What Is The Objective of Canteen Day

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What is the objective of canteen Day?

We celebrate canteen day every year to strengthen the bonding between

teachers and students, a means to display teachers love for students

Hari kantin merupakan satu aktiviti yang dinanti-nantikan oleh murid, guru dan
ibu bapa.
tangan yang lain. Bukan itu sahaja, pelbagai permainan juga disediakan.
We celebrate canteen day every year to strengthen the bonding between
teachers and students, a means to display teachers love for students.
Teachers of primary and secondary section were vividly involved in preparing
delicious missal pav. Teachers enjoyed working together outside the

Canteen Day

Canteen Day is a day when students can enjoy themselves in school while
learning many important skills informally. Besides having fun, students are
given the opportunity to work together and develop their creativity,
entrepreneurial, planning and organisational skills. Part of the proceeds from
Canteen Day will be donated to charitable organizations

How your school can get involved.

Marketing and promotion:

 Download the Canteen Day logo (note this cannot be altered in any way)

 Use our Canteen Day newsletter content to promote the day to the school
 Download and share Canteen Day social media tiles
. Canteen Day – thanks a bunch bananas
. Canteen Day – thanks a bunch carrots

. Canteen Day – thanks a bunch flowers

. Canteen Day – thanks a bunch grapes
. Canteen Day – thanks a bunch spinach
. Canteen Day – thank you
 Make sure you use the hashtag #CanteenDayWA so we can see your posts!
Show your appreciation:

 Download the Canteen Day thank you certificate and insert the names of

canteen workers and volunteers, print and distribute
 Canteen Day certificate 1
 Canteen Day certificate grapes
 Canteen Day certificate carrots
 Download the Canteen Day thank you cards; ask school staff and students to
sign the cards
 Organise a special appreciation ceremony for the canteen at your school
assembly. Have student leaders present the Canteen Day certificates.
Classroom activities

 Ask students to colour and cut out Canteen Day flowers to decorate the
 Run a competition to name the canteen or a new menu item for Canteen Day
 Home economics students:
 Work with the home economics students to prepare a thank you recipe for
canteen staff and volunteers to enjoy
 This could be a simple as preparing a batch of muffins and delivering them to
the canteen, or as elaborate as inviting canteen staff to the home ec.
classroom for afternoon tea (after the canteen closes) 
 Visit the WASCA website for a bunch of delicious healthy recipes 
 Media students
. Create social media tiles for the school to use on Canteen Day to thank your
canteen staff and volunteers; be sure to include the hashtag #CanteenDayWA
. Offer to help design a new canteen menu
. Develop a media release* for the local paper celebrating your school canteen
on Canteen Day. The key information to include is:
. Catchy title
. Outline the topic i.e. purpose of Canteen Day
. Outline your schools view of Canteen Day
. Quotes from relevant spokespeople e.g. Principal, canteen staff, students
. Interview, filming
and photo opportunities.  
* Seek permission from the Principal before media releases are sent to media

 School staff
. Arrange ‘Staff special guests’ to assist in the canteen for service periods, not
only will this provide an extra set of hands but is also the opportunity for
school staff to show their appreciation
. Post staff favourite menu items on social media 
Share the news

Email [email protected] to let the

Department of Education know what events you are planning for the day, so
they can share your stories.

Make sure you use the hashtag #CanteenDayWA so we can see your posts!

Acknowledgement: WASCA acknowledges Tuckshop Day that originated in

Queensland, an initiative of the Queensland Department of Education,
supported and promoted by the Queensland Association of School
Our School celebrated Canteen Day on 6th December, 2019, Friday. We
celebrate canteen day every year to strengthen the bonding between teachers
and students, a means to display teachers love for students. Teachers of
primary and secondary section were vividly involved in preparing delicious
missal pav. Teachers enjoyed working together outside the classrooms. The
team spirit resulted into a sumptuous food. Children were served food class
wise and the day ended with a happy smile.

