Post Term Pregnancy
Post Term Pregnancy
Post Term Pregnancy
Literal meaning of prolonged pregnancy or post term
pregnancy is any pregnancy which has passed beyond
the expected date of delivery. But for clinical, post
term pregnancy is as a pregnancy equal to or more
than 42 completed weeks from the first day of the last
menstrual period.
The incidence is varies from 2-10% because
different criteria in definition. According to
retrospective study of delivery beyond 290 days
the incidence is low as 2 %. Based on delivery
beyond 42 weeks, the incidence come 10%. When
an early ultrasound scan is used the incidence is
reduced from 10% to 3% . (Hovi et al 2006)
1.Last menstrual period (LMP) : if mother is sure about
her date of menstrual cycle, it is fairly reliable diagnostic
aid in calculation of EDD. In case of mistakem pregnancy
can be occur any time like lactational amenorrhoea period
or withdrawl of pill which make confusion.
2. From date of quickening: normal quickening occurs
between 18-20 weeks pregnancy.
3. Fundal height
Fetal effects
Induction of labor
The induction of labor is an intervention to initiate the
process of labor by artificial means in pregnancies from 24
weeks (period of viability) of gestation which aims at a
vaginal delivery. The decision to induce labour should only
be made when it is clear that a vaginal birth is the most
appropriate mode of delivery in this pregnancy,
The incidence of induced labour varies in different hospital
but generally showing a rising trend about 10-15% in india
Intrauterine growth restriction
Fetal death
Previous unexplained IUD
Gross congenital anomalies of the fetus
Post maturity
Chronic placental insufficiency
Unstable lie
Multiple pregnancy
Contracted pelvic
Malpresentation(transverse or oblique)
Known CPD
Cardiac disease
Elderly primigravida associated with complication
Pelvic tumor
Previous caesarean section
Carcinoma of cervix
Active genital herpes infection
Umbical cord prolapsed
Severe actual fetal compromise
Placenta praevia
Methods of induction
Prior to any method used to induce labour, it is extrem ely
important for the midwife to carry out an abdominal
examination confirming the lie, presentation, descent of
presenting part and fetal wellbeing. Before starting the
induction condition of the cervix should assess, cervical
exam is to be performed.The bishops sore should 6 or
more than 6 is favourable for induction, below 5 is
unfavourable for induction.
Medical Induction
In medical induction the drugs are used for labour
i) Exclusive
- Intrauterine death (IUFD)
- Premature rupture of the membrane (PROM)
ii) In case of failure of surgical induction as an
alternative to caesarean section.
Oxytocin is a hormone released from the posterior
pituitary gland. It acts at cell level on smooth muscle and
is released in a pulsed manner in response to stimulation.
Receptor to oxytocin are found in myometrium and
increase in number at the terms and throught labour.
Regime of oxytocin
Multigravidae uterus or the uterus which is already
contracting is much more sensitive to oxytocin. In this
respect , the primigravidae uterus is less sensitive.The
patient should preferably lie on one side or in semifowlers position to minimize vanacaval compression.
1. First regimine:- Mix 2.5 unit syntocin in 500 ml of
destrose or ringers lactate and start at 10 drops/minute
to evaluate the sensitivity of the patient to drugs.
Theafter increase the drop rate gradually with 10 drops
in every 30 minutes up to 60 drops per minute depending
on the response that is frequency and strength of uterine
If good contraction pattern has not obtained with the infusion rate at
60 drops/min, increase oxytocin concentration to 5 units in 500ml
dextrose or normal saline or ringer lactate.
Second regime:
5 units of oxytocin added to 500 ml dextrose and give approximated
0,5 mu in one drop of infusion. The starting dose low as 30 drops
per minute (5 mu), increase the 10 drops at 30 minute intervals and
maximum of 60 drops per minute (30mu/min) according strength
and frequency of uterine contraction. If good contraction pattern
still has not been establishe using higher concentration of oxytocin
in multigravida and with previous C/S scare, induction has failed
deliver by caesarean section.
Prostaglandins are highly effective in ripening of cervix during
induction of labour. Bishops score should be assessed before using
prostaglandin for the cervix is fabourable or not.
Medical termination of pregnancy
Termination of abnormal pregnancy
Missed abortion
Molar pregnancy
Major fetal abnormality like anencephaly
Fetal death is utero if the woman has not gone into spontaneous
labour after four week and platelets are decreasing.
Place misoprostol 25mcg in the posterior fornix of the vagina.
Repeat after six hours if required.
If there is no response after two doses 0f 25cmg, increase to 50
mcg every six hours.
Do not use more than 50mcg at a time and do not exceed foru
doses (200mcg)
Do not use oxytocin within 8 hours of using misoprostol.
Moniter uterine contractions and fetal heart rate.
Surgical induction
The initiation of labour is attempt by surgical method and is almost
exclusively done by rupture of the membranes.
2) Chronic polyhydramnious
3) Severe pre-eclampsia and eclampsia
4) As combined with medical induction
ii. Moderate to severe CPD
iii. Abnormal lie
Combined Method
Refer midwifery B book
Review for indication
In areas where HIV and/or hepatitis are highly prevalant, it should leave
the membranes intact for as long as possible to reduce perinatal
transmission of HIV.
Listen and note the fetal heart rate.
Ask the woman to lie on her back with her legs bent, feet together and
knees apart.
Wearing high- level disinfected or sterile gloves, use one hand to
examine the cervix and note the consistency, position, effacement and
Use the other hand to insert an amniotic hook or a kocher clamp into the
Guide the clamp or hook towards the membranes along the fingers in
the vagina