Summary of Sport Participation Indicators

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Briefing Note: Explanation of the different sport participation indicators


There are currently a number of key Government sport participation indicators which exist
in the sporting landscape, and which are being measured by Sport England’s Active
People Survey. This note seeks to explain the rationale for these indicators, and the
definitions of each.

Sport England’s Active People Survey is a national participation survey of participation in

sport and physical recreation of adults (age 16 years and over) in England carried out by
Ipsos MORI on behalf of Sport England. The first year of the survey (Active People Survey
1) was completed between mid October 2005 and mid October 2006, Active People
Survey 2 was undertaken between mid October 2007 and mid October 2008 and Active
People Survey 3 was conducted between mid October 2008 and mid October 2009. Ipsos
MORI are contracted to collect data until October 2010 (completing Active People Survey

The participation indicators that Sport England publishes from the Active People

1) The ‘One Million sport participation indicator’: Sport England’s strategic target
and The Olympic Legacy Action Plan.

Sport England launched its 2008-2011 strategy in June 2008. The overarching aim is the
creation of a world class community sport system in England, underpinned by the three
strategic outcomes of ‘grow’, ‘sustain’ and ‘excel’.

Within the ‘grow’ outcome, Sport England is committed to delivering one million people
doing more sport by 2012/13. Sport England’s one million target, ‘The One Million Sport
Indicator’ is measured by Sport England’s Active People Survey. It has a narrower focus
of activities (than specified for KPI 1 (3x30 minutes) and NI8), which reflects Sport
England’s sport-focused strategy.

Overall the ‘one million sport indicator’ measures the percentage of the adult population
participating in at least 30 minutes of sport, at least moderate intensity at least 3 times a

The ‘one million sport indicator’ does not include recreational walking or recreational
cycling (as KPI 1 and the NI8 indicators do – see below). In recognition that there will be
elements of cycling and walking that should be counted as ‘sport’, this indicator does
include cycling if done at least once a week, moderate intensity for 30 minutes but does
not include cycling done primarily for travel purposes. It also includes the following more
organised and intense/strenuous walking activities: Backpacking, Hill trekking, Cliff
Walking, Gorge Walking, Hill walking, Rambling, Power walking and sport ‘walking’.

As with NI8 (described below), the ‘one million sport indicator’ does include adults aged 65
and over, who have participated in yoga, pilates, indoor and outdoor bowls, archery and
croquet. These activities are defined as light intensity but in recognition that these sports

place a degree of physical demand on older participants, they are assumed to be
moderate intensity for people age 65 and over.
Appendix A outlines the sports which are included in the ‘one million sport indicator’.
The overall Government target, as set out in the DCMS The Legacy Action Plan is to
increase by two million the number of people doing more sport and being more physically
active by 2012-13. Of this two million, one million will be via people doing more sport (the
‘one million sport indicator’ defined above). This means that Sport England is responsible
for getting one million people doing more sport by 2012-13. Many departments including
the Department of Health (DH), the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS),
Communities and Local Government (CLG), the Department for Transport (DfT), the
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), and Department for Work
and Pensions (DWP), have a role to play in getting the nation more active, and they are
working together to coordinate and drive action to achieve the wider target of two million
people being more active.

Pivotal to Sport England’s 2008-11 strategy is the commissioning of National Governing

Bodies of Sport (NGBs) to deliver ‘grow’, ‘sustain’ and ‘excel’ outcomes by Sport England.
NGBs will contribute to this narrower sport indicator by meeting targets in their 2009-2013
Plans, based on growing participation in their sport. Each NGB has set growth targets to
increase the ‘once a week’ participation rates in their sport. The growth targets across
sports contribute to the overall target of sport three times a week as set out in the ‘one
million sport indicator’. In addition, nine sports have targets to reduce the drop off in
participation among 16-18 year olds.

