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Speaking part 3
Spm trial 2023
Negeri 9


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The popular personal
ambitionS among teenagers

This is because being the best student can open up

1. One of The popular personal opportunities such as scholarships, internships, and
ambitions among teenagers is to job offers. Consequently, teenagers are setting
become the best student.. themselves up for a bright future full of opportunities
and success.

2. The popular ambition among This is because successful entrepreneurs often

have a strong vision and are able to inspire and
teenagers is to become a lead their team members. They also give positive
successful entrepreneur impact on society and contribute to the economy.

3. The popular personal This is because they have a significant impact on their
ambition among teenagers is followers and can influence their opinions and
decisions. They have the power to reach a large
to become a popular social audience and make a difference in the world by
media influencer spreading awareness and promoting positive change.

4. The popular personal This is because they have the ability to influence and

ambition among teenagers is shape the opinions of millions of viewers. With their
platform, they can bring attention to important social
to become a well-known issues, promote positive messages, and inspire change.
television personality.

5. The popular personal This is because the words they choose and the stories
they tell can inspire people. A famous writer can
ambition among teenagers is to connect people from different cultures and
become a famous writer. backgrounds through a shared love of literature.

6. The popular personal This is because they have the power to shape policies, laws
ambition among teenagers is and regulations that affect the lives of many people. With
their influence, they can advocate for important issues
to become an influential such as human rights, social justice, and environmental
person in the country. protection.

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Speaking part 3
Spm trial 2023


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Factors to consider when
choosing a career

When choosing a career, you By choosing a job that aligns with your interests,
need to consider personal you're more likely to enjoy going to work every day
and feel fulfilled in your career. You'll also be more
interests. motivated to excel in your job.

When choosing an With the necessary skills, you can perform tasks easily
and efficiently. As a result, it will open doors for
occupation, you need to professional development, higher salaries, and better
consider relevant skills.. benefits.

When choosing a job, you When selecting a job, salary is a crucial factor that
affects job satisfaction and standard of living. A
need to consider expected balance between salary and job satisfaction is
salary.. essential for a fulfilling career.

When choosing a career, you Academic qualifications are crucial in the competitive
job market. Having the right qualifications can
need to consider academic increase chances of getting hired, improve career
qualifications. prospects, and provide personal achievement.

When choosing an occupation, Job satisfaction and overall happiness can be greatly
affected by the alignment of job and personality.
you need to consider Personality traits can also determine success in a
personality traits.. particular job.

When choosing a job, you When choosing a job, it's important to consider the job
need to consider job demands, including physical, psychological, social, and
organizational requirements. Ignoring job demands can
demands.. lead to burnout, stress, and dissatisfaction at work.

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Speaking part 3
Spm trial 2023
Negeri 9

Part time

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which part time job would you
choose and why

Choosing home tutor as a part-time job can be a great option

i would choose for me because I love to teach and want to earn some extra
home tutor income. As a home tutor, I will have the flexibility to choose
as my part time job my working hours and the subjects I want to teach.

i would choose Working as a retail store assistant will help me develop valuable
skills such as communication, teamwork, and problem-solving. It
retail store assistant is good for me because it offers flexible schedules, which is
as my part time job ideal for students and fits my lifestyle.

Working part-time in the fast food industry is a great way to

i would choose earn extra money while developing valuable skills such as
fast food worker customer service, time management, and teamwork. The fast-
as my part time job paced environment can be exciting and provide a sense of
accomplishment at the end of a busy shift.

Being a waiter or waitress is a great part-time job because it

i would choose allows me to interact with people that will improve my
waiter / waitress communication skills and build my confidence. It also requires me
to stay active and becomes a great way to stay physically fit and
as my part time job healthy.

i would choose This is because the atmosphere of a cafe is always so cozy and
welcoming - it would be like getting paid to hang out in my
cafe barista favourite spot. Along with learning the art of crafting the perfect
as my part time job latte, I would also gain valuable customer service skills and get to
interact with a diverse group of people.

i would choose Choosing babysitting or petsitting as a part-time job can be an

excellent option for those who enjoy spending time with children and
babysitter / petsitter
animals. I will provide valuable service to families who need help with
as my part time job their busy schedules during my flexible working hours.

