who invented _____________ computer ?

5. Have you seen _____________ newspaper? I can’t find it anywhere.

6. Is this _____________ first time you’ve stayed at _____________ Hilton ?

7. Is _____________ Nile or _____________ Amazon _____________ longest river on

_____________ earth ?

8. Several million visitors _____________ year are attracted to _____________ ski slopes of _____________ Alps.

9. I’ll meet you outside _____________ post office. I’ll be there in _____________ quarter of _____________ hour.

10. _____________ young people tend to think that _____________ life was more difficult in
_____________ past.

11. In my opinion _____________ education should be free.

12. _____________ education I got at _____________ school was excellent.


Articles in English Grammar

13. In some cities, _____________ cars have been banned from the centre.

14. I went to _____________ Buckingham Palace today. It was great.

15. I took _____________ train to London and then _____________ underground to

_____________Victoria Station. It’s _____________ short walk from there.

16. Would you like to come with us to see _____________ Titanic at the cinema tomorrow?

17. I had _____________ experience at work today.

18. The car sped past at 100 miles _____________ hour.

19. _____________ Mount Everest is the highest mountain in _____________ wold.

20. _____________ Middle East is one of the world’s hot spots.

21. We lived in _____________ Netherlands before moving here.

22. If you ever go to London you must see _____________ Tower of London and _____________ Tate

23. We noticed _____________ strong smell coming from _____________ refrigerator.

24. She lives in _____________ England, which is part of _____________ UK.

25. After his wife’s death he left _____________ home and joined _____________ army.

26. He should have called me _____________ hour ago.

27. They visited grandmother in _____________ hospital.

28. _____________ history is an interesting subject, but what I like most is _____________ history of
the United States.

29. The Browns often watch _____________ television in the evening.

30. Munich lies in _____________ south of Germany.


1. --- modern life is stressful.

2. What’s the capital of your country?

3. A doctor earns more than a teacher.

4. Do you know who invented the computer ?

5. Have you seen the newspaper? I can’t find it anywhere.

6. Is this the first time you’ve stayed at the Hilton ?


Articles in English Grammar

7. Is the Nile or the Amazon the longest river on --- earth ?

8. Several million visitors a year are attracted to the ski slopes of the Alps.

9. I’ll meet you outside the post office. I’ll be there in a quarter of an hour.

10. --- young people tend to think that --- life was more difficult in the past.

11. In my opinion --- education should be free.

12. The education I got at --- school was excellent.

13. In some cities, --- cars have been banned from the centre.

14. I went to --- Buckingham Palace today. It was great.

15. I took the train to London and then the underground to --- Victoria Station. It’s a short walk from

16. Would you like to come with us to see --- Titanic at the cinema tomorrow?

17. I had a bad experience at work today.

18. The car sped past at 100 miles an hour.

19. --- Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

20. --- Middle East is one of the world’s hot spots.

21. We lived in the Netherlands before moving here.

22. If you ever go to London you must see the Tower of London and --- Tate Gallery.

23. We noticed a strong smell coming from the refrigerator.

24. She lives in --- England, which is part of the UK.

25. After his wife’s death he left --- home and joined the army.

26. He should have called me an hour ago.

27. They visited grandmother in the hospital.

28. --- history is an interesting subject, but what I like most is the history of the United States.

29. The Browns often watch --- television in the evening.

30. Munich lies in the south of Germany.


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