2) KPI 1: ‘3x30’ Sport and active recreation participation indicator

The Framework for Sport in England, published by Sport England in 2004, outlined the
national strategy for sport in England. The aim of the strategy was to change the culture of
sport and physical activity in England in order to increase participation across all social

As a result of widespread consultation, the Framework for Sport in England defined sport's
"larger contribution" to the overall five days a week physical activity target as 30 minutes
of moderate intensity sport and active recreation on at least three days a week (12
days out of the previous 28 days), including recreational walking and recreational

This interpretation was endorsed by the DCMS and supported by the Treasury through the
Public Service Agreement (DCMS PSA 3) for 2005-08. It formed the basis of discussions
with the Audit Commission on the sporting key indicator within the CPA Culture Service
Block, where 3 x 30 minutes of moderate intensity sport and active recreation on three
days each week was adopted as the "participation KPI" for single tier authorities in 2006.
The last year this indicator will be reported for CPA is 2008/9.

The definition of the 3x30 participation indicator, ‘KPI1’ is: The percentage of the adult
population participating in at least 30 minutes of sport and active recreation (including
recreational walking and cycling) of at least moderate intensity on at least 3 days a week.

This indicator does not include ‘active travel’ or the wider spectrum of physical activity
such as gardening, DIY, housework etc. KPI1 measures sport and active recreation’s
contribution to the overall 5x30 aspiration. There are other exclusions such as bird
watching, watching sport and board games, as these are not considered to be sport and
active recreation.
Throughout Active People Surveys 2, 3 and 4, Sport England is maintaining measurement
and key reporting of KPI1. It remains an important overall indicator of sport and active
recreation at national, regional and sub-regional level, and the ability to track this indicator
over time and to benchmark geographically is both useful and important.

3) The National Indicator Set: NI8

The national indicator set has been derived from Public Service Agreements (PSAs) and the
Departmental Strategic Objectives (DSOs) of the Comprehensive Spending Review 2008-11,
providing a statement of the Government’s priorities for delivery by local government and its
partners over the next three years.

The National Indicator Set are the only indicators on which central government is able to set
targets for local government. Additionally they are the only measures against which Government
can agree improvement targets with a local authority or partnership through the LAA, and the
only trigger for performance management by central government.

The national indicator set for local authorities was announced in October 2007. National
Indicator 8 (NI8: sport and active recreation) is the indicator for sport and active
recreation and it is being measured by Sport England’s Active People Survey. It supports
PSA21 – cohesive, active and empowered communities.

The definition for NI8 is: the percentage of the adult population in a local area who
participate in sport and active recreation, at moderate intensity, for at least 30 minutes on
at least 12 days out of the last 4 weeks (equivalent to 30 minutes on 3 or more days a

Measurement of NI8 is largely based on the same range of sport and active recreational
activities as included in KPI1 (described above) and measures participation in moderate
intensity sport and active recreation among adults aged 16 and over.

The only thing which makes NI8 different to KPI1 is that NI8 includes five light intensity
sports for those aged 65 and over. These sports are: yoga, pilates, indoor and outdoor
bowls, archery and croquet. These have been included in NI8 on the basis that these light
intensity sports place a degree of physical demand on older participants in recognition of
the health benefits for that age group. The five sports listed above are therefore
considered ‘moderate intensity’ for people age 65 and over.

In summary, the only key difference between NI8 and KPI1 (described above), is that NI8
includes the above five light intensity activities for people aged over 65. NI8 therefore
encompasses the widest definition of the three indicators referenced in this briefing note.

For further information on NI8, visit the Sport England website and the Communities &
Local Government website.


The above sport participation indicators have been established to support performance
frameworks aligned to the prevailing Government policy and strategic direction. They all
require different definitions of participation in terms of what is included within the indicator,
as highlighted above.

These indicators have been defined to be relevant to current policy frameworks and
strategies. Sport England’s Active People Survey is in place to service these key
frameworks and will report on all three indicators as appropriate.
The table below broadly summarises what is included and excluded from each of the three
indicators described in this paper.

For more information, contact [email protected]

Sport England Research Team, Updated December 2009.

Activities from the Active People Survey included within KPI 1, National Indicator 8 (NI8) and the ‘One million sport indicator’.