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Speaking part 3
Spm trial 2023

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how to encourage teenagers
to do housework?

By doing it with them, we can provide guidance and

we can encourage teenagers support. Resultantly, it will become a fun and enjoyable
to do housework by activity that allows you to spend quality time with our
doing housework together teenagers while accomplishing necessary tasks.

we can encourage teenagers This positive reinforcement can go a long way in boosting
their confidence and making them feel appreciated. We can
to do housework by
use simple phrases like "Great job!", "Thank you for your
giving encouraging words help", or "I am proud of you" that can make them feel valued
and appreciated.

we can encourage teenagers Offering financial rewards can be an effective way to

to do housework by motivate them to help out around the house. Research has
shown that monetary incentives can increase teenagers'
providing financial rewards
willingness to do chores, as they see it as an opportunity
to earn some extra cash.

we can encourage teenagers When teenagers feel like they have more time to complete
to do housework by their chores, they are more likely to approach the task with
allowing extra time a positive attitude. As a result, they may take the initiative
to go above and beyond what is expected of them.

we can encourage teenagers For younger teenagers, simple tasks like doing the dishes
to do housework by or vacuuming the house can be a good start. As they get
older, they can take on more complex tasks like cooking
giving chores suitable to their ages
meals or doing laundry.

As parents, it's important to teach our teenagers how

we can encourage teenagers
to contribute to the household by creating a chore list.
to do housework by This list will not only help them develop essential life
creating a chore list skills but also ensure that the household runs smoothly.

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Speaking part 3
Spm trial 2023

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why teenagers should do
outdoor activities?

Engaging in physical activities such as sports, hiking or

teenagers even just taking a walk in the park can improve their sleep
should do outdoor activities quality. The exposure to natural light and fresh air helps
to get better sleep regulate their body's biological clock, making it easier for
them to fall asleep at night.

teenagers Outdoor activities such as biking, or even just going for a

should do outdoor activities walk can reduce stress, improve mood, and increase overall
well-being. Spending time in nature can also help teenagers
to improve mental health
appreciate the world around them.

Outdoor activities can improve physical health because they

require movement and physical exertion. Activities such as
should do outdoor activities hiking, biking, and swimming are great ways to increase
to improve physical health cardiovascular health and improve muscle strength.

teenagers Physical activity may help reduce the risk of serious

should do outdoor activities outcomes from infectious diseases. These diseases
include COVID-19, the flu, and pneumonia.
to reduce the risk of diseases

For example, taking up hiking or trail running can lead

teenagers to an interest in photography as you capture the
beautiful scenery along the way. By spending time
should do outdoor activities
outside and exploring new activities, you can discover
to develop new hobbies new passions and interests that enrich your life.

teenagers When we engage in outdoor activities with others, we have

should do outdoor activities the chance to bond over shared experiences. As a result,
to connect with people this will create lasting memories as well as new friendship.

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Speaking part 3
Spm trial 2023


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benefits of travelling to
local destinations

travelling to local destinations This is because you don't have to spend a lot of money on
is beneficial because transportation costs. You can save money by either walking,
biking, or taking public transportation instead of having to
it is budget friendly.
buy a pricey plane ticket or renting a car.

travelling to local destinations is You can immerse yourself in the unique customs and practices
of a particular region. From trying unique local cuisine to
beneficial because it has variety of experiencing traditional festivals and events, you will engage
local cultures and traditions with the community and gain a deeper understanding of their
way of life.

Staying in local accommodations such as hostels or

travelling to local destinations
Airbnbs can be much cheaper than staying in hotels in
is beneficial because it has more touristy areas. Exploring local destinations can be
affordable accommodation. a great way to enjoy authentic travel experience.

Travelling to local destinations can also be a great way

travelling to local destinations to support the local economy. By staying in locally-owned
is beneficial because it can accommodations, eating at locally-owned restaurants, and
shopping at local businesses, you can help the economic
promote local businesses
growth of that place.

travelling to local destination is Travelling to local destinations has no language barrier

because most locals in your destination will likely speak
beneficial because it has no
the same language as you. This can make it easier to
language barrier navigate and communicate with those around you.

