DCU Commissioning and Start-Up Key Considerations
DCU Commissioning and Start-Up Key Considerations
DCU Commissioning and Start-Up Key Considerations
Key Considerations
Mitchell J Moloney
Delayed Coking and Process Engineering Specialist
Becht Engineering
[email protected]
DCU Commissioning and Start-Up Key Considerations
Discussion Points:
Purpose: Review important considerations when moving from mechanical
completion to commissioning to start-up to full unit rate. Provide
pluses and minuses of various options and strategies, with examples
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DCU EPC Contract Structure – Lump Sum: DCU Commissioning and Start-Up Key Considerations
➢ All EPC activities are regulated with a total fixed price agreement
o Such a contract is favored on grassroots projects that typically have a clear scope, few
unknowns and a defined schedule
o Pre-Contract - A lot of work & understanding required for the Owner & EPC Contractor
• Engineering Standards & Site-specific facilities requirements must be clearly established
• Qualified vendors/subs for all equipment manufacturer / purchase must be negotiated
• Labor contracts, with all wage rates / working schedules, established with various trade companies
o Post-Contract – Much less work for the Owner; much more difficult for the EPC Contractor
➢ Advantages:
o Great control of capital and EAWC (Expense Associated with Cap) costs
o The owner gets exactly what he/she requested
➢ Disadvantages:
o Contractor ultimately has control of schedule
o Labor Productivity and effects on Schedule become bigger risk factors
o All items with no quality standard will be “low-quality” since the contractor is always
minimizing cost within the confines of the contract
o Conflicts between standards will almost always be resolved by selecting lowest cost option
o Any change (addition or upgrade) comes at a high price
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DCU Commissioning and Start-Up Key Considerations
DCU EPC Contract Structure – Time & Material with Cost Cap:
➢ Engineering & Labor rates are established. Scope is not completely known, but a
schedule is created based on knowns with place holders for potential unknowns
o Used for retrofit (aka Debottleneck) jobs involving a lot of unknowns (old equipment
replacement, underground excavation) that can increase project cost significantly
o Pre-Contract - Less work & understanding required for the Owner & Contractor
• Engineering Standards & Site-specific facilities, as with Lump Sum
• Qualified contractors, as with Lump Sum
• Labor sources are identified, but skill level & final labor rates can be negotiated
o Post-Contract – Both Owner and Contractor are working hard together
➢ Advantages:
o Engenders Team Approach between Owner and Contractor
o Owner more involved in project strategy, allowing trade-offs on timing and project cost
o Productivity versus labor rate can be negotiable, if markets change
➢ Disadvantages:
o Negotiated rate for discovery items can be significant
o Final cost & schedule can be significantly higher than forecast
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DCU EPC Strategies to Consider: DCU Commissioning and Start-Up Key Considerations
Modular Construction
➢ Can be used as part of all contract structures
• Fixed price quote, since scope is completely set by the blue prints up front
• Delivery time (i.e., project schedule) is accurate, since the “mod yard” has a known track
record regarding productivity.
• Weather is much less of a factor given that the “mod yard” has in-door shop facilities, and the
facilities are typically located in nice climate areas, such as the Mediterranean Sea
• Safety Risk to workers is reduced
• Labor productivity is well understood
• Construction equipment and materials staging is understood (no competition with other areas)
• Ultimately a cost and schedule analysis is needed comparing onsite and mod yard.