Pada 24 Mac 2021, Sekolah

Menengah Kebangsaan Dengkil telah menjayakan Hari Keusahawanan.
Program sehari suntuk ini diadakan untuk menyemarakkan minat
keusahawanan dalam kalangan murid. Di samping itu, Hari Keusahawanan ini
diharapakan dapat mengutip dana untuk menambahkan bilangan bahan
bacaan di pusat sumber sekolah sekolah ini.

            Sebanyak 45 buah gerai menyertai aktiviti perniagaan pada Hari

Keusahwanan ini. Para peserta terdiri daripada ahli persatuan, kelab, dan
permainan serta unit beruniform. Selain itu, terdapat juga gerai yang mewakili
kelas. Gerai-gerai tersebut menjual makanan, minuman, pakain terpakai,
buku dan majalah serta barangan elektronik. Tepat pada pukul 8:30 pagi,
aktiviti perniagaan dimulakan. Para pengunjung yang terdiri daripada murid-
murid dan ibu bapa bertali arus datang ke gerai-gerai tersebut.

  Di samping gerai jualan, terdapat juga kaunter pemeriksaan kesihatan yang

dikendalikan oleh Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Sepang. Para pengunjung boleh
memeriksa tekanan darah dan kandungan gula dalam badan mereka. Selain
itu, terdapat juga gerai pameran kesihatan yang memaparkan kempen
antirokok dan gaya hidup sihat.
Pada pukul 10:00 pagi, para pengunjung semakin banyak. Terdapat gerai
yang dikerumuni oleh pelanggan. Kumpulan murid yang mengendalikan gerai
tersebut tidak menang tangan untuk melayan pelanggan. Keadaan ini
memberikan pengalaman yang amat bermakna kepada mereka. Mereka
berasa gembira dan berpuas hati kerana dapat menimba pengalaman yang
menarik itu.

 Pada pukul 2:45 petang, terdapat acara cabutan bertuah untuk para
pengunjung. Acara ini ditunggu-tunggu oleh para pengunjung kerana hadiah
yang menarik ditawarkanseperti barangan elektrik dan basikal. Acara cabutan
beertuah tersebut diselang-seli dengan persembahan nasyid bekas pelajar
sekolah ini.

            Program Hari Keusahawanan ini berakhir pada pukul 5:30 petang.
Semua gerai memperoleh  keuntungan. Malahan pihak sekolah telah berjaya
mengutip RM15 000 hasil jualan. Kutipan ini melebihi sasaran yang
ditetapkan, iaitu RM12 000. Menurut pengetua, kejayaan hari Keusahawanan
ini hasil sokongan semua pihak. Beliau mengucapkan terima kasih dan
berharap agar program seumpama ini dapat dijalankan pada tahun hadapan.


Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Bandar Baru  telah mengadakan Hari