Summary Sport and Active Walking Cycling Activities included

Recreation 1 only for people
aged 65 and over 2
KPI 1 Participation 3 days a week, 30 minutes
moderate intensity sport
9 9 recreational walking 3 9 recreational cycling5
and active recreation 9 ‘sport’ walking 4 9 ‘sport’ cycling 6 8
(including recreational
walking and recreational
National Indicator 8
3 days a week, 30 minutes
moderate intensity sport
9 9 recreational walking 9 recreational cycling Bowls (indoor and
and active recreation 9 ‘sport’ walking 9 ‘sport’ cycling Archery
(including recreational Yoga
walking and recreational Pilates
cycling) and five activities Croquet
for people aged 65 and

‘One million sport

3 sessions a week, 30
minutes moderate intensity
9 sport with 9 ‘sport’ walking 9 Includes: all cycling undertaken Bowls (indoor and
some elements of for at least once a week, 30 minutes
sport 7 (including specific Archery
walking and cycling moderate intensity 8 .
‘sport’ elements of walking 8 Excludes: recreational Yoga
and cycling) and five walking Pilates
activities for people aged 8 Excludes: all cycling NOT Croquet
65 and over. undertaken for at least once a week, 30
minutes moderate intensity.

Includes activities listed in appendix A for people aged 16 and over (excludes active transport and wider physical activity e.g. gardening, DIY). Activity must be undertaken for 30
minutes moderate intensity to be included within KPI 1, NI8 and ‘One Million’ indicators.
These activities are considered ‘moderate intensity’ for people aged 65 and over.
Recreational walking is defined as ‘walking for the purpose of health or recreation not just to get from place to place’.
‘Sport’ walking includes the following walking activities: Hill Walking, Hill Trekking, Gorge Walking, Power Walking, Sport ‘walking’, Rambling, and Backpacking.
Recreational cycling is defined as ‘cycling for the purpose of health, recreation, training or competition, not just to get from place to place’.
‘Sport’ cycling includes the following activities: BMX, Cyclo-Cross, Mountain Biking, Sport ‘cycling’.
Different sports are included if undertaken on the same day; however an individual sport can only count once per day. For example, jogging and swimming on the same day each for
30 minutes moderate intensity would contribute two sessions towards 3x30. However two sessions of jogging on the same day (both for 30 minutes moderate intensity) are counted as
once towards 3x30. 12 or more sessions (30 minutes moderate intensity) within the last 28 days are needed to participate for 3x30, an average of 3 times a week.
Once a week participation is defined as participation on four or more days out of the previous 28 days.
Appendix A – Included activities within the ‘One million sport indicator’
Equestrian Athletics Football/ soccer (include 5 and 6-a-side and Octopush****
Horse riding Athletics - Field 11-a-side) [OUTDOORS] Water polo****
Horse riding - Dressage Athletics - Track Futsal**** Other team sports/activities
Horse riding - Pony trekking Canoeing/Kayaking Racquet sports American football
Horse riding - Show jumping Kayaking**** Squash Australian Rules Football****
Horse riding - Three day eventing Kayaking – Whitewater**** Racketball Basketball
Harness racing**** Canoe polo**** Badminton Bowls*
Trotting**** Canoeing**** Tennis / real tennis / short tennis Camogie
Polo Gym/fitness activities Rugby Cricket
Climbing/mountaineering Gym Rugby League Dodgeball****
Climbing - Ice Aerobics / step aerobics Rugby Union Fives – Rugby****
Climbing - Indoor / wall climbing Body attack Tag rugby Netball
Climbing - Rock / rock climbing Body balance Touch rugby Rounders
Climbing - Rope Body building Wrestling Shinty
Climbing - Solo Body combat / cardio kick Wrestling – Cumberland**** Stoolball
Climbing – Sport Body Jam Wrestling - Freestyle / sumo wrestling**** Ultimate Frisbee****
Abseiling**** Body pump Wrestling - Greco-Roman**** Volleyball
Mountaineering Body step Wrestling – Olympic**** Floorball****
Mountaineering - High altitude Body Vive Gaelic sports Polocrosse****
Bouldering**** Gaelic football
Exercise bike / exercise machine / Tug of war****
Caving / Pot holing**** spinning class Gaelic sports Handball****