Make Safety Number 1 in the Correct Way
➢ On-Board and Train day-1 to Set the Culture & Expectations for All
• Set the standards, make them reasonable, and kindly enforce them
• Know your worker’s experience level and manage it
Bring the Plan and Schedule to Each Work Team Each Work Day
➢ Communication at the start of the day is key – Reinforce Basic Principles, Set Objective
for the team (all planned at the end of the previous day) => Ideally in their Work Area
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DCU EPC Strategies to Consider: DCU Commissioning and Start-Up Key Considerations
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DCU EPC Strategies Suggestions: DCU Commissioning and Start-Up Key Considerations
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Progression of MC -> Commissioning -> SU: DCU Commissioning and Start-Up Key Considerations
➢ Enlist the most experienced Operations/Technical talent that you can for the SU Team
o This will pay dividends with cleaner systems to SU and better troubleshooting during SU
➢ Commissioning systems during construction means just that – DCU equipment
operations are occurring simultaneously with ongoing construction
➢ Start-Up Team can perform commissioning of “low risk” systems during “B” shift from
16.00 to midnight
o Manage (aka avoid) risk to construction workers
o If construction activities are occurring, water system work can be coordinated such that
construction work occurs in unrelated areas
o These low-risk systems can be shutdown to allow construction activities, if needed
➢ Key enablers of Commissioning/Construction Overlap:
o Proper shift-by-shift communication between SU Team and Construction Team
o Proper signage and zone demarcation barriers (tape or more) & protocols in the field
=> Difficult to manage since barriers and signage must be properly installed & removed
=> Proper tagging of live equipment, typically valves, is an absolute key
- Best idea is to use a special unique color to designate ‘in service’ piping and valves
- “LIVE EQUIPMENT – IN SERVICE - Do Not operate”
- If necessary, in several languages
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Progression of MC -> Commissioning -> SU: DCU Commissioning and Start-Up Key Considerations
➢ Get all the easy, safe (for construction workers) systems done early
o All water systems can be tested & commissioned:
Firewater System
Tempered Water System
Cooling Water System
Quench Water System
Watery Sludge System
Coker Blowdown Water System
Cutting Water System
Coker Water System
Sour Water System (using plant water)
o Air Systems – Plant and Instrument
o Flare System
Typically is an isolated system outside of DCU battery limits
o Nitrogen System
Carries more risk due to asphyxiation possibilities in confined spaces, so must be properly
timed and managed
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Progression of MC -> Commissioning -> SU: DCU Commissioning and Start-Up Key Considerations
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Progression of MC -> Commissioning -> SU: DCU Commissioning and Start-Up Key Considerations
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Progression of MC -> Commissioning -> SU: DCU Commissioning and Start-Up Key Considerations
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Progression of MC -> Commissioning -> SU: DCU Commissioning and Start-Up Key Considerations
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Progression of MC -> Commissioning -> SU: DCU Commissioning and Start-Up Key Considerations
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Progression of MC -> Commissioning -> SU: DCU Commissioning and Start-Up Key Considerations
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Progression of MC -> Commissioning -> SU: DCU Commissioning and Start-Up Key Considerations
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Progression of MC -> Commissioning -> SU: DCU Commissioning and Start-Up Key Considerations
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Progression of MC -> Commissioning -> SU: DCU Commissioning and Start-Up Key Considerations
Hydrocarbon Introduction
➢ Next big step is introduction of fuel gas / natural gas to DCU Main Frac & Gas Plant
o At this point, the DCU is nearing mechanical completion
▪ Remaining work is typically insulation, clean-up and final work in the downstream coke handling
area (coke conveyors, coke load out facilities), but hopefully not much !!
▪ In my experience, I have often seen coke cutting equipment still being worked on….
o Remaining non-essential construction work is deferred during this black-out period, where
everything transitions from ‘construction work permitting’ to SU team ‘process unit
o All further construction work will be permitted using the normal live unit permit process
➢ If WGC testing has not been done, it will be done now (see next page)
➢ In the same timeframe, start-up naphtha is introduced and flushing oil is introduced into the
various liquid flow circuits
o This allows final dewatering checks and instrument calibrations for the many liquid flow
circuits. Heaven forbid that you encounter a construction blind in a flow path !!
o During this time period you will likely encounter equipment problems. The better the job
done by the SU team regarding system handover, the less problems there will be.