It is easy to access local food and experience the unique

travelling to local destination is
flavours of the region because you can do your own
beneficial because it has easy research by asking local people. There are always
access to local food delicious and authentic dishes to try.

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Speaking part 3
Spm trial 2023

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what teenagers
interested in

Teenagers are interested in online games because many

teenagers are interested in online games have elements of competition to help them
online games develop important skills such as teamwork, problem-solving,
and strategic thinking. Online games can be a fun and
engaging way for teenagers to relax and unwind.

teenagers are interested in Teenagers are interested in music because by listening to it

they are able to explore and understand their emotions. In
music addition, music can serve as a form of escapism for
teenagers, allowing them to momentarily forget their
worries and problems and just enjoy the moment.

With gadgets, teenagers can stay connected with their friends

teenagers are interested in and family, access information at their fingertips, and even
gadget express themselves creatively. Gadgets such as smartphones,
tablets, and laptops provide teenagers with a plethora of
features and applications that cater to their interests and
hobbies, from social media to gaming and music production.

teenagers are interested in Teenagers are interested in sports because they provide
an opportunity to stay active and healthy while having
sports fun. For many teenagers, participating in sports can be a
great way to relieve stress and improve mental health.

Teenagers are interested in fashion because fashion is a way

teenagers are interested in for them to showcase their individuality and creativity.
fashion Additionally, teenagers are often influenced by popular
culture and social media, which heavily feature fashion trends
and styles.

By reading regularly, teenagers can expand their

teenagers are interested in vocabularies. Books can become a source of inspiration and
motivation, encouraging teens to pursue their dreams and
books goals.

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Speaking part 3
Spm trial 2023
Helping a
friend in

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ways to help a friend
in studies

There are many online platforms that provide free

we can help a friend in studies by access to educational videos on a wide range of topics.
watching educational videos By suggesting these videos to your friend, you can help
them understand difficult concepts and reinforce what
they have learned in class.

we can help a friend in studies by By forming a study group, we can help our friends stay
forming a study group on track with their studies and achieve their academic
goals. We can share ideas, review materials, and provide
feedback to one another.

By sharing our own notes with them, we can help them

we can help a friend in studies by catch up on missed information. This also gives us the
exchanging notes opportunity to review and reinforce our own
understanding of the material.

As friends, we can support each other by sharing

motivational videos that can help boost our spirits and
we can help a friend in studies by
inspire us to keep going. Whether it's a video about the
sharing motivational videos benefits of studying, tips on how to stay focused, or stories
of successful individuals who overcame academic obstacles,
these videos can provide us with the encouragement we need
to push through.

we can help a friend in studies by We can share with them our own personal study techniques
offering study tips and methods that have worked for us in the past. This can
include things like setting a study schedule, creating
flashcards, taking breaks, and reviewing material regularly.

When working in pairs, we can divide up the material to be

we can help a friend in studies by covered and each take responsibility for teaching the
working in pairs other person. This can help to reinforce the information in
our own mind and also gives our friend a chance to ask
questions and clarify any confusing concepts.

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Speaking part 3
Spm trial 2023

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ways to help a friend
in need
By taking the time to sit down and talk with that friend
in private, we can provide a safe space for him to open
we can help a friend in need by up and share what he is going through. This can help him
feel heard and supported, and give him the strength he
talking in private
needs to start finding solutions to his problems.

His family may be able to offer support and assistance

we can help a friend in need by that we as friends simply can't provide. They may also
getting in touch with his or her be able to provide valuable insight into the situation,
helping us better understand what our friend is going
family through and how we can best support him.

When someone is going through a tough time, he needs

we can help a friend in need by someone to talk to. By actively listening and giving our
being a good listener full attention, we can provide a safe and supportive
space for him to share his thoughts and feelings.

The most important thing we can do to help a friend

we can help a friend in need by in need is to simply be there for him. Whether through
offering emotional support a kind word, a thoughtful gesture, or a listening ear,
our presence and support can make a world of
difference in his life.