Keusahawanan sekolah pada 27 Jun 2014 iaitu pada hari Jumaat yang
lepas.Tujuan Hari Keusahawanan ini diadakan adalah untuk mendedahkan
pengalaman mengurus gerai kepada pelajar di samping dapat menyemai
sikap berdikari dan semangat keusahawanan dalam kalangan pelajar-pelajar
      Tepat pada pukul 8.00 pagi, para peserta yang terdiri daripada kalangan
pelajar sibuk menyediakan barangan jualan di khemah-khemah yang telah
disediakan manakala pelajar yang tidak terlibat perlu berada di kelas masing-
masing bagi pengajaran dan pembelajaran seperti biasa sehingga tiba waktu
rehat. Para peserta kelihatan bersemangat ketika menyediakan barang-
barang jualan di gerai masing-masing. Terdapat pelbagai aneka jualan yang
dijual seperti pelbagai jenis makanan dan minuman berserta buku.
  Makanan dan minuman terdiri daripada aneka mee, pelbagai jenis
kek, nasi ayam, laksa, air kisar pelbagai perisa dan banyak lagi. Semasa
waktu rehat,saya dapati pelajar yang bertugas di gerai sibuk mempromosikan
barang jualan masing-masing supaya pengunjung bertumpu di gerainya.Gerai
yang menjual makanan menjadi tumpuan pelajar manakala gerai yang
menjual pakaian, tudung dan aksesori wanita agak lengang.
         Waktu rehat yang agak panjang membolehkan saya meronda kesemua
gerai yang ada dan melihat gelagat pelajar-pelajar yang lain.Saya juga
berkesempatan untuk merasai pengalaman ngeri setelah masuk ke Rumah
Hantu kelolaan Kelab Kebudayaan. Saya sangat kagum dengan
kesungguhan pelajar dan guru yang terlibat kerana berjaya  merealisasikan
Rumah Hantu yang ngeri dan menakutkan.
Sepanjang saya berada di dalam Rumah Hantu,bulu roma saya
sentiasa meremang kerana suasananya sangat menakutkan.Pelajar-pelajar
perempuan yang lain tidak hent-henti menjerit kerana ketakutan namun,saya
cuba untuk mengawal diri dengan bertenang.
         Pada pukul 3.00 petang, acara Hari Keusahawanan sampai ke
penghujungnya. Sebelum itu, banyak gerai mengadakan jualan penghabisan
stok sebelum menutup gerai masing-masing. Banyak pengunjung berpusu-
pusu untuk membeli makanan dan minuman dengan harga yang murah.Saya
sangat gembira dapat membantu pihak sekolah menjayakan Hari

Karangan Keperihalan-Hari Keusahawanan

Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Bandar Baru telah mengadakan Hari
Keusahawanan sekolah
pada 27 Jun 2014 iaitu pada hari Jumaat yang lepas.Tujuan Hari
Keusahawanan ini diadakan adalah
untuk mendedahkan pengalaman mengurus gerai kepada pelajar di samping
dapat menyemai sikap
berdikari dan semangat keusahawanan dalam kalangan pelajar-pelajar
Tepat pada pukul 8.00 pagi, para peserta yang terdiri daripada kalangan
pelajar sibuk
menyediakan barangan jualan di khemah-khemah yang telah disediakan
manakala pelajar yang tidak
terlibat perlu berada di kelas masing-masing bagi pengajaran dan
pembelajaran seperti biasa
sehingga tiba waktu rehat. Para peserta kelihatan bersemangat ketika
menyediakan barang-barang
jualan di gerai masing-masing. Terdapat pelbagai aneka jualan yang dijual
seperti pelbagai jenis
makanan dan minuman berserta buku.
Makanan dan minuman terdiri daripada aneka mee, pelbagai jenis kek, nasi
ayam, laksa, air kisar
pelbagai perisa dan banyak lagi. Semasa waktu rehat,saya dapati pelajar
yang bertugas di gerai sibuk
mempromosikan barang jualan masing-masing supaya pengunjung bertumpu
di gerainya.Gerai yang
menjual makanan menjadi tumpuan pelajar manakala gerai yang menjual
pakaian, tudung dan
aksesori wanita agak lengang.
Waktu rehat yang agak panjang membolehkan saya meronda kesemua gerai
yang ada dan
melihat gelagat pelajar-pelajar yang lain.Saya juga berkesempatan untuk
merasai pengalaman ngeri
setelah masuk ke Rumah Hantu kelolaan Kelab Kebudayaan. Saya sangat
kagum dengan kesungguhan
pelajar dan guru yang terlibat kerana berjaya merealisasikan Rumah Hantu
yang ngeri dan
Sepanjang saya berada di dalam Rumah Hantu,bulu roma saya sentiasa
meremang kerana
suasananya sangat menakutkan.Pelajar-pelajar perempuan yang lain tidak
hent-henti menjerit
kerana ketakutan namun,saya cuba untuk mengawal diri dengan bertenang.
Pada pukul 3.00 petang, acara Hari Keusahawanan sampai ke
penghujungnya. Sebelum itu,
banyak gerai mengadakan jualan penghabisan stok sebelum menutup gerai
masing-masing. Banyak
pengunjung berpusu-pusu untuk membeli makanan dan minuman dengan
harga yang murah.Saya
sangat gembira dapat membantu pihak sekolah menjayak