o Steam turbines can be very finicky
o New instrumentation technology will be a slowdown item, since vendor support will be needed
for final calibration & troubleshooting (site techs are on learning curve)
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Progression of MC -> Commissioning -> SU: DCU Commissioning and Start-Up Key Considerations
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Progression of MC -> Commissioning -> SU: DCU Commissioning and Start-Up Key Considerations
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Progression of MC -> Commissioning -> SU: DCU Commissioning and Start-Up Key Considerations
➢ Close involvement of an experienced SU team with the Construction team during system
handovers is absolutely essential to a successful SU
✓ Ensuring that all pipes are properly water flushed during final hydrotesting
✓ Flushing and handover will greatly reduce headaches and safety risks during
➢ If interconnected and integrated process units (typically via heat exchangers) are being started
up, it is important to have blinding points installed should one unit be in service before
➢ All large projects in my experience, started up later than planned
✓ In 1982 the delay was a couple of months (on a clean naphtha unit with lots of new
technology); but now can easily be one year
✓ Positive Reason - Increased Safety Standards
✓ Negative Reasons – less than planned labor productivity, labor strikes, construction errors,
equipment fabrication errors, failure of high risk installations, engineering design errors,
lack of qualified labor, errors in various stages of the project, equipment delivery delays
(due to customs delays or manufacturer productivity), poor handover from project to SU
team, design errors
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Progression of MC -> Commissioning -> SU: DCU Commissioning and Start-Up Key Considerations
✓ At reduced feed rates, the heater charge pump discharge pressure was higher the 450 psig
velocity steam supply pressure. Fortunately, that steam came from a 600 psig letdown station.
The control valve was bypassed, safely allowing the DCU HP steam grid pressure to be raised.
✓ Resid entering the system was 190 psig (13 barg) vs 150 psig (10 barg) expected. Natural gas
purges on feed line instruments were 170 psig (11.6 barg), which allowed resid to back flow
into instrument tubing and solidify.
• Tubing was replaced on 4 instruments, and gas was replaced with HP steam and tracing installed.
✓ Proper access to high point vent and low point drain were not provided, requiring use of man-
lifts and fall protection PPE during certain commissioning steps.
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Progression of MC -> Commissioning -> SU: DCU Commissioning and Start-Up Key Considerations
✓ A crack occurred where an anchored 317LSS piping support was welded to the 90° elbow of
one Diluent Recovery Unit furnace outlet (8 passes). The piping was thinner than normal due
to low design pressure and low corrosion allowance, making the weldment high risk as the
piping expanded from ambient to 740⁰F (393⁰C). Remedy – Eliminate the anchor from the
support, monitor the piping (which now can oscillate) and redesign the piping support for
installation at the next opportunity.
✓ Fuel gas MEA Contactor had high foaming at design rates. Following review, it was determined
that the installed sieve holes were 0.5” diameter instead of 0.75”. The number was not
transcribed correctly from the basic engineering data sheet to the final detailed engineering
✓ 690⁰F (366⁰C) resid feed control valve station bypass not properly sized causing severe
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Progression of MC -> Commissioning -> SU: DCU Commissioning and Start-Up Key Considerations
✓ All DCU cooling water exchangers were found to be fouled with rust and scale while being
stored outside ; the problem was discovered during commissioning when water rates and
DP’s were checked.
• Proper storage indoors and/or proper isolation with plastic plugs would have
prevented the problem
• Also, it was discovered that the bleeder valves on the inlet and outlet of the water
piping to the coolers were not installed and had been lost.
✓ Ultrasonic furnace flow meter was wired backwards, but plant I&E technicians were not
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Progression of MC -> Commissioning -> SU: DCU Commissioning and Start-Up Key Considerations
✓ 2-inch ball valves purchased for the structure valve spool steam and drains where
determined to be inoperable, requiring the installation of high-pressure nitrogen
• Even with those actuators the valves did not operate reliably
• Cause was identified to be the use of inconsistent materials for the valve body,
internals and shaft, which created thermal expansion issues and valve seizing.
✓ Large 30” MO gate valves in coke drum vapor service did not operate properly during final
stroke checks; fabrication errors were found in all valve, which required last-minute shop
✓ An inadequate weld on a 30” coke drum vapor line created a small leak at the cutting
deck, requiring train circulation and repair.
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Progression of MC -> Commissioning -> SU: DCU Commissioning and Start-Up Key Considerations
✓ High amounts of sediments, scale and trash in piping required frequent strainer cleanings,
extending SU at least two days.