The first step is to actively listen to his concerns and

we can help a friend in need by empathize with his situation. Then, we can offer
giving advice constructive advice that can make all the difference
in our friend's life.

Counsellors can provide our friend with professional

we can help a friend in need by support and guidance, Thus, this will help that friend to
informing counsellor navigate his emotions and manage stress.

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Speaking part 3
Spm trial 2023

Designed by : gn09 english panel

What people donate
to charity

People donate money to buy essential items and

People donate services for those in need. This act of kindness

money to charity can make a world of difference to the lives of

people who are struggling to make ends meet.

When people donate books, they are providing the

People donate opportunity for someone else to enjoy the same
stories. It's also a great way to promote
books to charity education, especially for those who may not have
easy access to books.

Many individuals and families struggle to

People donate medicine afford the cost of necessary medications.
to charity Donating medicine to help ensure that these
individuals have access to the medications they
need to maintain their health.

People may be motivated by the desire to help

People donate clothes those who are less fortunate and in need of

to charity clothing. Charities then distribute the clothes to

those in need, whether it be individuals or
families who have fallen on hard times, or people
who have been affected by natural disasters or
other emergencies.

People donate furnitures When people donate furniture, they are providing
someone in need with a comfortable and functional
to charity space to call their own. This can be especially
important for families who may be struggling

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Speaking part 3
Spm trial 2023

Designed by : gn09 english panel

Love ourselves

It is important to prioritize our sleep and ensure that

we can love ourselves we are getting the recommended seven to nine hours of
by getting enough sleep sleep each night. When we are well-rested, we are more
alert, focused, and in a better mood.

Hobby gives us the opportunity to learn new skills,

we can love ourselves explore our creativity, and challenge ourselves in new
by having a good hobby ways. Whether it's painting, hiking, reading, or playing
an instrument, having a hobby that we are passionate
about can be a great source of joy and fulfillment in
our lives.

This includes eating a balanced diet, engaging in regular

we can love ourselves exercise, getting enough sleep, and managing stress
by practising healthy lifestyle effectively. By making these healthy choices, we can
improve our overall health and increase our self-

Spending time with loved ones can give us a sense of

we can love ourselves belonging and purpose, which can improve our overall
by connecting with family and well-being. When we surround ourselves with positive
people who support and uplift us, we are more likely
to feel confident, happy and content.

Spending time in nature can be a powerful tool for

we can love ourselves self-love and self-care. When we immerse ourselves in
by connecting with nature the natural world, we are able to step away from the
hustle and bustle of our daily lives. It can be a walk
in the park, a hike in the mountains, or simply sitting
in a garden.

When we prioritize our own needs and take care of ourselves,

we can love ourselves we are better equipped to show up for others and spread love
by putting yourself first. to those around us. Loving ourselves means setting boundaries,
saying no to things that do not serve us, and making time for
the things that bring us joy and fulfillment.

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Speaking part 3
Spm trial 2023

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ways to express love

It means giving our full attention to the person

speaking, without interrupting or judging them. When we
we can express our love by
listen actively, we show that we care about what the
being an active listener other person has to say and that we value their
thoughts and feelings.

In today's fast-paced world, time is a precious commodity,

and giving it to someone else is a true act of generosity.
we can express our love by Whether it's taking a few extra minutes to listen to a
making time friend's problems or putting aside work to spend time with
family, each moment we choose to give to others is an
opportunity to strengthen our relationships and deepen
our connections.

These celebrations like birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays

we can express our love by provide us with an opportunity to show our loved ones how
much we care by spending time with them. Whether it's a
celebrating special event romantic dinner for two or a fun-filled family outing,
celebrating special events together is a wonderful way to
express our love and strengthen our relationships.

When we trust someone, we believe in their words and

we can express our love by actions, and we have faith in their intentions. Trust
having trust allows us to be vulnerable with our partner and to
share our deepest thoughts and feelings without fear
of judgment or betrayal.

By keeping our promises, we show the people we love that

we can express our love by they can rely on us and that we are willing to put in the
effort to make them happy. It's important to remember
keeping promises that promises should never be made lightly - we should
always think carefully before making a commitment to
ensure that we can fulfill it.