On Friday 05 July 2019, the annual Entrepreneurship day of Khomas High School
was held school premises. This is an official event for the Grade 9’s as it is part of
their continuous assessment (Cass) marks at the end of the year. On this day,
delicious food was sold as learners were sipping on mock tails while enjoying the day
with friends and teachers. This year the Grade 9’s were in charge of hosting the
Entrepreneurship day and not the Grade10’s as per the syllabi change for the grades

The excitement on this day could be felt a mile away. Some however were not as
excited because the learners are not allowed to wear casual clothes at this event.
The ones allowed to wear casual clothes were the ones selling the products.

Speaking to some of the learners to hear how they felt about this day, “I feel that
Entrepreneurship day is just a waste of a valuable school day because there is no
fun in anything,” said one of the learners. According to the learner having to wear a
school uniform without any entertainment, like music and spending the day outside is
not how teenagers want to have fun.

“Entrepreneurship is a good initiative because it gives the learners exposure to the

business world and of how it feels to be a business owner,” said Fimaneka
Nghitakwa when asked a day before the entrepreneurship day. According to her it
helps the learners express their creativity in having them find opportunities and ideas
to start up a business. Communication skills are also being brushed up on and team
work is on the forefront. “I am very excited to see what these young entrepreneurs
have to offer and I’m looking forward to lots of delicious food,” Nghitakwa added.
Speaking to one of the pupils that participated in the entrepreneurship day we found
out how she handled the workload of the day. “It is a very stressful event as not
everyone in the group wanted to put in the work.

Despite the concerns over music and school uniforms the day turned out to be quite
enjoyable as music was allowed after all. The school uniforms did not at all affect the
spirit in which the learners enjoyed the day. “After all the negative energy
surrounding the event I found it to be quite fun and we had an opportunity to spend
time outside the classroom,” said one of the learners

Everyone loves a good hot dog. They're delicious, easy to prepare,

and fun to top with a wide variety of toppings. Set up a grilling station
and be sure to offer buns and basic toppings like ketchup and
 Charge extra for more elaborate toppings. Set up a topping
station with onions, cheese, pickles, potato crisps, bacon or
other meats - the possibilities are endless.
 Offer different kinds of hot dogs. Have normal dogs as well as
sausages, veggie dogs, and corn dogs.
Offer different kinds so your customers can create their own
mixes and flavors. Make sure you have enough of the most popular
flavors and fruits so that you can satisfy as many customers as
 Consider adding variations to the jelly and custard, like offering
soda instead of custard. Arrange the ingredients on a table so
that your customers can choose their favorites. Consider
charging more for higher-quality or more expensive
ingredients like cream or ice cream
Milkshakes will sell like hot cakes on a hot summer day. Offer a
large variety of flavors so that customers will be sure to find
something they like. Classics like strawberry, chocolate, and vanilla
are absolutely necessary, but come up with other flavors or combine
flavors in order to spice up the options.
 Offer toppings like whipped cream, sprinkles, chocolate sauce,
or crumbled Oreos.
 You can also sell soda floats as an alternative to milkshakes.
Have a variety of sodas, and add some to ice cream to create
the float.

Muffins, biscuits, cookies, brownies, pies, and cakes are

great options. Sell your baked goods individually wrapped or by
the slice. Ice the baked goods as appropriate and make them
look good in order to sell more.[3]

Handmade jewelry
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Charge people for the opportunity to play one round. Then,

award prizes to winners. Use a classic carnival game like a ring toss
or dart throw, or come up with your own game. It's easy to make
money off of games because they don't cost a lot of money to set up
or run, and your customers can keep coWhat is Entrepreneurs day at
It is the day when the students show their knowledge and achievements
on one side and when they get a different kind of knowledge on the
other side. The event takes place in the middle of May when the final year
students are about to leave schoo
ming back to play again.

Muffins, biscuits, cookies, brownies, pies, and cakes are great options.

Sell your baked goods individually wrapped or by the slice.

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