Ies Part AB

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Enquiry question: How does the policies of sports in the society affects Hong Kong people?

A. Problem Definition
In order to raise the awareness of sports habits among Hong Kong people,
the government has implemented different policies to promote the culture of Sport for
All, for example, Sport for All day. Sports for All refers to creating opportunities and
favourable environment to enable all people to participate freely in sports, regardless
of gender, age, ability, socio-economic status or ethnicity.

It is observed that most Hong Kong people do not have enough exercise.
Lack of exercise can have bad impacts, for example, overweight and obesity.
Moreover, a research has found that insufficient exercise can cause a higher chance
of suffering from breast cancer1. The impacts of insufficient exercise may have been
recognised by most people in the society. However most people are not willing to
have exercise for different reasons. It shows that it is necessary for the government
to promote sports in the society. As a result, the expenditure of government on
community sports is increasing over time2. .

Despite that the government promotes the culture of Sports for All, the
policies may not be effective. As most Hong Kong people are busy at work, they can
only spare a little, or even no time on sports. Also influencing by the tradition thinking
of that people playing sports cannot have a bright future, people in the society are
not willing to play sports. The younger generation prefer spending most time on
studying to increase their competitiveness in the future.

The importance of sports should be aware by all people in Hong Kong.

However, few people play sports regularly. Therefore, in this enquiry, the aim is to
evaluate the effectiveness, feasibility and the coverage of the government policies on
promoting the culture of Sport for All and to suggest appropriate means to improve
the sports culture in Hong Kong.

HK study shows breast cancer risks from stress and lack of exercise (2012). South China Morning Post .
Retrieved from
Focus questions

1. What is the factor affecting Hong Kong people’s willingness of playing sports?

2. Evaluate the effectiveness of government policies in affecting the sports habit

of Hong Kong citizens.
3. The suggestions to enhance the culture of sports.


First-hand data

Questionaire will be given to different people to collect different opinions. Also

interview will be done with different stakeholders

Second-hand data

Facts and statisics will be collected from official research. The effectiveness of
the policies will be evaluated based on news and reports.
B. Relevant Concepts and Knowledge/ Facts/ Data

Sufficient sports

National Association of Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) and US Center

for Disease Control (USCDC)/US Department of Health and Human Services
(USDHHS) recommends

For children, engaging in five days a week of at least 60 minutes (accumulated) of

age-appropriate and developmental appropriate physical activity (recommended to
be of moderate to vigorous intensity);

For adolescents, to engage in at least three days a week of physical activity that last
at least 20 minutes at a time that require moderate to vigorous intensity of exertion;

For adults aged 20 or above, to engage in moderately intense physical activity for at
least five times a week and for at least 30 minutes (accumulated) per day.3

Work-life balance
Work-life balance refers to the balance between work and other aspects of life, such
as family, leisure, sports and social activities. Nowadays, Hong Kong people put a lot
of time on their academy or work, which makes their life imbalance. This creates
pressure on them. Excess pressure can make them perform badly, have negative
emotion. Playing sports, as a way to release their pressure can help them achieve a
good work life balance, relax and think positively.


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