Giving presents is one way to express our love to the

we can express our love by people we care about. It's a thoughtful gesture that
giving presents shows we've put time and effort into choosing something
that we believe will make them happy.

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Speaking part 3
Spm trial 2023


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Speaking part 3
Spm trial 2023

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Speaking part 3
Spm trial 2023


Designed by : gn09 english panel


Food festivals are a fantastic way to experience

we can improve cultural different cultures and learn more about their traditions
and customs. By indulging in a variety of cuisines, we
awareness by going to food can broaden our horizons and gain a greater
festivals appreciation for the diversity that exists in our world.

we can improve cultural Fashion is a reflection of a society's values, beliefs,

and traditions. By attending fashion shows that
awareness by going to fashion showcase designers from different cultures, we can
shows learn about their unique styles and fashion trends.

By sharing articles, videos, and images related to

we can improve cultural different cultures, we can learn more about the beliefs,
awareness by using social media practices, and customs of people from diverse
backgrounds. Through social media, we can also connect
with individuals from different cultures and engage in
meaningful conversations.

Celebrations such as festivals, holidays, and cultural

we can improve cultural performances provide a platform for sharing and
awareness by showcasing the unique aspects of each culture.
Therefore, by attending these events, we can broaden
going to celebrations
our perspectives, challenge our biases, and promote
a more tolerant and accepting society.

One way to use music to improve cultural awareness

we can improve cultural is to attend concerts or festivals that feature music
awareness by using music from different regions of the world. These events
provide an opportunity to experience the music
firsthand and to interact with people from diverse

In today's globalized world, it is more important than

we can improve cultural ever to be able to communicate effectively with people
awareness by using language from diverse backgrounds. Language learning can help
learning break down barriers and foster connections between
individuals and communities.

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Speaking part 3
Spm trial 2023


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Speaking part 3
Spm trial 2023

Spea partt 33
king par
Spm triall 2023
Spm tria 2023
SBP eri 9

SpRe inge
d tim
after spm

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sh pane
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Designed by : gn09 english
Working can not only help you earn some money but
also provide you with valuable experience and skills that
we can spend time after spm by can be useful in the future. You can find part-time jobs
that allow you to balance both work and studies or
full-time jobs if you plan to take a gap year before
continuing your education.

With the world becoming increasingly digitized, having

we can spend time after spm by advanced computer skills can give you a competitive
attending computer course edge in the job market. There are numerous online and
offline courses available that can help you learn
programming languages, graphic design, and other
essential computer skills.

Travelling is not only a great way to see new places

we can spend time after spm by and experience new cultures, but it can also be a great
travelling way to learn more about yourself and the world around
you. Whether you decide to travel locally or
internationally, there are plenty of options available to
suit your budget and preferences.

After the stress and hard work of studying for SPM, it is

we can spend time after spm by important to take some time to relax and rejuvenate.
relaxing There are many ways to unwind and recharge, such as
spending time with friends and family, taking up a new
hobby or activity, or simply spending time alone doing
something you enjoy.

There are a variety of cooking classes available, from

we can spend time after spm by
beginner to advanced, and they may focus on a
participating in cooking lessons specific cuisine or cooking technique. Additionally,
cooking can be a therapeutic activity and can help
reduce stress levels after the pressures of SPM.

Not only does it give you the freedom to drive yourself

we can spend time after spm by around, but it also opens up a world of opportunities.
taking driving licenses With a driving license, you can explore new places, take
road trips with your friends and family, and make your
daily commute much easier.

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Speaking part 3
Speaking part 3
Spm trial 2023
Spm trial 2023

by :engli shlpanel
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Desig : gn09 pane
Speaking part 3
Spm trial 2023

by :engli shlpanel
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Desig : gn09 pane
Scie nce
h n olog y
& Tec
Spea partt33
Spm 2023
Re ineg

by :engli shlpanel
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Desig : gn09 pane
Online learning
With online learning, you can study from the comfort of
your own home, and at your own pace. You don't have
ONLINE LEARNING HELPS to worry about commuting to a physical location. This
flexibility means that you can fit your learning around
your existing commitments, whether that's work, family,
or hobbies.

