Vaginal Infection
Vaginal Infection
Vaginal Infection
Vaginal infections and vaginitis, or inflammation of the vaginadue to an imbalance of yeast
and bacteria normally found in the vagina, are very common during pregnancy .
In US women of childbearing age, bacterial vaginosis is the most common vaginal infection.
An estimated 7.4 million new cases of bacterial vaginosis occur each year which is as many
as 16%
A study has show that data collected from various studies showed the highest
prevalence of vaginal infection during pregnancy, mostly in Asian and African
countries (Disha & Haque, 2022).
Pregnancy causes increased levels of progesterone and estrogen. Progesterone suppresses the
ability of neutrophils to combat Candida, and estrogen disrupts the integrity of vaginal
epithelial cells against such pathogens as Candida and decreases immunoglobulins in
vaginal secretions. These issues, which continue throughout pregnancy, lend themselves to
multiple recurrences of infection.
Type of vaginal infection
1. Yeast infection
❏ This infection commonly occurs in pregnancy due to higher estrogen levels and glycogen
content in vaginal secretions
❏ Caused by one type of fungus called —-- candida
❏ Normally, candida live harmlessly in the body in a small amount include vagina. But
under certain situation, candida can overgrowth causing a vaginal infection.
❏ tend to occur during pregnancy because of changes in the immune system, increased production
of glycogen, and higher estrogen levels.
❏ Symptoms may include thick, white discharge (cottage cheese), vaginal itching, redness
of the vulva and vagina.
2. Chlamydia
❏ is the most common sexually transmitted infection (STI) in women, usually in those
ages 18 to 35 who have multiple sex partners.
Type of vaginal infection
.. Bacterial vaginosis.
● They may harm the mother, making her body less able to nurture the baby or
requiring the use of drugs that may harm a fetus.
● They can directly harm the baby by causing changes that lead to birth
● They can trigger premature labor or a miscarriage.
High vaginal swab
❏ used to obtain a sample of discharge from the vagina.
❏ This is then sent to a laboratory for investigation.
❏ A high vaginal swab is used to diagnose vaginal infections including bacterial
vaginosis and trichomonas vaginalis.
❏ Practice good hygiene
❏ Wear looser and breathable clothing. Recommending the use of cotton underwear helps
wick away moisture that may otherwise encourage vaginal organism growth
❏ Avoid douching - Douching can remove normal bacteria in your vagina that can help protect
you from infection.
❏ Keep the area around the vagina clean and dry
❏ Maintain proper diet, sleep and exercise.
❏ Use warm water only and no soap to clean the outside of your vagina. Always wipe front to
❏ Use plain warm water to clean the vulva. Soaps and detergents can change the normal
balance of organisms inside the vagina.
❏ Attend health teaching talk in MCH if there is any.
Midwifery care and management.
Provide information about the possible effects of the women will be aware and keep her updated on
infection to the women and fetus her situation.
Obtain appropriate specimens and monitor vaginal infection can be diagnosed by taking a
laboratory/ diagnostic studies as indicated. sample of the discharge from the vaginal wall.
Identify the source, location and extent of To note sign and symptoms of an infectious
discomfort of women for eg the itching process.
administer antibiotics and other medication as for treatments and alleviate the symptoms of
prescribed infection.
emphasize the importance about hygienic using cotton underwear to avoid irritating the
measures such as frequent bathing, use of cotton perineal area and to prevent further infection.
Review hygiene measures, including wiping vulva helps prevent rectal E. coli contaminants from
from front to back after urinating and washing reaching the vagina and reduces contamination
hands frequently. with other viruses or bacteria that may be
transmitted by poor hygiene practices
Midwifery care and management.
advice women increase fluid intake (drink a lot of For hydration and to flush down the bacteria
Educate the women and her partner about the risk When infection is suspected in a pregnant women
of transmission and the risk of damage to the fetus it is essential to engage the partner in decision
making. Women and her partner must be provided
with basic information on the risk of infection
transmission to the fetus
Encourage the women to express their feelings Providing the women an opportunity to express
and concerns their feelings allows them to feel more in control of
the situation. Verbalization can decrease anxiety
and depression and facilitate positive coping
Provide an open environment for the women to This promotes sharing beliefs and values about
discuss concerns about sexuality. sensitive subjects and identifies misconceptions or
myths that may interfere with adjustment to the