✓ Construction blind was left in a key preheat exchanger in an upstream unit, which was not
placed into service until later in the DCU gas oil heat-up sequence. When placed in
service, the DCU furnace tripped on low flow, signaling the problem. => 4 day delay (it
happened Friday PM)
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Progression of MC -> Commissioning -> SU: DCU Commissioning and Start-Up Key Considerations
✓ Construction blind was left in the blowdown settler gas outlet (Oreja de Van Gogh)
=> 2 day delay , since discovered during natural gas pressurization
✓ On the vapor valve deck, heavy plastic shields had been installed in the 30” vapor line
piping to prevent objects from falling down into downstream equipment. These thick
plastic shields were not removed and became wedged in the seats of two valves,
preventing them from closing completely.
The valves showed closed, but were not. 30” valves can pass significant flow at 99%
closed, and position indicators are accurate to only +/-0.5 % at best. The plastic shield
gave way in one valve, creating a very loud noise and was carried by the spool steam into
the sister drum and out the bottom head. This resulted in a near miss incident.
✓ BUD spring hangers were not released as part of handover to the SU Team
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Progression of MC -> Commissioning -> SU: DCU Commissioning and Start-Up Key Considerations
SU Team Error:
✓ During AFPT with steam in the winter, the rate of pressurization can be low. Remedy was
to add supplemental nitrogen flow.
✓ Heat exchanger head channel gasket leaks (those seeing the highest gas oil temperature)
occurred on two separate DCU SU’s, delaying schedule.
o At one DCU, there were too issues – 1) the hot oil was introduced to the steam
generator before a BFW level was established, and 2) the gasket surface was
o Of note – Yes, the HX passed the 1.5xMAWP hydrotest, but the force on the bolts is
much higher at normal operating pressure and normal operating temperature.
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Progression of MC -> Commissioning -> SU: DCU Commissioning and Start-Up Key Considerations
✓ During circulation of oil from the bottom of the MF to furnace to the coke drum vapor line
to the MF flash zone, a field operator used the SP-5 steam-purged gate valve to throttle
flow. When resid was introduced to the system, which went very smoothly on nights with
no pump issues, the high pressure between the furnace and SPV-5 allowed the resid to
push into the steam purge lines through the check valves and into the steam grid
supplying the valve purge steam.
• This caused a 3-day delay while the steam piping was cleaned.
✓ In a start-up I was not part of, velocity steam was introduced to the furnace purges during
the early stage of oil circulation. The steam condensed in low pressure sections of the
DCU (Main Frac overhead trays and Gas Plant ) extending system dry out until it was
removed from the furnaces.
✓ WGC filling started ahead of schedule, and a piping bleeder was open, allowing natural gas to leak to
the atmosphere.
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Progression of MC -> Commissioning -> SU: DCU Commissioning and Start-Up Key Considerations
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Progression of MC -> Commissioning -> SU: DCU Commissioning and Start-Up Key Considerations
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Progression of MC -> Commissioning -> SU: DCU Commissioning and Start-Up Key Considerations
✓ Piping guides and stops for the transfer line from the furnace to the coke drums were all
improperly designed and broke after SU. Remedy -
o On-line replacement, taking advantage of coke drum cycles and furnace spalls
✓ Piping guides and stops for the cutting water piping up on the top deck improperly
designed and broke after SU. Remedy -
o On-line replacement, taking advantage of coke drum cycles
✓ Clean fin fans work too well in the winter
o In one instance, gas hydrates formed in the fin fan tubes upstream of the
Fractionating Absorber, causing a major tower upset. Remedy - Operating envelope
adjusted to include minimum allowed temperature.
o On another DCU where they used steam for AFPT, a significant amount was
condensing in the air fin fan tubes. Remedy – Installed tarps on the fan bays during
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Questions and Comments are Very Welcome
RefComm Rotterdam
Oct 2 – 3, 2019
Mitchell J Moloney
Heavy Oil Upgrading and Process Engineering Specialist
Becht Engineering
[email protected]
DCU Commissioning and Start-Up Key Considerations
➢ Advantages:
o Can be used for smaller well-defined jobs with a known contractor (for
example, tank demolition at the start of a project)
o Requires regular supervision of the job site
o Contractor can be replaced if under performing
➢ Disadvantages:
o Relying on integrity of the contractor
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