Hockey Skipping Hurling Korfball****
Hockey - Field Boxercise Irish handball Lacrosse
Hockey - Ice Curling
Conditioning activities /circuit training / Other sports
Hockey - Roller Wheelchair sports
assault course / stretching / toning Angling****
Hockey - Street Cross training Wheelchair sports – Archery**** Archery *
Sailing Dance exercise Wheelchair sports – Basketball**** Arm wrestling****
Sailing (cruising or racing) - Health and Fitness Wheelchair sports – Rugby**** Baton twirling
Catamaran & Multihull Wheelchair sports - Table tennis****
Step machine / Air walker / airwalk / Biathlon
Sailing (cruising or racing) - Dingy airwalker Wheelchair sports – Tennis**** Body boarding****
Sailing (cruising or racing) - Ice Keepfit / keep fit / sit ups Motorsports Bobsleigh****
Sailing (cruising or racing) - Keelboat Yoga * Motorcycling - Motocross Boccia****
Sailing (cruising or racing) - other Pilates * Motorcycling - Off road Boxing
Yachting – Land**** Weight training Motorcycling - Trail riding Cheerleading
Yachting (cruising or racing) - Ice Motor racing / Banger racing
Aquafit / Aquacise / Aqua aerobics / Croquet *
Yachting (cruising or racing) - aqua arobics/ Aqua fit/ water Motor sprints Dragon boat racing****
inshore/coastal aerobics**** Motorcycling - Trials riding Fencing
Yachting (cruising or racing) - Ocean Walking Motorcycling – enduro Fives – Eton****
Yachting (cruising or racing) - Walking – Cliff**** Motorcycling – super moto Frisby / Frisbee****
offshore Walking – Gorge**** Motorcycling – track racing Golf / Pitch and Putt / Putting
Yachting (cruising or racing) – other Walking - Hill walking**** Motorcycling – drag/sprint High wire****
Windsurfing or Boardsailing Walking / Power walking**** Motorcycling – rallying Highland Games****
Jet ski-ing / aquabike / personal water Rambling**** Motorcycling - sidecar racing Hovering****
craft**** Hill trekking**** Rally Cross Ice skating
Running & Jogging Recreational Walking *** Rallying Kite surfing / kite boarding****
Running - Cross country / beach / fell Snowsports Road racing (motors) Life saving
running Ski flying Trials racing Luge****
Running - Road Skiing Karting Luge – Street****
Running - Track Skiing - Barefoot snow Go Karting Medau****
Running - Ultra Marathon Skiing - Barefoot water Auto Cross Mine exploration****
Jogging Skiing - Extreme Motorcycling – speedway Modern Pentathlon****
Martial Arts Skiing - Free Drag racing Orienteering
Judo Skiing - Grass or Dry ski slope Autotests Powerboat racing****
Ju-jitsu Skiing - Mono Hill Climb Powerlifting
Kabaddi**** Skiing - Parachute Air sports Rafting / white water rafting****
Karate Skiing - Ribbing Sky diving Roller blading / roller skating****
Martial Arts Skiing - Speed Soaring**** Rowing
Martial Arts - Chinese Snowboarding Parachuting**** Sea fishing****
Taekwondo Telemark Paragliding**** Skateboarding
Tai Chi Cycling Gliding**** Skating - in-line / inline skating
Tang Soo Do Recreational Cycling ** Hang-gliding**** Sombo
Aikaido Cycling ** Gymnastics Surfing / Boardsurfing / Board
Kendo Cyclo-cross ** Gymnastics surfing****
Self defence Mountain biking ** Trampolining / trampoline**** Surf life saving
Swimming/diving BMX ** Baseball/softball Sportsboats****
Swimming - Deep water Bicycle polo Softball Table tennis****
Swimming - Open water Football Baseball Tobogganing/ sledging/ sledding****
Swimming / Diving [INDOORS] Other aquatic sports
Football/ soccer (include 5 and 6-a- Triathlon
Swimming / Diving [OUTDOORS] side and 11-a-side) [INDOORS] Sub aqua / SCUBA diving**** Wake boarding / wakeboarding****
Diving - Deep water / Free**** Snorkelling**** Waterskiing
Hockey – Underwater Weightlifting
* included in the ‘one million’ indicator - for people aged 65 and over
** to contribute to the ‘one million’ indicator cycling activity must be undertaken for at least once a week, 30 mins, moderate intensity
*** excluded from ‘one million’ indicator
**** respondents are asked about the intensity they did the activity at, and only included if at least moderate intensity. All other sports
on the list above are automatically classified as at least moderate intensity.

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