Online learning has revolutionized education, allowing

Students can contact virtually students to connect with each other and their
through online learning instructors no matter where they are. With just a few
clicks, students can participate in virtual discussion
forums, collaborate on group projects, and even attend
live lectures.
lifelong learning
Online learning provides students with the flexibility to
lifelong learning online
ONLINE LEARNING learn at their own pace and on their own schedule,
ALLOWS STUDENTS making it an ideal option for those with busy work or
TO LEARN AT THEIR family commitments. With the power of online learning,
students no longer have to be bound by time or
OWN PACE geography, making education more accessible and
inclusive for everyone.

With the advent of technology, people from all walks of

ONLINE learning promotes life can now access learning opportunities from anywhere
lifelong learning in the world. Online courses, webinars, and e-learning
platforms have made it possible for individuals to
continue their education beyond traditional classroom

With online classes, students can work at their own pace

ONLINE LEARNING HELPS STUDENTS and on their own schedule, which can be especially
TO BE INDEPENT LEARNERS helpful for those with busy lives. By taking advantage of
these resources and working independently, students can
develop the skills and confidence they need to succeed in
their academic and professional lives.

Online learning eliminates the need for students to commute

ONLINE LEARNING HELPS TO SAVE to and from the institution, saving them money on
TRANSORT COST transportation costs. Online learning allows students to
learn from anywhere, eliminating the need for them to
relocate or pay for on-campus accommodation.

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Speaking part 3
Spm trial 2023
Speaking part 3
Spm trial 2023
Speaking part 3
Spm trial 2023
Limiting screen time
One area that can be particularly impacted is their
relationships with family members. Spending too much
Teenagers should limit SCreen time on devices can lead to a lack of communication
and quality time with loved ones, which can strain family
time for family bonds

Instead of spending hours scrolling through social

Teenagers should limit screen media feeds or playing games online, we should make
time for social interactions time to meet up with friends or family members in
person. This could be as simple as going for a walk
together, having a picnic, or playing a board game.

Studies have shown that excessive screen time can have

Teenagers should limit screen a negative impact on academic performance in
time for academic performance teenagers. While technology can be a valuable tool in
learning, spending too much time on screens, whether it
be on social media, gaming, or watching videos, can
lead to decreased focus and productivity.

Screen time is linked to insomnia symptoms in

Teenagers should limit screen teenagers. By delaying the release of melatonin,
time for sleep quality screen time lengthens the time it takes to fall asleep
and leads to less restful sleep overall.

Reducing screen time is important for vision and eye

Teenagers should limit screen health. This is because higher levels of screen time are
time for physical health also associated with mental and physical health

One study discovered that people who spent six hours or

Teenagers should limit screen more per day watching screens were at a higher risk of
time for time management depression. And another study discovered that
restricting social media use to 30 minutes per day
resulted in a “significant improvement in well-being.”

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Speaking part 3
Spm trial 2023

Speaking part 3
Spm trial 2023

Benefits of
Speaking part 3
Spm trial 2023

Stay safe
ina nc ial
F s
w are n es
A m
& Con
Speaking part 3
Spm trial 2023

Speaking part 3
Spm trial 2023
Speaking part 3
Spm trial 2023
Speaking part 3
Spm trial 2023
Speaking part 3
Spm trial 2023
Speaking part 3
Spm trial 2023
Hea lth
o nment
& Envir
Speaking part 3
Spm trial 2023

Speaking part 3
Spm trial 2023
Negeri 9

Walk in a
Speaking part 3
Spm trial 2023

Go Green


content sentence

content sentence

content sentence

content sentence

content sentence

content sentence

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Speaking part 3
Spm trial 2023
Speaking part 3
Spm trial 2023
Create Green
Environment @
Speaking part 3
Spm trial 2023
Speaking part 3
Spm trial 2023

Speaking part 3
Spm trial 2023
Speaking part 3
Spm trial 2023

Speaking part 3
Spm trial 2023
Speaking part 3
Spm trial 2023

Speaking part 3
Spm trial 2023
Speaking part 3
Spm trial 2023
Spm trial 2023

Speaking part 3
Spm trial 2023


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